Children's drug addiction: causes and ways to solve the problem. Where do problems come from?

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Causes of complaints and ways to resolve them. Often, after a PVC profile window is installed, its happy owners forget that translucent structures require special attention and care. Regular window care includes timely cleaning of dust and lubricating the fittings with special oil. But sometimes situations arise in which it is necessary to call a service representative (hereinafter - SS). These reasons can be divided into two groups: errors made by installers when installing windows and errors when assembling windows in production - all this comes down to one denominator - the human factor. To eliminate this, there are service departments (either from the manufacturer or independent organizations). We will consider the reasons why you need to call a service representative below.

Blowing around the perimeter of the window sash

Freezing of the window block around the perimeter of the sash in winter, icing of the hinges and accumulation of condensation, and in some cases, ice on the window sill (at the junction of the window sill and the window frame. The reason for this is usually the incorrect installation of the “rubber” seal, i.e. the seal is installed with a large overlap the perimeter of the frame or sash - excessive length, or, on the contrary, too stretched - insufficient length. In both cases, the geometry of the cross-section of the sealing profile is violated - which has a bad effect on the functioning of the window as a whole.

If the window is under warranty, feel free to call the manufacturer of your window, they should help, unless of course this manufacturer values ​​​​its reputation. What to do if the window is no longer under warranty, you ask, there is only one way out - call a SS representative and he will at least offer you two options. In the case of an excessive length of the seal (the seal runs in waves along the entire length - as shown in the photo on the right), the problem is easily solved - the SS representative will shorten the length of the seal without any problems. In the second case, the length is insufficient, the SS representative will have to select “rubber” for your window, and this means additional expenses and waiting time. There are a great many options for seals for PVC windows (photo below).

Don't forget to accept the work and check everything.

Adjusting fittings

Adjustment of fittings is necessary in several cases:

a) The sash is sagging (geometry violation) - the unhindered movement of the sash when opening or tilting is disrupted (the sash clings at the bottom when opening/closing).

b) Blowing around the perimeter of the sash to a small extent is not critical, but it does exist.

Let’s consider option “a) the sash is sagging”:

1) Incorrect installation of the double-glazed window in the sash: over time, experiencing dynamic loads, the sash sags, because The double-glazed window was not installed according to the technological scheme of the PVC profile manufacturer. When installing it, an employee of a window company, for one reason or another, did not install straightening plates along the perimeter of the double-glazed window, giving the correct geometry to the window sash (the reason for this is the human factor, and the result is defective). In this situation, adjusting the fittings will rarely help; the most ideal option is to “stretch” the glass unit in the window sash using technology. In this case, the call and work of the SS representative are carried out at the expense of the manufacturer of your window, even if it is already under post-warranty service.

2) The sash sags due to frequent use (the influence of the laws of physics has not been canceled). When the sash sags, friction between the sash and the window frame or strikers (metal fittings installed on the window frame) is felt. Under dynamic loads acting on the sash, the weight of the sash does its job - as a result, it sags. In this case, you can try to adjust the window yourself, but it is better to call a SS representative who will accurately determine the cause and make the necessary adjustments to the hardware elements with a special tool (usually a hinge group: upper and lower hinges).

Option “b) blowing air around the perimeter of the sash to a small extent” - in this case, you cannot do without a representative of the SS, because he knows the true reason for the blowing around the perimeter of the sash - weak pressure of the sash to the frame. The sash pressure is adjusted by turning the trunnions (the sash locking elements: cylindrical or mushroom-shaped). Turning the trunnions to “+” or “-” provides maximum or minimum pressure, respectively (winter or summer version).

Problems associated with double glazed windows:

a) Moisture inside the glass unit; b) Fogging and copious amounts of condensation on the inner glass (crying windows); c) Double-glazed windows in the windows break. So, let's consider each option separately: a) Condensation accumulates inside the double-glazed window - a manufacturing defect, the manufacturing technology of the double-glazed window is broken, or the manufacturer uses low-quality materials, as a result of which the tightness of the double-glazed window is broken. Several reasons for the depressurization of a double-glazed window: violation of the manufacturing technology of window units in production - there are no drainage channels in the frame/sash of the window unit, or these channels are produced poorly - blunt cutters, making technological holes in PVC profiles, leave behind difficult-to-remove chips, which entails difficult removal of moisture, and in the cold season - the formation of ice inside the window unit. freezing of a window unit is a consequence of improper installation. For example: the window frame around the perimeter is fixed to the opening with frame anchors, which create numerous “cold bridges”; freezing occurs along the heads of the anchors, which contributes to the formation of ice in the window block (PVC profile chambers and inter-rebate gaps).

The consequence is that the constantly accumulating moisture under the double-glazed window increases and begins to put pressure on the double-glazed window.

The result is that either the double-glazed window bursts (the glass breaks), or the glass begins to separate from the external sealant - depressurization of the double-glazed window occurs.

The solution is to replace the double-glazed window at the expense of the manufacturer and eliminate deficiencies made during the manufacture of the window unit.

B) Your windows have started to “cry” - the effect is accompanied by the presence of an abundant amount of moisture on the inner glass of the window, usually in its lower part, and in winter by freezing of the lower part of the window along with the window sill. There are several reasons for condensation on double-glazed windows: - increased humidity in the room (microclimate disturbance). - lack of passive or forced ventilation (no air convection in the room) Increased moisture in the apartment is due to the fact that all human activity is associated with the release of moisture. The table shows examples of how much moisture accumulates in a room as a result of human activity on average per day:

As can be seen from this table, our activities are accompanied by abundant release of moisture and the air in the room becomes saturated with water vapor, which contributes to the formation of condensation on the surface of the glass unit, or rather on its lower part. Therefore, with such a large volume of moisture released, it is necessary to get rid of it. HOW? – exhaust ventilation will solve the problem of removing moist air from the room (passive or forced).

Passive ventilation works continuously and is a system of air exchange channels in the floor slabs of buildings.

Cleaning channels is a rather labor-intensive and expensive process. Therefore, most people install forced ventilation - easier, faster and cheaper. Forced ventilation can look different, like a wall-mounted fan or a fresh air valve. If everything is clear with the first option, then with the second it’s not entirely clear. So, what is a supply valve? It is a device that provides continuous air exchange in a room. Supply valves may look different, and their installation principle may differ, but they perform the same function - they provide the necessary air exchange in the room.

The supply valve maintains an optimal microclimate in the room, eliminates and prevents condensation from falling on the glass unit.

The easiest way to combat condensation on double-glazed windows is to ventilate the room several times a day during the day. You can constantly keep the thought in your head: “you need to ventilate the room” or install a supply valve and once and for all forget about the problem of window fogging, it’s up to you. c) Double-glazed windows burst - there can be two reasons (if they were not thrown, stones, for example) - poor-quality or incorrect installation of the double-glazed window in the sash/window frame and incorrect (not in accordance with GOST installation - secondary expansion of the mounting foam puts pressure on the window frame and double-glazed windows, as usually burst). The first option is checked very simply: pull out the glazing bead (with a spatula or knife) and look - the double-glazed window should be equidistant on all sides from the sash profile, i.e. don't touch it. This is ensured by straightening plates - spacer inserts 1-4 millimeters thick. If there are none or they have all crumbled, it means that the technology for installing the double-glazed window into the window frame/sash was violated. The second option was described above “a) Moisture inside the double-glazed window” - installing the window with frame anchors. To avoid problems associated with freezing of window blocks in cold weather, it is recommended to install them on anchor plates - there are no “cold bridges” in the inter-rebate gap, freezing of the window around the perimeter is eliminated.

Therefore, replacement at the expense of the window manufacturer in both cases.


Another reason why customers contact the manufacturer’s service department is the unsightly appearance of the finished product (swelling on the slopes and window sill - excess foam) and the discomfort felt when using the window (tight handle, for example). All these problems are solved by service representatives or installation teams.

In order for your window to serve you for a very long time, there are service departments. Be careful and carefully accept work from PVC window manufacturing companies, because... Your peace of mind and the microclimate in your home depend on it!

Problems of depressed regional development

Structural imbalances in the development of regions, low economic efficiency of the national economy as a whole or its individual components often become the reason for the formation of depressed areas with constant negative dynamics of socio-economic indicators.

The reasons that give rise to disproportions in regional development can be varied. They can express natural differences: natural and climatic differences, the composition and scale of natural resources, location (center, periphery, etc.), the existing reproductive structure, advantages and disadvantages associated with the intersection of connections, in the level and composition of the population, the dynamics of socio-economic and political processes, the state of production and social infrastructure, the degree of urbanization, etc.

However, along with natural ones, there is a complex of reasons that arose as a result of inadequate political and economic decisions that are in conflict with the social goals of the reform. Examples of this can be: government policies that create advantages or discriminate against certain regions, a gap (temporal, spatial) in carrying out economic reforms at the regional level; unsettled legal framework, as well as the ineffectiveness of the mechanism for implementing the current legislation; unjustified benefits provided by the center to individual regions for social support.

The results of these and other similar phenomena are the difference in the level of income of the “poor” and “rich” segments of the population in intraregional and interregional contexts, which significantly exceeds acceptable norms; unevenness in the spread and deepening of the economic crisis in different regions and, ultimately, the deepening collapse of the single economic space and the formation of local markets in the regions.

The depression of the territories is manifested, first of all, in the lack of development of the leading industries of the region. At the same time, the number of problem regions does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases, and depressed regions already include those territories that developed normally before the start of economic reforms, but as a result of the transformation of the economic basis of Russia, for various reasons, turned into subsidized regions, with indicators their socio-economic development is many times worse than the corresponding average Russian indicators.

Depressed and backward regions are not able to form their budget on the basis of their own financial resources, since their own tax potential (including regulated taxes) is only 8–33.5%, therefore they cannot function without financial state support. For some depressed and backward regions, the share of state financial support in total budget revenues exceeds 70%. However, government financial support does not always cover even current expenses. And therefore, depressed and backward regions, lacking funds for development, are increasingly lagging behind other constituent entities of the Russian Federation in economic development.

The budget process in depressed regions has its own characteristics. Thus, the annual budget of a depressed region, adopted as law, which consists of 1/3 of financial assistance from the state, actually acts as an indicative plan for income and expenses. At the same time, federal legislation prescribes treasury execution of the budget, which involves vesting the treasury not only with accounting functions, but also with the functions of carrying out expenditure transactions on behalf of and on behalf of budgetary organizations.

As a result, the organization of the budget process in depressed regions significantly limits the possibilities of financial management at the regional level, therefore depressed and backward regions have little interest in improving the management of financial resources and increasing the efficiency of their use.

The logic of economic transformations and the implementation of the principles of territorial independence highlight the solution to the problem of the development of depressed and backward territories from the perspective of their ability to self-sufficiency. At the same time, improving regional financial management at the present stage of Russia’s economic development is still not characterized by a comprehensive and systematic solution to the problem. Some of its aspects are fragmented, which does not contribute to the achievement of financial self-sufficiency and financial stabilization of depressed and backward regions.

The complexity of solving the problem of managing territorial development in Russia is aggravated by the lack of development of mechanisms for taking into account inequality (asymmetry) of regional development and territorial differentiation in strengthening the financial potential of depressed and backward regions, which requires the formation of a conceptual framework for the introduction of innovations and finding optimal ways to their practical implementation. All this predetermines the need to rethink and identify new approaches to the study of theoretical and practical problems of organizing finances in depressed and backward territories.

The funding needs of the budget sector, calculated by traditional regulatory methods, turn out to be incomparable with the resource capabilities of even the richest and most successfully developing territories. This situation arose not only as a result of the deep and prolonged recession of the Russian economy in the 90s, but also partly due to the existence of an irrational approach to public financial management.

In this regard, fundamentally new and priority for Russia are reforming the budget sector and improving mechanisms for improving the quality and efficiency of regional financial management as part of the implementation of medium-term financial planning and result-oriented budgeting, which involves the creation of effective incentives for depressed and backward regions to increase their own financial resources and more efficient management of them.

Questions for control

    1. Define the concept of “depressed region”.
    2. List the criteria and conditions for classifying individual territories as depressed regions.
    3. What are the features of financing and problems of managing depressed regions?
    4. Name the causes and ways to solve the problems of depressed regional development




1. Development always has a direction determined

a) goal and system of goals

b) the political situation in the country

c) the state of the economy

d) there is no correct answer

2. The main, integral goal of the socio-economic development of territories is

a) increasing confidence in regional authorities

b) relieving social tension in the territory

c) improving the quality of life of the population

d) there is no correct answer

3. The process of socio-economic development of territories has three important components:

a) increasing incomes of the population;

b) creating conditions conducive to the growth of people's self-esteem;

c) increasing the degree of personal freedom of people.

d) all answers are correct

4.Specially organized systemic actions aimed at ensuring sustainable and balanced reproduction of the social, economic and natural potential of the territory are...

5.The most important features of territorial development are:

a) high degree of personal freedom of the population

b) high level of income and education of the population

c) sustainability and balance of territorial development

d) there is no correct answer

6.According to the level of development, districts are divided into:

b) stagnant, depressed highly developed,

c) backward, pioneer.

d) there is no correct answer

7. Territories are distinguished according to the pace of development (2 answer options):

a) dynamically and inertially developing,

b) stagnant, depressive.

c) backward, pioneer.

d) problematic and effective

8. A sign of territorial development is:

a) population density of the territory

b) the level and quality of life of the population of a given territory

c) efficiency of territory management

d) there is no correct answer

9.Main tasks of regional management and territorial planning (2 answer options):

a) study of the economic resources and capabilities of the regions;

b) improving planning efficiency

c) research into production location problems;

d) forecasting the development of territories

10.Regional management and territorial planning widely uses the following methods in its research (2 answer options):

a) balance method

b) experiment

c) program-target method

d) generalization

11. Types of state regional policy include:

a) economic, social, national-ethnic, environmental;

b) economic, scientific and technical, social, demographic, environmental policy;

c) economic, ecological, scientific and technical, social, demographic, environmental policy;

d) there is no correct answer.

12. Types of regional policy in the sphere of tasks being solved:

a) aimed at firms, citizens, industries and territorial authorities.

b) economic, social, national-ethnic, environmental regional policy.

c) equalizing the levels of socio-economic development of regions, stimulating growth poles.

d) automatic, problem, target

13. Types of regional policies according to the purpose of application:

a) financial, administrative, infrastructural

b) equalizing the levels of socio-economic development of regions, stimulating growth poles.

c) automatic, problem, target

d) aimed at firms, citizens, industries and territorial authorities.

14. Which legal acts are not included in the legislation?

a) laws;

b) regulatory legal agreements;

c) by-laws and legal acts;

d) acts of local authorities.

15.Which level of government does not belong to state power?

a) federal

b) regional

c) local

16. Planning for the development of territories, including for the establishment of functional zones, zones of planned placement of capital construction projects for state or municipal needs, zones with special conditions for the use of territories - this is

a) Economic zoning

b) Spatial organization

c) Territorial planning

d) There is no correct answer

17. For state authorities and local governments, when they make decisions and implement decisions on planning the development of territories, territorial planning documents are

a) mandatory

b) optional

18.The tasks of financial management in the region include (2 answers):

a) development and more rational use of the country’s productive potential

b) reducing the gap between monetary income and expenditure of the population

c) ensuring material and financial balance of investment processes in the region

d) saturating domestic demand with high-quality goods and services

19.The tasks of financial management in the region include (2 answers):

b) creating favorable conditions for attracting foreign capital

c) rational use of the country’s production potential

d) mobilization of available financial resources

20. State intervention in actual current economic processes in order to change their course and obtain the necessary results is

a) market mechanisms of influence

b) public administration

c) government regulation of the economy

d) there is no correct answer

21. The regional management system includes:

a) the system of authorities and civil service;

b) a set of functions of government bodies, methods and resources used to implement these functions;

c) the system of federal and regional authorities, the system of connections between objects and subjects of management;

d) the system of federal and regional authorities, the set of functions of state bodies, methods and resources used to implement these functions, the public service system, the system of connections between objects and subjects of management.

22.Indirect methods of public administration include:

a) depreciation policy;

b) government orders;

c) subsidies;

d) all of the above.

23. In what case does it become necessary to adjust the plan for implementing a management decision:

a) when environmental factors and organizational goals change;

b) upon change of management;

c) in case of intra-organizational conflicts;

d) all answers are correct.

24.The purpose of the management decision is:

a) the manager makes a decision to fulfill the duties of his position;

b) making the right management decision;

c) achieving the goals set for the region;

d) meeting employee needs.

25.The general strategy of state regulation of the economy is based on the following principles:

a) preference for market forms of economic organization.

b) total regulation of the economy;

c) dominance of state-owned enterprises over private ones;

d) all of the above

26.Direct methods of state regulation of the economy are based on:

a) additional incentives when making market decisions

b) using the funds and capabilities of the country’s financial and monetary systems

c) administrative and legal methods of influencing the activities of certain business entities

d) there is no correct answer

27. Instruments of state regulation of the economy (2 answer options):

a) administrative instruments;

b) economic

c) political

d) social

28. Economic instruments of state regulation of the economy include:

a) financial (tax) system;

b) the monetary system of the state;

c) state property;

d) all of the above

29.Administrative instruments of state regulation of the economy include:

a) government order

b) prohibitions, restrictions

c) state property

d) standards and norms

30.Which of the principles of the pattern of location and territorial development of social production lies in the rational territorial division of labor between regions and within their territories?

a) the principle of rational and efficient production location;

b) the principle of integrated development of economic entities;

c) the principle of rational territorial division of labor between and within regions;

d) the principle of equalizing the socio-economic level of development of regions

31. The totality of unequal production conditions and resources, their properties, the correct use of which ensures high results in the placement of material production enterprises and development of the regional economy - this is

a) management efficiency

b) production location factors

c) comprehensive development of economic entities

32. This principle of zoning considers the region as a specialized part of the country’s unified national economic complex with the established structure of auxiliary and service industries:

a) national principle

b) economic principle

c) administrative principle

d) there is no correct answer

33. The components of the country, allocated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, having official authorities, their own legislation and budgets, official relations with federal bodies are

a) regions

b) economic regions

c) subjects of the Russian Federation

d) geographical areas

34. Type of zoning, based on the specifics of production relations and the class structure of the population, which determine the corresponding development of social infrastructure, which ensures the reproduction of the labor force:

a) natural resource zoning

b) recreational zoning

c) socio-geographical zoning

d) there is no correct answer

35.Currently, Russia includes

a) 11 economic regions

b) 85 economic regions

c) 12 economic regions

d) 79 economic regions

36.The Russian Federation includes:

a) 83 subjects of the Federation;

b) 85 subjects of the Federation;

c) 99 subjects of the Federation;

d) 77 subjects of the Federation.

37.An economic region is...

a) a part of the territory of the Russian Federation that has homogeneous natural and climatic conditions, its own market specialization and industries that complement the economic complex, strong internal economic ties;

b) the socio-economic system formed in a certain territory;

c) a combination of industrial enterprises, one or more settlements, together with common industrial and social infrastructure facilities located in a compact territory;

d) a territorial entity that integrates industrial and transport hubs, communication systems, cities and towns.

38.The industry structure shows the ratios:

a) between branches of material production;

b) between non-production sectors;

c) between sectors of the social sphere;

d) between large groups of industries.

39. Tax, budget, monetary, investment, institutional, social policies of the state relate to:

a) economic methods of regulating regional development;

b) legal methods of regulating regional development;

c) mixed methods of regulating regional development;

d) special methods of regulating regional development.

40. The main subsystems of the region as a socio-economic system are:

a) ecology, population and market infrastructure;

b) system-forming base and system-servicing complex;

c) system-forming base, system-servicing complex, ecology, population and market infrastructure.

d) system-forming base, system-servicing complex and market infrastructure.

41.Which of the principles of organizing a strategic planning system for the development of a region means the unity of the principles, order and methodology of organizing and functioning of the strategic planning system, and reporting on the implementation of strategic planning documents?

b) realism

c) resource endowment

d) unity and integrity

42.Which of the principles of organizing a system of strategic planning for the development of a region means that the choice of ways and methods for achieving the goals of socio-economic development should be based on the need to achieve specified results with the least expenditure of resources in accordance with strategic planning documents?

a) balance of the strategic planning system

b) effectiveness and efficiency of strategic planning

c) realism

d) measurability of goals

43.Which of the principles of organizing a system of strategic planning for the development of a region means that strategic planning documents, with the exception of documents that contain information related to state and other secrets protected by law, are subject to official publication?

a) transparency (openness) of strategic planning

b) realism

c) delimitation of powers

d) unity and integrity

44.Which of the principles of organizing a system of strategic planning for the development of a region means that when developing strategic planning documents, sources of financial and other resource support for the activities provided for in these documents must be identified?

a) resource endowment

b) measurability of goals

c) compliance of indicators with goals

d) delimitation of powers

45. The task of financial management in the region, which allows solving the problem of ensuring the development and expansion of production through internal capabilities:

a) establishing material and financial balance of the regional budget

b) mobilization of available financial resources

c) control over compliance with the proportion between the monetary income of the population and the capabilities of the consumer market

d) creating conditions for normal cash flow.

46. ​​Form of formation and expenditure of funds in order to ensure the functions of public authorities in the region

a) extra-budgetary funds

b) federal consolidated budget

c) regional budget

d) local budget

47. Main functions of the region’s budget system (2 answers):

a) state regulation of the economy

b) creating conditions for improving the level and quality of life of the region’s population;

c) leveling the playing field for entrepreneurship

d) financial support for budgetary powers

48. Which of the principles of forming the regional budget system is the uniformity of budget legislation, forms of budget documentation and budget reporting, budget classification, etc.:

a) the principle of budget independence

b) the principle of equality of budgetary rights of constituent entities of the Russian Federation

c) the principle of balanced budget

d) the principle of unity of the budget system of the Russian Federation

49.The budget system of the region includes

a) budgetary and extra-budgetary funds

b) consolidated budget of the region

c) consolidated budget of the region and extra-budgetary territorial funds

d) all answers are correct

50.The consolidated budget of the region includes

a) target budget territorial funds

b) budgets of the region, cities of regional subordination, district budgets

c) extra-budgetary territorial funds

d) all answers are correct

Global problems of humanity. essence and solutions

Global are problems that cover the whole world, all of humanity, pose a threat to its present and future and require united efforts and joint actions of all states and peoples to be solved.

In the scientific literature you can find various lists of global problems, where their number varies from 8-10 to 40-45. This is explained by the fact that, along with global problems, there are many more private problems.

There are also different classifications of global problems. Usually among them are:

1) problems of the most “universal” nature;

2) problems of a natural and economic nature;

3) problems of a social nature;

4) problems of a mixed nature.

The main global problems include the following.

I. Environmental problem. Depletion of the environment as a result of irrational use of natural resources, pollution by solid, liquid and gaseous waste, and poisoning by radioactive waste have led to significant degradation of the global environmental problem. In some countries, the tension of the environmental problem has reached an ecological crisis. The concept of an ecological crisis area and an area with a catastrophic environmental situation has emerged. A global environmental threat has emerged in the form of uncontrolled climate change on Earth and destruction of the ozone layer in the stratosphere.

Currently, an increasing number of countries are beginning to join forces to solve the environmental problem. The world community proceeds from the fact that the main way to solve the environmental problem is to organize the production and non-production activities of people in such a way that would ensure normal eco-development, conservation and transformation of the environment in the interests of humanity and every person.

II. Demographic problem. The population explosion around the world has already begun to wane. In order to solve the demographic problem, the UN adopted the “World Population Plan of Action”, in the implementation of which both geographers and demographers participate. At the same time, progressive forces proceed from the fact that family planning programs can help improve population reproduction. For this, demographic policy alone is not enough. It must be accompanied by an improvement in the economic and social living conditions of people.

III. The problem of peace and disarmament, preventing nuclear war. An agreement on the reduction and limitation of offensive weapons between countries is currently being developed. Civilization faces the task of creating a comprehensive security system, phased elimination of nuclear arsenals, reducing arms trade, and demilitarizing the economy.

IV. Food problem. Currently, according to the UN, almost 2/3 of humanity lives in countries where there is a constant shortage of food. To solve this problem, humanity must make fuller use of the resources of crop production, livestock farming and fisheries. However, it can go in two ways. The first is the extensive path, which consists of further expansion of arable, pasture and fishing grounds. The second is an intensive way, which consists of increasing the biological productivity of existing land. Biotechnology, the use of new high-yielding varieties, and the further development of mechanization, chemicalization and land reclamation will be of decisive importance here.

V. Energy and raw materials problem- First of all, the problem of providing humanity with fuel and raw materials. Fuel and energy resources are constantly being depleted, and in a few hundred years they may disappear altogether. Enormous opportunities for solving this problem are opened up by the achievements of scientific and technical progress, and at all stages of the technological chain.

VI. The problem of human health. Recently, when assessing the quality of life of people, the state of their health comes first. Despite the fact that great strides have been made in the fight against many diseases in the 20th century, a large number of diseases still continue to threaten people's lives.

VII. The problem of using the World Ocean, which plays an important role in communication between countries and peoples. Recently, the aggravation of the raw materials and energy problems has led to the emergence of the offshore mining and chemical industries, and offshore energy. The worsening food problem has increased interest in the biological resources of the Ocean. The deepening of the international division of labor and the development of trade are accompanied by an increase in maritime transport.

As a result of all the industrial and scientific activities within the World Ocean and the ocean-land contact zone, a special component of the world economy arose - the marine economy. It includes the mining and manufacturing industries, fisheries, energy, transport, trade, recreation and tourism. Such activities gave rise to another problem - the extremely uneven development of the resources of the World Ocean, pollution of the marine environment, and its use as an arena for military activity. The main way to solve the problem of using the World Ocean is rational oceanic environmental management, a balanced, integrated approach to its wealth, based on the combined efforts of the entire world community.

VIII. The problem of space exploration. Space is the common heritage of humanity. Space programs have recently become more complex and require the concentration of technical, economic, and intellectual efforts of many countries and peoples. Global space exploration is based on the use of the latest achievements of science and technology, production and management.

Each of the global problems has its own specific content. But they are all closely interconnected. Recently, the center of gravity of global problems has been moving to the countries of the developing world. The food problem in these countries has become the most catastrophic. The plight of most developing countries has become a major human and global problem. The main way to solve it is to carry out fundamental socio-economic transformations in all spheres of life and activity of these countries, to develop scientific and technological progress, and international cooperation.

2) Global studies is a field of knowledge that studies global problems of humanity.

Global problems:

They concern all of humanity, affecting the interests of all countries, peoples, and layers of society;

Lead to significant economic and social losses and may threaten the existence of humanity;

They can only be resolved through cooperation on a planetary scale.

The main reason for the emergence (or rather, close study) of global problems is the globalization of economic and political relations! è awareness that the world is interdependent and that there are common problems whose solutions are vital.

Dr. reasons: rapid growth of humanity.

Great pace of technological progress

Scientific and technological revolution is the transformation of productive forces (the introduction of new technologies) and production relations (including the relationship between man and nature).

The need for a large amount of natural resources and the awareness that many of them will sooner or later run out.

“Cold War” people really felt the threat of the destruction of humanity.

The main global problems: the problem of peace and disarmament, demographic, environmental, food, energy, raw materials, the problem of the development of the world's oceans, space exploration, the problem of overcoming the backwardness of developing countries, nationalism, deficit of democracy, terrorism, drug addiction, etc.

Classification of global problems according to Yu. Gladkov:

1. The most universal problems of watering. and social economics. character (prevention of nuclear war, ensuring sustainable development of the world community)

2. Problems of a natural and economic nature (food, environmental)

3. Problems of a social nature (demographic, democratic deficit)

4. Problems of a mixed nature leading to loss of life (regional conflicts, technological accidents, natural disasters)

5. Problems of a purely scientific nature (space exploration)

6. Small problems of a synthetic nature (bureaucratization, etc.)

The problem and its essence Causes of occurrence (or exacerbation) Solutions Achieved results and creatures. difficulties
1. Prevention of war; the problem of peace and disarmament - the world is under threat of destruction by nuclear war or something like that 1. Two world wars of the 20th century 2. Technological progress. Creation and proliferation of new types of weapons (in particular nuclear weapons) 1. Establishing tighter controls over nuclear and chemical weapons 2. Reducing conventional weapons and arms trade 3. Overall reduction in military spending 1) Signing of international treaties: on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (1968 - 180th state), on the ban on nuclear tests, the convention on the prohibition of the development, production, chemicals. weapons (1997), etc. 2) The arms trade decreased by 2 rubles. (from 1987 to 1994) 3) Reduction of military spending by 1/3 (for the 1990s) 4) Strengthened control over the non-proliferation of nuclear and other weapons by the international community (Example: activities of the IAEA, etc. international organizations) but not all countries have joined the treaties on the non-proliferation of various types of weapons, or some countries are withdrawing from such treaties (Example: the United States unilaterally withdrew from the ABM Treaty in 2002); The activities of some countries give reason to believe that they are developing nuclear weapons (North Korea, Iran). Armed conflicts do not stop (Lebanon - Israel, the war in Iraq, etc.) - In a word, everything is still far from perfect...
2. Environmental problem - Expressed in environmental degradation and increasing environmental crisis - Manifests itself in various natural disasters, climate change, deterioration in the quality of water, land, resources 1. Irrational use of natural resources (deforestation, waste of resources, drainage of swamps, etc.) 2. Pollution of the environment with human waste. activities (metallization, radioactive contamination...etc.) 3. Economy. development without taking into account the capabilities of the natural environment (dirty industries, giant factories, And all these negative factors accumulated and finally - environmental awareness. Problems! Carrying out environmental policy at the state, regional and global levels: 1. Optimization of the use of natural resources in the process of social production (Ex: introduction of resource-saving technologies) 2. Nature conservation (Ex: creation of specially protected natural zones; regulation of harmful emissions) 3. Ensuring environmental safety of the population. Success depends on the level of socio-economic development of individual countries (it is clear that developing countries cannot afford to produce environmentally friendly garbage bags) + international cooperation! 1) The existence of the problem was realized, measures began to be taken 2) Holding international conferences and forums (UN World Conference on the Environment) 3) Signing the international. conventions, agreements, etc. (World Conservation Charter (1980), Declaration on Environment and Development (during the conference in Rio de J. in 1992), Helsinki Protocol (set the goal of reducing CO2 emissions), Kyoto Protocol (1997 - limited greenhouse gas emissions gases), Earth Charter (2002), etc. 4) Creation and activities of international governmental and non-governmental organizations, programs (Greenpeace, UNEP) 5) Strict environmental legislation in a number of countries + introduction of environmental technologies, etc. VIS spend 1-1.5% of GDP on “ecology” VIS spend 0.3% of GDP on “ecology” in poor countries (owing 0.7%) but this problem receives little attention and money. Relocation of dirty industries is practiced, but this does not improve the overall condition of the Earth. Many developing countries are still on an extensive development path and cannot afford to spend money on greening.
3. Demographic problem - The world's population is growing too fast (population explosion since the 1960s) food shortages, poverty, epidemics, unemployment, migration, etc. Most developing countries have entered the second phase of reproduction (ç wider use of the achievements of world medicine, minor advances in the economy) Mortality decreased, and the birth rate remained very high for 2-3 generations Implementation of demographic policy: - Economic measures (Ex: benefits, allowances) - Administrative and legal (Ex: regulation of the age of marriage, permission of abortions) · Educational Because for conducting demogr. politics requires a lot of money, then international cooperation is needed In some countries (China, Thailand, Argentina), where demogr. The policy managed to reduce the population growth rate to 1% per year. In some - a demographer. the explosion subsided (Brazil, Iran, Morocco, Chile). Basically, this problem is solved only by “advanced” developing countries. In the poorest (Afghanistan, Uganda, Togo, Benin) the situation has not yet changed for the better. World conferences and forums are held on population issues. Organizations (UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund)
4. Food problem Human nutritional intake per day = 2400-2500 kcal (world average per person is 2700 kcal) 25% of people do not get enough. protein, 40% - adequate. vitamins This mainly concerns developing countries (the number of undernourished people can reach 40-45%) 1) Population growth outpaces the increase in grain production and other food products (population explosion, erosion, desertification, lack of fresh water, climate factor) 2) Low social economy. level of development of many developing countries (there is no money to produce or buy food) A. Extensively: Expansion of arable and pasture lands (1.5 billion of land is in reserve) B. Intensively: Using the achievements of the green revolution (see the question about the green revolution). 1) International cooperation in this area (1974 World Food Conference; World Food Council established) 2) Food aid (Ex: 40% of all food imports into Africa)

(according to UN report 2006)

5. Energy and raw materials - the problem of reliable provision of humanity with fuel, energy, raw materials This problem has always existed, it became especially aggravated (manifested on a global scale) in the 70s (energy crisis). The main reasons: too much growth in the consumption of mineral fuels and other resources (in the 20th century, more was produced than in the entire history of mankind). va) => depletion of many deposits, deterioration of conditions for resource extraction and development of deposits Additional. reasons for energy problems: the need to abandon some types of “too dirty” fuel, global competition for fuel A. Traditional Increasing resource extraction · New deposits · Increasing "extractability" B. Policy of energy and resource conservation (many measures, including a focus on the use of renewable and non-traditional fuels, the use of secondary raw materials) C. Radically new solutions - using the achievements of scientific and technological revolution (Example: nuclear energy, the use of hydrogen engines, etc.) Many new fields have been found (Ex: number of proven oil reserves - 10 rubles since 1950 + the world's resources are being actively developed) + new technologies are being introduced into production Energy saving policies are being actively pursued (mainly in VIS) Ex: Energy intensity of GDP VIS by 1/3 (compared to 1970). Activities of the IAEA and other int. organizations (including coordination of international programs for the development of new types of fuel) BUT: The economies of most countries remain energy-intensive Most countries are trying to solve this problem “by force” Natural resources are still used inefficiently (Ex: World average level of useful use primary resources does not exceed 1\3)







Topic: Environmental problem, causes

and possible solutions







Our city is not so big and all the natural processes occurring on it are closely interconnected. Destruction of forests leads to a reduction in natural resources in the city of Novosibirsk, emissions of chemicals can cause skin cancer in people, and the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in one place accelerates climate change as a whole.

Economic and environmental ties are developing rapidly and are manifested in: 1.Increasing economic dependence. Until recently, human activity and its consequences were clearly distinguished.

Then the existing boundaries began to disappear. The industrial revolution and the scientific and technological revolution opened the way for the formation of the field of movement of goods, labor and capital. 2.Increasing pressure on nature due to population growth.

Noting the positive results of socio-economic development. It can be stated that child mortality has decreased; average life expectancy has increased (from an average of 60 years to 62); The rate of food growth exceeded the rate of population growth. Advances in medicine have freed people from some diseases and provided relief from others. The Green Revolution took place in agriculture - grain production increased 2.6 times, which made it possible to increase individual consumption by 25 - 40%.

The result of all these achievements was an explosive growth in the city's population, which by 2010 will reach about 3,000 thousand people living in Novosibirsk.

Novosibirsk faces serious environmental problems that force us to pay attention to the merciless exploitation of natural resources.

Due to the increased exploitation of natural resources, the export of which is an important factor in the economy. The Novosibirsk City Committee for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources limited measures for environmental protection and taking into account environmental development planning by compiling an environmental review for the city of Novosibirsk for 2005.

Novosibirsk, a city of the 20th century, grew rapidly and vigorously, matching a century of technological progress. It owes its birth to the Trans-Siberian Railway, which placed the city at the intersection with the great Siberian Ob River.

The location in the center of the triangle formed by the large cities of Western Siberia of that time, at the crossroads of the river and land roads, later recorded in the city's coat of arms, determined many of the advantages of the metropolis that arose in a short historical period.

Novosibirsk is one of the largest municipalities in the Russian Federation, the center of the Novosibirsk region and the Siberian Federal District, a large industrial, transport, scientific and cultural center.

The population (as of January 1, 2006) is 1,379 thousand people, and within the Novosibirsk agglomeration, which includes the settlements of Sputnik, the population is more than 2 million people. Area of ​​the city – 504.61 sq. km. (taking into account the workers’ village of Pashino that was recently included in it).

In the structure of the urban area, 34.2% is occupied by residential zones, 12.6% by industrial zones, and 37.8% by landscaped and recreational zones (including garden plots). 8.5% - water bodies, 6.9% - other, including landfills and cemeteries. At the same time, 28.6% of the city’s territory is occupied by production and warehouse facilities.

Fig.1. Structure of urban areas

Population of the city



thousand people

Population share, %


sq. km.


people / sq. km.
















Rice. 2. Administrative division of the city

The city is divided into 10 administrative districts. The average estimated population density of Novosibirsk in 2001 was 2786 people per square kilometer, as of 01/01/2006 - 2768 people. At the same time, the city's territory is unevenly populated.

You can form 4 groups of districts based on population level. The most densely populated historical center of the city is the Central and Railway districts. The second group includes the eastern districts of the city: Kalininsky, with the village of Pashino included in its composition, and Dzerzhinsky. On the left bank, as well as in the Oktyabrsky district, part of which is also located in the historical center of the city, the population density is close to the city average. The Zaeltsovsky, Sovetsky and Pervomaisky districts are less densely populated, a significant part of the territory of which is occupied by forests.

This is clearly visible in the diagram (see below).

Territory Zaeltsovsky district began to be built up at the beginning of the last century. Currently, the district is located along the banks of the 1st and 2nd Eltsovka rivers, is limited in the south by a railway embankment, in the north it is adjacent to the Zaeltsovsky pine forest, the basis of the industrial potential of the region consists of an instrument-making plant, an electric vacuum plant, electronics industry enterprises, a meat-packing plant, a pharmaceutical factory and other enterprises.

Kalininsky district located in the northeastern part of the city. In the south, the border runs along the West Siberian Railway. In the east and north to the outskirts of the region, the borders of the Novosibirsk rural district. In the southwestern direction of the region, the small rivers 1st and 2nd Eltsovka cross.

Leninsky district - the largest in Novosibirsk in terms of population, area, industrial potential: it is an area of ​​factories, thermal power plants, river fleet bases and higher educational institutions.

Zheleznodorozhny district refers to the old part of the urban development of Novosibirsk. Currently, the district accounts for about 2% of the city's territory. The border in the north runs along the valley of the 1st Eltsovka rivers. In the south of the district, it is adjacent to the embankment of the railway bridge over the Ob River; from west to east from the bank of the Ob River to the border with the Central District along Sovetskaya Street. The main industrial facility that determines the profile of the region is the Novosibirsk railway junction. The river port, located in this area, serves Novosibirsk enterprises and sends cargo to the Far North to oil producers and gas workers in Western Siberia.

Story Central region – this is the history of Novosibirsk. The first residential developments arose in 1893, in connection with the construction of a railway bridge across the Ob River. The area's territory is noticeably limited, so any new construction is carried out through the demolition of old residential buildings. This partly explains the absence of large heavy industrial plants here; In addition, environmentally harmful industries are being removed from the central part of the city.

Dzerzhinsky district in the southwest it is crossed by the valley of the Kamenka River, half of the riverbed, which is taken into a collector within the cities. Dzerzhinsky district – a working area, with numerous industrial associations and public transport enterprises. The bulk of industrial enterprises are concentrated in the area between Dzerzhinsky Avenue and the West Siberian Railway.

Kirovsky district - this is the industrial basis of the city, unique production associations, wide straight highways, multi-storey residential areas, and at the same time - numerous streets and alleys with private buildings.

Oktyabrsky district – these are factories, factories, motor transport enterprises, industrial bases and higher educational institutions. Equipment and workers evacuated to Novosibirsk at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War gave rise to a non-ferrous metals plant and a chemical and pharmaceutical plant. Also located here are experimental mechanical and electromechanical plants, a poultry plant and a brick factory, and a chocolate factory.

Pervomaisky district from the first days of its emergence it lives an isolated life. It is separated from other areas by the valleys of the Ob and Inya rivers and urban forests. In its development, the area is closely tied to the railway department and large factories.

Sovetsky district today it is a whole city, which was built in the name of science, with academic institutions, blocks of comfortable residential buildings, industrial enterprises, with everything that is necessary for human life.

High heat, power and water needs, a gigantic network of engineering communications, huge public utilities, motor transport, all this has a significant impact on the urban environment and essentially determines its quality, and also causes a number of “problems”. If you look at the map of the city of Novosibirsk (as well as any other large city): everything that the city has - territory, energy, people, resources, water, everything is given primarily to industry. Large enterprises are located along railways and major highways, near the Ob River, as a source of water supply and transport artery. The urban zoning system today urgently requires its improvement and change in priorities, prompting the city administration to rethink approaches to ensuring the environmental safety of citizens.

Moreover, our own experience of the past years, the experience of solving environmental problems of urbanized areas accumulated by the international community, allows the city administration to make improving the environmental situation one of the priorities. This concept includes: reducing the adverse impact (primarily from thermal power and utilities facilities) on the environment by improving centralized heat supply and wastewater disposal systems, converting some heat sources to gas, closing inefficient and environmentally unfavorable heat sources. In the area of ​​reducing the harmful effects of road transport - expanding the use of environmentally friendly types of motor fuel, monitoring the technical condition of vehicles and implementing urban planning measures aimed at increasing the capacity of the street network. Improvement and landscaping of built-up areas is also necessary, including the construction, reconstruction and repair of roads, and the development of a storm sewer system. As well as the cleaning and improvement of small rivers and their water protection zones and coastal protective strips, the reclamation of littered areas and the lack of measures to prevent the re-formation of unauthorized waste dumps, the development of a system of green areas, the preservation of urban forests and increasing their recreational properties and, of course, the issue of environmental education, upbringing and enlightenment of the population. Environmental Problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan Coursework >> Ecology

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  • Important information: those who have read to the end all the recommended materials listed here: - quit drugs.

    Try it too! This works regardless of the duration of use and type of drug.

    Foreign and domestic films show adult men and women who leave the real world, becoming drug addicts forever. This layer of society destroys more than 20% of the population. Is it true that soon only people who use drugs will remain on the planet?

    But the worst disaster is that drug addiction among young people is taking on youthful forms. Children's drug addiction and drug addiction among adolescents and young people are the scourge of society. What to do if your child seems to have become a drug addict? How to help? This article will talk about this.

    Causes of childhood drug addiction

    Drug addiction among teenagers, youth, and children is becoming a horror of modern society. The average age of Russians who use drugs is already the threshold age of 15 years; there are cases where drugs were noticed in the blood of children aged six. Drug addiction among children is extremely destructive. Little people are introduced to drugs by parents who cannot live without a new dose.

    Childhood drug addiction and drug addiction among young people are spreading extremely quickly, like the plague in the 18th century, and are already reaching enormous proportions. Among all schoolchildren in Russia, about 20% suffer from drug addiction, and among people belonging to youth and puberty, the figure is completely scary - about 60%.

    There are practically no experienced drug addicts. The disease takes only a measly 4 or 5 years of life. The period may be shortened by 1-2 years, depending on when the final dose arrives, relieving the suffering. Child drug addicts who leave notes for their descendants describe it as the most searing pain they have experienced in their lives. It is impossible to run away, and it is impossible to hide. Just go to sleep. Forever…

    The specifics of teenage drug addiction are extremely remarkable: 70% of drug addicts surveyed claim that they first tried drugs in crowded places. In social institutions among young people - school, university or in entertainment venues, for example, discos.

    Drug use increases the number of child deaths by as much as 42 times, but the most terrible thing is the accompanying drug addiction among young people: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and HIV infection.

    The increase in child drug addiction in adolescence increases the massive number of crimes: thefts, robberies, murders, for the sake of a life-saving dose, which is fundamentally wrong. Drug addicts are incredibly unhappy people who are capable of doing a variety of things to obtain a drug. They are not aware of what they are doing. It is important to limit children from exposure to various dealers and scammers who profit from the misfortune of others.

    The first signal will be a change in the behavior of a teenager or child. If you have a trusting relationship and the child admits that he uses drugs, you should not scream or throw tantrums. Otherwise, it is easier for a drug-addicted son or daughter to withdraw into himself, and then it will be impossible to save him or her. My son is a drug addict?! What to do?! Calm down first.

    How to help? Try to come to terms with this fact, start treatment immediately, so you can extend the life of your beloved child for many years. Some forms of childhood drug addiction and drug addiction among young people are still amenable to drug treatment, but it must be started at the right time.

    Preventing drug addiction is easier than treating it!

    The proverb and saying that preventing a disease is easier than treating it saves many lives. Now there is a huge anti-drug propaganda in society - a program that allows young people, children, teenagers to learn the most unpleasant details about drugs.

    This is a way to see the wrong side of life not in pictures, but with your own eyes, by attending special drug treatment seminars and forums, where teenagers come - drug addicts who no longer want to be drug addicts, but are still deeply sick and therefore remain one. True stories about how drug addiction develops among young people, how they got confused and took the wrong path, allow the younger generation to rethink their priorities and never pick up a deadly syringe or pill.

    Why do children become drug addicts? First you need to find out the reasons for drug addiction in adolescents, because of which a small person can become a drug addict:

    1. Biological reason.

    2. Environment and surroundings.

    3. Vulnerability of the nervous system and “emptiness of the soul.”

    Let's take a closer look at the causes of drug addiction in teenagers. The first group includes children with a physical predisposition; they can take drugs unknowingly. This category also includes children born from parents who are alcoholics and whose development is clearly affected by harmful substances. There is a place here for those unfortunate babies whose mothers drank alcohol or drugs during pregnancy. Such a child should be protected as much as possible from the harmful influence of the media, bad companies, from an unhealthy lifestyle, reinforced by the nightly parties of young people, incomprehensible long walks to various hot spots. You can take control of at least part of teenage alcoholism, childhood drug addiction and drug addiction among young people, starting with your own child.

    The first priority will be to convince the young teenager that by preventing this behavior, you are saving a future life. Help! But you shouldn’t put too much pressure on such children. Due to natural resistance, a reverse reaction may occur, and the child will become an avid alcoholic or drug addict.

    Much depends on what family the child is born into. Complete absence, neglect of interests, and, conversely, excessive care can make the consequences disastrous. A child left to his own devices is guaranteed to fall under the influence of bad company, unlike a father and mother who are attentive and understanding of his problems. This is how drug addiction spreads among young people.

    The other side of the situation may be when the child is so cared for by his parents that he cannot even breathe on his own without their presence. Having escaped from excessive maternal and paternal care, a teenager can go to great lengths and become a drug addict, a murderer, and also a thief who has tasted all the delights and joys of the free life of youth. He will be happy with the knowledge that control over him has been exhausted. The main task will be to maintain a balance between the two sides of this coin called “The Life of Your Child.”

    Don't take too much care of him so that he doesn't feel under constant scrutiny, but don't leave him alone thinking he's already an adult. Drug addiction among young people is extremely unstable and can depend on one person's decision to become a drug addict.

    It is worth hugging him or asking him about what the problems are. They are always there. Don't hesitate to ask about your child's affairs. Why did he suddenly become sad? The most insignificant situation can push one to drugs or alcohol, and then childhood alcoholism and drug addiction will no longer escape the child, being hit with two diagnoses at once.

    Pay attention to friends, to school, to the place where he spends his free hours while walking. The best option would be to find a section or hobby group where, under the guidance of an experienced teacher, your child is unlikely to think about “deadly” pranks, and thus minimize the statistics of drug addiction among children, adolescents and young people.

    The last, extremely important point in education is to monitor changes in the young nervous system. Remember, children become drug addicts unconsciously, so drug addiction in adolescence is a difficult problem to solve. A child or teenager is an unformed person who is constantly rethinking his personality under the influence of various internal and external factors. And, if during such a period the child sees complete parental ignorance or, conversely, excessive correction and pointing out shortcomings, then huge spiritual voids can form, leading to a society of young people who will understand him.

    It is obvious that the problem of childhood drug addiction and drug addiction in adolescence is not only the child’s fault, but also the parents’, who do not take a very active part in the life of the young person.

    Signs of drug addiction in a child and treatment methods

    The peculiarity of childhood, teenage and drug addiction among young people is that it cannot be hidden from the very beginning, therefore it is easiest to detect at an early stage, when the first signs of deviant behavior appear in a child.

    These signs can be identified during communication with a teenager, as well as through close observation of the daily routine, routine and relationships with peers. Keep an eye on him throughout the day. You may notice the following signs of drug addiction in teenagers:

    1. Sudden mood swings

    Such differences, as a rule, are not related to real life situations. For example, he may suddenly laugh, and then cry a second later. Schizophrenic delusions may appear when the child begins to be afraid of his own shadow or talk to himself. In particularly severe and advanced cases of drug addiction among children and adolescents, hallucinations appear.

    2. Disturbed sleep patterns

    An important symptom in this problem is a disturbance in the rhythm of sleep, which, as a rule, is developed individually in the child. A child can sleep all day, and at night be cheerful and energetic and take on a variety of activities. He may constantly listen to music, completely not understand what you are telling him, or fall and fall asleep. If you notice such oddities in your child’s behavior, then try to gently ask him about the reasons for this behavior. Perhaps it was not drugs, but a difficult test for which he studied all night.

    3. Eating disorder

    Perhaps the most important criterion by which you can recognize a sick person. If a child completely refuses to eat, then he either has serious problems with digestion, or he has been sliding down the smooth path of drugs for a long time.

    Watch him and find out what he absorbs per day, whether these foods are harmful or, on the contrary, they practically do not exist. The other extreme may also persist - a wild appetite, accompanied by aggression, when you take away too much food. If these signs are present in your child, then you need to immediately call for help from specialist narcologists.

    In medical practice, there are physiological signs of drug addiction in children and adolescents:

    Too cloudy, reddened eyes;

    Incoherent, slow speech;

    Frequent cough;

    Dramatic weight loss;

    Impaired coordination of movements.

    The characteristics of teenage drug addiction are such that behavioral factors may include:

    Lethargy or agitation without objective reasons;

    Absenteeism from school;

    Frequently being late home;

    A sharp change in appearance, a tendency towards sloppiness;

    Reluctance to communicate with your friends, self-isolation;

    The most striking manifestations of behavioral deviation are frequent requests for a large sum of money.

    And finally, you may, unfortunately, find visible traces of drug use: marks from injections on the hands, syringes, vials, capsules, tablets and powders that your child stores in his room.

    The only method of treating children, adolescents and drug addiction among young people today is medication, isolation treatment of a child or adolescent drug addict. He can be helped by drug addiction specialists, who must find out what stage the disease is at and prescribe an appropriate course of medications that slow down the destructive effect of drugs on the body.

    Remember, the degradation of the child’s personality has already begun; you need to promptly help the child realize the seriousness of the whole situation. You must convince your drug addict daughter or son that he is terminally ill, and if he does not begin to trust you right now and does not give up his addiction, he will no longer be able to be a full-fledged member of society and will leave it irrevocably.

    Unfortunately, the specifics of teenage drug addiction are such that from the moment a child uses drugs, childhood is over, but it is possible to preserve this fragile youth, undestroyed to the end.

    How to help? Post-rehabilitation of such a child who has undergone drug treatment should be associated with health and educational centers, where he will meet with similar children who have overcome the terrible habit of childhood drug addiction.

    If he wants to become a volunteer and take part in such actions as “Children against drugs”, “World against drugs”, in World AIDS and HIV Day, then this will be the best step towards recovery and return to an unusual existence - be a healthy person.