How to get rid of the habit of "pulling rubber"? Possible complications and consequences.

I am sure that you, like me, have heard about such a phenomenon as procrastination. For example, imagine this: in a couple of days you will have a very important report at which you must simply shine. You are well aware of the need to work hard on this project, each time you promise yourself to start immediately upon arriving home or upon completion of some task. And so, somewhere closer to the night before the hour “X” you discover a pristine blank sheet of paper lying nearby and God knows what poker game is on the monitor.

I'm sure this has happened to you.

The habit of postponing all important matters until later is one of the biggest problems of modern humanity, but I personally have suspicions that even at the dawn of humanity, if there had been an alternative, people would have dragged their feet until the last minute. It’s our nature to be lazy when starting a task that we don’t want to take on at all.

Nevertheless, whatever one may say, it greatly spoils our lives, and even more so our mood. After all, if you think about it, much more time and effort is spent on regret, disappointment and anger about a task not completed on time than on its actual completion. Not to mention how many minutes are spent on completely useless shirking from work.

Another very good piece of advice that a friend of mine once gave me is not to wait for the perfect moments for anything. The point is that, in fact, they do not exist - there will always be something that distracts us, forces us to switch to something else, or simply seems more interesting. If there is any business, you need to take it on, and not while away the time at the gaming table, waiting for the weather from the sea.

From what was written above, it naturally follows that we need to simply forget about the habit of putting everything off until the very last, hottest moment, when there is nowhere to retreat. Previously, it seemed to me that this same pressure made me more organized, efficient, increased interest and excitement. Now I understand that this brings nothing but fatigue, anger and disappointment. It’s better to do it gradually, but efficiently and to be in a normal mood, than to do it overnight and piss off the whole family.

In most cases, we still drag our feet due to fear of failure. However, if you think about it, an even greater failure may be the fact that behind all this we will not complete the work at all or will do it poorly.

Finally, the most common problem of active people is to take on a huge number of things at the same time. Enthusiasm in this case can cross all boundaries, but over time it ends and all these undertakings turn into dead weight, under the weight of which we begin to desperately procrastinate, blushing with guilt and remorse.

Oddly enough, the habit of making to-do lists that gradually need to be filled out helps to get rid of this problem. This principle is as old as the hills, but it really works: it helps to systematize not only our activities, but also our thoughts, endeavors and even emotions, which personally seems to me to be one of the most important aspects in relation to the fight against the habit of procrastination.

And finally, the most important thing is to learn to take the first step from which your journey will begin. Look at yourself, take a couple of deep breaths, look around and answer yourself one question: are you procrastinating right now?

P.S. For some unknown reason, writing this article was postponed until the very last moment. Coincidence?))

Resentment comes into our lives, forgetting to knock. Unfortunately, we are not given a choice whether to let them in or not. They don't ask. They simply arise from a carelessly thrown phrase, from someone’s unsaid “thank you,” from the betrayal of a friend or rejected love. The question of how to get rid of feelings of resentment is asked by many people around the world. And no one finds the answer.

There is no broom that can be used to sweep this destructive feeling out of the chest, there is no way to forget, memory helpfully presents us with the face of the offender and, like a broken record, replays in our thoughts over and over again the moment when the offense was inflicted.

You can try to get along with her, hoping that over time the ardor will subside and she will be forgotten. But this doesn't happen. A sucking, corrosive feeling firmly settles in your consciousness and begins to eat away at you.

Resentment disorients, forcing you to rely on it, but it is not omnipotent. And this is proven to us by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. Proves it easily and simply, without any theorems and long conversations. Getting rid of grievances occurs by realizing what this feeling is, who is susceptible to it, where it comes from and how it works.

It is a property of one eighth of our psychic vector – the anal vector. Only the person whom nature has endowed with this vector feels injustice towards himself as an insult.

When justice is violated, we are not given something, strong internal discomfort, resentment arises and, as a result, the desire to correct the situation at all costs, to receive what was not given.

Therein lies the rub. True justice cannot be manifested only for one person. Justice, as it is, must embrace everyone, that’s why it is justice. And it comes first of all from yourself. After all, as a true owner of this property, a person with an anal vector, like no one else, must understand that the sense of justice inherent in nature must be learned to give from oneself, to seek justice in relation to all participants in history, and not to demand it for oneself alone.

The inability to use this property correctly leads to the fact that you only keep track of what was not given to you personally and this is expressed by resentment

And having been offended, an endless wait begins for the offender to return, realize that he was wrong and compensate for the damage with his apologies.

But the situation cannot always be corrected.

How to stop feeling resentment towards your mother, who did not give you love in childhood? How to erase from your memory the betrayal of a beloved woman or the betrayal of a beloved man? A particularly honest and faithful person with an anal vector is not capable of this himself.

Once a sense of justice and decency is damaged, it cannot be restored on its own. And therefore the resentment does not disappear. It only gets worse if forgiveness is not asked for right away. The more time passes since the offense was inflicted, the more bad feelings accumulate inside and the more effort is required to remove them. Only sincere repentance of the offender can even out this situation. The longer time passes, the more apologies will be required.

But how can you force an apology from someone who offended you in passing and didn’t even think to turn around? No way. The offender cheerfully moves on through life, and you are left with a gaping hole in your soul, sucking in all the good things that happen to you in life, and involuntarily forcing you to feel satisfaction from expressing your feelings of hostility towards others, to fill yourself through criticism towards others .

Resentment, as we have already found out, has no statute of limitations and so far no one has dealt with it. But thanks to system-vector psychology, it became possible to work through it within oneself and realize where the roots of this feeling lie

Information about resentment and the type of mentality in whose properties it is embedded completely reveals the entire mechanism of resentment formation. Thus, within you there is an awareness of what motivated you when the resentment arose and the development of this state in the unconscious begins.

Getting rid of grievances with the help of system-vector psychology happens differently for everyone. For some, one or two training sessions are enough for the process of working through this feeling to begin in full force. And within a few weeks, a person suddenly realizes that he no longer recalls in his memory the moment when the offense was inflicted, that the offenders no longer come to mind, causing a gloomy expression on your face.

Have you ever noticed such an interesting thing: around successful people there are always large numbers of equally successful friends and acquaintances, creative people are surrounded by the same ones, smokers for the most part communicate with smokers, losers choose the same people as their friends.

Of course, there are exceptions everywhere. But it cannot be denied that our friends have a huge influence on our lives and the formation of our goals, and most importantly, on the success or failure in achieving them. This does not mean at all that if you want to get rich, then you urgently need to quarrel with all your loved ones and look for acquaintances among the oligarchs (however, you are unlikely to succeed). In today’s article I would like to talk about something else: about the people in your circle who drag you down, and also about how to eliminate them from your life as painlessly as possible.

Those with whom we are not on the same path

Perhaps, each person has his own personality, there are different people in it, we hope, for the most part interesting and worthy. But almost each of us is surrounded by a person (or even several), communication with whom does not stimulate self-development or conquering any peaks. Or even if it is neutral, but every meeting with this person, every conversation is a step back. Let's figure out which people are best to stop communicating with:

People with . When communicating with a person, we unwittingly copy him. And if there is always a person in front of you, tempting you with a glass of cold beer for dinner, or, say, constantly biting his nails, rest assured: at some point you can start copying him.

Those who don't respect you. Why communicate with those who do not consider your opinion and do not respect you? So you can say goodbye to self-esteem!

People criticizing you. Constructive criticism is, of course, wonderful, but constantly communicating with a person who criticizes you for any reason or without it is the highest degree of masochism.

People who don’t accept the “new” you. You can’t even imagine how many people have been prevented from changing for the better by their friends. Alas, if in your environment you see people who do not want to rejoice at your changes and successes, who are painfully aware of the fact that you quit smoking and started running in the morning, and at every opportunity they try to lead you astray from your chosen path, it’s time for them to leave your way.

Useless people. They occupy your personal time with all sorts of nonsense that is uninteresting to you, you are forced to listen to their boring stories for hours, just because this is your distant relative or former classmate. For what? Imagine how much time you are wasting. Life is already too short to waste it on unnecessary people.

People are whiners. There are people who are constantly dissatisfied with everything, they have a million problems for which everyone around them is to blame (except themselves, of course). If you let someone like this into your life, you will either experience devastation and headaches after the meeting, or you yourself will become a whiner. So-so prospect.

How to clear your life of unnecessary people?

Despite the fact that we realize that this or that person is dragging us down, we do not always decide to remove him from our lives once and for all. This happens for many reasons: we do not want to offend him, we are connected with pleasant memories, common work, or it is completely impossible to do this - as is the case if such a person is your close relative. Therefore, we have to think about how to eliminate a person from our lives as painlessly as possible, or at least reduce the influence of a person on us. Here are some ways:

1. The easiest way to get rid of such an “extra” person in your life will be if he is just an acquaintance and you meet him after a telephone agreement or in a certain circle of people. It is enough to refuse a meeting several times, citing circumstances, or not answer several calls - and the person himself will understand that your communication has come to an end.

2. You can get rid of the person who is dragging you down by cheating. During subsequent meetings and communications with him, constantly argue and support a point of view that is contrary to him. Make fun of that person's inherent habits in other people. I think your communication will end at the second meeting, the third is excluded.

3. Things are most difficult if the person dragging you down is your close relative - you can’t just run away and quarrel. However, you have the power to somewhat reduce communication, not react to provocations, and also transfer any dispute or conversation to neutral topics.

4. Another way to rid your life of unnecessary people is to become uninteresting to them. Just yesterday you conquered nightclubs together and danced until the morning, today you go to bed at 10 pm, and prefer yoga or running to club dancing.

5. This method is quite complex and is not suitable for everyone: you can find a joint business that is useful for the two of you, even with a seemingly “superfluous” person in your life. After all, he probably has not only . If you want to maintain communication, adjust it.

6. If nothing helps, and you have finally decided to continue your life without the person who is dragging you down, you can talk to him openly, telling him that you are now not on the same path. True, this method cannot be called painless.

It is important that our environment understands us, respects us and encourages us to become better, then every meeting you have with friends will bring only joy and make you better.

Sometimes nothing makes you happy: you come home and realize that your leg hurts. The mood disappears, you don’t want to do anything... If painkillers don’t help, the suffering continues at night. It is better to take action and get rid of the unpleasant sensations forever.

The causes of nagging pain in the legs are different; those who are faced with trouble make a preliminary prognosis before consulting a doctor.

If the pain is not caused by fatigue, overexertion, or if you do not perform complex physical exercises that leave your muscles sore, then the range of causes narrows. There is a risk of a serious illness that requires specialized, professional treatment.

More often doctors diagnose diseases:

  • Muscular. Characterized by pronounced muscle tension;
  • Articular. When the sensation of stretching occurs, arthrosis or arthritis develops. You don't feel anything when you put your foot down. The pain occurs at night, disrupting the patient’s usual sleep pattern, forcing him to hang his legs off the bed;
  • Vascular. They are expressed in the narrowing of the vascular lumens, the blood flow in the muscle tissues in the legs slows down. The consequence is the development of phlebitis, or varicose veins. The pain goes away if you lift your leg. It appears in the evening if the patient has been in one position for a long time;
  • Bone. With an intervertebral hernia with displacement of the vertebral discs, nagging pain occurs. If the problem is in the spine, the leg becomes numb and tingling is felt. Infections are a dangerous pathology that enters the human body regardless of desire;
  • Neurological. Inflammation, irritation of nerve endings in the legs. The treatment is surgical in nature, modern technologies help to do it quickly and painlessly. Pain in the leg is expressed in influxes, with a break from seconds to weeks.

Depending on the reason, the doctor refers for diagnostic procedures (to confirm the diagnosis), or redirects to another doctor. If there is a suspicion of a pulled muscle, the patient turns to a traumatologist, but if the problem turns out to be more serious, the pain develops due to abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system, the traumatologist will not help, and he has to go to a neurologist. When injuries occur on the legs, hematomas and swelling form. Depending on the force of the blow, the area affected, and the repetition of injuries, the pain in the leg changes in intensity. What can we say about fractures when they pull with every movement!

Pain may develop after a healed injury. It drags because the area of ​​the bone, joint, or muscles around is damaged and requires restoration. The cause in women is menstruation, which causes changes in the hormonal structure of the body. If a girl has a tendency to inflammation during menstruation, no treatment is needed, the pain will soon go away. Pain develops after strong thermal exposure: lying in a hot bath, visiting a sauna.

If you forget about pain, it becomes a daily companion. There is nothing pleasant about this, it is better to consult a doctor.


Based on the symptom of pulling sensations in the legs, the doctor will not name the cause of the pain or the disease itself. Additional procedures involving electromagnetic radiation are required. The procedures recommended by doctors include computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. X-rays are used less frequently in modern clinics, and the leg is exposed to excessive radiation.

In addition to the standard questionnaire, the doctor asks:

  • The presence in the family of people with diseases of the bones, blood, and blood vessels. With oncology.
  • How often do you exercise, are you into sports? Do exercises in the morning.
  • Have you fallen recently?
  • Do you have back pain?
  • Do you feel a pulling sensation at night? If not, when does the pain appear?

The questionnaire is aimed at creating an accurate, detailed clinical picture of what is happening in the legs. The doctor finds out (tactilely) where the unpleasant sensations are localized in the leg, moving upward, he understands how large the affected area is.

There is nothing to be afraid of - the doctor knows what to do for treatment, without creating new problems in the legs.

Treatment, rehabilitation and prevention

When you visit a doctor, you are faced with a number of procedures. To get rid of an unexpected problem, a loading dose of anesthetics prescribed by the doctor is used.

The patient needs to regularly massage the leg in which there is pain. Physiotherapy of a different nature is necessary to restore the ability of the limbs to move painlessly. Exercises are prescribed that put little pressure on the limbs, returning the affected leg to its original state. Maintaining a special diet is encouraged.

To avoid pain in your legs, follow the recommendations. Take care of your feet, wear good shoes. If you stay in one state for a long time, change your position. If you sit a lot, get up periodically and walk around. If you stand a lot, sit down.

Get rid of bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. Go to the gym, go skiing, swimming. Don't sit still, don't wait for the pain to return. This happens when patients refuse to take action. You won't get a fatal outcome, but you can earn disability.

Doctors note groups of people at risk:

  • Smokers;
  • People with high blood pressure;
  • Having suffered a stroke, heart attack;
  • Patients with diabetes.

Some painful conditions cannot be changed, but you can stop smoking and take better care of your health. Now there are two factors in the body that cause nagging pain in the legs - make sure they don’t come back.

Remember: if you have pain in your legs or a pulling sensation, do not treat yourself! If there is a risk of serious illness, only a professional can determine this. Even a smart person with developed logic, who knows how to decipher sensations, will not find the cause of pain. Treatment prescribed by a non-professional is obviously doomed to failure and negative consequences.

Don't be afraid to go to the doctor. Surgery is a last resort; it can be avoided if you identify the symptoms in time and seek help.