Something to put you in a good mood. Express ways to lift your mood

It happens that things don’t go well in the morning, or for some reason the mood suddenly deteriorates. And there is still a lot of time until evening. You don’t want to waste the rest of the day, so it’s better to try to rectify the situation. If you can’t beat the case itself, you need to work with your mood. After all, the essence is not in the reasons themselves, but in human perception. if everything is bad or seems so?

Let's understand the problem

First, you should stop the moment and comprehend the cause of apathy. Maybe you really feel bad, but it’s another thing when you want to draw attention to yourself so that someone will take pity and console you. In any case, you need to make yourself understand that life is already fleeting. Instead of despondency, it is better to devote time to something that is at least pleasant. And how many useful things you can do if you stop whining. However, if you still decide to yearn, then you should at least do it with taste. For example, it’s good to feel sad while listening to music, especially your favorite one. What if inspiration comes and despondency is replaced by the muse of creativity?

Choosing the right direction

Secondly, you need to wean yourself from a bad mood. Yes it is possible. This is exactly what everyone does. Just every time you are overcome by despondency, force yourself to do something that will drive bad thoughts away. If every time you are in a bad mood, you take a book and read, then either sadness will come less and less often, or you will become a very well-read person. When you feel angry, you can fight your resentment with physical exercise. It's nice to imagine how toned your body will become. In any case, there is a benefit - that's a fact.


How to cheer yourself up at home when you are alone or have an argument with a loved one? You need to understand that time will pass and everything will definitely get better. When you feel lonely, you can call your friends or parents. Mental communication provides indispensable support in difficult moments. You can invite guests and spend a pleasant evening together. Or go visit someone close to you. It is useful for you, it is pleasant for them. Specific options depend on the situation. However, proven ways to raise them still exist. Let's look at them now.

Turn up the music louder by choosing songs you like

You can do a lot of useful things while listening to your favorite song. Take time for yourself, take care of your appearance. You can apply a mask to your face, close your eyes and turn on pleasant music, and at the end of the procedure, drink a cup of aromatic tea or coffee. By the way, these drinks have a tonic effect, which helps improve your mood.

Draw without thinking

Just take a piece of paper, a pencil and move your hand. It relaxes and helps calm the nervous system. And if you use multi-colored pencils or pens, color therapy will also come into play. Forget about problems, immerse yourself in the process like a child. Remember your childhood and enjoy the moment.


Dancing is a win-win option to lift your spirits at home or outside.

Give your body free rein to move without thinking about how it looks from the outside - just dance. A charge of positive energy will certainly displace bad moods and gloomy thoughts. A good solution is to go dancing with friends. It could be a disco or a salsa night. Skills and abilities don't matter. Your goal is to get a positive charge from the process.


When it seems that everything is bad, the first thing that will start to irritate you is scattered things at home or documents on your desktop. Turn on the music, be determined and get to cleaning. At the same time, get rid of unnecessary things, clear space for new things and positive energy in the house. How to cheer yourself up at work? The music probably won’t be entirely appropriate, but it won’t hurt to sort through the pile of papers and empty the drawers of documents. As a result, observing the order, you will feel that your mood has really improved, your soul has become much lighter.



A person’s mood is also related to the time of year and weather conditions. How to cheer yourself up in the fall, when it’s raining outside and the leaves are sadly falling from the trees? Put on rubber boots, take an umbrella, a thermos of tea and go for a walk. Notice how beautiful the nature is at this time of year, how rich the colors are, and how fresh, humid, and spicy the air is. Take a deep breath, focus on your feelings, forget about the unpleasant day or incident. Now it is important to teach yourself to enjoy the moment, the nature around, the sounds of rain. Look how beautiful life is, there is no place for a bad mood in it.

Solarium and healthy products

Often in the autumn-winter period people suffer from chronic apathy or even a depressive state. This is due to the fact that there are much fewer sunny days. How to cheer yourself up if you're depressed? You can go to the solarium - this will give you a dose of ultraviolet radiation, which will be enough to lift your spirits. You need to walk in the fresh air more often, or even better, jog.

Dark chocolate is considered a proven remedy for depression. However, citrus fruits also have the same property. If you drink a glass of fresh orange juice at least every other day, it will not only lift your mood, but also strengthen your immune system. Bananas increase the content. It is enough to eat one a day - in addition to vitamins, this will provide the body with a good mood.

Winter fun

In winter, you can perfectly lift your spirits by ice skating or skiing, depending on your capabilities. Or maybe a sled? Remember how fun it was to slide down an ice slide as a child. Why not use the same methods in adulthood? Go to the skating rink yourself, with your children, friends, and family. This is a great reason to have a great time and forget about the severity of pressing problems. Frosty blush and positivity are guaranteed to you.

Sweet drinks

There is a category of people who “get off on the wrong foot.” And this happens almost every day. The cause of a bad mood or even feeling unwell in the morning is a lack of glucose. The first thing you should do is go to the kitchen. A great way to cheer yourself up in the morning is to drink a cup of aromatic, freshly brewed sweet coffee. A glass of fruit juice also helps. The body is immediately filled with a charge of vivacity, and a nutritious breakfast will provide energy for the whole day. It's great to start your morning with your favorite product.

Physical exercise

Exercise is another proven way to cheer yourself up if everything is bad. The easiest way to do this is at home. But even at work, if you wish, you can perform several simple exercises. The body's blood circulation will improve, and an influx of strength will be felt almost instantly. Physical activity increases the level of the happiness hormone in the blood, so it is worth devoting more time to this useful activity. According to statistics, people who go to the gym at least three times a week are more stress-resistant and cheerful. The reason lies in the production of the happiness hormone during muscle work.


How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad? Face the truth. There are situations when the cause of a bad mood is melancholy. Then you should figure it out - do you miss a person, an event, a bygone time? In the first option, you can call or meet a person. If it so happens that the one you miss has died, then remember the most beautiful moments that connected you. People who left our world would only be glad that you are happy and everything is fine with you. Mentally send a ray of light and love to the person, you will immediately feel better. If you are in a quarrel, determine what is more important for you - to prove that you are right or to be with the person next to you. Depending on this, act. There may not be another chance to take the first step.

Sometimes the question of how to cheer yourself up if everything is bad interests a person who is accompanied by a streak of failures. In this case, you should put everything in order. First you need to find out the reasons for the failures that occurred. These are personal mistakes or inability to navigate the current circumstances. Take responsibility, give yourself the mindset that you are the only person influencing the situation. Then you will feel an influx of new strength, and you will certainly be able to cope with the most seemingly unsolvable problems. And, by the way, it is better to remove this word from the lexicon forever. Tell yourself differently - there are no problems, there are tasks.


A good way to lift your loved one’s bad mood is to allow yourself to eat something delicious. Make yourself comfortable and give the process some time. It is better at this moment to isolate yourself from anything that can distract you. Just enjoy the taste of your favorite ice cream or dessert, or maybe a meat dish. There are no comrades in taste and color. There will be no trace left of your bad mood. And after a portion of delicious food, the best thing to do is go for a walk. Fresh air and rhythmic breathing will organize your thoughts, and your view of the state of affairs can change dramatically.

Relax and improve your mood

If apathy has completely developed and you have no strength to do anything at all, then you need to give yourself some rest. At the same time, you can distract yourself with:

  • reading your favorite book, or one that you never had time for;
  • watching a movie, series, TV show;
  • a computer game, but it’s important not to get carried away and stay up until the morning;
  • writing your own essay, poetry, prose (for many, apathy leads to enlightenment in creativity and identification of talents);
  • drawing, especially with paints;
  • handicrafts (often the resulting works have unsurpassed beauty and uniqueness, and all because the soul was experiencing deep feelings at that moment).

How to cheer yourself up? Photos of funny moments will help you in this matter. Looking through them, a person will begin to dream about good things, and maybe he will finally be ready to take a vacation and go on a trip. New experiences are the best way to cope with despondency. Sometimes simply viewing beautiful photographs or paintings greatly lifts your mood, saturating


There are countless ways to rid yourself of a bad mood. Ten volumes would not be enough to list them all. Some really work and change perceptions for the better, others are less effective, but better than nothing. In any case, the main and most correct way is the person’s reluctance to be in a bad mood. If life's course is set on luck, no matter what happens, it will be perceived as experience. No one is immune from mistakes. But some learn from them and become stronger, others lose strength in the struggle for what is right.

Bad moods need to be crossed off your list if you are determined to be successful. Now only joy will fill every day you live. Be happy!

Sometimes you just wake up and realize that you are “on the wrong foot.” And there seem to be no objective reasons, but the mood has been ruined since the morning. And sometimes it happens that the reasons are beyond the roof. And you don’t really want to spend the day in a bad mood! Especially if your job requires you to smile or be welcoming. What a job! It will also not be very pleasant for your loved ones to contemplate your sad face all day. What to do? How can you cheer up quickly and for a long time?

8 effective ways to cheer up

Usually in the morning we don’t have much time, so we will try to resolve the issue quickly.

1. Get rid of the cause of your bad mood. If you know exactly what it is and the cause can be eliminated, get rid of it now. Raise your mood and solve the problem.

2. If the problem is unsolvable, or it takes time, take a philosophical approach to the situation. It still can't be solved now. Give yourself the word to “think about it tomorrow.” Scarlett O'Hara is a wise woman;) Ideally, try to see the benefit for yourself in the current situation. As they say, “no matter what is done...” Thinking and making decisions will not take much time.

3. If “auto-training” doesn’t help, let’s move on to more “material” ways to lift your mood. Eat a banana or chocolate. It has already been proven that the substances contained in these delicacies contribute to the production of happiness hormones - serotonin and endorphin. In general, in a situation with a bad mood, sweets play an important role. The most effective and fastest way to improve your moral well-being.

4. Watch your figure and don’t like to “seize” problems? Then movement is your choice! As with eating sweets, playing sports (or dancing, walking, and brisk walking) increases the level of “happy hormones” in the blood. If you have time to exercise, do it. Or replace it with a walk - go to work earlier and walk a couple of stops through the park.

5. Shopping. Oh yes! =) But what kind of shopping is it like in the morning? Especially before work. But no one bothers you to go out early and make a long-planned purchase that you have been putting off. You will please yourself and get the job done.

6. The stupidest, in my opinion, but nevertheless an effective way (especially within a limited time) to slightly improve your mood is to smile at yourself in the mirror. Somewhere in the subconscious, the brain will decide that we are having fun (let’s smile!), and “turn on” the good mood mode =)

7. If you have a pet, spend 5-10 minutes playing with it. Usually, in the morning bustle, everyone forgets about the fluffy ball, but cats and dogs are the cutest creatures in the world, just a glance at which can lift your spirits. And if you squeeze...... ;)

8. While finishing your cup of morning drink, try to remember all the good events and moments that have happened to you lately. You will smile - I guarantee! ;)

These are the simple ways that help me cheer up. If you have your own little secrets on how to cheer up and how to fight the blues - share! Let's together make our lives brighter, more positive and more interesting!

Take care of yourself and your nerves! ;) Many kisses to you, my dears! Mur-mur!=*

A bad mood periodically visits everyone, there are many reasons for this - ranging from fatigue and low tone due to real problems, ending with simply emotional stupor in the morning. I believe that mood is the key to success; when I am sad or dissatisfied with something, everything falls out of my hands.

Have you noticed this about yourself? You get up on the wrong foot in the morning, and off you go - you knocked over a cup of coffee on yourself, got stuck in a traffic jam, was late for work, received a reproachful look from your beloved boss, you work poorly and feel bad... It’s better to think a little about how to cheer up and recharge positive for the whole day.

Causes of bad mood

If sadness and melancholy consume you no more than three times a week, then in general you don’t have to worry - this is a variant of the norm. If you feel depressed for a few minutes every day, then you obviously need to change something in your life or in your attitude towards it. And if a bad mood comes much more often, then you should think about it and look for the reasons for the bad mood. You can chalk it up to a spirit of despondency, bad weather, or the wrong leg in the morning - but is it worth it? It's better to figure out what's making you sad.

For example, these could be:

  • vitamin deficiency and some hidden diseases (possibly in the very initial stage);
  • real problems or difficulties;
  • bad weather;
  • some undetected grievances;
  • life period for rethinking;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • emotional disorders.
Of course, a bad mood can arise for several reasons at once, or for some other reason altogether - each person is individual, and his mood and tone are regulated by complex chemical reactions in the body.

If a bad mood accompanies a person throughout his life, then this is a good reason to visit a doctor - when a person gets sick, his mood and vitality quickly drop, he feels bad and becomes irritable.

How you can tone yourself up in five minutes

If the cause of sadness has not been identified, then you can try to increase your vitality in just a few minutes.

A person’s mood depends on the level of hormones that are responsible for emotions. In order for your mood to change, you need to somehow influence the amount of these hormones. Hormones are affected by:

  • useful micro- and macro-elements that enter our body with food, drinks and vitamins;
  • physical activity;
  • placebo effect - if you do what a person usually does in a good mood, then the body can be tricked a little, and it will increase the level of hormones, which will significantly improve the mood.

What to eat for your mood

  1. The simplest thing is to eat something sweet or rich in vitamins. Sweets help activate the nervous system, which gradually equalizes the emotional background and at the same time the mood in life. There is another reason - sweets are simply pleasant. Even if you don’t take into account their beneficial effects, a little pleasure will help brighten up the most bleak picture of life and raise your vitality when you are at home, at work or walking.
  2. Fruit will also work. They contain a complex complex of vitamins and essential oils, most of which help to quickly and effectively improve your own mood. It is best to choose those fruits that have a brighter color and a distinct smell - they are at that stage of ripeness when the amount of nutrients in them is the highest. Combinations of citrus fruits with coniferous aromas and herbs are best to tone up.
  3. Vegetables are a great choice for those who are on a diet or simply don't like sweets. For example, broccoli contains a lot of folic acid - and by the way, its lack leads to depression. Vegetables need to be eaten raw, then the effect will be longer and will appear very quickly; after heat treatment, they are bad and have little effect on well-being.
  4. Whole grain bread or brown rice will help raise your vitality, recharge with positive emotions and vigor for the whole day. Carbohydrates, in principle, have a very positive effect on a person, and if they are complex carbohydrates that are released slowly, then they are very useful.
  5. Drinking a glass of water on time will also help you feel better - the concentration of salts and microparticles in the body changes, the pressure changes (this is important for those who react to bad weather).
  6. A cup of coffee or tea will help you cheer up and forget about life's troubles, as well as lift your tone and energize you. Of course, overusing coffee is bad, but sometimes it’s a real salvation.
  7. A little alcohol will help you relax - a glass of wine will relieve tension and charge you with positivity (for this you need to choose red wines).

Movement as a way to lift your spirits

Nature took care of man and rewarded him with the production of joy hormones during physical activity - this is necessary for a person to follow the instinct of self-preservation - in prehistoric times, those who were inactive had a bad time.

Nowadays movement is not as important for a person as in those days - neither running after a mammoth nor escaping from enemies has been in our lives for a long time. However, the mechanism of evolutionary reward still works. If you turn on energetic music and dance for about half an hour, your mood will definitely improve. It is better to give preference to songs with a fast rhythm.

Any dance style is suitable, even if you don’t know how to dance at all - depict the aborigines dancing around a fire, this will also help lift your spirit.

Walking is a great way to get out of your current state. When your strength is at zero and gloomy thoughts envelop your consciousness, it is enough to go outside and walk a few blocks. How it works? Firstly, during any activity, substances necessary for a good mood are produced.

Secondly, fresh air, constant change of visual images, a large flow of external information - all this takes consciousness to a fundamentally different level. And if you have the opportunity to take a walk in nature or at least in the park, then the benefits will be twice as great. Regular walks help get rid of emotional depression - you can not only improve your mood, but generally improve your well-being.

Gymnastics is also a good option, loud music and some squats will add joy.

My ways to improve my mood

Sex is considered one of the most effective methods for improving mood - there is no way to improve your mood at home even better than this. However, sometimes you need to improve your vitality not only at home - quite often your mood drops at work.

Personally, I often get upset over trifles, and then I can’t concentrate. Breathing exercises help me - I go out onto the office balcony and breathe scientifically for a few minutes. During this time, the blood is enriched with oxygen, and life becomes much more fun.

Another method that I really like is massage. I bought a simple foot massager, and when the mood is low, I arrange an evening of relaxation - a pot of good tea, an interesting film or book, a massage and several aromatic oils.

By the way, do you have an aroma lamp? If not, then believe me, you really need it. At one time I bought it simply because I liked the shape - it looked quite appropriate on my shelf. And then I decided to try it. The flickering of the candle, the pleasant aroma - it really helps. You can use the scents of forests and coniferous trees as scents; I like the scents of citrus fruits (scientists have proven that they have a positive effect on human emotions) and lemongrass.

And of course creativity. If I'm sad, I try to throw out my emotions in text or on canvas - this helps both to distract myself from sad thoughts and at the same time to understand myself a little.

How to deal with mood: a lesson from a psychologist

I consulted a psychologist and am sharing her advice with you. She explained to me that if someone is depressed for a long time, it means they need it for some reason. It would seem that you don’t like being sad, do you want to change it? If, according to medical indications, a person is healthy, and all methods to combat despondency have been tried, then only drastic decisions remain - to change something in oneself.

For these purposes, you can turn to a coach - this person translates your thoughts and desires to you, evaluates their reality and compliance with the direction. If you are sad about something, you don't need it. If you are sad about something and you are in no hurry to get rid of it, then you like it.

This advice literally opened my eyes, I made a couple of changes in my life and forgot about what a negative mood is. A couple of cups of tea in the morning and vegetables throughout the day maintain my vitamin balance, yoga and a dance studio help me move more, and two beloved dogs provide long walks every day in the weather I love and charge me with positivity.

A good mood is simple, you just need to create the right conditions for it. Listen to your favorite music in the morning and dance - this will tone you up, walk in any weather in the morning or evening (you can walk with someone or alone), watch your thoughts and especially your mood in the morning - and you will always be in good spirits. excellent mood.

The first thing I, as a psychologist, would recommend you start with is to try to understand the reasons for your bad mood. Just five minutes ago you were smiling, but now you suddenly feel despondent and apathetic? What happened? Did you think about something, remember something, or did some event happen? Are there any actions you can take to minimize the negative consequences? If yes - do it! If not, all you have to do is accept the situation and resort to other ways to improve your mood.


Sport can be called perhaps the most effective way that exists to lift your spirits. Physical activity will make you take your mind off gloomy thoughts, turn on your bodily sensitivity, give you a boost of energy, and a beautiful, toned body will increase your self-esteem and self-confidence. Choose the type of training that you personally like. This could be running, fitness, gym, etc. If you don't have the opportunity to go to the gym, home workouts will also do the job perfectly. The main thing is to find free space in the apartment and turn up the music louder!

Visiting the pool is a great option for improving your overall well-being and mood. Water procedures have a beneficial effect on the human body, have a mechanical and temperature effect, improve blood circulation, help relax, and stimulate the immune system. There is no opportunity to go to the pool - take a bath or shower. You can get special pleasure by creating a pleasant, relaxing environment in the bathroom, you can light candles and turn on light music. Don't forget to add foam or aromatic oil to the water!


Dancing is another type of physical activity that can put you in a positive mood. You can sign up for dance classes, choosing a suitable dance direction for yourself, or you can turn on some exciting music at home and dance in front of the mirror.

If the word diet doesn’t resonate with you, you can treat yourself to something tasty. Go to the nearest confectionery store, go to a cozy cafe or cook your favorite dish at home! The process of cooking will captivate you, relieve you of negative thoughts, and the pleasure of the result and a delicious treat will improve your mood!

Drawing is a process that can captivate you for a long time. When drawing, you relax, your nervous system calms down, problems are forgotten, and you immerse yourself in creativity, enjoying the process. You can practice drawing at home, or you can enroll in special studios, where professionals will help you plunge into the magical world of painting.

Often a bad mood is associated with overwork and fatigue. Lack of energy and lack of vigor deprive us of the opportunity to enjoy life and enjoy basic things. Do you give yourself the opportunity to rest? Just do nothing, lie on the couch, without feeling any remorse. I believe that for some people this can be very difficult, such is the pace of our lives now. But still, try to find an opportunity to relax every day. And of course, don’t forget about getting good sleep!

It may seem that this method of raising your mood is a little strange, but I want to assure you that it is no less effective. Things scattered everywhere are depressing, creating a feeling of chaos and tension, and the visual image of a mess reduces the overall emotional mood. Putting your apartment or house in order metaphorically helps you put your head, your thoughts and feelings, and ultimately your life in order. By the way, rearranging furniture or updating the interior also brings pleasant changes in mood.

Heart-to-heart conversations with people close to you help you get support and understanding in difficult times. Meeting friends in person has the greatest effect. Live communication, a cup of tea or coffee, old stories from life will fill you with warmth and pleasant feelings, you will want to enjoy life again. Communicating through social networks with friends is also quite effective.


Do you like to dream? Are you able to feel lightness and euphoria when you give free rein to your imagination? Try to take a comfortable position, relax and immerse yourself in the magical world created by your subconscious. Think about good and pleasant things for you, imagine how your dreams come true. Dim lights and light music will help you with this. Your body will relax, emotional stress will decrease and you won’t even notice how your mood will improve.

Fulfillment of desires

I am sure that many of you have a desire that is not very difficult to fulfill, but for one reason or another you Its implementation was constantly delayed. For example, bad timing or financial difficulties. But the negative attitude will immediately disappear if you finally allow yourself to get what you want. Buy a ticket to the concert of your favorite artist, buy your favorite shoes, get a tattoo or finally jump with a parachute! Carrying out what you have planned for a long time will give you a charge of positive emotions and a lot of pleasure (I wrote about how to make wishes correctly in the article« » ).

Favourite buisness

Do you have a hobby? Or something that you really enjoy doing and get a lot of pleasure from? In moments of despair, it is what you love that will help you cope with the negativity. Reading books, knitting, cooking, learning a foreign language, modeling, computer games and much more will direct your stress in the right direction, allow you to escape and improve your well-being. Or maybe the fact is that you don’t have a favorite activity? This happens very often, because work and household chores take up almost all of our time. In this case, try to listen to yourself and understand what really fascinates you? What activities do you enjoy? Don't hold yourself back, take action!

Take time for yourself. Make a hair or face mask, if finances allow, visit a beauty salon. Beautiful makeup and a fashionable manicure can do wonders for a girl’s mood! And if you add to this a stylish hairstyle and a brand new dress, you are guaranteed a good mood! Shopping is also quite suitable for men; you can buy not only a piece of clothing, but also a fashion accessory. By taking care of yourself and taking care of yourself, you form a useful habit and lay a solid foundation for your well-being in life.

Changes in life

All the methods described above are suitable for people whose bad mood is not a permanent condition. But if you constantly feel melancholy and despondency, then the most reliable and long-term method of improving your mood is to seek professional help from a psychologist. With the help of this specialist, you will be able to discover the true reasons underlying your negative view of the world around you and change your life for the better. After all, a constant bad mood very soon develops into a habit that can be difficult to get rid of.

You can change your life on your own. I wrote about how to do this in the article« » . Try to think about how your life works? What is missing in it, why are there so many negative emotions and tension? How does your lifestyle affect your mood? Try to fill your day with pleasant moments, make it interesting and positive.

And finally, I want to offer youexpress methods for improving mood:

  • take a walk in the fresh air;
  • watch funny pictures or videos on the Internet;
  • listen to your favorite music;
  • take a bath or contrast shower;
  • watch your favorite comedy film;
  • take a car ride through the city at night;
  • play and cuddle with pets;
  • buy some desired thing, even if it is a trifle;
  • read an interesting book;
  • arrange a photo shoot with friends;
  • experiment with your appearance and makeup;
  • give yourself a massage yourself or ask a loved one;
  • buy a houseplant and take care of it;
  • Look through the album with photographs, remember the pleasant moments from life...

There are a lot of ways to set yourself up for a positive wave. Try different options and choose the ones that suit you. But the main thing that will help you is your desire to enjoy life despite any difficulties or problems. After all, a good mood helps you overcome all the difficulties that stand in your way many times more effectively.

I wonder if you have any proven ways to improve your mood? I would be grateful if you share them in the comments.

Even the most notorious optimist has bouts of bad mood.

This happens especially often in autumn and winter: daylight hours become much shorter than in summer; lack of sunlight and warmth, lack of vitamins - all this affects the mood. And at other times of the year there are enough reasons for the blues. However, this does not mean that we need to resign ourselves to a depressed mood: if we know how to cheer ourselves up quickly, then we will be on an emotional high all year round.

Psychologists have many recipes in their arsenal on how to independently cope with the blues, loss of energy and bad mood. These tips will help you quickly turn your mood towards optimism, joy and cheerfulness.

The very first and most important advice is not to give in to a bad mood and try to cheer it up as quickly as possible. Some people, becoming despondent, begin to go with the flow of their condition. This is absolutely forbidden to do this, since particularly vulnerable and sophisticated natures can lead themselves to depression. Therefore, as soon as you feel that your good mood level is starting to fall down, urgently take measures to increase the “indicator”!

Then you can act, guided by your temperament, interests, and lifestyle. Fortunately, there is a choice of possible methods for raising your mood for every taste. Let's look at the most common options that work flawlessly for most people. All methods can be divided into groups: active and passive (depending on how much energy they require), etc. A wide variety of methods allows you to choose the one that will be most comfortable and acceptable for you.

Active methods to improve mood

As a rule, these methods require a sufficient amount of energy. Suitable for people who are naturally active, energetic, extroverts, who do not tolerate bad moods and do not give in to despondency. The following techniques are ideal for them:

  • Get active

There is no need to indulge in despondency, wrapped in a blanket and sitting in a chair. On the contrary, shake yourself up and go outside. You can just take a walk in the park, or you can play sports or just do exercises in the fresh air. For example, just an excellent remedy for the blues is cycling or rollerblading, jogging, swimming pool, skating rink. In winter, when snow has already fallen, you can play snowballs - this game charges adults with positivity even more than children. Believe me, your blues will subside so quickly that you won’t even notice! The main thing in this case is to get out of the house. If you are determined to put an end to your bad mood, then, of course, you will not look for excuses to stay at home.

  • Do the cleaning

If you still categorically, under no circumstances, want to leave the house, you can direct your active actions in a different direction: do the cleaning. Psychologists believe that often, on a subconscious level, it is the disorder in our home that puts pressure on us (be it a mess visible to everyone or a chaos in the closet that only you know about). If your home is far from ideal in terms of cleanliness, feel free to get down to business. Most likely, at first it will be difficult for you, you will force yourself, and finally, it will seem to you that this cleaning will never end, and you will regret that you started it. But as your home begins to become clean and comfortable, you will notice how your mood will skyrocket. The benefits of this method of dealing with a bad mood are twofold: on the one hand, you get rid of a pessimistic mood, and on the other, you get a clean home in which you are very comfortable.

Women's mood boosting techniques

These, as a rule, include therapy with gastronomic delicacies and traditionally feminine things: shopping, get-togethers with girlfriends, changing your image, etc.

  • Treats for a bad mood

Of course, this is perhaps one of women’s favorite methods of dealing with a bad mood: eating tasty treats. If you are a supporter of this method and excess weight is not your problem, feel free to start eating chocolate, sweets, and cakes. But if you think that sweets are harmful, or for some other reason you don’t eat them, then bananas will come to your aid: they not only perfectly relieve depression, but are also very useful. Let us note that alcohol is not a woman’s best friend in the fight against the blues.

  • Get-togethers with a friend

To avoid the painful shame of eating cakes alone, invite a friend. Gossip, have a heart-to-heart talk, sitting in the kitchen or in a cozy coffee shop. Go against your mood: take off your robe, put on something beautiful (no one talks about an evening dress at home - either a beautiful home suit or a simple cut dress is quite suitable), put on light makeup - for women this is a good weapon against a bad mood.

  • Do what you love

Do you love theater, but you have so many worries that you don’t have time for it? Put aside all your affairs - there will always be plenty of them - and go to the theater. Or to a museum, gallery, cinema, circus, or just look through a catalog with your favorite paintings at home - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that you spend time where you have long wanted to visit.

  • Have a blast!

Do you think you have no hearing or voice? Then go to karaoke or grab a hairbrush and sing “into it” at home! are you sure you don't know how to dance? So do it! It doesn’t matter - at home or in a club, but do it. Jump, fool around, laugh at the same time - perhaps this method will suit you best. Do whatever you want - even scream (unless it’s night, of course). Throwing pillows, kicking a sofa or chair (just don’t hurt your leg), “boxing” into the void - all these are powerful psychological techniques that will help lift your mood.

  • Shopping

You can wander around the shops on your own or with a friend. It always cheers up women. you can do real shopping, that is, purchases, or you can just walk through the departments, getting acquainted with the collections. Perhaps today you will find the dress of your dreams that you have been looking for for the last six months.

  • Take care of yourself

Do you always have no time for yourself? Then go to the salon: update your haircut, get a manicure (and don’t forget to choose a bright polish), go to a professional cosmetologist. If you can’t afford to visit a cosmetologist, do a facial massage yourself at home, apply a mask, do a body wrap or scrub. Self-care always lifts the mood of any woman.

But learn that in a depressed state it is better to refrain from drastic changes in your image: of course, if you are a risk-taker and love change, then go ahead. But if you tend to make decisions impulsively, and then, as a rule, regret them, it is better not to cut your long hair to a “boy” haircut, otherwise you will definitely not avoid a new wave of despondency. If you have long dreamed of such a haircut, but did not dare to take this step, who knows, perhaps today is the time to make your dream come true?

  • Change your image

Want to quickly cheer yourself up? Try on a new look! A bright dress or high-heeled shoes is an ideal option, because if the experiment fails, everything can be easily returned to normal. you can play not only with the colors of clothes, but also with the styles: if you are used to wearing jeans and sneakers, take a feminine dress out of the closet; If you are used to a business suit, choose, on the contrary, clothes in a distinct casual style. If you only wear makeup on holidays, apply your makeup now, even if you're sitting at home. Go against your usual look!

Passive methods for improving mood: relaxation

These methods are aimed at relaxing the body. They work great for people who are calm, energetically passive, and introverts. In addition, these methods are effective if a bad mood is a consequence of chronic fatigue, which is often the norm among modern people.

  • Indulge in your dreams

If you are a calm person by temperament and you are truly “healed by your own walls,” then stay at home. It will be great if you are home alone. If not, then you can retire to the room. Create a cozy atmosphere for yourself: light candles or an aroma lamp with relaxing essential oil; turn on your favorite music quietly, get comfortable and just think, dream. Don't be afraid to dream - because dreams come true sooner or later. You can read affirmations: “I’m in a good mood,” “I’m happy,” “I’m happy.” It is only important that you sincerely believe in it and speak consciously, with feeling.

  • Relax

Some women find a warm bath helps. Just not the usual one, but with sea salt, foam, and essential oils. Also remember to light the candles and turn off the electric lights. Lie down with your eyes closed and inhale the aroma of essential oils. The effect will be stronger if you take a bath at a time other than your usual - then this procedure will seem even more mysterious and magical.

Psychological techniques for emergency self-help

There are also techniques that help everyone without exception, regardless of psychological and personal characteristics. Some of these techniques are quite difficult to perform psychologically, but they are very effective.

  • Keep your posture and laugh

Another simple way that quickly lifts your spirits and requires no time, no money, no effort. It consists in the fact that you need to stand up straight, straighten your back, as if you were in a corset. Then raise your head high and smile broadly. All! Just smile sincerely, of course. You can do this in front of a mirror.

You can simply stand in front of the mirror and smile at your reflection. For most people, this causes a lot of emotions: some feel like a complete fool, some even start crying. At first your smile will be more than modest, but your task is to make it wider and wider, and then start laughing. The main thing here is not to stop, but to laugh from the heart. No reason. Just. This is a powerful emotional release.

  • Complete unfinished business

This method can hardly be called pleasant, but if deep down you know that the cause of your bad mood is precisely the unfinished business that hangs like a stone on your soul, then no matter what you try to do to lift your mood, only one thing will help you - complete it case. Therefore, pull yourself together and bring this matter to the end. You can set yourself that when you have done everything, you will go to the cinema or buy yourself some new clothes, or, despite the diet, eat a cake. This will make it easier for you to tune in and complete this task.

Vitamins for seasonal depression

People's mood decline most often occurs in the autumn-winter period. Therefore, you need to have a few more ways in stock: your diet should include as many fruits and vegetables as possible (citrus fruits and sauerkraut are especially good), also drink fruit drinks and teas made from fresh berries (cranberries are great), take a complex of vitamins. And don’t forget that the room must be light (fluorescent lamps are best), spend more time in the fresh air.

It’s also good to decorate your home in winter, fortunately, we have such a wonderful holiday as New Year: decorate your apartment with rain, put up a Christmas tree, stick snowflakes on the windows - the stores now have a huge selection of such tinsel that will enliven any interior and lift your spirits.