New director of a Moscow school. Efom: Moscow school directors consider the new certification system outdated

Labor legislation establishes requirements according to which all workers are required to undergo periodic verification of suitability for the position held. This rule could not be avoided in the field of education - teaching staff must also regularly confirm their category.

Certification of teaching staff should take place with openness, transparency and collegiality, which becomes the main principle of its implementation. Compliance with these principles gives objective assessment, without discrimination against employees undergoing certification.

Certification (this is what passing the test is called) is classified into two types, which have their own characteristics:

  1. Mandatory. Such certification is carried out strictly once every five years; the employee’s work experience does not in any way affect the need and frequency of mandatory aptitude testing.
  2. Voluntary. According to the law, teaching worker can be certified on a voluntary basis - this can be done at any time convenient for the teacher, all that is required is the presence of desire.

The new regulation on the certification of teaching staff establishes categories of persons exempt from undergoing mandatory testing of the professional suitability of teachers. These individuals include the following:

  • teachers who have a qualification category;
  • Pregnant women, women on maternity leave and on maternity leave for children under three years of age;
  • teachers who have been in their position for less than two years.

Also exempt from mandatory certification are those teachers who, due to illness, were unable to work in their profession for more than four months in a row. For them, the test takes place at least 12 months after recovery. Women on maternity leave and parental leave can undergo mandatory check professional suitability no earlier than 2 years after leaving leave.

Main verification tasks

Certification of teaching staff is carried out in pursuit of certain tasks, including:

  • stimulation of constant and targeted improvement of the level of qualifications of teachers;
  • determining the degree of need for advanced training among education workers;
  • improving quality characteristics professional activity those being certified.

Curious facts

The new rules in the certification of teaching staff are: in the right order establishments per employee educational organization submission - a document in which a number of information about the employee is indicated. The head of the organization must familiarize the employee with this submission against signature and no later than a month before the certification. If an employee educational institution does not want to sign the document, then in this case it is certified by the employer, as well as several competent persons.

Certification is also needed to perform such tasks as size differentiation wages teachers in accordance with their assigned qualification category.

Inspection form

The procedure for certifying employees in 2019 takes the form of a meeting of a commission, which includes the chairman and deputy of the commission, the secretary, other members of the commission, as well as the teacher himself. If the person being certified cannot attend the event due to good reason, the meeting is adjourned.

To pass the certification, the teacher must provide a package mandatory documents, which includes:

  • an application signed personally by the teacher to undergo a professional aptitude test;
  • if the result of the previous certification is available, a copy of the document confirming its completion;
  • photocopies of diplomas teacher education(higher or secondary professional);
  • characteristics or cover letter from the place of work to confirm competence.

Within 30 days after the transfer of all specified documents, the teacher receives a notice at his home mailing address containing all information about upcoming certification– place and time of its holding.

Stages of certification

The new certification rules establish two stages of verification:

  1. Confirmation of professional suitability. At this stage, the commission will check the professional skills of the teacher, evaluate the ability to communicate with students and consider other skills of the teacher.
  2. Obtaining a qualification category. A teacher can receive the first or highest category at this stage. To do this, he needs to have the second category (to get the first) or have the first category for two or more years (to get highest category). An increase in the qualification category is possible if the teacher’s students successfully master educational programs, achieve success in scientific, intellectual, and also creative activity, and the teacher himself made a great contribution to optimizing the educational process.

It is worth remembering that the certification period for teaching staff in 2019 is five years. If the teacher does not confirm his qualification, it will be cancelled. In this case, an employee of the first category will have to undergo a test for professional suitability and qualifications (first category), and a teacher of the highest category will need to undergo certification for the first category, and only two years after that - again for the highest.

Details about changes in regulations legal documents for certification of teaching staff of organizations, watch the video

Testing Features

To pass certification, it is not enough to simply submit an application for certification. You also need to pass a special test on a computer, which includes 100 questions on the following topics:

  • basic legislation;
  • fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy;
  • teaching methods;
  • fundamentals of subject knowledge.

Basically, certification is carried out through a meeting of a commission, the competence of which is considered valid if 2/3 of the composition is present. The teacher who is being certified must also be present at the meeting.

Each question has several possible answers, of which only one is correct. The teacher is given 150 minutes to take the test. Testing is considered successfully completed if 60 correct answers inclusive (60% and above) were given. If the threshold is not reached, the test is not counted.

The teacher present at the commission meeting can find out the results of the test immediately after the end of the test. The results of the inspection are recorded in a protocol signed by all members of the council. This document is subsequently transferred to the employer and attached to the teacher’s personal file.

Any questions you may have can be asked in the comments to the article.

After amendments were adopted to the Education Law in the Russian Federation, industry experts drew attention to some transformations in the certification procedure for the category of Russian teachers. Raising standards pedagogical qualifications and a thorough check of the level of personnel training - such trends can become real objective requirements to teachers in the near future. Let's take a closer look at what will change in passing the certification of teachers? Who can go for retraining? Mandatory and voluntary certification: features of the procedure.

What changes have been made to the teacher certification procedure?

According to the amendments to the Law on Education (Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012), in 2018 it was introduced new model certification teaching staff. According to the authors and developers of the concept, it is designed to improve the entire teaching staff, leaving only qualified and experienced personnel after certification.

Starting from 2018, teachers will undergo certification sequentially, in two stages:

Stage 1. Confirmation of professional teaching skills and compliance with their position in the school.

Stage 2. Protection of teaching qualifications: a special commission will analyze whether the teacher’s qualification level was correctly assigned. If the category is confirmed, the teacher will receive advanced training.

It must be said that when passing the certification, a specially created commission will focus on the quality of the candidate’s preparation in the following blocks:

    knowledge of the discipline;

    teaching skills;

    communication and interaction with students;

    checking psychological preparation: analysis of teacher reactions to various situations including stressful moments.

Who will be affected by the teacher knowledge test in 2019?

According to the provisions on conducting routine certification of teachers, it is carried out once every 5 years. Accordingly, in 2019, testing of knowledge, skills and psychological preparation will be mandatory for all those teachers who passed it back in 2013.

    First of all, these are teachers who will soon go on maternity leave (their certification will be scheduled after leaving);

    secondly, these are teachers who already have existing qualifications;

    thirdly, new teachers whose work experience at school does not exceed two years are exempt from certification;

Teachers who have been on long-term vacation (4 months or longer) may not be certified. The law requires them to undergo routine training 12 months after full return to the state.

Read also: Will there be a salary increase for Russian teachers in 2019?

Voluntary certification for advanced training of education workers

In 2019, all educational workers have the opportunity to at will improve your qualifications unscheduled. At the same time, it is important to say that not only uncategorized specialists, but also those personnel who have been assigned the appropriate qualifications can undergo certification on a voluntary basis. In order to qualify for unscheduled recertification, a teacher must already have had the category for 24 months, that is, 2 years must have passed since passing the commission the previous time.

In order to apply for voluntary recertification, a teacher must first contact the school management. Next, a corresponding application is submitted to the department of education at the location of the school. If the candidate meets basic requirements for unscheduled recertification, he has no right to refuse testing.

In conclusion, we would like to add an important note: those teachers who for some reason do not pass certification (mandatory or voluntary) will be sent for additional training. The Ministry of Education emphasizes that here we're talking about not about removal from teaching, but about comprehensive and high-quality retraining of specialists.

Teacher certification in 2017: latest changes

The latest changes in Federal Law 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation” indicate that the certification of teachers in 2017 will take place in two stages. At the first stage, the teacher must confirm his suitability for the position held directly by his professional suitability. The next - second - stage involves the justified assignment of the appropriate category to an employee of educational institutions. Qualifications can only be upgraded if successful completion a commission whose members test the knowledge and skills of the teacher in person, while determining his ability to communicate with children and treat them properly - as befits a teacher.

General provisions regarding the certification of teaching staff in Russia

The new certification of teaching staff in 2017 applies to all education workers without exception. Let us remember that on this moment Currently in Russia there are two types of certification: mandatory and voluntary. The first stage is taken by those teaching staff who, at the request of the state, directly need to test their knowledge. The commission determines the level of wealth of a particular teacher, after which it makes a conclusion whether such a person is suitable for the country or not, that is, whether he corresponds to his position or simply takes someone else’s place.

At the same time, voluntary certification will be of interest primarily to those teachers who are pursuing the goal of increasing their current qualification level.

Mandatory certification: important information about this type of teacher assessment

Mandatory certification of teaching staff, starting in 2016, will be carried out for those who passed it 5 years ago. In 2017, teachers with an existing qualification category and pregnant women are exempt from mandatory certification.

It should be noted that certification can be ignored by those teachers who have been serving in educational institutions for the last 2 years. Maternity leave gives the right to obtain qualifications and confirm one’s competence as a teacher after going to work. It is important to remember that at least two years must pass from this moment until certification.

Certification does not apply to those employees of educational institutions who, due to various reasons have been absent from work for the last 4 months (and beyond this period). For them, certification becomes mandatory only after one calendar year, starting from the moment of his official return to work.

Voluntary certification: who is interested in this type of confirmation of teacher competence?

Probably, every person (not just a teacher - any other specialist) wants to raise his or her qualification level to a higher level, with the goal of advancing in career ladder and improve. Such people who want to improve themselves will be interested in voluntary certification. New form teacher certification in 2017, in general, is in many ways similar to the already familiar order of affairs.

If we are talking about the field of education, then specifically a teacher, intending to improve his qualifications, must first seek help in solving this issue directly to your superiors, and then write the appropriate statement. The document must necessarily clarify that voluntary certification will be carried out in order to establish a new qualification category.

Voluntary certification will be of interest both to teachers without a category and to those teachers who already have one, but at the same time, they still have room to grow.

To obtain highest rank out of all possible, you need to be a teacher who is not only determined, but also has previously received the first category. Please note that at least two years must pass from that moment until the next increase.

At the same time, one cannot help but say that highest category assigned to those teachers who already have one at all. In their case, they confirm their qualifications obtained earlier. Categories are issued for 5 years, after which they no longer require further extension.

How does certification work?

Mandatory certification of teachers in 2017 in Russia is carried out under the control of a special certification commission. Its composition is formed from representatives of the educational organization. The head who confirmed the order to appoint the commission approves the composition: chairman, deputy, secretary and other members of the commission. On the appointed day, a meeting of the commission is held.

Voluntary certification involves the preliminary submission of an application from the employee himself. It indicates his position and current category. The commission will test the teacher’s knowledge on the appointed day.

Verification of the application may take up to 30 days, after which the commission’s conclusion is issued. Duration of certification, including issuance final decision commission is no more than 60 days.

Results of the certification

If a teacher partially or completely disagrees with the decision of the commission, he has the opportunity to challenge the received conclusion in court. Another option is to create special commission on labor disputes. The teacher has 90 days from the date of issue of the conclusion to challenge the results.

On the other hand, if the results of certification largely satisfy the employee educational institution, he himself in this case, returning to workplace and, having presented the commission’s conclusion to the boss, may demand an increase.

All Moscow “non-schoolchildren” will take the 2018 interim certification at the Moscow Center for Educational Quality. The rumor, which had been circulating in parent communities for several months, was confirmed in September. When leaders public schools received a letter from the Moscow Department of Education, signed by the Deputy Head of the Department, G.T. Alimov. In this letter, schools are instructed to send students in grades 9 and 11 (family, self-education and correspondence) to intermediate certifications at the same Center independent diagnostics MCKO.

In the same letter, the Department explains this measure by the desire to reduce the burden on school teachers and psychologically prepare schoolchildren for final certification. Also attached to the letter is a draft Regulation on Certification, which schools must adopt.

We tried to find out what consequences this letter might have.

From a legal point of view

Interim certification is a condition for admission to final certification in grades 9 and 11, passing the final certification and receiving a document on education without intermediate certification impossible. This means that you will have to take the intermediate certification for grade 9 (and for grade 11 if you choose complete secondary education).

The Federal Law on Education gives parents of students the right to choose educational organizations themselves (Part 3 of Article 44). We define syllabus(timing, order, volume, subjects, certification) of the child for family education so do we, parents. The Department of Education and any other organization cannot limit us in this right. And here is the children's curriculum for distance learning determined by the school.

The letter cannot be enforced, firstly, because the Department of Education has no power to interfere with educational process. And secondly, because the letter was not formatted as normative act, not officially published and not registered with the Ministry of Justice. Until the document is published as expected, it is not mandatory and can only be advisory in nature.

Department of Education response

We asked the Moscow Department of Education to comment on the situation and answer several questions. We received a detailed answer, but difficult to understand for the average parent. And they asked lawyer Maria Merkuryeva to explain the situation in simpler language.

According to Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation» the educational organization has autonomy in the implementation educational activities. In accordance with paragraph 10 of part 3 of Article 28 “Competence, rights, duties and responsibilities of an educational organization,” the competence of an educational organization in the established field of activity includes the implementation of ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students, establishing their forms, frequency and procedure.

Lawyer's comment
Here the autonomy of the school is declared - it independently determines the procedure for certification. That is, from the point of view of the law, schools are not obliged to accept the letter for execution.

A state educational organization, subordinate to the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, decides to conduct an intermediate certification of students in grades 9 and 11 who are mastering educational programs in correspondence, family form or in the form of self-education, using the resources of the Center for Independent Diagnostics of the Moscow Center for Education, and regulates this accordingly in its local act on the forms, frequency and procedure for conducting intermediate certification for these categories of students.

Lawyer's comment
And at this point we see the opposite position: the school was not left with a choice. The statement “the school makes the decision” instead of “the school can decide” means thatThe department is really trying to get schools to take the letter's guidance into action. Schools are dependent on the Department, because determining the amount of payments to schools for certification of students on family and correspondence forms not specifically regulated, only in general outline. If a school does not comply with the Department's conditions, it may not receive money for organizing assessments.

Free use by educational organizations of the resources of the Moscow Center for Quality Education will reduce the burden on teaching staff to carry out the intermediate certification procedure for these categories of students, will provide modern level reliability and manufacturability of assessment educational results, will have a positive impact on the formation psychological readiness of these categories of students to pass the state final certification.

Editor's comment
Certifications at the Center for Independent Diagnostics of the Moscow Central Educational Center are free, but according to the law, certifications for students are free everywhere in any case. The purpose of the whole idea of ​​​​transferring certifications there is to relieve school teachers and help students psychologically prepare for the final certification. Everything is clear with the unloading of teachers, but with psychological preparation On the contrary, it is not at all clear how this will be implemented.

Organizational support for intermediate certification of students mastering educational programs in correspondence, family form or in the form of self-education is regulated local act educational organization (regulations, procedures, etc.), with which students and (or) their parents (legal representatives) should be familiarized.