Main trends in the development of higher professional education. Modern trends in the development of education in Russia


© Tatyana Timofeevna KAPEZINA

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Communications Penza State University 440026, Russian Federation, Penza, st. Krasnaya, 40 E-mail: [email protected]

The problems of the educational process in modern Russia, the role of education as part of the strategy for overall national development are considered. As a result of a comprehensive study of the educational services market in Russia, conducted by the North-West Center for Strategic Research Foundation, six stable and pronounced trends in the development of Russian higher education were identified. These are: massification of higher education; growth in the share of paid education; transition to “flexible” specialties; internationalization; the emergence of new forms of education; change in educational technologies. The trends in the massification of higher education and the growth in the share of paid education are examined in more detail. A comparative analysis of statistical data for 1993 and 2015 was carried out. by the number of students studying in higher educational institutions. Data on the number of higher educational institutions, both state and non-state, were also analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions were drawn.

Key words: continuing education; massification of higher education; internationalization; "flexible" specialties

Higher school takes its leading place in the system of lifelong education. It is directly and indirectly connected with the economy, science, technology and culture of society as a whole. Therefore, its development is an important component of the overall national development strategy.

Entering the 21st century, it is necessary to clearly and consciously imagine what higher professional education and specialists produced by higher education should be like.

In recent years, the problem of education has occupied a very special place in the speeches and publications of Russian scientists and other representatives of the domestic intelligentsia. At the same time, special attention in any discussions on the topic of education is paid to both a rather tough critical assessment of classical educational paradigms, concepts, models, institutions, and the search for new trends in the development of the education system that are more adequate to the modern situation.

What trends in the development of the education system can be identified at the beginning of the 21st century? In 2005, the Center for Strategic Research North-West Foundation conducted a comprehensive study of the educational services market in Russia. One of the tasks given is

The main research was to identify the main trends in the development of higher professional education in the Russian Federation. As a result of the study, six stable and pronounced trends in the development of Russian higher education were identified. These are: massification of higher education; growth in the share of paid education; transition to “flexible” specialties; internationalization; the emergence of new forms of education; change in educational technologies. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

The massification of higher education can be judged from statistical data. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, in 1993 the number of students studying in higher educational institutions amounted to 2613 thousand people, and in 2009 - already 7419 thousand people, that is, their number has almost tripled in 15 years .

It should be noted that currently in Russia the number of secondary school graduates is decreasing from year to year, which is due to a sharp decline in the birth rate in the early 1990s. The number of school graduates largely determines admission to the first year of vocational educational institutions.

2016. T. 2, issue. 4 (8)

education Since 2010, the consequences of the demographic decline have begun to affect the university sector. The number of students studying in higher education institutions decreased from 6.3 million people in 2012 to 5.5 million people in 2015. However, if we compare statistics from 1993 and 2015, the number of students studying in higher education institutions has doubled.

If you look at the statistics on the number of universities, their number increased from 1993 to 2008: state and municipal - from 548 to 660, non-state - from 78 to 474. According to the Ministry of Education and Science, by the beginning of the 2014/2015 academic year in Russia There were 593 state and 486 non-state higher educational institutions, which have 1376 and 682 branches, respectively. Having analyzed the data on the number of higher educational institutions in 1993 and 2014, we can conclude that if the number of state and municipal universities did not increase so significantly, from 548 to 593 universities, then the number of non-state universities increased from 78 to 486 universities, not counting branches .

In an interview with journalists from the Kommersant newspaper, the head of the ministry D. Livanov explained that in the USSR there were five times fewer universities and branches. “This happened because in the 1990s. A huge number of non-state universities have emerged. Unfortunately, the monitoring of the quality of education that we conducted showed that not all of them provide quality education. In a number of cases, this is simply an office selling diplomas without an established educational process, without qualified teaching staff, and so on.”

In this regard, the concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020. provides for a reduction in the number of universities by 40%, and their branches by 80%. According to the minister, the Ministry of Education and Science “declared war” on weak universities. “And I am absolutely convinced that we will win it in a short time,” the official noted.

The reasons for the growing popularity of higher education lie in the increase in the number of jobs requiring good training, as well as greater human mobility.

those with higher education compared to those with primary or secondary education. In addition, the importance of the social function of higher education has recently increased. It has become the minimum required for professional and career growth.

As for paid education, indirect evidence of the growth in the share of paid education is the increase in the number of students studying in non-state commercial universities. The following situation has developed in Russia. Firstly, several categories of citizens want to receive paid education: those who could not or simply do not rely on their strength and ability to enroll in government-funded places, and those who are receiving a second or subsequent higher education. Secondly, two classes of higher education have emerged: elite education with high quality services and mass higher education. The latter is relatively accessible to the general population. The opportunity to obtain a high-quality education for the majority of the population remains very low. Even in the case of education financed from the state budget, the cost of living in megacities remains too high, and this is where most elite universities are located.

However, there is an increase in the share of paid education, which occurs mainly in the field of mass higher education. This happens by increasing the importance of higher education in modern Russian society and by increasing the accessibility of such education.

The trend towards “flexible” specialties is due to the fact that the labor market now requires “flexible” specialists to perform work that requires knowledge from completely different industries and skills that are necessary to quickly change between different types of work operations. Companies do not require a person with a fundamental and comprehensive higher education; they require a specialist capable of performing certain technical operations and being able to control their quality. Simply put, organizations need “doers,” not “theorists.” According to many employers, a student in the process of studying in

university student must acquire general skills in a particular field and the ability to quickly master professional qualifications.

Thus, we can say that the labor market requires the system of higher professional education to train “flexible” specialists.

For the development of higher professional education, a change in educational technologies is necessary. The economic and social reality of the modern world requires a change in the way we teach. As noted earlier, today organizations require graduates of higher educational institutions who not only have comprehensive theoretical knowledge in their specialty, but can also successfully apply this knowledge in practice, solving relevant production, organizational and management problems, making various decisions and controlling all kinds of processes. Passive transmission of theoretical information and testing memory in exams as teaching methods have long become obsolete.

In the United States, the higher education system responded to the demands of the labor market by the fact that teaching there began to be understood not as a simple transfer of already known facts, but as creating situations for the student that required him to think and find solutions, which would lead to an increase in practical experience.

In Russia, lectures and seminars still remain the main teaching technology. The teacher most often acts at lectures as a simple “reteller”, who then checks at seminars and exams how the student remembers this or that information. The most developed universities in the world have already moved from narrative teaching methods to activity-based ones. Modern Russian society also requires this.

So, the trends in the development of the educational services market identified in Russia are characteristic, in general, for the whole world. However, it should be noted that, characteristic of most areas of activity, the development of the Russian education system lags behind the global one by ten to thirty years. This

refers to the emergence of “flexible” specialties and new forms of education, and to the introduction of new educational technologies. In terms of the level of massification and commercialization of higher education, Russian indicators are quite consistent with the global ones. Today, Russian higher professional education is on the periphery of the world market, which is confirmed by international ratings. In order to take a leading position in the global educational services market, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts and significantly modernize the entire higher education system.


1. Galushkina M., Knyaginin V. Massive, flexible and international. URL:> files/csr/file_category (access date: 03/07/2016).

2. Russia in figures 2015: a brief statistical collection. M.: Rosstat, 2015. 543 p.

3. Semenov A.A., Gurtov V.A. Forecasting the number of students in Russian universities // Higher education in Russia. 2010. No. 6.

1. Galushkina M., Knyaginin V. Massovoe, gibkoe i internatsional"noe. Available at:>files/csr/ file_category (accessed 03/07/2016).

2. Russia v tsifrakh-2015. Moscow, Rosstat Publ., 2015. 543 p. (In Russian).

3. Semenov A.A., Gurtov V.A. Prognozirovanie chislennosti studentsov v vuzakh Rossii. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii - Higher Education in Russia, 2010, no. 6. (In Russian).

4. Minobrnauki ob"yavilo voynu slabym vuzam. Kommersant", 2015, March 27. (In Russian).

2016. T. 2, issue. 4 (8)


Tatyana Timofeevna KAPEZINA

Associate Professor, Head of Philosophy and Social Communications Department

Penza State University

40 Krasnaya St., Penza, Russian Federation, 440026

Email: [email protected]

The problems of educational process in modern Russia, the role of education as a part of general national strategy development are considered. At the result of complex research of educational services market in Russia, carried out by the fund "Centre of strategy development "North-West", six stable and marked tendencies of development of Russian higher education are revealed. They are: massification of higher education ; growth of fee-based education; transit to "flexible" specialties, internationalization; the new forms of education appearance; the change in educational technologies. The tendencies of massification of higher education and growth of fee-based education are considered. The comparative analysis of statistical data in 1993 and 2015 according to the amount of students, having education in higher educational institutions are considered in detail. The data on the amount of higher educational institutions both state and non-state are analyzed. According to the results of analysis, the conclusions are made.

Key words: continuing education; massification of higher education; internationalization; "flexible" specialties

Citation information:

Kapezina T.T. Trends in the development of Russian higher education // Bulletin of Tambov University. Series Social Sciences. Tambov, 2016. T. 2. Issue. 4 (8). pp. 38-41.

Kapezina T.T. Tendentsii razvitiya rossiyskogo vysshego obrazovaniya. Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya Obshchestvennye nauki - Tambov University Review. Series: Social Sciences, 2016, vol. 2, no. 4 (8), pp. 38-41. (In Russian).

ovative practice

A specialist today is a person who has

high level of general culture;
physical and psychological health;
communicative, organizational, projective
high level of development of creative and critical
readiness for choice and decision-making, for constant
self-improvement, self-development;
active, initiative, independent, social

ovative practice

In modern conditions…

...there must be a reorientation with knowledge
paradigms for preparing a specialist for a different type
vocational education
with an emphasis on:
…self management
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice


from a passive learning object should
turn into an active subject who
learns purposefully, independently, knowing
what he wants to achieve in his chosen profession, what
exactly at what level and in what way should
study, understand, appropriate.
The entire educational process at a university should
be focused on the production of active
cadet position aimed at searching and
acquisition of knowledge and practical experience, and in
ideally – to build an individual
life and professional strategies
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Objectives of universities
capable of
self-realization and
formation and
development of personal
qualities of a specialist
production of active
student position,
aimed at:
search and acquisition of knowledge
and practical
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Principles of education in higher education (M.V. Bulanova-Toporkova)

- focus of higher education on
development of the personality of the future specialist;
- compliance with the content of university education
current and forecast trends
development of science and production;
- optimal
a combination of general, group and
individual forms of educational organization
- rational use of modern methods and
teaching aids;
- compliance of training results
specialists requirements that
are presented by a specific area
professional activities, ensuring their
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Principles of education in higher education

conscious perspective;
professional activity;
focus on spiritual and moral values;
flexibility and dynamism;
creative approach;
partnership and mutual assistance.
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Main trends in the development of the higher education system

- Fundamentalization
- Humanization and humanitarization (transition from the concept
functional preparation for the concept of personality development);
- Increasing integration processes in education,
(synergic approach, nonlinearity);
- Internationalization of education (increasing
multiculturalism, growth of social and
professional mobility,
- Informatization of education
- Individualization of education (the need to build
individual educational trajectory);
- Development of advanced and continuous education, its
- Commercialization of education (transformation of knowledge into a commodity.
Development of market relations in the field of education.)
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Fundamentalization of the education system

Fundamentalization of higher education -
systematic and comprehensive enrichment of educational
process with fundamental knowledge and methods
creative thinking developed
fundamental sciences.
As a starting theoretical position
the idea of ​​fundamentalization of education is accepted
unity of the world, manifested in the universal
relationships in the sphere of inanimate, living, spiritual.
The unity of the world is manifested in the unity of cultural,
scientific and practical spheres of civilization and how
a consequence in the organic connections of the natural sciences, humanities, and technical sciences.
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice


involves a turn towards the whole person and towards
holistic human existence;
introduction of humane teaching technologies and
education of students;
training at the border between humanitarian and technical
spheres (on the border of living and nonliving, material and
spiritual, biology and technology, technology and ecology,
technology and living organisms, technology and
society, etc.);
interdisciplinarity in education;
functioning of the cycle of social and humanitarian
disciplines at the university as fundamental, initial
educational and systematic training;
overcoming stereotypes of thinking, affirmation
humanitarian culture.
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice


the essence of humanitarization of education
is seen primarily in the formation
culture of thinking, creative
student's abilities based on deep
understanding of cultural history and
civilization, the entire cultural heritage.
The university is called upon to prepare specialists
capable of constant self-development,
self-improvement, and the richer
will be his nature, the brighter it will manifest itself in
professional activity
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Growing integration processes in education

differentiation of sciences is combined with integrative processes,
synthesis of scientific knowledge, complexity, transfer of methods
research from one field to another;
only on the basis of integration of the conclusions of particular sciences and results
research by specialists in different fields of knowledge is possible
comprehensive systematic coverage of a scientific problem;
-sciences are becoming more and more precise thanks to a wide range of
use of mathematical apparatus;
-the gap between the emergence of a scientific idea and its
introduction into production;
- today scientific achievements are the result of collective
activities, an object of public planning and
the study of objects and phenomena is carried out systematically and comprehensively;
holistic - the study of objects contributes to the formation
synthetic thinking.
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Integration is the defining trend of the cognitive process

This approach requires first
just multidimensionality and unity
education, simultaneous and
equilibrium functioning of three
its component: training,
education, creative development
personalities in their interrelation and
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Synergetics is a new interdisciplinary scientific direction

commonality of patterns and principles
self-organization of a wide variety of complex
macrosystems - physical, chemical,
biological, technical, economic,
Modern scientific picture of the world and achievements
synergies open up broad opportunities for
modeling educational processes with
using methods and approaches traditionally
applied to the natural and exact sciences.
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Interdisciplinary connections and integrated courses

educational and interdisciplinary direct
research interdisciplinary direct connections;
mentally mediated connections;
indirectly applied connections.
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Nonlinear educational process:

availability of elective disciplines in the curriculum,
the opportunity for each student to participate in the formation
your individual curriculum;
performance of such functions by teachers as
consultant, tutor, advisor, designed to provide
assistance to students in choosing an educational path, in
in particular, in the choice of disciplines studied;
use of new information in the educational process
technologies – training programs, teacher websites,
forums, chats, etc.;
methodological support of the educational process in print and
electronic forms;
use of point-rating assessment of academic performance
students, etc.
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Internationalization of education

presence of integration processes in
modern world,
intensive interaction between
states in different areas
public life.
education from the national category
priorities of highly developed countries
goes into the category of world
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Informatization of the educational process

1. Computer training programs (electronic
textbooks, simulators, tutors, laboratories
workshops, test systems).
2. Educational systems based on multimedia technologies,
built using personal
computers, video equipment, optical storage devices
3. Intelligent and training expert systems,
used in various subject areas.
4. Distributed databases by areas of knowledge.
5. Telecommunications, including
email, teleconferencing, local and
regional communication networks, data exchange networks, etc.
6. Electronic libraries, distributed and
centralized publishing systems
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Individualization of education

the need to build
individual educational
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Individual trajectory of professional development

is a personal strategy for a professional
student growth, improvement
personal qualities, formation
professional competencies, built
based on awareness and subjectification
professional goals, values, norms, and
also recognition of the uniqueness of the individual and
creating conditions for realizing its potential.
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Interaction of environments
educational environment
study group
educational environment
university environment
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Technology of pedagogical design of individual trajectories of professional development

Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Thank you
Education as a humanitarian image
ovative practice

Education is a strategic resource for the socio-economic and cultural development of society, ensuring national interests, strengthening the authority and competitiveness of the state in all spheres of activity in the international arena. cultural-educational and scientific-technical areas is to introduce modern norms and standards in education, science and technology, and disseminate one’s own cultural, scientific and technical achievements. A particularly important task is the implementation of joint scientific, cultural, educational and other projects, attracting scientists and specialists to scientific research programs.

Definition and implementation of national educational standards

The definition and implementation of national educational standards are the main trends in the development of education in modern Russia. Integration of learning applies to all levels, but most often it is used in the formation of the content of basic education. National educational standards constitute the sum of clearly defined regulatory requirements for the content of educational programs. The attitude of teachers towards the standardization of teaching is ambiguous. Some experts believe that unification is based on rigid standards that bind all children to a single cultural and intellectual model without sufficient consideration of their individual characteristics. Increasingly, one can hear thoughts that standardization of educational content should not mean standardization of the student’s personality. So, in training it is advisable to fix the minimum necessary knowledge and skills, while maintaining wide space for variable training programs. This is what determines the need to standardize education with further improvement of systems

Adaptation of curricula to the conditions and needs of a multicultural and multiethnic student population

The new curricula are entrusted with the responsible task of ensuring that children from different cultures and ethnic communities acquire a language minimum of basic knowledge as the basis for constructive social integration. Solving this problem requires significant efforts at the societal level - organizational, financial, political and, above all, directly educational. Therefore, recently the development of training on the basis of multiculturalism has been highlighted as a special area of ​​modernization of programs and, in particular, the content of basic knowledge.

Careful, respectful attitude towards different cultures, dialogues, mutual enrichment and mutual knowledge of different peoples and ethnic groups as priority principles of multicultural education are increasingly trending in the development of school disciplines. To this end, school curricula include knowledge about modern and former civilizations, various geopolitical regions of the world and individual countries, as well as religious studies courses. Local and regional educational initiatives are becoming a special trend in the development of the education system. In the process of studying certain educational topics (clothing, food, entertainment, hygiene products), children are taught to understand and respect everyone's right to be different. School courses in religious studies are important in the context of multicultural education. The teaching of religious studies is designed to familiarize students with various beliefs, world religions, the activities of the universal churches and to contribute to the formation of a rationalistic worldview among young people, to instill moral virtues, to ensure tolerance and pluralistic thoughts in relations between people of different faiths.

Humanization and humanitarization of the content of basic education

Humanity and humanitarianism are immanent characteristics of the development trend in children's education. And the role and importance of these components of school education has a clear upward trend. The tasks that a modern school is called upon to solve require not only taking into account the humanistic and humanitarian aspects of the formation of knowledge content, but also engaging in their strengthening and development. Ensuring full literacy, preventing functional illiteracy, professional self-determination and personal self-realization, socialization of youth - this is not a complete list of truly humanistic and humanitarian tasks in the solution of which the development trends of the modern education system occur.

However, the problems of humanization and humanitarization continue to remain pressing and relevant for secondary schools today. The movement continues to ensure the safety of this school from violence, to establish the principles of tolerance and cooperation in pedagogical relations. In the process of teaching humanities subjects, it is recommended to study not only wars and political events, but also to provide students with knowledge about the most diverse types and aspects of human activity - trade relations, economic activities, religions, art, and the like. As already noted, all types of basic knowledge are subject to the trends of humanization and humanitarization, now both natural and technical and mathematical. These trends in the development of education are implemented in teaching practice in several ways. The value-semantic aspect of the natural-mathematical block of knowledge is also of considerable importance, although it is equally inherent in the humanities. Human life is the highest value.

Trends in the development of education in China

Using the experience of developed countries in the field of organizing higher education is, of course, a positive trend in recent decades. In the PRC there are many universities that cooperate with foreign institutions; in April 2006 there were 1,100 of them. In the 70s. XX century a course towards one-party rule was chosen. This has its drawbacks: one-sided views, constant control, following the ideas of Mao Zedong. In pedagogical universities in China, as well as in non-pedagogical ones, the main subjects include: ideological and moral education, fundamentals of law, principles of the philosophy of Marxism, principles of political science of Marxism, introduction to the teachings of Mao Zedong, introduction to the teachings

Historically, at the beginning of the twentieth century. Six regions of the PRC were identified where educational institutions that trained teachers were located: Beijing region, Northeastern Province region, Hubei region, Xi Chuan region, Gong Dong and Jiang Su. China is a large country, and the most successful and wealthy provinces are those that border the ocean. In the west of the country (where there is a desert) the worst conditions for the development of higher education. Not all graduates of pedagogical universities want to travel to remote corners of their country, especially to villages. Therefore, the state is pursuing a policy of encouraging young people to do this in the spirit of patriotism and devotion to communist ideas. In China, as in many countries around the world, technical universities are provided with more resources and financial support for development and improvement. Special laboratories, research institutes, experiment sites, and the like are being created. For example, Beijing Polytechnic University is included in the list of the state plan “Project 211”, that is, it is focused on the global level of development. Pedagogical universities lag behind technical universities in this regard. Positive trends in the development of modern education prevail, and therefore it can be argued that the process of modernization of teacher education in the PRC is gaining new momentum.

Development of higher education in Ukraine in the context of European integration

The role and importance of teaching potential in ensuring social progress is increasingly increasing. Education is a strategic resource for the socio-economic and cultural development of humanity, ensuring national interests, strengthening the authority and competitiveness of the state in all spheres of activity in the international arena. Trends in the development of modern education in Ukraine are determined by the strategy. The introduction of its principles is a factor in the European integration of Ukraine and a means of increasing citizens' access to quality education; it requires deep reform of the structure and content of education, teaching technologies, their material and methodological support.

Reforming education, both structurally and meaningfully, is an urgent social need of today. Entry into the Bologna space for Ukrainian society has become important and necessary due to the need to solve the problem of recognizing Ukrainian diplomas abroad, to increase the efficiency and quality of education and, accordingly, the competitiveness of Ukrainian higher educational institutions and their graduates in the European and global labor markets. At the same time, there is uncertainty about the prospects and principles of relations between Ukraine and the European Union. This is one of the objective restrictions on the integration of Ukrainian higher education into the European space. The way out of this situation is to answer the question: which trend in the development of education in Ukraine is correct, depending on the level of readiness of Ukrainian higher education for this.

Modern higher education in Poland

An experience for our country can be the experience of the Polish Republic, which is the first post-socialist country to sign the “Bologna Declaration” on June 19, 1999. The end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries is characterized as a period when the ministers of education of leading European countries signed documents on reforming higher education in accordance with the conditions of the modern world. The Magna Carta of the Universities was signed on September 18, 1988.

Poland now has the best educational development trends in the world (from secondary education to doctoral programs) with young people aged 15 to 24 years. These achievements of Polish teachers coexist with deep decentralization of management with the country's top leadership. The Central Council for Higher Education (established back in 1947), which consists of 50 elected representatives of universities and the scientific community (of which 35 are doctors of science, 10 teachers without a doctorate, and also 5 representatives from the student body).

The law gave the Council considerable supervisory rights, because budget funds are not distributed without consent and ministerial orders are not issued. State higher educational institutions receive funds from the state treasury to solve problems related to the training of students enrolled in programs, graduate students and researchers; for the maintenance of universities, including renovation of premises, etc. These funds are allocated from part of the state budget, which is managed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. State universities do not charge money for tuition, but students must pay money in case of repeating a year of study due to unsatisfactory performance, for courses in a foreign language and for courses that are not included in the program. Public universities also accept payment upon admission, and public colleges may charge entrance exam fees.

Trends in the development of higher education in Russia

Higher education, as one of the leading public institutions, is undergoing constant changes in accordance with the dynamics of social processes - economic, political, cultural, social. However, the response of educational systems to social challenges occurs with a certain inertia. For this reason, there is an urgent and constant need to purposefully bring the basic parameters of disciplines into line with social changes. Such an element as content is subject to the modernization trend in the development of education. The process of constitution has two main aspects - social and pedagogical, because they are interconnected. Therefore, a change in the social aspect does not always automatically cause a change in the pedagogical one. However, sooner or later their coordination becomes an objective necessity and requires targeted pedagogical actions. This need reveals itself in the permanent process of content reform. Rapid scientific and technological advancement, the development of new technologies, a high level of market relations, democratization of social relations are the factors that determine the needs and form the prerequisites for improving the content of higher education.

Contradictions in improving the education system

Today, the improvement of student training programs occupies one of the leading places in the general context of modernizing the content of higher education. Characterizing the development of the content of teaching at universities and institutes, we can identify such contradictory aspects of this process that are important in dialectical terms, such as:

The contradiction between the unlimited amount of knowledge accumulated by humanity and the limitations of educational programs. There is no full capacity to display this knowledge in sufficient detail and with adequate depth.
- The contradiction between the integrity of the spiritual and practical experience of humanity and the predominantly fragmentary or disciplinary way of teaching it to students.
- The contradiction between the objective content of knowledge and the objectivity of the forms and ways of their transmission and assimilation.
- The contradiction between the social conditioning of the content of knowledge and the individual-subjective characteristics of student needs and dispositions regarding its assimilation.

Modernization of education in Russia

As far as possible, teachers strive to soften or smooth out these contradictions. In particular, the directions of modern modernization activities in the field of formation of the content of higher education are subordinated to a large extent to this very goal. Accordingly, the following trends in the development of education in Russia can be considered priority areas:

1. Reducing the gaps between the achievements of modern sciences and the content of disciplines.

2. Enrichment and modernization of the invariant component of the content of higher education.

3. Optimization of proportions between blocks of humanities and natural and mathematical knowledge.

4. Humanization and humanization of the content of higher education.

5. Consolidation of educational programs through the formation of interdisciplinary integrated blocks of knowledge content.

6. Introduction of educational disciplines of a social and practical direction, the latest information technologies.

7. Adaptation of curricula and their methodological support in accordance with the conditions and needs of a multicultural and multiethnic student population.

8.Improving organizational mechanisms and methodological foundations for teaching program knowledge in order to ensure their assimilation by the absolute majority of students.

With radical changes in the field of education, changing our ideas about its role in modern society. These transformations are based on the development of new approaches to learning, based on the use of modern innovative technologies in education.

The role of education at the present stage of Russia's development is determined by the tasks of its transition to a democratic and legal state, the need to overcome the danger of the country lagging behind global trends in economic and social development. It is education that is associated with the increasing influence of the quality of human capital on social development, with the process of accumulation and transfer of knowledge from generation to generation. Therefore, modern and future generations need an effective, dynamic education system based on innovative technologies.

In this regard, the main task of Russian educational policy is to ensure the modern quality of education based on preserving its fundamentality, compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state.

The most important global trend of modern education is its integration and internationalization, leading to the rapprochement of countries and the creation of conditions for the formation of a single world educational space. Russia's accession to the Bologna Declaration (2003), adopted by most European countries, means our country's movement towards the convergence of educational systems. The main provisions of the Bologna Declaration can be reduced to the following important points: the introduction of a two-level (three-level) system of training specialists (bachelor-master); introduction of a credit system; ensuring quality control of education; expanding mobility; ensuring employment of graduates.

Integration and internationalization of education are shaping the global market for educational services. Already today, more technologically advanced open educational systems have appeared and are operating, which provide educational services regardless of distances and state borders. Along with traditional (classical) education, non-traditional teaching methods based on modern educational and information technologies have become widely used. First of all, we are talking about open and distance learning systems that are based on Internet technologies or electronic education.

Towards modern trends in the development of education include such as diversification, internationalization, individualization, development of advanced and continuous education, its intensification and computerization, as well as the development of the principles of cyclicality and multi-stage. All these trends should contribute to increasing the quality of education in accordance with modern requirements of the socio-economic development of society. Diversification is manifested in the expansion of various approaches to the content of education, with the development of new disciplines and specialties, forms of education, methods and technologies of education. On this basis, a new quality of specialties and disciplines, methods and technologies in education management arises.

Diversification of education is manifested in its various characteristics: organization, methodology, methodology, technology, control of knowledge. An equally important trend is the individualization of education, aimed at moving from the past system of uniform education for everyone to modern high-quality education for everyone. This approach can be implemented through the development of different educational programs in accordance with the individual capabilities of both students and teachers using modern and promising information technology.

In conditions of individualization of learning, modern education must be continuous. The need for continuous education is determined both by a person’s need for constant replenishment of knowledge during his professional activity, and by the progress of science and technology.

Innovations in education are currently significant and systemically self-organizing innovations that arise on the basis of a variety of initiatives and innovations that become promising for the evolution of education and have a positive impact on the development of all forms and methods of education. The concept of innovative activity in relation to the development of modern education can be considered as a purposeful transformation of the content of training and the organizational and technological foundations of the educational process, aimed at improving the quality of educational services, the competitiveness of educational institutions and their graduates, and ensuring the comprehensive personal and professional development of students. Innovations in the Russian education system are of a natural nature; their content, forms and methods of implementation depend both on global problems of human development and on socio-economic, legal, spiritual and political processes of reforming Russian society.

The basis of social innovation is the modernization and informatization of Russian education. The main goal of modernization of education is to create a mechanism for the sustainable development of the education system, ensuring its compliance with the challenges of the 21st century, the social and economic needs of the country's development, and the needs of the individual, society and the state. Modernization of Russian education is an innovative process of transforming the entire education system, aimed at maximizing the educational needs of students in the widest range of specialties, levels of education, educational institutions and information and educational resources.

At the same time, education should give the expected effect regardless of the location of both the student and the educational resource or service he needs, carried out using the most modern information and telecommunication technologies. The result of modernization should be the achievement of a new quality of Russian education, which is determined, first of all, by its compliance with the current and future demands of modern life in the country. Informatization of education is aimed at implementing the plan to improve the quality of education, conducting research and development, their implementation, and involves replacing traditional information technologies with more effective ones in all types of activities in the Russian national education system.

The introduction of innovative technologies in education requires new approaches to teaching based on modern educational technologies. Educational technology is the targeted use of a system of means in education, which determines the achievement of specified characteristics of a certain educational phenomenon (certain qualities of graduates, content of education, advanced training of education workers, etc.). Modern educational technologies, first of all, should work for creative education, promoting the creative development of the personality of each student.

Educational technology includes a set of actions related to any educational processes (management of the education system, development of an educational institution, formation of a teaching staff, etc.). The structure of educational technology includes such components as goal setting, monitoring and evaluation, while the basis of the modern education system is information technology. It is essential that innovative technologies in education require not only the development of education based on information technologies, but also the creation of an appropriate information and educational environment.

A unified information and educational environment can be defined as a controlled psychological and pedagogical system created by people themselves, based on modern information and educational technologies and providing the educational process in the Internet environment to everyone using uniform technological means.

Within the framework of a unified educational information environment, the formation and development of a system of innovative education, supported by organizational, pedagogical and information technologies, takes place. In this environment, with the help of architectural and structural solutions, open standards for interfaces, formats and information exchange protocols are provided in order to ensure mobility, stability, efficiency and other positive qualities achieved by creating open systems.

The purpose and principles of modern education are focused on preparing students for full and effective participation in public and professional fields in conditions of market relations. Giving the education system the qualities of an open system entails a fundamental change in its properties towards greater freedom in planning education, choosing a place, time and pace, in the transition from the principle of “education for life” to the principle of “education throughout life”. In practice, this system is implemented using network technologies. Initially, network learning technologies became widespread among representatives of those age and social groups who were forced to give preference to learning without interruption from their main work activities.

Today, open and distance learning provides an opportunity for various groups of the population to receive additional education using the Internet. Many Russian universities actively use information and network technologies in the full-time education system. As a result, the more effective use of modern educational technologies in the traditional education system gradually leads to the blurring of the line between full-time, correspondence and distance learning, which is a characteristic feature of the innovative education system.

At the present stage, global changes in the goals and content of education direct students to develop a qualitatively new model of preparing people for life and activity in a post-industrial society, developing in them completely new personal qualities and skills necessary for these conditions. All this dictates new requirements for specialists.

The modernization of the Russian education system and the introduction of information and communication technologies into the learning process raise the question of the quality of education in a new way. Already today, many countries are paying great attention to the problems of the quality and effectiveness of education, joining their efforts in developing methodology, technology and tools for comparative studies of the quality of education, thereby creating a system for monitoring the quality of education in the world.

Today, a new model for training specialists is being formed in the Russian education system, taking into account not only the qualification model of a specialist, but also the competency model. The competence of a specialist includes both knowledge, abilities, skills, and methods of their implementation in activities and in communication. In the competency-based model of a specialist, educational goals are associated with interdisciplinary integrated requirements for the result of the educational process. The first place comes to the qualitative characteristics of the individual, which are formed by modern educational technologies. This is not so much about control of knowledge, skills and abilities, but about the quality of the educational system.

An important area of ​​improving the quality of education is the training and retraining of teaching staff. The quality of specialist training largely depends on teachers. Universities operate a system of advanced training for teaching staff, which fully meets the requirements of the time and pays great attention to new technologies in education. For example, at Moscow State Law Academy. O.E. Kutafin at the Institute of Additional Professional Education, advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers of the Academy is carried out according to the following short-term training programs “Transition to two-level higher legal education based on a competency-based approach”, “Improving the information competence of university teachers”, based on innovative educational technologies.

The unified education quality management system being created in Russia is the methodological basis for transferring educational systems to a new state that ensures openness and a new quality of education that is adequate to the needs of the developing individual, society and the labor market.

Modern innovative education is advanced education, the distinctive feature of which is the development of advanced methods and ways of acquiring knowledge that shape personality in a single global information and educational space.

The education system of the Russian Federation currently represents a combination of:

  • federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, educational standards and requirements established by universities; educational programs of various types, levels and orientations, as well as vocational training programs;
  • organizations carrying out educational activities, their employees and students;
  • bodies of state power and local self-government exercising management in the field of education, advisory, advisory and other bodies created by them;
  • organizations providing scientific, methodological, methodological, resource, production and information technology support for educational activities and management of the education system, assessment of the quality of education;
  • associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations operating in the field of education.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Education” (Article 15), the following levels of education are established in the education system:

  • preschool education;
  • general education: primary general education; basic general education; secondary general education;
  • secondary vocational education: training of skilled workers; training of mid-level specialists;
  • higher education: bachelor's degree; master's degree, specialist training; training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

One of the basic principles of legal regulation of relations in the field of education is the democratic, state-public nature of education management; ensuring the right of employees, students and their parents (legal representatives) to participate in the management of an educational organization in the forms provided for by this Federal Law.

Educational activities can be carried out by the following organizations:

  • educational organizations;
  • scientific organizations and other organizations.

An educational organization is a non-profit organization whose main activity, in accordance with the purposes for which such an organization was created, is educational activity.

Within the scope of the main activity specified in the charter of an educational organization, an educational organization has the right to implement educational programs of various levels and directions and provide educational services, both free of charge and for a fee, as well as conduct scientific and other activities related to the provision of education and training in the prescribed manner. in accordance with the requirements established by the Federal Law “On Education” for educational organizations of a certain type, type (category).

In the Russian Federation, the following types of educational organizations are established that implement basic educational programs:

  • preschool educational organization;
  • general education organization;
  • professional educational organization;
  • educational organization of higher education.

Management of an educational organization, regardless of its type, type, category (if any), is built on the basis of a combination of the principles of unity of command, collegiality and self-government.

The sole executive body of an educational organization is the head of the educational organization (rector, director, head, chief or other leader (administrator)), who directly manages the educational organization.

Higher education in Russia is represented by a wide network of state and non-state educational institutions. Compared to the 1990/1991 academic year (in 1990/1991 - 514), the network of state universities increased annually and amounted to 607 institutions by the beginning of the 2000/2001 academic year, and by the beginning of the 2011/2012 academic year - 634 universities (Tables 1.2 and 1.3 ) .

o> Table 1.2

Higher educational institutions (at the beginning of the academic year)1


  • 2000/
  • 2001/
  • 2003/
  • 2004/
  • 2005/
  • 2006/
  • 2008/
  • 2009/
  • 2010/
  • 2011/

Total number of universities


State | 607 | 621 | 655 | 652 | 662 | 655 | 660 | 658 | 755 | 662 | 653 | 634






Number of students - total, thousand people.


in government

in non-state

Total students accepted

Including to educational institutions:



Graduated specialists - total

Including educational institutions:



1 Russia 2012: Stat. Directory / Rosstat. - M., 2012. - 59 p.-S. 13-14

Russian statistical yearbook. 2011: Statistical collection/Rosstat. M, 2011. - 795 p. - pp. 237-247.

State and municipal educational institutions of higher professional education by type"

Table 1.3

All educational institutions of higher professional education

students there, thousand people


number of educational institutions

students there, thousand people

accepted students, thousand people

graduated specialists, thousand people


number of educational institutions

students there, thousand people

accepted students, thousand people

graduated specialists, thousand people


number of educational institutions

students there, thousand people

accepted students, thousand people

graduated specialists, thousand people

Federal universities

number of educational institutions

students there, thousand people

accepted students, thousand people

graduated specialists, thousand people

1 Russian statistical yearbook. 2011: Statistical collection/Rosstat. M., 2012. - 786 p. - P. 254.

At the beginning of the 2000/2001 academic year, there were 358 non-state higher educational institutions (37% of the total), with 471 thousand students (10% of all students).

The number of branches of higher educational institutions at the beginning of the 2009/2010 academic year was 1,637 institutions, including 571 branches of non-state universities, which is 35%.

The number of students studying in higher educational institutions compared to the 1993/1994 academic year (2613 thousand people) increased by almost 3 times by the 2009/2010 academic year and amounted to 7419 thousand people.

Russian higher education institutions were represented in 2011 by universities (334 institutions), academies (169 institutions) and institutes (123 institutions).

The first federal universities were created in 2007 in the Southern and Siberian Federal Districts as part of a priority national project on the basis of existing universities and academic centers in Rostov-on-Don and Krasnoyarsk. Each university received about 6 billion rubles for the implementation of its development programs in 2007-2009. In addition, in addition to federal funding, the projects provide for the active participation of business and regional authorities.

On October 21, 2009, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed the Decree “On the creation of federal universities in the Northwestern, Volga, Ural and Far Eastern federal districts.” 5 new federal universities have been created in these districts: Northern (Arctic), Kazan (Volga), Ural, Far Eastern and Northeastern.

In 2010, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal universities, through reorganization, changed their type to federal state autonomous educational institutions of higher professional education. By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2010 N 2483-r, a decision was made to create a federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University".

Thus, in 2012 there are 8 federal universities operating in Russia.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 29, 2009 N 276 approved a list of indicators, criteria and frequency of assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of university development programs for which the category “national research university 1” was established:

  • 1. Indicators of success of educational activities.
  • 2. Indicators of the effectiveness of scientific and innovative activities.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 29, 2009 N 276 “On the list of indicators, criteria and frequency of assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of university development programs for which the category “national research university” has been established.” Electronic resource: Access mode:

  • 3. Indicators of human resources development.
  • 4. Indicators of international recognition.
  • 5. Indicators of financial stability.

The assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of development programs of national research universities is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation once a year on the basis of reports of national research universities on the progress of the implementation of their development programs, submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation before March 1 of the year following the reporting year.

The winners of the competitive selection of university development programs for which the category “national research university” is established in 2009 were 12 educational institutions from eight regions of the Russian Federation, including 4 from Moscow and 2 from St. Petersburg:

  • 1. State University - Higher School of Economics
  • 2. Kazan State Technical University named after. A.N. Tupolev
  • 3. Moscow Aviation Institute (state technical university)
  • 4. Moscow State Technical University named after. N.E. Bauman
  • 5. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (state university)
  • 6. Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N. I. Lobachevsky
  • 7. Novosibirsk State University
  • 8. Perm State Technical University
  • 9. Samara State Aerospace University named after. acad. S. P. Koroleva
  • 10. St. Petersburg State Mining Institute named after. G.V. Plekhanov (technical university)
  • 11. St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
  • 12. Tomsk Polytechnic University

In 2010, the status of a national research university was assigned to another 15 state educational institutions of higher professional education from 10 constituent entities of Russia:

  • 1. Belgorod State University
  • 2. Irkutsk State Technical University
  • 3. Kazan State Technological University
  • 4. Mordovian State University named after. N.P. Ogareva
  • 5. Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology
  • 6. Moscow State Civil Engineering University (MGSU)
  • 7. Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University)
  • 8. Perm State University
  • 9. Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development
  • 10. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin
  • 11. St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
  • 12. Saratov State University

named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

  • 13. Tomsk State University
  • 14. Establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences St. Petersburg Academic University - Scientific and Educational Center for Nanotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 15. South Ural State University

Currently, the activities of higher educational institutions are determined by new socio-economic conditions and are characterized by:

  • the impossibility of ensuring the effective functioning of universities without taking into account the external environment, the increasing need to strengthen the interaction of universities with enterprises and organizations - employers, local and federal authorities;
  • the need to solve the problems of financial support and extra-budgetary financing of the activities of the university, the formation and development of commercial and other income-generating activities of universities;
  • lack of centralized distribution of graduates;
  • an increase in the number of teachers and staff of universities in connection with the intensive growth of student education on a paid basis observed in recent years;
  • the emergence of a large number of new universities, faculties and departments, the massive opening of new specialties;
  • intensive computerization of the educational process, development of information and innovative technologies, equipping universities with a variety of technical means, computer technology, the need for their use and maintenance;
  • the growing importance of scientific research in universities, increasing requirements for their quality, increasing the role of scientific activity of teachers and students in assessing the activities of higher educational institutions;
  • a significant tightening of the licensing and accreditation procedures for universities;
  • integration of education at the international level;
  • increasing the role of innovative technologies in the educational process and scientific activities;
  • the not always positive influence of modern media on students (violence, sex, pop culture);
  • increasing the importance of patriotic education of youth; combating bad habits that are detrimental to the health of students - alcohol, drug addiction, smoking;
  • more active participation of teachers and students in real business;
  • demographic decline and increased competition between universities in the sale of their services.

New conditions of a market economy also determine new priorities for the activities of heads of educational institutions. Among them:

  • 1. The need to train specialists in such a way that they can be in demand by employers, i.e. labor market.
  • 2. The need for adaptation in the international economic space.