Open conflicts are dangerous above all. Conflict process

If the conflicts of interests emerging at the pre-conflict stage cannot be resolved, sooner or later the pre-conflict situation turns into an open conflict. The presence of confrontation becomes obvious to everyone. Conflicting interests reach such a degree of maturity that they can no longer be ignored or hidden. They become a factor that interferes with normal interaction, the parties of which from now on turn into open opponents opposing each other. Each side begins to openly defend its own interests.

At this stage of development of the conflict, its opponents begin to appeal to a third party, turn to legal authorities to protect or assert their interests. Each of the subjects of the confrontation tries to attract to its side as many allies as possible and means of putting pressure on the other, including material, financial, political, information, administrative and other resources. Not only “allowed”, generally accepted, but also “dirty” means, methods and technologies of pressure on the opponent are used, who from now on is considered nothing more than an “enemy”, “enemy”.

Suffice it to recall the election campaign for the elections in State Duma Russia in 1999 and the confrontation between various media, which poured buckets of mud on candidates for deputies, depending on which bloc or party they belonged to and whose interests this or that media outlet expressed.

At the stage of open conflict, it also becomes obvious that neither side wants to make concessions or compromise; on the contrary, the attitude towards confrontation and affirmation dominates own interests. At the same time, objective contradictions in groups are often superimposed with interpersonal frictions and differences, which aggravate the situation.

This is a general characteristic of the second stage of development of the conflict. However, even within this open period, one can distinguish its own internal stages, characterized by varying degrees tensions, which in conflictology are designated as: 1) incident, 2) escalation and 3) end of the conflict.


The transition of a conflict from a latent state to open confrontation occurs as a result of one or another incident (from the Latin incidens - an incident that happens). An incident is one that initiates open confrontation between the parties. The incident of conflict cannot be distinguished from its cause. An occasion is a specific event that serves as an impetus, a subject for the beginning of conflict actions. Moreover, it may arise by chance, or it may be specially invented, but in any case, the reason is not yet a conflict. In contrast, an incident is already a conflict, its beginning.

For example, the Sarajevo Murder - the murder of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Franz Ferdinand, and his wife, carried out on June 28, 1914 (new style) in the city of Sarajevo, was used by Austria-Hungary as a pretext for starting the First World War. Already on July 15, 1914, Austria-Hungary, under direct pressure from Germany, declared war on Serbia. And the direct invasion of Poland by Germany on September 1, 1939 is no longer a reason, but an incident indicating the beginning of the Second World War.

The incident exposes the positions of the parties and makes clear the division into “friends” and “foes”, friends and enemies, allies and opponents. After the incident, “who is who” becomes clear, because the masks have already been dropped. However, the real strengths of the opponents are not yet fully known and it is unclear how far one or another participant in the conflict can go in the confrontation. And this uncertainty of the true forces and resources (material, physical, financial, mental, information, etc.) of the enemy is a very important factor in restraining the development of the conflict on its initial stage. At the same time, this uncertainty contributes to the further development of the conflict. Because it is clear that if both sides had a clear understanding of the enemy’s potential and resources, then many conflicts would be stopped from the very beginning. More weak side would not, in many cases, aggravate the useless confrontation, but strong point, without hesitation, would suppress the enemy with her power. In both cases, the incident would have been resolved fairly quickly.

Thus, an incident often creates an ambivalent situation in the attitudes and actions of opponents of the conflict. On the one hand, you want to quickly “get into a fight” and win, but on the other hand, it is difficult to enter the water “without knowing the ford.”

Therefore, important elements of the development of the conflict at this stage are: “reconnaissance”, collecting information about the true capabilities and intentions of opponents, searching for allies and attracting additional forces to one’s side. Since the confrontation in the incident is local in nature, the full potential of the parties to the conflict has not yet been demonstrated. Although all forces are already beginning to be brought into combat mode.

However, even after the incident, it remains possible to resolve the conflict peacefully, through negotiations, to reach a compromise between the parties to the conflict. And this opportunity should be used to the fullest.

If after the incident a compromise is found and prevented further development the conflict failed, then the first incident is followed by a second, third, etc. The conflict enters the next stage - it escalates (increases). So, after the first incident in World War II - the German invasion of Poland - others followed, no less dangerous. Already in April - May 1940, German troops occupied Denmark and Norway, in May they invaded Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, and then France. In April 1941, Germany captured the territory of Greece and Yugoslavia, and on June 22, 1941, attacked the Soviet Union.

The escalation of a conflict is its key, most intense stage, when all contradictions between its participants intensify and all opportunities are used to win the confrontation.

The only question is: “who will win”, because this is no longer a local battle, but a full-scale battle. All resources are mobilized: material, political, financial, informational, physical, mental and others.

At this stage, any negotiations or other peaceful means of resolving the conflict become difficult. Emotions often begin to drown out reason, logic gives way to feelings. The main task is to cause as much harm as possible to the enemy at any cost. Therefore, at this stage, the original cause and main goal of the conflict may be lost and new reasons and new goals will come to the fore. During this stage of the conflict, a change in value orientations is also possible, in particular, values-means and values-goals can change places. The development of the conflict becomes spontaneous and uncontrollable.

Among the main points characterizing the stage of conflict escalation, the following can be highlighted:

1) creating an image of the enemy;

2) demonstration of force and threat of its use;

3) use of violence;

4) a tendency to expand and deepen the conflict. Let's look at these characteristics in more detail. 1 Creating an image of the enemy. This is one of the most important moments stage of development of the conflict. It begins to form at its early stage and finally takes shape during the period of escalation. On important role and the need to create an image of the enemy was emphasized by G. Simmel:

the existence of certain enemies as mandatory element necessary for maintaining effective unity among group members and for them to recognize this unity as one of their vital interests, may even be considered a manifestation of political wisdom for some groups.

Indeed, the internal unity of the group will be strengthened if, at the ideological level, the image of an enemy is created and constantly maintained, with which it is necessary to fight and against which it is necessary to unite. The image of the enemy creates additional socio-psychological and ideological factors for the cohesion of a group, organization or society. In this case, their members realize that they are fighting not only (and even not so much) for their own interests, but for a “just cause,” for the country, the people, for the great and highest goal, which is the core of the group’s unification. In the presence of an image of an enemy, the subject of confrontation thus acquires an impersonal, objective character. And this, as Simmel noted, contributes to the fact that the struggle “takes on a more acute character”2.

Thus, in intergroup conflict its participants, in order to maintain and strengthen the cohesion of the group, strive to ideologically and socio-psychologically formulate the image of the enemy. This enemy in reality can be either real or imaginary, that is, it can be invented or artificially formed to strengthen the unity of a group or society. The image of an enemy can also be created to solve intra-group contradictions and problems. In this case, its creation is associated with the search for a “scapegoat” to justify failures and mistakes in domestic politics, economics, etc. It is known how many “enemies of the people” were exposed and destroyed in the 30s and later in our country.

In connection with the above, one cannot but agree with the opinion of A.G. Zdravomyslov, who connects the creation of the image of the enemy with the creation of an ideological formulation of the conflict:

which for each of its participants appears in the form of a certain sum of criteria dividing the entire social world on friends and foes, nor on those who either support or do not support this particular side. Neutral forces, conciliatory-minded, are perceived as allies of the opposite side.”3 Thus the motto “he who is not with us is against us” comes into play. And its use always intensifies the struggle. It is no coincidence that it is most often used when the development of a conflict reaches its peak. After the image of the enemy is created, the logic and psychology of the fight against him become extremely clear and precise: “if the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed.”

But creating an image of an enemy (both true and imagined) is an effective means not only at the highest stage of conflict development - escalation. This means is often adopted at more early stages when it becomes clear that conflict is inevitable. In this case, it is used to process public opinion, in order to show and explain who is “bad” and who is “good.” After this, it is much easier to unleash a full-scale conflict, which is especially important if we are talking about violence and military operations.

This was clearly demonstrated during the aggression of NATO countries against Yugoslavia in 1999. In particular, we are talking about the fact that not only many ordinary people, but also journalists expressed surprise at how it happened that the population, public opinion in the so-called civilized society there was no indignation or protest against the violation of human rights and international law from the aggressor. After all, it usually makes so much noise when it comes to even less acute conflicts in other countries. And here cities, schools, hospitals, embassies of other countries in a sovereign state are being bombed, and there is no reaction.

However, in reality there was nothing surprising. This public opinion, long before the bombings, was intensively processed by the entire powerful propaganda machine of the West, especially by numerous media outlets. The Serbs were presented as sworn enemies of civilization, having no concept of democracy and seeking genocide against the Albanians living in Yugoslavia.

A similar approach, exactly the opposite, is often observed in relation to the military conflict taking place in Russia between the federal government and the Chechen separatists. The latter are called nothing more than “fighters” who defend their freedom, independence, human rights, fighting against the totalitarian aspirations of a regime sliding towards dictatorship, etc. and so on. At the same time, no attention is paid at all to the fact that the criminal and bandit regime in Chechnya gave rise to constant robberies, robberies, violation of the borders of other subjects of the Federation in the country by heavily armed bandit detachments (with the participation of mercenaries from other countries) and, finally, at the end of the 20th century. Slave trading is a common occupation. And this despite the fact that journalists, colleagues of those who must write and tell the truth primarily due to their professional duty, have been repeatedly captured as hostages.

2 Demonstration of force and threat of its use. This is the next one important element and characteristics of conflict escalation. One of the parties or both opponents of the conflict, in order to intimidate the enemy, constantly try to show that the power and resources of one side are superior to the other side. At the same time, everyone hopes that such a position will lead to the enemy’s capitulation. However, as a rule, “saber rattling” leads to the enemy mobilizing own resources, which leads to further escalation of the conflict. Psychologically, a demonstration of force or the threat of use is associated with increased emotional tension, hostility and hatred towards the enemy.

This technique is often implemented through advertisements various kinds ultimatums to the other side, both in intragroup and intergroup conflict. In international conflict, ultimatums are also used - demands of one state on another, accompanied by the threat of severing diplomatic relations or the use of armed force in case of non-compliance.

It is clear that only the side that is in some respect stronger than the other can resort to an ultimatum. Therefore, usually the announcement of an ultimatum is the lot of the strong. Although we are not always talking about physical or even material strength. Declaring a hunger strike in protest against the lack of rights of the authorities or the administration of the enterprise is also an ultimatum. And in this case, both the authorities and the administration often make concessions in the face of the threat of a person’s death and in the face of the threat of revealing their own cruelty and inhumanity.

The natural reaction to a demonstration of force and the threat of its use is an attempt to defend itself. But, as you know, The best way defense - attack. And this is true if the power and resources of the threatening enemy do not greatly exceed, or do not at all exceed, the power of the one being threatened. Therefore, the threat of force most often provokes violence and further escalation of the conflict.

3 The use of violence is another essential characteristic of the escalation stage of a conflict. Violence is the most severe way of subjugating one another. This is the latest argument in the dispute and its use indicates that the limiting stage in the escalation of the conflict, the highest phase of its development, has arrived.

It's about not just about physical violence. This refers to its most varied types: economic, political, moral, psychological, etc. If a boss, in response to fair criticism, forces a subordinate to resign “of his own free will,” this is also violence. If debauchery, murder, and cruelty are promoted in the media day after day, this is also violence against a person, over his spiritual world, this is spiritual violence, which, however, is no less odious than physical, although more veiled.

And related to this is another point in the concept of violence. It can not only be obvious and direct, manifested in an open form - murder, causing physical or material damage, theft of property, etc. Violence can appear in a disguised form when certain conditions are created that limit the rights of people or create obstacles to the assertion of their legitimate interests. This form is called structural violence. Failure to pay wages on time, inability to go on vacation at least once a year, inability to publish in a central newspaper critical note on a government official - these are all examples of structural violence.

Violence, as the highest stage of conflict escalation, manifests itself not only in various forms, but also types. It can cover the most various areas human activity (economic, political, everyday, etc.) and levels of organization of the social system (individual, group, community, society).

In this regard, we note that one of the most common types of violence today is domestic (family) violence. This is also the most cynical and hidden form of violence. As evidenced latest research UN and many public initiative organizations, different types Violence against primarily women and children exists in almost all countries of the world and in all levels of society. Domestic violence has a wide variety of manifestations and forms. It is not limited to beatings. Economic, sexual and psychological violence is widespread. For all its cynicism, the problem domestic violence In all countries, it is characterized by the fact that it is not only hidden, but often continues for many years.

For our country, in particular, in last years It has become typical that the wives of the “new Russians” turn to them for help and protection; if they do not beat them, then they do not commit crimes against them physical violence, then they are still not allowed to go out, meet relatives, work without permission, they threaten with reprisals, and do not give money for the most necessary1.

4 The tendency to expand and deepen the conflict is another stage in the escalation of the conflict. Conflict does not exist within a constant framework and in one state. Having started in one place, it begins to “spread”, covering new areas, territories, social levels and even countries. Having arisen, for example, as a purely industrial business conflict between two members of an organization, it can subsequently cover the socio-psychological and ideological sphere, move from the interpersonal level to the intergroup level, etc.

The First World War, which began as a war between two coalitions of powers (the German-Austrian bloc and the Entente), escalated into a war in which 38 states were involved. World War II involved 72 states, although it also began as a war between two coalitions of powers uniting only a few countries. Another example. A dispute between a seller at a bazaar and a buyer may begin due to the fact that they do not agree on the price. But then they can accuse each other of all mortal sins, and besides, those around them can get involved in it. So over time, this is no longer a dispute between the seller and the buyer, but a confrontation between two camps of people shouting and interrupting each other, ready at any moment, “wall to wall,” to engage in a battle for a just cause and high ideals, defending their political preferences and sympathies to one or another leader or party.

Ending the conflict

This is the last stage of the open period of conflict. It means any ending and can be expressed in a radical change in values ​​by the subjects of the confrontation, the emergence of real conditions for its termination or forces capable of doing so. Often the end of a conflict is characterized by the fact that both sides realized the futility of continuing the conflict and, in general, that “you can’t live like this anymore.” Although the end of the conflict, generally speaking, may be associated with the destruction of one or even both of its subjects. At this stage of development of the confrontation, a variety of situations are possible that encourage both sides or one of them to end the conflict. Such situations include:

A clear weakening of one or both sides or the exhaustion of their resources, which does not allow further confrontation;

The obvious futility of continuing the conflict and its awareness by its participants. This situation is associated with the belief that further struggle does not give advantages to either side and there is no end in sight to this struggle;

The revealed predominant superiority of one of the parties and its ability to suppress the opponent or impose its will on him;

The appearance of a third party in the conflict and its ability and desire to end the confrontation.

The above situations are also associated with ways to end the conflict, which can also be very diverse. The most typical ones are the following:

1) elimination (destruction) of the opponent or both opponents of the confrontation;

2) elimination (destruction) of the object of the conflict;

3) change in the positions of both or one of the parties to the conflict;

4) participation in the conflict new strength capable of completing it through coercion;

5) the appeal of the subjects of the conflict to the arbitrator and its completion through the mediation of an arbitrator;

6) negotiations as one of the most effective and common ways to resolve conflict.

By its nature, the end of the conflict can be:

1) from the point of view of realizing the goals of confrontation:




2) from the point of view of the form of conflict resolution:


3) from the point of view of the functions of the conflict:



4) from the point of view of efficiency and completeness of resolution:

Completely and radically completed,

Postponed for some (or indefinite) time.

It should be noted that the concepts of “conflict resolution” and “conflict resolution” are not identical. There is a conflict resolution special case, one of the forms of ending the conflict, and is expressed in a positive way, constructive solution problems by the main parties to the conflict or a third party. But besides this, forms of ending the conflict can be:

Attenuation (fading) of the conflict,

Resolving conflict

The escalation of a conflict into another conflict.

Open conflict. If the conflicts of interests emerging at the pre-conflict stage cannot be resolved, sooner or later the pre-conflict situation turns into an open conflict. The presence of confrontation becomes obvious to everyone. Conflicting interests reach such a degree of maturity that they can no longer be ignored or hidden. They become a factor that interferes with normal interaction, the parties of which from now on turn into open opponents opposing each other. Each side begins to openly defend its own interests.

At this stage of development of the conflict, its opponents begin to appeal to a third party, turn to legal authorities to protect or assert their interests. Each of the subjects of the confrontation tries to attract to its side as many allies as possible and means of putting pressure on the other, including material, financial, political, information, administrative and other resources. Not only “allowed”, generally accepted, but also “dirty” means, methods and technologies of putting pressure on the opponent, who from now on is considered nothing more than an “enemy”, are used.

At the stage of open conflict, it also becomes obvious that neither side wants to make concessions or compromise; on the contrary, the attitude toward confrontation and the assertion of their own interests dominates. At the same time, objective contradictions in groups are often superimposed with interpersonal frictions and differences, which aggravate the situation.

This is general characteristics the second stage of conflict development. However, even within this open period, one can distinguish its own internal stages, characterized by varying degrees of tension, which in conflictology are designated as: 1) incident, 2) escalation, 3) end of the conflict.

Incident The transition of a conflict from a latent state to open confrontation occurs as a result of one or another incident (from the Latin incidens - an incident that happens). Incident- this is the case that initiates open confrontation between the parties. The incident of a conflict must be distinguished from its cause.

Occasion- this is a specific event that serves as an impetus, a subject for the beginning of conflict actions. Moreover, it may arise by chance, or it may be specially invented, but, in any case, the reason is not yet a conflict. In contrast, an incident is already a conflict, its beginning.

The incident exposes the positions of the parties and makes clear the division into “friends” and “foes”, friends and enemies, allies and opponents. After the incident, “who is who” becomes clear, because the masks have already been dropped. However, the real strengths of the opponents are not yet fully known and it is unclear how far one or another participant in the conflict can go in the confrontation. And this uncertainty of the true forces and resources (material, physical, financial, mental, information, etc.) of the enemy is very important factor containing the conflict at its initial stage. At the same time, this uncertainty contributes to the further development of the conflict.

Thus, an incident often creates an ambivalent situation in the attitudes and actions of opponents of the conflict. On the one hand, you want to quickly “get into a fight” and win, but on the other hand, it is difficult to enter the water “without knowing the ford.” Important elements of the development of the conflict at this stage are: “reconnaissance”, collecting information about the true capabilities and intentions of opponents, searching for allies and attracting additional forces to your side. Since the confrontation in the incident is local in nature, the full potential of the parties to the conflict has not yet been demonstrated. Although all forces are already beginning to be brought into combat mode.

However, even after the incident, it remains possible to resolve the conflict peacefully, through negotiations, to reach a compromise between the parties to the conflict. And this opportunity should be used to the fullest.

Conflict escalation

If after the incident it was not possible to find a compromise and prevent further development of the conflict, then the first incident is followed by the second, third, etc. The conflict enters the next stage - it occurs escalation (increase).

Conflict escalation- this is its key, most intense stage, when all the contradictions between its participants intensify and all opportunities are used to win the confrontation. The only question is: “who will win” and a full-scale battle begins. All resources are mobilized: material, political, financial, informational, physical, mental and others.

At this stage, any negotiations or other peaceful means of resolving the conflict become difficult. Emotions often begin to drown out reason, logic gives way to feelings. The main task is to cause as much harm as possible to the enemy at any cost. During this stage of the conflict, a change in value orientations is also possible, in particular, values-means and values-goals can change places. The development of the conflict becomes spontaneous and uncontrollable. Among the main points characterizing the stage of conflict escalation, the following can be highlighted:

The escalation of the conflict is characterized by the following signs:

1. Narrowing of the cognitive sphere in behavior and activity. In the process of escalation, a transition occurs to more primitive forms of display.

2. crowding out adequate perception another, the image of an enemy. The image of the enemy as a holistic idea of ​​the opponent, which integrates distorted and illusory features, begins to form during the latent period of the conflict as a result of perception determined by negative assessments. As long as there is no counteraction, as long as the threats are not implemented, the image of the enemy is indirect. It can be compared to a weakly developed photograph, where the image is fuzzy and pale. In the process of escalation, the image of the enemy appears more and more clearly and gradually displaces the objective image.

3.Height emotional stress . Arises as a reaction to an increase in the threat of possible damage; decreased controllability opposite side; inability to realize one’s interests to the desired extent for a short time; opponent's resistance.

4.Moving from arguments to claims and personal attacks. When people's opinions collide, people usually try to argue for them. Others, assessing a person’s position, thereby indirectly assess his ability to argue. A person usually adds significant personal color to the fruits of his intellect. Therefore, criticism of the results intellectual activity may be perceived as a negative assessment of him as a person. In this case, criticism is perceived as a threat to a person’s self-esteem, and attempts to defend oneself lead to a shift in the subject of the conflict to the personal plane.

5. Growth of the hierarchical rank of interests, violated and defended, its polarization. More intense action affects the other party's more important interests. Therefore, the escalation of the conflict can be considered as a process of deepening contradictions, i.e. as the process of growth of the hierarchical rank of interests is disrupted. In the process of escalation, the interests of opponents seem to be drawn into opposite poles. If in the pre-conflict situation they could somehow coexist, then when the conflict escalates, the existence of some is possible only by ignoring the interests of the other side.

6. Use of violence. A characteristic feature escalation of the conflict is the use of the last argument - violence. Many violent acts are motivated by revenge. Aggression is associated with the desire for some kind of internal compensation (for lost prestige, decreased self-esteem, etc.), compensation for damage. Actions in conflict may be driven by a desire for retribution for damage.

7. Losing the original point of contention lies in the fact that the confrontation that began through a disputed object develops into a more global clash, during which the original subject of the conflict no longer plays a major role. The conflict becomes independent of the reasons it was caused, and it continues after they have become insignificant.

8. Expanding the boundaries of the conflict. The conflict is generalized, i.e. transition to deeper contradictions, many arise various points contact. The conflict extends to large territory. There is an expansion of its temporal and spatial boundaries.

The defiant behavior of some employees at meetings, tense conversations at lunch, downcast glances when meeting in the corridor, frequent absences due to illness - such an atmosphere oppresses the entire team. What is this? Seasonal depression and its companion vitamin deficiency or on what seemed to be a reliable foundation business communication and mutual understanding appeared cracks? Massive mood disorders are a rare thing, but contradictions between people appear quite often, such is our nature. Well, if the clouds are gathering, but there are still no peals of thunder and lightning, then most likely your team is in a state of hidden conflict. How to defuse a time bomb and prevent the situation from getting out of control?

Conflict in a work team is not always expressed directly in the form of openly expressed dissatisfaction, disputes or complaints to superiors. Problematic interaction can manifest itself indirectly, in the form of a difficult atmosphere, evasion of job obligations, and decreased efficiency. Like any other, a hidden conflict becomes the result of disagreements between the parties. The reason may be competition for resources and power, differences in worldviews and values, inconsistency of responsibilities, yes, and just ordinary human envy.

I think everyone understands how conflicts arise, but why do they become hidden, why don’t employees openly express their dissatisfaction and defend their rights? There can be many reasons - uncertainty, fear, envy, provocation, resentment. For example, employees quarreled at the last corporate party, said something that should not have been said, and now they are putting spokes in each other’s wheels at work, and even involving other colleagues in their story. They themselves understand that they are behaving incorrectly, but the ax of war is already burning with a scarlet flame and everyone longs for a “fair” payment. Sometimes, a shy employee, oppressed by a more confident and arrogant colleague, is afraid to turn to his superiors, fearing severe retribution from his opponent. Or a middle-aged woman accountant, who has been working in the same position for many years, spreads unflattering rumors about her new young “upstart” boss.

As can already be seen from the examples, conflicts in organizations can be horizontal, between employees, or maybe vertical between subordinates and management. The latter arise in the case of disrupted inter-level communication and an authoritarian management style, when employees do not have the right to openly express dissatisfaction, or, conversely, in the case of a lack of authority, when all employees take up arms against the boss, testing his strength. Such conflicts tend to drag on and become more complicated, causing financial and moral losses to the company. It is important to be able to identify and eliminate hidden conflicts at the stage of emergence. The wise decision would be to move the situation with dead center And prevent the problem from developing. What exactly to do?

From the outside it may seem that the entire team is in a state of conflict, but, most likely, there are one or more initiators. The initial task is to identify the source of the problem. To do this, you need to roughly determine those employees who could be its sources. One way to do this is to talk to each of them in turn and observe how they interact with you. It is advisable to initially conduct an individual conversation in an informal setting. Talk to the employee about work, his professional purposes and the difficulties he faces. It is important to listen carefully to the answers, taking into account the emotional side of the conversation. He is upset, angry, depressed, confused, or ignored by his superiors. Pay attention to how the employee will behave in an individual conversation and whether his behavior will be different from situations in which other people are present.

After these conversations, you will have a lot of valuable information. You can use it to resolve the situation. Perhaps, already at this moment the solution will lie on the surface. For example, the cause of a conflict between employees is a lack of printer paper. Obviously, an extra stack of paper included in the budget will bring peace and harmony. If the reason lies deeper and requires a more thorough analysis, we move on.

There may be several solution methods, let's consider some of them.

1. It is necessary to confront the parties to the conflict with the fact that it exists., thus showing that the secret became obvious. This can bring the conflict from the hidden phase into the open and lead to its resolution. The initiators of the conflict need to be called one by one for an official conversation, convey to them the fact that there is a problem and ask them to explain their position, why they act one way or another, and ask how they see the solution to the situation. It is important to listen carefully, respectfully and non-judgmentally to your colleagues, without interrupting, without being indignant or imposing your opinion, despite the fact that sometimes the answers and versions of events of the parties may differ radically. After all, everyone will defend their rightness and infallibility. Here, empathy and developed emotional intelligence will be important and useful qualities for the interviewer. This does not mean that you need to take sides, look for those who are right and wrong, you need to be able to listen and hear, put yourself in the place of your interlocutor and try to see the world through his eyes, while remaining yourself. Regardless of the situation, be it work or personal life, it is important for people to empathize with them, accept their feelings and understand the difficulties they face. This will probably be enough for someone to “blow off steam.” While maintaining a friendly position, you need to explain to employees that their conflict interferes with the work of the company, worries other employees, and goes beyond the scope of corporate ethics. Or, to put it more simply - build boundaries between employee and organization.

2. Training. The training is another modern and effective way stabilization of relationships in the team. During the training, you can learn new skills, improve existing ones, practice your behavior in a safe environment under the guidance of a professional observer, and receive irreplaceable feedback. For example, if you understand that the cause of a hidden conflict is the inability of employees to agree with each other, the lack of ability to openly and peacefully express their feelings, the most the right decision There will be communication skills training. If the cause of the conflict were disagreements between departments or low level interpersonal interaction between employees, it makes sense to conduct team building training. Such training will help employees get to know each other better and see each other better. new side, develop mutual respect. Line up effective relationships HR training for managers will help with subordinates.

It is important to understand that conflict is a consequence that can be repeated if the cause is not found. Like bad teeth, which can be treated at the dentist once a year while continuing to eat sweets. Resolving the conflict in a peaceful, democratic way depends not only on personnel department employees and business coaches, first of all, it depends on the desire of employees and management to work in a team with high level psychological comfort and resolve complex situations through collaboration. Therefore, if the real reason is in a person’s personality, in his egocentric position, inability to control emotions, increased aggression, selfish interest or tendency to bad habits, the decision may be drastic, such as a fine, transfer to another department or dismissal. The causes of conflicts may be different, as well as the ways to resolve them. Each situation must be considered individually, a creative approach to solving it, and then an atmosphere of cohesion and trust will reign in your team.

A hidden conflict can continue for a long time, and the employer bears the losses for it. Team atmosphere becomes tense, working in such conditions becomes more difficult. The fighting parties will build obstacles for each other, wasting the company’s financial and time resources on this, instead of effectively interacting as a team, generating profit and achieving common goals. Most likely, the hidden conflict will not be resolved on its own; it may develop into a phase of open opposition, but, in any case, it will have negative consequences, including the dismissal of valuable personnel. You should not ignore the situation; it is better to solve it at the very beginning of development. To do this, you need to identify the initiators of the conflict, guided by intuition and observation, understand their motives during a personal conversation and solve the problem yourself, indicating to employees their boundaries of interaction with the company and the team, or use modern and effective methods relationship management, such as training and services from business professionals.

Konstantin Kalachev, coach, psychologist

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  • Warm-up "Sparrows-crows"

    Energetic game exercise, capable of short time include training participants in the work process, increase their attention, energy and involvement. Creates a positive atmosphere and, if necessary, relieves tension in the group. Includes physical and emotional activity of participants. In addition to the functions of warming up the group, this exercise helps to develop a positive and constructive attitude towards your loss or failure. Helps you understand that regardless of the results of your efforts, you can simply enjoy the game. This principle can be applied to everything in life and thereby makes it easier to endure failures and difficulties.

    The “Sparrow-Crow” exercise, despite the fact that it was invented many years ago, remains effective and in demand warm-up exercise many coaches still have to this day. Moreover, it is suitable for training personal growth, and for business training on sales, negotiations, leadership.

  • Meetings of confident people

    This exercise allows training participants to develop the ability to communicate confidently in any situation, even when they have “something wrong” (dressed wrong, combed wrong, feeling wrong). During the exercise, participants empirically understand that all barriers to communication are only in the head of the speaker. If you are "OK" then external signs fade into the background for the interlocutor. Therefore, if you remove unnecessary thoughts and unnecessary gestures, confidence will become a natural state.

    The exercise contains some call. If some participants felt insecure during the exercise, they will see the problem and their motivation to change will increase significantly.

    The development describes the implementation of the exercise within the framework of confidence training, for which it is ideal. The exercise is also suitable for stress resistance training, employment training and dating training.

  • Challenge exercise "Walk to the chair"

    A powerful exercise for goal setting or negotiation training.
    The exercise clearly demonstrates to training participants their habitual patterns of behavior and helps to reveal negative attitudes, beliefs that prevent them from easily achieving their goals or negotiating. Provides training participants with new resources.

    The training manual for the exercise was developed by professionals especially for the Coaching portal. RU and contains a lot of unique recommendations, tips and coaching tricks that allow you to carry out the exercise with maximum results. You won't find this anywhere else!
    Volume coaching manual: 12 pages.
    Bonus! The manual contains 3 exercise options at once (! ), suitable for three different topics trainings: achieving goals, negotiations and effective communication.

The main theme of any conflict is justice.. And there are always two conflicting sides, one of which is weaker than the other. Each side is absolutely confident in its justice and defends its point of view.

With long-term communication, even if people do not live together, some changes in the relationship always occur over time. Where there is communication and relationship, there is also friction.

If two people live together, then conflicts cannot be avoided, because each of us is an individual and we are all different. We tend to express our feelings and emotions.

What kinds of conflicts are there?

Types of conflicts by degree of openness.

I) Hidden conflict implies two subtypes - passive and passive-aggressive.

1. In the passive version, the participants have no aggression.

Maria Ivanovna – director of the company and good manipulator. She is sure that her subordinates are weaker and will not have the courage to answer her, so Maria Ivanovna often asserts herself at the expense of her employees.

Olga, at the request of Maria Ivanovna, spent the whole weekend preparing a presentation on marketing and on Monday demonstrated her quality work, to which I heard a public remark from the boss: “My beauty, what kind of hackwork have you done? This is unprofessional. What are you getting paid for? Darling, please redo the presentation this way and that.” Thus, she tells Olga: “Know your place.”

Maria Ivanovna simply does not like people and, most likely, she has serious unresolved personal tasks. In such conflicts, Maria Ivanovna receives constant satisfaction from the “bending” of her subordinates, and her subordinates silently accumulate resentment and send mental curses in her direction. Neither side will gain anything good from this situation.

2. In a passive-aggressive conflict, one of the participants is aggressive, but stubbornly pretends that everything is fine. He does not look for a way out and stands clearly in his position. He is not constructive, smiles insincerely, does not break into a scream, does not throw his fists, but inside he has a state of “I would break it!” As a rule, he does not want to communicate with the second participant. He may whine into his pillow at home, but outwardly behave almost calmly: “Yes, I’m not offended by you, everything is fine.”

Protracted conflicts for a passive-aggressive person often result in illness, suffering and deep resentment.

II) B open conflict there is an open systemic demonstration of aggression: “I don’t even want to hear!”; “I can’t see you!”; "Fuck you!"; “I’ll arrange it for you now, you’ll get it from me now!”

The most difficult is a hidden conflict, and of the hidden ones – passive-aggressive.

To release a hidden conflict to the surface and thereby neutralize it, you can calmly (even with a smile) say to the other participant: "I have a feeling that you want to tear me apart." He will probably answer that there is nothing like that and ask where you got that from. We must not retreat: "How can I not, when I feel" and so on. In most cases, this helps to diffuse the situation.

According to the degree of reality, there are real and fictitious conflicts.

Real conflict exists where there are differences in views, desires or ways of achieving goals. As a rule, this is an open confrontation where disagreements are aired, claims and grievances are expressed. Such conflicts occur due to the fact that a person did not speak in a timely manner and did not declare his life position for this or that situation.

There is only one way out - we sit down at the negotiating table, listen to each other, discuss, find common ground and the most beneficial solution for both parties. We listen and respect our opponent, do not blame him, and do not see him as an enemy. We understand what is the real need of each participant and what is an emotional desire. This is a way out of any, even the most difficult situation.

Unrealistic conflicts always one-sided - it's negative emotions contrived grievances and contradictions. There is only one person involved in this conflict. As a rule, he internally castigates his “offender.” This can continue for many years, which the other party often does not even realize.

An example from my practice. A woman divorced her husband 30 years ago and is still dating him internal dialogue. Every day, in a conversation with her friends, she discusses him as if they just broke up yesterday: “Can you imagine, he said that...”. Approximately 80% of it vitality are spent on this internal conflict. What a personal life!

How to get out of the conflict?

If possible, it is best to meet with your opponent in a comfortable environment, where you can have a leisurely conversation over a cup of tea. And, above all, listen carefully to your interlocutor without interrupting him, even if it seems to you that he is lying or talking complete nonsense. Let him let off some steam. Try to speak as little as possible and be as friendly as possible. Show him your interest in making peace with him.

Don't deny what your opponent says. You can simply say: “You are right in your own way, but try to understand me too...”; “That’s true, but what do you think about...”, etc.

The phrases: “I understand your position and share your feelings” have a very peaceful effect; "You wise woman(a reasonable person) and you understand..."; "I'm sure we will find a solution that suits both of us." But we must speak sincerely.

Feel it. What he is like, what he wants, how he lives, what he is afraid of.
Be attentive to him and try to understand what he really wants from you. Delve not into the words, but into the intonation of his speech. At some point, “turn off the sound” and try reading gestures.

Find at least minor points of agreement - points on which you do not have contradictions.

Then simply ask him what you should do to make peace with him. It doesn't matter whether you can do it or not. The main thing is that you do everything in your power.

If your opponent doesn’t want to talk or avoids meeting, then simply tell (write) him something like this: “What should I do so that you and I part ways peacefully?”

* If there specific cases, let's figure it out.

Hidden Conflicts: Dangers and Opportunities

“You should dig a well before you feel thirsty.” Folk wisdom.

Today it is customary to view conflict not so much as an obstacle to the success of the company, but as a given and as a factor in the development of the organization, which can and should be managed. Despite the fact that the majority of modern top management agrees with this approach and tries to preach it, research shows that many managers still do not know (and do not know how), not only how to benefit from conflict, but even , how to competently “settle” it. We propose to look into this issue in more detail, especially with such a “good” as a hidden conflict. In this article I would like to propose a certain algorithm for working with conflict.

So, conflict is...

Today there are so many definitions that it seems difficult for a layman (and a professional too) to understand. We offer a fairly broad definition of conflict, (albeit with some abbreviations), which is given by Friedrich Glasl in his famous book"Conflict management: desk book manager and consultant": « Social conflict“is an interaction between parties in which at least one party is aware of an incompatibility in perception, feeling or action with the other party in such a way that in its implementation it encounters opposition from the other party.”.

Let us clarify that interaction here means mutual communication or some other action; it doesn't have to be rough or violent. It is quite enough for one of the parties to experience the incompatibility as such and act accordingly. It is never possible to establish objectively whether this experience exists or not. It seems to us that this is where the definition of the so-called hidden conflict “hides”. We are talking about the degree of expression of conflict confrontation. In the case of a hidden conflict, there are no external aggressive actions between conflicting parties. Indirect methods of influence are used: intrigue, rumors, ignoring. Why does conflict manifest itself in a hidden form? We can identify at least two reasons why the conflict exists as a hidden one: one is in the characteristics of organizational culture (see Table), the other is in personal characteristics person.

What is the danger of hidden conflicts for an organization, and therefore for its success?

  • A hidden conflict can last quite a long time (and maybe indefinitely if nothing is done) and involve or affect a large number of people who are not even involved in it.
  • As a rule, one of the participants in such a conflict does not have the capabilities (power, strength, competence) for open confrontation. And if this person - informal leader, then the scale of the conflict may increase significantly.
  • And, most importantly, a hidden conflict is difficult to resolve due to its non-obviousness.

Since we initially agreed to create an algorithm to prevent conflict situations, then we will move, according to deduction, from the general to the specific and believe that at the end of this article, like Sherlock Holmes, we will be able to say: “Elementary, (insert your initials).”

Step 1. Determine the type of organization we work for

Type of organization

1.Organizations that deny conflict as possible variant problem solution

2.Organizations that encourage sincere, open relationships in which employees express their feelings

Understanding Conflict

Conflict is a negative, potentially harmful phenomenon and, therefore, it must be minimized or stopped as soon as possible

Conflict is an objective phenomenon that can happen and therefore we must know how to get out of this situation with the least losses, or better yet, win

Employee behavior

Formal relationships are encouraged to minimize emotional reactions. Managers are expected to make decisions and resolve problems quickly

Managers are expected to ensure open and constructive discussion of issues and conflicts that arise.

The answer to the question of which organization is less likely to have hidden conflict is obvious. Moreover, if you work in an organization of the first type, it is still appropriate for you to take a risk and begin to act according to the principles laid down in the second type or accept existing rules games.

Step 2. Master management based on emotional intelligence

Despite the fact that psychologists have a rather reserved attitude towards D. Goleman’s work “Emotional Leadership”, in our country big number managers and business coaches cast aside psychological skepticism and began to study “emotional intelligence” with interest. For successful management conflicts of any kind, and especially hidden ones, we need to dwell on several aspects of Daniel Goleman's theory and apply them to our case.

Let us highlight 2 axioms:

Axiom 1. The broader your leadership repertoire, the more larger number you can involve employees in processes developing the organization and direct collective emotions into the right direction. With emotional intelligence, you will be able to create an atmosphere of friendliness and skillfully deal with negative moods, and successfully resolve conflicts.

Axiom 2. Create conditions for receiving feedback from your employees. I would like to dwell on this in more detail. There is a lot of talk about feedback in different aspects. But the thesis presented in American psychology that you need to encourage feedback from your employees is understood in our country as somehow too straightforward or superficial. Yes, most managers today are ready to listen to the opinions of their employees on work issues, but not about themselves. It is difficult to take criticism well, and constructive criticism is especially difficult. And here we are faced with a difficult choice: either create conditions for receiving feedback from employees and thereby prevent the possibility of hidden conflicts arising, or honestly say: “we are accepting the fight.” For those who settled on the first solution, we remind you of the feedback rules:

ü Statements should not contain an assessment - only a description of a fact or situation

ü First, the situation is described and only then what emotions it aroused in the author of the opinion

ü First, all statements addressed to you are accepted, and only then do you ask questions

ü No need to argue; it is necessary to clarify and clarify the position (if he decides to express his opinion to you, listen to him as a great speaker who will tell you something that you did not know before and could not know).

Encourage participants to express their point of view. And remember: “through thorns to the stars.”

Step 3. Determine the causes of the conflict

Three classes of reasons can be distinguished interpersonal conflicts:

  • Division common object claims (power, benefits, love or favor of a third party, attitude of the collective)
  • Failure to fulfill interpersonal obligations (obligations can be business, collective-role)
  • Infringement (moral, material).

So, let's formulate a few rules:

  • Even if the conflict seems binary, it is useful to consider it a group conflict. After all, the opinions and assessments of others are immediately born. Each of the participants in the conflict (including hidden ones!) finds its supporters and opponents.
  • Even if the conflict seems to develop spontaneously, it should be considered manageable. If you can't influence a conflict, use it as an opportunity to rethink own values and principles of interaction with people.
  • Conflict resolution is possible only at the level of relationships: the problem will not completely disappear until the relations of the people involved in the conflict become better than they were before. Otherwise, a hidden conflict will remain, waiting in the wings.

Step 4. Recognize the conflict

To do this, you must, firstly, be very attentive and observant, and secondly, develop emotional intelligence. Empathy, the ability to feel and understand other people, is extremely important. Typically, we are so confident in our intuition, supported by our experience of communication, that we believe that we can sense others' reactions to our behavior. Alas, this is not always the case. More often than not, these are our projections and fantasies, which are very different from what other people actually think and feel.

Step 5. Turn to self-reflection and self-control

The ability for self-reflection - important quality successful leader. In a situation of conflict, our perception and behavioral range are greatly narrowed. This is called the "tunnel consciousness" effect. Experience shows that in a state of conflict (hidden as well), we can no longer demonstrate the variety of behaviors characteristic of us, and behavior becomes impoverished. We quickly lose sight of our own actions in relation to partners. Self-reflection and self-control can help with this.

In this article we touched upon only some of the problems of interpersonal conflicts in organizations. It is very important for a manager to develop a constructive attitude towards conflicts in himself and his subordinates and to develop conflict resolution skills. Condition effective activities a leader is his socio-psychological competence. One of its components is conflict management competence. It includes: understanding the nature of conflicts and contradictions between people; developing a constructive attitude towards conflicts in the organization in oneself and subordinates; Possession of non-conflict communication skills in difficult situations; ability to foresee possible consequences conflicts.


The current view is that even in organizations with effective management Some conflicts are not only possible, but also desirable. If treated correctly, they will help reveal a diversity of points of view, a greater number of alternatives or problems, and provide Additional information about what is happening in the organization. Conflict can be functional, that is, leading to increased organizational effectiveness, or dysfunctional, leading to a decrease in group cooperation and personal satisfaction. IN to a large extent it depends on how it is managed.

Hidden conflicts are the most dangerous, since identifying and managing them is immeasurably more difficult than open confrontation. This requires the leader special knowledge and the skills we talked about in the article.

Some rules for preventing and resolving conflicts

  • There are no winners in a conflict; both sides always lose. Therefore, do not compare the degree of guilt (“He is more to blame, I have nothing to do with it at all...”). Taking the first step of reconciliation is a sign of your strength of character, dignity and respect.
  • If you are a participant in a conflict, start a conversation with the other participant by describing a specific situation that does not suit you, try to be as objective as possible. If possible, give specific examples: “We agreed that you would pay me so much for this work, and now you are calling a different amount,” “You reprimanded me several times in the presence of all the employees...”.
  • Express how you feel about this situation. Sometimes only one clarification, the exchange of these hidden feelings allows you to resolve the conflict. Try to use simple words: “get angry”, “offended”, “upset”, “frightened”, “offended”. “When you said that, I was terribly angry...”
  • Try to listen the opposite side- this is perhaps the most difficult thing. You must remember that our opinions are different and this is natural, because of this the conflict arose. Therefore, take these statements not as truth, but as an expression of the experience of the speaker. Try to be a disciplined listener, don't interrupt, don't object, don't argue. Show your interlocutor that you are listening to him and strive to reach agreement. Feel free to emphasize this outwardly - with a movement of the head, a request to bring specific example. This will help you listen and your interlocutor to tune in to a frank conversation. If the conflict is very serious, turn to a “neutral” person who can help you listen to each other.
  • Now it is very useful to understand the hidden thoughts. “Hidden thoughts” are guesses, fears, assumptions about the feelings and thoughts of another. To be sure whether they are true or false, it is best to ask directly. When your interlocutor asks you in turn, try to be quite frank yourself, since guesses, as a rule, have a basis in reality. “It seems to me that you are unhappy with my work, do you want me to quit?” - “Yes, I really don’t like the fact that you leave every day earlier than expected, but I really appreciate you as a specialist.”
  • Try to make specific proposals for changing the situation and behavior. “I ask you not to criticize me in front of others,” “I would like to be paid for this work in accordance with our previous agreement.”
  • There is no need to threaten or issue an ultimatum: experience shows that positive prospects are more attractive. Indicate what kind of “reward” you will receive if the person changes their behavior in accordance with your request.

This method of interaction, preventing or resolving conflicts, will require some determination on your part. But if you are sincere and honest in this conversation, your relationship will not deteriorate, but will become more respectful.

IN difficult cases you can even create a “script” and rehearse it - after all, these conversations are still “playing through” in your head! (“And I’ll tell him... And he’ll answer me...”). It is useful to direct these thoughts in a constructive direction.

In the event of a hidden conflict, there are no external aggressive actions between the conflicting parties

Hidden conflict is difficult to resolve due to its non-obviousness

It is very important for a manager to develop a constructive attitude towards conflicts in himself and his subordinates.

How to resolve a conflict: tips for an arbitrator

Sadia Latifi

Conflicts are inevitable. And although most of them can be settled by the parties themselves, sometimes an arbitrator is needed to establish peace. The ability to competently judge a dispute is more than the ability to listen to both sides and maintain neutrality. Advice is given by professional arbitrators and mediators, co-authors of the book “The Science of Competent Conflict Resolution” Tim Flanagan and Craig Rundi.

  • Don't play detective. Snooping on the sly will compromise you and cast doubt on your objectivity. Allow both parties to express their positions and expectations openly in each other's face.
  • Set general rules. Start the discussion by establishing two ground rules: there is no aggression and there will be no easy victories until the conflict moves toward resolution.
  • Use non-verbal language. Light nods of the head will help each of the parties to the conflict feel that they are being heard; but it is important that it does not look like consent. Avoid gestures such as pointing and other unfriendly movements. If a party is speaking to you, look at the other disputant to encourage mutual two-way communication.
  • Look for new ideas.“Finding something common in the positions of both sides is, of course, important; but it might be better to find something new, to pave new way" says Flanagan. In other words, maybe Sally wants X and Joe wants Y, but the best solution for both of them is Z.