Consultation on the topic: parent meeting at the end of the year. Room decoration, equipment

A typical description of a parent meeting: “They quickly talked about who had failures, bad behavior, praise for excellent students and high achievers, and then the favorite part – collecting money.” .

Is this really how meetings between parents and the class teacher should take place? What should they really be?

What it is?

This is a formal event organized by the school to demonstrate and discuss students' progress and improve their learning environment (through a joint effort).

IN Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” There is no mention of parent meetings. Every school issues your document “Regulations on the class parent meeting”, which highlights goals, objectives, rules, etc., and reveals the functions.

Having problems at parent-teacher meetings or with the PTA and want to complain? Familiarize yourself with your school's Parent Meeting Regulations. In the statement, rely on its points so that the claims are supported by documents. Write which articles have been violated, then the claim will look more convincing.

What is required for all parent meetings:

1) Held once every quarter (but maybe more often if necessary, for example, problems in the classroom);
2) A must visit for moms and dads (if you cannot come, you need to notify the class teacher by call, SMS or through your child);
3) Parents must know when the meeting will be no later than three days before the event (usually through inserts in diaries or in social network groups).

What should happen at parent meetings:

1) familiarization with new laws and local regulations (adopted at the school, city, regional level) related to the education of children.
2) Meeting with subject specialists (I’ll say right away that teachers don’t like to go to parent-teacher meetings; they may have their own at this time, and such meetings often drag on). The class teacher invites you. Ask to hold a meeting with more “problem” teachers. Misunderstandings between parents and teachers will certainly be cleared up after this meeting.
3) Keeping minutes of the meeting . Written by the secretary (selected parent), signed by the chairman of the parent committee. More is needed for the school’s reporting to inspection authorities.

What can happen at a parent meeting?

1) meeting with specialists (psychologist, doctor, lawyer, commissioner for the rights of minors, etc.). What problem worries the parents - such a specialist can be invited (either the class teacher or the parents invites, maybe the administration);
2) watching documentaries and educational films about education, physiological development of children in adolescence, etc.

What should not happen at a parent meeting:

1) public discussion successes and failures of individual students, their behavior, appearance, etc. (complete tactlessness on the part of the class teacher or the parents who started the conversation!). If this happens at your class meeting, you have the right to file a complaint. Everything that the class teacher wants to say about your child, only you should know individually.
If a conflict arises in the class in which several students in the class are involved, the conversation is carried out only with the parents of these students, and not with everyone.
2) such a widely condemned phenomenon as collecting money (school fund, security, cleaning services - this is not the responsibility of parents!). In I told in detail what parents should do if they collect “tribute” again.
Of course, this should not always be condemned. Sometimes you have to collect money for gifts or, but this should be organized by the parent committee and provide a full account of all funds spent .

What to do if you missed a parent meeting

Of course, no one will scold you and there is no need to write a statement addressed to the head teacher about this either. Parent-teacher meetings are organized for you, parents, to introduce school innovations, class problems, discuss academic performance and where to go during the holidays. Often, only at meetings it is possible to distribute any questionnaires, applications, etc. to parents and immediately receive them filled out. After all, children may lose them, tear them, or simply not convey them to their parents.

If you know that for some reason you will miss it, inform your class teacher about it. And it would be better if you agree that you will come at another time . The class teacher is asked for attendance at parent-teacher meetings, so it is important for him that you be at them. If a parent practically does not attend parent-teacher meetings, this will be a “bell” for the teacher about whether the parent is interested in his child at all.

If you are not familiar with school charter, With regulations “On the class parent meeting” of your schoolbe sure to read . If a problem arises, you will be fully armed.

Still have questions? Write in the comments, we will definitely try to help you.

Pavel Tkachenko is raising his daughter himself. As a manager and father, he approaches school issues with humor and business acumen.

Once again I return from a parent meeting with a strange mixture of despair and aggression..

A little background. I live with my teenage daughter. Our mother got lost somewhere in the course of history, so I perform all parental functions on my own: I celebrate birthdays, teach homework, read at night, talk about puberty, take me to all sorts of doctors. Well, I also go to parent meetings, for lack of an alternative. For I am not just a parent, but a responsible parent.

Once upon a time, at the dawn of the 90s, I graduated from a regular (post-)Soviet school with almost an excellent grade (I couldn’t master a few natural sciences with more than a “B”) and with a consistent “D” in behavior. Not because he smoked during breaks or skipped classes, no. Simply, thanks to a heightened sense of justice, I “swung my rights,” which was categorically not welcomed at “that” school.

A quarter of a century later, each of my visits to school is a regression into a teenage state with an initial antipathy to everything that the teacher says, to the strange logic hiding behind everything that happens at school, to the rules that it is unclear who and why established, but to question which are almost like crushing bonds.

In addition to the picture, my daughter is smart, she studies well for a self-organized teenager with a lot of interests outside of school, she doesn’t smoke or drink, she does her homework, sets goals and strives to achieve them. In short, gold, not a child.

Now let's get back to parent meetings.

The standard scenario is this: you find out every day that tonight you are not having a 2012 Cabernet Merlot from the Colonist winery, but a parent-teacher meeting. It is impossible to find out who is to blame for the late notification. The teacher says that he warned the children a week in advance, the daughter insists that she found out this morning. Be that as it may, we need to go. Why is it necessary? Because not coming means not showing interest in your daughter’s affairs, which responsible parents cannot afford. Besides, I still hope that sooner or later I will learn something necessary, important, or, in extreme cases, useful at this meeting.

By the way, there are two types of meetings: school-wide and class meetings. The first is the quintessence of insanity. The head teacher tediously and slowly carries out the “mandatory program”: he reads out some kind of guiding “sheet” about nothing or tells how to deal with child suicide within the confines of a single apartment. All this - in the presence of 200-300 mothers in a stuffy assembly hall, without any chance to leave without bringing the wrath of God on the head of the dotsi. (In this sense, it is easier not to come at all, because no one does a census of those who have come, than to make a demarche, arguing that what is happening is meaningless).

If a process does not bring good results or at least satisfaction to its participants, then something urgently needs to be done about it

A "class" meeting has three based topics for discussion. The first is academic performance/behavior. What I already know about, because I’m a responsible dad, a trusting relationship with my daughter blah blah blah. I don't have to wait for any meeting to find out what's going on at school and what's troubling my daughter. The second is semi-legal collection of money. I would be happy to refuse, but it’s easier to give up than to explain to everyone why it’s illegal/unnecessary/pointless. Again, the audience with whom you will have to discuss this is mothers who sometimes do not understand that, for example, a restaurant for graduation after the ninth grade is needed not by the children, but by themselves.

The third topic is who should do what for the class (as an option - who didn’t do what, where they didn’t show up, what they didn’t pass, and all that kind of stuff). The arguments and logic of the proof are approximately the same as when collecting money.

In this regard, I constantly have thoughts about how to make meetings more useful, effective, or, at worst, faster. In my professional life, I improve the efficiency of processes and systems, which means I can think of a million ways to achieve this goal in the work environment.

The main prerequisite for achieving efficiency at work is (1) all people at work strive for efficiency, because it is this that forms the source for paying salaries, and (2) company management has the opportunity to choose their subordinates, as well as, in one way or another, colleagues and superiors.

At parent meetings, there is a random sample from a variety of professional, social, intellectual and other strata of society, united by their common place of residence, as well as the fact that their children study in the same class. Therefore, achieving efficiency with such a team is not an easy task. Moreover, there is a hypothesis that even the goal itself - efficiency - is not understood by all participants in parent-teacher meetings.

Ok, I know how to solve the problem of wasted time at parent-teacher meetings. Just ignore them (and somehow your mother or class teacher will tell you how much money to hand over). But this is an escapist approach, which means it doesn’t suit me.

How can you make meetings useful, and even better, interesting? What would be important/interesting/useful for a responsible parent to hear at a parent meeting?

First. It is important that both parents and teachers realize that we must have a partnership in the upbringing of each individual child. This means that we must (1) be equally aware of our responsibility for this task, (2) share information about the child with each other, and be interested in this information. Yes, yes, both me and the teachers! (3) coordinate methods, forms and methods of training and education. Teachers should know my values, principles and methods, and I, accordingly, theirs.

Second. Any parent-student meeting should follow normal and reasonable (in the business world) rules, such as:

- informing in advance about the agenda (if the only item on the agenda is the report of the head teacher, few people will buy a ticket for this event);

— the opportunity for all parties to make their proposals in advance;

— strict timing of the meeting;

- structured discussion (for this, it would be nice for teachers to have structured thinking, public speaking skills in front of a demanding audience, and also to attract a professional moderator to manage the discussion and transfer inevitable conflicts into a constructive direction);

- using all the achievements of civilization to speed up the transfer of information and increase the efficiency of interaction (information that just needs to be conveyed can be sent out by email, or printed and distributed, rather than listening to the head teacher stutter from the podium a la Leonid Ilyich in recent years);

— compliance with regulations (starting and finishing on time, limiting topics for discussion, strict control of time for speeches, excluding discussions not on issues on the agenda, observing the rules of business communication, etc.).

Third. The gathering of a large number of people in one room should only be carried out for a purpose that is obviously of interest to all parties. Collection of money needed by only one party can be done by other methods (informing via mail or instant messengers, sending to a card, issuing an invoice, etc. Is this illegal? Does everything need to be done secretly and on behalf of the parent committee? Not my problem. Not enough Besides the fact that they collect money from me (which is not so bad), they also waste my time in vain, talking aloud for a long time about bells and ribbons, and out loud performing mathematical operations within the framework of the fourth grade program).

Fourth. There are topics that I would love to talk about. For example, I would like to personally meet all of my daughter's teachers. From everyone I would like to listen to a master class about the features of the next school year, the nuances and difficulties awaiting my daughter, about methods of monitoring progress and assessment criteria, about pitfalls, about changes in the program, the educational process and new trends in anything. was affecting me or my child.

In the end, I would like to be acquainted not only with the director, head teacher and class teacher, but also with subject teachers. Don't they have time? They don't get paid for this? Do not care. These people often spend more time with my daughter than I, the father, manage to do. This means that I have the right to be personally acquainted with each of them, to look closely at each of them in the eyes, to make sure that they will sow reasonable-good-eternal things, and not assert themselves on my child and not pour out their everyday disorder and childhood complexes.

This development includes a lot of information about the first assessment and homework. You can adjust this development, remove or add something of your own.

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"Parents meeting at the end of the first quarter"

Parent meeting at the endI quarters

“First assessment. Let's sit down for lessons"

Target: introducing parents to the concepts of “marking and assessment”, explaining the importance of homework for the child.


    identify parents’ ideas about the organization of children’s educational work at home;

    introduce hygienic requirements for preparing homework.

Form: workshop

Participants: parents of 2nd grade students and class teacher


I. The teacher studies psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of parent-teacher meetings and selects books and magazines for the exhibition.

II. A survey is conducted of students who answer two questionnaires.

    Who helps you prepare your homework at home?

    What does this help consist of?

    What do your parents ask you when you come home from school?

    What do you do when you get home from school? Please list your activities.

    Do you have a work area?

    How long do you take to do your homework?

    What subjects are you comfortable with?

    Your parents help you with housework. tasks?

The class teacher processes, analyzes and summarizes the results of student surveys

III. The teacher draws up memos for parents based on the studied publications and prepares album sheets with tasks for small groups.

The teacher makes a slide presentation of reminders, hygiene requirements, daily routine, and survey results.

Design, equipment and inventory:

a) an exhibition of books for parents;
b) equipment of the work place;
c) reminders to parents: “Do you want your child to go to school with pleasure?”, “Let’s sit down for homework,” “How to teach your child to be independent in preparing homework,”

1.Organizational stage

1. Meeting of parents (an exercise to unite the group and create a working atmosphere, a favorable psychological climate)

Exercise“Give a smile to your neighbor” Everyone is in a circle. Take your neighbor's hand, smile at him and compliment him. My smile returned to me, but it became even larger, as your smiles joined it.

They sit down at their desks.

Let's say about the child himself the 4 best qualities.

Then it is advisable to discuss with parents the question of whether it was easy to remember and talk about “the best.” Why? During the discussion, the facilitator leads the participants to the conclusion that We often pay attention to the child’s shortcomings and problems than to his achievements.. This sometimes prevents us from appreciating its positive qualities, which are the main basis for building confidence.


    The importance of marks and assessments for a child

    How to properly organize homework preparation

    Results of educational work for the first quarter

    Organizational matters

2. The importance of marks and assessments for a child

Mark (grade) in pedagogy is the result of the assessment process, a conditionally formal (symbolic), quantitative or qualitative expression of the assessment of a student’s educational achievements in numbers, letters or otherwise.

A grade is a kind of guideline that reflects social requirements for the content of education, the level of mastery of it by the student, an effective regulator of his educational activities and social relations in the life of the student.

A mark is the same as evaluative point . Conditional evaluation expression knowledge, skills And skills, as well as the behavior of students (schoolchildren). Student performance is also assessed based on the results testing using rating scales.

Grade- ambiguous term:

    Evaluation (philosophy) - a way of establishing the significance of something for an acting and cognizing subject.

    Assessment (pedagogy) - the numerical opinion of the teacher (another inspector) about the student’s level of knowledge (the quality of his work).

    Estimation (mathematical statistics) - This statistics, which is used to estimate unknown parameters distribution random variable.

    Valuation (in economics) - establishing the value of tangible and intangible objects, taking into account the rights to them and the interests in relation to them of subjects of civil rights.

    • Property valuation

    Grade (metrology ) - an approximate value of a quantity or parameter found from experimental data.

    Expert assessment , more precisely conclusionexpert at examination (expert assessment ).

How to treat your child's grades.

Don't scold your child for a bad grade. He wants to be good in your eyes. If it is not possible to be good, the child begins to lie and dodge in order to still be good in your eyes.

Sympathize with your child if he has worked for a long time, but the result of his work is not great. Explain to him that not only a high result is important. More important is the knowledge that he can acquire as a result of daily, persistent and painstaking work.

Don't make your child beg for a grade at the end of the quarter for your peace of mind.

Do not teach your child to cheat, humiliate himself and adapt for the sake of a positive result in the form of a high grade.

Never express doubts about the objectivity of a grade given to your child out loud.

If you have doubts, go to school and try to objectively understand the situation.

Do not unreasonably blame other adults, teachers and children for the problems of your own children.

Support your child in his, albeit not very significant, victories over himself, over his laziness.

Organize celebrations to celebrate getting an excellent grade. The good, like the bad, is remembered by the child for a long time and he wants to repeat it. Let the child get a good mark for the sake of being marked. Soon it will become a habit.

Demonstrate the positive results of your work so that your child wants to imitate you.

3.How to properly organize homework preparation

Game “Hat of Questions” (parents become aware of their problems)

    Our child has a special place where he...

    Our child is doing his homework...

    Copes independently...

    It's difficult to cook...

    My help in preparing food is...

    When a child learns homework, we...

    If the child performed the task carelessly, then...

    We think that for Sunday.....

    The child begins preparing homemade food with...

    When preparing food, you must...

    When preparing a homework assignment in the Russian language, we...

    If a child gets involved in work right away, then...

    If a child starts working slowly, then...

Student survey results:

Questionnaire for students:

    Do you have a special place in your home where you constantly do your homework (underline)?
    yes - 19
    no - 1

    How long have you been doing your homework (underline)?
    1 hour; 10
    2 hours; 9
    3 hours or more. 1

    Which subjects can you easily handle on your own (list):
    Mathematics – 14
    Russian language – 8
    Reading – 8
    Ohm – 8

    What items do you find difficult to prepare (write):
    Mathematics – 6
    Russian language – 10
    Reading – 2
    Ohm – 7

    When you find it difficult to complete your homework, do your parents help you (underline)?
    yes - 13
    no - 7

    What do your parents do when you come home from school with a bad grade?
    Scold – 3
    Screaming – 1
    Warn – 1
    Bute – 4
    Punished – 4
    Nothing - 7

    Does it ever happen that you don't do your homework at all?
    Yes – 8
    No - 12

Studying at school and doing homework is serious work. Everyone knows what homework is. Several generations of schoolchildren call homework “homework” . « Homework is what prevents poor children from breathing freely after school is over. Why do so many generations of teachers insist on doing homework, and why do so many generations of unfortunate schoolchildren try with equal constancy to avoid this “bitter fate”?

In a modern school, children spend six hours a day, and sometimes more. Fortunately, the curriculum still includes subjects such as physical education, art and music, as well as special subjects aimed at developing self-esteem. (“Every Color Except Black”) Teachers are expected to spend the remaining three hours teaching reading, writing, math, and at least some science. Class teachers are not able to do everything. They need help.

As parents, you can make a huge contribution to your children's learning process. By reading to your baby, you automatically increase his vocabulary. By helping with homework every day, your attention shows how important learning is.

Many parents want to help their children, but do not know how to do it. In addition to the constant lack of time, they often notice that their children simply do not want to study with them. Children will be more willing to design a new car than do their homework. But even if children watch a lot of TV or sit at the computer from time to time, they cannot definitely be called lazy. Once children have done their homework, they don't want to spend any more time reading, and they aren't interested in practicing math.

One parent said that when it was time to do his reading homework, the child hid the book behind the radiator. Doing homework turned into a battle, and studying together caused tension between them that was not good for anyone. The parent would lose his temper when he felt his son was not doing his best, and homework usually ended with him yelling at each other. Some parents even do homework for their children to avoid problems.

It happens that parents themselves provoke their children into a negative reaction associated with doing homework. Coming home from work tired and irritated, they sit down with their children for homework with disdain and a feeling of doom. Any mistake or miscalculation of a child instantly turns into a storm of emotional outbursts towards the child. As a rule, children are very sensitive to the state of their parents, and your stress is transmitted to them. Before sitting down to study, try to calm down and concentrate on the activity at hand. Speak your demands to the child in a firm and confident voice, without raising your tone.

Researchers believe that parents are one of the most important sources of knowledge for their child. Parents have every opportunity to help their children succeed in school, but they do less than they could. The study found that mothers spend on average less than half an hour a day talking to, explaining, or reading to their children. Fathers are even shorter - about 15 minutes. Therefore, before asking your child about grades and success at school, first ask yourself, what did I do for this? What mark will you give yourself for doing homework with your child?

A child's sense of self-worth is fragile and needs to be nurtured. If your child knows that there is a designated time that you will spend with him, then you will show him that he is very important to you and that you want to be him too. Everyone knows that children love to play - recognize it and use it to your advantage. Then your kids will enjoy spending time with you and the learning process will become something exciting for them.

Homework serves various functions.

One of the main ones is the function leveling the child’s knowledge and skills, his skills, in the event that he was sick for a long time, or missed a lot, or did not master some complex topic.

The second function of homework is to stimulate the student’s cognitive interest, the desire to know as much as possible about a subject or topic.

The third function of homework is This is the development of student independence, perseverance and responsibility for the educational task being performed.

Classroom teacher: If we think about how to properly organize educational work at home, we will notice that this is a two-fold task.

    On the one hand, you need to help the child find correct operating mode, select place to study, determine the best procedure for preparing lessons.

    On the other hand, instill in him a strong habit of sitting down for homework contrary to the desire to play or take a walk, develop the ability to quickly get involved in work, lead it without distractions and at a good pace. The slightest internal imbalance of the child or some external inconvenience can turn out to be a serious hindrance.

What can you advise parents if their child cannot “sit through his homework”?

Cl. hands: Firstly, games. Quiet board games and active role-playing games.

Secondly. It is useful for a child to do something together with adults, to do it quickly, cheerfully, without swaying, without painful pauses. You can do dirty dishes together: you wash, the child wipes; you can fix something together; You can read a book together: page you, page child.

You can develop in your child the habit of quickly switching from one thing to another. If he is called to eat, he must immediately stop playing. It is unacceptable to allow a child to ignore parental instructions in anything. It is necessary to teach the child to separate free time from the time when he is busy with something serious, and not to confuse business with play. How many times have you seen a child playing with bread while eating, washing his hands and playing with the fringe of a towel? Parents should not be passive observers of such scenes. Otherwise, the same thing will happen with classes. Ensure that the child does everything necessary without additional reminders, without being distracted by anything.

The daily routine plays a major role in organizing a student’s educational work. Special studies conducted in primary school have shown that those who study well have a firmly established time for preparing lessons, and they strictly adhere to it. The guys admitted that when the time to prepare homework approaches, they lose interest in games and don’t want to go out anymore.

And, on the contrary, among weak students there are many who do not have a permanent time allotted for studying. This is no coincidence. Cultivating the habit of systematic work begins with establishing a solid training regimen., without this, academic success cannot be achieved. The daily routine should not change depending on the number of lessons, the fact that an interesting film is shown on TV or guests come to the house.

Cl. hands The child should sit down for lessons not only at the same time, but also at a permanent workplace. So he could keep books and notebooks there. If a child studies at a common table, no one should disturb him or distract him from his studies.

Why should a child have not just a convenient place to study, but also a permanent one?

Cl. ruk: The fact is that every person, and especially the younger schoolchild, an attitude is developed not only for a certain time, but also for a certain place of work. When such an attitude is formed in a child, it is enough for him to sit down at his usual table, and the working mood naturally comes, and the desire to start work arises.

Help your child strictly follow this rule: before classes begin, everything that is not related to them must be removed from the table. Place all auxiliary things that you will have to use (ruler, eraser, pencil) to your left; textbooks, notebooks, diary - on the right. Everything that is no longer needed should be immediately placed in a briefcase or in another specific place.

It is useful to create a reminder together with your child.

“Let’s sit down for lessons.”

    Turn off the radio, TV

    Wipe the dust off the table

    Light from the left side

    Remove everything unnecessary from the table

Having begun to compare his actions with the points of the memo, after some time the student reaches the point that all these actions will become familiar to him.

CONCLUSION: Organize a child’s work corner in every family. Teach children to do their homework independently, using the “Let’s sit down for homework” reminder

Consolidation of acquired knowledge. Parent testing

Test “What kind of parent am I?”

Mark the phrases that you use most often in your family:

    How many times do I have to tell you?

    Please advise me

    Who do you look like?

    Here I am in your time!

    You are our support and helper!

    What kind of friends do you have!

    What are you thinking about?

    How clever you are!

    Everyone's children are like children, and you!

    2 points for answers No. 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13,

    1 point for all other answers.

7–8 points. Live in perfect harmony. The child loves and respects you.

9–10 points. You are inconsistent in communication. The child respects you, but is not always frank.

11–12 points. It is necessary to be more attentive to the child. Authority is not a substitute for love.

13–14 points. You are going down the wrong path. There is mistrust between you and the child. Give him more time, respect him, listen to his opinion.

4. Results of educational work inI quarters

Speech by the class teacher following the results of the first quarter. Demonstration and discussion of final tests, etc.

5.Organizational issues

Solving various class problems.

6. Decision of the parent meeting

    Teach your child to do homework independently and correctly evaluate the results of their activities.

    Use the prepared reminders for the most rational construction of children’s work on preparing lessons.

    Provide assistance to children when serious difficulties arise in completing homework.

    Don't skimp on praise. Always praise the performer, and criticize only the performance.

    Set realistically achievable learning goals with your child.

View presentation content
“let’s sit down for lessons”

« Education is a science that teaches our children to do without us.”


« The power of a soft, calm word is so great that no punishment can compare with it. »


Mark– designation of student knowledge assessment (digital).

Grade– opinion about the qualities, merits, knowledge of the student (verbal).


It is important for a child to have a comfortable, beautiful workplace.

Parents, minding their own business, are ready to help the child.

Try to make everything clear – what to do and how.

Don't forget to praise your child.


Don't believe promises. Children may get carried away by the game and not pay attention to the time. This promise will not be fulfilled. Business comes first, fun comes later. And no advances.


You need to learn to do your homework on your own. And parents should be contacted in case of need - difficulties and checks.


The child must understand that he is learning for himself, and not for his parents. It is necessary to create a certain motivation for learning in the child.

  • When a person studies, he may fail at something, this is natural. The child has the right to make mistakes.
  • Don't miss the challenges. If necessary, seek help from the teacher;

specialists: psychologist, speech therapist, ophthalmologist.

  • Support your child in his desire to succeed. In every job, be sure to find something to praise him for.

Praise can increase intellectual achievement.

  • The child needs constant support from his parents. Your sincere interest in his school affairs, a serious attitude towards achievements and difficulties will help the student.
  • Don't forget to remind students about school rules and the need to follow them.
  • Create a daily routine together and then keep track of it.

Our child has a special place where he...

We provide assistance with homework preparation. This help is...

If a child does his homework carelessly, then we...

  • Quiet board games and active role-playing games.
  • Cooperative activity
  • Develop in your child the habit of quickly switching from one thing to another.
  • Daily regime.
  • Organize a child’s work corner in every family
  • Make a memo “Let’s sit down for lessons.”

  • Always sit down for your lessons at the same time.
  • Ventilate the room before classes begin.
  • Turn off the radio, TV
  • Wipe the dust off the table
  • Light from the left side
  • Check the lesson schedule for tomorrow
  • Prepare writing materials for class
  • Remove everything unnecessary from the table
  • Sit comfortably on a chair and open your textbook.

How long does a child spend preparing homework?



6 years


7 years

up to 1 hour

8 – 10 years

up to 1.5 hours

up to 2 hours

First oral subjects - rules, and then written ones.

Difficult, then easy

  • Check whether the workplace is organized correctly
  • Everything should be in its place
  • Sit with your child during the first stages of doing homework. His future school success depends on how calm his first steps are.
  • Form the habit of doing homework. Remind them of lessons without shouting, be patient.
  • Decorate your workspace beautifully. Table, lamp, schedule, elements, wishes for schoolchildren, educational tables.
  • Learn to do your homework only in this work area.

  • There is order in the workplace, if it is difficult for him to restore order, then help him.
  • Reads the exercise assignment out loud. This calms the child and relieves anxiety.
  • If a child does something wrong, do not rush to scold him.
  • If your child gets distracted, calmly remind him of the time allotted for completing his homework.
  • To complete written assignments cleanly, without mistakes.
  • Don't force me to rewrite the work multiple times. This undermines interest in school.
  • Try to teach them to do their homework on their own as early as possible and to contact you if necessary.

How many times do I have to tell you?

Please advise me

I don't know what I would do without you.

And who are you born into?

What wonderful friends you have!

Who do you look like?

Here I am in your time!

You are our support and helper!

What kind of friends do you have!

What are you thinking about?

How clever you are!

What do you think, son (daughter)?

Everyone's children are like children, and you!

How smart you are!

Parent meeting summary

"Magic flower" at the end of the year

in the junior group "Malvina"

Event plan

  1. Minute of revelation “Light a candle”
  2. Let's collect "Magic Flower"
  3. Presentation of letters of gratitude
  4. About miscellaneous

Good evening, dears parents ! We are pleased to welcome you to the finalour group meeting. How we lived this year, what was interesting in our lives, what we learned and what we still need to work on - this is our conversation today.

A minute of revelations “Light a candle.” (light a candle)

(parents passing a candle share the achievements of their children)

During a year All children developed according to their age, mastered the program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development. Educational work is carried out according to 5 educational regions: "Social - communicative", "Speech development", , "Physical development" And "Cognitive Development".

Today we invite you to collect"Magic Flower"

(on the magnetic board is the middle of the flower, parents take turns choosing a petal)

The petal is red.What does the color red mean, what is its effect on a person?

RED. Stimulates, supplies very strong, but quite rough energy. Promotes activity, confidence, friendliness. In large quantities it can provoke rage and anger. Preference for red color means : self-confidence, readiness to act, a statement of one’s strengths and capabilities. "Red Children" These children are open and active. Very hard parents with “red” children : lively, naughty, excitable, restless, breaking toys. When they grow up, high performance will be determined by the desire to achieve success, get results, and earn praise. Hence the assertiveness and selfishness. The interests of today are above all for them.

Educational area"Speech development". During the year The children learned to make sentences based on pictures. Children enjoy listening to literary works and looking at pictures in books, telling fairy tales, developing speech and facial expressions, and expanding their vocabulary. My favorite pastime is telling fairy tales using tabletop and flat theaters. During classes there are physical exercises. minutes.

Now, dear parents , we'll see how much you know about fairy tales. Let's play a game "Questions - Answers"

A game "Questions - Answers"

1. In which state did the heroes of many Russian folk tales live?(in the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state)

2. What was the bun: gingerbread or pie?(with gingerbread)

3. What is the real name of the Frog Princess?(Vasilisa the Wise)

4. Name the long-lived fairy-tale king.(Koschei)

5. Name the formidable weapon of the Nightingale the Robber.(whistling)

6. The Poles call her Edzina, the Czechs - Ezinka, the Slovaks - Hedgehog Baba, but what do we call her?(Baba Yaga)

7. Name Kolobok’s place of birth(bake)

8. Name the only heroine of the fairy tale"Turnip" , whose name we know?(Bug)

9. Name a fairy-tale character who goes out of his way?(Princess Frog)

10. What is the name of the part of a woman’s dress that contains lakes, swans and other environmental elements?(sleeve of the Frog Princess's dress)

11. What fairytale headdress can’t be drawn?(invisibility hat)

12. What is the “workplace” of the scientist’s cat? (oak)

13. Which fairy tale tells about the dire consequences of poor fire safety equipment? ("Cat house" )

14. Which fairy tale talks about some of the difficulties associated with delivering fresh baked goods to your home? ("Little Red Riding Hood")

15. Who did Winnie the Pooh give an empty pot for his birthday?(to Eeyore)

17. Who was the good sorceress to the fairy-tale Cinderella?(godfather)

18. How many letters were “lost” in the original name of Captain Vrungel's yacht?(2)

19. Name a Russian folk tale in which there were 3 attempted murders and one murder? ("Kolobok")

20. What fairy-tale heroes lived"30 years and 3 years"? (old man with old woman)

The petal is yellow.What does the color yellow mean?

YELLOW. It is a bright, joyful, stimulating color. It is associated with intelligence and expressiveness. It increases concentration , organizes, improves memory, promotes fair and quick decision making. Yellow helps you accept new ideas and other people's points of view. This is the color of optimism. Preference for yellow color means a desire for freedom, openness, mobility, independence from reality, sociability, and a desire to relieve tension. Sometimes : self-delusion, self-coercion, superficiality, uncertainty about the future. "Yellow children" are children - dreamers, dreamers, storytellers, jokers. They like to play alone, they like abstract toys : pebbles, twigs, rags, cubes, bringing them to life with the power of your imagination. As they grow up, they will prefer varied, interesting work. They will always believe in something, hope for something, strive to live in the future. At the same time, they may exhibit such character traits as lack of practicality, the desire to avoid making decisions, and irresponsibility.

And this is an educational field“Artistic and aesthetic development”In music classes, children show emotional responsiveness to age-appropriate musical works, distinguish between happy and sad melodies, and try to expressively convey playful and fairy-tale images.

Feel a feeling of joy; trying to sculpt, appliqué,design, drawing, depict simple objects and phenomena, conveying their figurative expressiveness.

It is very difficult for children to depict objects, images, plots using traditional methods drawing : brush, pencils, felt-tip pens. Using only these objects does not allow children to develop their creative abilities more widely. They do not contribute to the development of imagination and fantasy. But you can draw with anything and however you want!

We would like to ask you, do you understand what unconventional drawing is? Are you familiar with his techniques and techniques? "(Answers from parents.)

Diagnostic results________________________________________________

Petal blue.Blue color. What does it mean?

BLUE. First of all, it is a calming color. It promotes physical and mental relaxation, creates an atmosphere of security and trust.

Preference for blue color means : the desire for peace, harmony with others and with oneself, fidelity, a penchant for aesthetic experiences and thoughtful reflection. Phlegmatic temperament. "Blue children" are children who are the exact opposite"red". No wonder the “reds” Children can be calmed by the color blue, and"blue" children - red."Blue" the child is calm, balanced, likes to do everything slowly and thoroughly. He enjoys lying on the sofa with a book, thinking, discussing everything in detail. He prefers intimate friendship with dedication and self-sacrifice because, in contrast"red" children, he enjoys giving, not receiving. Often children choose blue not because they are calm, but because they really need peace at the moment.

"Social and communicative direction". For the social and communicative development of preschoolers, play, observation, discussion of various situations, encouraging mutual assistance and cooperation of children, their moral actions are of great importance - all this becomes the building blocks that make up a person’s personality.

During the year children have mastered self-care skills. In the game, children consolidate their acquired knowledge. Knows how to show goodwill, kindness, and friendliness towards others. They respond to the emotions of loved ones and friends. They make attempts to feel sorry for their peers, hug them, and help them.

Diagnostic results________________________________________________

I suggest you analyze some pedagogical situations.

Situation 1.

Andrei’s mother communicates with her son as if he already has positive, strong personality and character traits. Therefore, she builds her communication with him like this: “Why did you take this car in kindergarten? I know that you are kind and honest. So tomorrow take it to the children, they also want to play with it.” But Kolya’s mother, in a similar situation, tells him: “Why did you take this car in kindergarten? You are bad! You're a thief!".

What is the fundamental difference in communication with their children among these mothers?

The words that parents use to call their child leave an imprint on the formation of positive or negative character traits. In this case, Andrei’s mother contributes to the formation of positive character traits in him, calling her son affectionately, with kind words, pointing out his good qualities. And Kolya’s mother, on the contrary, forms negative character traits, calling the boy bad words, thereby rooting in the child’s mind that he is “bad” and a “thief.” Thus, mothers evaluate the actions of their sons (bad or good), and, accordingly, the child will grow up “bad” or “good.” In the future, he will become what was instilled in him since childhood. All assessments of the child’s actions are “recorded” in the child’s internal system in the form of self-esteem and his emotional state.

Situation 2.

A mother reprimands her five-year-old daughter for driving her little brother away from her desk:

You're behaving badly. After all, he is smaller than you, you have to give in to him.

Everyone give in and give in! What if he bothers me?! If in my drawing he draws little scribbles?!

It doesn’t matter, you’re older than him!

Supported by his mother, the boy continues his work.

Ah well? - the girl gets angry, - you’ll know how to spoil other people’s drawings! Here's to you for this!

The girl pushes her brother in anger. The conflict is growing. As a result, both of them cry.

In a conversation with the teacher, the mother complains that the children are not friendly and do not know how to get along with each other.

What do you see as the cause of the conflict between brother and sister? Why don’t we observe in this family manifestations of such a psychological feature of the girl as a tendency to be a caregiver?

The reason for the conflict between brother and sister is that children feel unequal treatment from their mother. It is wrong to make a remark based on the fact that the daughter is the eldest and therefore should give way to her brother. This is what contributes to the growth of conflict between children. It turns out that everything is possible for the brother, everything is allowed, because he is small, and the girl must yield to him as the eldest. This position of the mother (position of inequality) is not correct. In this family, we do not observe such a psychological feature of the girl as a tendency to be a caregiver, because the mother, with her wrong attitude towards the children, put the girl in the position of “You are the eldest, therefore you should.” Thus, the girl feels disadvantaged, perhaps experiences a feeling of jealousy, and by offending her brother, she splashes out all the negativity on him. In order for a girl to take care of her brother, the mother had to put her in the position of “You are the eldest, so you can help the younger one, because you know and can do more than he.” The mother needed to ask the girl to help her younger brother, to build a dialogue with him a little differently. When the boy ruined her drawing, the mother had to calm the girl down and give each child a blank sheet and agree that everyone would draw only on their own sheet, and the daughter could show her brother how to draw correctly. In addition, the mother should praise her daughter more often.

Petal green.How do we perceive the color green? GREEN color is life, growth, harmony. It unites us with nature and helps us be closer to each other. Pale green is a calming and relaxing color. Helps improve vision. Bright green colors are reminiscent of spring and the energy of youth. Dark green colors are associated with stability and growth. All over the world, green is a symbol of safety. Therefore, it is adopted to indicate the start of movement at traffic lights. People who prefer green are reliable and generous. Preference for green color means : self-respect, firmness, stability, naturalness and truthfulness towards oneself. Nobility of character, justice, willpower, constancy. Sometimes : self-doubt, low level of aspirations and a passive attitude towards one’s own social position.

"Green children" consider themselves abandoned and are in great need of maternal love. So that he doesn't grow up in"green" personality (conservative who is afraid of changes, which she associates with losses, requires special creative education, the development of openness and interest. Such a child needs a feeling of security and reliability.

Cognitive development. While playing board games, children learned about the world around them, became familiar with the classification of objects, domestic and wild animals, studied the natural world, and formed an idea of ​​shape, color, size, and quantity. They have an idea about their family and the village in which they live. They know how to love and protect their native nature.

Diagnostic results________________________________________________

Native nature is a powerful source from which a child draws many knowledge and impressions. Children notice everything. They discover new things world : they try to touch everything with their hands, look at it, smell it, if possible, taste it. While maintaining a child’s sincere interest in the environment, one should remember to foster a caring attitude towards nature. It is very important that adults themselves love nature and try to instill this love in children. Nature is a great teacher.

Woe to us if we do not teach children to love, to spare nature, to admire it. And for this you need to do everything possible : set an example of a kind attitude towards all living things, constantly enrich the child with impressions.

Presentation of the project “Kopatych’s Vegetable Garden”

Orange petal.What colour is he? Orange? How does it affect us? ORANGE color releases emotions, raises self-esteem, and teaches forgiveness.

It is an excellent antidepressant and promotes a good mood. Pastel shades(apricot, peach)restore nervous costs. Those who prefer orange colors are capable of creative thinking, full of enthusiasm, but prone to irresponsibility. Preference for the color orange means activity, a positive sense of self, a desire for change, and openness.

"Orange children" are easily excitable, just like"red" and "yellow" , but this excitement has no outlet. And the children are having fun, playing pranks, screaming for no reason. That's why orange is so dangerous color : when an orange sky is added to the orange sun, and even an orange mother, this color becomes shrill, unpleasant, it irritates and devastates.

Next direction"Physical development": children grow up healthy, cheerful, physically and creatively developed.

Diagnostic results________________________________________________

At one of the meetings we introduced you to health-saving technologies. We invite you to remember them

The petal is white.What is the effect of white?

WHITE. A symbol of purity and spirituality, healing from illnesses, it is the color of balance, goodness, and success. It will help you calm down and relieve internal tension. White color heals the central nervous system, helps restore the structure of brain tissue directly related to consciousness."White Children" pay attention to little things and analyze everything that happens to them. From childhood, such children defend their positions and beliefs, they think and reason from a philosophical point of view. Rejection of white colors indicates improper upbringing, disruption of communication with parents , discomfort in communicating with relatives and friends.

Competition of funny questions.

1. If a chicken stands on one leg, then it weighs 2 kg. How much will the chicken weigh if it stands on 2 legs?(2 kg.)

2. You need to divide 5 apples between 5 girls so that one apple remains in the basket.(One should take the apple along with the basket.)

3. There were 4 birch trees. Each birch has 4 large branches. On each large branch there are 4 small ones. There are 4 apples on each small branch. How many apples are there in total?(Not a single one. Apples don’t grow on birch trees.)

4. Can it rain for 2 days in a row?(It can’t. Night separates the days.)

5. One man was asked how many children he had. The answer was; "I have 6 sons, and each has a sister."(7.)

6. How can you pick a branch without scaring away the birds on it?(It’s impossible, it will fly away.)

So our “Magic Flower” came together and to sum it up, we can say that basically all the children mastered the program successfully.

And now we will happily move on to the most pleasant moment of our meetings – we want to expressthanks to all parentsand for joint work, for active participation in life groups , but mostly we are for you grateful for raising wonderful children.

Thank you very much for your help and support.

In conclusion I want say: “Children are happiness created by our labor!” and wish each other success in our difficult task.

Summary of the final parent meeting in the preparatory group

Tushmakova Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher, kindergarten No. 203 “Alice” ANO DO “Planet of Childhood “Lada”, Togliatti.
Description: This material can be used by teachers of preparatory groups for final parent-teacher meetings.
Target: involving parents in the process of preparing future first-graders for school.
- summing up the results of the group’s work for the year;
- rewarding parents for active participation in the life of the group and kindergarten;
- familiarizing parents with the criteria for children’s readiness for school in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Parent meeting summary

1. Greetings, viewing the presentation “From the life of the group”
2. Report on the expenditure of funds on the purchase of stationery, educational games and benefits for children (speaking by the chairman of the parent council N.N. Panasyuk)
3. Preparation for organizing a graduation party for children (speaking by member of the parent council Abbasova V.K.)
4. Preschooler’s readiness for school in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard (speaking by teacher Tushmakova N.N.).
5. Our achievements, rewarding families for success in education (both educators participate).
6. How to overcome fear of school (speaking by teacher Sidorova O.G.).

1. The school year is ending. Our children have grown older, learned a lot, learned a lot, and our friendly family has grown stronger. I want the parting to be pleasant and memorable. Let's remember once again what this school year was like in our group (viewing a photo presentation from the life of the group).
2. The floor is given to the chairman of the parents’ council, Natalya Nikolaevna Panasyuk.
3. The floor is given to a member of the parent council, Valeria Konstantinovna Abbasova.
4. Many parents are concerned about the problem of children transitioning from kindergarten to school. Parents are interested in their child’s school success, so they begin preparing him for school as early as possible. What needs to be done so that a child goes to school prepared and studies well, while receiving only positive emotions?
As part of the law on education, the “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education” was issued, in short - the Federal State Educational Standard, and it came into force on January 1, 2014.
Why did scientists suddenly start developing a standard for preschool education? Because for the first time in the history of our culture, preschool childhood has become a special, intrinsically valuable level of education - this has never happened before, i.e. Previously, preschool age was considered as one of the stages for preparing children for school. Now preschool age is valuable in itself. The essence of the change concerns the model of the educational process. The educational model needs to be completely eradicated from it. Preschool children need not to be taught, but to be developed. Development is at the forefront. They need to develop through activities accessible to their age - games.
The changes also concern the position of the adult. An adult interacts, but interaction is considered not in a formal context, but in an essential one (partnership). An adult interacts with children: together they set goals, together they act to achieve these goals, and together they evaluate the resulting product.
The main thing under the new law was the psychological preparation of children for school, which includes:
- intellectual readiness;
- motivational readiness;
- emotional-volitional readiness;