Norway everyday life Personal experience: Life in Norway - morals, customs, traditions, way of life

Norway ranks first in the world in terms of living standards - that's how they present it.What are they hiding?

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Below the cut are several shocking facts that complement the story of the heroine of the video.

Additional Information:

1. Norway allocates about a billion euros a year to remove children from families. Russians - first of all

The Norwegian State Statistics Committee published information on its official website that the state annually allocates 8.8 billion kroner (44 billion rubles or about 1 billion euros) for the maintenance of punishers from Barnevarn. The money goes primarily to encourage the forced separation of emigrant families and the alienation of parents from their children, the press service of the Russian Mothers International Movement reports.

Statistics on the foreign origin of children who have fallen under the compulsory care of punitive social welfare in Norway are given by the local State Statistics Committee once every five years. Norway publicly published the latest data on the countries of origin of prisoners as of January 1, 2010. On this day, there were 5,176 Russian children in the dungeons of Barnevarn.

Goskomstat notes that “Russian children” represent one of the most large groups in Barnevarn. At the same time, the number of Barnevarn wards who were born in Russia and were “imported” by their parents to Norway is among the top four among all nationalities. But among the selected children born in Norway there are “Russian children” - absolute leaders and occupy the highest position in all tables about children who became “clients” of the Norwegian children's police Barnevarn.

People are afraid of everything, afraid to go to bed, afraid to go to work, afraid of losing their children. At any time of the day or night, the Barnevarn children's police can come to you and destroy your family forever and take your children away forever. This practice is widespread on a pan-European scale of hunting children.

In Norway, the so-called socialists are trying to implement the idea that everyone should be the same. All children should go to kindergarten from the age of one, sleeping in kindergarten is prohibited from the age of 3, and before the age of 3, sleeping in the kindergarten is undesirable. In Norwegian kindergartens, infants and children are fed warm food once a week. Russian mothers are outraged and ask to increase the provision of food to their children in kindergartens to twice a week. Instead of food, Norwegian teachers take children away from Russian mothers who are dissatisfied with the regime. If a child is different from others, stands out from the crowd (even if he is shy or restless), he takes on the work of Barnevern.

Socialists claim that it is easier to shape a small child than a teenager who is already spoiled. Therefore, Barnevarn’s goal is to take the child away from Russian mothers as early as possible, best of all - right on the day of birth or even at the moment of birth. 1/5 of all children in Norway are currently under the jurisdiction of the state - that is, these are Barnevarn clients, juvenile clients. They are separated from their biological parents and live in juvenile facilities. Some call them foster families and orphanages, others call them family-type juvenile prisons.

The Norwegian Juvenile Police, Barnevarn, prides itself on seizing good parents in Norway 1.5 children per hour.

2. The Norwegian guardianship service took the child from Russian citizen Svetlana Tarannikova on the second day after giving birth

The Norwegian guardianship service took the child from Russian citizen Svetlana Tarannikova on the second day after giving birth. As it turned out later, foster mother She stood “in line” for a baby for two years and was promised Svetlana’s child. Before this, the Russian woman’s two eldest sons had already been taken away.

Russian mothers become donors for Norwegian families who receive big money for adopting migrant children. This Norwegian adaptation has become a kind of state policy.

In 2003, Murmansk resident Svetlana Tarannikova married a Norwegian citizen, moving to this country with her six-year-old son. But very soon it became clear that this marriage had no future. The husband turned out to be an alcoholic, who also drove into large quantities moonshine in the basement of your own house. As Svetlana says, she was afraid of the explosion of this meter device and reported her husband to the police.

But it turns out that in Norway there is an organization that is much more influential than the police - this is the local child protection service, or barnevarn, as it is called in Norwegian. In retaliation, the husband contacted this service, demanding that her son be taken away from Svetlana. As he later admitted, it is a common practice to take revenge on people by reporting them to the barn. Service specialists began regularly visiting the woman, writing reports about her behavior, threatening to take the child away. Frightened by these threats, Svetlana chose to return to her husband.

Unexpectedly, she became pregnant. But the husband was categorically against this child. Realizing that Svetlana was not going to get rid of him, he once again reported her to the barnyard, this time accusing the woman of alcoholism. “The next day, Barnevarn took her eldest son from school and took her to a secret address. They didn’t give me news about my son for about three months - they simply didn’t answer the phone. And they sent me for examination to a special clinic. Tests showed the absence of alcohol.

But the staff also recommended an abortion because, knowing the barnevarn system, they feared for the health of the mother and child,” says Svetlana. Since the woman refused an abortion, she was placed in special establishment, where the barnevarn sends “problem” mothers. There was no way to refuse - otherwise the child would be taken away immediately after birth. In addition, Svetlana was promised the return of her eldest son.

“But when I arrived, I realized that I was placed in this institution only to take away the child. Everyone there was looking for real or unreal reasons for this. No matter what I did, everything was used against me,” says Svetlana.

One example explains everything. One day a woman went for a walk with her eldest son and his 12-year-old friend. The next day, the establishment's employees wrote in a report that she was "using her son to attract young fans." What kind of perverted mind does one have to have to write something like that about a 30-year-old woman in the last stages of pregnancy? These kinds of reports were fabricated every day.

It is not surprising that most of the women who ended up in this institution had their children eventually taken away. Well, mothers who lost their nerve after losing a child were sent to a psychiatric clinic for treatment.

The birth was difficult, but a week later Svetlana was ordered to get up and go on a ski trip to the mountains. Her refusal, she was told, would “cause concern.” As Svetlana says, “from their point of view, it turned out that a truly Norwegian mother immediately after giving birth gets on skis and goes to the mountains. If she doesn’t go, then she is not capable of raising a child.”

In the end, the woman had a breakdown, and she made a fatal mistake - she signed an agreement with Barnevarn that she would transfer the children to them while she regained her health. The agreement was formalized as temporary, but it quickly became clear that no one was going to return her children. Some time later, Svetlana was told that her two sons were being sent to a lesbian family.

One can imagine the reaction of a woman raised in traditional values ​​- she was categorically against it. As it turned out later, this refusal was also used against her: is it possible to entrust children to a woman who has a negative attitude towards homosexuals? What about tolerance and political correctness?

As a result, Svetlana was allowed to meet with the children only four times a year. To protect her maternal rights, she hired a lawyer. And he gave her unexpected advice - to give birth to another child, and then, it seems, there will be a chance to return the older children. But, as it turned out, the fate of the third child had already been decided by the Norwegian guardianship service.

On the second day after giving birth, the newborn girl was taken from her mother - it later turned out that she had already been “booked” by one foster family, which had been waiting in line for two years for the baby.

The existence of such queues is not surprising. Being foster parents in Norway is very profitable: for each child the state pays from 300 to 500 thousand crowns per year (1.5-2.5 million rubles), plus 10 thousand crowns per month for everyday expenses. How much does a child need? It is clear that the bulk of these amounts goes to family income, which, moreover, is not subject to any tax at all. So, thanks to adopted children, such a family becomes much more prosperous and can afford previously unplanned expenses.

But it would seem, what is the point for the state to take children away from their natural parents, who are completely law-abiding citizens and do not lead an asocial lifestyle, and then pay such a lot of money to foster families? There is a meaning - and a very significant one. After all, children are taken away not only from Russian citizens. We have already told about a similar story with a Polish family who even had to hire a detective to kidnap their daughter from a foster family and return her home.

In Norway there is also an organization for Somali women, which was created several years ago by one of the mothers who was also deprived of her child with light hand barnevarn employees Mothers belonging to this organization fight together for the return of their own children. It seems that the Norwegian state has come up with an original way to “adapt” migrants. It was possible to follow the path of France, Germany, Great Britain and try to “integrate” adults into the existing state system. However, as sociological experience shows, this method has not been particularly successful in the above-mentioned countries - migrants, even in the second and third generations, prefer to live within their communities, according to their cultural traditions.

The Norwegian authorities invented a much more effective method - to take the child away from the biological parents and transfer him to a family of true Norwegians, thus violently eliminating the problem of adaptation and assimilation of foreign children. That is why the local guardianship service Barnevarn makes a decision to remove children without waiting for a court order. This service has been given some incredible powers, and its workers are free to decide who is worthy of being a mother and who is not. Without a government “order,” this would simply be impossible. At the same time, the requirements for foster parents much softer than towards relatives.

Irina Bergset, whose dramatic story Pravda.Ru has repeatedly told, recently received her first date with her sons in two months. She was horrified to discover a stitched wound on her forehead youngest son, injured leg joint in a senior. In response to her complaints, she was told that there was nothing to worry about - everything was normal. The main thing has been done - the children have been transferred to foster family, and there their problems no longer concern anyone.

But one more difficult question remains - the position of the Russian state. After all, most of these children were Russian citizens. And after they are transferred to foster families, the children get a new passport and even change their names. Svetlana Tarannikova’s daughter is now being prepared for this kind of adaptation in order to completely cut off all ties with her birth mother. There can be no talk of any upbringing taking into account the native culture and language.

Really to the Russian state to such an extent does it matter what happens to its minor citizens in Norway, where they are forcibly made Norwegians?

3. Norway: children are more often confiscated from Russians

Norway has officially recognized that half of all children removed from families are children of emigrants who came to the country with their parents. Russia occupies fourth place in this sad ranking. But among those who were born already in Norway and were selected by local guardians, most of them turned out to be children whose one of their parents came from Russia.

Last Wednesday, several Russian women came to the Norwegian parliament in Oslo to hold a rally permitted by the authorities. Women stood silently at the walls of parliament with posters: “My children need me, their own mother.” In a story about the picket on local television, official figures were announced for the first time.

More than half of all children removed in Norway come from immigrant families. The first lines of the “top list” are occupied by people from Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Russia. The Minister for Family and Child Protection admitted that these numbers are constantly growing. In 2007 total number children seized from their natural parents amounted to 7,709 people, in 2010 - 8,073, in 2011 - 8,485. But according to local human rights activists, the real numbers may be several times higher.

For children of immigrants from Russia, the situation is currently known only for the period of January 1, 2010 (the local statistics committee summarizes it every five years). At that time, the guardianship system included 5176 Russian children. The Norwegian State Statistics Committee notes that “Russian children” represent one of the largest groups among those seized from their parents. Among those who came to Norway with their parents, Russians rank fourth in terms of “popularity” with social services. But among those who were already born on Norwegian territory, the children most often taken away are those whose one of the parents (usually the mother) is Russian.

True, the Norwegian Minister for Children's Affairs himself does not see anything special in these statistics. And when asked to comment on the rally of mothers whose children were taken away, he said that this only shows that Norway is a democracy, and immigrant parents are not prohibited from organizing pickets. Yes, the majority of parents who have lost their children, thanks to state kidnapping, really have only one right left - to go to silent pickets with candles and posters.

It is impossible to prove anything in the courts. Simply because the claims that the local child protection service (Barnevarn) makes against foreign mothers do not fit into the head of an ordinary sane person.

Pravda.Ru told the story of Inga Eikevog, who lived with her husband in Norway for a month and a half with her child. Her words are a warning for what you should be prepared for. “My husband forbade me to walk with my child after 8 pm, although it was very light and completely safe. The explanation is that this will attract Barnevarn’s attention. He also ordered me to curtain the windows so that the neighbors from the windows of the house opposite They didn’t see anything “wrong” in the way I fed the child and didn’t report it to Barnevarn. Don’t change the baby’s diaper without closing the curtains, since our baby doesn’t like diapers, screams and dodges and his reluctance is the neighbors opposite or living across "the wall could be regarded as my violence against him. I began to be afraid to be in the apartment without the blinds drawn, to feed the child by the window, and tried to go for a walk with the child as soon as possible so that his impatient cries would not interest the neighbors," Inga recalls.

4. How Norway takes away children from visiting foreigners

Indian culture, in principle, is not capable of giving a child a happy childhood. Employees of the Norwegian social service for children came to this conclusion, and therefore decided to save two little Indian citizens from the prospect of returning to their homeland with their parents - highly qualified specialists who worked in Norway under a contract.

And the shock of Indian society, the problems of Norwegian business in India, the rivers of children's and parents' tears are an insignificant price for representatives of the state machine launched for the sake of building children's happiness in a single country. When parents drag their sleepy children to kindergartens in the morning, the corridors of these institutions are sure to be filled with roars. As a rule, for every dozen minor Russian citizens there is at least one supporter active methods protest against early introduction to official discipline.

Russian nannies and educators know: almost every second child begins their integration into society by declaring a hunger strike and a multi-hour sit-in in the corner of the group, with the refusal of any negotiations until the mother is presented. In our kindergartens, staff take this behavior for granted. Perhaps this is precisely where the anarchism of the Russian soul manifests itself.

This is not the case in Norway, where much more attentive people take care of children. In a country where children's rights are protected by special legislation and a powerful bureaucratic machine, no three-year-old toddler should sit sadly on the sidelines of the kindergarten playing group, with his forehead buried in the wall or floor. The child must be happy - and he will be, even if this means separating him from his mom and dad forever. Don’t cry, baby: the state knows better what you need.

This is exactly the kind of story that Indian citizen Abigyan Bhattacharya, two and a half years old, got into last spring, living with his parents and four-month-old baby sister in Norwegian city Stavanger. His separation from the team in kindergarten was regarded as a sign of obvious trouble. And the Norwegian social service for children must respond immediately to every signal of this kind.

The family of Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharya was placed under legal surveillance. For a week, social workers visited a suspicious Indian family, observing their lives. These were ethnographic observations based on qualitative material.

The surname Bhattacharya indicates belonging to the Brahmin caste (translated as “knowing Vedic rituals”). No less noble and maiden name Sagariki - Chakraborty. But despite their noble birth, Halliburton's senior geologist and his MBA wife couldn't live up to high standards Norwegian society.

To their horror, social workers discovered that Indian parents took their children to bed, and the son even slept with his father in the same bed (one can imagine what associations arose in the minds of Norwegians lacking an oriental temperament). Sagarik's mother shocked social workers by feeding her eldest son not with a spoon, but simply with her hand. And she put her youngest daughter to the breast not by the clock, but by the first squeak.

It was these issues of guardianship that Sagarika remembered later, trying to explain to journalists what exactly happened during those hours that social authorities Norway came to the conclusion that the Bhattacharya family was completely unable to raise their children. True, much later, the head of the Norwegian social service for children, Gunnar Thoresen, denied that it was these habits of family life that became the reason for such a harsh decision. He officially refused to comment on the real motives. Not out of personal impudence, of course, but solely for the sake of compliance with the law, which requires delicate silence from the servants of childhood.

This is one of the main features of the child care system built in Norway. Children's social services and family courts, like the Holy Inquisition once upon a time, are not subject to the profane judgment of the public. This is explained, of course, by protecting the interests of the children themselves. Who knows what nightmarish details can surface and affect the future of children? The public can only take their word for it: if the guardianship has decided that horror took place, then it is so.

In the case of the Bhattacharya family, the confidence of the Stavanger children's defenders in their rightness was one hundred percent.

Overcoming the criminal indifference of the judicial system, they made every effort to save the unfortunate babies. When the family court of first instance overturned the decision to remove the children, social workers still did not return them to their parents, but filed an appeal. And the Stavanger City Family Court accepted their arguments, ruling: to place the children in Norwegian foster families until they reach adulthood. Their parents were allowed to visit them three times a year, with the court allotting no more than one hour for each visit. More children were separated from each other. Apparently to native language did not remind me of my unhappy Indian childhood.

Despite the confidentiality, the press still got hold of the guardianship arguments presented to the court. It turned out that the list of unacceptable mistakes of the young family was very extensive. The eldest child not only did not have his own crib, but the clothes he was wearing were not exactly his size, and he played with toys that were not appropriate for his age. However, his parents also gave him little space to play.

Little Aishwarya was also in danger: her mother, holding her in her arms, made “sharp movements.” Although some of the crimes of the irresponsible couple - such as changing diapers on the bed, and not on a special table - were not considered significant by the court of first instance, the children's defenders did not dwell on individual episodes. In their opinion, the whole situation indicated “serious doubts” about the ability of parents to care for their children.

In particular, social workers were concerned about “the mother’s inability to meet the child’s emotional needs.” After all, when she breastfed her daughter, she did not press her to her with her hands, as European women usually do, but held her on her lap. In general, Sagarika seemed to the guardianship staff to be somewhat anxious and tired - clearly prone to depression. After all, why else would she worry if she found herself in the center of the caring attention of social services?

Thus, the court was absolutely right in deciding to take Abigyan and Aishwarya away forever. The court acted in full compliance with the Norwegian Child Welfare Act, the court acted and was guided solely by the interests of little Indians. IN foster family Abigyan was guaranteed a separate bed, without any suspicious fathers nearby, as well as a high chair and cutlery, which his parents deprived him of. And Aishwarya - a bottle of milk and a changing table.

The behavior of the Norwegian social workers seems crazy, but in fact they acted in full compliance with the above-mentioned law. Article 3-1, regarding child conditions, clearly states: “Child Protective Services is responsible for determining whether or not early stage neglect, as well as behavioral, social and emotional problems in order to eliminate these problems and take steps to resolve them.” And Article 4-2 specifies as the primary grounds for removing a child from the family “serious omissions in the daily care received by the child, or serious omissions in terms of personal contact and security at the level that the child needs according to his age and development.” So, according to the law, everything was done correctly.

A SOCIALIST VIEW OF SAVAGES Much to the bewilderment of the Norwegian authorities, India became very interested in this story. After all we're talking about on the forced detention of two Indian citizens for assimilation in Norway. Anurup Bhattacharya was in Norway not a guest worker or an illegal immigrant who was hungry for Scandinavian prosperity, but a highly qualified specialist invited to work under a contract in an international oil corporation in 2007. An Indian couple was considering Norway as a temporary residence and their visas expire in March 2012.

Moreover, literally every detail of this case offended the Indians. Firstly, it was a shock to them to learn that, from the point of view of the Norwegian courts, the entire Indian nation, without exception, was unworthy of raising its children. The Indian opposition recalled in the debate that even the god Ganesha slept in the arms of his mother when his enemies deprived him of his human head (after which he had to get an elephant's). Secondly, the Indian embassy, ​​which began to officially take an interest in the fate of the Bhattacharya children in early December, was first politely sent away by a petty manager from the guardianship, who did not see a direct connection between the Indian minor citizens and the diplomats of this country.

Only Indian Foreign Minister SM Krishna and the country's President Pratibha Pratil turned out to be worthy interlocutors for the Norwegian children's social service in the dispute that arose. Now the service has backed down. In accordance with the agreement signed between the two countries, social workers agreed to hand over the children to India to their uncle.

However, the guardianship continues to torment the hapless parents and the Indian public by delaying the handover of the children and forcing the uncle to take courses on the proper care of babies.

However, Indian officials found something to answer. Coincidentally, at the height of the scandal, the continuation of work in India by the Norwegian telecommunications company Telenor was called into question. On February 2, the Supreme Court of India, recalling the corruption scandal four years ago, revoked 122 licenses. But the mobile communications market in India is the second largest in the world, and Telenor invested $1.24 billion in investments just when entering it. However, the Indian Foreign Ministry managed to touch the Norwegians' nerve even before Telenor had any problems.

The Indians used a terrible weapon - they accused Norwegian social workers of intolerance. This forced the head of the service, Gunnar Thoresen, to break his proud silence in January and write a press release saying that cultural differences had absolutely nothing to do with this story, and the law does not order anyone to admit what was the matter.

This is not the first time that Norwegian officials have been accused of intolerance towards other cultures and even racism. Back in 2006, African Press International warned that Norwegian guardianship authorities were deliberately breaking up the families of African immigrants. But it’s one thing when unknown journalists write something in Africa. It’s quite another thing when headlines like “It’s becoming dangerous to work in Norway” appear in English-language media around the world. After such PR, Norwegians need not fear that foreign cultural migrants with MBA degrees will take away their jobs. Only those migrants who do not read newspapers in principle will continue to arrive in the country - because they do not know how.

Usually people want to move from Moscow to warmer climes. But for the sake of love, you can endure the cold. Continuing the series of materials about Russians living abroad, publishes the story of Elena, who got married and moved to Norway.

It's simple

I moved to Norway in 2010. The cause was a man. My friends and I were on vacation, and he was vacationing there with friends. We met, then called each other on Skype every day, and often visited each other. And a year later they decided to get married.

I graduated in Moscow Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation. After studying, she worked as an auditor in Austria and Russia.

Since I was getting married, there were no problems with documents when moving to Norway. A month after submitting the necessary papers, we received a response from the embassy. First, a temporary residence permit is issued - for three years. After which you need to pass a language proficiency exam (conversational level) and re-collect documents in order to obtain a permanent residence permit.

I started taking language courses in Moscow, and continued here. Due to knowledge of German and English learning Norwegian turned out to be a feasible task.

Small towns

I moved to Trondheim - the third largest city in Norway, but despite this, it is very small: you can walk around it all in a few hours. We live here now because of my work, but next year I plan to transfer to move to Oslo. The capital is also very small, it cannot be compared with Moscow in any way.

We live in an area that is 15 minutes from Trondheim. In Oslo, basically no one has a car - everyone uses public transport. In smaller cities it is much more convenient to travel by car.

Children are sent to kindergarten here from the age of one year or even earlier. This is due to the fact that maternity leave designed for eight or nine months. You can choose 10 or 11, but with a loss in salary. Usually, after this period, the husband sits with the child for two months.

The kids really like the local nurseries; here the child has more freedom. He can choose what he wants to do or refuse some lessons. A reward system has been established. Despite this independence, educators gently convey to their charges what is good and what is bad.

Therefore, local residents grow up with strong feeling civil liability. If a wallet or bag is found, then high probability this thing will end up in the police.

What are they even about?

It is very difficult for visitors to find mutual language with locals and friends among them. The most difficult part of my job was communicating with colleagues. From the outside it seems that we get along great, but even after six years it is very difficult for me to maintain a conversation with them.

The conversation with the Russians goes like clockwork. Norwegians are also comfortable with each other, of course. They raise topics during conversation that are difficult for a non-local to understand. For example, they can discuss some little thing for a long time. You sit and don’t understand what else you can add to this.

Locals try not to give visitors the impression that they are unfriendly to you, that you are a stranger to them. It's even prohibited by law. Despite this, they will talk to the newcomer less openly.

For example, if the conversation turns to travel, they are more likely to discuss the depth of the hotel pool rather than attractions; they are unlikely to exchange impressions. It is difficult for all foreigners to join the team. I am lucky that I have friends of my husband who have become my friends.

But, by the way, all my colleagues are great professionals. IN Russian university Students have a lot of subjects - about 60, but here there are about 15 of them in three years of classes. The advantage of this is that the locals have more deep knowledge in specialized sciences. During classes, no one cheats or plagiarizes by downloading abstracts from the Internet.

You're getting expensive

Each small village here has its own dialect. The courses will teach you how they speak in Oslo, but in practice you will have difficulty understanding what they say to you - sometimes they themselves do not understand each other.

IN free time Norwegians usually stay at home. The problem is high prices. If you go to a good restaurant a couple of times, you can lose a significant part of your salary. Even frequent trips to the cinema can result in big expenses.

That's why people play sports fresh air, cook your own food, walk in nature - you don’t have to pay for it. From the early age children are taught to go to the mountains and ski - a kind of national sport. Healthy organic food is very popular. The most popular meats are elk, venison, and lamb.

Most men are very tall and handsome. The eye rests on them. Women are also nice, but only when they are young. After 30 years, Norwegians for some reason stop taking care of themselves. They don’t put on makeup or dress up too much anyway, and then they start to fade early.

King of loans

Everyone lives on credit. We also first bought a house, and then an apartment in Oslo. The interest rate in banks is very low: for housing - 2.3 percent. Therefore, only students rent apartments; the rest buy real estate.

There is a concept called the “luxury trap” - when you buy everything you want on credit, but don’t pay the bills. A lot of people here are doing this. If you do this in Russia or the USA, your property will be taken away. Here you can live with debts of millions of crowns, and this is only fraught with problems with the purchase of real estate - you will no longer receive another loan for it.

Didn't come out due to depression

Norway is very high level life. There is no risk of losing your home or job. Enough for a long time you can live on benefits that are close in amount to your last salary. In this regard, the population is provided for. And if the family breadwinner is ill or mental problems- for example, depression - the state will definitely help you.

True, many people abuse this and end up on sick leave for several years. Even problems caused by divorce or an unpleasant atmosphere at work can be a reason for the appointment of such benefits.

Mine is not yours

For many people, it doesn’t even get to the wedding. Civil cohabitation is very common here. In such a union, people have children, live for years, and then can easily separate, find another partner and start a family again.

For locals, a wedding ceremony is a simple holiday for which you just need to spend more money and fill out additional paperwork.

Most couples don't get married. Contracts are signed in advance on the division of all property into shares - in this case, upon separation, everything happens very quickly and there is no need once again nothing to divide, argue or contact lawyers. If people get married, then everything is divided in half.

Blue-eyed cleaning lady

There are a lot of immigrants in Norway. The capital is divided into two parts: West and East Oslo. In the first, you can often meet Norwegians and wealthy visitors, in the second, mainly visitors from China, India, Pakistan, and so on. Housing and food prices are lower there, so locals who want to save money move to eastern part cities. But there are few of them.

In Norway, especially in small villages, any profession is valued. There are no stigmas about mopping floors or being a garbage man. And newcomers most often do not work at all, but live on benefits. They cannot withstand competition with local residents (you need to prove your knowledge of the language, experience, education, and so on). An employer would be better off hiring a Norwegian, but with clear understanding his qualifications.

True, there are many visitors from nearby states who are looking for work. Our salaries are higher due to the strong Norwegian krone. That's why there are a lot of blonde cleaners from Sweden, for example.

Back at the desk again

Next year I plan to enroll in a master's program at a private university in Oslo, if my employer agrees to pay for my studies. And so - all education in Norway is free with high scores at the entrance exams.

I miss Russian films, music, people, entertainment. I miss my family, but I would never go back. My family has a stable future here.

Northern Norway rarely pleases with the gentle sun and does not offer a serene beach holiday to its tourists. However, this fact did not prevent international experts from recognizing the fjord country as the most comfortable for living compared to even the most developed European countries. Right choice social policy and successful mineral investments have made Norway the envy of neighboring states, and to Russians and Ukrainians, former compatriots who settled in Norway seem lucky. There are both pros and cons of living in Norway - this article will help you decide whether the gamble is worth the candle.

Migrants who previously lived in Russia or Ukraine, but have already settled in the northern state, often draw an analogy with their country of birth. They highlight the following advantages of Norway:

  1. Favorable ecology and beautiful nature– mountains, waterfalls, clean air.
  2. High-quality drinking water that does not require multi-level filtration.
  3. Prosperous socialism. Life in Norway is based on the absence of class inequality - there are no rich and poor here, a significant part of the population are people with average earnings.
  4. Practically complete absence crime and rejection of corrupt practices.
  5. The life of the population is not complicated, but significantly simplified government agencies. The work of the bureaucratic system allows people to go through all procedures quickly, without unnecessary queues and nerves.
  6. The average salary in Norway is considered the highest in comparison with European countries. It allows you to travel around the world calmly and regularly.
  7. The fashion for healthy image life - smoking is prohibited, but no one seeks to break the prohibitions.
  8. The indigenous people of the country are very friendly and will easily provide the necessary help and support.

Disadvantages of Norwegian life

Norway, like any other country, has its own unpleasant characteristics. Disadvantages of living in Norway:

  1. A progressive taxation system that led to high taxes.
  2. The peculiar Norwegian climate, which leads some to apathy and constant insomnia.
  3. There is a small selection of products in local shops, and what is available is very expensive. It is almost impossible to purchase strong alcoholic drinks - their prices are outrageous. Buying clothes and using public transport are also expensive.
  4. A calm and measured life, on the other hand, turns out to be very boring, especially for young people active people. On Sunday, everything is closed, including shops and shopping centers.
  5. There are very few cultural events. There are only a few clubs where you can have fun, and those who like to sit in a bar with a glass of something strong will have to fork out quite a bit.

Obviously, the recognized Norwegian socialism will not be a paradise for everyone - some will love this way of life, others will not like it. In order to finally understand the nuances of local life, it is necessary to carefully study all the main factors that lead to the pros and cons of living in Norway.

Standard of living

The small territory of the Kingdom is home to only 5,000,000 people. Norway was able to make the dreams of the USSR about the formation of a social democratic society that would take into account the interests of each group of the population into reality. Life expectancy in the country is high – up to 83 years.

The average salary for all professions is more than decent; everyone feels like an essential member of society. There is no social stratification between the poor and the rich, and it is quite logical that corruption does not develop in such a society. Even as a cleaner or janitor, you can afford to buy real estate - banks easily provide loans. Pay Money It won’t burden the bank at all with the salary you receive.

Interesting! Helped to organize a prosperous life for the country correct use natural resources, which the Norwegian land is rich in. They are actively developing oil and gas fields, and along with Russia they are selling them to European countries.

The cost of production is low due to developed technologies. At the same time, it is important to competently use the funds received from the sale, which the Norwegian government is fluent in doing.

Work and wages

The conditions for workers in Norway are excellent: the official working day starts at 8 am and lasts 7.5 hours. But most often, employers neglect this rule, and in practice, working Norwegians are at work from 10 am to 4 pm. Overtime is not practiced, but if such a need arises, extra hours are paid at a higher rate.

The average annual salary before taxes is 57,000 euros or 530,000 crowns, which is equivalent to almost 5,000 euros per month. People earning 23,000 euros per year are considered poor. Workers engaged in the field receive increased income computer technology, oil industry, businessmen and specialists with higher education.

Compared to other countries, workers' wages are the highest. The work of a manager or manager, on the contrary, is paid much lower than in other countries.

Tax system

In accordance with tax code countries than more people earns, the higher taxes he pays. This is how social balance is maintained - the more successful are forced to pay high taxes, which go towards benefits and pensions for less fortunate fellow citizens.

Tax deductions make up at least a third of the salary, sometimes even more. But when paying them, it is worth remembering that these funds ensure high-quality social and medical service, the quality of which is significantly superior to Russian.

If the average employee's income is below average and is 27,000 euros per year (about 250,000 CZK), then the tax will be 36%. With an income of 10,000 euros per month, you will have to pay 55% of your hard earned income to pay taxes. The highest tax is 80%. In addition, all so-called “luxury items” are taxed: yachts, villas, luxury cars, expensive antiques.

Price level

Food is very expensive. Standard set no-frills products will cost 2-3 times more in Norway than in Russia.

Norway is for a healthy lifestyle, so it is very difficult to buy strong alcohol or even wine. The sale of alcohol is allowed in some stores at a very high price, so Norwegians buy alcohol at airports - in Duty Free shops.

Some residents of the Kingdom are accustomed to traveling to neighboring Sweden on weekends to buy groceries for the week. At the same time, wages, benefits and pensions are 8-10 times higher than Russian ones, even for low-skilled professions, so the high cost of products is completely justified. Stationery, clothing and various household items are sold at Russian prices.

The cost of a liter of gasoline is almost three times higher than in Russia, so buying a car is unprofitable, as is traveling by public transport. Norwegians are used to getting around on bicycles.

Norwegian citizens are accustomed to saving on food and gasoline. However, if you pay attention to the cost of utilities or rental housing, you will notice that these indicators are not too different from the cost of the same services in Russia in 2019. There is no need to save on electricity or water - lights can be turned on in all rooms of the house without fear of huge bills. For Germany, for example, this is unacceptable - prices for utilities there are prohibitive.

Social benefits and unemployment

Popular support is highly developed, and in 2019 it is maintained at the proper level. Norwegians who need their own housing receive loans on preferential terms for the purchase of real estate; students are offered a government loan for housing and food, subject to submitting an application to the country's credit fund.

Unemployment benefits are paid only to Norwegian citizens and persons who have received permanent or temporary residence in the Kingdom. In addition, to receive payments, the following conditions must be met:

  • The previous place of work was registered with the person for at least 8 weeks, the foreigner lived in the country legally and worked under a contract.
  • Employment occurred within 3 months after the move.
  • During work, accrued taxes were paid on time and in full.
  • Registration with the employment service has taken place, and interaction with it occurs - the unemployed attends the proposed interviews, takes advanced training courses.

If the requirements are met, a benefit is awarded, which ranges from 800 to 1200 euros monthly. The average benefit is a percentage of the salary at the old place of work and is paid throughout the year. While searching for a job, the state pays the unemployed for utilities and some other expenses.

Medical service

Any resident of the Kingdom who has lived on its territory for at least a year can receive preferential medical care. In addition, he is required to pay health taxes throughout his stay in Norway. Free medical care is provided only within the amount provided by the insurance company - all expenses above it are paid independently. The only exceptions are minor children and pregnant women.

Dental services are provided only for a fee, as well as psychological assistance. Northern climate often has a negative impact on psychological state living in Norway, so depression and apathy are not uncommon here.

Medical insurance only covers treatment of complex mental illness, you will have to pay for the help of a psychologist out of your own pocket. But it’s worth paying for it - the treatment and attitude of doctors towards patients in Norway is excellent.

Life in Norway is built on mutual trust between the state and the population. Prosperity, comfort and justice reign here. The consistently beautiful landscapes, ecology, culture and friendliness of the local people attract migrants from all over the world. Some people will find such a life boring - everyone has their own opinion about Norway.

At one time, many posts were written about the life of Russians in different countries Oh. Now this topic flashes less often, or maybe it’s simply fading away, but Norway has somehow been bypassed. Here, so to speak, is my 2 cents.

I have lived in Norway for 6 years, 4 of which in Bergen, now in a small town near Stavanger. After 7 years you can apply for Norwegian citizenship, but then you will have to give up Russian, and I don’t want to. I’ll remain Russian for now, since a Norwegian residence permit is quite enough for me. My occupation is: research scientist, so all the facts will, of course, be from my point of view.

1. Norway is a small country with a population of 5 million. It is considered one of the best, if not the best, in the world in terms of living standards. Who knows what this standard of living is considered to be, but living here is quite comfortable.

2. I would agree that the standard of living here is the highest, if not for the climate. He's disgusting. Almost all the time here west coast one season of the year is autumn. In summer it is cool, on average 15 degrees, in winter it is not cold, about 5. Of course, there are frosts, but not lower than -15. It is rainy. In Oslo the climate is similar to St. Petersburg - more contrasting. In the mountains and in the north it is cold both in summer and winter. There were even frosts there in July of this year.

3. In Norway live... Norwegians. They are very friendly to foreigners, but they won’t let you get close. Such a character - closed, Nordic.

4. There are many foreigners in Norway because there are not enough workers. Even after the crisis. There are all sorts of Arabs there, but they are all from different countries, so their ethnic groups are not as visible as in central Europe. There are a lot of Poles, but they are their own kind, Caucasians.

5. There is a wary attitude towards Muslims, they are not liked, but they carefully hide it. The attitude towards the Slavs is much more friendly.

6. It is very rare for Norwegians to treat foreigners poorly or disdainfully. Vice versa. When you try to speak broken Norwegian, they praise and encourage you. Even children try to speak more simply and clearly if they understand that they are dealing with a foreigner.

7. Officially, there are two languages ​​in Norway: Bokmål and Nynorsk. Bokmål is a variant of Danish, introduced during the period of dependence on Denmark, and Nynorsk is artificial language, created based on local dialects. In fact, everyone speaks in their own dialect, sometimes completely incomprehensible.

8. Perhaps due to the abundance of dialects, Norwegians speak English well. Tourists who know English find it very comfortable here.

9. The average salary is 5,000 euros, of which about a third is eaten up by taxes.

10. Taxes are high and progressive. If an individual’s income exceeds 10,000 euros, then he will have to pay 55% of taxes. The maximum tax for a legal entity is 80%. Depardieu will not go to Norway :)

11. The Tax Directorate knows everything about everyone. Taxes are taken from any luxury: a cool car, a villa, a yacht. Officials can own anything, they can transfer the property even to their cousin’s wife, but they still have to pay tax.

12. Official working day - 7.5 hours. Anything above the norm is paid at a completely different rate. Labor Code highly respected.

13. In Norway, it’s not a pity to pay so much taxes, since they come back in the form of medicine, education, and roads. Norwegians sometimes timidly complain that for that kind of money they could have gotten a little better medicine, education and roads, but they just haven’t been to Russia :)

14. A family doctor (general practitioner) costs a little money, a dentist is expensive, everything else (specialists, hospital) is free! At the same time, the attitude of the doctors is excellent, there is no talk of gifts or rewards! The quality is up to par.

15. There is no corruption in Norway, at least at the level of the average person. I don’t know what’s higher there. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to bribe a doctor or a policeman. For what?

16. This is the country of victorious socialism. There is almost no stratification here, there are no rich and poor, only middle class. Any Norwegian family (if both spouses work) has the opportunity to have a house, a car, and two children. Many people have a small yacht or boat. Or a cottage somewhere in the mountains or near a fjord.

17. By retirement (67 years old), when the children are already independent, you can buy yourself an apartment in Spain and go there when the constant autumn is completely boring.

18. After reaching adulthood (18 years), young homo sapiens has every opportunity to live independently. If a child wants to study, the state allocates a special loan, on which one can live quite tolerably for the entire period of study.

19. In Norway, you can be proud of any profession, since they are all decently paid and in demand. The secretary enthusiastically tells how her son is studying at a vocational school to become a tractor driver. Well, not everyone can be an effective manager; someone has to work. Although the oil industry is making its own adjustments.

20. Since 2009, same-sex marriage has been fully recognized in the country. Although I don’t see crowds of gays, there are no gay pride parades. TO deviant individuals Norwegians are clearly cool.

21. Unlike central Europe The family institution is very developed in Norway. The state encourages this by reducing taxes and paying child benefits.

22. Many Norwegians are religious, but they rarely talk about it. You can work with a colleague for a year and then find out that he sings in a church choir.

23. The number of children in a family is a sign of prosperity here. A person with a family of three children is considered successful and rich. Religion also encourages this. Most people don't care about your car.

24. Contrary to a common misconception in Russia, in Norway you cannot live on child benefit, since it is only 120 euros.

25. I don’t know how you can live on unemployment benefits. I don’t have such friends, I have no one to ask.

26. The Norwegian currency is the krone, but I wrote all prices in euros to make it clearer.

1. High taxes and here too "levelling", which is carried out at the expense of these very taxes. The standard of living of the poor and the rich, of course, differs, but not as much as in many other countries. For politicians, for example, it is considered bad manners to have an expensive car, or God forbid, a personal driver. Better a bike. Both for health and for image.

If you have a high salary by Norwegian standards, then you will pay 40 to 50% tax. If you have a good, average salary, then, for example, 36%. We need to clarify, but if you earn no more than 20,000 crowns a year (from a hobby, for example), then you do not pay tax.

2. Small selection of products in stores. Dairy company Tine has a monopoly here. Therefore, until recently, we had only one type of cottage cheese (now, there seems to be a subtype with fruits and herbs), not a very large selection of yoghurts and other dairy products. But very tasty lightly salted butter! The quality of fruits and vegetables is so-so. Cucumbers and tomatoes are often tasteless. But mangoes, coconuts, pineapples, avocados and all other “exotics” are very cheap. When I left Tomsk in 2008, I saw pineapples for 1000 rubles! Despite the deplorable selection of products in regular stores, there are quite a lot of immigrant shops in Oslo where you can buy fresh feta cheese in bulk, excellent olives, various meats and even pork feet (I saw it recently in an Asian store). There you'll also find a much more incendiary selection of vegetables and fruits, with prices often significantly lower. You can find all kinds of spices, pastes, rice, tea, fish. After the semi-spartan Menu and Ica, the choice may boggle your mind if you have an unstable psyche.

3. Low level of service(a controversial point for me personally, I’m probably not very demanding) combined with high prices. In general, the services market is not very developed. Although, again, who is used to what.

4. Actually, high prices.

5. Cold winters. Eh. As a Siberian, they are very warm for me. But I often hear this very complaint from friends who come from warmer climes. This also includes complaints about the cold summer and lack of vitamin D, which is widely discussed here.

6. Few cultural events. In general, there is not enough of everything. Historically, there are few writers, artists, poets. On the other hand, the country is small, so everything is fair. There are few clubs where you can dance, all the places are known and listed with 3 fingers of one hand. You can't really get drunk in bars, and especially in the trash - it's expensive. Before going to a bar or club, Norwegians often drink at home (from stocks carefully brought from Duty Free), and then go somewhere. It's still a saving. This also includes high prices for alcohol and cigarettes. What? also part of the culture!

7. Everything why the hell is it closed on sundays. For historical and religious reasons. And also because “everyone has the right to rest on Sunday.” Only small immigrant shops and stalls like 7-11 are open, where you can buy a travel ticket or, for example, condoms for 30 crowns more expensive than in stores. If you really feel like it.

8. There are often complaints about medicine, as a rule, from compatriots who are accustomed to a different system. The doctors here are calm, do not escalate the situation, and are in no hurry to make diagnoses. They often advise you to walk around, think about life, and maybe everything will go away on its own (you still need to pay for such advice, if that happens). Sometimes the truth passes, that’s where the miracle is! There is a very long wait for x-rays and scanning - such devices are only available in some special places.

If you come complaining of a “cold,” the first thing they do is take your blood. Maybe they do this in Russia too, I’m not sure. As I remember, if you come to the doctor with a “cold”, you are prescribed a bunch of vitamins, echinacea tincture, some newfangled “antiviruses” and so on. They don’t do anything like that here, they just take blood from a finger (brrr, I’d rather drink 2 bottles of echinacea, in one gulp!) - if it’s a virus, then you go home and wait until everything goes away on its own. In general, the first impression gives the impression that no one cares and everything is lazy, but at the same time, life expectancy is very high, so, probably, this is really some other system. With less running around the patient and minimal prescribing of medications.

Regarding pregnancy management, I don’t have personal experience, but my friends do. Everything is still very calm. If there are no special complaints and everything goes well, you will have one or two blood tests and an ultrasound and that’s it.