American bombing of Yugoslavia. The true reasons for NATO aggression in Yugoslavia

The media reported that NATO was waging a “war to establish democracy in the Balkans,”
They provided an armed confrontation between the two sides as massacres civilian population one of the parties.
NATO argued that only military intervention could prevent the destruction of the Albanian population.


“Milosevic failed to understand political significance falls Berlin Wall. Other communist politicians adopted the Western model and moved closer to Europe, but Milosevic went in the other direction.”
Washington Post August 4, 1996

"If we want to have strong economic relations, which would allow us to sell our goods throughout the world, we need Europe to become prickly...
This is what we are talking about when we talk about all the things that are happening in Kosovo.”
US President Bill Clinton, March 23, 1999

The US wanted to achieve some strategic goals:
Yugoslavia did not want to give up social benefits.
In 1969, the World Bank and the IMF - through Western countries- wanted to impose a plan on Yugoslavia,
Mass strikes swept across all Yugoslav republics.
Nationalist feelings were fueled by all the local bourgeoisie, whose actions were usually controlled by the West.
Result: several transnational corporations were admitted, and a national bourgeoisie began to develop.

There were few privatized enterprises in the country, the public sector remained,
Yugoslavia hoped to "control" the intervention of Western multinational corporations in its economy. ANY COUNTRY HAS THE RIGHT TO DO THIS.

Moreover, the Yugoslavs could not be outraged by the “good deeds” provided by the transnational corporations of neighboring “Albania”:
Political and economic mafia brought to power by Washington in 1991 in Albania
1. Looted national wealth.
2. By creating fraudulent financial pyramids completely stole all the savings from the people.
3. Destroyed major factories and basic infrastructure.
All this forced every sixth Albanian to emigrate in order to escape the poverty that reigned in the country.
Yugoslavia did not want this to happen to it.
But Yugoslavia did not take into account that no country has the right to resist transnational companies.

Three weeks after the start of the war, the commander of KFOR troops in Macedonia and then Kosovo, General Michael Jackson, told the Italian newspaper Sole 24 Oge:
“Today the circumstances that brought us here have changed.

Yugoslavia refused to join NATO,
at a time when NATO is going through a period of great expansion, WITH THE GOAL OF ENVIRONMENT OF RUSSIA.

Almost the entire bourgeoisie of Eastern European countries understands
that in the event of popular unrest, she can hope for NATO assistance, which will “put an end to the unrest.”
(Similar in Ukraine. Ogorodnikov).

A). Refuses NATO.
B). Shows bad example others that you can live very well without NATO.
B), Continues to support friendly relations with Moscow, which opposes NATO.

The Serbs have been proposing for several months to grant maximum autonomy to the Kosovars.
However, NATO's true goal was not to grant autonomy to Kosovo,

A). Deprive Moscow of an ally.
B). Completely block Russia's access to the Mediterranean Sea.
IN). Humiliate and warn Russia.

Open geographical atlas on the page showing Yugoslavia.

A). If the network of rivers is well represented on the map, one can judge from it the strategic importance of the Danube.
Over the entire length (2,800 km), basin area (800,000 sq. km) and flow volume
THE DANUBE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT RIVER IN EUROPE outside the territory of Russia, connecting the southeast of Europe with the north and west (Hamburg and Rotterdam),
THE DANUBE WILL BECOME THE MAIN TRANSPORT ARTERY in the 21st century, in particular due to the problem of environmental pollution and oversaturation of roads.

and Berlin wants to control it completely.
Washington also claims this.

IN). The capture of Yugoslavia is strategically important for combat operations in many areas
(See Capture of the Balkans - approaching Russia").

1.Lead and zinc mines in Trepici,
owned by the state of Yugoslavia,

2. 1992 According to the UN:
“The Balkans have significant reserves of 9 of the 13 types of ores of strategic importance,
as well as a developed mining industry.
There is also a lot of other ore raw materials that the industry of Western countries is in need of.”
Balkans-Infos, juillet, 1999

Three weeks after the start of the war, the commander of KFOR troops in Macedonia, and then in Kosovo,
General Michael Jackson told the Italian newspaper Sole 24 Oge:

The Italian newspaper clarifies what was said:
“It is clear that Jackson is hinting at the 8th corridor, the East-West direction, along which the pipeline should go,
supplying energy resources Central Asia from the terminals of the Black and Adriatic Seas and connecting Europe with Asia.
This is the explanation why major and middle powers do not want to be excluded from the distribution of roles in the Balkans.”

It's hidden that central part strategic plans The goal of all great powers is the construction of a pan-European transport system.
Intensely hiding economic entity this conflict.
In Albania, the long-planned and financed work on the construction of the 8th corridor began in 1999.

Strategic project of the European Union.
"CORRIDORS" IS A PROJECT proposed by the EU in the early 90s.

Goal: full integration of the economy and territory of Eastern Europe to the European market.
Almost all of these strategic axes originate from or are connected to the “heart” of Europe – Germany.

CORRIDORS --- THIS IS A COLLECTION of means of communication to the east and southeast:
- 18,000 km. Vatomy highways.
- 20,000 km of railways.
- 38 airports.
- 13 sea ports.
- 49 river ports.
- Several gas and oil pipelines.
THEIR TASK IS TO ENSURE the flow of investments to the East, the influx of capital investments into the economies of eastern countries

The EU PROVIDED TO INVEST 90 billion IN IT until 2015.
(They plan to rob us in the “European Union” colony “How sticky?”, as they say in the “Harvard Project”: “Squeeze like a lemon...” From the amount of the contribution it is clear that SLAVERY WILL BE ETERNAL. Ogorodnikov).


Which route will goods go from the East or South-East of the USSR?
The solution to the problem of competing oil pipelines largely depends on whose hands the territory of Yugoslavia will be in.

Through the territory of Kosovo, which has served for many centuries as a connecting route between Europe and the Middle East,
passes one of the main corridors.
During the World War, this route to the East was the main one for the German army.

The United States does not hide its desire to control the strategic nodes of the corridors located in the Balkans.
They blocked the project of corridor 10 passing through Serbia.
They offered 100 million dollars to Romania,
to explore the possibility of laying oil pipelines north of Hungarian territory.

With the war in Yugoslavia, the United States took Yugoslavia out of the game and hindered Russian interests in the Balkans.


Based on the Book “OIL, PR, WAR”
The great confrontation.
Michel Collon, Belgian journalist (2002).

As we see, the reasons for the attack on Yugoslavia are purely material.
The wealth of Yugoslavia cannot be compared with the wealth of Russia.
Is it possible to believe the so-called "peace initiatives" of the USA, sweet speeches of the owners of the European Union?
Chairman of the Union Soviet officers Ukraine Ogorodnikov.

NATO's military operation in Yugoslavia in 1999 was the consequence of a decade of civil wars across the Balkan Peninsula. After the unified socialist state collapsed, previously frozen ethnic conflicts flared up in the region. Kosovo became one of the main centers of tension. This region remained under Serbian control, although mostly Albanians lived here.


The mutual hostility of the two peoples was aggravated by chaos and anarchy in neighboring Bosnia and Croatia, as well as various religious affiliation. Serbs are Orthodox, Albanians are Muslims. The bombing of Yugoslavia began due to ethnic cleansing carried out by the secret services of this country. They were a response to the speeches of Albanian separatists who wanted to make Kosovo independent from Belgrade and annex it to Albania.

This movement was formed in 1996. The separatists created the Kosovo Liberation Army. Its militants began to organize attacks on Yugoslav police and other representatives central government in the province. The international community was outraged when the army attacked several Albanian villages in response to the attacks. More than 80 people died.

Albanian-Serb conflict

Despite the negative international reaction, Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic continued to pursue his tough policy against the separatists. In September 1998, the UN adopted a resolution calling on all parties to the conflict to lay down their arms. At this time, NATO was demonstratively preparing to bomb Yugoslavia. Under this double pressure, Milosevic retreated. Troops were withdrawn from peaceful villages. They returned to their bases. Formally, the truce was signed on October 15, 1998.

However, it soon became clear that the hostility was too deep and strong to be stopped by declarations and documents. The truce was periodically violated by both Albanians and Yugoslavs. In January 1999 there was mass kill in the village of Rachak. Yugoslav police executed more than 40 people. The country's authorities later claimed that those Albanians were killed in battle. One way or another, it was this event that became the final reason for preparing the operation, which resulted in the bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999.

What prompted the US authorities to initiate these attacks? Formally, NATO struck Yugoslavia to force the country's leadership to stop its punitive policy against the Albanians. But it should also be noted that at that time a domestic political scandal broke out in the United States, because of which President Bill Clinton was threatened with impeachment and deprivation of office. In such conditions, “small victorious war" would be an excellent maneuver to distract public opinion to extraneous foreign problems.

On the eve of the operation

Latest peace talks failed in March. After their completion, the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia began. Russia, whose leadership supported Milosevic, also took part in these negotiations. Great Britain and the United States have proposed a project providing for the creation of broad autonomy in Kosovo. Wherein future status The region was to be determined according to the results of the general vote in a few years. It was assumed that until that moment NATO peacekeeping forces would be in Kosovo, and the forces of the Yugoslav Ministry of Internal Affairs and the army would leave the region in order to avoid unnecessary tension. Albanians accepted this project.

It was last chance that the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia would not have happened after all. However, Belgrade's representatives at the negotiations refused to accept the conditions put forward. Most of all, they did not like the idea of ​​NATO troops appearing in Kosovo. At the same time, the Yugoslavs agreed to the rest of the project. Negotiations broke down. On March 23, NATO decided that it was time to start bombing Yugoslavia (1999). The end date of the operation (it was believed in the North Atlantic Alliance) was to come only when Belgrade agreed to accept the entire project.

The negotiations were closely followed at the UN. The Organization never gave the go-ahead for the bombing. Moreover, soon after the start of the operation, a vote was held in the Security Council at which it was proposed to recognize the United States as the aggressor. This resolution was supported only by Russia and Namibia. Both then and today, the lack of UN permission for the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia (1999) is considered by some researchers and ordinary people to be evidence that the US leadership grossly violated the norms international law.

NATO forces

Intensive NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 was a major part of military operation « Allied force" Air raids targeted strategic civilian and military targets located on Serbian territory. Sometimes residential areas suffered, including in the capital Belgrade.

Since the bombing of Yugoslavia (1999), photos of the results of which spread all over the world, was an allied action, in addition to the United States, 13 more states took part in them. In total, about 1,200 aircraft were used. In addition to aviation, NATO also involved naval forces- aircraft carriers, attack aircraft submarines, cruisers, destroyers, frigates and large landing ships. 60 thousand NATO troops took part in the operation.

The bombing of Yugoslavia continued for 78 days (1999). Photos of the victims were widely circulated in the press. In total, the country experienced 35 thousand NATO air strikes, and about 23 thousand missiles and bombs were dropped on its soil.

Start of operation

On March 24, 1999, NATO aircraft began the first stage of the bombing of Yugoslavia (1999). The start date of the operation was agreed upon by the allies in advance. As soon as the Milosevic government refused to withdraw troops from Kosovo, NATO planes were brought into combat readiness. The first to come under attack was the Yugoslav air defense system. Within three days she was completely paralyzed. Thanks to this, Allied aircraft gained unconditional air superiority. Serbian planes hardly left their hangars; only a few sorties were carried out during the entire conflict.


After the operation in Belgrade, they began to count the losses that the bombing of Yugoslavia (1999) entailed. The country's economic losses were significant. Serbian estimates spoke of 20 billion dollars. Important civilian infrastructure was damaged. Bridges, oil refineries, large industrial facilities, and power generation units were hit by shells. After that in Peaceful time 500 thousand people were left without work in Serbia.

Already in the first days of the operation, it became known about the inevitable casualties among the civilian population. According to Yugoslav authorities, more than 1,700 people died in the country. civilians. 10 thousand people were seriously injured, many thousands more lost their homes, and a million Serbs were left without water. More than 500 soldiers died in the ranks of the Yugoslav armed forces. Mostly they came under attack from the intensified Albanian separatists.

Serbian aviation was paralyzed. NATO maintained total air superiority throughout the operation. Most of Yugoslav aircraft were not yet destroyed on the ground (more than 70 aircraft). NATO suffered two casualties during the campaign. They were the crew of a helicopter that crashed during a test flight over Albania. Yugoslav air defenses shot down two enemy aircraft, while their pilots ejected and were later picked up by rescuers. The remains of the crashed plane are now kept in the museum. When Belgrade agreed to concessions and admitted defeat, it became clear that the war could now be won if we used only aviation and a bombing strategy.

Environmental pollution

Environmental disaster is another large-scale consequence that resulted from the bombing of Yugoslavia (1999). The victims of that operation were not only those who died under shells, but also people who suffered from air poisoning. Aviation diligently bombed important economic point view of petrochemical plants. After such an attack in Pancevo, dangerous toxic substances were released into the atmosphere. These were compounds of chlorine, hydrochloric acid, alkali, etc.

Oil from the destroyed reservoirs entered the Danube, which led to the poisoning of the territory not only of Serbia, but also of all countries downstream. Another precedent was the use of NATO armed forces. Later, outbreaks of hereditary and oncological diseases were recorded in places where they were used.

Political consequences

Every day the situation in Yugoslavia became worse. Under these conditions, Slobodan Milosevic agreed to accept the conflict resolution plan, which was proposed by NATO even before the bombing began. The cornerstone of these agreements was the withdrawal of Yugoslav troops from Kosovo. All this time, the American side insisted on its own. Representatives of the North Atlantic Alliance stated that only after concessions from Belgrade would the bombing of Yugoslavia stop (1999).

UN Resolution No. 1244, adopted on June 10, finally established new order in the region. The international community emphasized that it recognizes the sovereignty of Yugoslavia. Kosovo, which remained part of this state, received broad autonomy. The Albanian army had to disarm. An international peacekeeping contingent appeared in Kosovo, which began to monitor the provision of public order and safety.

According to the agreements, the Yugoslav army left Kosovo on June 20. The region, which received real self-government, began to gradually recover after a long civil war. NATO recognized their operation as a success - this is precisely why the bombing of Yugoslavia began (1999). Ethnic cleansing stopped, although mutual hostility between the two peoples remained. Over the following years, Serbs began to leave Kosovo en masse. In February 2008, the leadership of the region declared its independence from Serbia (Yugoslavia had completely disappeared from the map of Europe several years before). Today, Kosovo's sovereignty is recognized by 108 states. Russia, which traditionally adheres to pro-Serbian positions, considers the region to be part of Serbia.

The bombing of Yugoslavia was carried out by NATO in 1999


  • The first case of armed conflict between European states after the end of World War II;
  • the conflict was a demonstration of a new way of conducting military operations:
  • the use of massive airstrikes without ground support;
  • the improvement of aviation operations through the use of predominantly high-precision weapons (precision weapons) - this marked the beginning of the use of high-precision aviation in all subsequent military clashes.

Reasons for the bombing of Yugoslavia

The collapse of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia began in 1991. Then Slovenia and Croatia left it. A little later, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia followed suit.

The Serbs living in the seceded states intended to preserve their areas of residence behind the core of the former Yugoslavia - Serbia and Montenegro. The West did not allow this and the new Serbian state remained within its previous borders (now it was called the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia).

American planes bomb Yugoslavia photo

But soon the fire of separatism flared up in the FRY itself. It consisted of two autonomies. One of them (Kosovo) was in fact deprived of the possibility of self-government, although more than 80% of Albanians lived on its territory in addition to Serbs. Then the Kosovar Albanians proclaimed the creation of the independent Republic of Kosovo.

By 1996, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was created. In 1998, the KLA announced that it was beginning to achieve independence by force of arms. The KLA's method of struggle was chosen against the Serbian administration and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Europe supported the Albanian population of Kosovo.

bombing of Yugoslavia. People at their houses photo

On October 13, 1998, NATO carried out the first “air campaign” against the FRY, thereby encouraging the Serbs to be more accommodating in granting rights to the unrecognized republic. And indeed, a day later Belgrade signed an agreement on the withdrawal of troops. The KLA enthusiastically accepted the withdrawal of the Serbian armed forces and began to seize new territories, carrying out ethnic cleansing along the way.

The Serbs responded and January 1999 brought a renewal of the war. NATO again threatens the Serbs with airstrikes. Contact group negotiations began near Paris (Rambouillet). Based on their results, a possible agreement was proposed. It provided for autonomy for Kosovo, the withdrawal of troops and the deployment of peacekeepers.

NATO bombing of Yugoslavia photo

On March 23, the Serbs announced that they agreed to all conditions except the last one. This became the reason for the start of the bombing of Yugoslavia by forces. They started the very next day.


The base of NATO aviation groups was Italy. There, since 1994, a contingent was being trained for operations in the Balkans. By February 1999, additional air bases in Germany and Turkey were activated.

Officially, the operation was called Allied Force. In total, 1,150 aircraft were involved in it. Of them more than a half were American. The nerve center of the operation was the Italian airbase Dal Moline. From there, Lieutenant General Mike Shortom (USA) led the joint air force.

night NATO air strikes on Yugoslavia photo

The direct involvement of ground forces was not planned. And yet, NATO ground forces stationed in Albania and Macedonia played their role. These 27 thousand infantrymen, under the leadership of Lieutenant General Mike Jackson (Great Britain), could at any time begin an intervention on the territory of Yugoslavia. This had a restraining effect on the latter's military operations. Subsequently, the specified NATO ground forces entered Kosovo as peacekeepers.


The bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO forces was carried out in three stages

  • The task of the first stage (from March 24) was to suppress enemy air defenses. For this purpose, aircraft specializing specifically in this function were used. Legacy systems Serbian air defenses were successfully destroyed. The success of the first stage ensured complete dominance of the NATO Air Force over the Yugoslav skies;
  • The task of the second stage (from March 27) was to strike the FRY troops on the territory of Kosovo and carry out targeted strikes on strategic targets in Serbia. The latter required highly accurate intelligence data. They arrived thanks to the latest aviation and space reconnaissance technologies. And in addition, drones have become widely used;
  • The third stage was not originally planned. But Slobodan Milosovic's reluctance to surrender quickly prompted NATO to carry out a more thorough bombing of the Serbian state from April 24.


Starting from 120 sorties per day, NATO increased the number of sorties to 500 - 600 per day in the third phase of the operation. In total, from March 24 to June 10, more than 37 thousand sorties were flown by Alliance forces (75% of which by the American Air Force). The strikes claimed the lives of 1,031 Serbian military personnel and from 489 to 528 civilians (this is according to Human Rights Watch estimates, according to Yugoslav estimates - from 1,200 to 5,700 people).

bombing of Yugoslavia photo

Serbian oil refining equipment was completely destroyed. The rule of Slobodan Milosovic ended already in 2000, mainly due to the loss of Kosovo. The Republic of Kosovo gained independence in 2008 and was soon recognized by the West.

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The politics of the modern West are thoroughly saturated with double standards. They remember tolerance and the inadmissibility of attacks on the territorial integrity of states only in cases where it affects their tactical and strategic interests.

At the same time, they themselves have repeatedly crossed the line of unacceptable actions towards entire countries and peoples. The world community should never forget about the events that took place between March and June 1999 in the territory former Yugoslavia. Exactly then North Atlantic Alliance Was held combat operation“Allied force”, which claimed the lives and destroyed the lives of many thousands of civilians. Not only military facilities, but also civilian infrastructure were hit by NATO bombing. Only by official information number killed by the United States and the European Union civilians amounted to more than 1.7 thousand people. Their number included at least 400 children. Another 10 thousand people were seriously injured, and about 1 thousand people simply went missing. The monstrosity of this military operation is aggravated by the fact that a large number of NATO bombings claimed lives after they were completed. In the tolerant European Union, they try not to particularly remember what ammunition was used in the inhumane Operation Allied Force. They included in their composition depleted radioactive uranium. This had a detrimental effect on the health of many of those people who were lucky enough to survive NATO bombing. However, after the end of hostilities and before today the main culprits were never punished for bombing of Yugoslavia.

The reason for the start of NATO bombing

Western politicians justified this operation with the term “humanitarian intervention.” However, such “explanations” are a cynical substitution of the true reasons for their actions in the eyes of the world community. The war in Yugoslavia was started even without a permitting mandate from the United Nations. It will never be considered legal and represents real example military aggression NATO countries against a sovereign state. The formal reason for the bombing of Yugoslavia was the wave of ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. As you know, the territory of the former socialist Yugoslavia repeated its fate Soviet Union and by that time already represented separate allied states. Western countries have largely contributed to the outbreak of new ethnic conflicts on the Balkan Peninsula and civil wars. Washington chose Kosovo Albanians as “heroes”. This region territorially and politically belonged to the then existing Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. However, back in 1996, the movement of Albanian separatists, secretly supported American intelligence agencies. In February 1998, the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army declared a “struggle for independence.” The war in Yugoslavia began with armed acts of violence not only against the state police, but also against Serbian civilians. Were real victims. Official Belgrade was forced to respond to this with an internal force operation aimed at eliminating bandit formations from among the Kosovars. During this operation, one of the separatist leaders A. Yashari was killed. However, 82 Albanian residents of a village in central Kosovo, where internal violence took place, were injured. fighting. Western leaders immediately took advantage of this opportunity and began to put pressure on Belgrade. A temporary truce between the parties within the country did not bring results. After another clash between Belgrade forces and Albanian separatists, scenes of Albanians allegedly executed by FRY forces were falsified, and a NATO operation began.

The true reasons for NATO aggression in Yugoslavia

Some researchers drew attention to some overlap in the beginning NATO aggression against the FRY and internal political events in the USA. We remind readers that at that moment there was a scandal related to an intimate relationship American President Clinton with Monica Lewinsky. American leaders always knew how to use foreign policy to solve personal problematic issues. However, in this case, the West’s goals were much more ambitious. Barbaric NATO bombings in Federal Yugoslavia became a tool to achieve the following goals:

  • a change of leadership in the lands of Serbia and Montenegro with the subsequent reorientation of the most pro-Russian part of the former Yugoslavia towards the West;
  • state division of Serbia and Montenegro along with the transformation of Kosovo into a separate state;
  • liquidation of the army Federal Republic Yugoslavia;
  • free deployment and consolidation of NATO forces on the Balkan Peninsula and, in particular, in Serbia and Kosovo;
  • trial military power North Atlantic Alliance in real combat conditions. Destruction of old weapons and testing of new types of weapons;
  • demonstrating to the whole world the significant role of NATO in supposedly resolving ethnic conflicts.

Notably, the United Nations has been tracking general situation on the territory of the FRY. However, the UN did not impose any sanctions in response to the open intervention of NATO countries in Yugoslavia. Why? Why war in Yugoslavia went unpunished? The UN resolution, which condemned the actions of the North Atlantic Alliance, received only 3 votes in the Security Council. Only the Russian Federation, China and Namibia dared to openly condemn the actions of Washington and NATO. There has been some criticism of NATO in the West. A number of independent media tried to focus the attention of the world community on the fact that aggressive actions of the North Atlantic Alliance without the appropriate sanction of the UN Security Council are a direct violation of the Charter of the United Nations and all canons of international law. However, by and large, the West has not yet heard an official Objective assessment this criminal military operation.

Consequences of the barbaric bombing of Yugoslavia

The most terrible “result” of NATO aggression in the FRY is the death of at least 1.7 thousand civilians, as well as thousands of wounded and missing. If we talk about economic damage, the losses are more than significant. As a result of the war in Yugoslavia, all the most important objects the civil infrastructure in place at that time. National oil refineries, bridges, power supply centers and major enterprises came under deadly shells from the North Atlantic Alliance forces. More than 500 thousand people were left without work and means of subsistence. A huge number of citizens lost their homes. According to the calculations of the future Serbian authorities, the war in Yugoslavia brought economic damage equivalent to 20 billion US dollars.

Such a barbaric action could not pass without a trace from an environmental point of view. Targeted bombing of refineries contributed to the release of sending substances into the atmosphere. It's about about hydrochloric acid, toxic alkalis and chlorine compounds. Spilled oil entered the waters of the Danube. This led to the poisoning of not only the territories of modern Serbia, but also the countries that were located downstream of the largest European river. The use of ammunition containing depleted uranium has provoked outbreaks of cancer and hereditary diseases. The NATO operation destroyed thousands of people, and hundreds of thousands feel the consequences of this terrible tragedy in our time.

The war crime committed by the United States and the European Union should not be forgotten by humanity. After such operations, statements by NATO leaders that the military bloc ensures “peace in Europe” sound doubly cynical. Only thanks to meaningful policies Russian Federation, at present there is a certain parity of forces that does not allow the West to repeat this in any of the countries they dislike. They still continue to arrange " democratic revolutions"and pit each other against each other fraternal peoples. However, this will not last forever. The world is on the brink of radical change. And I want to believe that he will no longer allow death and destruction from the bombing of “humanitarian rescuers” from the NATO bloc.

interethnic war in Yugoslavia and NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The cause of the war was the destruction of Yugoslav statehood (by mid-1992, the federal authorities lost control over the situation), caused by the conflict between federal republics and various ethnic groups, as well as attempts by the political “tops” to reconsider the existing borders between the republics.

War in Croatia (1991-1995). In February 1991, the Croatian Sabor adopted a resolution on “disunion” with the SFRY, and the Serbian National Assembly of the Serbian Krajina (an autonomous Serbian region within Croatia) adopted a resolution on “disunion” with Croatia and remaining part of the SFRY. Mutual escalation of passions, persecution of the Serbian Orthodox Church caused the first wave of refugees - 40 thousand Serbs were forced to leave their homes. In July, Croatia announced general mobilization and by the end of the year the number of Croatian armed forces reached 110 thousand people. Ethnic cleansing began in Western Slavonia. The Serbs were completely expelled from 10 cities and 183 villages, and partially expelled from 87 villages.

On the Serb side, the formation of a system of territorial defense and armed forces of Krajina began, a significant part of which were volunteers from Serbia. Parts of the Yugoslav people's army(JNA) entered the territory of Croatia and by August 1991 drove volunteer Croatian units from the territory of all Serbian regions. But after the armistice was signed in Geneva, the JNA stopped helping the Krajina Serbs, and a new Croat offensive forced them to retreat. From spring 1991 to spring 1995. Krajina was partially taken under the protection of the Blue Helmets, but the UN Security Council's demand for the withdrawal of Croatian troops from the zones controlled by the peacekeepers was not fulfilled. The Croats continued to undertake active military operations using tanks, artillery, and rocket launchers. As a result of the war in 1991-1994. 30 thousand people died, up to 500 thousand people became refugees, direct losses amounted to more than 30 billion dollars. In May-August 1995, the Croatian army carried out a well-prepared operation to return Krajina to Croatia. Several tens of thousands of people died during the hostilities. 250 thousand Serbs were forced to leave the republic. Total for 1991-1995 More than 350 thousand Serbs left Croatia.

War in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1991-1995). On October 14, 1991, in the absence of Serb deputies, the Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina declared the independence of the republic. On January 9, 1992, the Assembly of the Serbian People proclaimed the Republika Srpska of Bosnia and Herzegovina as part of the SFRY. In April 1992, a “Muslim putsch” took place - the seizure of police buildings and key facilities. The Muslim armed forces were opposed by the Serbian Volunteer Guard and volunteer detachments. Yugoslav Army withdrew its units, and was then blocked by Muslims in the barracks. During the 44 days of the war, 1,320 people died, the number of refugees amounted to 350 thousand people.

The United States and a number of other states accused Serbia of inciting the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the OSCE ultimatum, Yugoslav troops were withdrawn from the territory of the republic. But the situation in the republic has not stabilized. War broke out between Croats and Muslims with the participation of the Croatian army. The leadership of Bosnia and Herzegovina was divided into independent ethnic groups.

On March 18, 1994, with US mediation, a Muslim-Croat federation and a well-armed joint army were created, which began offensive operations supported by air force NATO bombing Serbian positions(with the approval of the UN Secretary General). The contradictions between the Serbian leaders and the Yugoslav leadership, as well as the blockade by the “blue helmets” of the Serbian heavy weapons, put them in difficult situation. In August-September 1995, NATO air strikes that destroyed Serbian military installations, communications centers and air defense systems prepared a new offensive by the Muslim-Croat army. On October 12, the Serbs were forced to sign a ceasefire agreement.

The UN Security Council, by resolution No. 1031 of December 15, 1995, instructed NATO to form a peacekeeping force to end the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which became the first in history ground operation conducted with NATO in the lead outside its area of ​​responsibility. The role of the UN was reduced to approving this operation. The peacekeeping multinational force included 57,300 people, 475 tanks, 1,654 armored vehicles, 1,367 guns, multiple launch rocket systems and mortars, 200 combat helicopters, 139 combat aircraft, 35 ships (with 52 carrier-based aircraft) and other weapons. It is believed that by the beginning of 2000, the goals of the peacekeeping operation were largely achieved - a ceasefire came. But complete agreement between the conflicting parties did not take place. The refugee problem remained unresolved.

The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina claimed more than 200 thousand lives, of which more than 180 thousand were civilians. Germany alone spent 320 thousand refugees (mostly Muslims) from 1991 to 1998. about 16 billion marks.

War in Kosovo and Metohija (1998-1999). Since the second half of the 90s of the twentieth century, the Liberation Army Kosovo (KAO). In 1991-1998 There were 543 clashes between Albanian militants and Serbian police, 75% of which occurred within five months last year. To stem the wave of violence, Belgrade introduced police units numbering 15 thousand people and approximately the same number of armed forces, 140 tanks and 150 armored vehicles into Kosovo and Metohija. In July-August 1998 Serbian army managed to destroy the main strong points AOK, which controlled up to 40% of the territory of the region. This predetermined the intervention of NATO member states, which demanded that Serbian forces cease their actions under the threat of bombing Belgrade. Serbian troops were withdrawn from the region and KLA militants again occupied a significant part of Kosovo and Metohija. The forced displacement of the Serbs from the region began.

In March 1999, in violation of the UN Charter, NATO launched a “humanitarian intervention” against Yugoslavia. In operation " Allied force“460 combat aircraft were used in the first stage, by the end of the operation the figure increased by more than 2.5 times. Number ground forces NATO was brought to 10 thousand people with heavy armored vehicles and operational-tactical missiles in service. Within a month from the start of the operation, the NATO naval group was increased to 50 ships equipped with sea-based cruise missiles and 100 carrier-based aircraft, and then increased several times more (for carrier-based aircraft - 4 times). In total, 927 aircraft and 55 ships (4 aircraft carriers) participated in the NATO operation. NATO troops were served by a powerful group of space assets.

Yugoslav ground troops At the beginning of the NATO aggression there were 90 thousand people and about 16 thousand police and security forces. The Yugoslav army had up to 200 combat aircraft, about 150 air defense systems with limited combat capabilities.

To strike 900 targets in the Yugoslav economy, NATO used 1,200-1,500 high-precision sea- and air-launched cruise missiles. During the first stage of the operation, these means destroyed oil industry Yugoslavia, 50% of the ammunition industry, 40% of the tank and automobile industry, 40% of oil storage facilities, 100% of strategic bridges across the Danube. From 600 to 800 combat sorties were carried out per day. In total, 38 thousand sorties were flown during the operation, about 1000 air-launched cruise missiles were used, and more than 20 thousand bombs and guided missiles were dropped. 37 thousand uranium shells were also used, as a result of the explosions of which 23 tons of depleted uranium-238 were sprayed over Yugoslavia.

An important component of the aggression was information war, including a powerful effect on Information Systems Yugoslavia in order to destroy information sources and undermine the combat command and control system and information isolation of not only troops, but also the population. The destruction of television and radio centers cleared information space for broadcasting the Voice of America station.

According to NATO, the bloc lost 5 aircraft, 16 unmanned aerial vehicles and 2 helicopters in the operation. According to the Yugoslav side, 61 NATO aircraft, 238 cruise missiles, 30 unmanned aerial vehicles and 7 helicopters were shot down (independent sources give the figures 11, 30, 3 and 3, respectively).

In the first days of the war, the Yugoslav side lost a significant part of its aviation and air defense systems (70% of mobile air defense systems). Air defense forces and means were preserved due to the fact that Yugoslavia refused to conduct an air defensive operation.

As a result of NATO bombing, more than 2,000 civilians were killed, over 7,000 people were injured, 82 bridges were destroyed and damaged, 422 missions educational institutions, 48 medical facilities, critical life support facilities and infrastructure, more than 750 thousand residents of Yugoslavia became refugees, without necessary conditions There are 2.5 million people left to live. The total material damage from NATO aggression amounted to over 100 billion dollars.

On June 10, 1999, the NATO Secretary General suspended actions against Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav leadership agreed to withdraw military and police forces from Kosovo and Metohija. On June 11, NATO rapid reaction forces entered the region. By April 2000, 41 thousand KFOR troops were stationed in Kosovo and Metohija. But this did not stop inter-ethnic violence. In the year after the end of NATO aggression, more than 1,000 people were killed in the region, more than 200 thousand Serbs and Montenegrins and 150 thousand representatives of other ethnic groups population, about 100 churches and monasteries were burned or damaged.

In 2002, the Prague NATO summit was held, which legitimized any operations of the alliance outside the territories of its member countries “wherever it is required.” The need for the UN Security Council to authorize military action was not mentioned in the summit documents.

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