Mtsko entrance to your personal account. Main objectives of the assessment

MTsKO (Moscow Center for Quality Education) is an autonomous state institution of additional professional education in Moscow. Created on October 20, 2004 by Government Order No. 2090.

The purpose of this organization is monitoring, diagnostics of educational institutions; expansion of practical and theoretical tasks related to increasing the effectiveness of assessing the level of quality of students’ knowledge, as well as the disclosure of their abilities; identification and training of the most capable youth representatives; improving methods of certification of various educational institutions; preparation and conduct of monitoring studies.

MCCS regularly conducts a number of events aimed at diagnosing the work of educational institutions. This contributes to the development of secondary schools, technical schools, universities and other similar institutions located in the capital. Thanks to such a system, the government can make more informed decisions on the implementation of reforms in educational processes, and students receive relevant knowledge and skills necessary for further development of professionalism.

Types of diagnostics

In the period from 2017 to 2018, MCCO plans to conduct a number of mandatory diagnostics for the following types:

  • mandatory diagnostics (grades 4-8, 10);
  • remedial (grades 9, 10, 11);
  • in general education subjects studied at a deep level for educational institutions participating in certain projects (medicine, engineering, cadet class);
  • in professional educational institutions that participate in a project to organize specialized and pre-profile training in accordance with basic general education programs.


The schedule of mandatory diagnostics for the 2017-2018 academic year is presented in the table:

date Class Item Form of conduct
October 129 Mathematicsblank
the 25th of October9 Russian languageblank
November 1610 Russian languageblank
November 235-8, 10 by drawRussian language, Mathematics, Foreign language, Literature (6-8, 10 classes) or history, Geography (6-8 classes), Physics (8, 10 classes), Biology (7-8 classes, 10 classes), Social studies 10th grade. By lottery 3 days before diagnosiscomputer
November 30th11 Mathematicsblank
5th of December10 Mathematicsblank
December 13th11 Elective subject: social studies, history, physics, biology, chemistry, computer scienceBlank
January 1811 Russian languageBlank
February 279 and 10Diagnostics of reading literacyBlank
March 19 Foreign languageIn OGE format
March 15th4-8, 10 by drawRussian language, Mathematics (4-8, 10), The world around us, Biology (5-8, 10), Geography (5-7, 10 classes), Social studies (6-8, 10), Music (6), Physics ( 7-8, 10), Literature (6-8, 10), Chemistry (8,10), Physical education (7), Information technology, Life safety (8), Computer science (10) Subject and class are determined 3 days before the diagnosisComputer
April 2410 engineeringMathematics
25th of April10 and 11AstronomyComputer
May 1510 EngineeringPhysicsComputer form with completion of tasks with detailed answers on forms


There are types of optional diagnostics. These include:

  • in educational organizations that participate in the “Effective Primary School” project;
  • thematic;
  • meta-subject;
  • subject.

A detailed schedule of diagnostic activities carried out by the Moscow Center for Quality Education is available.

For extra-budgetary educational institutions

For these institutions, MCCO offers 2 types of diagnostics: independent and within the framework of VMCO. The detailed independent schedule is presented in the following table:

date Item Class
November 29, 2017English language5
English language8
Meta-subject skills10
December 5, 2017Meta-subject skills4
December 13, 2017Russian language4
January 23, 2018Computer science9
Social science9
January 31, 2018Biology9
February 1, 2018Russian language7
Russian language8
February 13, 2018Mathematics7
Russian language6
March 22, 2018Information Technology6
March 28, 2018Geography7
March 29, 2018Geography6
April 25, 2018Social science8
Social science10

The schedule of diagnostics within the framework of VMKO is presented in the table below.

Submitting applications

There are 2 stages of application. The first stage (from September to November 2017) has already passed, but the second stage (from December to February 2017-2018) is still relevant. The application can be submitted on the official website of MCKO and in the school’s personal account.

Presentation video clip about MCCO:

In order for every child in Moscow to receive a quality education, there is a special organization that carefully monitors this. The main tasks that the MCCE performs are to increase the efficiency of knowledge assessment, as well as to identify and train the most talented youth. Do not forget that this center is dedicated to improving the effectiveness of certification.

Activities of the Education Quality Center

The main task that the quality center confidently achieves is the formation of an effective regional assessment system. This will contribute to the development of schools and the general education system of the capital.

New technologies are regularly used in the practice of methods for measuring the quality of knowledge, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the nature of assessing the quality of education. Based on the results, conclusions are drawn and optimal measures are proposed that ensure the objective nature of the assessment of education. Among the main activities of the MCCO, the following should be highlighted:

  • conducting examination of educational programs;
  • ensuring the functioning of the vocational education system;
  • introduction into practice of highly efficient technologies and measurement techniques;
  • accounting, storage and write-off of licensing files of educational institutions.

Extra-budgetary services of ICCO


Parents and teachers have the opportunity to use a paid service provided by MCEC. The portal contains specific information regarding the cost of each service, as well as telephone numbers to conclude an agreement for the provision of extra-budgetary services. They fall into three main categories:

  • "Independent diagnostics";
  • "Additional services".

MCCO additional services

The last item on the list includes the “Russian language proficiency exam.” This is necessary for those persons who need to obtain a residence permit or citizenship of the Russian Federation. Additionally, you can order services for analysis, examination and development of a quality assessment system. Control specialists will help you cope with any task.

Independent diagnostic centers

On the site, everyone can find a section that meets their needs.


Teachers and parents can use the free services of the MCEC to analyze the quality of their education. To do this, you need to contact the Center for Independent Diagnostics, having first called the phone number to leave a request for a group or individual check. Popular free services include laboratory diagnostics in physics in 3D format for grades 7-11. This greatly simplifies the process of preparing students for upcoming exams.

Anyone can use them after pre-registration. There is also a service such as diagnostics of subject knowledge for CND students, which costs only five hundred and eighty rubles.

Each educational organization can order an independent diagnosis in the Unified State Exam format. This is an opportunity for students to test their knowledge and psychologically prepare for passing exams, feeling themselves in the same conditions as they will be during testing.

MCCO personal account


To get full access to MCCO services, you must initially register and visit your personal account. This will allow you to find out the results of queries, take tests online and gain full access to all information that may be of interest to the user.

Registration is not a difficult process. It will only be enough to provide basic contact information, such as a phone number and email address. After this, you need to confirm your identity and you will be able to freely use this service.


How to get there

Of course, there is a lot of useful information on the website of the Education Quality Center, but it is often necessary to consult with a specialist personally. It is for this that it is necessary to find information about contacts and office locations.

On the official website you can see images of the “Yandex map” with specific information regarding the best way to get to a specific office. Information regarding hours and days of reception must be indicated.

MCEC is an important organization that controls the education of children in Moscow. It is this authority that conducts every monitoring and analyzes how effectively students study. Based on the results obtained, action plans are created, what and how needs to be implemented to effectively achieve the goal.

Monitoring and diagnostics

Additionally, comprehensive provision of conditions for the formation and functioning of the quality of education is carried out. At the same time, modern and highly efficient technologies with measurement techniques are regularly introduced into practice, which guarantee an objective assessment of the level of knowledge of students.

As you know, Moscow is pursuing a policy to fully integrate information systems for recording academic progress to form a single pool of data on academic performance, as well as to eliminate the need for teachers to do double work. However, at the moment, MRKO does not comply with integration requirements, which puts many educational institutions in a difficult position, and therefore we sent an official appeal to the Moscow Department of Education.

Current situation:

DogM position: MCCO must implement all system changes necessary for integration by September of this year.

After receiving MCCO's evasive position regarding integration plans (letter dated August 28, 2013), we sent the following appeal (Letter dated September 12, Appendix). And now we have received an answer: Letter from ICCO dated October 16, 2013.


Dear schools! We are convincing we ask you to take part in the discussion this situation, and also express your experience in the comments to this material - this will serve the common good and save schools from arbitrariness, and teachers from unnecessary and inconvenient work. If you cannot afford to introduce yourself and indicate your educational institution number, then indicate your position and district/district.

Brief history of events

August 2012

At the video conferences on integration with the OEJD, the question was raised about the need to implement uploading data on intra-school control to the MRKO in order to save educational institutions from the need to duplicate grades from the electronic journal to the MRKO. Obviously, it is logical to implement this download from the OEZD, since it collects data on all educational institutions. MCKO employees proposed implementing a temporary solution that allows manually (via an Excel file) to upload data on classes, contingent, personnel and results of intermediate certification from electronic journals to MRKO.

October 2012

At a video conference on October 11, ICCO employee E.V. Khoroshilov. reported (recording time: 1 hour 22 minutes) that if there are letters from educational institutions with a request to also implement the uploading of data on the HSC, the Moscow Center for Education and Science will implement it too.

We have implemented the formation of a file for uploading data to MRKO. However, it turned out that the MRKO accepts all data (namely: the list of classes, the list of teachers and the list of teachers), except for the immediate results of the intermediate certification. After an unsuccessful download of data, questions from the directors of a number of educational institutions were answered by the staff of the Moscow Center for Educational Institutions, which stated that not a single developer of electronic journals had contacted them, and that they were ready to cooperate on the issue of integrating the educational institution with any electronic journal.

December 2012

51 educational institutions, using our system, contacted MCCO with a request to upload data from our system to MRKO. This appeal was accompanied by a letter from our organization, where we expressed our readiness to implement this functionality on our part. This letter was sent to MCKO addressed to director A.I. Rytova December 26, 2012 (copies of the letter are attached).

January 2013

January 17 at the DOGM selector A.I. Rytov, responding to an appeal from a teacher from the educational institution of the Western Educational District, who was perplexed by the need to duplicate the issuance of intermediate certification grades both in the electronic journal used at school and in MRKO, publicly stated (recording time: 2 hours 20 minutes): “Educational Moscow city institutions have the opportunity, if desired, to import this information from any electronic journal integrated with the Public Services Portal... by downloading one file, which is generated automatically..."

A.I. Rytov also claims that information about this opportunity was posted on the MCCO website in the news dated September 27, 2012. However, if you carefully read this material (screenshot of the page in the appendix), it says quite specifically that data is uploaded to MRKO only for “Personnel”, “Classes” and “Contingent”, there is no information about uploading data on intermediate certification in this news No.

Thus, it is obvious that the statements of A.I. Rytov and the staff of the Moscow Center for Education and Science do not correspond to reality.

Also, in correspondence with MRKO employees, it turned out that in order to download data it is necessary to transfer service identifiers that were not provided to the developers.

February 2013

We have implemented support for these service identifiers and sent a test file for testing to E.V. MCKO. Khoroshilov, who performed a test download of the file and confirmed that we were generating the correct file, however, when downloading it, a problem was discovered on the MRKO side, which they "will be fixed soon". A month later, there was still no action from MCCO.

April 2013

To resolve the issue, we were redirected to the head of the Department of Information Technology Support and Software and Hardware Support of MCKO I.V. Bolshakova. In the correspondence (copy in the attachment), Irina Valentinovna expressed complete bewilderment as to why schools should enter the results of intermediate certification into the MRKO. Arguments listing all the issues and previously agreed upon integration procedures (including the responses of the MRKO) did not receive an intelligible answer.

May, 2013

With a long delay ( after more than 4 months after sending a letter to the MCED from our organization and 51 educational institutions - instead of the required 30 days), we received a response from the MCED, in which A.I. Rytov, contradicting his speech at the selector, said that: “... integration with other [except OEJD] systems for data transmission is not provided"(copy of letter attached).

Latest events

In the month of May, we again began to receive information from educational institutions that they were required to switch from the electronic journal system they had chosen to the MRKO electronic journal (a copy of our employee’s correspondence with the school is attached)

To resolve the situation, we sent an official letter to the Head of the Moscow Department of Education, I.I. Kalina, with a request to give an official assessment of the situation and oblige the Moscow Central Educational Center to carry out all the necessary integration procedures. This letter, as well as all accompanying materials, including the official response from MCCO, can be found in the attachment.

We contacted the MCCO for clarification of the implementation of integration plans outlined by DogM:

Unfortunately, this letter not only does not clarify the integration process, but also indicates the ongoing sequence of actions of the Moscow Center for Educational Institutions in the desire to remain a separate system, contrary to the position of the city and the stated goals of facilitating the certification and accreditation procedure of educational institutions.

September 2013

Due to the fact that educational institutions tell us that the Moscow Central Educational Center, referring to the DogM Recommendations, confronts teachers with the need to fill out the MRKO system with an unreasonably large amount of data (in particular, they require mandatory complete completion of the CTP section regarding the element-by-element content of lessons). For clarification of the obligation to fulfill all the requirements of the Recommendations, we also turned to DogM:

We are also making the following attempt to get to the bottom of the truth about MCCO’s plans:

And again, unfortunately, and again contrary to the position of the city, MCCS does not see any reason to simplify interaction with MCCS for educational institutions, because:
"The legislation does not provide for simplification of procedures for certification of teaching staff and accreditation of educational activities".

Unified State Examination scores, diagnostics of the Moscow Center for Education: what determines the place in the ranking of schools


I think the rating idea is just great! But the formation of its results must be absolutely transparent.
There are also nuances (the number of children in the complex, the number of children with inclusion), which schools can influence very conditionally. If there is only one school building in the complex and it is “filled to capacity” with students, then the school cannot do anything to increase the number. Getting additional buildings is not always possible. And working on stable results for a growing team is also a separate skill...
If anything, my child studies at school 2086, which took 18th place this year. I think it’s completely deserved! A young team, respect for children, 8 types of profiles for high school students (both for humanities and “technical” students). I haven’t heard that there is a historical and philological profile anywhere else. But my child has not grown up to that yet. Perhaps it’s just “ off topic"), a huge number of high-quality additional classes taught (one 2*2 school and their specialized class are worth it!). Children are systematically, but strictly based on desire and success, from an early age prepared to participate in competitions - hence their success in olympiads, conferences, robotics, etc. At school the lights don't go out until late at night (I live next to one of the buildings) - there are some classes going on all the time. I'm glad that such a wonderful school is close to home.
For a parent thinking about where to send/transfer their child, it seems to me that it would be useful to go to an open day, talk to parents near the school, get acquainted with the school’s programs/specialties (and compare them with your child’s hobbies). What is also important to me is the results of students in competitions and the number of graduates entering leading universities on the budget.

What are the consequences of folic acid deficiency in a pregnant woman’s body? Causes causing the formation of congenital malformations.

Tomorrow the children will have THIS, but no one understands what kind of oral subjects.... literature? music? clear history-geography-biology.... who remembers what this is???????????????? *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"

By the way, my son wrote this. I don't remember how long ago it was. But it was. Fact. Has anyone seen the results?

Are the results of the Moscow Central Educational Center for Mathematics and Biology (grade 7) already known?

I need to go through the 4th grade MCCO diagnostics, I wanted to register my child, the MCCO website is not working. How do they do it? What are the work phone numbers?

Hello, dear conference participants! I enrolled my daughter, a 4th grade student, for diagnostics at the Moscow Center for Mathematical Education. We will try to enter the 5th grade, we need the results of this particular “exam”. It is not a fact that the school will receive mathematics by lottery on April 14th. We decided to go and pass it in advance, voluntarily on our own. Question: will the result we get on this test be counted if the school “gets” mathematics? Or will I have to take it again, already at school? I can not...

Answer to my question:
I am interested in organizing the State Examination 2013 for 9th grade. It is necessary to announce the final rules and form for conducting the State Examination 2013 as early as possible. Question: where will PETs be organized for conducting the State Examination - in their own schools, or as when conducting the Unified State Exam - on foreign territory?

The draft Procedure for conducting state (final) certification in a new form for students in grades IX (hereinafter referred to as GIA-9) in 2013 is already being developed.

In accordance with the project, examination points will be located in educational institutions where students were admitted to GIA-9.
After preparation, the draft Procedure for conducting GIA-9 will be sent for approval to the district education departments and posted on their official websites for public discussion.

The order “On approval of the Procedure for conducting GIA-9” will be issued in November 2013.
Deputy Head N.A. Yurenko

Are these tests being done in your children's classrooms? Are there statistics on how these tests are written in various subjects on average in the city? (with results approximately like in Kangaroo "...% of children wrote better/worse"). Our fifth graders wrote Russian, mathematics, history, biology, geography and English. On average, everything is fine in the class - with rare Cs or without them at all. Is it “we” who are so great, or testing to the absolute minimum? :)


Here I once complained that a child’s Russian MTsKO score was 100%, but in the Russian exam at a very good school, with a competition of only five people per place, he got a little more than 50 points. There they immediately came running to me and told me that MTsKO is “about nothing at all” and my child knows nothing))). If they come to tell you this too, don’t listen, it’s not true. Good grades on the MCCE mean that the child’s foundation has been laid.

05/28/2015 12:45:37, V. from work

After my child, who wrote these very MTSKOs with one of the best scores in his 7th grade, which was not the worst (I don’t remember the number, but the exact score was 5), at the current school with difficulty received a final 3, I realized that these MTsKO - checking for lice at a very low level.

Information for those interested (this issue was previously discussed here): 1514 clarified the conditions for taking into account the Moscow Center for Educational Excellence upon admission to the 5th grade


“By decision of the admissions committee, 4th grade students whose parents submitted an application before April 1 receive additional points for the dictation based on the results of the diagnostics of the Moscow Center for Education in the Russian language:
10 points for 100% completion;
9 points with 92% completion of the task."

05/12/2015 11:18:59, I don’t understand

At the preschool education, the head teacher said that if a child has >=90 points according to the MTsKO diagnostics, then the exam in this subject is not taken, and the points are counted as MTsKOs. Well, we passed this test. Half the class got 100 points. Is what was said at the DOD true?

Excerpt: For students in grades 7-8, the rating takes into account the following educational results - the results of independent monitoring (diagnostics) conducted by the Moscow Quality Center education, statgrad; - if there are no external diagnostics on a core subject, internal diagnostics are carried out, compiled according to the MCCO method and carried out according to the same rules; - student’s portfolio (results of olympiads and intellectual competitions taken into account when forming the rating of schools in the city...


But it seems to me that this is some kind of nonsense. True, it is still not clear what this rating is for and whether a child should strive to rise in it.
But missing a diagnosis, perhaps just a day of illness, here takes away almost twice as much as winning in the municipal All-Russian competition adds, and five times more than winning an Olympic medal. I missed a couple of diagnostics and this will not compensate even for an unrealistic ten victories.
At the school, someone in the administration has nothing better to do, but at the same time lacks the intelligence to come up with a rating that would actually reflect something.

Some kind of melancholy. Soon they will begin to count the angels at the tip of the needle, but there is zero sense, everything at school has to be finished, cleaned up, remade, and a lot of things just done for her. But how many people are fed is a direct solution to the problem of unemployment

Yesterday, a real incident at a UAB school was announced on the intercom. During the MTsKO examinations, teachers forced a 4th-grader to move to another class and give a different last name in order to improve the diagnostic results. My son also told me how at 7, when the sections were being carried out, not all the students were asked to write them. Why are schools so afraid? After all, poor results in these sections are a wake-up call for the schools themselves that something needs to be adjusted.


To continue. The director on the intercom reported on the dismissal under the article of two 4th grade teachers and the head teacher.

When there are checks, there is always fraud. Fear of punishment (dismissal, reprimands, etc.) can reduce the percentage of fraud. Well, that’s what they do at the selector - they arrange a demonstration analysis for the whole city so that others will not be bothered. But people are people everywhere, with their own weaknesses.
Although, of course, teachers should be special people in society, with strong moral principles - so far this has not worked out :(

Girls, calm me down. Tell me what to do, what to grab onto. My son studies at the Troitsk Lyceum in the 7th grade. We have a general education lyceum with advanced physics and mathematics in separate classes. These classes are selected 2 times. The first time in the 6th grade, based on the results of 5 exams (mathematics, Russian, biology, geography, history), it turns out 5 classes: in the first - excellent students, in the second - good students (who passed the exams without C grades), in the third - C grade students (who 5 exams, one 3), and then we...


It seems to me that they will provide the opportunity to pass ALL exams. Otherwise, they will easily miss gifted physicists and mathematicians; nowadays, unfortunately, the problem with Russian is widespread. Neither excellent speech nor erudition is a panacea here. The methods and quality of teaching are to blame if children are undiagnosed...
He will write for “pass”, which is a C or so. You can prepare intensively, but finding a tutor who promises success is difficult. In our fairly large, strong school and district, we have the greatest shortage of good philologists. Oddly enough, now it is much easier to find a good mathematician or physicist. Therefore, I would bet on the profile and under no circumstances should you panic) Can I try again in a year? In principle, serious selection is to the benefit of everyone; it is worse if they take those who have little need and are not interested in it or make a large class.

03/05/2014 22:02:57, Astil

If you like it, roar! And then you need to try to improve your Russian in a month (yes, a month). Well, at least try! If you have such parental ambitions for a good education for your son, then Russian is probably not fatally neglected. And secondly, stop thinking that the year is down the drain! The child studied the exact sciences, and well, everything went into the piggy bank. Yes, it is unpleasant and offensive when the rules of the game suddenly change. But if you are unable to influence this, try to do something that is within your power!

03/05/2014 20:44:12, Don’t despair

At our school they say there will be exams, but I didn’t find anything in Yandex. Maybe you can ask an official question to the department? Will they or won't they? And what happens if you don’t pass or don’t pass?


Will it wake you up or not?

01/19/2017 15:52:36, Olya Olmp ol

Last year we had 2 mandatory exams. I don’t remember what they were called. One subject is at the choice of the education department, the second is at the choice of the teacher. The choice of department fell on the Environment, our teacher chose Russian (in the parallel class we took Environment and Mathematics). At the beginning of the year, the head teacher said that sometimes the department chooses music or some other ridiculous subject (I don’t remember exactly). Therefore, for the second half of the year, test tasks were distributed weekly in all subjects so that they learned how to answer and correctly format the answers. All this took place in May as part of the general series of annual tests, so there was no stress or special surroundings.
Or rather, the teachers escalated the situation, but in fact it turned out to be garbage.
We prepared using collections of problems for the Unified State Exam for 4th grade (all bookstores sell thin A4 notebooks with ticket options). The tasks are not difficult, but it is important to read the tasks carefully and not forget to not only circle the correct answer in the problem, but also write it in a special box.