Educational program for paths in kindergarten. Calendar and thematic planning of preschool educational institutions on the innovation platform based on the “Paths” program

Pakhomova Valentina Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: GBOU School No. 1494
Locality: Moscow
Name of material: Article
Subject: The relevance of the "Paths" program in relation to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
Publication date: 17.05.2016
Chapter: preschool education

The relevance of the “Paths” program for

in relation to the Federal State Educational Standard

Pakhomova V.V.,

teacher, GBOU School No. 1494, school No. 2154, Moscow
The “Paths” program was developed under the editorship of V.T. Kudryavtsev, Doctor of Psychology, Professor. The name of the program stands for Creativity, Developmental Education, Pedagogical Innovation, New Constructive Ideas. The program provides coordinated support for the development of the child’s imagination and other creative abilities using a diverse palette of children’s activities, which includes play, visual arts, construction, perception of fairy tales, skills, communication and much more. This is supposed to be carried out within the framework of all areas of educational work with preschoolers, from physical education and health, to artistic and aesthetic approaches. This approach is the key to ensuring the child’s full mental development. The “Paths” program determines the content and organization of educational activities for children from 3 to 7 years old and ensures the development of the personality of preschoolers in various types of communication and activities. This program is a modern developmental preschool education program and is aimed at creating conditions for the general mental development of children 3-7 years old by means of developing creative imagination as a universal ability. The development of universal human culture is considered by the project developers as a creative process. During the creative introduction of a child to the principles of human culture - cognitive, artistic-aesthetic, communicative, physical - the most important creative abilities are laid, developed and manifested in him: productive imagination, comprehending thinking, orientation to the position of another person, arbitrariness, elements of reflection. The program reflects the strategic guidelines for developmental work with children, reflected in five areas of the educational process - “Development of a culture of communication”, “Development of a culture of cognition”, “Development of a culture of speech”, “Development of artistic and aesthetic
culture”, “Development of movement culture and health work”. The content of these areas is developed in accordance with the five educational areas identified in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. The program also has subsections that provide detailed methodological recommendations: names of didactic games, materials and equipment that can be used during classes and routine processes. The program was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. It is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, both in the psychological and pedagogical aspects. The program gives the child the opportunity to smoothly transition to school, with a large store of knowledge and skills. This program can be used in any preschool institution: child development centers, in special children's clubs, and parents can also use it, studying with them. children at home. The program can also be adapted to any region, taking into account the specifics of this region (climatic, national-cultural, demographic). Many specialists with many years of experience in the psychological and pedagogical education of children participated in the development of the program: Baklanova T.I., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Ushakova O.S., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Glebova A.O., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Zhurova L.E. ., candidate of psychological sciences and many others. All participants in the development of this program adapted their developments so that they comply with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. There is a detailed educational and methodological kit for the “Paths” program, which describes in detail all the methodological recommendations and lesson notes. From the lessons given below it is clear that the lessons are conducted in a playful way, but at the same time the children learn the material and complete the tasks correctly. Appendix 1. Summary of the lesson on FEMP according to the "PATHWAYS" program in the second junior group: "Winnie the Pooh's Birthday." Program content: To consolidate the concepts of quantity: one - many, size: wide - narrow, long - short, geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, the concept of time of day, counting to three, the ability to group by
sign, make simple figures from 2-3 parts. Materials: Winnie the Pooh toy, balloon, masks, steering wheels, Dienesh Blocks in bags, sets of small toys and products for the game “Shop”, Masha doll; handout: D/i “Lay out the figure”, “Labyrinth”. Methodological techniques: emotional mood, surprise moment, artistic expression, musical accompaniment. Progress of the lesson: Children enter the group, holding hands, stand in a circle: We all gathered around. I am your friend and you are my friend! Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other! - Do you hear, guys? Someone is knocking on our door... (A balloon flies out of the window, an envelope is tied to its string). “The ball was flying so fast, in such a hurry, that the letter was slightly torn. Let's try to read it by connecting all the parts. How many broken parts? How many whole pictures do you get? Children collect Winnie the Pooh. On the reverse side, the teacher reads the invitation letter: “Dear guys, When the sun is high in the sky, I invite you to my birthday for lunch!” - So, if Winnie the Pooh called us to dinner... Guys, what time of day is it now: morning, afternoon, evening, night? Let's remember our fun warm-up: In the morning the sun rises, During the day it rolls across the sky, In the evening it falls down, At night it completely hides. And so, if Winnie the Pooh invites us when the sun is high in the sky, then it will be... (day). And to get there faster, we won’t go on foot, because we might not have time. One of the children reads the riddle: It doesn’t fly, it doesn’t buzz. A beetle is running down the street. He wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline. (Automobile)
The teacher hands out masks for cars and steering wheels. Everyone imitates driving a car. - Guys, tell me, what road are the cars driving on? (long, wide). What about pedestrians (on the short, narrow road)? Stop "SHOP". - Let's stop at the store to choose a gift for our birthday boy. Oh! And the store is closed, the seller, the doll Masha, is so sad. What happened? Doll Masha: - A shelf in the store was broken, then it was made, but now everything is mixed up: food with toys, vegetables with fruits, with cakes. - Guys, we need help! You just need to put everything in its place. Game "Find the extra object." Doll Masha thanks the children for their help and gives a magic bag (with Dienesh Blocks). The game “Identify the geometric figure by touch” is played. - Guys, why do you think it is considered magical? Because from these geometric shapes we can make ourselves, with our own hands, a gift for our Winnie the Pooh. Game "Place the figure." Children at the table lay out a model of a car, a boat, a house. - Well done, what original gifts you got! Now, look, there is a labyrinth on a piece of paper on the table in front of you. This is the way to Winnie the Pooh's house. - And here is our Winnie the Pooh!!! Let's wish him a Happy Birthday!!! And we’ll tell you about how we got there to visit. Appendix 2 Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group according to the “Paths” program Topic: “Descriptive story based on the painting “Horse with a foal” Goal: Coherent speech: Learn to write a descriptive story based on the painting; include in the story the most accurate words to indicate color, size, use antonyms to compare a horse with a foal (“big - small”, “strong - weak”, “long - short”). Sound culture of speech: Practice the ability to pronounce tongue twisters at different tempos and with different voice strengths.
Grammar: Strengthen the ability to compose sentences from given words, independently change their order; practice “reading” sentences after each rearrangement of words. Material: painting “Horse with a foal” (from the “Pets” series). Preliminary work: conversation about pets, sculpting and drawing a horse, looking at the album “Pets.” Vocabulary: long-legged, smooth, shiny, mane, steel horseshoes. Progress of the lesson: 1. - Guys, I’ll read a riddle, and you guess who we’re going to talk about today. “I ate oats - back to business.” - Why do you think it’s a horse? /The horse loves to eat oats/. Q: /Shows the children the painting “Horse with a Foal”/ - Who is depicted in this painting? - Which horse? /She is big, strong, long-legged/ - What kind of fur does she have? \Smooth, shiny, short/. -The horse has a beautiful long head, erect ears, bangs between the ears, large eyes, a long neck, and a mane on his neck. - Compare a horse with a foal. - What is the difference? \The horse is big and strong, but the foal is small and weak. The horse has a long tail, the foal has a short tail. - How are they similar? / The foal’s and horse’s fur is smooth, shiny, and short./. - What benefits does a horse bring? /It transports goods and people/. - Tell me about the horse with the foal. /Listen to the answers of two children/. The teacher reads K.D. Ushinsky’s story “The Horse”: “The horse snores, spins its ears, moves its eyes, gnaws the bit, bends its neck like a swan, digs the ground with its hoof. The mane is wavy on the neck, the tail is a pipe at the back, and bangs are between the ears; the wool shines silver. There is a bit in the mouth, a saddle on the back, golden stirrups, steel horseshoes. Sit down and let's go! To distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom! The horse is running, the earth is trembling, steam is pouring out of its mouth and nostrils.” - How is the horse described in the story? What words does the story end with?
Call two more children to insert words describing the horse into their story. - Well done! What interesting descriptions and comparisons you made of the horse and the foal. 2. Physical exercise. Outdoor game "Herd". Counting book: A zealous horse with a long mane gallops and gallops across the fields here and there! Here and there! He's rushing here - get out of the circle! We chose “Wolf”, who sits under a bush and sleeps. Girls are a “pen” for a herd, boys are a “herd”. The girls go in one direction, and the boys go in the other, saying the words: “Shepherd, shepherd, Play the horn! The grass is soft, the dew is sweet, drive the herd into the field, take a walk in the wild!” The girls squat down, the herd jumps out and walks at a straight gallop. The “shepherd” shouts: “Wolf!” - everyone runs at a gallop and jumps into the pen. Whoever is caught by the wolf is out of the game. 3. Tongue twister. “The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.” - What is said in the tongue twister? Let's repeat it slowly, quickly, even faster. /In chorus/. Now let's whisper, quieter, even quieter. /Individually and in chorus/. 4. Game “Which word got lost?” Call three children and give each one the words: 1 - met, 2 - foal, 3 - horse. - Name these words. Got an offer? /No/. - That's right, it didn't work out because the words got lost. Let's put the words in order to make a sentence. /The foal met the horse/. - And if instead of the word foal you put another word, you get a different sentence. Think about what you want to replace it with? /Misha met the foal./ The teacher makes sure that the children name only one word, and not a phrase. If there is time left, replace all the words to make a new one
proposal/ 5. Result. - Well done! You did a good job. - Guys, did you like working out? - What games did we play? - What was difficult to do? - What's easy? In conclusion, we can say that in the “Paths” program one principle of developmental education has been implemented - the unity of developmental and health-improving work with children. Teachers organize the educational environment in such a way that the change of different types of children's activities occurs unnoticeably for children, but at the same time children gain knowledge in a playful way, which makes them even more interested in acquiring knowledge and skills. Many methodological techniques are used, with their help children develop the prerequisites for creative and theoretical thinking, while children receive the most important ability for independent thinking and self-development. It should also be noted that the “Paths” program fully complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, and this only confirms its relevance for use in preschool educational institutions, and it is also necessary to understand that children studying under this program will be fully prepared for further school education. And thereby they will confirm the continuity between the kindergarten and the school.
1. Approximate basic educational program for preschool education “Paths” / ed. V.T. Kudryavtseva. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2014. -152 p. 2.
Ushakova O.S.
Development of speech in children 4–5 years old: program, methodological recommendations, lesson notes, games and exercises / O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina. –M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011. 3.
Sultanova M.N.
Journey to the land of mathematics: didactic games for children 3–4 years old: educational cards, teaching aid / M.N. Sultanova. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011.

The “Paths” program is the main educational program of preschool education, which determines the content and organization of educational activities for children from 3 to 7 years old and ensures the development of the personality of preschoolers in various types of communication and activities. The proposed program is a modern program of developmental preschool education and is aimed at creating conditions for the general mental development of children 3–7 years old by means of developing creative imagination as a universal ability. The development of universal human culture is considered by the program developers as a creative process. During the creative introduction of a child to the principles of human culture - cognitive, artistic-aesthetic, communicative, physical - the most important creative abilities are laid, developed and manifested in him: productive imagination, comprehending thinking, orientation to the position of another person, arbitrariness, elements of reflection, etc. The program was developed in accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education (2014) and the approximate basic educational program for preschool education.

The work belongs to the genre of educational literature. It was published in 2016 by Ventana-Graf. The book is part of the "Paths (Ventana-Count)" series. On our website you can download the book “Basic educational program for preschool education “Paths”. 3–7 years old” in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 5 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

Svetlana Dolgaleva
Essay “What I see as the advantage of using the Pathfinders”

Essay on the topic of:

« What am I I see the benefits of using CMD« Paths» in the educational process of preschool educational institutions at the present stage.

I am a teacher, I work according to the program « Paths» in kindergarten. Life requires a lot of work and improvement from me, go "in leg" over time, perceive everything new, be mobile, able to lead, charge with your creative ideas and enthusiasm. This is me I see necessary conditions for the successful development of preschool children.

Preschool childhood– this is a special period in the development of a child, when the child develops general abilities that are necessary for a person in any type of activity.

Children are so different and you can’t fit them into one standard. Some like to live by the rules, with the help of which they feel included in the world of adults, while others, on the contrary, want to do what is not allowed, this is how they defend their personality. How can we fit them all into one formula? I'll try to figure it out.

Focusing on the above requirements, in order to create conditions for the most complete, comprehensive development of the abilities and interests of preschool children, our kindergarten teachers chose the program as the main program block « Paths» edited by V. T. Kudryavtsev. Objective of the project " Paths"is to, through the development of creative abilities, create conditions for the general mental development of children three to six years old, in particular the conditions for the formation of their readiness for modern (developing) schooling.

Finish yours essay I want by statement Sukhomlinsky: “Our most important pedagogical tool is the ability to deeply respect the human personality in our pupil. With this instrument we are called upon to create a very gentle, subtle thing: the desire to be good, to become better today than yesterday, this desire does not arise on its own, it can only be nurtured.” And the program contributes to this « Paths» .

Publications on the topic:

Explanatory note to the program “I See, I Know, I Create” Program “I See, Learn, Create” EXPLANATORY NOTE FOR THE PROGRAM “I See, Learn, Create” Justification of the need for development and implementation.

Topic of the lesson: “How are they similar and how are they different?” Objectives: - Continue to teach children to name and recognize geometric shapes, compare, find.

Summary of direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development “What and with what you can draw” Educational field: artistic and aesthetic development; Type of activity: directly educational Age group: preparatory.

Motto: Listen - and you will know, look - and you will understand, do - and you will learn, make us better! Purpose of the master class: joint.

My paths. I am opening my first page and I will be glad to see those who want to communicate with me, share their experience, their knowledge.

N.O.D. ecological path in the senior group “Visiting the old man - Lesovich” Program content: Consolidate and generalize knowledge about autumn changes in nature and their causes. Continue teaching children to name trees.

Observation-experiment on a walk “How are snow and ice similar and how are they different” in the middle group Observation - experiment on a walk “How are snow and ice similar and how are they different?” Purpose: To tell children what snow and ice are made of. Shape.

Natalya Eliseeva
Calendar and thematic planning of preschool educational institutions on the innovation platform based on the “Paths” program

Complex thematic planning content of the educational process

in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 22 Severny"

month Duration

Uniting Week ( "framework") topic 2 junior group (3-4 years) Middle group (4-5 l.) Senior group (5-6 l.) Preparatory group (6-7 l.) Final event

September 1 "Hello, kindergarten" "What is good and what is bad" "The ABCs of Politeness" "The ABCs of Politeness" "The ABCs of Politeness" Entertainment "Polite Bear".

Quiz "Polite words".

Making toys for kids.

2 "My city" "My house, my street" "My house, my street, my village" "My native land" "My native land, my country" Exhibition of children's works,

Target walk to attractions.

3 "My family" "My family and my home" “Here I am, and here is my family” "Ch and my family" "My family, my ancestry" Exhibitions: photo newspapers, drawings, genealogist. ancient

Entertainment “Mom, dad, I am a friendly family”

4 "Me and my kindergarten" "My favorite toys in the garden" "My favorite kindergarten" “Congratulations to the kindergarten!” “Congratulations to the kindergarten!” Exhibition of toys, drawings "Portraits of our teachers".

Concert for kindergarten teachers.

October 1 "Grandmothers and grandfathers" “What’s around?” "Holiday of Grandparents" "Grandparents are best friends" "Celebration of the Elderly" Exhibition of drawings "Our Grandmothers and Grandfathers".

Photo newspaper “We’re a year old – it doesn’t matter”.

2 "Autumn" "Autumn has come" "Autumn Signs" “What autumn brought us” “What autumn brought us” Harvest Festival.

Exhibition of crafts.

Leisure "Vitamins in the garden and the tree"

3 "Security Lessons" "Security Lessons" "Rules and traffic safety" "Rules and traffic safety" Role-playing game based on traffic rules.

Target walk around the territory of the preschool educational institution.

Meeting with a traffic police inspector

4 "My motherland" "Journey through the native country" "Journey through the native country" "Journey through the native country" Musical and literary composition on the topic, exhibition of drawings, models

November 1 "Friendship" "Play together" "Me and my friends" "Together - a friendly family" "People are friends on planet, adults and children are friends" Photo exhibition "Friendship is strong...".

Entertainment "We are friendly guys".

Theatrical performance.

2 "Games and Toys" “We play in a group and in the area” "Week of Games and Toys" "Week of Games and Toys" "Week of Games and Toys" Evening of games and riddles "Play more fun".

Game performance "Magic Box"

3 "I will grow up healthy" "I will grow up healthy" "I will grow up healthy" "I will grow up healthy" "My body""Quiz "Be healthy"

Open health day.

Entertainment "Visiting Aibolit"

4 "Mothers Day" "Mothers Day" "Mothers Day" "Mothers Day" "Mothers Day" Exhibition of children's drawings "Portrait of my mother"

Entertainment “All kinds of mothers are important”

December 1 "Winter has come" "Winter Games and Fun" "Winter Signs" "Winter has come" "Winter Journey" Fun on the street "Hello, winter-winter".

Promotion “Let’s help the birds survive the winter”.

2 "Object World" "Materials and their properties" "Materials and their properties" "Materials and their properties" "Materials and their properties" Entertainment "We are little wizards"

Contest "Christmas decorations"

3 "New Year" "Winter's Tale" "Winter Games and Fun" "Father Frost's Workshop" "Father Frost's Workshop" Collage "Our New Year"

4 “New Year is coming to us!” “New Year is coming to us!” “New Year is coming to us!” “New Year is coming to us!” New Year's celebration

January 1 "The winter vacation" Winter games and fun, entertainment. Artistic creativity based on holiday impressions. Farewell to the Christmas tree.

3 "Animal world" "Domestic and wild animals" "Guys and animals" "Guys and animals" "In the animal world" Exhibition of drawings.

Project "Animals in Fairy Tales"

4 "Protection of Nature" "Children are friends of nature" "Live nature" "Reserves and zoos" "The Red Book and Its Inhabitants" Environmental magazine "Nature around us"

Quiz "Friends of Nature"

February 1 "Earth is our home" "Nature around us" "Nature around us" “The earth is our common home” "Let's save our planet» KVN “Plants are the green color of the Earth”

Nature Connoisseurs Competition

2 "Indoor plants on the windowsill" "Green friends on the windowsill" "Vegetable garden all year round" "Vegetable garden all year round" Exhibition of indoor plants.

3 "Defender of the Fatherland Day" "Daddy's Holiday" "Feast of Defenders of the Fatherland" "Our army is strong" "Our army is strong" Exhibition of children's drawings "Our Defenders"

Sports and entertainment program“Come on daddies!”

4 "My country" "A Journey through the Tales of My Country" "Motherland" “Famous places on the map of my homeland” "Heroes of Russia" Travel game "Russia is my homeland"

Literary living room “My Fatherland is Russia”.

March 1 “March 8 – International Women’s Day” "Mom's holiday" "Mom's holiday" "Congratulations mom" "Congratulations mom" Exhibition of children's drawings "My dear mother"

Holiday of mothers and grandmothers

2 "Spring" "Spring is Red" "Spring Trouble" "Signs of Spring" "Signs of Spring" Exhibition of bird feeders.

3 "Pets" "Pets" "Pets" "Pets" "Pets" Presentation of group albums "My pet"

4 "Week of Kindness" "Friendly guys" "What is kindness" "Help those who are nearby" "Hurry to do good" Entertainment "Journey to the Land of Kindness"

April 1 "Theater" "Journey to the Country of Kukland" “Children in the theater, theater for children” "Little Theater Goers" Leisure "Theater Day".

Theatrical performances.

2 "Books" "Little books" "Favorite books" "A Journey Through the Pages of Your Favorite Books" "Book Week" Exhibition of homemade books.

Dramatizations of your favorite works.

Excursion to the library.

3 “Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions” "Folk culture and traditions" "Folk culture and traditions" "Folk culture and traditions" Folklore holiday.

Exhibition of children's creativity.

4 "Space, astronauts" "Stars and Rockets" "Space and Rockets" "In space orbits" "Conquerors of Space Heights" Exhibition of children's creativity "The Earth and Its Neighbors"

Physical entertainment “We’ll fly into space soon”

May 1 "Holiday of Peace and Labor" "I love to work" “We love to work together” “What professions do I know?” “We work together, we work on Earth” Exhibition of family wall newspapers "How I help at home".

Children's drawing competition "Who I want to be"

2 "Victory Day" "Victory Day" "Victory Day" "Victory Day" "Victory Day" Musical and literary composition "Turning through the pages of history".

Excursion to monuments, obelisks.

3 "Health Week" "Health Week" "Health Week" "Health Week" "Health Week" Sports entertainment "Fun Starts".

4 "Hello summer!" "Summer is coming soon" "Summer is coming soon" "Summer is coming soon" "School Graduation" Leisure "Gifts of Sunshine".

Quiz "What do we know about summer".Stand "Summer Smile"

About education

P Pedagogical

And innovation

K constructive

BBK 74.113.8 P56

Sample basic educational program for preschool education

P 56 “Paths” / ed. V.T. Kudryavtseva. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2014. - p. ISBN

The “Paths” program is an exemplary basic educational program for preschool education, determining the content and organization of educational activities for children from 3 to 7 years old and ensuring the development of the personality of preschoolers in various types of communication and activities.

The proposed program is a modern program of developmental preschool education and is aimed at creating conditions for the general mental development of children 3-7 years old by means of developing creative imagination as a universal ability. The development of universal human culture is considered by the project developers as a creative process. During the creative introduction of a child to the principles of human culture - cognitive, artistic-aesthetic, communicative, physical - the most important creative abilities are laid, developed and manifested in him: productive imagination, comprehending thinking, orientation to the position of another person, arbitrariness, elements of reflection, etc.

The program reflects the strategic guidelines for developmental work with children, presented in five directions of the educational process - “Development of a culture of communication”, “Development of a culture of cognition”, “Development of a culture of speech”, “Development of artistic and aesthetic culture”, “Development of a culture of movement and recreational work” " The content of these areas is developed in accordance with the five educational areas identified in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

The program was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

Baklanova Tatyana Ivanovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Methodology of Music Education, Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhov

Glebova Anna Olegovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, methodologist and head of a structural unit of the State Budgetary Educational Institution Palace of Children and Youth Creativity in Moscow

Zhurova Lidia Efremovna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Karpova Yulia Viktorovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head

Department of Preschool Education of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education (Advanced Training) of specialists of the Samara Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers

Kozhevnikova Victoria Vitalievna, educational psychologist, Froebel teacher,

postgraduate student at the Institute of Content and Teaching Methods of the Russian Academy of Education, Department of Primary Education (scientific supervisor: corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor N.F. Vinogradova)

Kudryavtsev Vladimir Tovievich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of Psychology, Institute of Psychology named after. L.S. Vygotsky Russian State University for the Humanities, Advisor to the Director of the Federal Institute for Educational Development

Labutina Natalia Viktorovna, senior methodologist of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education of the Saratov Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers, Honorary Worker of General Education

Lykova Irina Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education of the Federal State Educational Institution "Academy for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers", Senior Researcher at the Institute of Art Education of the Russian Academy of Education

Milaeva Marina Sergeevna, teacher-psychologist, National Educational Institution Secondary School “Romashka”, Moscow Novikova Galina Pavlovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences

pedagogical education, rector of the Institute for the Development of Educational Technologies, chief researcher at the Institute of Innovative Activities in Education of the Russian Academy of Education

Pavlenko Tatyana Andreevna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of Education, Moscow City Pedagogical University

Polkovnikova Natalya Borisovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education, Moscow City Pedagogical University

Salmina Nina Gavrilovna, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov

Sechkina Olga Konstantinovna, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences of the Regional Socio-Psychological Center of Samara

Sultanova Marina Naumovna, teacher of the highest qualification category MBDOU Kindergarten No. 12, Khimki

Ushakova Oksana Semenovna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Speech Development and Creative Abilities at the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education


January 1, 2014 became the starting point for a new life in Russian preschool education - “according to the standard.” The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is an innovation not from the category of well-forgotten pedagogical fashions. It is difficult to find analogues, at least in domestic educational practice. In the 2013-2014 academic year, the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation” came into force. For the first time, he assigned preschool education the status of a full-fledged, moreover, the initial, basic level of the educational system. The purpose of the standard is to ensure the transformation of preschool education to this level. Not only the standard, but him first and foremost.

For 20 years now, instead of the term “preschool education,” we have been using the term “preschool education.” Now it is legal. Undoubtedly, this strengthens the position of the preschool level in the Russian education system. But it also obliges us to do something more than a simple “change of signs.” For what?

What are the actual educational objectives of the kindergarten? What makes it an “educational institution”? And the teacher - a teacher of such an institution? Is kindergarten a stepping stone to school or a special educational institution in which a child lives a special period of his life? What should this segment be filled with first of all? What does its new status promise for the preschool institution and preschool education in general? Tightening the “framework” or, conversely, expanding the range of possibilities? Will the usual principle of “playing with one goal” be adhered to, when the kindergarten obligingly adapts to the requirements of the school? Or we should talk about some fundamental changes in the entire general education system, as a result of which it will be able to accommodate the preschool level. And not just accept it, but rely on its foundation, develop its achievements in your own way? If so, then how, in what form should this foundation be laid?

The adopted Federal State Educational Standard removes many concerns associated with the prospect of “standardization” of preschool education0F 1. Preschool education can only develop through development: in the standard, both vectors are linked together. The document sets a strategy for the development of preschool education as systems of variable developmental education, opening up the widest possible opportunities for including all “stakeholders” of the adult community in this process.

1 Kudryavtsev V. Education before school: at what cost? // Preschool education. 2013. No. 5.

The standard is focused not only on supporting diversity, the fundamental “non-standard” nature of childhood and the child itself, but also the variability of the developmental forms of this support while preserving its exceptional, ultimate originality, which precisely gives it “educational value.” This was done on the basis of the cultural-historical theory of the development of the human psyche, which was created in Russia through the efforts of L.S. Vygotsky and his scientific school and has been chosen as a pillar in preschool education in many countries around the world.

The idea of ​​the intrinsic value of preschool childhood - for the first time in the format of a management document - is full of working content. Not only play, but also all other forms of children’s life and children’s activities that determine the uniqueness of preschool age, have an undeniable “educational value.” It is not always obvious, sometimes requires disclosure and is measured in other indicators in comparison with school subjects. In the logic of the standard, the actual “educational value” of preschool education

“communicate” with children and with each other, without losing mutual understanding and understanding of what each of them does individually.

Any modern educational program is an attempt to translate innovative ideas into this language.

The program, more broadly the “Paths” project, which has been implemented for several years in the Russian educational space, is no exception.

When starting to develop it, we took into account the cultural, historical and psychological uniqueness modern type of childhood, which is inherent cultural function(not only the child’s mastery of already established ones, but also the generation of new forms of universal human abilities that are absent among adults in the “mass”)1F 2. Secondly, the project is based on the principles interdisciplinary approach to the study of the nature, patterns, mechanisms, conditions of child development and its comprehensive provision in practice. Thirdly, the designed preschool level is built as the initial link of an integral system continuous development

2 For more details, see: Kudryavtsev V.T. The cultural and historical status of childhood: a sketch of a new understanding // Psychologist. magazine. 1998. No. 3; It's him. Psychology of human development. Riga, 1999.

formation 2F 3 (although it can function independently). Fourthly, the project implements the idea of ​​unity of developmental and health-improving work with children; health development acts as a system-forming, strategic line of the educational process as a whole3F 4.

3 See: Davydov V.V., Kudryavtsev V.T. Developmental education: theoretical foundations of continuity of preschool and primary stages // Issues. psychology. 1997. No. 1; Kudryavtsev V.T. Continuity of stages of developmental education: the plan of V.V. Davydov // Issues. psychology. 1998. No. 5; Continuity in the system of developmental education / Ed. V.T.Kudryavtseva. M., 2001; Developmental education is a multi-stage system. The idea. Implementation. Prospects / Answer. ed. L.E. Kurneshova; scientific ed. – prof. V.T.Kudryavtsev. M., 2003.

4 See: Kudryavtsev V.. Physical culture and development of child health // Preschool education. 2004. No. 1.

Explanatory note

The “Paths” program is an exemplary basic educational program for preschool education, developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education) 4F 5. The “Paths” program determines the content and organization of educational activities for children from 3 to 7 years old, ensures the development of the personality of preschoolers in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics, and is a document, taking into account which a preschool educational organization independently develops , approves and implements the basic educational program of preschool education.

The program is intended for implementation in various organizational forms of preschool education, in child development centers, children's clubs, family forms, at the preschool level of general education organizations with representation of all age groups of pupils (in the structure of which it is provided).

The Pathways program can be used in full by any preschool educational organization. At the same time, if necessary, participants in educational relations can change 40% of the volume of the Program. In this case, the content of educational areas will be processed taking into account the specifics of the region (national-cultural, demographic, climatic). Changes can be determined by the diversity of preschool educational organizations, areas of priority for a given preschool organization, the characteristics of the children attending it (for example, children from immigrant families), the operating hours of the educational organization (for example, with different lengths of stay of children during the day, including including short-stay groups, full- and extended-day groups, round-the-clock stay groups), for groups of children of different ages from three to seven years, including mixed-age groups, etc.

“Paths” is a modern program of developmental preschool education and was developed on a broad interdisciplinary basis, relying on the rich traditions of domestic humanitarian knowledge. At the same time, its methodological core is the cultural-historical and activity-based principles put forward in Russian science.

5 See Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of October 17, 2013 No. 1155 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 14, 2013, registration No. 30384).

approaches to human development, taking into account the results of the latest developments (research, design) carried out in their vein.

The program concretized the philosophical ideas of I.A. Ilyina, M.M. Bakhtina, E.V. Ilyenkova, G.S. Batishcheva, V.S. Biblera, F.T. Mikhailov, conceptual provisions of the classics of Russian psychology - L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshteina, A.N. Leontyeva, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova, A.V. Brushlinsky and their followers, the results of theoretical and pedagogical research by M.N. Skatkina and I.Ya. Lerner.

Goal and objectives of the program

The purpose of the program is:

- in creating conditions forgeneral mental development children 3-7 years old development tools creative abilities, in particular, the conditions for their formation

readiness for modern (developmental) school education;

- the initial formation on this basis of a broader and more distant perspectivepersonal growth child in educational and non-educational spheres of his life (present and future), a unique area of ​​intersection of which is intended to be the developmental space of a preschool institution.

The set goal dictates the following program objectives:

Initiation and psychological and pedagogical support of the processes of creative development of culture by children within the framework of various types of their activities (games, cognitive-research, artistic-aesthetic, project activities, teaching, etc.);

- development of the creative imagination of preschoolers, the system of the child’s creative abilities based on it (comprehensive thinking, prerequisites for reflection

And etc.), creativity as the leading property of his personality;

- development in children of the ability and desire for proactive and independent action, which is becoming increasingly arbitrary, of specific cognitive motivation and intellectual emotions;

- creating conditions that ensure the trinity of the child’s attitude to the world, his relationships with other people and self-attitude;

- expanding the “zone of proximal development” by including preschoolers in developmental forms of joint activities with adults and with each other;