What is play activity? Game as a type of human activity

English play) is one of the types of activity of humans and animals. I. is a form of life activity of young animals that arises at a certain stage in the evolution of the animal world (see Play in animals). Children's I. is a historically emerging type of activity that consists in children reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them in a special conditional form. I. (as defined by A. N. Leontyev) is the leading activity of a preschool child, i.e., such activity, thanks to which the most important changes occur in the child’s psyche and within which mental processes develop that prepare the child’s transition to a new, higher stage of his development .

I. is studied by various sciences - cultural history, ethnography, pedagogy, psychology, ethology, etc. He was the first to conduct a special study of I. animals and humans. scientist Karl Groos, who noted the exercise function of I. According to his data, I. occurs in those animals in which instinctive forms of behavior are insufficient to adapt to changing conditions of existence. In I. these animals undergo preliminary adaptation (prevention) of instincts to future conditions of the struggle for existence.

A significant addition to this theory was the work of K. Bühler. He believed that the desire for I., repetition of the same actions, is supported by “functional pleasure” received from the activity itself. F. Boytendyk associated the main features of I. with characteristic behavioral features characteristic of a growing organism: 1) non-directional movements; 2) impulsiveness; 3) the presence of affective connections with others; 4) timidity, timidity and shyness. Under certain conditions, these traits of a child’s behavior give rise to I. These theories, despite their differences, identify I. of animals and humans.

I. in animals is a form of manipulative sensory-motor activity in the period immediately preceding puberty, with biologically neutral objects or partners. In animals, sensory-motor components and coordination of basic species-specific acts of behavior are improved. And. in animals, g.o. is common. in higher mammals, especially carnivores and primates. In its highest forms, intelligence is combined with orientation-exploratory behavior.

Much attention is paid to children's I. by supporters of psychoanalysis. In line with this direction, I. is considered as an expression of unconscious tendencies in symbolic form. It is believed that I.’s development in preschool childhood is determined by the change in the main stages of the child’s psychosexual development (oral, anal, phallic). Developmental disorders at each stage necessarily manifest themselves in I. In connection with this, play therapy has been developed and become widespread as a form of correctional work with children (expression of suppressed tendencies and the formation of an adequate system of relationships between the child and adults).

The central question of the theory of children's I. is the question of its historical origin. The need for historical research to build a theory of history was noted by E. A. Arkin. D. B. Elkonin showed that I. and, above all, role I. arises in the course of the historical development of society as a result of a change in the child’s place in the system of social relations. The emergence of education occurs as a result of the emergence of complex forms of division of labor, which made it impossible for children to be included in productive labor. With the emergence of role intelligence, a new, preschool period in the child’s development begins (see Preschool age). In domestic science, the theory of I. in the aspect of elucidating its social nature, internal structure and significance for the development of the child was developed by L. S. Vygotsky, Leontiev, Elkonin, N. Ya. Mikhailenko and others.

I. is the most important source of the development of a child’s consciousness, the arbitrariness of his behavior, a special form of modeling by him of relationships between adults, fixed in the rules of certain roles. Having taken on a particular role, the child is guided by its rules and subordinates his impulsive behavior to the fulfillment of these rules.

I.’s motivation lies in the very process of performing this activity. The basic unit of information is the role. In addition to the role, the structure of play includes play action (action to fulfill a role), playful use of objects (substitution), and relationships between children. In I. the plot and content are also highlighted. The plot is the sphere of activity that the child reproduces in I. The content is the relationship between adults reproduced by the child in I.

I. usually has a group (joint) character. A group of children playing acts in relation to each individual participant as an organizing principle, authorizing and supporting the fulfillment of the role taken by the child. In I., real relationships between children (between participants in I.) and play relationships (relationships in accordance with accepted roles) are distinguished.

I. goes through various stages in its development. According to Elkonin, objective I. first appears when the child reproduces the objective actions of adults. Then plot-role-playing (including role-playing) comes to the fore, aimed at reproducing relationships between adults. At the end of preschool childhood, an I. with rules appears - a transition is made from I. with an open role and a hidden rule to I. with an open rule and a hidden role. Mikhailenko identifies 3 gradually more complex methods of I.: 1) deployment and designation of conditional objective actions in I.; 2) role behavior - designation and implementation of a conditional playing position; 3) plotting - the development of a sequence of integral situations, their designation and planning.

Let us give a more detailed description of the various types of I. in preschool children.

Role-playing I. is the main form of I. of preschool children, arising at the border of early and preschool childhood and reaching its peak in the middle of preschool age. Role-playing is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a play situation, recreate the actions of adults and their relationships. A feature of the gaming situation is the gaming use of objects, in which the meaning of one object is transferred to another object, and it is used in connection with the new meaning given to it. The role of an adult, which a child takes on, contains hidden rules governing the performance of actions with objects and the establishment of relationships with other children in accordance with their roles. Role-playing evokes in a child deep emotional experiences associated with the content of the roles performed, the quality of the role performed by each child, and the real relationships that children enter into in the process of collective role-playing in the implementation of its general plan. In role-playing I. the development of the most important new formations of preschool age occurs: the development of imagination, the formation of elements of voluntary behavior, and the development of symbolic function.

I. with rules is a type of group or pair I. in which the actions of the participants and their relationships are regulated by pre-formulated rules that are mandatory for all participants. The transition to I. with rules is prepared during role-playing I., where they are connected and hidden in the role. The initial forms of I. with rules are of a plot nature, for example, “cat and mouse”. I. with rules occupy a large place among school-age children, developing into all kinds of sports I. - motor and mental (football, hockey, chess, etc.). See also Generalized other.

Director's I. is a type of individual I. when a child acts out a certain plot with the help of toys. In the director's play, the child performs both the function of the director (holding the play's plan) and the function of the actors (performing certain role-playing actions to implement the play plan).

Didactic instruction is a type of instruction organized by adults to solve a learning problem. Didactic I. m. b. both role-playing and I. with rules. Didactic teaching is the main form of teaching preschool children.

From the beginning While studying at school, the role of intelligence in the mental development of the child decreases, but even at this age, a significant place is occupied by various skills with rules - intellectual and active (sports). The role of plot points becomes smaller, but does not disappear completely. (O. M. Dyachenko.)

Already in the first years of life, the child develops the prerequisites for mastering the simplest types of activities. The first of these is the game. The great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “The child lives in play, and the traces of this life remain deeper in him than the traces of real life, which he could not yet enter due to the complexity of its phenomena and interests. In real life, a child is nothing more than a child, a creature that does not yet have any independence, blindly and carelessly carried away by the flow of life; in the game, the child, already a maturing person, tries his strength and independently manages his own creations.”

Play activity is one of the most amazing and not yet fully understood phenomena in the development of living beings. Play invariably appears at all stages of cultural life among a wide variety of peoples and represents an irreducible and natural feature of human nature.

Play activity is a natural need of a child, which is based on intuitive imitation of adults. Play is necessary to prepare the younger generation for work; it can become one of the active methods of teaching and education.

A game is a special type of human activity. It arises in response to the social need to prepare the younger generation for life.

Each individual type of game has numerous variations. Children are very creative. They complicate and simplify well-known games, come up with new rules and details. They are not passive towards games. For them this is always creative inventive activity.

Moreover, play is not unique to humans - baby animals also play. Consequently, this fact must have some kind of biological meaning: the game is needed for something, has some special biological purpose, otherwise it could not exist and become so widespread. Several theories of the game have been proposed in science.

The most common game theories in the 19th and 20th centuries:

K. Gross believed that play is the unconscious preparation of a young organism for life.

K. Schiller, G. Spencer explained the game as a simple waste of excess energy accumulated by the child. It is not spent on labor and therefore is expressed in play actions.

K. Büller emphasized the usual enthusiasm with which children play and argued that the whole meaning of the game lies in the pleasure that it gives the child.

S. Freud believed that a child is motivated to play by a feeling of his own inferiority.

Although the above explanations of the game seem to be different, all these authors argue that the basis of the game is the instinctive, biological needs of the child: his drives and desires.

Russian and Soviet scientists take a fundamentally different approach to explaining the game:

L.S. Vygotsky believed that play grows out of the contradiction between the social needs and practical capabilities of the child, and saw in it the leading means of developing his consciousness.

A.I. Sikorsky, P.F. Kapterev, P.F. Lesgat, K.D. Ushinsky speak out for the uniqueness of play as a truly human activity.

N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, and then many teachers and psychologists deepened the analysis of the game and strictly scientifically explained this unique children's activity.

A child always plays, he is a playing creature, but his play has great meaning. It exactly matches his age and interests and includes elements that lead to the development of the necessary skills and abilities. The period of games with hiding, running away, etc. is associated with developing the ability to move oneself in the environment and navigate in it. It can be said without exaggeration that almost all of our most basic and fundamental reactions are developed and created in the process of children's play. The element of imitation in children's games has the same significance: the child actively reproduces and assimilates what he has seen in adults, learns the same relationships and develops in himself the initial instincts that he will need in future activities.

Not a single game repeats the other exactly, but each of them instantly presents new and new situations that require new and new solutions each time.

It must be borne in mind that such a game is the greatest school of social experience.

The last feature of the game is that by subordinating all behavior to known conventional rules, it is the first to teach rational and conscious behavior. It is the first school of thought for a child. Any thinking arises as a response to a certain difficulty due to a new or difficult collision of environmental elements.

So, a game is a reasonable and expedient, systematic, socially coordinated system of behavior or expenditure of energy, subject to known rules. It is a natural form of child labor, an inherent form of activity, preparation for the future life. Gaming activity influences the formation of voluntary behavior and all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. Performing a play role, the child subordinates all his momentary impulsive actions to this task. When playing, children concentrate and remember better than when given direct instructions from an adult.

game preschooler psychological

Antonova Ksenia Andreevna,
English teacher GBOU
Lyceum No. 623im. I.P. Pavlova St. Petersburg

Functions of play activities Various types of activities play a huge role in the development of a child. For children of early school age, the main activity is play. This is the age of games. The game requires verbal communication between children and the exchange of thoughts; thus, it is a conversational and effective form of activity that promotes the development of speech and thinking in their unity. The great teacher A.S. Makarenko highly valued children’s play and said that it has the same importance as an adult’s work or service. (A.S. Makarenko. Works, vol. 4 APN RSFSR. 1951. P. 373). Therefore, it is necessary to rely on the role of play in the life of preschoolers when teaching them a foreign language. This will increase interest in the content of the lessons. In the scientific and methodological literature, the development of effective methods and organization of teaching a foreign language to children of early school age is carried out mainly on the basis of the widespread use of children's play activities. L.S. Vygodsky and D.B. Elkonin call play the leading activity of a preschooler, but scientists do not mean that it predominates in his practice among other types of activity, but that during this period it leads the development of the preschooler. It is necessary to consider the functions of gaming activities. Gaming activities perform the following functions: teaching, educational, entertaining, communicative, relaxation, psychological, developmental. Let's take a closer look at all these functions:

1) The educational function includes the development of memory, attention, perception of information, the development of general educational skills, and also contributes to the development of foreign language skills. This means that a game is a specially organized activity that requires intense emotional and mental strength, as well as the ability to make decisions (what to do, what to say, how to win, etc.). The desire to solve these issues sharpens the mental function, i.e. The game is fraught with rich learning opportunities.

2) The educational function is to cultivate such a quality as an attentive, humane attitude towards a playing partner; a sense of mutual assistance and support also develops. Students are introduced to phrases - clichés of speech etiquette for improvising verbal addresses to each other in a foreign language, which helps to develop such a quality as politeness.

3) The entertainment function consists of creating a favorable atmosphere in the lesson, turning the lesson into an interesting unusual event, an exciting adventure, and sometimes a fairy-tale world.

4) The communicative function is to create an atmosphere of foreign language communication, uniting a team of students, establishing new emotional and communicative relationships based on a foreign language.

5) Relaxation function - relieving emotional stress caused by the load on the nervous system during intensive learning of a foreign language.

6) The psychological function consists of developing the skills to prepare one’s physiological state for more effective activities, as well as restructuring the psyche to assimilate large amounts of information. It is worth noting here that psychological training and psychocorrection of various personality manifestations are carried out in game models. Which can be close to real situations (in this case we are talking about a role-playing game).

7) The developmental function is aimed at the harmonious development of personal qualities to activate the reserve capabilities of the individual. When using the game method, the teacher’s task is, first of all, to organize the cognitive activity of students, in the process of which their abilities, especially creative ones, would develop.

28 11.2016

Hello, friends! I am very glad to meet you. Today's topic, I think, will not leave any of you indifferent. First we'll play. Do you agree?

So, put on the masks of kids and sheep, 2 kids and 2 sheep. Let's start playing:

“Two little gray kids went for a walk by the river.

Two white sheep galloped up to them.

And now we need to know

How many animals came for a walk?

One, two, three, four, we haven’t forgotten anyone -

Two sheep, two kids, four animals in total!”

Now let's talk. Tell me, please, what is two plus two? Your answer is four. Right.

Which option did you like best? Play with masks or solve examples?

Now remember, how often does your child pester you with a request to play something with him? And if he doesn’t bother you, then what does he do during the day? Does he draw, play on his own, or watch cartoons?

Play as the main activity is inherent in all preschool children. The games of young children, of course, will differ from the games of older preschoolers in structure, form, and content. To know what to play with children of different ages, psychologists distinguish types of play activities for preschoolers.

N. B. Dear Parents! Try to be not only a mentor for your kids, but also their first friend in games. First of all, you spend most of your time with him anyway. Secondly, a child needs to play to gain experience and develop.

Thirdly, when playing with your child, you will be sure that his entertainment is not aggressive in nature, does not embody negative events and does not have a traumatic effect on the baby’s psyche.

Game as a necessity

The baby begins to play almost immediately after birth. Already at the age of 1-2 months, the baby tries to reach a rattle, catch his mother’s finger, or hit a rubber toy. Children actively learn about the world around them through play activities, which are usually called leading ones.

Each stage of life and development has its own type of leading activity:

  • Gaming– preschool child
  • Educational- schoolboy and student
  • Labor– after completing education in adolescence

The game changes its content, but always adheres to a single goal - development. We don’t understand why the baby perceives our requests to sit down and write with sticks and hooks so difficultly and joylessly. And with what enthusiasm she takes up the same sticks if her mother has made the task interesting and fun.

But do not think that this process is easy for the child. Everything needs to be learned, including the game.

Like any other process of development and cognition, gaming activity needs a basis, a base. For this purpose, a subject environment is created for the development of gaming activities. This is similar to organizing joint or independent activities through the use of necessary aids and materials.

Well, let's look at what types of games there are. Their classification is very extensive, so let’s try to move from large parts to their components. Conventionally, they can be divided into four groups:

  1. Role-playing
  2. Movable
  3. Theatrical or staged
  4. Didactic

Now let's get acquainted with each of these groups in more detail.

There is a plot, take the roles

Role-playing game speaks for itself. But a child can switch to it after mastering its simpler types. First, these are actions with objects aimed at becoming familiar with them and studying their properties. Then comes the period of play-manipulation, when the object acts as a substitute for something from the adult world, that is, the baby reflects the reality around him.

Preschoolers come to role-playing games by 5-6 years, although the rudiments of it can be noticed already at the age of about 3 years. By the beginning of the 4th year of life, children experience an increase in activity, a desire for knowledge and socialization, for joint activities and creativity.

Children of primary preschool age cannot yet play for a long time, and their plots are simple. But already at such a young age we can appreciate initiative, imagination, and the assimilation of moral norms and rules of behavior.

For convenience, all role-playing games are divided into subgroups by topic:

  • Games with natural materials. They are aimed at direct acquaintance with the natural world, studying the properties and conditions of water, sand, and clay. This game can captivate even the most restless toddler; it develops a caring attitude towards nature, inquisitiveness, and thinking.
  • "Household" games. They reflect interpersonal relationships in the child’s family in the best possible way; they play out events and situations that happened to the child, and consolidate status relationships between family members.

N. B. If you carefully watch children's games of "family", you can sometimes notice how children try to make their desires come true in the game. For example, in the “Birthday” game you can understand how the baby sees the holiday, what gift he dreams of, who he wants to invite, etc. This can serve as a hint for us to better understand our own children.

  • "Professional" games. In them, kids reflect their vision of representatives of different professions. Most often, children play “Hospital”, “School”, “Shop”. More proactive people take on roles that require active action and verbal expression. They often act as doctors, teachers and salespeople.
  • Games with a patriotic meaning. They are interesting for children to play, but difficult if they have little information. Here stories at home and in kindergarten about the heroic periods of the country, about the events and heroes of that time will come to the rescue. These may reflect a space or military theme.
  • Games that embody the plots of literary works, films, cartoons or stories. Children can play “Well, Just Wait!”, “Winnie the Pooh” or “Baywatch”

Salochki - jump ropes

Movable games They also take up a very large part of a preschooler’s time. At first, outdoor games are in the nature of random chaotic movements with arms and legs; the baby is given massage and gymnastics until he learns to stand. The “sliders” already have a favorite outdoor game - catch-up.

When a child already knows how to walk and move independently, this is where the era of outdoor games begins. Wheels and rocking chairs, cars and balls, sticks and cubes are used. Outdoor games can not only improve health and develop physically, they also help develop willpower, develop character, and act according to the rules.

Kids are all very different, so you need to play games with them that are aimed at different areas of development.

After a noisy game of “Cat and Mouse”, where the mouse cannot always escape from the cat, you can switch the children’s attention to collective movement. In this case, the poor “mouse” will not have to be left alone with the fast and dexterous “cat”, and she will be able to get lost in the crowd.

N. B. It happens that a physically poorly developed child gets upset after playing and refuses to play further. For a child whose developmental characteristics you know well, try to select games with movements in which he can show himself.

Maybe he can hang on the horizontal bar well and for a long time, then the game “Higher than his feet off the ground” will suit him perfectly. Or he knows how to tumble perfectly, then ask him to measure the minutes in bear cubs in the game “Bunny, Bunny, what time is it?”

A feature of outdoor games at any age can be seen in their positive impact on the mood and well-being of children. But you should not include live and noisy games in your child’s daily routine after dinner. Overstimulation of the nervous system can prevent the baby from falling asleep quickly and getting a good night's sleep.

Psychologists even note sleep disturbances in children with the beginning of the period of active physical development up to one year and during the development of walking skills. And the older the child, the more varied his movements.

Stanislavsky would have liked it...

Production and dramatization in preschool age they take their place of honor among games. Theatrical art has a huge impact on the psyche of children; during the performance, they become so accustomed to the character that they even begin to worry about their hero.

Preschoolers usually love theatrical performances when they are the main performers,

The main condition for conducting theatrical games, dramatizations on the theme of a literary work, is the work of the director (adult), who needs to organize the children so that they do not get bored, distribute roles and bring them to life.

In addition, the director monitors the relationships between the characters and must be ready to intervene if a conflict suddenly arises.

Usually, for a dramatization game, they take a work that has an educational character. During the game, children more easily and deeply understand the essence and idea of ​​the work, imbued with meaning and morality. And for this, the attitude of the adult himself to the work and how it was presented to children initially, what intonations and artistic techniques it was filled with is of great importance.

Costumes help children get closer to the image of their hero. Even if this is not a whole costume, but only a small attribute, this may be enough for a small actor.

Dramatization games and theatrical performances are carried out with children of middle and senior preschool age. At 5-6 years old, a child will already be able to work in a team, taking into account the meaning and importance of each role in the overall activity.

"Correct" rules

Another large group of games for preschoolers . This is a game in which a child acquires certain knowledge, skills and consolidates skills. This is a game in which there are clear boundaries for the activities of each participant, there are strict rules, there is a goal and a mandatory end result. I think you guessed that this section deals with educational games.

You can start playing such games from an early age. As the child grows up, the didactic game will transform, become more complex, and new goals will be added.

The most important criterion for selecting and setting goals for a didactic game should be the level of development of the child at a given time. The adult leading the process must be at least half a step ahead to give the child the opportunity to show effort, ingenuity, creativity and mental abilities to solve the task.

Didactic games always contain a grain of learning or reinforcement. To successfully master new knowledge, a child needs a start, a good start. This will help him in the future.

N. B. Based on my own experience as a teacher, psychologist and just a mother, I am each time amazed at how much a child, his behavior and perception of an adult’s words change, as soon as he picks up a toy that suddenly turns to the baby.

What we cannot achieve with simple requests is easily achieved at the request of a favorite toy or fairy-tale character. And every time you become convinced that there is not and cannot be a better way to influence a child than play. That's for sure))

Children are created certain conditions in which they need to make decisions, give in to each other, act together, or, conversely, the result will depend on the actions of each.

With the help of didactic games, we can initiate children into the secrets of physical phenomena, speaking to them in simple accessible language, regulate manifestations of character or correct behavior.

As a rule, they are welcomed by the children; they like to see the results of their activities. Moreover, the child will be able to enjoy the result from the very beginning of the introduction of the didactic game into his regime.

As you can see, play activity is simply necessary for a child in preschool childhood; for him, this is his life, his everyday life. And it is in our power to make these everyday days not just filled with various tasks, but with task-games, fun, educational, noisy and bright. After all, we all know that kids like everything bright and memorable.

A playing child is a happy child who lives his childhood, deeply breathing in the aroma of love, entertainment, adventure and new interesting knowledge.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of the famous Soviet teacher and writer Vasily Sukhomlinsky. You will listen to them and understand what play really means to a child.

“A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around us flows into the child’s spiritual world. The game is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity."

Nothing to add.

We only suggest watching the seminar of Ph.D. Smirnova E.O., and you will see exactly how important play is in the life of every child:

We are waiting for you on the blog pages. Don’t forget to check out the “Updates” section and share your impressions in the comments.

Thank you for being with us. Goodbye!

When accepting children into a group, you must immediately think about the organization of the subject-development environment so that the period of adaptation to kindergarten passes as painlessly as possible. After all, newly admitted children do not yet have experience communicating with their peers, do not know how to play “together” or share toys.

Children need to be taught to play. And, as you know, a game- this is a specific, objectively developing abilities, activity that is used by adults for the purpose of educating preschool children, teaching them various actions, methods and means of communication.

Problems will inevitably arise during the work process:

Children play on their own;

They do not want and do not know how to share toys;

They don’t know how to play with the toy they like;

Children do not have mutual understanding with each other in the game.

The reason for this is that in the home environment the child is isolated from his peers. He is used to the fact that all the toys belong to him alone, he is allowed everything, no one at home takes anything away from him. And, having come to kindergarten, where there are many children who also want to play with the same toy as his, conflicts with peers begin, whims, and reluctance to go to kindergarten.

For a painless transition from home to kindergarten, to organize a calm, friendly atmosphere in a children's group, it is necessary to help children unite, using play as a form of organizing children's life, and also to develop children's independence in choosing a game and in implementing their plans.

Much has been said and written about the fact that play is necessary for the full development of a child. Children must play. The game captivates children, makes their life more diverse and richer.

All aspects of a child’s personality are formed in the game. Especially in those games that are created by the children themselves - creative or role-playing. Children reproduce in roles everything that they see around them in the lives and activities of adults.

Participation in games makes it easier for children to bond with each other, helps them find a common language, facilitates learning in kindergarten classes, and prepares them for the mental work required for school.

It has long been known that in preschool age, the acquisition of new knowledge in games is much more successful than in classrooms. A child, attracted by the game plan, does not seem to notice that he is learning.

We must remember that the game always has two aspects - educational and cognitive. In both cases, the goal of the game is formed not as the transfer of specific knowledge, skills and abilities, but as the development of certain mental processes or abilities of the child.

In order for the game to really captivate the children and personally touch each of them, the teacher must become a direct participant in it. Through his actions and emotional communication with children, the teacher involves the children in joint activities, makes it important and meaningful for them, and becomes the center of attraction in the game, which is especially important in the first stages of getting to know a new game.

All games are designed to help children:

They bring joy from communication;

They learn to express their attitude towards toys and people with gestures and words;

Encourage them to act independently;

They notice and support the proactive actions of other children.

In play, a child’s psyche is formed, on which it depends how much he will subsequently succeed in school, work, and how his relationships with other people will develop.

The game is a fairly effective means of developing such qualities as organization, self-control, and attention. Its rules, mandatory for everyone, regulate the behavior of children and limit their impulsiveness.

The role of play, unfortunately, is underestimated by some parents. They think that playing games takes a lot of time. It is better to let the child sit in front of the TV or computer screen, listening to recorded fairy tales. Moreover, in the game he can break something, tear it, get it dirty, then clean up after him. Playing is a waste of time.

And for a child, play is a way of self-realization. In the game he can become what he dreams of being in real life: a doctor, driver, pilot, etc. In the game, he acquires new knowledge and refines his existing knowledge, activates his vocabulary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral qualities: will, courage, endurance, and the ability to yield. The game develops an attitude towards people and life. The positive attitude of games helps to maintain a cheerful mood.

A child’s play usually arises on the basis and under the influence of received impressions. Games do not always have positive content; children often reflect negative ideas about life in the game. This is a plot-based game where the child reflects familiar plots and conveys semantic connections between objects. At such moments, the teacher needs to intervene unobtrusively in the game, encourage him to act according to a certain plot, play with the child with his toy, reproducing a series of actions.

The game gives the child a lot of positive emotions; he loves it when adults play with him.

Didactic game as a means of teaching preschool children

Much attention is paid to working with preschool children didactic games. They are used in classes and in children’s independent activities. A didactic game can serve as an integral part of the lesson. It helps to assimilate, consolidate knowledge, and master the methods of cognitive activity.

The use of didactic games increases children's interest in classes, develops concentration, and ensures better assimilation of program material. Here, cognitive tasks are related to gaming ones, which means this type of activity can be called game-activity.

In game-activities, the teacher thinks through the content of the game, methodological techniques for carrying it out, imparts knowledge accessible to children’s age, and develops the necessary skills. Assimilation of the material occurs unnoticed by children, without requiring much effort.

The educational effect of the game lies within itself. There is no need for special training in the game. The methods of play activity are conventional and symbolic, its result is imaginary and does not need to be evaluated.

Didactic materials can be divided into two groups. The first includes materials that provide children with opportunities to demonstrate independence when using them. These are a variety of construction sets and construction materials; plot-shaped and plot-didactic toys; natural material; semi-finished products (scraps of fabric, leather, fur, plastic). These materials allow children to experiment freely and use them extensively in games. At the same time, the child is free to choose methods of transformation and receives satisfaction from any result.

The second group included didactic materials specially created for the development of certain abilities and skills. They contain in advance the result that the child should receive when mastering a certain method of action. These are multi-colored rings of different sizes, insert toys, cubes, mosaics. Freedom of activity with these didactic materials is limited by the specific methods of action inherent in them, which the child must master with the help of an adult.

In the process of playing with didactic material, the tasks of familiarizing children with shape, color, and size are solved. The intellectual development of children is carried out - the ability to find common and different things in a subject, group and systematize them according to selected properties. Children learn to reconstruct the whole based on its part, as well as the missing part, disturbed order, etc.

The general principle of activity inherent in didactic games opens up wide opportunities for solving didactic problems of different levels of complexity: from the simplest (assemble a pyramid with three same-color rings, put together a picture of two parts) to the most complex (assemble a Kremlin tower, a flowering tree from mosaic elements ).

In an educational game, the child acts in a certain way; there is always an element of hidden coercion. Therefore, it is important that the conditions created for play provide the child with the opportunity to choose. Then didactic games will contribute to the cognitive development of each child.

Games-activities with didactic material are conducted with children individually or in subgroups. Training is based on dialogue: “What color is the ball? What kind of ball is this? Blue, right? It is advisable to attract the attention of children by introducing some new interesting toy into the group. Children will immediately gather around the teacher, asking questions: “What is this? What for? What are we going to do?” They will ask you to show them how to play with this toy, and they will want to figure it out on their own.

The role of the teacher in organizing role-playing games for preschool children.

The teacher’s skill is most clearly demonstrated in organizing children’s independent activities. How to direct each child to useful and interesting play without suppressing his activity and initiative? How to alternate games and distribute children in a group room or area so that they can play comfortably without disturbing each other? How to eliminate misunderstandings and conflicts that arise between them? The comprehensive upbringing of children and the creative development of each child depend on the ability to quickly resolve these issues.

The main activity of preschool children is role-playing game, which has an extensive character, where several tasks are connected with a single meaning. In role-playing games, the teacher, in joint activities with the children, teaches children play actions: how to feed a doll or a bear, rock them, put them to bed, etc. If a child finds it difficult to reproduce a play action, the teacher uses the technique of playing together.

For games, simple plots with 1-2 characters and basic actions are selected: the driver loads the car with cubes and drives it; Mom rolls her daughter in a stroller, feeds her, puts her to bed. Gradually, the first game plans appear: “Let’s go to the store, buy something tasty, and then there will be a holiday.” The teacher solves game problems together with all participants in the game (building a house, playing family).

Through play, children’s interest in various professions is consolidated and deepened, and respect for work is fostered.

Young children begin to play without thinking about the purpose of the game and its content. They are very helpful here dramatization games. They help expand children's ideas and enrich the content of the child's independent play.

Children willingly accept substitute objects for play. Game items imitate real ones. This helps to understand the meaning of the game situation and inclusion in it.

The teacher emphasizes the imaginary nature of the game situation by introducing imaginary elements into the game in his speech: feeding him porridge that does not exist; washes with water that does not flow from the toy faucet; attributes emotional states to the doll (wants to eat, laughs, cries, etc.). When introducing substitute objects into the game, the teacher not only carries out game actions, but also verbally comments on the conditional object (“This is our soap” - a cube; “It’s like a spoon” - a stick, etc.).

In further joint games with children, the teacher expands the range of actions with substitute objects. For example, in one game situation the stick is a spoon, in another the same stick is a thermometer, in a third it is a comb, etc.

The substitute item is always combined with a plot toy (if the bread is a brick, then the plate on which it lies is “like a real one”; if the soap is a cube, then a toy basin is always present, etc.).

Gradually, children begin to take on a play role and designate it for a partner, they begin to develop role interaction - role dialogue (doctor - patient, driver - passenger, seller - buyer, etc.).

In the group, it is necessary to preserve the object-play environment, specially organize it, and select the same toys that were used in joint play. If you played “bathing a doll,” then you need to put 1-2 basins in the play corner; if you “fed the doll,” then we put the dishes so that the children can see them and can use them in the game themselves.

Gradually, along with substitute objects, imaginary objects are also introduced into the game (comb your hair with a comb that is not there; treat you to candy that is not there; cut a watermelon that is not there, etc.).

If the child introduces all this into a game situation on his own, then he has already mastered the basic game skills of a story game.

Playing with dolls is the main game of a preschool child. The doll acts as a substitute for an ideal friend who understands everything and remembers no evil. A doll is both an object for communication and a play partner. She doesn't get offended and doesn't stop playing.

Games with dolls allow children to understand the rules of behavior, develop speech, thinking, imagination, and creativity. In these games, children show independence, initiative and creativity. While playing with a doll, a child develops, learns to get along with other people, and live in a group.

Playing with dolls as daughters and mothers has existed at all times. This is natural: the family gives the child his first impressions of the life around him. Parents are the closest, beloved people whom, first of all, you want to imitate. Dolls attract mainly girls, because mothers and grandmothers take more care of children. These games help instill in children respect for parents, elders, and a desire to take care of children.

Play, the most important type of children’s activity, plays a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities; the game realizes the need to influence the world. Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around us flows into the child’s spiritual world. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”


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