Savvin Smirnova surfactants 1991. Savvin, Sergey Borisovich - surfactants

Vigasin A.A., Volkov A.A., Tikhonov V.I., Shchelushkin R.V.

The work shows that the adsorption of water vapor under normal conditions makes it possible to discriminate water molecules based on their spin state. Samples enriched in ortho- or para-spin isomers of water can remain for a long time in the condensed phase without undergoing spontaneous spin conversion. It has been shown that an imbalance in the spin modifications of water in the atmosphere can lead to a noticeable change in its radiation characteristics.

The effect of spin-selective adsorption of water vapor on the surface of aluminum oxide was discovered about 10 years ago (see, for example,). It is shown that this effect can be used to separate spin isomers of water using frontal chromatography. The parallel orientation of the hydrogen spins in a water molecule leads it to the ortho modification state, and the antiparallel orientation leads it to the para modification state. The ratio of statistical weights for the ortho- and para-states is 3, therefore, in equilibrium water vapor under normal conditions, the content of ortho-isomers is 3 times higher than the content of para-isomers. Since transitions between the ortho and para states of the molecule are prohibited, water vapor is essentially a mixture of independent ortho and para fractions. This paper describes a laboratory experiment in which spin-selective adsorption achieves at least a threefold change in the equilibrium 3:1 ortho/para ratio in water vapor. A qualitative explanation of the observed phenomenon is proposed and it is shown that a violation of the ortho-para ratio under the conditions of a real atmosphere can lead to noticeable variations in its radiation characteristics.

The idea of ​​the experiment is to attempt to observe the violation of ortho-para equilibrium in water as a result of its interaction with the adsorbent by continuously monitoring the intensity of the spectral ortho- and para-lines of the rotational spectrum of the water molecule. A pair of closely spaced intense ortho- and para-lines belonging to the rotational part of the spectrum, convenient for recording, was chosen as a probe (Fig. 1). A mixture of water vapor with nitrogen as a carrier gas was slowly passed through an adsorption column filled with porous carbon. The gas leaving the column was directed into a cuvette coupled with a submillimeter VOC spectrometer. In the cuvette, the working mixture was probed at frequencies of 30-40 cm -1 with a beam of monochromatic radiation tunable in frequency. In a piecewise continuous mode with a speed of 10 points/s, a resolution of 0.0003 cm -1 and a periodicity of 1 min, the transmittance of the gas layer was recorded and the ortho-para-doublet pattern shown in Fig. 1 was observed. 2. It was found that during the passage of water vapor through the adsorbent, a regular and well-reproducible redistribution of line intensities occurs. The partial pressure of water vapor in our experiment did not exceed 1 Top, which made it possible to neglect Doppler broadening and take into account only collisional broadening. It was assumed that the observed lines have a Lorentzian shape with integral intensities and half-widths S ort and S par and gort and g par , respectively. The sum of two Lorentz contours in real time fit into the measured lines, which gave a quantitative estimate of the change in the integral intensities of the ortho- and para-lines and, accordingly, the desired ortho/para ratio in water vapor.

The resulting relationship as a function of time is shown in Fig. 3. As can be seen, ortho-water molecules have greater mobility in the carbon filter. For this reason, in the process of diffusion through the adsorbent, the initial portions of water vapor were enriched in ortho-molecules, and subsequent portions - in para-molecules. Ortho- and para-enriched portions of water vapor were taken from the flow at appropriate times and frozen out using a nitrogen trap. Samples of spin-modified water with a volume of up to 50 ml accumulated in this way were stored in a household refrigerator. After a certain time, they were thawed and subjected to repeated spectral analysis for ortho-para content. Having been in the solid and liquid phases, water enriched in ortho- or para-modifications again demonstrated a different ortho/para ratio from the equilibrium one. The lifetime of modifications is estimated at tens of minutes for liquid water and months for ice. We also found that, in addition to coal, many other substances with a developed surface such as zeolites, silica gel, etc. can act as spin modifiers of water.

A qualitative model of the spin-selective adsorption process can be presented as follows. Let the total number of water vapor molecules be equal to N0, of which N 0 ort are in ortho and N 0 par in para states, so that N 0 ort +N 0 par =N 0 If we assume that the rates of adsorption and desorption of spin fractions are different and there is no mutual conversion between them either in the gas phase or on the surface, then the diffusion process can be described using the following system of equations:

which must satisfy the initial conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium. Hence, for the ratio N ort /N par we have

Using this solution, it is possible to describe the experimental data (Fig. 3) by finding the rate constants of adsorption and desorption using the least squares procedure. We assume that at the initial moment of time the ratio N 0 ort /N 0 par = 3. Fitting the theory to the experiment gives in relative units: k ort a =0.9; k ort d =0.08; k par a = 3.5; k par d = 0.5. It can be seen that the kinetic constants for a pair of molecules are 3-6 times higher than the constants for ortho molecules. The following can be suggested as a possible explanation for this difference. For a rarefied gas, the desorption of a molecule from the surface can be considered as a monomolecular process [3]. This means that a molecule desorbs when energy exceeding the energy of detachment from the surface is concentrated on the bond being broken. The corresponding rate constant can be presented in the form: k=(v*W)/Q, here v is the activation rate, W is the number of states with energy above the dissociation threshold, Q is the quantum partition function. The main source of excess internal energy is the energy of intermolecular vibrations, which does not depend on the spin state of the adsorbed molecule; therefore, the number of states W can be assumed to be independent of the spin modification. On the contrary, the partition function may include a rotational component, provided that the adsorbed molecule undergoes inhibited or free rotation as part of the molecule-surface complex. It can therefore be expected that the ratio of desorption constants will differ by a factor of 3: k ort d /k par d =1/3

In order to characterize the difference in adsorption constants, we introduce into consideration the equilibrium constant K eq , which obviously equals K eq =k a /k d =(Q H2O *Q surf)/Q ads. Here Q H2O , Q surf and Q ads are the partition functions of the water molecule, surface and molecule-surface complex, respectively. Believing that , we can conclude that the ratio k ort a /k par a should be 1/3. If we accept similar relationships for the rate constants of adsorption and desorption, it is not difficult to approximate the experimental dependence presented in Fig. 3 in the region of ortho/para ratio exceeding equilibrium

It turns out to be impossible, however, to describe the subsequent excess of the vapor content of the fraction over the ortho-fraction. In order to make this description complete, it should be assumed that in reality the ratio of adsorption constants k ort a /k par a is not 1/3 = 0.333(3), but is approximately 0.5-0.7. As shown in Fig. 3, with this assumption it is possible to very accurately convey the qualitative course of the observed kinetics of the ortho/para ratio. Based on the experiment and the proposed model, it can be assumed that the nonequilibrium separation of water into ortho- and para-spin isomers naturally occurs in various natural processes - in living organisms and the environment. In particular, it is possible that long-term fluctuations in the 3:1 ortho/para ratio exist in the atmosphere.

Water vapor in the atmosphere is constantly in non-stationary conditions, experiencing condensation and evaporation in the air volume on aerosol particles in impurities, in clouds and on the earth's surface. It can therefore be expected that under certain conditions, during the process of kinetic transformations, the equilibrium ratio of spin modifications in water vapor will be disrupted. It is of interest to assess how much this disruption can affect the function of atmospheric transmission. If variations in atmospheric transmission with a disturbed spin composition turn out to be significant, this will mean that modeling the radiative characteristics of the atmosphere is impossible without detailed knowledge of the kinetic prehistory of water vapor in the atmosphere. To evaluate the effect, we calculated a model transmission spectrum of the water vapor layer under atmospheric conditions based on data on the parameters of water vapor lines contained in the HITRAN database. Calculations were performed for the spectral region near 10 μm, in which the maximum of the Planck curve of radiation from the heated surface of the Earth is located. In addition to the “equilibrium” absorption coefficient a eq , corresponding to the passage of radiation through a layer of water vapor with a normal ortho/para ratio of 3:1, the “nonequilibrium” absorption coefficient a neq was calculated, corresponding to the disturbed ortho/para ratio. It turned out that absorption at selected wavelengths and integrated absorption over a portion of the spectrum are noticeably sensitive to violation of ortho/para equilibrium. It is easy to show that, depending on the degree of violation of the equilibrium spin composition, the absorption coefficient of water vapor normalized to the equilibrium value is within fixed limits, namely, limited to the region

where x denotes the ratio N ort /N par (see Fig. 4). The middle line shown in Fig. 4 with a dashed line characterizes the nonequilibrium absorption coefficient averaged over an area containing a large number of randomly located ortho- and para-absorption lines.

Thus, this work shows the possibility of disruption of the equilibrium ortho/para ratio in water as a result of its contact with the adsorbent and the ability of metastable ortho- and para-modifications to exist in the form of independent substances for a long time. It has been suggested that there may be a violation of the ortho/para ratio in natural processes. It has been shown that the effect of spin imbalance during condensation of water vapor can be important for the propagation of radiation and the radiation balance in the atmosphere.

The work was carried out with partial financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant 02-05-64529


  1. Konyukhov V.K., Tikhonov V.I., Tikhonova T.I. //Proc. Gen. Phys. Inst. 1990. V. 12. P. 208-215.
  2. Tikhonov V.I., Volkov A.L. // Science. 2002. V. 296. P. 2250.
  3. Kuznetsov N.M. Kinetics of monomolecular reactions. M.: Nauka, 1982.
  4. Rothman L.S., Gamache R.R., Tipping R.H. et al. // J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 1992. V. 48. P.469-507.



annotation scientific article on Earth sciences and related environmental sciences, author of the scientific work - Gibert K. K., Stekhin Anatoly Aleksandrovich, Yakovleva G. V., Sulina Yu. S.

The study performed an experimental assessment of long-term structural and physical changes associated water phases in drinking water treated under hypomagnetic conditions using technology involving the conversion of ortho-para-isomers of water in the presence of a triplet oxygen catalyst. Based on the results of measurements of the parameters of the formed nanoassociates in water, a number of patterns were discovered that make it possible to determine the mechanisms of influence hypomagnetic treatment on the catalytic properties of water and the long-term stability of its activated state, ensuring long-term maintenance of high biological activity of drinking water. In particular, under hypomagnetic processing conditions, a more dense packing of amorphous ice VI is formed in the composition of peroxide associates, which serve as a kind of reservoir of atmospheric gases. In such a reservoir, pressures higher than normal geophysical conditions are realized, which stimulates gas-phase reactions with the formation of oxygen dimers and trimers, existing in two electronically active configurations with binding energies of 0.3 and ~ 0.2 eV, providing phase modulation leading to to the condensation of additional electrons from the environment on paramagnetic oxygen, which ensures long-term maintenance of the electron-donating ability of water and its electrically nonequilibrium state.

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Keeping the electron-donor properties of drinking water

In a study there was performed the experimental evaluation of long-term structural physical changes of the phase of associated water in drinking water treated in hypomagnetic conditions according to the technology providing the retention of ortho/para isomers of water in the presence of a catalyst triplet oxygen. According to the results of measurements of parameters of nano-associates formed in the water there was found a series of consistencies, allowing to determine the mechanisms of the impact of hypomagnetic treatment on the catalytic properties of water and longterm stability of its activated state, that provides the long-term maintenance of high biological activity of drinking water. In particular, under hypomagnetic conditions of the treatment there is formed denser packing of amorphous ice VI in the composition of associates peroxide, serving as a kind of "reservoir" of atmospheric gases. In such a "reservoir" there realized higher pressure, compared with normal geophysical conditions, that stimulates the gas-phase reactions with the formation of dimers and trimers of oxygen existing in the 2electron active configurations with binding energies of 0.3 eV and ~ 0.2 eV, providing phase modulation, resulting in condensation of environment additional electrons on paramagnetic oxygen, which provides the long-term maintenance of the electron donor ability of water and electrically non-equilibrium state.

Text of scientific work on the topic “Preservation of electron-donor properties of drinking water”

Experimental studies

Gibert K.K.1, Stekhin A.A.2, Yakovleva G.V.2, Sulina Yu.S.1


1 LLC "AquaHelios", 630132, Novosibirsk, st. Omskaya, 94, Russia; 2 Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after. A.N. Sysin Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, 119121, Moscow, st. Pogodinskaya, 10, Russia

The study carried out an experimental assessment of long-term structural and physical changes in the phase of associated water in drinking water treated under hypomagnetic conditions using technology involving the conversion of ortho-para-isomers of water in the presence of a catalyst - triplet oxygen. Based on the results of measurements of the parameters of the resulting nanoassociates in water, a number of patterns were discovered that make it possible to determine the mechanisms of the influence of hypomagnetic treatment on the catalytic properties of water and the long-term stability of its activated state, which ensures long-term maintenance of high biological activity of drinking water. In particular, under hypomagnetic processing conditions, a more dense packing of amorphous ice VI is formed in the composition of peroxide associates, which serve as a kind of reservoir of atmospheric gases. In such a reservoir, pressures higher than normal geophysical conditions are realized, which stimulates gas-phase reactions with the formation of oxygen dimers and trimers, existing in two electronically active configurations with binding energies of 0.3 and ~ 0.2 eV, providing phase modulation leading to to the condensation of additional electrons from the environment on paramagnetic oxygen, which ensures long-term maintenance of the electron-donating ability of water and its electrically nonequilibrium state.

Key words: associated water phase; hypomagnetic treatment; ortho-para conversion of water isomers.

For citation: Hygiene and sanitation. 2015; 94(3): 97-100.


1Limited Liability Company "Akva Gelios", Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 630132; 2A.N. Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Health, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119121

In a study there was performed the experimental evaluation of long-term structural - physical changes of the phase of associated water in drinking water treated in hypomagnetic conditions according to the technology providing the retention of ortho/para isomers of water in the presence of a catalyst - triplet oxygen. According to the results of measurements of parameters of nano-associates formed in the water there was found a series of consistencies, allowing to determine the mechanisms of the impact of hypomagnetic treatment on the catalytic properties of water and long-term stability of its activated state, that provides the long-term maintenance of high biological activity of drinking water. In particular, under hypomagnetic conditions of the treatment there is formed denser packing of amorphous ice - VI in the composition of associates peroxide, serving as a kind of "reservoir" of atmospheric gases. In such a "reservoir" there realized higher pressure, compared with normal geophysical conditions, that stimulates the gasphase reactions with the formation of dimers and trimers of oxygen existing in the 2- electron - active configurations with binding energies of 0.3 eV and ~ 0.2 eV , providing phase modulation, resulting in condensation of environment additional electrons on paramagnetic oxygen, which provides the long-term maintenance of the electron - donor ability of water and electrically non-equilibrium state.

Key words: phase associated water hypomagnetic processing, ortho /para water isomers conversion Citation: Gigiena i Sanitariya. 2015; 94(3): 97-100. (in Russ.)

A current trend in preventive medicine in recent years is the creation of drugs that have the properties of compensating for the negative impact of environmental factors on human health, including conditions defined as electronic deficiency. One such means can be drinking water, which, after being processed under certain technological conditions (physical treatment), acquires electron-reducing properties.

These technologies have disadvantages, the most significant of which is low safety

For correspondence: Anatoly Aleksandrovich Stekhin, [email protected]

For correspondence: Stekhin A.A., [email protected]

restorative properties of drinking water, which is due to fairly high rates of relaxation of the metastable state of water. However, the effects of diamagnetic deuterium on the state of the associated water phase are known, manifested in an increase in the values ​​of the phase fraction in bulk water with increasing deuterium concentration, reflecting the loosening effect of spin-active impurities in water on the anion-crystalline associates. At the same time, the scientific literature actively discusses the biological activity of nuclear spin isomers of water (ortho- and para-isomers) and their influence on the parameters of the associated water phase. Taking into account theoretical research data, a new technology for the physical treatment of water in hypomagnetic conditions has been developed, allowing

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This gives water restorative properties that last for a long time.

Under natural geomagnetic conditions, the stable ratio of ortho-para isomers in bulk water is 1:3, which is explained by the prohibition of mutual transitions of ortho- and para-water molecules as a result of collisional and radiation effects. At the same time, according to , ortho-water has high volatility, which indirectly indicates that it is predominantly in the free water phase.

When considering the problems of spin conversion of water isomers, it is necessary to dwell on the critical conditions of these processes. Thus, according to , the processes of conversion of water isomers into each other are facilitated near critical temperatures T = 4, 19, 36 and 76°C, at which the energy of rotation quanta hQmn of ortho- and para-isomers of water approximately corresponds to the energy of inelastic collisions kT ~ hfi. Based on the fact that the temperature point of 4°C, according to the work data, corresponds to the nonequilibrium phase transition ice VII - ice VIII, which implies a high efficiency of structural reorganization of the associated water phase, we can assume that temperatures of 19 and 36°C (according to the work data) are also associated with the transformation of the structures of the associated water phase, but already in the structures of ice VI, which is a carrier of radical anions of the type E[(HO-<*)^ОН-<*)(Н2О}Т1)]ч, где (Н2О}Тд - ассоциат с тетрагональной (Т) структурой (пентамер Вольрафена - лед VI), д - степень ассоциации, р - параметр ионной координации ).

It should be noted that the ortho-para conversion is significantly accelerated in the presence of catalysts, including triplet oxygen (the electron spin of the O2 molecule is 1). Therefore, the presence of a catalyst in water allows for ortho-para conversion. It is known that the rate of this conversion increases with the formation of mixed quantum states, when the energy levels of ortho- and para-water practically coincide and the probability of the formation of mixed quantum states and ortho/para conversion increases.

At the same time, due to the magnetism of ortho isomers, the processes of ortho-para conversion are also influenced by external electromagnetic fields (EMF) and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic radiation blocks the formation of mixed quantum states and reduces the likelihood of ortho-para conversion. However, when shielded from EMFs and especially in hypomagnetic conditions, there is no disturbing effect on molecular structures, which should lead to a decrease in the energy thresholds of quantum mixing and a more ordered structure of the structures of the forming amorphous ice VI in the composition of associates.

The purpose of this study was to experimentally evaluate the structural and physical changes in the phase of associated water under hypomagnetic conditions, formed in accordance with technology (RF patent No. 2007111073/15 dated March 26, 2007), and their effect on the biocatalytic activity of water.

The research methodology consisted of processing distilled and artesian water in a vessel made of non-magnetic material for at least 5 hours in the working space of a shielding device, which ensures a weakening of the total vector of the geomagnetic field by at least 300 times compared to the background value. Next, the treated water was tested without dilution (helioprotective concentrate

water (GPV)). In addition, the potentiating effect of GPV concentrate on artesian waters (“Rosinka Siberia”, “Pokrov-voda”) was studied. The concentrate was added to water in a ratio of 1:10,000 and 1:5000. Changes in the state of water were assessed using a set of structural and energy indicators that we proposed in previously published works.

Results and discussion

Based on the results of chemiluminescent analysis, it was established that water treated under hypomagnetic conditions (HPV concentrate) contains an abnormally high concentration of peroxide anion radicals (HO2-(*)), which do not change for at least 9 months of storage, experiencing periodic variations ranging from 70 to 90 µg/l.

The redox potential of both the HPV concentrate and its dilutions in drinking water decreases by ~100 mV, the hydrogen index increases by 0.7 units, and the electrical conductivity increases by 37 mS/m of the initial value.

In samples obtained by diluting the HPV concentrate in drinking water, an increase in the concentration of peroxide anion radicals in the range of 1 to 5 μg/l was also noted, which persisted for 1 month. They also found a change in the proportion of the associated water phase (increase to 30% of the initial state), the appearance of high-energy states (by 5-15%) in the energy distribution of the phase and a decrease in the absolute viscosity of water to values ​​​​of the order of 0.985...0.978 centipoise. Taking into account the obtained values ​​of the indicators in accordance with the classification of the structural and energetic state of drinking water, waters potentiated by the HPV concentrate can be classified as the third level of activity, which makes it possible to recommend them for use in order to compensate for the negative influence of adverse environmental factors, characterized as electronic deficiency.

When studying dynamic changes in the state of water treated under hypomagnetic conditions with different contents of dissolved oxygen in it (see table), a number of patterns were discovered that make it possible to determine the mechanisms of the influence of hypomagnetic treatment on the catalytic properties of water.

When analyzing the table data, it was established that oxygen dissolved in water is one of the main factors in increasing the catalytic activity of water, since changes in its concentration in water by 2 times lead to an increase in water activity by more than an order of magnitude. Reducing maximum release time

Dynamic changes in the time of maximum intensity of luminol-hemin chemiluminescence, concentration of peroxide anion radicals (HO2(*") and oxygen dissolved in water after 2 days of exposure in the open air to samples of artesian water exposed to hypomagnetic conditions

Exposure, days Water

oxygenated deoxygenated

hm, c concentration СО2-(,), µg/l concentration O2, mg/l gm, с concentration СО2"(,), µg/l concentration O2, mg/l

2 6,37 72,0 12,15 14,1 0,69 6,73

5 6,38 63,8 9,71 0,43 7,58 9,34

6 6,42 58,8 9,68 0,69 9,14 9,36

7 6,48 67,5 9,64 0,88 6,68 9,38

8 7,25 56,7 9,6 1,18 5,09 9,39

Average Diameter Intensity

scattering, с1ср, nm scattering, I, %

10 100 Diameter, s1, nm

Rice. 1. Size distribution of associates of the associated water phase after hypomagnetic treatment of water. Horizontal - diameter in nm); vertically - intensity (I; in %).

luminol-hemin chemiluminescence^ indicates a decrease in the size of water associates containing HO^-anion radicals. In this case, activity (in deoxygenated water) is controlled by oxygen diffusion, and ultra-low diffusion rates and high long-term stability of the activated state of water indicate greater stability of the structural state of Wollrafen pentamers, which form the structural basis of the associated water phase, compared to normal geomagnetic conditions.

As follows from this dependence, a decrease in the time of peak chemiluminescence intensity indicates a decrease in the diameter of the associates, which is associated with the strengthening of its structural organization. A similar dependence was obtained in the work when treating water under conditions of Faraday shielding of EMF. A decrease in the size parameter of associates in water indicates the influence of the spin conversion factor and mixed quantum states excited by molecular oxygen under hypomagnetic conditions.

The dimensional parameters of the resulting peroxide associates in the treated water were determined using a laser correlation dispersity meter (LCI), which provides the ability to selectively isolate a new fraction of peroxide associates against the background of supramolecular structures of water larger than 10 μm in size, and by the time of maximum intensity of luminol-hemin chemiluminescence.

The size distribution of associates in the studied water samples during its diffusion-controlled oxygenation using the LCA method is shown in Fig. 1.

Based on the results of assessing the distribution of associates in the treated water, it can be noted that, in addition to supramolecular structures and associates of positive polarity, as a result of treatment, associates of negative polarity appear with a size of 80 to 500 nm, which were absent in the original water. The average size of associates of negative polarity on the 1st day after water treatment, carrying peroxide anion radical, is 194.7 nm.

The obtained size parameters of the associates were compared with the time of maximum chemiluminescence intensity (see table), which is determined by the decay time of the associates in a highly alkaline reagent medium (pH-11.5), depending on their size. In Fig. Figure 2 shows the dependence of the size parameters of peroxide associates on the time of release of the maximum chemiluminescence intensity, which

0.4 o!b 08 1 1^2 G.4

Rice. 2. Dependence of the average diameter of associates ^) on the time of maximum intensity of luminol-hemin chemiluminescence (/w). Horizontal - time (^ in s); vertically - diameter in microns).

in the region of small diameters of associates is described by an inverse exponential dependence, and in the region of sizes from 1.2 to ~ 10 μm - by a linear approximation d = 1.170.45.

The obtained dependence in comparison with the data in the table, on the one hand, allows us to independently interpret the relationship of the kinetic processes of luminol-hemin chemiluminescence with the parameters of mixed type associates represented by conjugated structures (^[(HO2"(*) ^OH"(*)(H2O) tr)]/), on the other hand, confirms the effects of induction in hypomagnetic conditions of more stable peroxide associates and oxygen-dependent changes in their sizes over time. The greater stability of mixed-type associates obtained under hypomagnetic conditions of water treatment is associated with a denser packing of Wolrafen pentamers. It is obvious that these structural features of the associates ensure the formation of thermodynamic conditions necessary to maintain their catalytic activity.

Changes in the structural and physical state of the associated water phase under hypomagnetic conditions can be interpreted on the basis of the formation of oxygen (O) dimers and their exchange dynamics in gas-phase conditions realized in the microvoids of the associated water phase. The existence of O4 molecules is due to weak intermolecular interactions (the O2-O2 bond energy is 830 cal/mol). Metastable oxygen dimers are stabilized by high pressure in the microvoids of ice VI and are capable of spontaneous decay due to the tunneling effect, which ensures periodic modulation of the sizes of associates and the excitation of phase instabilities in them, leading to quantum condensation of electrons from the environment. In addition, hypomagnetic treatment stimulates the spin conversion of ortho-water to para-water, which forms more stable packings in amorphous ices VI. The greater stability of molecular packings and ortho-ortho-dimers of oxygen in water is also confirmed by data from the work.

The obtained estimates of the time stability of associates that are carriers of peroxide anion radicals significantly exceed the time of spin conversion in liquid water of ortho(55.5 min) and para(26.5 min) isomers and correspond in order of magnitude to the time of spin conversion in ice (months) . According to our estimates, the decay time of hydrogen peroxide in drinking water, which is in an associated state, under normal conditions in equimolar ratios does not exceed 3 weeks.

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Associates in water, having the structure of amorphous ice VI, have a high degree of defects, the voids of which are filled with air under high pressure. According to the data, in associates of negative polarity formed under normal geomagnetic conditions, the intrastructural pressure is ~ 25 atm.

The work has established that the formation of oxygen dimers and trimers in the gas phase occurs at elevated pressure. According to the data, the maximum formation of oxygen dimers in the gas phase is observed at a pressure of more than 50 atm. According to the work, oxygen dimers are also formed in amorphous materials in two configurations with binding energies Eb2 = 0.3 and ~ 0.2 eV. The time of mutual transition of the electronic states of oxygen dimers from one to another and back in amorphous materials is -10-2 s.

Thus, water treated under hypomagnetic conditions has biocatalytic activity, which remains stable for a long time, which ensures its high biological activity. High activity and stability of drinking water activated under hypomagnetic conditions is achieved by the conversion of ortho-water into para-water at a critical temperature of about 19°C and the presence of dissolved paramagnetic oxygen, which forms a mixed quantum state necessary to accelerate the conversion and formation of catalytically active oxygen dimers. Under hypomagnetic conditions, characterized by a 300-fold suppression of the total vector of the geomagnetic field, a denser packing of amorphous ice VI is formed in the composition of mixed type associates (^[(H02"(*)^0H"(*)(H20)mJ]q), serving a kind of reservoir of atmospheric gases. In such a reservoir, pressures higher than normal geophysical conditions are realized, which stimulates gas-phase reactions with the formation of oxygen dimers and trimers, existing in two electron-active configurations with binding energies

0.3. and - 0.2 eV, providing modulation of the phase of associated water, leading to the condensation of additional electrons from the environment on paramagnetic oxygen. Electron condensation occurs with the formation of unstable superoxide anion radicals, which are disproportionate in subsequent transformations into a stable peroxide anion radical. The latter process ensures long-term maintenance of the electron-donating ability of water and its electrically nonequilibrium state.

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16. Rakhmanin Yu.A., Stekhin A.A. Yakovleva G.V. Assessment of drinking water quality based on structural and energy indicators. Hygiene and sanitation. 2012; 4: 87-90.

17. Zatsepina O.V., Stekhin A.A., Yakovleva G.V. Ion-radical forms of oxygen are the main indicator reflecting the electron-donating ability of water. Hygiene and sanitation. 2013; 2:91-7.

18. Ryzhkina I.S., Kiseleva Yu.V., Timosheva A.P. and others. DAN. 2012; 447(1): 1-7.

19. Zakharchenko V. N. Colloid chemistry. Textbook. 2nd ed. M.: Higher school; 1989.

20. Water conditioner “Calcium and magnesium carbonate MICELLATE”. TU 5743-001-43646913-2006.

21. Lipikhin N.P., Dispersion, clusters and cluster ions of oxygen in the gas phase. Advances in chemistry. 1975; 44(8): 1366-76.

1. Rakhmanin Yu.A., Stekhin A.A., Yakovleva G.V. New risk factor for human health - deficiency of electrons in the environment. Biozash-chita i biobezopasnost". 2012. 4(4): 21-51. (in Russian)

2. Rakhmanin Yu.A., Stekhin A.A., Yakovleva G.V. Electron deficiency as a possible risk factor for health. Hygiene and sanitariya. 2013. 6: 21-28. (in Russian)

3. Tikhonov V.I., Volkov A.A. Separation of Water into Its Ortho and Para Isomers. Science. 2002; 296(28): 2363.

4. Volkov A.A., Tikhonov V.I., Makurenkov A.M. et al. Sorption experiments with water spin isomers in glycerol. Phys. Wave Phenomena. 2007; 15(2): 106-10.

5. Pershin S.M. Coincidence of rotational energy of H2O ortho-para molecules and translation energy near specific temperatures in water and ice. Phys. Wave Phenomena. 2008. 16(1): 15-25.

6. Stekhin A.A., Yakovleva G.V. Structured water: non-linear effects. M.: Izd-vo. LKI; 2008. (in Russian)

7. Baturov L.N., Govor I.N., Obukhov A.S., Plotnichenko V.G., Dianov E.M. et al. Detection in water of nonequilibrium transitions. Pis"ma v ZhETF. 2011; 93(2): 92-4. (in Russian)

8. Buntkowsky G., Limbach H.-H., Walaszek B., Adamczyk A., Xu Y., Breitzke H. et al. Mechanism of Ortho/Para-H2O Conversion in Ice. Z. Phys. Chem. 2008; 222:1049.

9. Xavier Michout Anne-Marie Vasserot, Luce Abouaf-Marguin. Temperature and time effects on the rovibrational structure of fundamentals of H2O trapped in solid argon: hindered rotation and RTC satellite. Vibr. Spectros. 2004; 34: 83-93.

10. Chapovsky P.L., Hermans L.J. Nuclea spin conversion in polyatomic molecules. Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 1999; 50:315.

11. Cosleou J., Herlemont F., Khelkhal M. et al. Nuclear spin conversion in CH3F induced by an alternating electric field. Eur. Phys. J. 2000; D10: 939-104.

12. Moro R., Bulthuis J., Heinrich J., Kresin V. V. Electrostatic deflection of the water molecule: A fundamental asymmetric rotor. Phys. Rev. A. 2007; 75:013415.

13. Slitter R., Gish M., Vilesov A. Fast nuclear spin conversion in water clusters and ices: a matrix isolation study. J. Phys. Chem. A. 2011; 115:9682-8.

14. Linesh K.B., Frenken J.W.M. Experimental evidence for ice formation at room temperature. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008; 101:036101.

15. Teixeira J., Bellissent-Funel M.C., Chen S.H., Dorner B. Observation of new shot-wavelength collective excitations in heavy water by coherent inelastic neutron. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1985; 54:2681.

16. Rakhmanin Yu.A., Stekhin A.A., Yakovleva G.V. Assessment of the quality of drinking water is structurally-energy performance. Hygiene and sanitary. 2012; 4: 87-90. (in Russian)

17. Zatsepina O.V., Stekhin A.A., Yakovleva G.V. Ion - radical forms of oxygen - the main indicator of the electron - donor ability of water. Hygiene and sanitariya. 2013; 2:91-7.

18. Ryzhkina I.S., Kiseleva V., Timosheva A.P. et al. DAN. 2012; 447(1): 1-7. (in Russian)

19. Zakharchenko V.N. Colloidal chemistry. Textbook. 2nd ed., Rev. and add. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola; 1989. (in Russian)

20. Normalizer of water “MITSELLAT calcium carbonate and magpesium”. TU 5743-001-43646913-2006. (in Russian)

21. Lipikhin N.P. Dimers, clusters, and cluster ions in the gas phase. Uspekhi khimii. 1975; 44(8): 637-42.

22. Tikhonov V.I., Volkov A.A. Separation of water into its ortho and para isomers. Science. 2002; 296:2363.

23. Long C.A., Ewing G.E. The infrared spectrum of bound state oxygen dimmers. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1971; 9:225.

24. Jeckenby R.E., Robbins E.J., Trevalion P.A. Proc. Roy. Soc. 1964; 280A: 409-12.

Preface to the series “Analytical reagents.................................................................. .... 5

List of main abbreviations................................................................... .......................... 9

Introduction........................................................ .............................. 12

Chapter 1. Main types of surfactants used

in analysis. Mugods of their synthesis and properties.................................................... 17

Types of surfactants................................................................. ..... 17

Synthesis of surfactants................................................................. ... 22

Purification and determination of the main substance in surfactants.................................................. ......... 29

Specific behavior of surfactants in aqueous solutions.................................................. ........................... 33

Chapter d. Modification of organic reagents with surfactants.................................................. ........................................ 48

Ionic association of organic reagents with surfactants

substances........................................................ ..................................... 48

The influence of the concentration of surfactants and strong electrolytes on the ionic association.................................................... .................... 70

Specificity of associates of chromophore organic reagents with hachi

onic surfactants.................................................................... 75

Modification of the properties of organic analytical reagents during their solubilization in micelles of anionic and nonionic surfactants................................................... .................................. 76

Chapter 3. Chemical-analytical properties of modified reagents.................................................. ........................ 80

Hydration of modified reagents.................................................... 80

The influence of surfactants on protollonic equilibria

in reagent solutions............................................................. ........................... 84

Complex-forming properties of associates.................................................... 89

Effect of strong electrolytes on complex formation in M ​​systems

K---surfactant................................................... ........................................ 103

Influence of the fourth component on the M---R---surfactant systems.................................... 107

The influence of surfactants on the rate of reactions.................................. 117

Chapter 4. Application of modified reagents in photometric

analysis........................................................ .................................... 120

Elements of group I................................................... ........................... 121

Elements of group II................................................... ........................... 124

Elements of group III................................................... ............................... 130

Elements of group IV................................................... ............................ 142

Elements of group V................................................... ........................... 151

Elements of group VI................................................... ........................ 155

Elements of group VII................................................... ............................... 161

Elements of the GS group................................................... ........................... 161

Chapter 5. Use of surfactants in other methods

analysis........................................................ ........................................... 170

Titrimetric analysis................................................... ................... 170

Luminescent analysis................................................... .................... 173

Atomic absorption and atomic emission methods of analysis.................................. 183

Electrochemical methods of analysis................................................................... ...... 186

Methods of separation and concentration.................................................................... 189

Literature................................................. .................................. 205


UDC: 543.24:678.56.06

2015. - T. 29. - No. 1(160). - pp. 31-33

Valeria Viktorovna Gundareva, Yulia Valerievna Ermolenko, Irina Nikolaevna Semenova,

A film polymer sensitive layer (FS) has been developed based on the ion immobilization of alizarin red C (AlR) into a copolymer of methyl methacrylate, ethyl acrylate and a quaternary salt of dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate. The protolytic properties of AlR in a polymer medium were studied. An increase in the acidity of immobilized AlR, expressed in an increase in its first acid dissociation constant, was established.

First page of the article


  1. Industrial Review. - No. 4 (9). - 2008. - pp. 36 - 38. RF Patent No. 2014107994/15, 03/04/2014.
  2. Ermolenko Yu.V., Kildeeva N.R., Gridina N.N., Novikova N.G., Mikhailova A.V. Optical sensitive element for determining metal ions in liquid media // Russian Patent No. 149409. 2014. Bull. No. 36.
  3. Bulatov M.I. Practical guide to photometric methods of analysis / Bulatov M.I., Kalinkin I.P. - 5th ed., revised. - L.: Chemistry, 1986. - P. 244-246.
  4. Reshetnyak E. A. Protolytic and complex-forming properties of indicators in a gelatin gel medium / Reshetnyak E. A., Nikitina N. A., Loginova L. P., Mchedlov - Petrosyan N. O., Svetlova N. V. // Bulletin of Kharkov national university. - 2005. - No. 669. - P. 67 - 82.
  5. Savvin S. B. Surface-active substances / Savvin S. B., Chernova R. K., Shtykov S. N. - M.: Nauka, 1991. - P. 84.


Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, 1971, Chemistry

Dissertations and academic degrees:

Doctor of Chemical Sciences,

Academic title:

Professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Ecology

Scientific interests:

Analytical chemistry

Total experience:

Experience in specialty:

Work at the university:

Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Ecology of SSU, from 1991 to the present.

Work history:

In 1981, I was elected to the position of senior lecturer in the same department, in 1984 to the position of associate professor of the department, and in 1988 I was awarded the academic title of associate professor. In November 1990, at the Geochemical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Solvation effects in systems of organic reagents - their complexes with metals - surfactants” in the specialties 02.00.02 analytical chemistry and 02.00.01 inorganic chemistry.

In April 1991, the USSR Higher Attestation Commission awarded me the academic degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences.

In December 1991, he was elected to the position of professor in the same department, and in 1993 he received a professor’s certificate in the same department. In 1995 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 1999 a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in the “Chemistry” section. From 1995 to 1999, he worked part-time as deputy director for science of the Research Institute of Chemistry of SSU, in 2000 he was elected to the position of dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of SSU, where he worked until September 2004. Currently, he is a professor at the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Ecology at the Institute of Chemistry SSU.

Prizes and awards:

State scientific scholarships of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences: - 1994-1996; 1997-1999 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 1993 No. 1372 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 1994)

Certificate of honor from the Ministry for the Development of Sports, Physical Culture and Tourism of the Saratov Region “For active participation in the sports movement of the teaching staff of universities in the region”, order No. 103 dated March 17, 2011.

Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Saratov Region (12/08/11 in connection with the year of chemistry for scientific activities and personnel training)

Diploma of the International Foundation “Scientific Partnership” for high scientific results and training of highly qualified personnel, 2004

Prize of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) for the best popular science article (Nature magazine 2009)

Prize from the publishing house of the Academy of Sciences MAIK-Nauka for the best scientific publication in the Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2004

Prize of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Analytical Chemistry 2016 for “For pioneering work in the field of nanoanalytics, significant contributions to luminescent analysis, thin-layer chromatography and other analytical methods”, 2016

Biographical text:

I, Shtykov Sergey Nikolaevich, was born on October 28, 1948 in Krasnoufimsk, Sverdlovsk region. In 1951, my parents moved to the village of Gornyak, three kilometers from the city, and in 1964 our family returned to Krasnoufimsk.

Father, Shtykov Nikolai Ilyich, worked for more than 20 years as an engineer in the chemical analysis laboratory of the Krasnoufimsky Mechanical Plant, and then until his retirement as a teacher at an agricultural technical school. Mother, Margarita Pavlovna Shtykova, first worked as a laboratory assistant in the chemical analysis laboratory of the locomotive depot at the city railway station, and then until retirement in the chemical analysis laboratory of a mechanical plant.

I studied the first two grades of primary school at primary school No. 6 in Krasnoufimsk, grades 3 and 4 in the village of Gornyak, and from grades 5 to 11 at secondary school No. 1 in Krasnoufimsk. After graduating from school, he entered the Faculty of Chemistry of Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky (SSU). He combined his studies with skiing, from the 3rd year onwards, for 10 years he was the best skier-racer at SSU; in 1974 he became the champion of Saratov at a distance of 50 km.

After graduating from SSU in 1971, until May 1972, he worked as an engineer at the Research Institute of Chemistry at SSU, then for more than 2 years as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Analytical Chemistry. In September 1974, he was elected as an assistant in the same department and entered correspondence graduate school with the head of the department, associate professor R.K. Chernova. In December 1980, at Perm State University he defended his thesis on the topic: “Study of the influence of surfactants on the chemical and analytical properties of chromophore organic reagents in aqueous solutions” in specialty 02.00.02 - analytical chemistry.

In November 1990, he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Geochemical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences

on the topic: “Solvation effects in systems of organic reagents - their complexes with metals - surfactants” in the specialties 02.00.02 analytical chemistry and 02.00.01 inorganic chemistry. In April 1991, the USSR Higher Attestation Commission awarded me the academic degree of Doctor of Chemical Sciences. In 1991, at the Nauka publishing house, together with prof. Savin and prof. R.K. Chernova published the world’s first monograph “Surfactants (Analytical Reagents”), 251 p.

In 1981, I was elected to the position of senior lecturer in the same department, in 1984 to the position of associate professor of the department, and in 1988 I was awarded the academic title of associate professor. In December 1991, he was elected to the position of professor in the same department, and in 1993 he received a professor’s certificate in the same department. In 1995 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 1999 a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in the “Chemistry” section. From 1995 to 1999, he worked part-time as Deputy Director for Science of the Research Institute of Chemistry of SSU; in 2000, he was elected to the position of Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of SSU, where he worked until September 2004.

I accept active participation in public work at the regional, federal and international levels . In 1995, he was elected chairman of the Saratov regional branch of the Russian Chemical Society named after. D.I. Mendeleev, in 1998 a member of the Central Board of the Russian Chemical Society, and in 2007 a member of the Presidium of the Russian Cultural Society (Moscow), from 2011 to 2016. was the chairman of the audit committee of the Presidium. In 2005, the Presidium nominated me as a representative of the Russian Chemical Society in the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (DAC EuCheMS). In 2015, he was elected Chairman of the Nanoanalytics Working Group of DAC EuCheMS. Since 1998, I have been a member of the Scientific Council on Analytical Chemistry (NSAC) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, since 2005, for the third term, a member of the Bureau of the Scientific Council on Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and since 1998, also the chairman of the Volga regional branch of the NSAC. In the Bureau of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, I am deputy chairman of the commission on optical spectral analysis, co-chairman of the commission on nanoanalytics, member of the commission on international relations, on chemical sensors and on the analysis of medical objects. Since 1997, I have been the Chairman of the section “Chemical Luminescence Analysis” of the Scientific Council (SC) on Luminescence of the Department of General Physics and Astronomy. In 2001, he became a member of the “Surfactants” section of the Scientific Council on colloid chemistry and physical and chemical mechanics, and since 2007 he became a member of this Scientific Council. I actively participate in international activities: in 1997 an observer, in 1998-1999 an associate member, and in 2000-2001. – Titular member of the Division of Analytical Chemistry IUPAC (Commission on Spectrochemical and Other Optical Methods of Analysis). Member of the editorial boards of two foreign scientific journals in India and Ukraine. Organized in 2007 the international symposium “ARGUS-2007-Nanoanalytics”, in 1999 the all-Russian conference with international participation “Organic analytical reagents in analysis”, two all-Russian seminars on luminescence (1999 and 2001), two visiting meetings (Bureau NSAA RAS, Volgograd, 2005) and the section of surfactants (Saratov, 1999), two all-Russian conferences of young scientists. Organized the first collective use center in Saratov and SSU. Member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Chemistry (1995-2004, 2009-present), scientific secretary (2005-2006) of the dissertation council D 212.243.07 and its member since 1993.

Scientific activity. I am the author of the concept of “Nanoanalytics” as a part of analytical chemistry, developing the principles and methods of using nanoobjects and nanotechnologies in the analysis, one of the leading scientists in the field of analytical, physical, colloidal and supramolecular chemistry of organized media. Nanoobjects and nanotechnologies are used for the development of photometric, fluorescent, phosphorimetric methods of analysis, optical and piezoquartz chemical sensors, micellar and magnetic solid-phase extraction, thin-layer, high-performance liquid and gas chromatography. I pay much attention to the study of the thermodynamics of organized media, the kinetics of reactions in them, and the use of the molecular probe method to study them. In total, I am developing more than 10 different scientific areas, reflected in the “Certificate of Scientific Activities”.

The research results were published in 385 works, including 2 monographs, 10 chapters in 8 monographs, 14 textbooks, 340 articles in the central press (including more than 200 in journals of the Higher Attestation Commission), certificates of authorship (Ac) - 6, patents - 9, for 15 developments, certificates of implementation or use of AC were received. In this area, the team under my leadership has prepared and defended 8 doctoral dissertations (3 in physical and 5 in analytical chemistry) and 20 candidate dissertations (including 4 in physical chemistry) over the past 20 years. Currently the supervisor of one candidate's dissertation. Over the past 20 years, in Russia and abroad, he has personally given more than 60 plenary, keynote, invited and oral sectional presentations and, together with colleagues, more than 290 poster presentations at conferences on analytical and colloidal chemistry, physical chemistry of solutions, supramolecular chemistry, luminescence and chromatography.

I am a leader 7 research grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (1994-2016), 4 grants from the Ministry of Education (1996-2001), scientific program “Development of the scientific potential of higher education” in the direction of “New materials and chemical technologies, including nanomaterials and nanotechnologies » Ministry of Education and Science (2005), State Contract No. 02.513.11.3028 Agency for Science and Innovation on the same topic, project part of the Ministry of Education and Science (2014-2016). Two-time winner (1994-96 and 1997-99) of scholarships from the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the MAIK Science award for the best publication in 2004 in the Journal of Analytical Chemistry and the RFBR award in 2009 for the best popular science article (Nature magazine) , Soros Professor (2001). He was included in the organizing committees of 6 international (including Euroanalysis-16 (Belgrade) and Euroanalysis-17 (Warsaw)), as well as 10 all-Russian conferences.

Works are widely cited (RSCI-1760 , Hirsch - 18, WoS-1313, Hirsch-16 (, students work at universities in Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Italy and Sweden, each having 3-5 trained candidates of science. In 2014, among 7 Russian scientists received the high title " Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation » signed by the President of Russia.

In 1999-2000, he trained for 4 months at the University of Okayama (Japan), in 2009 in Udense (Denmark), in 2012 at Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), and repeatedly gave invited lectures abroad: in universities in Tokyo, Okayama, Hiroshima (Japan), Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden), Udense University (Denmark).

In area pedagogical activity I teach courses “History and methodology of chemistry”, “History of chemistry”, “Analytical chemistry of nanoobjects” ”, “Current problems of analytical chemistry”, “Spectroscopic methods of analysis and research”, “Nanochemistry and nanotechnology”, “Nanochemistry”, “Nanotechnology in analytics”, “Methods of chemical identification of substances”, “Certification, metrology and standardization in chemical analysis”, “I am supervisor of more than 70 theses. For the first time, he introduced new spectroscopic methods for the analysis and study of substances at the faculty, as well as methods of capillary gas, high-performance liquid, thin-layer chromatography and the modern method of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and applied nanotechnology in the creation of chemical sensors.

Disciplines taught:

History and methodology of chemistry

Methods for chemical identification of substances

Analytical chemistry of nanoobjects (graduate students)

Modern spectroscopic methods for the analysis of new materials (masters)

Application of atomic spectroscopy methods (Bachelors of Law)

Nanochemistry and nanotechnology (1-year master's degree)

History of Chemistry (Bachelors and Chemist Teachers)

Nanochemistry (bachelors in chemistry)

Main scientific publications:


  1. Savvin S.B., Chernova R.K., Shtykov S.N. Surfactants (Analytical reagents). - M.: Nauka, 1991. - 251 p. ISBN 5-02-001346-3
  2. Shtykov S.N., Popova T.A. Research Institute of Chemistry // In the book: Faculty of Chemistry of Saratov State University. Pages of history. Saratov: Scientific book. 2004. P.38-65. ISBN 5-93888-589-2 / Ed. Shtykova S.N. and Fedotova O.V.
  3. Shtykov S.N. Faculty of Chemistry In the book: Faculty of Chemistry of Saratov State University. Pages of history. 350 c. Saratov: Scientific book. 2004. P.7-37. ISBN 5-93888-589-2 / Ed. Shtykova S.N. and Fedotova O.V.
  4. Shtykov S.N. Organized nanosystems in analytical chemistry In the book: Advances in analytical chemistry: to the 75th anniversary of academician Yu.A. Zolotov / resp. re. OK. Shpigun. M.: Nauka, 2007. P.301-308. ISBN 978-5-02-036112-6
  5. Fundamentals of nanoindustry / Glukhova O.E., Gorokhovsky A.V., Zhukov N.D., Klimov B.N., Shtykov S.N., Shchegolev S.Yu. – Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. Univ., 2009. – 384 p. ISBN 978-5-292-03982-2
  6. Shtykov S.N. “Supramolecular chemistry and chemical analysis” In the book: “Analytical chemists about themselves and their science.” Chapter 9. pp. 216-236. / Ed.-comp. Yu.A. Zolotov, M.: V.A. Shaposhnik. - Book house “Librokom”. 2011. 320 p. ISBN 978-5-397-01571-4
  7. Shtykov S.N., Rusanova T.Yu. “Nanosensors” In the book: “Problems of analytical chemistry” / Scientific Council on Analytical Chemistry OKHM RAS. - M.: Nauka, 2010. - T.14: “Chemical sensors”. Ch. 8. P.352-362. / ed. Yu.G.Vlasova M.: Nauka, 2011. 399 p. ISBN 978-5-02-037511-6
  8. Berezkin V.G., Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G. Thin Layer Chromatography with a Controlled Gas Phase Influencing on the Separation. In: Advances in Chromatography. Vol.51. Chapter 7. P.281-306. /Ed. by Eli Grushka and Nelu Grinberg. - CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC USA. Boca 2013. 316 p.
  9. Shtykov S.N. Concept, achievements and prospects of nanoanalytics. In the book: Institute of Chemistry. New scientific achievements 2009-2014. Collective monograph. – Saratov: Kubik Publishing House, 2014. – P. 105-110. ISBN 978-5-91818-411-0
  10. Shtykov S.N. Luminescent analysis in organized media. In the book: “Problems of Analytical Chemistry” / Scientific Council on Analytical Chemistry OKHM RAS. - M.: Nauka, 2015. - T.19: “Luminescent Analysis” / Ed. Romanovskaya G.I. P.121-155. ISBN 978-5-02-039147-5
  11. Shtykov S.N. Nanoobjects and nanotechnologies in analytical chemistry: definitions, classification, history, main results In the book: “Problems of analytical chemistry” / Scientific Council on Analytical Chemistry OKHM RAS. - M.: Nauka, 2015. - T.20: “Nanoobjects and nanotechnologies in chemical analysis” Chapter 1.1. pp. 11-41. / ed. S.N. Shtykova. 431 p. ISBN 978-5-02-039185-7
  12. Smirnova T.D., Shtykov S.N. Energy transfer in nanosystems: application in luminescence analysis. In the book: “Problems of analytical chemistry” / Scientific Council on Analytical Chemistry OKHM RAS. - M.: Nauka, 2015. - T.20: “Nanoobjects and nanotechnologies in chemical analysis” Chapter 2.4. pp. 123-150. / ed. S.N. Shtykova. 431 p. ISBN 978-5-02-039185-7
  13. 13. Nanoanalytics: Nanoobjects and Nanotechnologies in Analytical Chemistry / Ed. by Sergei Shtykov. De Gruyter. Berlin, Germany, 2018. 446 p.

    14. Shtykov S.N. Nanoanalytics: definitions, classification, history and primary advances. In: Nanoanalytics: Nanoobjects and Nanotechnologies in Analytical Chemistry. Pt. I: Nanoanalytics: Concepts, Elements, and Peculiarities. Chapter 1. P.3-52 / Ed. by Sergei Shtykov – De Gruyter. Berlin, Germany, 2018. DOI (Chapter):

    ISBN 978-3-11-054006-2; e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-054201-1

    15. Smirnova T.D., Shtykov S.N., Zhelobitskaya E.A. Energy transfer in liquid and solid nanoobjects: Application in luminescent analysis. In: Nanoanalytics: Nanoobjects and Nanotechnologies in Analytical Chemistry. Pt. II: Application in spectrometric methods. Chapter 5. P.131-162 / Ed. by Sergei Shtykov – De Gruyter. Berlin, Germany, 2018.


  1. Kulapina E.G., Shtykov S.N. Tests on analytical chemistry (for 1st year students of the Faculty of Biology). – Saratov, 1978. 21 p.
  2. Shtykov S.N., Smirnova T.D. Methods of water analysis (Teaching manual for students of the Geological Faculty). – Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. University, 1992.- 116 p. ISBN 5-292-01658-6
  3. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Tyurina N.V. Thin layer chromatography. Theoretical foundations and practical application: educational method. allowance. – Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. University, 2002.- 108 p. ( Grif. UMO) ISBN 5-292-02939-4
  4. Molecular electronics and Langmuir-Blodgett films: textbook. aid for students chem. and physical fak. / B.N. Klimov, S.N. Shtykov, G.Yu. Naumenko, etc.: Under the general editorship. B.N. Klimova, S.N. Shtykova. – Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. University, 2004. – Part 1-116 p. ISBN 5-292-03329-4
  5. Smirnova T.D., Shtykov S.N. Analytical chemistry: Educational method. aid for students geol. fak. - – Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. Univ., 2004. – 124 p. ISBN 5-292-03267-0
  6. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Tyurina N.V. Thin layer chromatography. Theoretical foundations and practical application: textbook. aid for students chem. Faculty.. – Saratov: 2nd ed., add. Publishing house Sarat. University, 2006.- 112 p. ( Vulture UMO) ISBN 5-292-03573-4
  7. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Tyurina N.V. Fundamentals of the modifying action of surfactants in liquid chromatography: textbook. aid for students chem. fak. – Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. Univ., 2006.-136 p. ISBN 5-292-03579-3
  8. Shtykov S.N., Rusanova T.Yu. Problems and trends in the development of modern analytical chemistry: Proc. aid for students chem. Faculty and students of IDPO, directions. "Chemistry". – Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. University, 2006.- 32 p. ISBN 5-292-03558-0
  9. Klimov B.N., Shtykov S.N., Gorin D.A., Glukhovskoy E.G., Portnov S.A., Neveshkin A.A., Yashchenok A.M., Inozemtseva O.A., Karagaychev A. L.L., Rumyantseva S.S. Physico-chemistry of nanostructured materials: Guide to laboratory practical work: Textbook for students. fak. nano- and biomedical technologies / Under the general editorship. Klimova B.N., Shtykova S.N. – Saratov: 2008. – 97 p. ISBN 978-5-98116-055-4
  10. Berezkin V.G., Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Atayan V.Z., Zagniboroda D.A., Nekhoroshev G.A., Chausov A.V. Thin layer chromatography with controlled gas phase influencing the separation. – M.: INHS RAS, 2008. – 39 p.
  11. Klimov B.N., Shtykov S.N., Gorin D.A., Inozemtseva O.A., Glukhovskoy E.G., Yashchenok A.M., Kolesnikova T.A. Physico-chemistry of nanostructured materials: Textbook. aid for students fak. nano- and biomed. technologies / ed. Klimova B.N., Shtykova S.N. – Saratov: Publishing House “New Wind”, 2009. – 217 p. ISBN 978-5-98116-089-9
  12. Rusanova T.Yu., Shtykov S.N. Nanotechnologies in optical and piezoquartz sensors: Textbook. aid for students chem. fak. and fact. nano- and biomed. technologies of SSU, - Saratov: “Scientific book”, 2009. – 65 p. ISBN 978-5-9758-1092-2
  13. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Zagniboroda D.A., Uglanova V.Z. A new version of controlled gas phase thin layer chromatography. Saratov: Publishing house Saratovsk. un-ta. 2011. 86 p. (electronic edition).
  14. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Uglanova V.Z., Kulakova N.V. Thin layer chromatography. Theoretical foundations and practical application // Textbook. 3rd edition, expanded. Saratov: SSU, 2012 . – 128 p. http//

Articles in the central press and abroad

208.Smirnova T.D., Shtykov S.N., Zhelobitskaya E.A. Energy transfer in liquid and solid nanoobjects: application in luminescent analysis // Physical Sciences Reviews. 2018. V. 3. No. 12. P. DOI:

207. Egunova O.R., Shtykov S.N. Concentration of some fluoroquinolone antibiotics using magnetic solid-phase extraction on magnetite nanoparticles // Sorption and Chromatogr. processes. 2018. T. 18. No. 6. P. 825-835.

206. Reshetnikova I.S., Romanevich A.S., Shtykov S.N. Spectrophotometric study of the stability of solutions of quercetin and rutin at different acidity of the environment // Izv. Saratovsk. un-ta. New episode. Chemistry series. Biology. Ecology. 2018. T.18. No. 3. P.256-259. 10.18500/1816-9775-2018-18-3-256-259.

205. Kazimirova K.O. Shtykov S.N. Synthesis and functionalization of magnetic magnetite nanoparticles with chitosan // Izv. Saratovsk. un-ta. New episode. Chemistry series. Biology. Ecology. 2018. T.18. No. 2. P.126-133. DOI: 10.18500/1816-9775-2018-18-2-126-133.

204. Al-Alwani A.J., Kosolapova K.I., Chumakov A.S., Lukyanova V.O., Gorbachev I.A., Kazak A.V., Smirnova A.I., Shtykov S.N., Usol'tseva N.V. , GlukhovskoyE.G.Studying of Surfactant Excess Separation from Non-aqueous Quantum Dots Solution on its Monolayer Formation Process // BioNanoSci. 2018. V. 8. No. 4. P. 1081-1086. DOI 10.1007/s12668-018-0537-0Scopus

203 . Svenskaya Y.I., Fattah H., Inozemtseva O.A., Ivanova A.G., Shtykov S.N., Gorin D.A., Parakhonskiy B.V. Key Parameters for Size- and Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Vaterite Particles // Cryst. Growth Des. 2018. V. 18. No. 1. P. 331-337.

DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.7b01328 Print Edition ISSN: 1528-7483 Web Edition ISSN: 1528-7505 2016 Impact Factor: 4.055 Web of Science, Scopus

202. Chumakov A.S., Al-Alwani A.J., Gorbachev I.A., Ermakov A.V., Kletsov A.A., Glukhovskoy E.G., Kazak A.V., Usoltseva N.V., Shtykov S.N.Temperature and Mixing Ratio Effects in the Formation of CdSe/CdS/ZnS Quantum Dots with 4′- n-octyl-4-p-Cyanobiphenyl Thin Films // BioNanoSci. 2017. V. 7. No. 4. P. 666-671. DOI: 10.1007/s12668-017-0449-4 Scopus

201. Gorbachev I.A., Shtykov S.N., Brezesinski G., Glukhovskoy E.G. Studying of quantum dots Langmuir monolayers stability at the different subphase temperature // BioNanoSci. 2017. V.7. No. 4. P. 686-691. DOI 10.1007/s12668-017-0404-4 ISSN: 2191-1630 (print version) ISSN: 2191-1649 (electronic version) Scopus

200. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G., Uglanova V.Z., Sorokina O.N. Thin-layer chromatography of some amino acids on silica gel in aqueous-organic and modified micellar mobile phases // Zh. analyte chemistry. 2017. T. 72. No. 8. P. 742-750.

199. Kazimirova K.O., Khabibullin V.R., Reshetnikova I.S., Egunova O.R., Shtykov S.N. Concentration of food azo dyes E110 and E124 on magnetite nanoparticles modified with CTAB // Izv. Saratovsk. un-ta. New episode. Chemistry series. Biology. Ecology. 2017. T.17. No. 2. pp. 138-142. DOI10.18500/1816-9775-2017-17-2-138-142

198. Smirnova T.D., Shtykov S.N., Zhelobitskaya E.A., Safarova M.I. Determination of flunixin by the method of sensitized terbium fluorescence in the presence of surfactant micelles // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2017. T. 72. No. 5. P. 481-485.

DOI: 10.7868/S0044450217050127

197. Kartsev V.N., Shtykov S.N. Pankin K.E. To assess the state of the intrinsic macroscopic force field of liquids // Zhurn. structures. chemistry. 2017. T. 58. No. 4. P.759-764. DOI10.15372/JSC20170409

196.Spivakov B.Ya., Shtykov S.N. Department of Analytical Chemistry of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences // Zavodsk Lab. Diagnostics of materials. 2016. T.82. No. 12. pp. 66-70. ISSN1028-6861 WoS, ScopusIF0.288 RSCI

195. Kobtsov S.N., Shtykov S.N., Mandych V.G., Ilyasov I.Kh., Isaev I.N., Dubrovsky D.S. Titrimetric determination of the mass fraction of the main substance in standard samples of the composition of toxic chemicals and their destruction products // Theoret. applied ecology. 2016. No. 4. P.74-80. ISSN 1995-4301

194. Shtykov S.N. Luminescent analysis (Problems of analytical chemistry). T.19, ed. Romanovskaya G.I. M.: Nauka, 2015. 285 p. // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2016. T. 71. No. 10. P. 1118-1119 DOI: 10.7868/S0044450216100133

193. Magdalena Matczuk, Joanna Legat, Sergei N. Shtykov, Maciej Jarosz, Andrei R. Timerbaev. Characterization of the protein corona of gold nanoparticles by an advanced treatment of CE-ICP-MS data // Electrophoresis. 2016. V. 37. No. 15-16. P.2257-2259. DOI 10.1002/elps.201600152

192. Egunova O.R., Reshetnikova I.S., Shtykov S.N., Mirgorodskaya A.B., Zakharova L.Ya. Sorption-fluorimetric determination of enrofloxacin using magnetite nanoparticles modified with mono- and dicationic surfactants // Sorption and chromatographic processes. 2016. T. 16. No. 4. P. 430-438.

191. Bashko E.S., Shtykov S.N. The influence of the nature of the solvent on the extraction of cannabinoids from plant spice matrices // Sorption and chromatographic processes. 2016. T. 16. No. 4. P. 505-514.

190. Egunova O.R., Reshetnikova I.S., German S.V., Kazimirova K.O., Khabibullin V.R., Zhelobitskaya E.A., Shtykov S.N. Sorption-fluorimetric determination of enrofloxacin using magnetite nanoparticles modified with polyethylenimine // Izv. Saratovsk. un-ta. New episode. Chemistry series. Biology. Ecology. 2016. T.16. No. 1. pp. 48-52.

DOI 10.18500/1816-9775-2016-16-1-48-52

189. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G., Atayan V.Z., Berezkin V.G. Thin layer chromatography of benzoic acids with a controlled gas phase: a comparison of different stationary phases // J. Planar Chrom.- Modern TLC. 2016. Vol. 29. No. 1. P. 66-71. DOI 10.1556/1006.2016.29.1.8

188. Egunova O.R., German S.V., Vrabie Ya.A., Shtykov S.N. Synthesis of monodisperse magnetite: influence of temperature, concentration of sodium hydroxide and citric acid on the size of nanoparticles // Izv. Saratovsk. un-ta. New episode. Chemistry series. Biology. Ecology. 2015. T.15. No. 4. pp. 10-15.

187. Al-Saidi M.Z.T., Shtykov S.N. Influence of temperature, isotopic composition of water and ethanol on the tautomeric equilibrium of sulfonated phenylazonaphthols // Izv. Saratovsk. un-ta. New episode. Chemistry series. Biology. Ecology. 2015. T.15. No. 3. P. 5-9.

186. Al-Saidi M.Z.T., Shtykov S.N. Evaluation of the interphase distribution of phenylazonaphthols in the water-surfactant micelle system according to TLC data // Sorption and chromatographic processes. 2015. T. 15. No. 3. P. 443-449. ISSN 1680-0613 IF (RSCI 2013) 0.267

185. Gorbachev I.A., Shtykov S.N., Glukhovskoy E.G. Preparation and fluorescence of multilayer Langmuir-Blodgett films containing CdSe/CdS/ZnS quantum dots // Izv. Saratovsk. un-ta. New episode. Physics series. 2015. T. No. 1. P. 40-45.

184. Batov D.V., Kartsev V.N., Shtykov S.N. Heat capacity, electrical conductivity and structural changes of microemulsions water - sodium dodecyl sulfate - triethanolamine - 1-pentanol - 1,1,2,2-tetrafluorodibromoethane // Zh. str. chemistry. 2015. T.56. No. 2. pp. 282-287.

183. Al-Saidi M.Z.T., Shtykov S.N. Synthesis and spectroscopic study of some phenylazonaphthols // Izv. Saratovsk. un-ta. New episode. Chemistry series. Biology. Ecology. 2015. T.15. No. 1. pp. 9-14.

182. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Pankratov A.N., Uglanova V.Z., Tsymbal O.A., Danchuk A.I. Separate determination of oleanolic and glycyrrhizic acids by reverse phase thin layer chromatography in aqueous-organic and modified micellar mobile phases // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2014. T.14. No. 6. P.948-959.

181. Romanov O.E., Budinov S.V., Shtykov S.N. Thin layer chromatography of vitamins A and E on silica gel // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2014. T.14. No. 4. pp. 563-571.

180. Egunova O.R., Konstantinova T.A., Shtykov S.N. Magnetic magnetite nanoparticles in separation and concentration // 2014. T. 14. Issue.4. WITH.27-34.

179. Shtykov S. Nanoanalytics – a Reply of Analytical Chemistry to the Era of Nanotechnology // J. Anal. Bioanal. Tech. 2014. V. 5. No. 4. P. 35. ISSN: 2155-9872

178. Shtykov S. Supramolecular and nanobiomimetic approach to optimization of analytical reactions // J. Anal. Bioanal. Tech. 2014. V.5. No. 4. P.46. ISSN: 2155-9872

177. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Sorokina O.N., Prozapas O.N., Uglanova V.Z. Liquid chromatography of some flavonoids on reverse phase in aqueous-organic and modified micellar mobile phases // Zh. analyte chemistry. 2014. T. 69. No. 12. P.1295-1302.

176. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Sorokina O.N., Uglanova V.Z. Liquid chromatography of some steroid hormones in aqueous-organic, micellar and cyclodextrin mobile phases // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2014. T.69. No. 10. pp. 1105-1113.

175. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Sorokina O.N., Petrakova A.V., Uglanova V.Z., Barysheva S.V. Thin-layer chromatography of flavonoids on silica gel in modified micellar mobile phases based on sodium dodecyl sulfate // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2014. T.14. No. 1. P.52-64.

174. Shtykov S.N. Nanoanalytics: problems of concept and metrology // Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University. N.I. Lobachevsky. 2013. No. 5. P.55-60.

173. Batov D.V., Kartsev V.N., Shtykov S.N. The influence of temperature on the enthalpy of formation of microemulsions water-o-xylene-triton X-100 // Zhurn. physical chemistry. A. 2013. T.87. No. 3. P.382-386.

172. Parashchenko I.I., Smirnova T.D., Shtykov S.N., Kochubey V.I., Zhukova N.N.

Solid-phase doxycycline-sensitized fluorescence of europium on silica gel in the presence of a surfactant // Zh. analyte chemistry. 2013. T.68. No. 2. P.125-129.

171. Batov D.V., Kartsev V.N., Shtykov S.N. Preparation, heat capacity and flammable properties of water–surfactant–halogenated hydrocarbon microemulsions suitable for creating combined fire extinguishing agents. adj. chemistry. 2012. T. 85. No. 12. P. 1218-1223.

170. Parashchenko I.I., Udalova A.Yu., Smirnova T.D., Shtykov S.N., Zhukova N.N. Express sorption-fluorescence determination of doxycycline in drugs // Izv. Saratovsk. un-ta. New episode. Chemistry series. Biology. Ecology.2012. T. 12. Issue 2. pp. 16 – 20.

169. Kartsev V.N., Shtykov S.N., Pankin K.E., Batov D.V. Molecular forces and internal pressure of liquids // Journal. structures. chemistry. 2012. T.53. No. 6. P.1114-1119.

168. Kartsev V.N., Shtykov S.N., Pankin K.E., Batov D.V. Towards an understanding of the nature of internal pressure of liquids // Monitoring. Science and technology. 2012. No. 2. P.65-70. ISSN 2076-7358 Impact RSCI 0.455

167. Zakharova L.Ya., Valeeva F.G., Ibragimova A.R., Zakharov A.V., Shtykov S.N., Bogomolova I.V., Konovalov A.I. Factors determining the catalytic activity of the mixed micellar system cetyltrimethylammonium bromide-Bridge-35 in the hydrolysis reaction of phosphonic acid ester // Kinetics and catalysis. 2012. T.53. No. 3. pp. 358-367.

166. Shtykov S.N., Kobtsov S.N., Ilyasov I.Kh., Isaev I.N., Dubrovsky D.S., Yazynin S.V. State standard samples of the composition of toxic chemicals and their detoxification products in the system of environmental control and monitoring of facilities for the destruction of chemical weapons // Theoretic. and adj. ecology. 2011. No. 4. P.57-62.

165. Kobtsov S.N., Kuranov G.N., Shtykov S.N., Davydova V.N., Denisov S.N., Zelenikin D.V. Determination of the mass fraction of the main substance in standard samples of the composition of O-alkylmethylphosphonates by potentiometric titration // Zavodsk. lab. Diagnostics of materials. 2011. T.77. No. 12. P.65-70.

164. Vorozheikin S.B., Bashko E.S., Shtykov S.N. Thin layer chromatography of amino acids in micellar mobile phases on silica gel // Sorption and Chromatogr. processes. 2011. T.11. No. 6. P.840-847.

163. Pankin K. E., Ivanova Yu. V., Kuzmina R. I., Shtykov S. N. Comparison of liquid biofuels with oil fuels according to environmental characteristics // Chemistry and technology. fuels and oils. 2011. T.47. No. 3. P.3-6.

162. Pankin K. E., Ivanova Yu. V., Kuzmina R. I., Shtykov S. N. Comparison of liquid biofuels with oil fuels according to operational characteristics // Chemistry and Tekhnol. fuels and oils. 2011. T.47. No. 2. P.23-25.

161. Pankin K.E., Ivanova Yu.V., Kuzmina R.I., Shtykov S.N. Comparison of physicochemical characteristics of biofuel and petroleum products // Chemistry and technology. fuels and oils. 2011. T.47. No. 1. P.8-10.

160. Smirnova T.D., Shtykov S.N., Kochubey V.I., Khryachkova E.I. Excitation energy transfer in europium chelate with doxycycline in the presence of a second ligand in micellar solutions of nonionic surfactants // Optics and Spectrosc. 2011. T.110. No. 1. P.65-71.

159. Kuzmina R.I., Shtykov S.N. Pankin K.E., Ivanova Yu.V., Panina T.G. Pyrogenetic processing of some wood waste and seed shelling waste // Chemistry of plant raw materials. 2010. No. 3. P.61-65.

158. Smirnova T.D., Shtykov S.N., Nevryueva N.V., Zhemerichkin D.A., Parashchenko I.I. Fluorimetric determination of flumequin using sensitized terbium fluorescence in organized media // Khim. pharm. magazine 2010. T.44. No. 11. P.13-16.

157. Shtykov S.N., Smirnova T.D., Nevryueva N.V., Bogomolova I.V. Complexes with energy transfer in organized media for the determination of flumequin in biological objects. Izv. universities Chemistry and chem. technol. 2010. T. 53. No. 11. P. 24-28.

156. Kuzmina R.I., Shtykov S.N., Pankin K.E., Ivanova Yu.V., Panina T.G. High-temperature processing of food waste // Food industry. 2010. No. 7. P.20-21

155. Smirnova T.D., Shtykov S.N., Nevryueva N.V. Reversed-phase HPLC of flumequin and ciprofloxacin in organized media // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2010. T.10. No. 1. P.142-149.

154. Sorokina O.N., Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Atayan V.Z., Barysheva S.V. Separation of D‑ and L‑ isomers of amino acids by thin layer chromatography in an aqueous mobile phase based on 2‑hydroxypropyl‑‑cyclodextrin // Sorption and Chromatogr. processes. 2010. T.10. No. 1. P.135-141.

153. Kartsev V.N., Polikhronidi N.G., Batov D.V., Shtykov S.N., Stepanov G.V. Model approach to solving problems of thermodynamics of microemulsion systems. Assessing the adequacy of the two-phase model of microemulsions // Journal. physical chemistry. 2010. T. 84. No. 2. P.220-228.

152. Kuzmina R.I., Shtykov S.N. Ivanova Yu.V., Pankin K.E. Calculation of the heat of combustion of biofuel... // Chemistry and technology. fuels and oils. 2009.T.45. No. 6. P. 40-42.

151. Shtykov S.N. In the Saratov regional branch of the Russian Chemical Society named after. D.I. Mendeleev // Chemistry in Russia. 2009. No. 3. P.24-26.

150. Sumina E.G., Vorontsova M.A., Zagniboroda D.A., Shtykov S.N. Influence of the gas phase and surfactant micelles on the separation of phenol derivatives by thin layer chromatography // Sorption and Chromatogr. processes. 2009. T.9. No. 6. P.883-892.

149. Smirnova T.D., Shtykov S.N., Parashchenko I. Fluorimetric determination of europium based on the transfer of excitation energy in organized media // Non-ferrous metals. 2009. No. 11. P. 55-58.

148. Rusanova T.Yu., Kalach A.V., Rumyantseva S.S., Shtykov S.N., Ryzhkina I.S. Determination of vapors of highly volatile organic solvents using piezosensors modified with Langmuir-Blodgett films of calixresorcinarene // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2009. T.64. No. 12. P.1299-1303.

147. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Berezkin V.G., Zagniboroda D.A., Atayan V.Z. New method of thin layer chromatography with controlled gas phase // Zhurn. analyte chemistry. 2009. T.64. No. 12. P.1256-1264.

146. Smirnova T.D., Nevryueva N.V., Shtykov S.N., Kochubey V.I., Zhemerichkin D.A. Determination of warfarin by the method of sensitized fluorescence using organized media // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2009. T. 64. No. 11. P. 1142-1147.

145. Rusanova T.Yu., Levina N.A., Shtykov S.N. Sol-gel materials with immobilized triphenylmethane dyes as sensitive elements of optical pH sensors // Izv. Saratovsk. un-ta. New episode. Chemistry series. Biology. Ecology. 2009. Vol. 9. Vol. 1. pp. 7–12.

144. Shtykov S.N. Organized media – the world of liquid nanosystems // Nature. 2009. No. 7. P.12-20.

143. Rusanova T.Yu., Taranov V.A., Shtykov S.N., Goryacheva I.Yu. Piezoquartz immunosensor based on Langmuir-Blodgett films for the determination of pyrene in aqueous media. Zavodsk. lab. 2009. T.75. No. 5. P.23-27.

142. Shtykov S.N., Smirnova T.D., Nevryueva N.V., Zhemerichkin D.A. Fluorimetric determination of doxycycline using europium chelate and 1.10-phenanthroline in micellar solutions of Triton X-100 // Izv. universities Chemistry and chem. technol. 2009. T.52. No. 1. P.39-42.

141. Kartsev V.N., Shtykov S.N., Bogomolova I.V., Ryzhov I.P. Thermodynamic stability of microemulsion based on sodium dodecyl sulfate // J. Mol. Liq. 2009. V.145. No. 3. P.173-176.

140. Larionova D.A., Shtykov S.N., Beloglazova N.V., Koroleva E.N. Fluorimetric determination of histamine with o-phthalaldehyde in the presence of nucleophilic agents, surfactant micelles and cyclodextrins // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2008. T. 63. No. 11. P. 1147-1153.

139. Neveshkin A.A., Gorin D.A., Klimov B.N., Rusanova T.Yu., Shtykov S.N. Preparation of nanosized films of calixresorcinarenes based on a combination of polyion assembly and Langmuir-Blodgett methods // Nano- and microsystem technology. 2008. No. 7. P.24-27.

138. Shtykov S.N., Rusanova T.Yu. Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies in chemical and biochemical sensors: capabilities and applications // Ros. chem. magazine 2008. T.52. No. 2. P.92-100.

137. Sumina E.G., Atayan V.Z., Shtykov S.N. Application of cyclodextrin mobile phases in thin layer chromatography of organic reagents of the xanthene and quinoline series // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2008. T.8. No. 1. P.83-93.

136. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Zagniboroda D.A., Atayan V.Z., Berezkin V.G. Micellar and ion-pair TLC of ionized compounds in surfactant solutions in the presence of gas modifiers in a chromatographic chamber // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2008. T.8. No. 1. P.44-49.

135. Gorin D.A., Portnov S.A., Inozemtseva O.A., Karagaichev A.L., Neveshkin A.A., Khlebtsov B.N., Shtykov S.N. Polyelectrolyte microcapsules containing sulfonated b-cyclodextrin molecules in the structure of a nanosized shell // Colloid. magazine 2008. T.70. No. 2. P. 175-180.

134. Neveshkin A.A., Rusanova T.Yu., Podkosov K.V., Serdobintsev A.A., Shtykov S.N., Klimov B.N., Gorin D.A., Rumyantseva S.S., Ryzhkina I.S. The influence of metal ions on the formation and properties of monolayers and nanosized Langmuir-Blodgett films based on aminomethylated calixresorcinarenes. physical chemistry. 2008. T. 82. No. 2. P.316-321.

133. Zakharova L.Ya., Valeeva F.G., Ibragimova A.R., Zakharov V.M., Kudryavtseva L.A., Elistratova Yu.G., Mustafina A.R., Konovalov A.I., Shtykov S.N., Bogomolova I.V. Properties of the binary micellar system sodium dodecyl sulfate - bridge-35 and their effect on the alkaline hydrolysis of o-ethyl-o-p-ni// Colloid. magazine 2007. T. 69. No. 6. P. 766-774.

132. Shtykov S.N. Organized nanosystems in analytical chemistry // Uspekhi analyt. chemistry: to the 75th anniversary of academician. Yu.A. Zolotova. M.: Nauka, 2007. P.301-308.

131. Gorin D.A., Neveshkin A.A., Rusanova T.Yu., Shtykov S.N., Klimov B.N., Podkosov K.V., Ryzhkina I.S., Lukashenko S.S. Monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett films based on diphilic aminomethylated calixresorcinarenes // Nano and microsystem technology. 2007. No. 1.P.57-60.

130. Mentov E.V., Korotkov S.G., Shtykov S.N., Kuzmina R.I. Determination of thiophene in natural gas and in the air of the working area by capillary gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2007. T.7. No. 4. P.603-609.

129. Berezkin V.G., Chausov A.V., Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G. The influence of changes in the composition of the gas phase surrounding the plate on the retention of separated components in TLC // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2007. T.7. No. 1. P. 106-110.

128. Berezkin V.G., Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Zagniboroda D.A., Atayan V.Z. Dynamic modification of chromatographic separation in TLC based on the properties of the gas phase // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2007. T.7. No. 1. P.28-32.

127. Inozemtseva O.A., Pipin S.V., Shtykov S.N., Kurochkina G.I., Grachev M.K., Pankin K.E. Synthesis of amphiphilic bromo derivatives of b-cyclodextrin as potential receptor molecules for phosphorescence at room temperature. Izv. Sarat. un-ta. New episode. Chemistry series. Biology. Ecology. 2007. T.7. Vol. 1.S. 15-20.

126. Yashchenok A.M., Gorin D.A., Pankin K.E., Lomova M.V., Shtykov S.N., Klimov B.N., Kurochkina G.I., Grachev M.K. Transfer coefficient of Langmuir-Blodgett films as an indicator of the surface of monocrystalline silicon modified with polyion layers // Physics and technology of semiconductors 2007. Vol. 41. No. 6. P.706-710.

125. Shtykov S.N. Kalach A.V., Pankin K.E., Rusanova T.Yu., Selemenev V.F. Application of Langmuir-Blodgett films as modifiers of piezoresonant sensors // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2007. T.62. No. 5. P. 544-548.

124. Shtykov S.N., Kalashnikova N.V., Smirnova T.D., Zhemerichkin D.A. Determination of ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin by the method of sensitized europium fluorescence in the presence of a second ligand and micelles of anionic surfactants // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2007. T.62. No. 2. P.153-157.

123. Kartsev V.N., Tsepulin V.V., Shtykov S.N., Pankin K.E. Piezometric assessment of the effect of 2-hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin molecules on the network of hydrogen bonds of water // Journal. structures. chemistry. 2006. T. 47. Appendix. P.85-88.

122. Shtykov S.N., Kalashnikova N.V., Smirnova T.D., Konyukhova Yu.G. Complexes with energy transfer in an excited state in organized media for the fluorimetric determination of biologically active antibiotics // Biomedical technologies and radio electronics. 2006. No. 12. P. 4-9.

121. Shtykov S.N., Kalashnikova N.V., Smirnova T.D., Zhemerichkin D.A. Fluorimetric method for the determination of norfloxacin, based on the phenomenon of energy transfer. Izv. universities Chemistry and chem. technol. 2006. T.49. No. 7. P.27-30.

120. Safarova M.I., Sosnovskaya T.I., Shtykov S.N. Complexation of iron III with salicylic acid in solutions of surfactants // Saratov Military Institute of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection: Collection. scientific works Vol. 6. Saratov 2006. P.37-39.

119. Inozemtseva O.A., Shtykov S.N., Pankin K.E. Kurochkina G.I. Grachev M.K. Monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett films of amphiphilic b-cyclodextrin derivatives as potential receptor molecules for optical and piezoquartz sensors // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2006. T6. No. 6. Part 2. P.1080-1085.

118. Shtykov S.N., Bylinkin Y.G., Smirnova T.D., Kalashnikova N., Zhemerichkin D.A. Fluorescence study on the system Eu – oxytetracycline – co-ligand – sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate micelles and its analytical application // Proc. SPIE 2006. V.6165. P.61650Q1-61650Q7.

117. Berezkin V.G., Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Atayan V.Z., Zagniboroda D.A., Nekhoroshev G.A. Effect of chamber gas phase on mobile phase pH and on separation efficiency in TLC: A new mode of chromatography // Chromatographia 2006. V. 64. No. 1-2. P.105-108.

116. A.M. Yashchenok, D.A. Gorin, K.E. Pankin, A.A. Neveshkin, M.A. Getsman, B.N. Klimov, S.N. Shtykov Electrophysical properties of MIS structures containing nanosized Langmuir-Blodgett films based on b-cyclodextrin // Zhurn. tech. physics. 2006. T.76. No. 4. pp. 105-107.

115. Shtykov S.N., Kartsev V.N., Sumina E.G., Smirnova T.D., Rusanova T.Yu., Goryacheva I.Yu., Pankin K.E. Application of organized media and principles of supramolecular chemistry in chemical analysis // Vestn. Moscow state regional un-ta. Ser. Natural Sciences. No. 1 M.: publishing house MGOU. 2006. pp. 14-26.

114. Shtykov S.N. In the Scientific Council on Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2006. T. 61. No. 7. P.767-769.

113. Larionova D.A., Shtykov S.N., Koroleva E.N., Beloglazova N.V. Determination of histamine in fish products by thin layer chromatography and fluorimetry // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2006. T. 6. No. 2. P.337-342.

112. Shtykov S.N., Rusanova T.Yu., Kalach A.V., Pankin K.E. Application of Langmuir Blodgett Films as Modifiers of Piezoresonance sensors // Sensors and Actuators B 2006. V. 114. P.497-499.

111. Berezkin V.G., Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Zagniboroda D.A., Atayan V.Z. A new method of thin layer chromatography of ionizable compounds, based on changes in the acidity of the mobile phase during the elution process. Dokl. AN. 2006. T. 407. No. 3. P.349-351.

110. Savvin S.B., Shtykov S.N., Mikhailova A.V. Organic reagents in spectrophotometric analysis // Advances in Chemistry. 2006. T.75. No. 4. P.380-389.

109. Safarova M.I., Shtykov S.N., Okunev A.V. Influence of the length of the oxyethylene chain of nonionic surfactants on the azoquinone hydrazone tautomerism of the sulfonate derivative of phenylazonaphthol // Saratovsk. Military Institute of Radiation, Chemistry and biological protection: Sat. scientific works Issue 5. Saratov-2005. P.27-31.

108. Shtykov S.N. Organized media as an alternative to traditional organic solvents in chemical analysis // Izv. Saratovsk. un-ta. 2005. T.5. Ser. Chemistry, biology, ecology. Vol. 1. P.47-52.

107. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Atayan V.Z. Cyclodextrins as modifiers of mobile and stationary phases in liquid chromatography // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2005. T.5. No. 5. pp. 719-735.

106. Kartsev V.N., Shtykov S.N., Shtykova L.S. Precision dilatometry of microemulsions with anionic surfactants // Colloid. magazine 2005. T.67. No. 4. P.479-484.

105. Goryacheva I. Yu. Shtykov S.N., Loginov A.S., Panteleeva I.V. Preconcentration and Fluorimetric Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Based on the Acid-induced cloud-point Extraction with Sodium Dodecylsulphate // Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2005. V. 382. P.1413-1418.

104. Mirgorodskaya A.B., Kudryavtseva L.A., Shtykova L.S., Bogomolova I.V., Shtykov S.N. Aminolysis of carboxylic acid esters in direct, bicontinuous and inverted microemulsions based on cetyltrimethylammonium bromide // Journal. general chemistry 2005. T.75. No. 7. pp.1171-1176.

103. Zakharova L.Ya., Valeeva F.G., Zakharov A.V., Kharlampidi H.E., Kudryavtseva L.A., Shtykov S.N., Bogomolova I.V. Micelle-forming properties, micropolarity and catalytic effect of the binary micellar system sodium dodecyl sulfate - Bridge-35 // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2005. T. 5. No. 3. P.398-406.

102. Shtykov S.N., Smirnova T.D., Bylinkin Yu.G., Zhemerichkin D.A. Fluorimetric determination of tetracyclines using europium chelate with 1.10-phenanthroline in micellar solutions of anionic surfactants // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2005.T. 60. No. 1. P.30-34.

101. Zakharova L.Ya., Ibragimova A.R., Valeeva F.G., Kudryavtseva L.A., Konovalov A.I., Shtykov S.N., Shtykova L.S., Bogomolova I.V. The reactivity and microscopic polarity studies in the sodium dodecyl sulfate based reversed micellar system // J. Mol. Liq. 2005. V. 116. P.83-91.

100. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Tyurina N.V. Thin-layer chromatography of chromophore indicators, chelating reagents and metal chelates in surfactant solutions // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2004. T. 4. No. 6. P.750-763.

99. Shtykov S.N., Beloliptseva G.M., Larionova D.A. Express method of sample preparation of food objects for fluorimetric determination of histamine // Izv. Universities. Chemistry and chem. technol. 2004. T.47. No. 7 pp. 123-127.

98. Goryacheva I.Yu., Shtykov S.N., Fedorenko E.V., Melnikov G.V. Influence of internal and external heavy atom on the phosphorescence of pyrene at room temperature in micellar solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate // Zh. physical chemistry. 2004. T. 78. No. 12 P.2264-2267.

97. Shtikov S.M. Centers were organized as an alternative to traditional retailers // Chemistry. 2004, No. 7. P.2-5.

96. Shtykov S.N., Klimov B.N., Gorin D.A., Pankin K.E., Getsman M.A., Kurochkina G.I., Glazyrin A.E., Grachev M.K. Monomolecular layers and Langmuir-Blodgett films based on b-cyclodextrins with different numbers of alkyl chains // Zh. physical chemistry. 2004. T. 78. No. 10. P. 1852-1857.

95. Shtykov S.N., Korenman Ya.I., Rusanova T.Yu., Gorin D.A., Kalach A.V., Pankin K.E. Langmuir-Blodgett films as effective modifiers of piezoquartz sensors // Dokl. AN 2004. T. 396. No. 4. P.508-510.

94. Goryacheva I.Yu., Shtykov S.N., Fedorenko E.V., Melnikov G.V. Factors affecting on the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by sensitized room temperature phosphorescence // Proc. 8 th Anal. Russian-German-Ukrainian Symp. (ARGUS)/Ed. by N.H. Bings. 2003. P.67-72.

93. Ibragimova A.R., Valeeva F.G., Zakharova L.Ya., Kudryavtseva L.A., Azancheev N.M., Shtykov S.N., Shtykova L.S., Bogomolova I.V. Catalytic properties of the reverse micellar system sodium dodecyl sulfate – butanol – water. // Journal. physical chemistry. 2004. T.78. No. 7. P.1185-1190.

92. Shtykov S.N., Smirnova T.D., Bylinkin Yu.G. Determination of adenosine triphosphoric acid by the quenching of fluorescence of europium (III) diketonate chelate in Bridge-35 micelles // Zh. analyte chemistry. 2004. T. 59. No. 5. P. 495-499.

91. Shtykov S.N., Klimov B.N., Gorin D.A., Getsman M.A., Pankin K.E. Ellipsometric study of polyamide and polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett films // Journal. physical chemistry. 2004. T. 78. No. 3. P. 503-506.

90. Shtykov S.N., Rusanova T.Yu., Smirnova T.D., Gorin D.A. Sensitive element of an optical sensor based on benzopurpurine 4B for determining the acidity of etching solutions // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2004. T. 59. No. 2. P.198-201.

89. Korenman Ya.I., Kalach A.V., Pankin K.E., Shtykov S.N. Determination of C 1 -C 3 nitroalkanes in air using Langmuir-Blodgett films based on b-cyclodextrin // Sensor 2002. No. 4. P. 32-35.

88. Kartsev V.N., Rodnikova M.N., Shtykov S.N. On internal pressure, its temperature dependence and the structure of liquid-phase systems // Zhurn. str. chemistry. 2004. T.45. No. 1. P. 99-102.

87. Kartsev V.N., Rodnikova M.N., Shtykov S.N. Inversion of the temperature coefficient of internal pressure and structural organization of liquid-phase systems // Journal. str. chemistry. 2004. T.45. No. 1. P. 94-98.

86. Batov D.V., Kartsev V.N., Shtykova L.S., Shtykov S.N. Thermal properties of water-n-octane-pentanol-sodium dodecyl sulfate microemulsions at 298.15 K // Izv. universities Chemistry and chem. technol. 2003. T.46. No. 7. P.7-10.

85. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Barysheva S.V. Hydrophobic and salt effects in ion-pair chromatography of acidic and basic benzene derivatives in the presence of surfactants and strong electrolytes // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2003. T.3. No. 5. pp. 586-598.

84. Shtykov S.N. Organized media as an alternative to traditional solvents // UNIVERSITATES. 2003. No. 2. P. 20-25.

83. Shtykov S.N., Goryacheva I.Yu., Shtykova L.S. Micelles and microemulsions in separation and concentration // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2003. T.58. No. 7. pp. 732-733.

82. Atayan V.Z., Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N. Determination of food dyes by TLC with cyclodextrin mobile phases // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2003. T. 58. No. 7. P. 721-722.

81. Atayan V.Z., Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N. Thin-layer chromatography of azo compounds in mobile phases modified with cyclodextrins // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2003. T. 3. No. 4. pp. 392-398.

80. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Tyurina N.V. Ion-pair thin-layer chromatography of the main triphenylmethane and xanthene reagents in surfactant solutions // Sorbts. and chromatogr. processes. 2003. T. 3. No. 4. pp. 412-417.

79. Batov D.V., Kartsev V.N., Shtykova L.S., Shtykov S.N. Calorimetric study of aqueous solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate and Triton X-100 at 298.15 K // Izv. universities Chemistry and chem. technol. 2003. T.46. No. 6. P. 80-82.

78. Shtykov S.N., Okunev A.V., Safarova M.I. Tautomeric equilibrium of sulfo derivatives of 4-(phenylazo)-1-naphthols in micellar solutions of nonionic surfactants // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2003. T. 58. No. 11 P. 1154-1161.

77. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Tyurina N.V. Surfactants in thin layer chromatography: a review // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2003. T.58. No. 8. pp. 809-819.

76. Kartsev V.N., Rodnikova M.N., Shtykov S.N., Bartel I. Internal pressure of binary aqueous solutions of diamines, monoethanolamine and diols // Zh. physical Chemistry 2003. T. 77. No. 8. P. 1456-1462.

75. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G., Tyurina N.V. Micellar thin-layer chromatography: features and analytical capabilities // Ros. chem. magazine 2003 T.47. No. 1. P.119-126.

74. Goryacheva I., Shtykov S., Melnikov G., Fedorenko E. Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by sensitized room temperature phosphorescence // Environ. Chem. Lett. 2003. No. 1. P. 82-85.

73. Shtykov S.N., Rusanova T.Yu. Langmuir-Blodgett films as matrices of sensitive elements of optical sensors of solution acidity // Dokl. RAS. 2003. T.388. No. 5. pp. 643-645.

72. Kartsev V.N., Shtykov S.N., Sineva A.V., Tsepulin V.V. Shtykova L.S. Volumetric and transport properties of microemulsions water/n-octane/sodium dodecyl sulfate/n-pentanol // Colloid. magazine 2003. T. 65. No. 3. P.429-432.

71. Korenman Ya.I., Shtykov S.N., Kalach A.V., Pankin K.E., Rusanova T.Yu., Kurochkina G.I., Glazyrin A.E., Grachev M.K. b-Cyclodextrin as an effective modifier of piezoquartz sensors // Izv. universities Chemistry and chem. technol. 2003. T.46. No. 2. P.31-35.

70. Shtykov S.N., Melnikov G.V., Shtykova L.S. Fluorimetric and conductometric study of microemulsions water-sodium dodecyl sulfate-octane-pentanol // Izv. RAS. Ser. chem.2003. T. 52. No. 2. P. 381-385.

69. Melnikov G.V., Shtykov S.N., Zaev E.E., Shtykova L.S. Features of deactivation of photoexcited states of trypaflavin and PAH molecules in aqueous micellar solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate with the addition of cosurfactants // Journal. physical Chemistry 2003. T. 77. No. 2. P.345-348.

68. Goryacheva I.Yu., Melnikov G.V., Shtykov S.N. Influence of external heavy atoms on the luminescent properties of pyrene in individual and mixed micelles of Triton X-100 and sodium dodecyl sulfate // Zh. physical chemistry. 2003. T. 77. No. 2. P. 281-284.

67. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Dorofeeva S.V. Ion-pair liquid chromatography of nitrogen-containing medicinal substances in the presence of surfactants and strong electrolytes // Izv. Universities. Chemistry and chem. technol. 2002. T.45. No. 6. P.133-136.

66. Melnikov G.V., Rusanova T.Yu., Shtykov S.N. Optical sensors based on phosphorescence at room temperature // Sensors and systems. 2002. No. 11. pp. 29-31.

65. Korenman Ya.I., Kalach A.V., Rusanova T.Yu., Shtykov S.N. Application of piezosensors based on Langmuir-Blodgett films of arachidic acid for detecting nitroalkanes in air // Sensor. 2002. No. 2. P.14-17.

64. Melnikov G.V., Shtykov S.N., Shtykova L.S., Goryacheva I.Yu., Abramova E.V. Influence of the composition of aqueous-organic media on the efficiency of the formation of excimers of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in singlet and triplet states // Zhurn. physical Chemistry 2002. T. 76. No. 10. P. 1790-1793.

63. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Tyurina N.V. Micellar thin layer chromatography. Physico-chemical features of the method // Journal. physical chemistry. 2002. T. 76 No. 9. P. 1683-1688.

62. Kartsev V.N., Rodnikova M.N., Bartel I., Shtykov S.N. On the temperature dependence of the internal pressure of liquids // Journal. physical Chemistry 2002. T. 76. No. 6. P. 1016-1018.

61. Zaev E.E., Melnikov G.V., Shtykov S.N., Shtykova L.S. Adsorption of aliphatic alcohols on sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles from data on fluorescence quenching // Zh. physical chemistry. 2002. T.76. No. 5. P.912-914.

60. Levshin L.V., Melnikov G.V., Shtykov S.N., Goryacheva I.Yu. Factors determining the chemical binding of oxygen in micellar solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate // Journal. physical chemistry. 2002 T. 76. No. 4. P.699-703.

59. Shtykov S.N., Smirnova T.D., Bylinkin Yu.G. Sensitized fluorescence of the thenoyl trifluoroacetonate complex of europium with some organic bases in micellar solutions of nonionic surfactants. Izv. universities Chemistry and chem. technol. 2002. T. No. 2. P. 96-100.

58. Kartsev V.N., Shtykov S.N., Tsepulin V.V., Shtykova L.S. Batov D.V., Antonova O.A., Korolev V.P. Features of bulk properties of aqueous solutions of micelle-forming surfactants // SOFW-Journal (Russian version). 2002. No. 2. P.52-57.

57. Shtykov S.N. Chemical analysis in nanoreactors: basic concepts and applications // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2002. T. 57. No. 10. P. 1018-1028.

56. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G., Tupitsyn N.M., Novak Yu.M., Rusanova T.Yu. Training center for retraining specialists - analysts // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2002. T. 57. No. 8. P. 885-886.

55. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G., Tyurina N.V. Calculation of interphase distribution coefficients of organic reagents in micellar TLC // Zhurn. analyte chemistry. 2002. T. 57. No. 4. P. 383-387.

54. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Dorofeeva S.V. Ion-pair reversed-phase thin-layer and high-performance liquid chromatography of benzoic acids // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2002. T. 57. No. 3. P. 257-261.

53. Melnikov G.V., Shtykov S.N., Kosarev.A.V., Goryacheva I.Yu. Triplet-triplet energy transfer between trypaflavin and pyrene in aqueous micellar solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate // Izv. Universities. Chemistry and chem. technol. 2001 T.44. No. 6. P.18-22.

52. Melnikov G., Shtykov S., Goryacheva I. Sensitized room temperature phosphorescence of pyrene in sodium dodecylsulphate micelles with triphaflavine as energy donor // Anal. Chim. Acta. 2001. V. 439. No. 1. P. 81-86.

51. Shtykov S.N. Educational and scientific complex in chemical sciences of SSU // Izv. Sarat. un-ta. New episode. 2001. T.1., Issue 1. P.44-52.

50. Shtykov S.N. Organized environments – a strategy based on the principles of biosimilarity in analytical chemistry // Visnik Kharkiv. National Univ. No. 495. Chemistry. VIP. 6 (29). Kharkiv. 2000. pp. 9-14.

49. Sumina E.G., Shtykov S.N., Tyurina N.V. Hydrophobic TLC of phenolcarboxylic acids of the triphenylmethane series in surfactant micelles. Izv. Universities. Chemistry and chem. technol. 2001. T. 44. No. 4. P. 10-13.

48. Melnikov G.V., Rusanova T.Yu., Shtykov S.N. Influence of heavy metal salts on solid-phase phosphorescence at room temperature of pyrene adsorbed on filter paper. Izv. Universities. Chemistry and chem. technol. 2001. T. 44. No. 4. P. 13-16.

47. Melnikov G.V., Shtykov S.N., Goryacheva I.Yu., Fedorenko E.V. Luminescent properties of acridine dyes in micellar solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate // Izv. RAS. Ser. chem. 2001. No. 6 P. 944-946.

46. ​​Shtykov S.N., Smirnova T.D., Molchanova Yu.V. Synergistic effects in the europium-thenoyltrifluoroacetone-phenanthroline system in micelles of surfactant block copolymers and their analytical significance // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2001. T. 56. No. 10 P. 1052-1056.

45. Burmistrova N.A., Mushtakova S.P., Shtykov S.N., Kozhina L.F., Rodnikova V.N. Physicochemical and analytical properties of systems based on redox reagents of the diphenylamine series, modified with surfactants. Zhurn. analyte chemistry. 2001. T.56. No. 7. pp. 732-738.

44. Klimov B.N., Naumenko G.Yu., Vorontsova N.N., Glukhovskoy E.G., Gorin D.A., Kalashnikov S.N., Shtykov S.N., Rusanova T.Yu. Preparation and study of the physicochemical properties of Langmuir-Blodgett films based on polyamide acid // Izv. universities Ser. mater. electron. technology. 2001. No. 1. P.35-38.

43. Sumina E.G., Ermolaeva E.V., Tyurina N.V., Shtykov S.N. The use of surfactants for the modification of mobile and stationary phases in the determination of food dyes by TLC // Zavodsk. lab. 2001. T. 67. No. 5. P. 5-8.

42. Sumina E.G., Smushkina E.V., Shtykov S.N., Tyurina N.V. Application of micellar mobile phases to assess the purity of xylenol orange preparations // Zavodsk. lab. 2001. T. 67. No. 10. P. 13-15.

41. Kartsev V.N., Shtykov S.N., Tsepulin V.V., Shtykova L.S. Volumetric properties of microemulsions n-heptane – water – sodium dodecyl sulfate – n-pentanol. // Colloid. magazine 2000. T.62. No. 6. pp. 860-862.

40. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G., Tyurina N.V. Micellar mobile phases in TLC separation of some transition metal ions and their 1,3-diketonates // J. Planar Chromatogr. – Modern TLC. 2000. V.13. No. 4. P. 264-268.

39. Burmistrova N.A., Mushtakova S.P., Shtykov S.N., Rodnikova V.N., Kozhina L.F. The influence of surfactants on the acid-base and redox properties of reagents of the diphenylamine series. Izv. RAS. Ser. chem. 2000. No. 8. pp.1386-1388.

38. Melnikov G.V., Shtykov S.N., Shtykova L.S., Goryacheva I.Yu. Sensitized phosphorescence of pyrene molecules, enhanced by the heavy atom effect in a water-heptane-sodium dodecyl sulfate-pentanol microemulsion. Izv. RAS. Ser. chem. 2000. No. 9. pp. 1529-1532.

37. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G., Smushkina E.V., Tyurina N.V. Dynamic and static modification of the stationary phases with surfactants in TLC: a comparative study // J. Planar Chromatogr. – Modern TLC. 2000. V.13. No. 3. P. 182-186.

36. Goryacheva I.Yu., Melnikov G.V., Shtykov S.N. Acridine dyes in the triplet state as reagents for the selective phosphorimetric determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles. analyte chemistry. 2000. T.55. N 9. pp. 971-975.

35. Shtykov S.N., Goryacheva I.Yu., Melnikov G.V., Ponomarev A.S. Phosphorimetric determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2000. T. 55. No. 8. pp.883-887.

34. Shtykov S.N. Surfactants in analysis. Main achievements and development trends // Journal. analyte chemistry. 2000. T. 55. No. 7. P. 679-686.

33. Kartsev V.N., Shtykov S.N., Tsepulin V.V., Malova M.I., Shtykova L.S. Volumetric properties of aqueous solutions of Triton X-100 // Journal. physical chemistry. 2000. T.74. No. 12. pp. 2285-2288.

32. Melnikov G., Shtykov S., Goryacheva I. Room temperature phosphorescence as an indicator of triplet-triplet energy transfer between dyes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons solubilized in anionic micelles // Eds V.L. Derbov, L.A. Melnikov, V.P. Ruabukho. Proc. SPIE. Vol. 4002. Bellingham, 2000. P.217-224.

31. Ponomarev A.S., Shtykov S.N. Determination of pesticides and physiologically active compounds by capillary gas chromatography with an atomic emission detector in the absence of standards for the substances being determined // Zhurn. analyte chemistry. 2000. T. 55. No. 1 P. 54-58.

30. Shtykov S.N., Klimov B.I., Naumenko G.Yu., Melnikov G.V., Smirnova T.D., Rusanova T.Yu., Gorin D.A., Glukhovskoy E.G. Preparation and study of a Langmuir-Blodgett film based on polyamide acid containing a rhodamine dye. physical chemistry. 1999. T. 73. No. 9. C. 1711-1713.

29. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G., Smushkina E.V., Tyurina N.V. Thin layer chromatography of fluoresceine derivatives on direct and reversed stationary phases with aqueous micellar solutions // J. Planar Chromatogr. – Modern TLC. 1999. V.12. No.2. P.129-134.

28. Shtykov S., Melnikov G., Goryacheva I. The effect of an external heavy atom on the sensitized room temperature phosphorescence in aqueous micellar solutions of sodium dodecylsulphate // J. Molec. Struct. 1999. V.482/483. P. 699-702.

27. Levshin L.V., Shtykov S.N., Goryacheva I.Yu., Melnikov G.V. Phosphorescence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules in aqueous micellar solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate at room temperature // Zh. adj. spectrosk. 1999. T.66. No. 2. P.201-204.

26. Melnikov G.V., Goryacheva I.Yu., Shtykov S.N. Phosphorescence at room temperature sensitized by triplet-triplet energy transfer in micelles of sodium dodecyl sulfate // Dokl. Academician Sci. 1998. T.361. No. 1. P.72-73.

25. Melnikov G.V., Goryacheva I.Yu., Shtykov S.N. Luminescent analytical spectroscopy of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons based on triplet-triplet excitation energy transfer in micelles of anionic surfactants // Chimia. 1998. V. 52. No. 7/8. P. 416.

24. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G. Analytical capabilities of micellar mobile phases in TLC of 1,3-diketonates of some metals // Journal of analysis. chemistry. 1998. T.53, no. 5. pp. 508-513.

23. Shtykov S.N., Beloliptseva G.M. Effects of fluorescence enhancement and quenching in the magnesium-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid cationic surfactant system and their analytical application // Journal. analyte chemistry. 1998.T.53, No. 3. P. 297-302.

22. Shtykov S.N., Goryacheva I.Yu. Analytical luminescence spectroscopy in microheterogeneous supra- and supramolecular self-associating organized media // Optics and Spectrosc. 1997. T.83, No. 4.S. 698-703.

21. Shtykov S.N., Klimov B.N., Smirnova T.D., Glukhovskoy E.G., Istrashkina E.V., Sumina E.G. Preparation and study of the properties of a Langmuir-Blodgett film based on methyl orange and polyamide acid // Journal. physical chemistry. 1997. T.71. No. 7. pp. 1292-1295.

20. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G., Malova M.I. Synergism and antagonism in nonionic surfactant electrolyte-micelle systems and their influence on the photometric and analytical characteristics of chromasurol S chelates // Zh. analyte chemistry. 1997. T.52, No. 7. P.707-712.

19. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G. Protolytic properties of chromasurol S in electrolyte solutions and micelles of nonionic surfactants // Journal. analyte chemistry. 1997. T.52, No. 7. P.697-702.

18. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G., Parshina E.V., Lopukhova S.S. Application of micellar mobile phases for the separation of fluorescein derivatives by TLC // Zhurn. analyte chemistry. 1995. T.50, No. 7. P.747-751.

17. Shtykov S.N., Parshina E.V. Microenvironment and properties of organic reagents in surfactant solutions // Journal. analyte chemistry. 1995. T.50. No. 7. P.740-746.

16. Shtykov S.N., Pankratov A.N., Lisenko N.F., Sumina E.G., Smirnova T.D. The relationship between fundamental and deductive principles of teaching analytical chemistry // Journal. analyte chemistry. 1995. T.50, No. 4. P.351-354.

15. Shtykov S.N., Parshina E.V., Bubelo V.D. Tautomeric equilibrium of b-diketones in micellar solutions of surfactants // Journal. analyte chemistry. 1994. T.49, No. 5. P.469-472.

14. Shtykov S.N., Parshina E.V. Keto-enol tautomerism in micellar solutions of surfactants // Journal. physical chemistry. 1994. T.68, No. 1. P.114-118.

13. Chernova R.K., Shtykov S.N. Hydrophobic ligand-ligand interactions in multicomponent systems and their analytical significance // Fresenius Ztschr. Anal. Chem. 1989. Bd.335, S.111-116

12. Shtykov S.N., Amelin V.G., Sorokin N.N., Chernova R.K. Deprotonation of cresol red in aqueous solution in the presence of cationic surfactants // Journal. physical chemistry. 1986. T.60, No. 2. P.345-349.

11. Tsepulin V.V., Kartsev V.N., Amelin V.G., Chernova R.K., Shtykov S.N. On the nature of hydration of the associate of sulfochrome with cetylpyridinium // Zhurn. physical chemistry. 1986. T.60, No. 1. P.232-234.

10. Chernova R.K., Kartsev V.N., Amelin V.G., Shtykov S.N. Hydration of cationic surfactants // Journal. physical chemistry. 1985. T.59, No. 11. P.2740-2743.

9. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G., Chernova R.K., Lemeshkina N.V. A new express method for the separate determination of nonionic and anionic surfactants in wastewater // Zhurn. analyte chemistry. 1985. T.40, No. 5. P.907-910.

8. Chernova R.K., Shtykov S.N., Beloliptseva G.M., Sukhova L.K., Amelin V.G., Kulapina E.G. Some questions of the mechanism of action of surfactants in systems of organic reagents - metal ions // Journal. analyte chemistry. 1984. T.39, No. 6. P.1019-1028.

7. Shtykov S.N., Sumina E.G., Chernova R.K., Semenenko E.V. The influence of strong electrolytes on the association of organic analytical reagents with cationic surfactants // Zhurn. analyte chemistry. 1984. T.39, no. 6. P.1029-1033

6. Chernova R.K., Amelin V.G., Shtykov S.N. The influence of cationic surfactants on the nature of hydration and some properties of triphenylmethane compounds in aqueous solutions // Zhurn. physical chemistry. 1983. T.57, No. 6. P.1482-1485.

5. Smirnova T.D., Chernova R.K., Shtykov S.N. Synthesis and study of the physicochemical properties of a germanium (IV) complex with pyrocatechol violet and cetylpyridinium chloride // Journal. inorganic chemistry. 1983. T.28, No. 11. P.2814-2817.

4. Savvin S.B., Marov I.N., Chernova R.K., Shtykov S.N., Sokolov A.B. Electrostatic and hydrophobic effects in the formation of associates of organic reagents with cationic surfactants // Zhurn. analyte chemistry. 1981. T.36, No. 5. P.850-859.

3. Savvin S.B., Marov I.N., Chernova R.K., Kudryavtseva L.M., Shtykov S.N., Sokolov A.B. On the interaction of nonionic surfactants with phenolcarboxylic acids of the triphenylmethane series // Zhurn. analyte chemistry. 1981. T.36, No. 8. P.1461-1470.

2. Savvin S.B., Chernova R.K., Belousova V.V., Sukhova L.K., Shtykov S.N. On the mechanism of action of cationic surfactants in organic reagent-metal ion-surfactant systems // Journal. analyte chemistry. 1978. T.33, No. 8. P.1473-1484.

1. Savvin S.B., Chernova R.K., Shtykov S.N. Associates of some azo compounds with long-chain quaternary ammonium salts and their use in the analysis of organic reagents // Journal. analyte chemistry. 1978. T.33. No. 5. P.865-870.

Victories in grants and scientific projects:

  1. RFBR grant, No. 94-03-08759a, 1994-1996. “Organized systems in analysis” - leader 2. Grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, No. 97-03-33393a, 1997-1999. “Microheterogeneous organized environments based on supra- and supramolecular systems in analytical chemistry” - leader 3. RFBR grant No. 98-03-42876з for a trip to a foreign conference (European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy - EUCMOS XXIV, Prague, 1998) 4. RFBR grant No. 99-03-42724з for a trip to the IUPAC General Assembly, August 1999. 5. Grant for holding the All-Russian conference with international participation “Organic reagents in analytical chemistry” No. 99-03-42018g, September 1999 6. Grant RFBR, No. 01-03-32649a, 2001-2003. “Self-organizing supramolecular systems in analytical chemistry” - leader 7. RFBR grant No. 04-03-32496a, 2004-2006. “Development of a strategy for the use of nanoreactors based on organized media in chemical analysis” - head 8. RFBR grant 05-03-33178a 2005-2007. “Theoretical and experimental study of a new version of thin-layer chromatography with a time-varying gas phase” - performer 9. State contract of the Agency for Science and Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 02.513.11.3028, 2007 “Creation of membranes and catalytic systems based on nanotechnology, nanosystems and self-assembly principles” - head 10. RFBR grant No. 08-03-00725a, 2008-2010. “Nanosystems and principles of supramolecular chemistry in chemical analysis” - head 11. RFBR Grant No. 09-03-00245a, 2009-2011 “Functionalization of the surface of the dispersed phase of emulsion systems with inorganic nanoparticles” - executor 12. RFBR Grant No. 07-03-06052 “Organization and holding the Analytical Russian-German-Ukrainian Symposium (ARGUS) Nanoanalytics”, August 25-28. 2007 – head 13. RFBR Grant No. 09-03-11502с, 2009 for the best popular science article “Organized media - the world of liquid nanosystems” – head 14. RFBR Grant No. 07-03-08343з “Participation in the EUROANALYSIS conference XIV, organized by the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS), and participation in the work of the EuCheMS Department of Analytical Chemistry", Antwerp, Belgium, September 2007. 15. RFBR Grant No. 09-03-08229з "Participation in the EUROANALYSIS 2009 conference under the auspices European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) and the work of the Department of Analytical Chemistry (DAC EuCheMS) as a representative of the Russian Chemical Society. D.I.Mendeleev" 2009, Innsbruck, Austria, September 6-10. 2009 16. State contract 02. 740.11.0879 “Development of new photonic technologies for analyzing biophysical processes in living organisms at the subcellular, cellular and tissue levels for the tasks of non-invasive and minimally invasive diagnostics and therapy.” 2010-2012 - executor 17. RFBR No. 12-03-00450a, “Nanoobjects and nanotechnologies in chemical analysis”, 2012-2014. – head of 18. RFBR 13-03-00360a “Development of analytical methodology for deciphering human metal scrap.” 2013-2015 – performer 19. RFBR No. 15-03-99704a, “Synthesis, modification and application of magnetic nanoparticles for the concentration and determination of biologically active substances”, 2015-2017. – head 20. RFBR grant 15-03-07015d “Nanoobjects and nanotechnologies in chemical analysis” - publication of a monograph. 2015 - head 21. RFBR grant 18-03-01029a “Separation, concentration and determination of biologically active substances using solid and liquid nanoobjects as tools for chemical analysis” 2018-2020. - supervisor. 22. Project part of the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 4.1212.2014/K "Creation of chemical substances and materials for new systems with sensory, catalytic, extraction and energy-generating properties", 2014-2016 - head 23. RSF 14-12-00275 "Research of charge transfer and absorption and photoluminescence spectra in ordered systems “nanoparticles in an organic matrix” and the development of physical and technological foundations for creating the elemental base of molecular electronics”; 2014-2016 – executor 24. RFBR grant 16-03-00492a “Development of analytical methodology for the development of medical products based on metal-containing nanomaterials.” 2016-2018 - performer 25. Grant of the Ministry of General and Professional Education (1996-1997), "Fundamental research in the field of agricultural machinery" section - "Machines for the food industry" (Center - Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar) - head 26. Grant from the Ministry of General and Vocational Education, No. 97-0-9.5-40, 1998-2000. “Research in the field of fundamental natural science.” (Center - St. Petersburg) - head 27. Grant of the Ministry of Higher Education No. E00–5.0–253, 2000-2001. (Center - St. Petersburg) - head 28. Grant of the Ministry of Higher Education No. E02–5.0–65, 2002-2003. (Center - St. Petersburg) - head

Additional Information:

During the work, more than 650 oral and poster presentations were made at foreign, international, all-Russian and some regional conferences, more than 650 abstracts of reports were published. More than 70 reports are plenary, keynote, invited and sectional oral in English and Russian, made in Japan, France, Germany, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Serbia, Czech Republic, Russia.


1. Expert of the Federal Target Program competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for receiving grants from the Government of the Russian Federation for state support of scientific research conducted under the guidance of leading scientists in Russian educational institutions of higher professional education (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.2010 No. 220)

2. Expert of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research

Nanochemistry and nanotechnology, IDPO SSU (Saratov), ​​2017