Methodological work of the teacher. Methodological activities of a preschool teacher

Methodical work- in a preschool institution - this is a holistic system of interrelated measures based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience aimed at comprehensive professional development and professional excellence each teacher and the team as a whole.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 8 “Teremok”

Municipal district Starominsky district



senior teacher of MBDOU d/skv No. 8 “Teremok”

Municipal district of Starominsky district, Krasnodar region

The relevance of the problem of training a highly qualified, free-thinking, active educator at the present stage in connection with the reviving approach to man as an intrinsic value is obvious to everyone. Help the teacher master new things pedagogical thinking, readiness to solve complex problems in the education system, specially organized methodological work is called upon to improve one’s pedagogical skills.

Methodical work- in a preschool institution, this is a holistic system of interrelated measures based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience, aimed at comprehensively improving the qualifications and professional skills of each teacher and the team as a whole.

In kindergartens, certain forms of advanced training for teachers have developed, however, between different types methodological work Often there is no proper communication, taking into account the specific interests and needs of educators.

The task of the manager and methodologist preschool is to develop a system, to find accessible and at the same time effective methods of improving pedagogical skills.

Main criteriaeffectiveness of methodological work, in addition to performance indicators(level of pedagogical skill, activity of teachers, etc.),are the characteristics of the methodological process itself:

1. CONSISTENCY - compliance of goals and objectives with the content and forms of methodological work.


  1. improving the pedagogical skills of each teacher and teaching staff generally;
  2. formation of individual methodological systems for individual educators;
  3. development of new pedagogical technologies and etc.

Tasks - these are subgoals that contribute to the implementation of goals. Thus, to improve the pedagogical skills of educators, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

a) identify the initial level of pedagogical skill of each teacher, i.e. the level of his knowledge, teaching abilities and skills;

b) develop among educators the need for self-development, self-education, self-education;

c) develop the humanistic orientation of the personality of each educator;

d) develop pedagogical technique, i.e. organizational, communication and other skills.

  • educational,
  • didactic,
  • psychological,
  • physiological,
  • technical,
  • self-educational,
  • private methodological, etc.

So, educational directionprovides for advanced training of educators on the theory and methods of educating preschoolers in conditions of a personal approach and humanization of the educational process.

Didactic directionmethodological work includes updating teachers’ knowledge on the most current problems increasing the effectiveness of children's education in preschool educational institutions.

Psychological directionprovides advanced training for educators in the field of general, developmental and educational psychology.

Physiological directionprovides classes on general and age-related physiology and hygiene.

The complexity and variety of goals and objectives of methodological work in a modern preschool institution, the versatile nature of its content, and the specific features of each preschool educational institution require a variety of methodological forms of work with personnel and their optimal combination with each other.

In recent years, there have been active search new, non-traditional forms methodological work. However, it should be noted that no form of work in itself, regardless of the content of teacher training, can guarantee a creative approach. There is not and cannot be a division of forms into new and old, modern and non-modern, since each of them corresponds to a specific content. Any traditional form can be active if it is constructed competently in content and methods and implements such important functions, as informational, guiding and developing.

Based on work experience, special situations of methodological development of educators are identified.

Situations of methodological work

Methodological forms of advanced training for educators




Individual patronage


Consulting the head, senior teacher.


Modeling individual options for methodological work for each teacher

Problem consultations

Creative micro groups

Thematic seminars

Psychological training

School of Pedagogical Excellence

Organizational - activity, role-playing games


Psychological and pedagogical workshop

Young teacher's school

AKS (case study analysis)

Mutual attendance at classes

Methodical gatherings

Creative workshops

Teachers' Council

Method advice

Psychological and pedagogical seminars

Auctions of knowledge, methodological findings, ideas

Pedagogical and methodological rings

- "Round table"

- “Hour of position defense”

Theoretical, methodological and practical conferences

KMN (competition of methodological findings)

Festival of methodological ideas


The system of continuous professional development for each preschool teacher involves different shapes: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, region, kindergarten. Systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the teacher and senior teacher is carried out through advanced training courses every five years. During the inter-course period of active teaching activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject himself. This is why self-education between courses is necessary. It does following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge acquired in previous course preparation; contributes to the understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills.

IN kindergarten The senior educator must create conditions for self-education of teachers.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources taking into account the interests and inclinations of each specific teacher.

As a process of acquiring knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered its integral part.

In the process of self-education, a person develops the ability to independently organize his activities to acquire new knowledge.

Why does a teacher need to constantly work on himself, replenish and expand his knowledge? Pedagogy, like all sciences, does not stand still, but is constantly developing and improving. The volume of scientific knowledge increases every year. Scientists say that the knowledge that humanity has doubles every ten years.

This obliges every specialist, regardless of the education received, to engage in self-education.

Korney Chukovsky wrote: “Only that knowledge is durable and valuable that you have acquired yourself, prompted by your own passion. All knowledge must be a discovery that you have made yourself.”

The head of a preschool educational institution organizes work in such a way that self-education of each teacher becomes his need. Self-education is the first step to improving professional skills. In the methodological room, the necessary conditions are created for this: it is constantly updated and replenished library collection reference and methodological literature, teachers’ work experience.

Methodological journals are not just studied and systematized by year, but are used to compile thematic catalogs and help the teacher who has chosen the topic of self-education to get acquainted with the different views of scientists and practitioners on the problem. A library catalog is a list of books available in a library and located in a specific system.

For each book, a special card is created, on which the author’s surname, his initials, the title of the book, the year and place of publication are written down. On back side You can write a brief summary or list the main issues covered in the book. Thematic card indexes include books, journal articles, and individual book chapters. The senior educator compiles catalogs and recommendations to help those engaged in self-education, studies the impact of self-education on changes in the educational process.

However, it is very important that the organization of self-education is not reduced to the formal maintenance of additional reporting documentation (plans, extracts, notes).

This is a voluntary desire of the teacher. In the methodological office, only the topic on which the teacher is working, and the form and deadline of the report are recorded. In this case, the form of the report may be as follows: speaking at a pedagogical council or conducting methodological work with colleagues (consultation, seminar lesson etc.). This could be a demonstration of working with children, in which the teacher uses the acquired knowledge in the course of self-education.

To summarize what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

  • work in libraries with periodicals, monographs, catalogues;
  • participation in scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;
  • obtaining consultations from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher education educational institutions;
  • work with a bank of diagnostic and correctional development programs in regional methodological centers, etc.

The result of these and other types of teacher work is the process of reflection on the experience gained and, on its basis, the construction of new experience.


MENTORING - a necessary component of the adaptation program and vocational education young specialists. Mentoring is individual, targeted assistance to young professionals in familiarizing themselves with collective traditions, general rules, professional characteristics work in a preschool educational institution and in more complete mastery of the necessary skills for the fruitful performance of work;

MENTORING - a type of individual educational work with young specialists who do not have work experience in teaching in educational institutions or with specialists appointed to a position for which they have no work experience.

1. Mentoring applies to:beginning young specialists for a period of no more than 2 years after graduating from a secondary specialized educational institution, for a period of no more than 1 year after graduating from a higher educational institution; students admitted under contract

2. Mentors are selected from the most prepared teaching staff with high professional qualities, stable performance indicators, communication skills and flexibility in communication; having higher or secondary special education, teaching experience of at least 5 years; first or highest qualification category.

Purpose of mentoring:

The purpose of mentoring is to assist young professionals in their professional development, close involvement young specialist into the work process and social life


3.1. Accelerating the process of learning the basic skills of the profession, developing the ability to independently and efficiently perform the tasks assigned to him for his position;

3.2. Adaptation to corporate culture, assimilation of traditions and rules of conduct in a given Institution, a conscious and creative attitude towards fulfilling the duties of a teacher.

3.3. Development of a young specialist necessary skills and skills in conducting teaching activities.

3.4. Instilling in young specialists an interest in teaching and retaining teachers in preschool educational institutions.


Of the various forms of methodological work in kindergarten, such a form as consulting teachers has become especially firmly established in practice. Individual and group consultations; consultations on the main areas of work of the entire team, on current problems of pedagogy, on requests from educators, etc.

Any consultation requires the senior educator to prepare and professional competence.

The main consultations are planned in the institution's annual work plan, but individual consultations are held as needed.

Using different methods When conducting consultations, the senior educator not only sets the task of transferring knowledge to teachers, but also strives to develop in them creative attitude to activity.

Thus, with a problematic presentation of the material, a problem is formed and a way to solve it is shown.

1. Partial search method- educators actively take part in putting forward hypotheses, drawing up activity plans, and independently solving the problem.

2. Method of explanation.- this method has a number of positive qualities: reliability, economical selection specific facts, scientific interpretation of the phenomena under consideration, etc. In order to stimulate the attention of educators and encourage them to follow the logic of presentation, it is useful to formulate questions at the beginning of the consultation. Questions addressed to teachers during the consultation process help them understand their experience from the perspective scientific conclusions, express your thoughts, guesses, formulate a conclusion.

Depending on the level of qualification of teachers, the senior educator determines to what extent it is possible to draw on knowledge from their experience or limit oneself to one’s own explanation.

3. Heuristic conversation method. During the conversation, individual provisions of the read methodological literature are revealed in more detail, explanations are given on those issues that are of greater interest to teachers, the erroneousness of their opinions and shortcomings of professional experience are revealed, the degree of understanding and assimilation of knowledge is revealed, and orientation towards further self-education is carried out.

4. Discussion method - in form and content, the discussion is close to the conversation method. It also involves choosing an important topic that requires a comprehensive discussion, preparing questions for educators, and introductory and concluding remarks. However, unlike a conversation, a discussion requires a struggle of opinions and the raising of controversial issues. During the discussion, it is necessary to ask many other additional questions, the number and content of which cannot be foreseen in advance. Therefore, the use of discussion as a method requires high professional competence, pedagogical skill, great culture, and tact from the senior educator. The leader of the discussion must have the ability to quickly navigate the situation, capture the train of thought and mood of the participants, create an atmosphere of trust.

II. DIFFERENTIATION- the second criterion for the effectiveness of methodological work - precisely presupposes a greater share in the system of methodological work of individual and group classes with educators, based on their level of professionalism, readiness for self-development, and other indicators. There are three levels of teaching skills:

  • low (intuitive);
  • medium (search);
  • high (masterful).

In kindergarten, there are no two teachers who are equally prepared theoretically and methodologically, even among those who have worked for many years.

In accordance with the level of pedagogical skill for each teacher, the methodologist needs to develop individual options for methodological work.

Thus, methodological work with low-level educators is focused on developing a positive attitude towards teaching activities and mastering theoretical knowledge.

The goals of methodological work with middle-level educators are to develop an orientation toward communication, dialogue, and mastery of pedagogical techniques.(skill system), awareness of one's own individuality.

Methodological work with high-level educators involves stimulating value orientation on creativity in their teaching activities, on the creation of an individual methodological system. At the same time, the emphasis is on self-education and self-analysis of one’s own achievements, initiative in testing new options for teaching and educating preschoolers.

III. STAGE - indicators of the effectiveness of methodological work.

The process of methodological work in kindergarten includes certain sequential stages:

Stage 1 - theoretical - awareness of the idea, comprehension of advanced systems;

Stage 2 - methodical - showing the best examples: best practices; building a plan for an individual methodological system;

3rd stage - practical - independent development and testing by educators of new teaching and educational technologies;

Stage 4 - analytical - identifying the effectiveness of the work, as well as analyzing the most typical difficulties and ways to eliminate them.


“Environmental education - ecological path in kindergarten”

Target: creating motivation for preschool teachers to work towards creating an ecological trail on the territory of the preschool institution.

  1. Analyze the theoretical basis for creating an ecological trail on the territory and inside the kindergarten;
  2. Develop a work plan for teachers in this direction;
  3. Development of a map-scheme of an ecological trail on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

Seminar participants:MDOU teachers, parents.

Seminar-workshop progress:

Take care of these waters, these lands.

Loving even a small blade of grass,

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only the beasts within yourself...

1. “Creative workshop”

Presenter: Environmental education of the younger generation has come to the fore in recent years, due to
deterioration environmental situation generally. Preschool age is considered the most favorable in terms of the formation
ecological culture. The child spends most of his time in a preschool institution, which allows him to soak up
every moment he is in kindergarten with love and respect for nature. Today the most active ones stand out
forms of including a child in the process of familiarization with ecology. At the beginning of our event, I invite you to divide into four
commands using images of the four elements (water, fire, earth, air).

(Teachers select pieces of paper with images and divide into four teams).

Presenter: First and creative taskeach team: it is necessary to select an element of the developmental environment with an environmental focus and prepare a presentation according to plan:

1. The name of the element of the developmental environment (laboratory, corner of nature in a group, etc.).

2. Goal and objectives (how it will contribute to the development of preschool children; how it will increase the effectiveness of environmental education; in the implementation of what programs it can help, etc.). The goal is understood as the final expected result, and the tasks are the ways to implement and achieve the result.

3. Age of children for whom it is intended.

4. Where is it located and how is it decorated.

5. Design features, materials, equipment (for corners of nature, vegetable gardens - indicate the names of animals and plants).

6. Zoning of the premises (if required).

7. What forms and methods of working with children are expected to be used (for example, experimentation, observation, holding environmental holidays, etc.)

Time to complete the task is 20 minutes. After which a presentation of each product of the teachers’ activities is presented.


Summing up the presentations, a “leader” among the elements of the ecological and development environment has clearly emerged. The most important and effective form of work turned out to be an ecological trail, both on the territory of the preschool educational institution and within it.

2. “Pedagogical snake”:

Presenter: to determine your understanding of the essence of the ecological trail, I offer you a piece of paper, which I run as paper kite round. Each of you must write an associative word with the expression “ecological trail” on a sheet of paper, fold the sheet like an accordion and pass it to the next participant in the seminar.

(Teachers write down the words on a piece of paper. As soon as it returns to the presenter, she reads out the words written down by the teachers).

Presenter: Now, I would like to tell you scientific and pedagogical facts about the ecological trail in a preschool institution.

The first ecological trails were created for visitors to national parks in foreign countries. In recent years, many preschool institutions have been creating their own environmental trails. Taking into account the short length of the routes, the specifics of the included points (natural and artificial objects), the age of the children, and the forms of work with them, the term “ecological path” is most often used in preschool education. Real ecological trails, used for teaching adults and schoolchildren, are usually laid in natural landscapes, are characterized by a significant duration and carry a large content load. In preschool institutions, ecological paths perform cognitive, developmental, aesthetic, and health-improving functions. There are three main types of ecological paths:

a) on the territory of a preschool institution;

b) in natural or close to natural conditions (suburban forest, park, square, etc.);

c) in the kindergarten building.

The main criteria for choosing a route and objects of an ecological trail are the inclusion in it of as many diverse objects as possible that attract the attention of a child, and their accessibility for preschoolers. The objects (viewpoints) of the ecological path are selected different kinds both wild and cultivated plants (trees, shrubs, herbs), mosses, mushrooms on living and dead trees, old stumps, anthills, bird nests in trees, microlandscapes of various natural communities (meadows, forests), flower beds, individual beautifully flowering plants , places where insects regularly gather (for example, soldier beetles), small ponds, vegetable gardens, individual stones, an alpine hill, fountains, springs, etc. Human interaction with nature (both positive and negative) can be shown using the example of trampled plots, bird feeders, littered ponds outside the kindergarten territory. In our whole northern country Preschoolers in many regions spend a significant part of their time in kindergarten premises. That is why it is recommended to create ecological paths in the building of a preschool institution. In addition, such paths allow both adults and children to look at their immediate surroundings in a new way. Such paths include objects of living and inanimate nature: a corner of nature, an ecological room, a winter garden (networks of various routes for different purposes can be additionally created inside them), a fountain, a swimming pool, a herbal bar, sandboxes in the corridors, water and sand centers, a laboratory , individual compositions of indoor plants and dried flowers, corners of nature or individual natural objects in group rooms, mini-gardens on windows, greenhouses in a building, an art gallery, exhibitions of crafts from natural material, nature museums, mini-museums in groups, folklore rooms, fairy tale rooms, exhibitions made from waste material and others (the variety of points on such a path depends on the developing environment of the kindergarten).

3. "Constructors".

Presenter: Each team receives two general tasks:

Develop a diagram of an ecological path on the territory of the preschool educational institution;

Develop a diagram of an ecological path in the institution.

You are given 20 minutes to complete the task; after the time has elapsed, each team will present the developed schemes to the attention of their colleagues.

Based on the results of the maps of ecological trails proposed by teachers, as well as justifications for the need to create similar shape environmental education in the preschool educational institution, a decision was made on the need to create an ecological trail on the territory of the preschool educational institution.

4. Stages of creating and designing a path

The sequence of actions to create a path can be as follows:

  • detailed survey of the territory and identification of the most interesting objects;
  • drawing up a general map of the path with the route and all its objects (in the form of circles with numbers or drawings-symbols);
  • maps can be compiled for various purposes: to help educators and for children of different ages).

Maps for children should contain a small amount of information in the form of child-friendly drawings of objects and arrows indicating the route. For kids, you can make bright, large drawings of the objects that are most attractive to them. For example, draw a butterfly in circles, bright flower, tree and connect all these drawings with a line - a path along which they go from one object to another;

  • together with the children, choose the “owner” of the path - a fairy-tale character who will give the children tasks and invite them to visit;
  • photographing objects and describing all points according to the diagram, issued in the form of an album (passport);
  • production of plates with drawings, signatures for viewpoints, environmental signs;
  • drawing up recommendations for using path objects to work with children.

Based on theoretical facts about the meaning and organization of ecological trails in kindergarten, together with teachers he develops long-term plan work towards creating an ecological trail in the preschool educational institution (on the territory and inside the kindergarten).

5. Main activities aimed at creating an ecological trail in the preschool educational institution

1. Teachers of the senior and preparatory groups fill out a passport for the future ecological tropics, which includes a map diagram of the future trail. Photographs or drawings of objects are attached to separate sheets (preferably several photographs in different time year) and provides the information necessary for the teacher. Thus, when describing a tree, its biological, environmental characteristics, distribution characteristics, origin of the name, folk names, reflection of its image in folklore (fairy tales, riddles, proverbs), songs, poems are given, its connection with other plants and animals, its role in life are noted. people (health, aesthetic, etc.) and recommendations for using the object in the work on environmental education of preschool children and educating parents (as experience shows, parents
always interested in information about the use of plants, which can serve as a starting point for environmental conversations; that is why such information is included in the description of viewpoints). Below are a number of examples of such descriptions that we compiled for some of the trees on the ecological path.

2. Teacher-psychologist, deputy. head The design of stops for the future ecological trail is being developed according to the water management system.

3. Teachers of secondary groups develop a design environmental sphere inside a preschool.

4. Teachers of younger groups collect information about the plant fund on the territory of the kindergarten.


1. System of methodological work with personnel in preschool educational institution Golitsina N.S. ed. Scriptorium 2003

2. Preschool educational institutiontion: results-based management

3. Material from the site

4. Pozdnyak L.V., Lyashchenko N.N. management of preschool education M.: academy 2001

5. L.M. Volobueva. Work of a senior preschool teacher with teachers. - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2003

System of methodological work of preschool educational institutions

In preschool educational institutions, qualified, experienced and creative teachers, specialists and employees create conditions for a favorable stay, development and health of children. Preschool teachers build the integrity of the pedagogical process, which ensures the full development of the child: physical, social-communicative, artistic-aesthetic, cognitive and speech in interrelation.

Methodological work in a preschool educational institution is a system of activities that are aimed at improving the skills of each teacher, at generalizing and developing the creative potential of the team, at ensuring the achievement of optimal results in the education, upbringing and development of children.

The purpose of methodological work in kindergarten is to create conditions for continuous improvement of the level of general and pedagogical culture participants educational process. This is the creation of conditions for professional development teachers and providing pedagogical education to parents for the continuous development of children.

Objectives of methodological work:

Organizational provision of continuity of professional development of teachers. Educational and methodological support for the effective implementation of the educational program in accordance with modern requirements. Study, generalize and disseminate the best practices of preschool teachers in ensuring the quality of education. Information Support pedagogical education of parents of preschool children.

Analyzing the methodological work of a preschool educational institution according to the main criteria of effectiveness and the characteristics of the methodological process itself, it can be characterized as a system. The forms and content of methodological work correspond to the set goals and objectives. Differentiation is implemented in individual and group forms of work with teachers, taking into account their level of professionalism, readiness for self-development and other indicators. In this case, three levels of pedagogical skill are taken into account: low (intuitive); medium (search); high (masterful). The phasing of methodological work is presented in the form of certain sequential stages:

Stage 1 – theoretical – awareness of the idea, study of advanced pedagogical experience;

Stage 2 – methodical – showing the best of the samples; building an individual methodological system;

Stage 3 – practical – implementation of the plan; independent testing by teachers of new technologies of teaching and education;

Stage 4 – analytical – identifying the effectiveness of work, analyzing the most typical difficulties and ways to eliminate them.

This sequence is not always maintained; sometimes some of the stages are missing.

One of the main directions of the methodological work of the preschool educational institution is the functioning of the methodological office. He plays a leading role in assisting teachers in organizing the educational process, ensuring their continuous self-development, summarizing best pedagogical experience, and increasing the competence of parents in matters of raising and educating children.

The organization of the activities of the methodological office is based on such principles as information content, accessibility, aesthetics, and content.

An information data bank has been formed in the methodological office, where the sources, content, and direction of information are determined.

The information data bank contains:

    regulatory documents Legislation Russian Federation; regulatory documents regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions; documents and materials:

On planning the activities of preschool educational institutions;

On the organization of methodological work in a preschool institution;

On the organization and management of educational activities of preschool educational institutions;

For control and regulation educational activities preschool educational institution;

On child development in educational space preschool educational institution;

By organization interaction between preschool educational institutions with family, school, society;

    methodological, didactic, psychological literature; audio, video materials, media library; visual and didactic material; bank of methodological developments, periodicals preschool education.

Timely informing teachers about new developments in psychological and pedagogical science and best practices, methodological support in the system preschool education an important condition for the high effectiveness of the educational process. Increasing the awareness of teachers contributes to the adoption and implementation of a unified pedagogical strategy for the development of a kindergarten, which is discussed and approved by the pedagogical council and serves as the main resource for the development of the team in the preschool educational institution.

The teaching staff is characterized by:

Of Education

According to availability qualification category

According to the age

By teaching experience

According to the presence of certificates, awards, titles, etc.

To improve the professional level of teachers, such forms as training in educational institutions of higher professional education, advanced training courses, and professional retraining are used; participation in meetings of methodological associations and in the work creative groups municipal resource centers, etc.

Internal professional development of preschool teachers occurs through various forms of methodological work. When choosing forms and methods, we are guided by: the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution; quantitative and high-quality composition team; features of the educational process; logistical terms of the preschool educational institution; real opportunities; best practices and scientific recommendations. Both group and customized forms methodological work.

Table 1

Forms of methodological work used

Consultations on the following topics:

    Requirements for maintaining documentation for teachers. Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through the creation of a developmental environment. A variety of types of hardening activities. We design and decorate winter areas. "Portfolio of the preschool educational institution group." The main problems in working with families in difficult situations life situation. Planning summer recreational work with children. Compliance with occupational safety, health and safety, protection of life and health of children.

Auction of pedagogical projects

The goal is to identify and disseminate advanced pedagogical experience.

Create conditions for personal and professional self-realization;

Promote creative activity teachers;

Improve the practical skills of a teacher’s professional activity.

Each of the teachers shared their ideas, plans, their experience in implementing these ideas, their impressions of their own activities, and also adopted the experience of other teachers.

Open views (mutual visits) of forms joint activities with children for use by teachers gaming technologies(TRIZ, socio-game technology, educational games, logical blocks by E. Dienesh, etc.). Thanks to this form of work, teachers see how their colleagues work and realize their shortcomings. In addition, they can use the positive experience of colleagues in their teaching activities.

The work of the creative team. The teachers who were part of the creative group developed a plan for the preparation and holding of festive events, scenarios, provisions for competitions held at the preschool educational institution, a sketch of the design of the premises and territory of the preschool educational institution.

The activities of the working group for the development of the Educational Program of the Preschool Educational Institution can be divided into the following stages:

Development of sections of the preschool educational program;

Discussion and acceptance of the developed sections;

Preparation of the document “Educational program of preschool educational institution”;

Presentation of the document to the preschool educational institution team.

In order to assist educators in their professional development in preschool educational institutions, this academic year a form of work such as mentoring has been organized. The trainee teacher conducts activities aimed at:

Contributing successful adaptation newly hired educators to corporate culture, rules of conduct in an educational institution,

Development of the teacher’s abilities to independently and efficiently carry out the tasks assigned to him job responsibilities,

Formation of interest among newly hired teachers in teaching activities.

In the course of implementing the assigned tasks, the teacher-mentor, together with the newly hired teacher, performs the following activities:

Studying the content of the Basic General Education Program of the Preschool Educational Institution,

Study of pedagogical technologies and their application in working with children,

Familiarization of the teacher with the organization of the subject-developmental environment in the group in accordance with modern requirements,

Visit regime moments, joint activities with children, with further suggestions for choosing the most effective methods of working with children,

Consultations on general issues organizing work with parents,

Consultations on teacher self-education, etc.

Based on the results of the activity, the teacher-mentor analyzes the work, and the teacher conducts a demonstration of an open event.

Thanks to this activity, we plan to improve the quality of the educational process of preschool educational institutions and accelerate the process of professional development of a newly hired teacher. At the same time, the teacher, working together with the teacher-mentor, gains the opportunity for personal and professional growth.

The work of teachers on self-education is organized, which helps to choose a topic, priorities in forms and means, and predict the result.

Teachers independently acquire knowledge from various sources, taking into account their interests and inclinations. Self-education helps them quickly adapt to changes in the social environment, get acquainted with innovations in the field of education in a timely manner, and regularly replenish their stock of theoretical knowledge pedagogical science, as well as improve your skills and abilities. The work report on the topics of self-education for preschool teachers included speeches, exhibitions, projects, and master classes.

The study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience is an integral part of methodological work in preschool educational institutions, as it solves certain goals with the least amount of time, using optimal forms and methods of work, and contributes to the achievement of better results.

Generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience takes place in the form of speeches at pedagogical councils, workshops, master classes, in the form of presentation of materials in the methodological classroom, in the form of publications, etc.

Separately, we note such a form as the participation of teaching staff in professional competitions. Despite numerous offers to participate in professional competitions at the municipal and regional levels, not all of our teachers participate in them. This form in the system of methodological work of preschool educational institutions is represented by a limited range of teachers and activities.

One of the core conditions for the life of a kindergarten is the methodological support of the educational process. The software and methodological complex in the preschool educational institution is selected taking into account the focus on government requirements, regulatory status, features and laws mental development children, the specifics of pedagogical and children's groups, determining the feasibility and feasibility of each program and technology.

The preschool educational institution is working to create conditions for the implementation of an effective educational process in the following areas:

1. Organization of a subject-developmental environment in a preschool educational institution that corresponds to the content of the program, interests and needs of children of different ages:

    development of methodological recommendations for organizing a subject-development environment; ensuring the selection of toys, games, benefits for working with children according to the program, taking into account modern requirements; activation of teachers in the development of attributes and methodological manuals.

2. Correlation of the content of the educational process with the selected program and requirements for the content and methods of raising and teaching children preschool age:

    formation of a data bank on the implementation of the program and its individual sections; analysis of the content and methods of education and training; analysis of implementation of decisions of teachers' councils.

3. Updating the content of methodological support (technologies, methods) in accordance with modern requirements.

4. Development of a daily routine, class schedule, work schedule for clubs for each age group and so on.

5. Monitoring the performance and effectiveness of motor and intellectual, organized and independent activity pupils.

As you can see, the system of methodological work of preschool educational institutions uses a fairly wide range of traditional activities. Teachers take part in methodological events of other preschool educational institutions in the region. The content of the methodological work of teachers meets modern requirements: modern educational technologies are studied, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, etc.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Karaganda State University them. E.A. Buketova

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology


Discipline: “Preschool pedagogy”

On the topic: “Organization of methodological work in kindergarten”

Completed: art. group DOiV – 12

Kushnerenko O.


Associate Professor Mikhalkova O.A.

Karaganda 2008


1.1 The importance of methodological work in a preschool institution



Nowadays, the importance of such business qualities as competence, a sense of the new, initiative, courage and willingness to take responsibility is increasingly increasing; the ability to pose a problem and complete its solution. A skilled methodologist clearly defines the tasks of the teaching staff and clearly outlines ways to solve them.

A preschool methodologist deals not with mechanisms, but with living people who themselves manage the process of formation and development of personality. That's why management preschool should be considered as a targeted active interaction between the methodologist and all participants in the pedagogical process to streamline it and transfer it to a new qualitative state.

The effectiveness of the work of the entire team of a preschool institution depends on the correct choice and use by the methodologist of various forms of methodological work in the preschool institution. All areas of methodological work contribute to the development of a unified line of action for the teaching staff.

The purpose of the study is to consider the system of methodological work in a preschool institution, ensuring the efficiency of the preschool institution.

The object of the study is the management process of a preschool institution.

The subject of the study is the forms of conducting methodological work.

Research objectives:

Study pedagogical literature on this topic;

Explore the organizational and theoretical foundations of the work of a methodologist

Determine the main forms of organizing methodological work in a preschool institution.

Practical significance: this work can be used by methodologists of preschool institutions.

Chapter 1. Organizational and theoretical foundations of the work of a methodologist

1.1The importance of methodological work in a preschool institution

One of the significant features of the education system of the last decade is the variability of the work of preschool institutions. Polyprogramming and variability are the conditions in which preschool institutions currently operate.

An indisputable advantage is that the variability of modern preschool education allows it to respond to the needs of society. The variety of pedagogical services offered by the preschool institution meets the increased demands of parents. The main thing is that the priorities of education are preserved: promoting health, ensuring favorable conditions for the development of all children, respecting the child’s right to preserve his individuality.

The humanization of modern education is associated, first of all, with a change in attitude towards education, the center of which is the child.

The issue of choosing a program has been and remains very relevant. In this regard, before the kindergarten methodologist, educational complex A rather responsible task arises - to choose a program of work with children that not only can be successfully implemented by the teaching staff, but will also contribute to the effective development and upbringing of children. Therefore, teaching staff of preschool educational institutions should be oriented in the main trends of the programmatic and methodological flow.

The work of preschool educational institutions in conditions of polyprogramming and variability of technologies ensures self-determination and self-organization of participants in the educational process: preschool educational institutions model programs, projects, participate in experimental testing and implementation of new program and methodological materials, and parents are given the opportunity to choose one or another type of preschool educational institution for their child. The process of creating general developmental and specialized educational programs and innovative pedagogical technologies continues. The introduction of various approaches to the organization of the educational process is very promising for the preschool education system as a whole. In this regard, the question arises about the role and significance of methodological work for the effectiveness of the educational process.

Improving the skills of teachers, replenishing their theoretical and practical knowledge carried out in a preschool institution through various forms of methodological work. All areas of methodological work contribute to the development of a unified line of action for the teaching staff.

The work of the director is made easier if the child care institution has a teacher-methodologist on staff. The head is obliged to lead and direct educational work in children's institution, the methodologist is his first assistant.

1.2 Directions of work of the methodological office

The main directions of the methodologist’s work are organizing the methodological work of the team, improving the qualifications of educators, studying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience, and improving the level of work of educators. In accordance with these directions, the main forms of work of the methodologist are determined.

In order for methodological work to be effective, the methodologist needs to know how things are in the preschool institution: what conditions are created for raising children, what is the level of pedagogical work in the kindergarten, what are the relationships in the team, etc.

The real center for organizing methodological work in a preschool institution is the methodological office. The room intended for this purpose is equipped with the necessary materials and manuals for all sections of educational work with children.

Methodological office in accordance with the tasks assigned to it: work as a methodologist in a preschool kindergarten

Keeps personal records teaching staff who improve their qualifications in courses and seminars, in institutes for advanced training of teachers, in faculties for training and advanced training of educational organizers and students in correspondence and evening departments of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

Coordinates and directs methodological work with teaching staff; organizes seminars, workshops, lectures, consultations on the most complex and pressing issues of training and education. Uses a variety of active forms in the practice of working with teaching staff: interviews, debates, conferences, business games, analysis of pedagogical situations.

Conducts group individual consultations; provides assistance in self-education of teaching skills.

In the methodological room, it is necessary to have materials on best pedagogical experience, diary entries of the methodologist, reports for kindergarten teachers, calendar plans for educational work with children, materials that clearly illustrate best practices: photographs, sketches, tape and electronic recordings, children's work, manuals , made by the teacher.

It is very important that all materials available in the teaching room are correctly selected and placed. Their placement can be carried out in a different order: either according to the types of children’s activities (organizing the life and upbringing of children, learning in the classroom, holidays and entertainment, games, work), or according to the tasks of education (physical, mental, moral, aesthetic, labor).

If the placement is by type of activity, then within each section there should be material allocated for each age group; if for educational purposes, then the materials are allocated both by type of activity and by age group. When systematizing materials, one should take into account the principle of construction of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”.

For example, materials on play activity arranged by type of game; on labor education - by types and forms of labor organization, etc. All sections should contain instructional and methodological documents, methodological recommendations, material from work experience, visual and illustrative materials.

Instructional and regulatory documents on preschool education are located in a separate folder. Materials on organizational and other issues (for example, on managing a kindergarten, equipping an institution, working with personnel, etc.) are also presented in a specific place.

Care should be taken to ensure that the office has enough materials on raising children. early age, for teachers of special groups, music directors.

One of the key issues in improving the system of public preschool education is improving the management of educational, administrative and economic activities of children's institutions. Therefore, in the methodological room it is necessary to equip a special section “Management of preschool institutions”, in which legislative and instructional documents, methodological recommendations, and materials from work experience would be concentrated.

The methodologist also organizes various forms of methodological assistance to educators, for example: consultations, thematic conversations with teachers. Some problems of raising children require a longer conversation and discussion, and if they concern several educators, then it is advisable to organize a collective form of methodological assistance, which is a seminar.

Considerable effort is required from the methodologist to study, generalize and implement best practices, which is a set of knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by the educator in the process of practical educational work. The tribune of pedagogical experience is the teachers' council, which is called upon to be an exponent of collective pedagogical thought, a body of collegial leadership educational work.

Chapter 2. Forms of methodological work

2.1 Leading forms of methodological work in a preschool institution

One of the leading forms is pedagogical council, which is called upon to be an exponent of collective pedagogical thought, a body of collegial management of educational work, a school of excellence and a tribune of pedagogical experience. The head, being the chairman of the pedagogical council, organizes its work on the basis of the “Regulations on the pedagogical council of a preschool institution.”

During the year, at least 6 meetings of the teachers' council are held, at which topical issues of the work of this kindergarten are discussed, aimed at increasing the professional level of teachers' work, at eradicating shortcomings in the educational process.

Meetings of the teachers' council can be devoted to general issues of improving children's health, reducing morbidity, and preparing children for school.

The preparation of the teacher council includes selection current issues, the discussion of which is dictated by the education program in the kindergarten and the actual state of affairs in the kindergarten, which are listed in the annual work plan.

Already at the beginning school year the entire teaching staff knows what issues will be discussed, who speaks at the teachers’ council and when, each speaker must prepare for the teachers’ council in advance: develop a specific plan of events on their topic.

The effectiveness of pedagogical councils depends mainly on the work of the methodologist aimed at implementing the decisions made.

Consultations- a permanent form of assistance to educators. In a children's institution, consultations are held for teachers of one group, parallel groups, individual and general (for all teachers). Group consultations are planned throughout the year. Individual consultations are not planned, since their conduct is dictated by the need of educators to obtain certain information on specific issue.

However, not all questions can be answered comprehensively in a short period of time. Some problems of raising children require a longer conversation and discussion, and if they concern several educators, then it is advisable to organize such a collective form of methodological assistance, which is seminar .

Experienced educators who have good results in working on a particular problem can also be appointed to lead the seminar. At the beginning of the school year, the methodologist determines the topic of the seminar and appoints a leader. The duration of classes depends on the topic: they can take place over a month, six months or a year. Attendance at the seminar is voluntary.

Theoretical knowledge gained at the seminar preschool workers can be supported by practical skills, which they consolidate and improve by participating in seminar-workshop. How to make a hare so that it looks like a real one, how to show a puppet theater so that the characters bring joy to children and make them think, how to teach children to read a poem expressively, how to make didactic games with your own hands, how to decorate a group room for the holiday. Educators can get answers to these and other questions from an experienced teacher - methodologist.

In order to organize special practical lessons, the head studies the needs of teachers to acquire certain practical skills and abilities. Teachers can use the teaching aids produced during the workshops in their further work with children, and some of them remain in the teacher’s office as samples - standards.

A common form of methodological work is conversations with teachers. The methodologist uses this method when summing up the results of testing pedagogical work, when studying, summarizing best practices, and in a number of other cases.

Before starting a conversation, you need to think about its purpose and questions for discussion. A casual conversation encourages the teacher to be frank.

This form of methodological work requires great tact from the methodologist. The ability to listen carefully to your interlocutor, maintain a dialogue, accept criticism kindly, and act in such a way as to influence them, primarily through your behavior.

Talking with the teacher, the methodologist finds out his mood, interests, difficulties in work, learns about the reasons for failures (if they occur), and strives to provide effective assistance.

An effective form of improving the qualifications of educators and providing them with methodological assistance are collective viewings of the work of experienced teachers. Depending on the topic discussed at the teachers’ council, it is advisable to conduct such screenings for the purpose of demonstrating, illustrating the theoretical positions expressed in the reports, and for the purpose of studying and implementing best practices into the work practices of other employees.

When discussing such a lesson, the methodologist must emphasize that the teacher did a lot of multifaceted work and was able to generalize the knowledge and ideas of the children, based on their impressions, forced them to think, reflect, and draw independent conclusions.

Those teachers who already have it should show their work experience. Analyzing the experience of colleagues, teachers should gradually develop their own successful techniques. The methodologist is obliged to see this in the work of every educator. Having noticed certain successes of the teacher in any section of the program, he plans its further development: selects certain literature, advises, and observes the practical actions of this employee. Collective viewings are held no more than once a quarter. This allows everyone to be well prepared for them: both those who demonstrate their experience and those who adopt it. Preparations should include: right choice topic (its relevance, the need for all teachers in it, connection with the topics of teacher councils, etc.), assistance to the teacher-methodologist in formulating the main goal of the lesson (or in the process of any other activity of children), drawing up a summary of activities indicating educational tasks, methods and techniques, material used.

For all the teachers to watch open lesson(or play, work, carrying out routine moments), it is necessary to duplicate it for those employees who at that time worked with children in groups. In this case, it is advisable to show a similar activity, but not a copy of the previous one.

For the purpose of studying and borrowing better experience such a form of improving pedagogical skills as mutual visits to workplaces. In this case, the role of the methodologist is to recommend to the teacher to attend a lesson with a partner to develop uniform requirements to children or a lesson of a teacher of a parallel group to compare the results of work. The methodologist must give this work a purposeful, meaningful character. For this purpose, mentoring is organized. When a new, novice teacher appears in the team, at first he has many questions and needs help.

Due to his busy schedule, the manager cannot always provide such assistance. Therefore, he appoints a mentor from among the more experienced teachers, taking into account that mentoring must be voluntary on both sides.

The mentor's candidacy is approved by the teachers' council, and his report is also heard there. The mentor should help the new employee establish the necessary business and personal contacts, get acquainted with the traditions of the team, its successes, as well as difficulties in work.

The methodologist also supervises the self-education of educators. First of all, he creates the necessary conditions: together with teachers, he selects literature that interests them, materials highlighting best practices, advises on the choice of topic, form of self-education, and presentation of the results of improving knowledge and pedagogical skills in working with children. When recommending topics for self-education, the methodologist proceeds from the interests of each teacher and his need for education.

Considerable effort is required from the methodologist to study, generalize and implement best practices, which is a set of knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by the educator in the process of practical educational work. Only such experience can be considered advanced if, as a result of creative search, it opens up new opportunities for raising children and contributes to the improvement of accepted forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical work.

An indicator of best practice is the sustainability of positive, methodologically sound results in the upbringing and education of children.

There are certain stages and methods in the methodologist’s guide to identifying, summarizing and implementing pedagogical experience.

The first step is to identify best practices. For example, a manager or methodologist in the process systematic observation I saw from the work of the teacher and the behavior of the children in the senior group that everyone was constantly busy interesting things to do. The guys clean the rabbit cages and work in the garden.

Children's games are meaningful, long-lasting, and reflect the work and relationships of the people around them. Much has been done for games by the children themselves and the teacher, etc.

The head or methodologist, in a conversation with the teacher, finds out how and by what methods he achieves good results. The main thing is that the teacher himself loves nature and work, reads a lot of special natural history literature.

Having received a general idea of ​​an interested, thoughtful, systematic work to familiarize children with the work of livestock farmers, the methodologist invites the teacher to describe his experience: how he started the work, what manuals he used, methodological literature, whose experience was an example for him. adults, what was new in this work, etc.

The combination of various methods makes it possible to educate children on a positive emotional background such a very important personality quality as social activity.

The methodologist recommends keeping records of children's games, taking photographs, sketches of children's buildings, preparing games for open viewing, and classes to familiarize children with the work of collective farmers. The methodologist involves a substitute teacher and parents to help the teacher.

Thus, the methodologist leads the teacher to the second stage - generalization of his best experience. At this stage, the teacher needs to provide assistance in selecting and describing the most significant moments in the formation of positive qualities in children, identifying the dynamics of their development.

A teacher who has summarized his experience in the form of a report can present it at a teachers’ council, methodological associations, or at a conference. This is already the third stage - dissemination of best practices and promotion of them with the aim of using them by other educators in their work. It happens that there is no systematized experience yet, there are only individual finds, successful methods of working with children. In this case, it is necessary to clearly define the problem, the main pedagogical idea, according to which experience will gradually be accumulated and generalized. At the same time, the methodologist should not forget about a very significant indicator of best practice - its efficiency, which involves achieving positive results with the least amount of time and effort for the teacher and his students. An experience that cultivates one aspect of education at the expense of other sections of the program and to the detriment of them cannot be considered advanced.

The essence of using advanced teaching experience is to compensate for the weaknesses of one employee with the strengths of another. Therefore, the leader must constantly look for talented people in the team who love their work, who willingly and skillfully transfer all their knowledge and experience to their colleagues: strive to concentrate and direct the efforts of all team members to improve pedagogical work.

In order to provide educators with methodological assistance and more effectively implement the requirements of the program for raising and educating children, a pedagogical office is being created, where each employee can find required material, get advice from the head, senior teacher, consult with colleagues.

The head or methodologist selects literature and teaching aids for all sections of the program, systematizes materials on the upbringing and teaching of preschool children, compiles annotations and recommendations for their use, summarizes the work experience of the best kindergarten teachers, develops and designs stands, folders, exhibitions and other materials to help teachers in accordance with the objectives of the annual plan and the topics of teachers' councils.

The methodologist involves all educators in the equipment of the teacher's office: some are responsible for the timely change of materials in folders or on the information stand, others monitor the issuance and accounting of benefits, others - for the timely production, repair or write-off of materials that have become unusable, etc.

It is necessary to teach employees how to work properly with benefits, not to lose them, to take them in advance and return them in a timely manner, to put them back in place, to repair equipment on their own or to involve parents and bosses in this work. If these rules are followed, all manuals, books and teaching aids will serve the kindergarten for a long time, financial resources and teacher time will be saved, and most importantly, they will teach everyone to strict order. However, this should not prevent their active use in working with children.

All material in the teaching room should be divided into sections, and each section, in turn, into age groups. In order to save time in preparing for classes, a card index is created to help quickly navigate the abundance of information. Each program section should include instructional and directive documents corresponding to the topic of the section, methodological literature, lesson plans, recommendations, notes, descriptions of the work experience of the best educators, visual aids that meet all pedagogical and aesthetic requirements. The methodologist promptly replenishes the cabinet with newly published manuals.

The head and methodologist advise teachers on the effective use of visual material and the creation of additional aids. In the teaching office, all conditions must be created for a friendly exchange of opinions, experiences, creative work every employee.

2.2 Methods for activating educators in methodological work

How can we ensure that every teacher is an active, interested participant in the work at teacher councils, consultations, and seminars? How to get rid of the passivity of individual teachers?

These questions are of particular concern to directors of preschool institutions today.

There are methods for activating teachers when conducting methodological activities that help the methodologist in working with personnel.

Practice has shown that final result any methodological event will be high and the impact will be effective if the various methods inclusion in active work. The choice of methods for each event should be determined by its goals and objectives, the characteristics of the content, the contingent of teachers, and the specific state of the educational process. Some of the methods described below, in combination with standard methods of methodological work organizations, will allow, by selecting specific situations of the educational process, taking into account the gradual complication of complexity, to achieve the greatest interest and activity of educators.

Illustrative situations describe simple cases from practice, and a solution is given here.

Situations - exercises need to be solved by doing some exercises (drawing up a note plan, filling out a table of how children have mastered a section of the program, etc.).

In assessment situations, the problem has already been solved, but teachers are required to analyze and justify it decision, evaluate it.

The most difficult method of activation is situations - problems where specific example from practice is presented as an existing problem that needs to be solved. Several questions are given to help educators.

Dialogue and discussion have become a true sign of our time. However, not everyone masters the art of collective discussion of issues in the form of dialogue or argument.

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people, their conversation. Each participant in the conversation expresses his point of view.

Discussion – consideration, research, discussion of a controversial issue, problem. This is a method of discussion in which it is necessary to arrive at common positions.

Discussion of two opposing points of view. The methodologist offers two points of view on the same problem for discussion. The teacher must express his attitude and justify it.

Education practical skills. This method is very effective, but it must be thought through in advance, and it must be decided which teacher can be entrusted with it. It is better to provide a learning element from work experience.

A method of simulating a teacher’s working day. The teacher gives a description of the children’s age group, forms goals and objectives that need to be solved, and is asked to model their working day. In conclusion, the methodologist organizes a discussion of all the proposed models.

Solving pedagogical crosswords and punch cards helps clarify teachers’ knowledge on a specific topic, develops their horizons, and therefore affects the quality of work with children.

Working with instructive and directive documents. Educators are invited to familiarize themselves with this or that document in advance, apply it to their work, and highlight one of the areas, think over a work plan to eliminate their shortcomings. Everyone does this work independently, and at the teachers' council different approaches to solving the same problem are discussed.

Analysis of children's statements, behavior, creativity. The methodologist prepares the material. Educators get acquainted with it, analyze it, assess the children’s skills and development, and formulate several specific proposals to help the educator working with these children.

The game modeling method increases interest, causes high activity, and improves skills in solving real pedagogical problems.

Generalizations by scientists and specialists make it possible to highlight the qualities that are required today by a methodologist or manager.

1. The erosion of traditional values ​​has led to a serious breakdown of personal beliefs and values. Therefore, the methodologist must clarify his personal values.

2. There is a wide range of choices. Therefore, the manager (methodologist) is obliged to determine the goals of the work performed, own goals.

3. Organizational systems are unable to provide all the learning opportunities required by the modern teacher. Therefore, each manager must support his own constant growth and development.

4. Problems often snowball, and the means to solve them are limited. Therefore, the ability to solve problems quickly and effectively is becoming an increasingly important part of management skills.

5. Competition in the services market makes it necessary to put forward new promising ideas. Therefore, methodologists must be creative and able to respond flexibly to changing situations.

6. Many management methods are outdated. Therefore, new, more modern management techniques are required, and the manager must master different approaches in relation to his subordinates.

7. High costs associated with the use of personnel labor. Therefore, methodologists must skillfully use the available labor resources.

8. New approaches are required to combat the possibility of one’s own “obsolescence.” Therefore, the methodologist is required to be able to help others in quick learning new methods and mastering practical skills.

9. The methodologist must be able to create and improve groups that can quickly become inventive and effective.

A methodologist with the above qualities will be able to most effectively organize the work of a preschool educational institution.


The success of the pedagogical process, the work of the entire teaching staff of a preschool institution depends not only on the level of preparedness of teachers, but also on the correct organization of methodological work in a preschool institution, since all areas of methodological work contribute to the development of a unified line of action for the teaching staff.

As conclusions from the course work, you can determine the main provisions about the work of a methodologist in preschool education. The methodologist organizes the work of the preschool educational institution in order to improve the upbringing and education of preschool children. He provides methodological assistance to teachers and the head of a preschool institution in improving the pedagogical process, in improving the quality of upbringing and education of children. The main task of the methodologist is to organize and carry out methodological work.

The directions of the methodologist's work are: study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, development of recommendations for the introduction of pedagogical experience into the practice of a preschool institution. Another form of methodological work is carrying out work to improve the qualifications of teaching staff, conducting courses and seminars.

The methodologist must promptly equip the methodological room with the necessary educational visual aids and methodological literature.

The methodologist in his work must be guided by the decisions, orders and instructions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulatory documents higher education authorities.


1. Atamanchuk G.V. General theory of control M., 1994

2. Bondarenko A.K. Head of a preschool institution: M.: Prosveshchenie, 1984

3. Vasilyeva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kobitina I.I. Kindergarten teacher-methodologist, Minsk, 1975

4. Public administration and civil service abroad. Ed. V.V. Chubinsky S.P., 1998

5. Izergina K.P., Presnyakova L.S., Inshakova T.V. Our “adult” kindergarten - M.: Education, 1991

6. Kalmykova V.A. Management of public preschool education in the region, M.: Education, 1988

7. Kovalev A.G. Team and socio-psychological problems of management - M, 1978

8. Loginova V.I., Samorukova P.G. and etc. Laboratory workshop on preschool pedagogy and methods. M.: Education, 1981

9. Malshakova V. Search for new approaches // Preschool education No. 11, 1990.

10. Omarov A.M. Social management. Some questions of theory and practice of Almaty. “Zheti-zhargy”, 1996

11. Organization of the work of a rural kindergarten, M., Education, 1988

12. Sukhomlinsky V.A. One hundred tips for teachers. M.: 1984

13. Chikanova L.A. Civil servants M., 1998

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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Methodical activity preschool teacher

self-education teacher teacher methodical

In this paragraph you will get answers to the following questions:

What is included in the concept of “methodological activity”?

· What does the teacher’s methodological activity consist of?

· what is the “methodological service” of a preschool educational institution?

· what are the functions of the methodological service of the preschool educational institution and what tasks is it designed to solve?

Methodological activity is usually defined as an activity of generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience. In the book “Modern School Management,” edited by M.M. Potashnik (M., 1992) defines:

Methodological work is a holistic system of interrelated measures, actions and activities, based on the achievements of science, best practices and a specific analysis of teachers’ difficulties, aimed at comprehensively improving the professional skills of each teacher and educator, at generalizing and developing the creative potential of the teaching staff as a whole, and ultimately - to achieve optimal results in the education, upbringing and development of specific children.

Due to the separation of the main general educational program preschool education of the main areas of children's development (physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic), the preschool educational institution requires specialists who can assist educators and parents in their implementation, taking into account age, individual characteristics child, providing an integrated approach to learning educational areas accessible to preschoolers. The job responsibilities of such specialists (music director, music instructor) physical culture, speech pathologists, etc.) included methodological functions in certain areas. All these specialists are included in the methodological service of the preschool educational institution.

The methodological service of the preschool educational institution is a unit that provides a set of conditions that develop the professional competence of teachers in the implementation of the basic general education program preschool education at the level of modern requirements.

The purpose of the methodological service:

· create organizational and pedagogical conditions in the educational institution for the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education;

· carry out continuous education of teachers;

· develop them creative potential.

The main tasks of the methodological service:

· provide methodological support to participants in the pedagogical process on issues of education, training and development of children;

· plan and organize advanced training and certification of teaching staff;

· identify, study, summarize, disseminate and implement advanced teaching experience;

· provide teaching staff with the necessary information about the main directions of development of preschool education, modern requirements for the organization of the pedagogical process, educational and methodological literature on the problems of teaching, upbringing and development of children;

· determine the content of the subject-development environment and educational and methodological equipment of the basic general education program of preschool education;

· conduct pedagogical monitoring.

The methodological service interacts with psychological, medical services, other departments, self-government bodies of preschool educational institutions and works in close relationship with the municipal methodological service.

In pedagogical practice, a whole system of methodological services at different levels has developed. For example: city, district (district) methodological services and methodological service of an educational institution (school, kindergarten). In a preschool educational institution, methodological work is carried out by a senior teacher or deputy head for educational and methodological work.

The task of methodological activity is to create an educational environment in an institution where the creative potential of the teacher and teaching staff would be fully realized.

Experience shows that most teachers, especially beginners, always need help - from more experienced colleagues, managers, senior teachers of preschool educational institutions, from the professional teaching community. Currently, this need has increased many times due to the transition to a variable education system. Teachers now need special additional training and constant methodological support in order to competently and consciously build a holistic educational process, taking into account the diversity of interests and capabilities of children in the practice of teaching and upbringing.

In August 1994, the Ministry of Education issued a letter “On the forms of organization and areas of activity of methodological services in the education system of the Russian Federation” No. 90-M. The letter highlights the main directions in the activities of methodological services, implemented in such areas as information, diagnostic and prognostic. innovative and experimental, areas of educational content, advanced training, certification.

Thus, methodological activity is essential component educational infrastructure (along with scientific support, training and retraining of personnel, formation of an educational environment, etc.). It is designed to support the normal course of the educational process - to promote its renewal.

The content of the teacher's methodological activity is the creation of work programs; planning educational work with children; creation of visual, didactic materials and control materials; creating teaching experiences; generalization of “own” work experience in areas professional activity; participation in scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

The leading areas of methodological activity that directly contribute to the formation of professional competence among teachers are: advanced training, accumulation and generalization of “own” work experience in areas of professional activity.

The system of continuous professional development for each preschool teacher involves different forms: training in courses, studying the experience of teachers, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. Systematic improvement of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the teacher is carried out in advanced training courses every five years. During the inter-course period of active pedagogical activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e., the progressive development of the subject himself occurs. And here the decisive role is given to the self-education of the teacher. It performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge acquired in previous course training, promotes understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level, and improves professional skills.

Self-education is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each specific teacher.

IN modern conditions The educator is primarily a researcher with scientific psychological and pedagogical thinking, a high level of pedagogical skill, a certain research courage, developed pedagogical intuition, critical analysis, the need for professional self-education and reasonable use of advanced pedagogical experience, i.e. forming its innovative potential.

Motivations for self-education may include the following:

· keep abreast of the latest changes in the science and practice of your professional activities;

· a competitive specialist with opportunities for career growth.

Sources used in the self-education process:

· literature (methodological, popular science, fiction, etc.;

· video and audio information on various media, distance learning;

· courses, seminars and conferences;

· discussions, trainings, briefings, master classes, experience exchange events;

· conducting research and search activities;

· participation in Olympiads and projects;

· study of information and computer technologies;

· involvement in the work of the Internet community in the area of ​​interest in one’s professional activities.

The listed sources of knowledge can contribute to the simultaneous development of personal and professional growth.

IN on a personal level Self-education of a teacher must necessarily predict the desired results of work.

It can be:

· preparation of articles, reports, scripts;

· participation in scientific, practical and Internet conferences, pedagogical festivals, etc.

· development of new organizational forms and methods of work;

· conducting trainings, seminars, conferences, master classes, summarizing experience on the problem (topic) under study;

· development of methodological manuals in one or several areas of work;

· development of a set of electronic lessons, united by subject topics or teaching methods;

· development of a set of didactics in the field ( visual material, didactic games and manuals);

· creation of a data bank of games, riddles, poems;

· development of a set of thematic parent meetings and events;

· project of a personal methodological web page;

· development of lesson notes using information technology, etc.

Most effective method show the results of teaching activities - post materials on the Internet. This allows the teacher to accumulate his work in a virtual pedagogical library, where his colleagues can view it, use its results, add to it, leave feedback and discuss it. In this case, invaluable teaching experience becomes independent of time and space.

· presence and implementation of a self-education plan;

· introduction of new pedagogical technologies; generalization own experience;

· preparation and holding of an open event (in traditional form or using innovative technologies);

· visiting and analyzing open events of colleagues;

· participation in the work of methodological associations, pedagogical councils;

· participation in the work of temporary creative team or research laboratory;

· speeches at scientific, scientific-practical conferences, at pedagogical readings;

· publication of theses and articles; teaching aids, educational and methodological materials (developments, recommendations;

· review of methodological developments;

· participation in competitions of pedagogical and professional skills, in methodological exhibitions;

· preparing students for competitions;

· leadership of the circle;

· course preparation, internship;

· participation in regional, all-Russian, international programs.

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Structure, forms and methods of methodological work

Training and development of teaching staff, improving their qualifications




The successful development of the system of additional education for children is unthinkable without the development of its theory and methodology. Methodological activity plays a significant role in this process. Methodological work is a holistic, based on the achievements of science, best practices and analysis of teachers’ difficulties, a system of measures aimed at improving the skills of each teacher, at generalizing and developing the creative potential of the team, at achieving optimal results in the education, upbringing and development of children.

The purpose of methodological work in MDOU is to create optimal conditions for continuous improvement of the level of general and pedagogical culture of participants in the educational process. The implementation of this goal of methodological activity is carried out through the organization of the activities of such organizational structures, as methodological associations of preschool teachers, scientific, methodological and pedagogical council, monitoring service, as well as the active inclusion of teachers in self-education.

In the modern conditions of development of our society, a preschool educational institution is entrusted with very responsible social tasks - to teach, educate and prepare for life that generation of people, whose work and talent, initiative and creativity will determine socio-economic, scientific, technical and moral progress Russian society in future. In this regard, shortcomings and errors in the teaching and educational work of preschool educational institutions, in educational management and in pedagogical science itself are becoming increasingly intolerant.

The task of the head and methodologist of a preschool institution is to develop a system, to find accessible and at the same time effective methods for improving pedagogical skills.

Today, due to the need to rationally and quickly solve educational problems, the role of the activities of the methodological service is increasing, the correct organization of which is the most important means improving the quality of education, and the real level of methodological work in a preschool institution becomes one of the most important criteria for assessing its activities. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the organization of methodological work in a preschool institution as something of paramount importance.

Planning methodological work

Methodological service is connecting link between the life activities of the teaching staff, state system education, psychological and pedagogical science, advanced pedagogical experience, promoting the formation, development and implementation of the professional creative potential of teachers.

The methodological service of the MDOU, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, focusing on the humanization of the purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society, and the state, implementing the principles of state policy in the field of education, is designed to ensure:

Achievement by the student of educational standards established by the state;

Construction educational standard based on the priority of universal human values, human life and health, free development of the individual; education of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, Motherland, family, education of responsibility for one’s health, formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle;

Adaptation of preschool educational institutions to social orders and the developmental characteristics of pupils;

Planning of methodological work in preschool educational institutions is carried out on an analytical basis:

Analysis of the external environment of preschool educational institutions (taking into account the requirements of social order, regulatory documents federal, district, city levels);

Analysis of the state of preschool educational institutions (the level of health, development of children, the degree of their mastery of the educational program; the level of professional competence of the team, the characteristics and needs of parents, the school; a clear identification of factors influencing them);

The goals of the activity and the necessary means of their implementation are determined based on the results of the analysis.

Any educational institution exists in one of two modes: functioning or development.

Consequently, in a preschool institution that is in a stable functioning mode, the methodological service must ensure correction of the pedagogical process in cases of its deviation from the technology and methodology for implementing the program of education and training of preschoolers.

If the team intends to work in an innovative mode (new teaching content or implementation of new pedagogical technologies), then this requires the creation of a new model of methodological work that ensures the transition of a preschool educational institution from a functioning mode to a development mode.

In all cases, the goal of the methodological service is to create such educational environment, in which the creative potential of each teacher and the entire teaching staff will be fully realized. This is where the main objectives of methodological work flow:

1. Training and development of teaching staff, management of their professional development.

2. Identification, study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience of MDOU teachers

3. Preparation of methodological support for the implementation of the educational process.

4. Coordination activities of MDOU and families in ensuring the comprehensive continuous development of pupils.

5. Coordination of the activities of the preschool educational institution with institutions of the surrounding society to implement the tasks of the development of pupils and the preschool educational institution as a whole.

6. Analysis of the quality of work in order to create conditions for ensuring positive changes in the development of the personality of students through increasing the professional competence of teachers.

The restructuring of methodological work in a preschool institution inevitably poses the need to give correct answers to the questions of what teachers are taught, what information, what knowledge, abilities, skills and to what extent should a practicing teacher today master in order to improve his professional skills and qualifications.

Thus, it is necessary to note the importance of the optimal choice of the content of methodological work in a modern preschool educational institution. The relevance of this choice is confirmed by the results of the practice of methodological work in preschool institutions. To overcome these shortcomings and raise the content of methodological work to a new level of modern requirements, efforts should be made at two levels.

Firstly, to ensure and justify the optimal choice of the content of methodological work for preschool institutions, taking into account the most important problems and trends in the development of professional skills of teachers and the educational process in preschool educational institutions; develop a draft content of methodological work for a modern preschool institution. (This is the task of pedagogical science workers and senior officials of educational authorities, scientific and methodological services and centers.)

Secondly, to specify the general provisions based on the real, unique conditions of each preschool institution. (This is the task of the organizers of methodological work in the institution).

The main approaches to organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions are based on:

System-active approach: understanding the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution, its status and conditions, as well as ensuring the integrity of the educational process in the context of the use of variable programs and technologies, taking into account the influence of external and internal relations on it;

A person-oriented approach: ensuring a more complete disclosure of the capabilities and abilities of each teacher and child, the team as a whole, focusing on the development of professional and personal qualities teachers using the example of deputy head by BMP and senior teacher;

A differentiated approach: taking into account the level of professional competence and individual educational needs in building a system of methodological work in preschool educational institutions;

The approach of free self-determination: the free choice of educational programs and paths of self-realization by each teacher;

Motivational-stimulating approach: using various incentives that arouse interest and motives for activity;

Corrective approach: timely elimination of those identified during pedagogical monitoring shortcomings and the reasons that cause them.

Today there is a problem of low efficiency of methodological work in many preschool educational institutions. The main reason is the formal implementation of the systemic approach, its replacement with an eclectic, random set of recommendations of an opportunistic nature, the implantation of far-fetched techniques and ways of organizing upbringing and education.

Methodological work should be proactive in nature and ensure the development of the entire educational process in accordance with new achievements of pedagogical and psychological science.

Methodological support of the methodological process

One of the core conditions for the life of a preschool institution is methodological support for the methodological process. This is where the organization of methodological work begins in any preschool educational institution.

The program and methodological complex of a preschool institution is selected taking into account the focus on state requirements, the regulatory and legal status of a preschool institution (type, priority area), the characteristics and laws of the mental development of children, the specifics of teaching and children's teams that determine the possibility and feasibility of each program and technology.

Through the self-government body of the MDOU - the pedagogical council, a program is approved for the implementation of the educational process that is most conducive to the conditions for the selection of methodological support.

Thus, the educational process in all groups of preschool educational institutions is carried out according to comprehensive program, which correlates with the social order and the type of preschool educational institution.

Methodological support of the program is selected taking into account compliance with the temporary requirements for the content, methods of education and training of preschool children, basic and additional education carried out in preschool educational institutions, unity conceptual framework comprehensive and partial programs, as well as methods and technologies that implement them.

The effectiveness of the educational process in preschool educational institutions depends on the creation of conditions for its implementation. This determines the following directions of methodological work:

1. Development organization subject environment in a preschool educational institution that corresponds to the content of the program, interests and needs of children of different ages:

Ensuring the selection of toys, games, and manuals for working with children according to the program, taking into account modern requirements;

Activation of teachers in the development of attributes and teaching aids.

2. Correlation of the content of the educational process with the selected program and temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of raising and teaching preschool children:

Formation of a data bank on the implementation of the program and its individual sections;

Analysis of the implementation of Temporary requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in preschool educational institutions;

Analysis of implementation of decisions of teachers' councils, medical and pedagogical meetings.

3. Updating the content of methodological support (technologies, methods) in accordance with modern requirements.

4. Development of a daily routine, a schedule of activities, and work schedules for clubs for each age group.

5. Monitoring the balance of motor and intellectual, organized and independent activities of students.

Structure, forms and methods of methodological work

Methods of methodological work are ordered ways of working to achieve goals.

Form is internal organization content, design of segments, cycles of the methodological process, reflecting the system of its components and stable connections.

According to the forms, methodological work is divided into group and individual.

Group forms include: participation of teachers in methodological associations of the city, district, preschool educational institution; organization of theoretical and scientific-practical conferences; teachers' councils.

Individual ones include individual consultations, conversations, mentoring, mutual visits, and self-education.

It is necessary to learn the art of conversation, its universal nature is based on the fact that in any conversation the participants must skillfully adapt to each other, regardless of what is being discussed.

In order to make the right choice for your team of forms and methods, you must be guided by:

Goals and objectives of the MDOU;

Quantitative and qualitative composition of the team;

Comparative effectiveness of forms and methods of work;

Features of the educational process;

Material, moral and psychological conditions in the team;

Real opportunities;

The most effective forms of organizing methodological work are:

Teachers' Council;

Seminars, workshops;

Open views are effective;

Medical and pedagogical meetings;


The work of the creative team.

External advanced training occurs:

By attending advanced training courses;

Training in educational institutions;

Participation in the work of methodological associations of the region.

Internal professional development occurs through various forms of methodological work with teachers in preschool educational institutions:

Participation in the work of the council of teachers;

Training at seminars and workshops;

Consulting, etc.

In methodological work special place is given to the principle of an individually differentiated approach to the pedagogical activities of educators and specialists. In modern conditions, methodological work with personnel should be built on a diagnostic basis, taking into account the needs of each teacher.

The implementation of individually oriented methodological work allows us to develop the creativity and initiative of the teaching staff by including everyone in active professional activities.

In the field of methodological work, a complex of interrelated forms of cooperation between the teaching staff and parents is presented.

Methodological office as a center for methodological work

methodical preschool education teacher

Methodological support is the most important part of teacher training. It is designed to support the normal course of the educational process and promote its renewal.

Many teachers, especially beginners, need qualified assistance from more experienced colleagues, the head, the methodologist of the preschool educational institution, and specialists in various fields of knowledge. Currently, this need has increased due to the transition to a variable education system and the need to take into account the diversity of interests and capabilities of children.

The center of all methodological work of the preschool educational institution is the methodological office. He plays a leading role in assisting teachers in organizing the educational process, ensuring their continuous self-development, summarizing best pedagogical experience, and increasing the competence of parents in matters of raising and educating children. The methodological office is a piggy bank best traditions preschool institution, so the task of the deputy. head according to VMR - to make the accumulated experience alive, accessible, to teach teachers to creatively transfer it to work with children, to organize the work of this methodological center so that educators feel in it as in their own office.

The methodological classroom of a preschool institution must meet such requirements as information content, accessibility, aesthetics, content, ensuring motivation and activity in development.

The implementation of the information and analytical function of managing a preschool institution determines the formation of an information data bank in the methodological room, where the sources, content, and direction of information are determined (see Table 1).

Table 1. − MDOU information bank

In the methodological office of the MDOU there should be permanent exhibitions, as well as materials reflecting the skills of teachers (material of workshops; a plan - schedule for advanced training of teachers; a plan for certification of teaching staff; advanced teaching experience, etc.)

Thus, as part of the implementation of the main tasks of methodological work, the methodological office is the center for collecting pedagogical information, as well as creative laboratory for teachers and parents.

Informing teachers about new requirements for work and the latest achievements of science and practice.

Timely informing teachers about new developments in psychological and pedagogical science and best practices, methodological support in the preschool education system is an important condition high effectiveness of the educational process.

Increasing the awareness of teachers contributes to the establishment of a unified pedagogical strategy for the development of preschool educational institutions, which is discussed, approved and implemented through the main governing body - the pedagogical council and serves as the main resource for the development of the team in the preschool educational institution.

Training and development of teaching staff, their promotion


The task of training and development of teachers should be recognized as fundamental in the management of methodological work. At the same time, the traditional system of informing and training teachers does not always produce tangible results, because it is focused on the team as a whole. Therefore, the model for the organization and content of teacher development and the improvement of their qualifications should be built in a differentiated manner so that internal factors and the mechanisms of the teacher himself, promoting personal and professional-moral development.

The most important condition for ensuring a differentiated approach to working with pedagogues. personnel, is the analysis of staffing.

The most effective are following forms professional development: course training; participation in the work of creative groups and clubs; participation in methodological associations.

Deputy head for educational and methodological work, organizes and controls the work of teachers on self-education, related to active forms of advanced training, and helps to choose a topic, priorities in forms and means, and predict the result.

At the first stage, a preliminary detailed and comprehensive study of the teacher’s experience is carried out. Only the combination of using various methods of researching experience (observation and analysis of the educational process, conversations with the teacher and children, analysis of pedagogical documentation, conducting experimental work) will allow us to objectively evaluate and recommend it as advanced.

At the second stage, the PPO is generalized, i.e. described. There is an algorithm for describing PPO using the IPM complex (information and pedagogical module: message, recording of pedagogical information).

The third stage is the distribution and implementation of software. Within the framework of the preschool educational institution, this is facilitated by such forms of work as pedagogical readings, open viewings, mutual visits, exhibitions, etc.


Having studied the features of the organization of methodological work in preschool educational institutions, it can be noted that the teacher occupies a key position in the educational process: the decision of many depends on his qualifications, personal qualities and professionalism educational problems. Often, due to underestimation of this factor, the process of development of the institution is hampered, and therefore the task is to create conditions in which teachers could realize their creative potential.

The methodological service has real capabilities to solve this problem in the preschool education system

In the conditions of modern society, the organization of a methodological service should begin with the search for new ideas and modern technologies organization of methodological work . It needs a clearly structured system of activities that provides planning, forecasting, organization, execution, control, regulation and analysis.

The result of methodological work in preschool educational institutions should be:

Updating the content of education and improving the quality of the educational process;

Replenishment and expansion of the stock of psychological and pedagogical knowledge;

Assessment, analysis, diagnosis of the result of pedagogical work;

Design of the pedagogical process based on system analysis;

Formation of a data bank for the exchange of teaching experience.


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