Forms of social conflicts: failure to comply with orders from the administration. Analysis of a conflict situation

Analysis social conflicts It will be incomplete if we do not, at least briefly, consider the main types and forms of conflict. IN modern conditions, in essence, every sphere public life generates its own specific types social conflicts. Therefore, we can talk about political, national-ethnic, economic, cultural and other types of conflicts.

A political conflict is a conflict of opposing interests, views, and goals. This conflict can be hidden or open. Parties, movements existing in society, and their leaders have their own ideas about how to overcome the crisis and renew society. Needs, interests, goals, aspirations large groups and movements can be realized primarily through the use of levers of power. Therefore, the government and political institutions of Russia have become an arena of intense political struggle.

Contradictions between the legislative and executive powers turn into conflict only with a certain confluence of objective and subjective factors. Conflicts in the upper echelons of the executive and legislative authorities are resolved by force, pressure, pressure, threats, accusations.

Three types of political conflict:

Interests – can be found in economics developed countries, where the political norm is a discussion on the issue of the economic pie; can be easily resolved through compromise.

Values ​​are characteristic of a developing state with a non-developing system; the conflict is around the understanding of equality, brotherhood, democracy - it is difficult to resolve.

Identification – characteristic of a society where they identify themselves with certain group, and not with the state as a whole

Interethnic, interethnic conflicts.. Ethnicity (ethnos - tribe, people) is a stable group of people with common blood, history, language, culture. A nation (nation – tribe, people) is a stable community of people formed on the basis of origin, culture, and joint communication of blood.

Its structure includes language, cult, nation.

National-ethnic conflicts are characterized by a certain level organizational political action, participation social movements, mass riots, siparatists, civil war.

There is reason to believe that conflict in the area of ​​interethnic and interethnic relations has its own logic of origin and development. Thus, in the minds of living generations, grievances inflicted in past times remain, and due to current injustices (no matter in what form they appear) they are unable to overcome the feeling of national hostility. Interethnic contradictions are growing and flaring up with renewed vigor (examples of this Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, Ossetia, Abkhazia). These conflicts are based on territorial claims.

It must be said that although conflicts in Russia occur in various fields life of society and are called political, economic, national, etc., in in a broad sense relate to social conflicts. These are conflicts over means of life support, the level of wages, use of professional and intellectual potential.

The most open form of expression of conflict can be various kinds mass action: presentation of demands to the authorities by dissatisfied social groups; using public opinion to support their demands or alternative programs; direct social protests.

Social conflicts in various spheres of public life can take place in the form of intra-institutional and organizational norms and procedures: discussions, requests, adoption of declarations, laws, etc. The most striking form of expression of conflict is various kinds mass action, mobilization public opinion in support of their demands or alternative programs, in direct actions of social protest.

Mass protest is an active form conflict behavior. It can be expressed in various forms: organized and spontaneous, direct or indirect, taking on the character of violence or non-violence. The organizers of mass protests are political organizations and so-called “pressure groups” that unite people based on economic goals, professional, religious and cultural interests.

Forms of expression of protest can be rallies, demonstrations, pickets, civil disobedience campaigns, strikes, hunger strikes, absenteeism, etc. Organizers of social protest actions must be clearly aware of what specific problems can be solved with the help of a particular action and what kind of public support they can count on.

So, social conflicts are increasingly becoming the norm social relations. IN Russia is coming the process of forming a certain intermediate type of economy, where the bourgeois type of relations based on private property, combined with relations of state ownership and state monopoly for certain means of production. A society is being created with a new ratio of classes and social groups, where differences in income, status, culture, etc. will increase. Therefore, conflicts in our lives are inevitable. We must learn to manage them and strive to resolve them with the least cost to society.

Conflicts are divided by duration:

Short-term (from a minute to an hour);

Long-term (from an hour to a day);

Prolonged (no end in sight);

by manifestation:

Hidden (there is little external appearance to judge someone);

Partially hidden (which can be judged);

Open (I wanted not to notice but it was not possible);

by organization:

Intentional (planned in advance and carried out according to plan);

Unintentional (occur by chance, spontaneity, provoked);

Initiated (begin on the initiative of one of the participants, words, actions, deeds).

Conflicts can also be classified depending on the subjects and areas of disagreement.

Personal conflict includes conflicts that occur, so to speak, within a person, at the level of his individual consciousness.

Interpersonal conflict is a disagreement between two or more people from one or more groups. They can be connected individuals, not forming a group.

Intergroup conflict is a conflict between social groups and communities of people with opposing interests.

Conflict of affiliation is when individuals have a kind of dual affiliation, for example, those in conflict form a group within a large group, or when an individual is simultaneously part of two competing groups pursuing the same goal.

Conflict with external environment-individuals who make up the group experience pressure from the outside, primarily from administrative and economic standards and regulations. They come into conflict with the institutions that support these norms and regulations.

The typology of social conflict can be presented in this way:

Confrontation is the passive confrontation of groups with opposing political, economic or social interests. As a rule, this confrontation does not take the form of an open clash, but involves the presence of irreconcilable differences and the application of pressure.

Competition - the struggle for recognition of personal achievements and creativity from society, social group, social organization. The goal of competition is acquisition best positions, recognition, demonstrating superiority by achieving prestigious goals.

Competition is a special type of conflict, its goal is to obtain benefits, profits or access to scarce goods.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that since conflicts in our lives are inevitable, we need to learn to manage them and strive to ensure that they lead to the least costs for society and the individuals involved in them.

Social conflict is a necessary condition for the development of society, the result of incompatible views individuals. Conflict can be exposed and resolved various problems society, or reduce it to anarchy.

The heterogeneity of society, differences in position and well-being inevitably lead to the emergence and aggravation of social conflicts. Let us consider the basic concepts, essence and causes of social conflicts in more detail.

What it is

Social conflict is a result of development social contradictions, expressed in confrontation between different social groups.

Such confrontation can arise in any social group. It can be called one of necessary conditions development of society. After all, this process consists of conflicts and their overcoming.

The main source of social conflict is the very structure of society. The more complex it is, the more fragmented society is. New groups and social strata are emerging that have own systems values, goals and methods of achieving them. All this leads to the emergence of new conflicts.

At the same time, complex structure society also offers numerous ways to resolve these conflicts and mechanisms for finding consensus. The main task of society is to minimize the possible negative consequences of social conflict and resolve accumulated problems.

The life cycle of a social conflict includes four stages:

  1. Pre-conflict situation. Its sign is the growth of tension in relations between subjects.
  2. Conflict.
  3. Attempts to resolve the conflict.
  4. The end of the confrontation and the post-conflict stage.

Essence and theory

The problem of social conflicts dates back many millennia. However, before Adam Smith, the whole problem was that some should rule, others should obey, and the state should exercise control.

Adam Smith first pointed out the nature of conflict as social problem. In his opinion, the basis of social conflict is class and economic struggle.

Since then, many theories have appeared to explain the essence of the contradictions:

  1. According to adherents of the socio-biological theory, human conflict is explained by the aggression inherent in all animals.
  2. Proponents of socio-psychological theory link the emergence of social conflicts with overpopulation and other factors environment. However, this theory does not explain at what point a clear conflict arises.
  3. According to functionalists, social conflict is dysfunction in relation to society. At ideal system there should be no contradictions.

Causes of social conflict

At the heart of every conflict lies many obvious and hidden reasons. Main social preconditions for contradictions - this is social inequality(there are always rich and poor, bosses and subordinates) and cultural heterogeneity (the existence of different value guidelines, behavioral systems, etc.).

There are many reasons why social conflicts arise. Let's look at the main ones:

  1. Ideological reasons. There is a certain system of ideas and values ​​that determine dominance and subordination. Participants may have different views on this system.
  2. Different values. Each participant in the conflict, be it an individual or a social group, has his own set of value guidelines. Each set is strictly individual, and is often opposite to the same set of another participant. Final goal– satisfaction own needs– many participants have one. As a result, an interaction of opposing interests arises (everyone wants to satisfy their own needs) and a conflict arises.
  3. Social and economic reasons. Associated with the distribution of wealth and power, if one of the participants feels that he has been deprived. This is one of the most common causes of social conflict.
  4. Other reasons: difference in tasks, introduction of innovations, competition between groups and leaders.


Conflict is a multidimensional process with a developed structure. Each specific conflict situation has its own objective and subjective components.

They can be considered in more detail, starting with the objective ones:

  1. Subjects of the conflict. Every social conflict is, first of all, the inability to achieve mutual understanding between specific people. This is true for both interstate conflict, and for family. In each case the main characters– people acting, depending on the situation, as individuals or legal entities.
  2. Item. This is the contradiction that underlies a particular conflict, which is why there is a clash of interests of the participants.
  3. An object. This is a certain value that all subjects strive to obtain. The form can be any: material (money or other resource), spiritual (any idea), social (power). In every specific case It is not easy to identify the object of the conflict. It is not always found in pure form, often a mixture of at least two forms.
  4. Microenvironment and macroenvironment. These are the conditions under which the parties have to operate. The microenvironment is the immediate surroundings of the participants. Macroenvironment is belonging to certain social groups.

Each individual conflict also has subjective components. This is the tactics and strategy of behavior of each side, the perception certain situation etc.

Types and classification

Various sociological schools put forward their own classifications of conflicts. The most common typology is:

  1. For reasons of occurrence. The reasons can be both objective and subjective.
  2. According to the characteristics of social disagreements. Such conflicts differ in the duration of action and the nature of disagreements, the scope of manifestation, etc.
  3. According to the impact of the conflict on others. The forms of conflicts differ in duration (short-term, medium-term, long-term), severity, and scale.
  4. According to the characteristics of specific participants. The conflict can be collective, interethnic, etc.
  5. Based on the degree of openness there are hidden and open social conflicts. Hidden conflicts do not entail external aggression towards the opponent and take place using indirect methods of influence. IN open conflicts There are obvious clashes - quarrels, disputes.
  6. The most well-known division of conflicts is horizontal and vertical.. This division occurs based on the position of the opponents. Vertical conflict occurs between a boss and a subordinate, horizontal conflict occurs between people at the same level. First of all, these are labor disputes.
  7. Based on the composition of participants, separate interpersonal types of conflicts, group, organizational, political, etc. In interpersonal conflicts, confrontation occurs between people who do not belong to any particular group. social community. In groups - between separate social groups. Political conflicts can arise both within society (internal political) and on international level(foreign policy).

It is worth considering that any attempt to classify conflicts is quite arbitrary. In practice, one can encounter, for example, a vertical closed interpersonal conflict with a unique set of properties.

Role and functions

In public life, social conflict plays a dual role. On the one hand, thanks to the conflict, society develops, certain agreements and agreements are reached. On the other hand, the consequences of an open clash for society are unpredictable.

Conflict has many private functions. Thanks to the adaptive function, individuals adapt to new circumstances. Thanks to the innovative feature, the participants' awareness of each other's pros and cons is increased.

In general, the functions of social conflict can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Constructive. Include positive functions: relaxation of tension, holding social change etc.
  2. Destructive. This includes functions that carry negative character: destabilization of relations that have developed in a certain social environment, destruction of social community.


The consequences of the conflict can be viewed from two opposite points view:

  1. Functionalist.
  2. Sociological.

Functionalists view conflict as a negative phenomenon that destabilizes society. They highlight the following possible consequences:

  1. Destabilization of society. The emergence of chaotic processes with unpredictable results. Control mechanisms stop working.
  2. Distracting the parties to the conflict from other problems, concentrating on certain interests and victory over the enemy.
  3. Impossibility of further cooperation with the opponent.
  4. Removal of conflict participants from society, dissatisfaction, etc.

Adherents of the sociological point of view, such as Dahrendorf, believe that if certain conditions are met, positive results can be achieved. TO positive consequences can be attributed:

  1. Solution of a problem in the best possible way, which can be accepted by all interested parties. This will bring people together and strengthen their mutual understanding. If each participant feels that he has something to do with solving the problem, he will participate in the implementation of this solution.
  2. Updating existing and creating new mechanisms and institutions. New ones are formed social groups, a certain balance of interests is maintained. This provides relative stability.
  3. Additional incentives for participants. Managed conflict between people leads to the development of new ideas and solutions. Without participating in conflicts, a person stops developing.

Resolution paths

To analyze ways to resolve social conflicts, you need to understand how the participants in the conflict behave. The strategy for resolving social conflict depends on their characteristics.

  • Evasion– the participant has no desire to conflict or actively work to achieve his own goals. Such a participant can remove himself from the conflict.
  • Device. Participants are ready to cooperate, meet the other side halfway and at the same time work on their own interests.
  • Confrontation. The interests of other parties are not taken into account; each participant strives to achieve only his own goals and impose his opinion on others.
  • Cooperation. Each participant works to further their interests. However, I am ready to work to find a solution to the conflict in a team with other participants.
  • Compromise. This style is based on concessions. Each participant is limited to partially achieving his goals and is in some way inferior to the others. This style is preferable to others because... allows us to partially satisfy the desires of all interested parties.

The result of the conflict can be a complete or partial resolution. The first option means completely eliminating the causes of the conflict. In the second case, only part of the problems are solved; the rest may appear later.

Examples in society from history

A classic example of social conflict is the student strike in France in 1968. The reasons are the discrepancy between the values ​​of the students of the sixties and the old French general de Gaulle.

Another reason is the “Fouche reform”, which consisted in accelerated training specialists without eliminating deficiencies in educational system. Following the students, there were mass strikes of workers, office workers, and engineers.

Ultimately, the president achieved a partial resolution of the conflict by taking advantage of the population's fear of another revolution. But a year later he resigned.

Video: Social conflict and ways to resolve it

When studying modern literature on conflict, we were able to identify 112 definitions and significant differences in their formulations.

Here are just the most typical ones:
  • Conflict- this is a manifestation of objective or subjective contradictions, expressed in the confrontation of the parties.
  • Conflict- this is the most sharp way resolving significant contradictions that arise in the process of interaction, which consists in the opposition of the subjects of the conflict and is usually accompanied by negative emotions.

According to F. Glasl, many Anglo-American authors place emphasis in their definitions on conflicting goals or interests, which pursue the parties, but do not provide a clear definition of the concept of “conflict”.

From all the definitions of the definition of “conflict,” a number of questions arise. What contradictions are significant and what is a contradiction in general and how do they differ from conflicts?

Almost no one, with the exception of Yu.V. Rozhdestvensky does not define contradiction as a speech act. He identifies three stages of development of the struggle of interests that lead to conflict. “The actions in this struggle can be divided into three stages of intensity: differences of opinion, contradictions in discussions and direct struggle in the form of conflicts in action.” Thus, we will consider as a difference any statement of an authoritarian type from the 1st person in an approved form in any type of literature.

From our point of view, dialogue can be considered a contradiction, i.e. speech act when differences between parties are expressed.

Conceptual scheme characterizing essence of the conflict should cover four main characteristics: structure, dynamics, functions and conflict management.

The structure of the conflict includes:

  • object (subject of dispute);
  • subjects ( individuals, groups, organizations);
  • conditions of the conflict;
  • scale of the conflict (interpersonal, local, regional, global);
  • strategies and tactics of behavior of the parties;
  • outcomes conflict situation(consequences, results, their awareness).

Any real conflict is a complex dynamic process, including the following main stages:

  • subject situation- emergence objective reasons conflict
  • conflict interaction- incident or developing conflict
  • conflict resolution(Full or partial).

The conflict, regardless of its nature, carries out a number of actions, among which the most important are:

  • dialectical— serves to identify the causes of conflict interaction;
  • constructive- the tension caused by the conflict can be directed towards achieving a goal;
  • destructive- a personal, emotional coloring of relationships appears, which interferes with problem solving. Conflict management can be viewed in two aspects: internal and external. The first one is management own behavior in conflict interaction. The external aspect of conflict management assumes that the subject of management can be a manager (manager, leader, etc.)

Conflict management- this is a purposeful influence on its dynamics, conditioned by objective laws, in the interests of development or destruction of that social system to which this conflict relates.

In the scientific literature one can trace various attitude towards conflicts. Conflict, as a phenomenon, is always undesirable, which should, if possible, be avoided and resolved immediately. This attitude is clearly visible in the works of authors belonging to the school scientific management, administrative school. Authors belonging to “ human relations”, were also inclined to believe that conflicts should be avoided. But if conflicts were present in organizations, they considered this as a sign of ineffective activity and poor management.

The current view is that even in organizations with effective management some conflicts are not only possible, but may even be desirable. In many cases, conflict helps to bring out the diversity of points of view, gives Additional information, helps identify problems, etc.

Thus, conflict can be functional and lead to increased organizational effectiveness. Or it may be dysfunctional and lead to decreased personal satisfaction, group cooperation, and organizational effectiveness. The role of conflict mainly depends on how effectively it is managed.

Types of conflicts

IN modern literature There are many classifications of conflicts on various grounds.

So A.G. Zdravomyslov gives a classification of the levels of conflicting parties:
  • Inter-individual conflicts
  • Intergroup conflicts and their types:
    • interest groups
    • groups of ethno-national character
    • groups united by a common position;
  • conflicts between associations
  • intra- and inter-institutional conflicts
  • conflicts between state entities
  • conflicts between cultures or types of cultures

R. Dahrendorf gives one of the broadest classifications of conflicts.

We will present this classification, indicating the types of conflicts in brackets:
  • According to sources of occurrence (conflicts of interests, values, identification).
  • By social consequences(successful, unsuccessful, creative or constructive, destructive or destructive).
  • By scale (local, regional, interstate, global, micro-, macro-, and mega-conflicts).
  • By forms of struggle (peaceful and non-peaceful).
  • According to the characteristics of the conditions of origin (endogenous and exogenous).
  • In relation to the subjects’ attitude to the conflict (genuine, accidental, false, latent).
  • According to the tactics used by the parties (battle, game, debate).

A. V. Dmitrov gives several classifications of social conflicts according to for various reasons. The author considers conflicts in the following areas: economic, political, labor, social security, education, education, etc.

Types of conflicts in relation to an individual subject:

  • internal (personal conflicts);
  • external (interpersonal, between the individual and the group, intergroup).

In psychology, it is also common to distinguish: motivational, cognitive, role, etc. conflicts.

K. Levin attributes motivational conflicts(few people are satisfied with their work, many do not believe in themselves, experience stress, overload at work) to a greater extent, to intrapersonal conflicts. L. Berkowitz, M. Deutsch, D. Myers describe motivational conflicts as group ones. Cognitive conflicts are also described in the literature both from the standpoint of intrapersonal and intergroup conflicts.

Role conflicts(the problem of choosing one of several possible and desired options): intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup most often manifest themselves in the activity sphere. But most often in psychological literature three types of conflicts are described: at the intrapersonal level, at the interpersonal and intergroup levels.

F. Lutens highlights 3 types of intrapersonal conflicts: role conflict; conflict caused by frustration, conflict of goals.

Intergroup conflict- these are, as a rule, conflicts of interest between groups in the production sector.

Intergroup conflicts are most often generated by the struggle for limited resources or spheres of influence within an organization, which consists of many formal and informal groups with completely different interests. This confrontation has different bases. For example, professional-production (designers-production-financiers), social (workers-employees - management) or emotional-behavioral ("lazy people" - "hard workers").

But the most numerous are interpersonal conflicts. In organizations they manifest themselves in different ways, most often in the form of management’s struggle for always limited resources. 75-80% of interpersonal conflicts are generated by the clash of material interests of individual subjects, although outwardly this manifests itself as a discrepancy in characters, personal views or moral values. These are communication conflicts. Similar are the conflicts between the individual and the group. For example, a clash between a manager and a united front of subordinates who do not like the boss’s harsh disciplinary measures aimed at “tightening the screws.”

Types of conflicts by nature:

  • objective, related to real problems and shortcomings;
  • subjective, conditional different estimates certain events and actions.

Types of conflicts by consequences:

  • constructive, involving rational transformations;
  • destructive, destroying the organization.

Conflict Management

To effectively manage conflicts, a manager must:

  • determine its type of conflict
  • its reasons
  • its features,
  • and then apply the required of this type conflict resolution method.

The main task of managing intrapersonal conflict may be:

  • If these are goal conflicts, then the main efforts of managers should be aimed at achieving compatibility between personal and organizational goals.
  • if this is a conflict of roles, then their type should be taken into account (conflict of personality and expectations associated with the role; conflict can also arise when there are different requirements to the roles that a person must play simultaneously).

Resolution methods intrapersonal conflicts there are many: compromise, withdrawal, sublimation, idealization, repression, reorientation, correction, etc. But the whole difficulty lies in the fact that it is very difficult for a person himself to ascertain, identify and manage intrapersonal conflict. They are very well described in scientific literature, in practice it is very difficult to resolve them on your own.

Interpersonal conflicts cover almost all areas of human relations.

Control interpersonal conflicts can be considered in two aspects - internal and influence.

The internal aspect is associated with some individual qualities the personality itself and the skills of rational behavior in conflict.

The external aspect reflects management activities on the part of the manager in relation to a specific conflict.

In the process of managing interpersonal conflicts, one should take into account different stages management (, warning, regulation, resolution) of the cause, factor, mutual sympathy and antipathies. There are two main ways to resolve them: administrative or pedagogical.

Too often, conflicts that arise, for example, between a boss and a subordinate, an employee or a client, either escalate into fighting or withdrawal. Neither one nor the other option is effective way conflict management. Psychologists and sociologists offer several more options for individual behavior in conflict. Wide use in conflict, I received a two-dimensional model of personality behavior in conflict interaction developed by K. Thomas and R. Killman. This model is based on the orientation of the conflict participants towards their interests and interests. opposite side. The participants in the conflict, analyzing their interests and the interests of the opponent, choose 5 strategies of behavior (fight, withdrawal, concessions, compromise, cooperation).

To resolve and maintain positive relationships, it is better to follow these tips:

  • Cool down
  • Analyze the situation
  • Explain to the other person what the problem is
  • Leave the person a “way out”

Group conflicts are less common in practice, but they are always larger in scale and more severe in their consequences. It is important for a manager to know that the causes of conflicts that arise between an individual and a group are related to:

  • with violation of role expectations
  • with inadequacy indoor installation personal status
  • in violation of group norms

To effectively manage the “person-group” conflict, you need to analyze these parameters, as well as identify the form of its manifestation (criticism, group sanctions, etc.)

Conflicts of the “group-group” type are characterized by their diversity and their reasons for their occurrence, as well as the distinctive forms of their manifestation and course (strikes, rallies, meetings, negotiations, etc.). Methods for managing conflicts of this type are presented in more detail in the works of American sociologists and psychologists (D. Geldman, H. Arnold, St. Robbins, M. Dilton).

At different stages of management intergroup conflicts(forecasting, warning, regulation, resolution) has its own content of management actions, they will vary. We can observe such a difference, for example, when resolving a conflict:

Conflict of the “person-group” type is resolved in two ways: the conflicting person admits his mistakes and corrects them; a conflicting individual, whose interests cannot be brought into a state of congruence with the interests of the group, leaves them. A “group-group” conflict is resolved either by organizing a negotiation process or by concluding an agreement to coordinate the interests and positions of the conflicting parties.

From a practical point of view, the problem of regulating relationships is formed as a task of changing behavioral stereotypes. According to G.M. Andreev, there must be a replacement of some - destructive ones - with others, more constructive ones.

Conflict can be expressed in hidden and open forms.

Hidden form of conflict– a state of dissatisfaction, internal disagreement with the actions and decisions of a manager or asset. This can manifest itself in formal fulfillment of demands, indifference, arrogance, self-isolation from the team, and intrigue.

Open form can be active and passive.

Active form conflict- open clashes: sharp quarrels, disputes, riots, fights, refusal to comply with demands, tasks, different shapes insubordination, sabotage, vindictiveness, aggressiveness, affective actions.

Passive form conflict– is expressed in a conscious withdrawal into the world of fantasy, drug addiction, alcoholism.

The forms of expression of the conflict largely depend on the level of development of the individual, the team, the age of the participants in the conflict, their individual life experience, personal qualities, type of conflict, specifics of the team’s activities, and the style of team management.

The ability to manage conflict relationships is one of the complex socio-psychological and pedagogical problems. Timely and successfully resolved conflicts make significant adjustments to the socio-psychological climate of the team and contribute to the formation of the individual’s stability in the situation increased complexity, ability to accept timely, correct solution without emotional outbursts.

There is a direct relationship between the success of conflict resolution in children's team and the position that the teacher takes in relation to this phenomenon.

Options for possible teacher positions towards conflict.

The position of forceful (authoritarian) intervention in the conflict. The teacher acknowledges the existence of a conflict and tries to record the parties involved and the balance of power. But the teacher does not so much strive to resolve the conflict situation as fight it, believing that any conflict in a children's team is evil. As a rule, he single-handedly determines who is right and wrong and, by applying appropriate sanctions, suppresses the conflict, but in reality the conflict is not resolved. It may take other forms or the conflicting parties will move its clarification outside the school, which more often leads to the manifestation of forceful forms of conflict resolution, but on the part of the conflicting parties.

Non-interference position. More often he works as a liberal teacher. He tries not to notice conflict situations and clashes that arise in the team he leads. Does not interfere in a conflict until it is pointed out to him or he touches it personally. His reaction to the current situation may be caused by comments or criticism from the administration or colleagues. It is likely that he will entrust the resolution of the conflict to the class asset.

Position of silencing the conflict. Some teachers have the opinion that the emergence of conflicts in the team they lead indicates their professional weakness and pedagogical failure. The conflict, according to the conviction of such teachers, highlights their educational impotence. The existence of a conflict situation is simply not recognized and rejected. The teacher, therefore, tries to get away from the problem by simply not recognizing it. Most often, this position arises due to not knowing how to get out of this situation. The situation may turn into neglect, chronic condition, which has an extremely negative impact on the development of the team.

Finding ways to intervene expediently in a conflict. When solving this issue, the teacher relies on his own knowledge of the team, its educational capabilities, analyzes the situation and predicts development options conflict relations, possible consequences. A decision may be made on temporary non-intervention, on publicizing the causes of the conflict, on the need for urgent influence on the conflicting parties using direct or indirect methods of conflict resolution.

Typical mistakes made by teachers when intervening in conflict.

– Underestimation or overestimation of the importance of public opinion of a group or collective for a particular participant in the conflict. Most often, such a mistake is made due to a lack of knowledge about the informal structure of the team and the status of each member in this structure. The higher the student’s status in the informal structure of the team, the more acute his sensitivity to the opinion of this team. However, if we're talking about about a beginner, then this dependence may turn out to be different. For example, for a newcomer who has a low status in the informal structure of the team, the team itself can be referent and significant. The level of development of the team determines the importance of public opinion for each of its members.

– Exaggeration by the teacher of the role of possible own influence. This mistake is a consequence of the teacher’s misunderstanding of the level of his authority and the conflicting parties. Working with students junior classes, the teacher enjoys unlimited authority. Junior schoolchildren turn to the teacher for help and advice on a wide range of issues. The teacher is generously given trust in solving purely personal problems of the student. But as schoolchildren grow older, the situation changes; we are more faced with the phenomenon of discreteness and selectivity of authority. In other words, it is accepted in some areas and does not apply to others, most often purely personal ones. Therefore, the effectiveness of the teacher’s own influence on the conflicting parties can be very different, sometimes not adequate to his expectations.

– Underestimation or overestimation of previous personal experience in regulating relationships in a team.

– When deciding to intervene in a conflict, the teacher tends to take a position above those in conflict, the position of the “supreme judge.” But we must remember that it is extremely difficult to be objective. In progress professional activity The teacher develops a certain attitude towards the students. They can have shades of obvious sympathy, neutrality or even antipathy.

  1. Description of the organization 4
  2. Description of the conflict situation 4
  3. Conflict Analysis 5
  4. Solutions based on the basics of conflict management 8

Conclusion 9

List of references……………………………………………………………... 10


Conflict (from lat. conflictus) - clash or struggle, hostility; a situation in which each party seeks to take a position that is incompatible and opposed to the interests of the other party.

The organization is the basic unit in the social structure of modern society. The social life of people mainly takes place as part of certain organizations: industrial, financial, commercial, educational, public. A complex system of relationships in an organization conceals the possibility of the emergence of the most various conflicts, which are specific both in content and dynamics, and in methods of resolution.

In each individual case, the cause of the conflict is different, but upon analysis it is discovered that they all have common ground: the actual state of affairs contradicts the expectations of people who join the ranks of those in conflict.

Test objectives:

The object of research is

The subject of the study is

  1. Description of the organization

Municipal budgetary institution "Budget Accounting Center" is a specialized organization authorized to maintain budget accounting in municipal institutions of the municipal formation of the city of Ust-Ilimsk (Resolution of the Administration of Ust-Ilimsk dated December 30, 2010 No. 776) The institution was created to implement the powers of local government bodies of the municipality education city of Ust-Ilimsk on the formation, execution of the budget of the municipal formation of the city of Ust-Ilimsk and control over the implementation of this.

Budget accounting is carried out in accordance with the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Accounting”, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, using accounting automation programs.

Persons involved in the conflict

  1. Description of the conflict situation

Employee A of the payroll department was ordered to submit a report on the calculation of wages to employees of kindergarten No. 31 on time. For personal reasons, employee A did not have time to complete her work on time. Employee A decided not to inform management about the incident, but to finish the work the next day. Employee B learned that the order had not been followed. As a result of this incident, a conflict arose between employee A and employee B. After which employee B warned that if she did not finish payroll today, she would report this to the director. Employee A refused to work outside of working hours. And then employee B informed management about the violation that had occurred. Further, employee A received a reprimand and deprivation of her bonus.

3. Conflict Analysis

From this conflict situation it is clearly seen that resolving a conflict that has arisen due to some personal manifestations is sometimes more difficult than a production one. Since its successful outcome depends not only on the knowledge of the leader and the ability to behave correctly in a critical situation (analysis of the situation, managing it, predicting consequences, making the optimal decision, eliminating negative consequences), but also on the desire of the conflicting parties themselves.

Based on the circle of people involved in the situation, the conflict can be defined as social (interpersonal) - employees A and B of the settlement department.

In terms of the direction of interaction, the conflict is horizontal, since the conflict itself involves employees of the same level.

The area of ​​conflict is labor, since all participants belong to the same organization and development takes place in the workplace.

The type of conflict under consideration is constructive, since in the conflict an unreliable and unresponsible employee was identified. In the future, deprivation of an employee's bonus may have a positive impact on the development of the organization.

Based on the attribute (the beginning of the conflict), this conflict can be classified as spontaneous. Spontaneous conflicts arise, at first glance, completely unexpectedly. However, in all cases, the catalyst for conflict is internal tension or irresponsible behavior one or both of its participants.

In terms of the form of manifestation, the conflict is most likely open (communication between employee A and employee B).

Structure of the Conflict

The structure of any object is understood as the totality of its parts, elements and connections, the relationships between them that ensure its integrity.

The warring parties (main participants) are the key link in any conflict. When one of the parties leaves the conflict, it ends. Such parties in this conflict is the chief accountant and sales manager.

The initiator of the conflict is employee A, who provokes employee B with her irresponsible attitude to work.

Map of the conflict

Dynamics of Conflict

I. Pre-conflict:

  1. Violation by employee A of the rules established in the organization (do your work on time).
  2. Sales employee B noticed this violation.
  3. Employee B warned that the work must be completed today and not a day later, otherwise the entire department will be punished.

II. The conflict itself:

In the presented conflict, one can distinguish such a stage as an incident. This is the period when Principal Employee A was observed by Employee B. Due to the violation, the incident was reported to the Director. The conflict then develops into next stage– escalation. Where employee A was deprived of her bonus.

End of the conflict: Employee A was reprimanded and deprived of her bonus.

From the point of view of the effectiveness and completeness of the resolution, this conflict is completely, radically completed.

III. After a conflict situation:

Partial normalization of relations is possible.

From the point of view of “Behaviour Styles”, two styles can be distinguished in a situation. Analyzing the behavior of employee A, we can say that she chose the “Competition” style. Competition is the satisfaction of only one's own interests, without taking into account the interests of others.

Looking at employee B in the same way, we can say that she preferred the “Accommodation” style. Adaptation - a person is interested in the interests of the company and its positive development.

Conflict resolution in an organization

In this organization, the conflict was completed in such a way that employee A was deprived of her bonus and received a reprimand. Development further developments in an organization one can only guess. It is possible that in this way the conflict will be eliminated.

4. Solutions based on the basics of conflict management

1. In this situation, we can propose a resolution strategy such as sanctions for violation of labor regulations in a given organization in the form of a fine.

2. Based on the basics of conflict management, you can invite employee A to reconsider her behavior in relation to her position, thereby resolving the conflict at an earlier stage.

Specific methods of conflict resolution:

  • if the conflicting parties do not see a way to agree, then they mutually renounce their own claims;
  • one of the conflicting parties renounces its claims, realizing them as less significant and fair;
  • the conflicting parties find a compromise option; both sides can realize their claims.


The research objectives were fulfilled in the work

  1. Analysis of the conflict situation in the proposed organization;
  2. Suggest ways to resolve the conflict.

1. Firstly, the conflict was classified according to various criteria, which made it possible to identify some of its characteristic features.

The conflict situation was comprehensively considered, that is:

  • by the circle of persons involved in the situation;
  • by the direction of interaction;
  • on the area of ​​conflict;
  • by type of conflict;
  • by feature;
  • according to the form of manifestation.

Thus, the conflict can be defined as a person-group type. It is also horizontal, and in terms of clarity, it is most likely open. The type of conflict under consideration is constructive. Based on this feature, the conflict can be classified as spontaneous.

Secondly, the following were considered:

  • conflict structure;
  • conflict map;
  • periods and stages of conflict.

The conflict map addressed the needs and concerns of all parties to the conflict.

Behavioral styles of the conflict participants were identified.

The work made proposals for the prevention and prevention of such conflicts.

List of references

  1. Antsupov A.Ya. Conflictology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.
  2. Burtovaya E.V. Conflictology: Tutorial. 2002
  3. Virgiles E.V. The emergence and resolution of conflict situations in an organization./Moscow. state University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics. - M., 2001.
  4. Zlatin P.A. Sociology and psychology of work: Textbook. Part 1. 3rd ed., stereotype - M.: MGIU, 2008 -426 p.