India biography of the country. Health and medical care

The state of India is located in South Asia. It borders with Burma and Bangladesh in the east, with China, Nepal, Bhutan and Afghanistan in the north, with Pakistan in the west.

On the southern side it is washed by the Palk Strait and, on the eastern side by the Bay of Bengal, and on the western side by the Arabian Sea.

Today, India partly consists of territories of Kashmir and Jammu, which are disputed by Pakistan. The area of ​​the country is 3,165,596 square kilometers.

India can be roughly divided into 4 regions: the northern river valleys, the Himalayas, the Western and Eastern Ghats, and the Deccan plateau.

The Himalayas are the highest mountain system in the world with a width ranging from 160 to 320 kilometers, which stretches along the eastern and northern borders for 2400 km.

The highest mountain peaks that are entirely or partially located in India:

  • 8598 m – Kanchendzhanga;
  • 8126 m – Nanga Parabat;
  • 7817 m – Nanda Devi;
  • 7788 m – Rakaposhi;
  • 7756 m – Kamet.

Parallel to the Himalayas in the south is the region of the northern river valleys - this region is a flat strip reaching a width of 400 km. This region occupied most of the plain region along which the Brahmaputra, Ganges and Indus flow. Western and central India receives water from the Ganges and the Ganges Valley (its tributaries).

The Brahmaputra flows into Bangladesh and originates in the northern Himalayas– it is from this that the Assam region receives water. The Indus flows into Pakistan, originating in Tibet.

The region of the northern river valleys is the most populated region of the country, and this is due to fertile lands and plenty of water. It was in this region that Indian civilization began.

The Deccan Plateau, which has a triangular shape, is located to the south of this region and occupies almost the entire area of ​​​​the Indian Peninsula. The height of this plateau varies from 300 m to 900 m, but sometimes you can find chains with a height of up to 1200 m. The plateau is crossed in many places by rivers. From the west and east, the plateau is framed by the Western Ghats (rising to a height of up to 900 m) and the Eastern Ghats (rising to a height of up to 460 m).

India's population is estimated at over 984 million in 1998, with an average population density per square kilometer – 311.

Ethnic groups:

If we talk about India as a whole, more than 1,600 languages ​​and dialects are used in this country.


  • 80% are Hindus;
  • 14 percent are Muslim;
  • 2.4 percent are people of Christian religion;
  • 2% are Sikhs;
  • 0,7% — ;
  • 0,5% .

The capital of India is New Delhi

The largest cities in the country with their population:

  • About 10 million people - ;
  • More than 7 million people - ;
  • 4.4 million people - Kolkata ()
  • 4.2 million people - Hyderabad;
  • 4.1 million people - Bangalore;
  • 3.8 million people - Madras;
  • Another 12 cities have a population of more than 1 million people.

The government system of India is a federal republic . The monetary unit is the Indian rupee. Average duration The lifespan of both men and women is 60 years. The mortality rate per thousand people is 8.7, the birth rate per thousand people is 25.9.

India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Until the middle of the 3rd century BC, the Dravidian civilization successfully developed on the territory of India, which was not only not inferior, but even in some respects superior to the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.

Between 2500 and 1500 BC, Indo-Aryan tribes conquered India, displacing the Dravidians.

Various kingdoms, predominantly with Hinduism at the head of the religious factor, developed on the territory of this country until the 8th century AD. Afterwards, Muslim conquerors brought Islam to the country. Muslim rule continued until 1398 in the largest part of India, until the arrival of Tamerlane's armies into the country. However, the Mongols did not stay in India for long and soon left the country, so that until the end of the first quarter of the 16th century, India was ruled by the Muslim dynasties of the Saids and Tughluks.

Babur, a descendant of Tamerlane, conquered almost all of India in 1526 and founded the Great Mongols Empire on its territory, which lasted until 1857.

The Portuguese established several trading posts on the coast in 1498-1503, and their example was immediately followed by the British and Dutch. In 1603, the British East India Company gained the right to trade textiles and spices from the Mongols, and as a result of sound trade policies, the British gained and political influence.

From 1828 to 1935, Britain assumed full political leadership, and India became a British protectorate in 1857.

Gaining independence

India gained independence on August 15, 1847, but the country was divided into two - Pakistan (later Bangladesh separated from it) and modern India along religious lines.

There is still a conflict between India and Pakistan, which began back in 1947 (at first the conflict had an open form, now it is more hidden). The conflict concerns the issue of ownership of the territories of Kashmir and Jammu, which are separated by a state border and are located in both states (two thirds of the territory belongs to India, one third to Pakistan).

India is a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations, UNESCO, the World Bank, the IMF, and the UN.

Climate of India

Due to the size of the country and regions differing in topography, the climate varies widely. India, with the exception of the mountainous regions, has a tropical climate with two seasons - dry and wet, lasting from June to September. At this time, the monsoons bring heavy rains (up to 10,800 mm per year in the Khasi Hills region). The hot season begins in March and reaches its peak in May. At this time, the thermometer can rise to 49 degrees Celsius.

In Kolkata, the air temperature in January varies from 13 to 27 degrees, and in July it rises to 32 degrees. In Madras, the thermometer in January shows from 19 to 29 degrees, and in July up to 36 degrees. In Bombay, January is 19-28 degrees, July is 26-36 degrees.


The arid areas that border Pakistan boast only fairly sparse vegetation. Palm and bamboo grow in some areas.

The Ganges Valley is rich in a wide variety of vegetation types, because it receives quite a significant amount of rainfall. The most vegetation is located in the southern part of the region, with many hardwood trees and mangroves.

In the northwest of the Himalayas there are dense coniferous forests, and in the east of the region there are sub rainforests. The slopes of the Western Ghats and the coastal region of southwest India are rich in dense tropical forests - teak, bamboo and other evergreen trees grow here.

The Deccan Plateau has sparse vegetation, but forests with deciduous trees, bamboo and palm trees can be found here.

Fauna of India

Representatives of felines: panther, tiger, snow leopard, leopard, clouded leopard, cheetah. Other large mammals include rhinoceros, Indian elephant, antelope, wolf, jackal, buffalo, black bear, deer and several species of monkeys.

There are quite a lot of mountain goats in mountainous areas. India is especially rich in poisonous snakes, such as the scalefish, cobra and others. Reptiles also include crocodiles and pythons. Among the many birds, especially noteworthy are the heron, peacock, kingfisher and parrots.

Museums and reserves

There are more than 460 different museums in India, among which the main ones are the Madras museums - the National Art Gallery and the Government Museum. In Varnassi - the Sarnath Museum, in New Delhi - the National Museum. In Bombay - the Museum of Western India, in Calcutta - the Birla Technological Museum, the Museum of India.

In addition to museums, India is rich in architectural and historical monuments. In Calcutta, in the Maidan Park there is a Victoria Memorial, in the same city there is a botanical garden and St. Paul's Cathedral. There are several Hindu temples in New Delhi, among which Lakshminarasi and Balkesh are considered the main ones. In Agra - Pearl Mosque, Marble Mausoleum Jahangri Mahal.

Varanasi has 1,500 temples, including the Golden Temple. In Bombay - Kanheri caves with rock bas-reliefs, Victoria Gardens Park (it houses a zoo). In Delhi - the Great Mosque, the Red Fort, the Rang Mahal Palace, the Public Reception Hall of the Great Mongols.

In Patna there are many Sikh temples and a mosque built in 1499. In Armitsar there is the Golden Temple, which is surrounded by a reservoir of immortality (Sikhs bathe in it to gain spiritual purification).

Useful information for tourists about India, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, currency of India, cuisine, features of visa and customs restrictions in India.

Geography of India

The Republic of India is a state in South Asia, occupying most of the Hindustan Peninsula. It borders Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar. It has maritime borders with the Maldives, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.

Most of the country is occupied by the Deccan Highlands, bounded on two sides by the Eastern and Western Ghats, and in total the territory of India is crossed by 7 mountain ranges, among which is the highest Mountain country world - the Himalayas. Between the Deccan and the Himalayas, the vast Indo-Gangetic Lowland (Jamno-Gangetic Plain) stretches in a wide arc; the coasts are also framed by a narrow ribbon of plains.


State structure

Federal Republic. Member of the Commonwealth.

The head of state is the president. Legislature- bicameral parliament (Council of States “Rajya Sabha” and House of the People “Lok Sabha”). Executive power is exercised by the Council of Ministers, headed by the Prime Minister.


Official language: Hindi, English

Languages, except two state ones: Urdu, Bengali, Telugu, Tamil, Kannara and about 10 more languages ​​used as state languages ​​in various states. In total, more than 1,600 languages ​​and dialects are spoken in India.


Hindus - 80%, Muslims - 14%, Christians - 2.4%, Sikhs - 2%, Buddhists - 0.7%, Jains - 0.5%.


International name: INR

One Indian rupee is divided into 100 paise.

History of India

Already in the 3rd millennium BC, statehood arose here in the Indus Valley, and in the 2nd millennium BC important ethnic changes took place. From the north, tribes of tall, fair-haired Aryans (Aryans) invaded the area between the Indus and Ganges rivers and subjugated the local peoples. In the 1st millennium BC, the Aryans created their own state, one of the princes of which was Gautama (Buddha), the spreader of the new religion. At the same time, India fought grueling wars for independence, either with Persia or with Alexander the Great. With the collapse of the Macedonian state, the Indian kingdom experienced its first flourishing. By 236 BC, the great Magadha Empire was formed, which managed to unite almost the entire territory of the modern states of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. However, already from the second century BC, the formidable empire fell into decline. A significant part of its lands was captured by neighboring states. One of them was the kingdom of Kushan. After its collapse in the first centuries AD, the Magadha Empire began to gain strength again, which in the 4th–5th centuries already controlled most of the Hindustan Peninsula.

The short-term unification (from the 6th century) was replaced by feudal fragmentation, which stopped only by the 13th century due to the emergence of the strong Delhi Sultanate. Its rulers began to fight Buddhism and began to spread Islam. The Sultanate repelled the raids of the Mongol-Tatars, but could not cope with the separatism of the large feudal lords who destroyed the end of the 14th century century country. The economic lag increased, there was no defense capability, and opportunities opened up for new conquests in India. At the end of the 15th century, the first European colonialists appeared on its shores. In the 16th century, almost the entire peninsula fell prey to the Mongol conqueror Babur. In the 17th century, France and Great Britain entered into a struggle for the possession of South India. In the first half of the 18th century, the power of the Mongol dynasty weakened so much that it could no longer protect the Indian people from other invasions. The attempt of local princes to organize an alliance capable of resisting the conquerors was unsuccessful.

By the middle of the 19th century, Great Britain had colonized all of India. liberation uprising 1857–1859 failed. The rule of the British crown remained until 1946, when, under the pressure of the Indian public led by M. Gandhi, it was granted the right of dominion (self-government). At the same time, the first government headed by J. Nehru was formed. The following year (1947) the British finally left India. However, the country was unable to maintain unity. The interreligious war split it into three states: Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.

On January 26, 1950, the Constituent Assembly of India adopted a constitution, which declared India a parliamentary republic. But at the same time, India remained in the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Being a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state, India is experiencing divisions and confrontations in religious grounds in different parts of the country. However, India has always presented itself as a secular state with a liberal democracy, except for a short period from 1975 to 1977, when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared state of emergency with restrictions on civil rights.

In the second half of the 20th century, India regularly had problems with neighboring countries due to disputes over borders. The dispute with China has not yet been resolved; in 1962 it resulted in a short war. India fought three wars with Pakistan: in 1947, 1965 and 1971. The last conflict between India and Pakistan broke out in 1999 in the state of Kashmir.

Already in the 3rd millennium BC, statehood arose here in the Indus Valley, and in the 2nd millennium BC important ethnic changes took place. From the north, tribes of tall, fair-haired Aryans (Aryans) invaded the area between the Indus and Ganges rivers and subjugated the local peoples. In the 1st millennium BC, the Aryans created their own state, one of the princes of which was Gautama (Buddha), the spreader of the new religion. At the same time, India fought grueling wars for independence, either with Persia or with Alexander the Great. With the collapse of the Macedonian state, the Indian kingdom experienced its first flourishing. By 236 BC, the great Magadha Empire was formed, which managed to unite almost the entire territory of the modern states of Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. However, already from the second century BC, the formidable empire fell into decline. A significant part of its lands was captured by neighboring states. One of them was the kingdom of Kushan. After its collapse in the first centuries AD, the Magadha Empire began to gain strength again, which in the 4th–5th centuries already controlled most of the Hindustan peninsula....

Popular attractions

Tourism in India

Where to stay

Hotels in India have a standard classification - from five to two categories. In addition, here you can find quite modern hotels with a high level of service that are not marked with stars. As a rule, such hotels belong to high-ranking officials or families of the highest Indian caste. In India you can also find hotels of famous world chains, for example, Mariott, Hyatt.

Regarding five-star hotels, in India these are not just beautifully furnished hotels with a high level of service, but real palaces. As a rule, such hotels are located on the coast, in the most popular places among tourists. There are Ayurveda and yoga centers on site, offering massage services, beauty treatments, and numerous entertainment programs.

It is worth considering that hotels of the same category, for example, four stars, can differ significantly from each other. So, if in a hotel in one of the resort areas or located in a wealthy area big city, you will be offered really good service, clean comfortable rooms and special wellness programs, then in other cities of India the stars serve more as a decoration for the façade of the hotel building. Therefore, be careful when choosing a place to stay overnight. The same applies to the categories of three and two stars. Their owners may have their own idea of ​​service, so it is better to stay in the hotels you found about positive reviews tourists who have already been there.

It is noteworthy that India is famous not only for its coastline, but also for its ski resorts. In the mountains you will be offered to stay in one of the small but very cozy hotels. They will offer you good service, cozy interior and, as a bonus, excursions around the area and entertainment in the evenings.

Plant foods are the basis of the diet of the peoples of India. Rice, corn, dal, peas, lentils and other legumes, as well as flatbreads made from lower grades of flour (chapati) and vegetables - an integral part of Indian cuisine....


You should only leave a tip in expensive establishments. In hotels and restaurants, a service charge (10%) is often included in the bill. In more modest places you can leave a few rupees. Doormen - 5-10 rupees. In India, baksheesh is common - an advance payment for services (for example, for baksheesh, the hotel will find the letter you need, give you the necessary information, etc.).


Office hours

Banks are open on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.


India has high-quality and inexpensive fabrics: silk (in Varanasi), cotton (in Rajasthan, Chenai), wool, brocade, cashmere, chiffon. Carpets are the cheapest and most common product in India. You can buy inexpensive silver jewelry, precious stones: diamond, ruby, sapphire, pearls (in Hyderabad), aquamarine and Moonstone.

According to tourists, the best gift from India is excellent Indian tea. Moreover, often the highlight is not in the variety - they are all excellent, but in the fact that the tea is packaged in elegant satin bags.

The usual ground pepper, turmeric, saffron, cloves, cinnamon, as well as spices unknown to us, which we cannot do without when preparing curry, are of excellent quality in India and, by our standards, almost free. Experienced tourists recommend trying the delicacy - cashew nuts fried with Indian pepper. Attention: spices can only be carried in the bags that you check in as luggage.


High risk of contracting hepatitis A. Pre-vaccination is strongly recommended. Avoid drinking raw water and unpeeled vegetables and fruits.

Emergency numbers

Police - 100, fire brigade - 101, ambulance - 102.

National characteristics of India. Traditions

Tips for women: legs should be covered with clothes, but not tight ones. It is not customary to hug and kiss in public. They greet by joining their fingers at forehead level. Do not try to shake hands first, much less kiss. Walk around all buildings, especially religious buildings, on the left side. If you are being poured tea, wait until you are invited to tea. If you are leaving, empty the cup and leave it.

Questions and feedback about India

Kerala - Questions and Answers

Question answer

- a state in southern Asia, which stretches from the peaks of the Karakoram in the north to Cape Kumari in the south, from the deserts of Rajasthan in the west to Bengal in the east. In the south, east and west, the country is washed by the Arabian, Laccadive and Bengal seas and the Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean. India borders on Pakistan in the west and northwest, in the north the Himalayas separate the state from China and Bhutan, in the northeast from Nepal and in the east from Bangladesh.

The name of the country comes from the name of the Indus River, in Hindi and Urdu "Sindh" means "river".

Official name: Republic of India

Capital: Delhi

The area of ​​the land: 3.3 million sq. km

Total Population: 1.2 billion people

Administrative division: A federal republic consisting of 25 states and 7 union territories under central jurisdiction.

Form of government: A republic with a federal government structure.

Head of State: President, elected for a term of 5 years.

Population composition: 72% are Indo-Aryans, 25% are Dravidians, 3% are Mongoloids.

Official language: English and Hindi, as well as 17 regional languages in different states. Among other languages, the most common ones are Bengali, Telugu, Tamil and some others.

Religion: 83% of the country's residents profess Hinduism, the rest - Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism.

Internet domain: .in

Mains voltage: ~230 V, 50 Hz

Country dialing code: +91

Country barcode: 890


In India, which occupies a large area and is characterized by significant vertical differentiation of relief and varying distances from the ocean, contrasts in the distribution of heat and moisture are pronounced. In general, the climate of the country is greatly influenced by monsoons. The altitude factor predetermined the cold climate of the high mountains in northern India, while a temperate climate prevails on the low slopes of these mountains and on the plateau.

Resorts in Northern India are located in the altitude zone from 1500 to 2300 m. For example, in Darjeeling and Srinagar climatic conditions comfortable all year round. Average monthly temperatures in Darjeeling range from 4°C in winter to 17°C in mid-summer, when moderately warm weather prevails.

In many areas of Hindustan, the average air temperature in the coldest month - January - is 18–24 ° C, and in the summer months - 24–29 ° C. However, the daytime temperature often rises to 32 ° C. In the northern plains, from West Bengal to the border with Pakistan, Summers are very hot, with average temperatures in Bengal reaching 29°C; they gradually increase as they move to the northwest and in May in Delhi reach 33° C. The average summer temperature in Amritsar (Punjab) is 34° C, in the Thar Desert (Rajasthan) - 32°–38° C, average winter temperatures there are 7–16° C.

Annual rainfall ranges from less than 100 mm in the Thar Desert to 10,770 mm at Cherrapunji station in the Khasi Mountains, one of the wettest places on Earth. For Western India, the average annual precipitation is as follows: Punjab 400–500 mm, Thar Desert 50–130 mm, Saurashtra (Kathiyawar Peninsula) 650–1000 mm, western coast of Hindustan more than 2000 mm and eastern coast at the foot of the Eastern Ghats 1300–2050 mm. Central India receives an average of 650–1300 mm of rainfall per year. In the northeast of peninsular India and in the lowland north of the country, 1300–2050 mm falls, and in the eastern Himalayas and most parts of Bengal and Assam - more than 2000 mm.


India is located in southern Asia on the Hindustan Peninsula between the headwaters of the Indus rivers in Punjab in the west and river system Ganga in the East. In the north the country borders with China, Bhutan and Nepal, in the northwest - with Pakistan, in the east - with Myanmar and People's Republic Bangladesh. In the east, India is washed by the Bay of Bengal, in the west by the Arabian Sea, and in the south by the Indian Ocean.

The length of India from north to south is about 3220 km, and from east to west it is 2930 km. India's land border is 15,200 km and its sea border is 6,083 km. Its area is 3287.3 thousand sq. km.

The natural conditions of India are very diverse. In general, 3 districts can be distinguished on its territory.

1) The Himalayas, located in northern India. Translated, the name Himalayas means “abode of snow.” The highest peak in the world is located here - Mount Chomolungma (Everest), which rises 8848 m above sea level. But its neighbors are not inferior to its older sister; a height of 5 - 6 thousand m is quite common in these areas. The Himalayas stretch from east to west (from the Brahmaputra River to the Indus River) for 2500 km with a width of 150 to 400 km. The Himalayas consist of three main mountain ranges: the Siwalik Mountains in the south (altitudes 800-1200 m), then the Lesser Himalayas (2500-3000 m) and the Greater Himalayas (5500-6000 m).

2) The Deccan Plateau on the Hindustan Peninsula with the adjacent coastal lowlands. Average height- 300 - 900 m. The Deccan is an arid hilly plateau, bounded on the west and east by the Western (higher) and Eastern Ghats mountains. The Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri rivers flow through the Deccan plateau in the direction from West to East, which become very shallow in winter. It's interesting that, according to modern ideas, the Deccan Plateau was formed tens of millions of years ago as a result of “swelling” earth's surface from an asteroid impact opposite side the globe in the Gulf of Mexico region (it was this catastrophe that was probably the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs).

3) Indo-Gangetic plain, which occupies the central and eastern part India, its area is 319 thousand sq. km. Up to 250 million people live on the territory of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. This vast area extends parallel to the Himalayan ranges.

The main rivers in India are the Ganges (2510 km), Brahmaputra (2900 km), Indus (2879 km). They have a lot of water and are used for navigation. A characteristic phenomenon for the northern territories of the country are floods during the melting of glaciers.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

The territory of India extends almost 30° from north to south and covers an altitudinal range of approx. 9100 m, in addition, within its boundaries, the average annual precipitation in different areas ranges from less than 100 to more than 10,000 mm. It is therefore not surprising that the country's vegetation is very diverse.

The flora of India has more than 20 thousand species, many endemics. The forests of India are divided into two groups - tropical forests within Hindustan and temperate forests covering the slopes of the Himalayas at altitudes of more than 1500 m above sea level.

Animal world

The modern wild fauna of India includes about 350 species of mammals, more than 1,200 species and subspecies of birds and over 20 thousand species of insects. In recent decades, the numbers of many animal species, especially large ones, have declined greatly. Of the large predators, the Asiatic lion is preserved only in the Gir Forest National Park on the Kathiyawar Peninsula (Gujarat); tigers and leopards are found in the jungles of the Terai, in the Assam-Burma border zone and in the north of Hindustan. Hyenas, cheetahs and jackals are numerous in the northern part of the country.

Wild herbivores include the Indian one-horned rhinoceros, the largest Asian rhinoceros, which is found in several national parks and reserves of Assam and West Bengal, and even in these remote areas its numbers continue to decline. In India, in particular in the state of Assam, there are several species of deer: sambar (with horns up to 100 cm long), axis, or chital, swamp deer, barasinga (its antlers have more than 14 branches), muntjac.

The fauna of the Himalayas is the most diverse. U upper limit mountain forests Musk deer live. The Dachigam National Park (Jammu and Kashmir) is home to the Himalayan black bear, hangul (Kashmiri red deer), and leopard. The Malayan bear is found in the mountains in the northeast of the country (states of Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya and Nagaland). In the highlands of the Himalayas, yaks and kulans are most adapted to harsh conditions; snow leopards are occasionally found.

The smallest of the mountain sheep - Shapu, lives above the forest line on the steep, grassy slopes of Ladakh, the largest of the mountain sheep - Nayan, found from northern Ladakh in the west to northern Sikkim in the east, and rare ones - Marco Polo sheep and kuku -yaman, or blue goat. The Alpine or mountain goat is common in the western Himalayas - in Kashmir and Ladakh. The mountains are also inhabited by markhor (or markhor), tahr, chiru (or orongo), dzeren, takin, and goral.

Among the smaller mammals, monkeys stand out.

The forests of Assam are home to the only representative of great apes in India - the hoolock gibbon, or white-browed gibbon. The most widespread monkey is the langur, or tonkotel. Monkeys and most other small animals, especially rodents, cause significant damage to agriculture. The exception is mongooses, which control the number of snake populations, which are very numerous in India.

The savannas of the Deccan Plateau are home to gazelles, four-horned antelopes, hares, small rodents, Bengal cats, common foxes, mongooses, hyenas, wolves, jackals, and leopards. For wet tropical forests The Deccan is characterized by deer (sambars, axises, muntjacs), gaur bulls, loris prosimians (south of the Godwari River), tigers, red wolves, and in the most humid habitats - swamp deer, wild buffaloes and elephants. In the narrow, forested gorges of the spurs of the Western Ghats, elephants, gaurs and endemics such as the Nilgiri langur monkey, silene macaque, brown mongoose, and Malabar civet are found. In the jungles of the Deccan there are tigers and sloth bears, hyenas, and jackals. Among the small animals of the Deccan, notable are the squirrels - the striped or palm tree and the giant Malabar, and among the rodents - the dormouse and the musk shrew.

The avifauna is very rich, many species of birds are famous for their colorful plumage (Rose-winged Cramer's Parrots, Red-headed Weavers, Black Drongos, Kingfishers, Fruit Pigeons, Black-and-Red Larva-eaters, Rose-cheeked Bulbuls, Golden-fronted Leaflets). The species diversity and numbers of crane-like birds (rare black-necked crane, Indian crane Antigonus, Egyptian heron, etc.), stork-like birds (Indian marabou, etc.), parrots, honeycreepers, ravens, waterfowl (pelicans, teal, ducks) are striking.

Bank roosters are the ancestors of domestic chickens, and wild peacocks, often found in Central India, are mainly descendants of birds bred in the gardens of the Mughal rulers. The Indian starling, or mynah, has spread to many tropical regions. There are vultures, kites and crows. In winter, the number of birds almost doubles - birds fly from Europe and Northern Asia for the winter.

India has a diverse fauna of reptiles. There are cobras, including the largest poisonous snake in India - the king cobra, pythons and many other snakes (ribbon krait, or bungar, coral snakes, Russell's viper, rattlesnake, or pit viper, shield-tailed snakes, blind snakes, egg snakes, approx. . 25 species of snakes), geckos, chameleons, and in the estuaries of the Bay of Bengal - crocodiles. The waters of the Ganges and Brahmaputra are home to the freshwater, or Gangetic, susuk dolphin, ranging from 1.8 m to 2.5 m long, and the Gangetic gharial crocodile, up to 6.6 m long.

Among insects, centipedes and scorpions are numerous, but the main damage is caused by small insects, primarily termites.


The country is one of the oldest civilizations in the world, the richest natural conditions and warm climate, India simply cannot help but attract the attention of millions of tourists. The majestic Himalayas and mysterious Tibet, the sacred Ganges River and the tropical forests of the Western Ghats, dozens of seaside resorts and the “golden triangle”, numerous monuments of past centuries and a huge number of museums, all this constitutes the national pride of this country.

On weekdays, banks are open from 10.00 to 14.00, on Saturdays - from 10.00 to 12.00. There are branches that are open in the evenings or on Sundays. All banks are closed during public holidays, as well as on June 30 and December 31.

In large cities you can use a credit card. The most common are Master Card, Visa International and American Express.

Useful information for tourists

India attracts tourists with its exoticism and cheapness. Animals walk peacefully on the streets, in gardens, parks and on the roads of any city in the country, ignoring motorists.

The abundance of shops, stalls and benches makes a stunning impression on tourists. You can buy almost everything here. In India it is common to bargain, but not in the same way as in Arab countries. Here they seek a discount on goods according to the so-called Dutch scheme: the price named by the merchant gradually decreases as they pronounce magic word"expensive". During the bidding process great importance intonation and gestures play a role. If a Hindu agrees, he shakes his head from side to side, if not, he nods from top to bottom. Paper money - rupees - can be dirty and worn. If the bill has holes, it will be accepted for payment, but if the corners are torn off or the edges are torn, it must be replaced.

Any establishment where you can eat is called a restaurant. After the meal, the waiter brings the bill and places it face down. It is customary to pay for it with a large bill, exceeding the cost of lunch. It is customary to tip 10% of the total bill. Food in India is incredibly cheap. Hinduism prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages, so the restaurant does not serve them, but some establishments allow you to bring your own. On Fridays in India, prohibition is observed, and alcohol cannot be obtained at any price.

Handshakes are not accepted in India. Instead, Hindus use a traditional gesture: they raise their joined palms to their chin, as if for prayer, and shake their heads with the words: “Namaste.” Thus local residents They greet not only each other, but also their guests.

India is a country of rich culture and history. While traveling around India, you can be transported to a completely different world of the East. And excellent beaches with a high level of service and a beautiful sea provide an excellent opportunity to relax. India is a huge open-air museum, where everyone can touch thousand-year-old antiquity, see world masterpieces of architecture, and in a few hours descend from the snow-capped Himalayas to the hot tropics, flying over those places where dozens of dynasties replaced each other over thousands of years, each which left its material trace on a giant triangle sloping down to the sea.

Come to India and you will see that this is a country of endless variety of fragrant aromas and colors that have no name yet, ancient traditions and refined forms, an endless variety of customs and languages. India, simple and great, will not leave anyone indifferent.


India is located in southern Asia on the Hindustan Peninsula between the headwaters of the Indus river system in Punjab in the west and the Ganges river system in the East. In the north, the country borders with China, Bhutan and Nepal, in the northwest - with Pakistan, in the east - with Myanmar and the People's Republic of Bangladesh. In the east, India is washed by the Bay of Bengal, in the west by the Arabian Sea, and in the south by the Indian Ocean. The length of India from north to south is about 3220 km, and from east to west - 2930 km. India's land border is 15,200 km and its sea border is 6,083 km. Its area is 3287.3 thousand sq. km.

The natural conditions of India are very diverse. In general, 3 areas can be distinguished on its territory:

1) The Himalayas, located in northern India. Translated, the name Himalayas means “abode of snow.” The highest peak in the world is located here - Mount Chomolungma (Everest), which rises 8848 m above sea level. But its neighbors are not inferior to its older sister; a height of 5 - 6 thousand m is quite common in these areas. The Himalayas stretch from east to west (from the Brahmaputra River to the Indus River) for 2500 km with a width of 150 to 400 km. The Himalayas consist of three main mountain ranges: the Siwalik Mountains in the south (altitudes 800-1200 m), then the Lesser Himalayas (2500-3000 m) and the Greater Himalayas (5500-6000 m).
2) The Deccan Plateau on the Hindustan Peninsula with the adjacent coastal lowlands. The average height is 300 - 900 m. The Deccan is an arid hilly plateau, bounded on the west and east by the Western (higher) and Eastern Ghats mountains. The Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri rivers flow through the Deccan plateau in the direction from West to East, which become very shallow in winter. It is interesting that, according to modern ideas, the Deccan Plateau was formed tens of millions of years ago as a result of the “swelling” of the earth’s surface from an asteroid impact from the opposite side of the globe in the Gulf of Mexico (it was this catastrophe that was probably the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs).
3) The Indo-Gangetic Plain, which occupies the central and eastern part of India, its area is 319 thousand sq. km. Up to 250 million people live on the territory of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. This vast area extends parallel to the Himalayan ranges.

The main rivers in India are the Ganges (2510 km), Brahmaputra (2900 km), Indus (2879 km). They have a lot of water and are used for navigation. A characteristic phenomenon for the northern territories of the country are floods during the melting of glaciers.


In summer in India it is 1 hour 30 minutes more than in Moscow, and in winter it is 2 hours 30 minutes more.


India has a monsoon climate. 3 seasons: dry cold - from October to March (considered the best time to visit), dry hot - from April to June and humid hot - from July to September. Best time for traveling in India depends on the place you are going to. The climate is accordingly very diverse. When the beach season just opens in Goa (on the Indian Ocean coast) (November), there is already snow in the Himalayas. On the other hand, July - August, when southern India is very hot and humid, is the best time to travel to Ladakh (a region lying on the Tibetan plateau behind the great Himalayan Range). In mountainous areas, air temperature and weather are highly dependent on altitude. To South and Central India, it is recommended to go in season from July to September (rainy, humid, warm + 25-30 * C) and from October to March (dry, cool + 20-25 * C), bad season from March to June (very hot, dry + 35-45*C).


More than 200 dialects are spoken by the population of India. The official languages ​​are Hindi and English.


Almost all people living in India are deeply religious. Religion for Indians is a way of life, an everyday, special way of life. Hinduism is considered to be the main religious and ethical system of India. In terms of number of followers, Hinduism ranks leading place in Asia. This religion, which does not have any one founder and one fundamental text (there are many of them: the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and many others), originated so long ago that it is impossible to even determine its age, and spread throughout India and throughout many countries South-East Asia, and now, thanks to immigrants from India, who have settled everywhere - and all over the world. Hinduism is professed by 83% of the total population of India, i.e. about 850 million people. Muslims in India are 11%.

One of the oldest religions in the world, Buddhism, originated in India in the fifth century BC. Buddhists believe that enlightenment, that is, liberation from suffering in the endless cycle of rebirth, can be achieved by every living being, and especially by humans, since, according to Buddhism, everyone initially has the nature of Buddha. Unlike Hindus, Buddhists do not recognize castes. If you meet a person on the streets of India in a colorful turban with a thick, thick beard, you should know that he is a Sikh, that is, a follower of Sikhism, a faith that has absorbed and combined Hinduism and Islam.

So, 80% of the population are Hindus, Muslims constitute a significant religious minority - 12%. The number of Christians reaches only 18 million. They are mainly Catholics and Protestants. There are also Orthodox parishes. Of the faiths born on Indian soil, Sikhism stands out, the number of followers of which exceeds 17 million. A small (about 200 thousand) but influential community of Parsi fire-worshippers is concentrated in Mumbai (formerly Bombay). IN seaside towns In the state of Kerala you can find followers of Judaism (about 6 thousand). About 26 thousand representatives of aboriginal tribes profess various pagan beliefs.


As of 1999, India's population reached 1 billion. Average annual population growth decreased from 2.2% in the 1950-1980s to 1.7% in 1990-1998, but absolute indicators indicate an annual increase of approximately 20 million people. The average population density is 354 people per 1 sq. km, and the maximum is more than 750 people per 1 sq. km in West Bengal and Kerala. The most densely populated areas are the south-eastern and south-western coasts, the deltaic lowlands of the east and the Gangetic plain. The least populated areas are the highlands of Central India, the northeastern regions and the Himalayas. Approximately 65% ​​of the country's population lives in 500 thousand villages. The intensification of migration processes has led over the past half century to the formation of such gigantic agglomerations as Mumbai (Bombay, 8 million people), Calcutta (5 million) and the union territory of Delhi, led by the capital of the same name (8 million people).


The mains voltage in India is 220V.

Emergency numbers

Police - 100
Fire brigade - 101
Ambulance - 102


Mobile communications in India are expensive, we recommend purchasing a local SIM card and paying for calls using express payment cards (1 minute of conversation with Russia will cost about 1 dollar). The cost of a call from a hotel is three times more expensive than from a pay phone.
How to call Russia:
00+7 (Russian code)+city code (812 code of St. Petersburg) + phone number
How to call Goa:
8+10+91 (India code) +832 (Goa code)+ phone number.

Currency exchange

The Indian Rupee is quite stable currency unit. Its exchange rate is approximately 48 rupees per 1 US dollar. The import and export of Indian currency, as well as the exchange of currency by private individuals, is prohibited. You can exchange currency at the airport, at a bank or at certified exchange offices. Be sure to keep your currency exchange certificates. They will need to be handed in when checking in for your flight at the airport. Banks are open mainly on weekdays from 10.00 to 14.00, and on Saturdays from 10.00 to 12.00. In addition, there are a considerable number of exchange offices operating in shops, jewelry stores, and hotels. It is recommended to make the exchange exclusively in banks, since in all other cases there may be miscalculation, hidden commissions and other surprises. You should not exchange money where a taxi driver, a casual acquaintance, or a hotel administrator urgently invites you - in all the mentioned cases, he will claim a fee that the tourist will unwittingly pay, changing money at an inconvenient rate. In banks, all these things are excluded. You can exchange currency at the airport, at a bank (passport required) or at certified exchange offices. When exchanging, you must take a receipt that allows you to exchange money back when leaving the country (but not more than 25% of the officially exchanged amount). It is best to import dollars: the currencies of other countries are not exchanged in all banks and at a less favorable rate.


Citizens of Russia, just like citizens of most other countries in the world, require a visa to enter India. Since 2015, the so-called electronic visa to India has been introduced, which can be obtained via the Internet. In urgent cases, you can obtain a visa on arrival in Goa, but immigration services are very reluctant to make concessions, so it is better to obtain visas in advance from the Indian Embassy in Moscow or from the Indian Consulates General in St. Petersburg and Vladivostok.

The Tourist e-Visa is intended for persons whose purpose of visit is tourism or visiting friends or relatives who are Indian citizens. A visa is issued for one or more entries.

A transit visa is issued to persons whose purpose of travel is transit through Indian territory to third countries.

A business visa is intended for those who are going to visit India at the invitation of business partners.

Student visa is for persons enrolled in officially registered educational institutions in India. A visa can be issued only upon presentation of a written invitation from the university.

Visa for studying yoga, Vedic culture, Indian music theory, dance, etc. issued to citizens to take a course in yoga, Vedic culture, theory of Indian music, dance, etc. in officially recognized Indian educational institutions. Issued upon presentation of a letter of acceptance from a specific educational institution.

Customs regulations

The “Green Corridor” is intended for persons importing goods that are not subject to customs duties and taxes. “Red Corridor” - for persons importing goods in respect of which customs duties must be paid or in respect of which any prohibitions and restrictions apply.

However, all passengers fill out a declaration for their imported baggage; persons who choose the “green channel” must deposit with the customs officer the part of the passenger information card related to customs clearance before the person leaves the checkpoint. Written declaration foreign funds payment is made in the following cases: total amount imported foreign currency exceeds 5,000 US dollars; the total amount of imported means of payment exceeds 10,000 US dollars.

In the event that a person moves goods through the “green corridor” in respect of which customs duties must be paid or for which any prohibitions and restrictions apply, liability measures will be applied to the person, including confiscation of the goods. Movement of drugs and psychotropic substances is a serious crime and is punishable by imprisonment.

The import of foreign currency is not limited; cash amounts over $5 thousand and non-cash amounts over $10 thousand are declared. The export of foreign currency is permitted up to the amount declared in the entry declaration. The import and export of national currency is prohibited. Persons over the age of 17 years are allowed duty-free import of: cigarettes - up to 200 pieces or cigars - up to 50 pieces, or tobacco - up to 250 g, alcoholic beverages - up to 2 liters, up to 60 ml of perfume and up to 250 ml of eau de toilette. Household audio, photo and video equipment, musical instruments, medicines, sports equipment, jewelry, food, items and household items are imported duty-free only within the limits of personal needs. These rules apply only to persons whose stay in India is at least 24 hours and no more than 6 months, and they cross the country’s border no more than once a month.

Holidays and non-working days

There are a lot of holidays in India, both public and religious. Almost every day is some kind of holiday. Basic public holidays in India it is:
January 1 - New Year
January 26 - Republic Day (on this day the Constitution of India was adopted)
March 8, as in Russia, is Women's Day
August 15 - Independence Day (on this day in 1947, India gained independence from Great Britain)
August 20 - Rajiv Gandhi's birthday
October 2 is Gandhi Jayanti, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.
November 19 - Indira Gandhi's birthday
Among religious holidays The following can be identified as the main ones.
In March - April, followers of Jainism celebrate the birthday of the founder of this religion, Mahavira. This festival is called Mahavir Jayanti.
In April - May (on the first day of the month of Baisak), followers of Sikhism celebrate their main holiday - Baisak.
Buddha Jayanti - Buddha's birthday is celebrated in the second half of April - the first half of May.
The main holiday of the Parsis (Indian fire worshipers) is Khordad Sal - the birthday of the prophet Zarathustra.
In February - March, Hindus celebrate the spring festival Holi.
In April - May, Id-ul-Azkha (Id-ul-Zukha, Bakr-id) is celebrated. This is the holiday of sacrifice - one of the two main holidays of Muslims.
August-September - Janmashtami - Krishna's birthday.
In September - October, Dashahra (Dussehra, Dussehra, Durga Puja), the day of worship of Devi, is celebrated. This is one of the most popular holidays.
Diwali (Deepavali, Bandi Khor Diwas) is celebrated in October - November. This is the Festival of Lights and the Goddess of Prosperity Diwali, one of the most popular national holidays and the last day of the year according to the Hindu calendar.


The network of international air transportation provided by Air India and other airlines is well developed in India. Indian Airlines provides flights on domestic routes and to nearby countries. In addition to air, there are sea and land routes of communication with countries. There are 4 largest airports in India: Chenai, Kolkata, Delhi, Bombay, of which two are international - Delhi and Bombay.

India's international rail network is the largest in Asia and the second largest in the world. It consists of 62,300 km of rails, more than 7,030 railway stations and more than 11,200 locomotives. The fare is relatively inexpensive. A large number of express trains connect big cities. Where the train service is interrupted, you can get from station to station by bus. Categories of travel are different, starting with the most expensive 1st class with air conditioning (the ticket price is comparable to the cost of travel of a similar class in other countries), and ending with the cheapest option - a general carriage with a ticket without a seat. There are also air-conditioned sleeping carriages with two-berth compartments, as well as air-conditioned seating carriages (both II class); There are II class carriages with fans.

Within India there is an extensive network of bus routes connecting all parts of the country. This is especially true for those areas where there is no railway connection, in particular for high mountain areas. Older buses run on most rural roads, but express buses with air conditioning are increasingly appearing on main roads. On many routes, even local ones, tickets can be booked in advance. The bulk of luggage is transported on the roof of the bus, so suitcases must be locked and checked during stops.

Main sea ​​ports- Mumbai (Bombay), Kolkata, Cochin, Chennai (Madras), Calicut, Panaji (Goa) and Rameswaram. Apart from river ferries, water transport in India it is rather poorly developed. Steamship services exist between Port Blair (Andaman Islands) and with Calcutta and Madras (mostly operating only during the tourist season), as well as between Calcutta and Madras. Luxurious water services are available between Cochin and Lakshadweep. In Kerala, regular passenger ships operate along the coast, with several services linking Allappuja and Kovalam (formerly Alleppey and Quilon), including the popular paddle steamer service. There is a catamaran service between Bombay and Goa.


Tipping in hotels and restaurants is usually around 10%. In hotels, they are usually included in the bill, but usually an additional 2-3 rupees are left for the maids, and from 2 to 5 rupees for the porter and receptionist. Tipping in India is considered not only as gratitude for the service provided, but also as a soft transition from the sphere of buyer-seller relations to a more friendly attitude.

The shops

India is a shopping paradise. Prices here are low, and bargaining is common. Silver products, souvenirs made of sandalwood, bronze, Kashmiri carpets, silk shawls, and Indian tea are very popular. When purchasing jewelry, you must require a quality certificate; only with such a document can you return or exchange the purchased product. When purchasing souvenirs on the street or taking photographs with exotic animals, it is better to conduct all negotiations through a guide. So, at least you can count on a reasonable price. In Delhi, thousands of retail outlets and traditional oriental markets are located in the areas of Baba Kharak Singh, Chandni Chowk, Koniat Place, Hari Baoli, south of the University, near Lahore Gate, Urdu Bazaar, etc. Here you can buy almost everything, and the famous atmosphere of the oriental bazaar gives such purchases a special charm. When visiting Bombay, be sure to stroll through the narrow, winding neighborhoods of Kalbadevi, north of Crawford Market, where the colorful markets of Zaveri Bazar, Mangaldas Market, Dabu and Khor Bazar ("thieves' market") follow each other.

National cuisine

The unforgettable aroma of India is not only the thick scent of jasmine and rose. It is also the subtle aroma of spices that occupy an important place in Indian dishes, especially curries. The name of this seasoning comes from the Indian word “kari” (sauce), but here it is not found in the form of powder familiar to residents of other countries. It is a subtle and delicate blend of spices such as turmeric, cardamom, ginger, coriander, nutmeg and poppy. Like paints on an artist’s palette, the Indian cook keeps on hand about 25 spices, always freshly ground, from which he creates his unique flavor bouquet. Many spices also have medicinal properties. Each region has its own favorite spices and their combinations. Although not all Indians are vegetarians, you will eat more vegetable dishes here than at home. Vegetables in India are cheap, varied, abundant and always deliciously prepared.

The West Coast offers a wide selection of fish and seafood. Bombay duck (curried or fried bomnlo fish) and licorice fish (Indian salmon) are just two names on the extensive menu. Fish is also present in Bengali cuisine, such as dahi maach (fish curry in yogurt flavored with ginger) and mailai (prawn curry with coconut).

Meat dishes are more common in the north: rogan josh (lamb curry), gushtaba (spicy meatballs in yogurt) and delicious biriyani (chicken or lamb with rice and orange sauce). The taste of Mughlai dishes is rich and rich, they are generously seasoned with spices and sprinkled with nuts and saffron. The famous tandoori (chicken, meat or fish marinated with herbs and baked in a clay oven) and kebab come from the northern regions.

In the south, curries are mostly vegetable and quite spicy. Traditional recipes include bhujia (vegetable curry), dosa, idli and samba (rice cakes, pickle-filled dumplings and curried lentils) and raita (yogurt with grated cucumber and mint). The main ingredient of South Indian cuisine is coconut. In the south, rice is mandatory, while in the north it is often supplemented or replaced with a variety of unleavened flatbreads - puri, chappati, nan and others.

Common throughout India are dal (a soup made from crushed lentils with vegetables) and dhai (yogurt or yoghurt served with curry). In addition to the fact that this is a very tasty dish, in the heat it is more refreshing than drinks.

Sweets are mainly served with milk puddings, cookies and pancakes. Throughout India, kulfi (Indian ice cream), rasgulla (curd balls flavored with rose water), gulab jamun (flour, yogurt and grated almonds) and jalebi (fritters in syrup) are common. In addition to an excellent selection of sweets, you will always be offered fruits: mangoes, pomegranates, melons, apricots, apples and strawberries. Western groceries are sold in many cities. To improve digestion, it is customary to end the meal by chewing pan. Pan is betel leaves wrapped in anise and cardamom seeds. Another custom is to eat with your fingers, but (don’t forget!) only with your right hand.

Tourists with conservative tastes will always find dishes from almost any country in the world in cities. Tea is a favorite drink of Indians and many varieties are popular around the world. It is often served with sugar and milk, but you can also order “tea on a tray.” Coffee is growing in popularity. Nimbu pani (lemon drink), lassi (ice milk) and coconut milk straight from the nut are pleasantly refreshing. Sparkling water, often with syrup, and Western spirits are available everywhere.Indian beers and gins are as good as the world's best, and inexpensive too.Remember, liquor permits are required in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.


Agra located 204 km from Delhi in the Ganges Valley on the western bank of the Yamuna River. Even Delhi, the thousand-year-old capital of numerous kings and emperors, cannot boast of such lavish architectural and cultural heritage, which Agra inherited from the golden age of the great Mughals. Notable are the Tomb of Itemad-ud-Daula and Akbar's Tomb in Sikandra. The tomb of Itemad-ud-Daula stands in the center of the Persian Park, striking with the elegance of its lines and careful decoration. Norjahan, the brilliant wife of Jahangir, built it for her parents. The small tomb on the outskirts of the Taj Mahal remarkably reflects the taste and intelligence of the gifted empress. Warm tones of yellow marble contrast with white and black patterns, while openwork marble panels and rich mosaics of gems are feminine and delightful. Named after the Afghan ruler Sikander Lodi, Sikandra is better known as the final resting place of Akbar. The emperor began the construction of his own memorial - a red sandstone mausoleum in the middle of the chahar bagh, a park with a square layout - during his lifetime. The entrance, magnificently decorated with marble mosaics, leads to a spacious open structure topped by a tomb with carved panels at the fifth floor level. They were added to the appearance of the mausoleum by Shahjahan after the death of his father.

Capital city of India Delhi and surrounding areas occupy a total of about 1500 square meters. km and constitute the National Capital Territory of Delhi, governed by the territorial government as well as the City Hall of Old Delhi and the New Delhi Municipal Corporation. According to the country's Constitution, the capital of India is officially called New Delhi, although in everyday speech not only in India, but also in other countries, the abbreviated name is retained - Delhi. Jama Masjid is the most great mosque old town. Three large gates, four corner towers and two tall minarets made of red sandstone and white marble created a magnificent ensemble. The eastern gate was opened only for the emperor. Worshipers enter the mosque through the northern and southern gates. The mosque's courtyard can accommodate 25 thousand people. Qutab Minar is a complex of buildings that began to be built from the moment Muslims settled in India and to this day is a perfectly preserved example of early Afghan architecture. The Qutab Minar, which gives the entire complex its name, is a minaret erected after the Muslim victory over the Hindu kingdom in Delhi in 1193. Not far from the minaret, in the courtyard of the Quwwat al-Islam mosque, there is the so-called Iron Pillar - a column made of very high purity iron, 7 meters high.

IN Panaji There are many places of interest. Like most cities in Goa, the center of Panaji is the square with the church. The beautiful staircase with a white balustrade in front of the Church of the Immaculate Conception seems to increase the proportions of the Baroque façade that dominates the square. The church was built in 1541, and initially served as a “lighthouse” for sailors arriving after a long voyage from Lisbon. Other architectural monuments of Panaji include the Largo da Igreja architectural ensemble, the Chapel of St. Sebastian and the Secretariat building. Famous for Panaji and its statue Abbot Faria, which has already become a symbol of the city. This famous hypnotist, made famous by Alexandre Dumas's novel The Count of Monte Cristo, was born in Candolim in 1756, emigrated to France in his youth, was a professor at the University of Marseille and ended his days at the Château d'If.

Modern Bombay has preserved numerous traces of the past, in particular its architecture is very diverse. Along with ancient Victorian mansions, there are buildings of the most modern trends and styles. The southern part of the city is built up with spectacular high-rise buildings - offices of the largest companies, luxury hotels, and residential buildings. This part of the city is sometimes called "Indian Manhattan". On the Malabar Hill is the building of the former residence of British government offices - Raj Bhavan. The very top of the hill is a huge water reservoir, built to supply water to the entire southern Bombay. On the roof of this reservoir, the so-called “hanging gardens” are built on bulk soil, which are officially called “Gardens named after. Ferozshah Mehta" - one of the leaders of the national liberation movement. The bushes in these gardens are trimmed in the shape of various animals. Directly opposite the “hanging gardens” there is a very popular “culture and recreation park” in Bombay. Kamala Nehru. Near " hanging gardens”, being well covered with the dense foliage of numerous trees, there are the so-called “towers of silence”, belonging to the Parsis (immigrants from Persia) - followers of the Zoroastrianism religion. These “towers of silence” were built to perform the Parsi burial rite. At almost the very foot of the Malabar Hill on the side opposite Chowpatty, there is the famous Hindu temple of Mahalakshmi, dedicated to the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Bombay's attractions also include the Muslim Haji Ali Mosque, the Planetarium. Nehru, a zoo, a museum telling the history of Bombay, the Prince of Wales Museum, Bombay University, topped by a clock tower vaguely reminiscent of the Big Ben tower in London, the old city hall - now home to the Asiatic Society with its extensive library, the building of the old Mint, Taraporewala Aquarium, Kanheri Caves in the National Park.

Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan, home to the Rajput group of warrior clans who controlled this part of India for more than 1,000 years. Jaipur owes its name to its founder, the great warrior and astronomer Maharaja Jai ​​Singh II (1693-1743). The city and the fort were built in accordance with the canons of ancient Indian architecture, which included the rectangular arrangement of the blocks. Jaipur is also called the “pink city” because of the color of most of the buildings in the old city. The fort-palace of Amber is located 11 km north of Jaipur. Behind the stern and austere facade lies a heavenly interior in which the Mughal and Hindu styles are combined in their highest embodiment.


State Goa located in southeast India. This small piece of land consists almost entirely of beaches unspoiled by civilization. 40 beaches stretch for more than 100 km along the coast of the Arabian Sea. Not all are equipped for swimming. Goa is divided into North and South parts. Fort Aguada is considered the border. The southern beaches are sandy, clean, and designed (like hotels) for wealthy vacationers. The sea is warm and calm. Poor tourists - students, hippies, musicians - prefer to stay in the north. The beaches host 24-hour discos, a lot of shops, eateries, and noisy bazaars. All beaches are municipal, but those sections of the beach that are assigned to specific hotels are protected. Use of beaches and equipment is free. Tiracol- the northernmost beach of Goa and, most likely, the wildest and untouched by civilization. Anjuna- the most photographed beach in Goa. This means that you will not find privacy here. Exotic lovers come here from everywhere. Night raves are also held here during the full moon. You should be wary of petty thieves and drug dealers. A gorgeous sandy beach lying under the walls of an ancient Portuguese fort Aguada, opens a strip of beaches in South Goa. Luxury hotels and the Taj tourist village are available for vacationers. The beach is clean, well maintained and well equipped.

State Kerala might not be called the most popular, since there are a lot of swamps, but the entire 900-kilometer coast of the state consists of sandy beaches, rocky promenades and lush growth of coconut palms. So tourists, no matter what, come here again and again. Kerala - the most idyllic Indian state, it is also called God's Personal Country. Mesmerizing waterfalls, dense tropical jungles, exotic animals, ancient monuments, festivals and national holidays - all this creates a special flavor. Kerala is also the most socially developed state, with the lowest infant mortality rate, the cleanest and the most peaceful.

Andaman and Nicobar Islands is a unique island state of India. There are not many resorts here, although the beaches surround the islands almost entirely. The excellent climate, rich vegetation and privacy attract lovers of a quiet, “eco-friendly” holiday away from the crowds and city noise. In addition, this is a closed area, territory national reserves, to visit which you need to obtain a separate permit. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are actually an entire archipelago of 572 small islands with a total area of ​​8249 sq. km. Only 36 of them are inhabited. The islands separate the Bay of Bengal from the Andaman Sea. Climate - tropical, minimum temperature +23 C, maximum +31 C. humidity - 70-90%. The best time to visit is October-May. From May to mid-September, and from November to mid-December is the rainy season. At the end of summer, severe storms are common, causing serious damage.

Port Blair- state capital. Here is the main diving center, a water entertainment complex, a fishing club, snookering and trekking centers, the Anthropological Museum, the Forest Museum, the Maritime Museum and the historical Cellular Prison building, now turned into a National Memorial.

State Andhra Pradesh called Kohinoor of India. Some of the country's most picturesque beaches are located here. The coastline stretches for almost 1000 kilometers along the Bay of Bengal. The beaches are clean, sandy, and not too crowded.

brief information

Distant India is of great interest to tourists. This country has thousands of ancient attractions that will be of interest to any traveler. India is the birthplace of religions such as Buddhism and Jainism. However, millions of foreign tourists come to India every year not only, for example, to visit the places where Buddha preached. India now has a large number of attractions, spa resorts, as well as ski and beach resorts.

Geography of India

India is located in South Asia. India is bordered in the west by Pakistan, in the northeast by China, Nepal and Bhutan, and in the east by Myanmar and Bangladesh. In the south, India is washed by the Indian Ocean, in the southwest by the Arabian Sea. The Bay of Bengal is located in the southwest of the country. total area this country - 3,287,590 sq. km, including islands, and the total length state border– 15,106 km.

India owns several islands. The largest of them are the Laccadive, Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean.

The Himalayas mountain system stretches across India from north to northeast. The highest peak in India is Mount Kanchenjunga, whose height reaches 8,856 meters.

India has several very large rivers - the Indus (its length is 3,180 km) and the Ganges (its length is 2,700 km). Other Indian rivers include the Brahmaputra, Yamuna and Koshi.


The capital of India is New Delhi, which is now home to about 350 thousand people. New Delhi became the capital of India at the beginning of the 20th century. The "old" city in New Delhi was built back in mid-17th century century by Emperor Shah Jahan, ruler of the Mughal Empire.

Official language

The official language in India is Hindi. In turn, English is an “auxiliary official language” in India. In addition, 21 more languages ​​have official status in this country.


More than 80% of India's population professes Hinduism. More than 13% of the population of this country are Muslims, more than 2.3% are Christians, about 2% are Sikhs, and 0.7% are Buddhists.

Government of India

According to the current Constitution of 1950, India is a parliamentary republic. Its head is the President, elected by a special board for a 5-year term (this board consists of deputies of parliament and members of state councils).

The parliament in India is bicameral - the Council of States (245 deputies) and the House of the People (545 deputies). Executive branch in this country belongs to the President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers.

Basic political parties in India - Indian National Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party, Socialist Party, Communist Party India, National people's party and etc.

Climate and weather

The climate in India varies from tropical monsoon in the south to temperate in the north. The climate in India is greatly influenced by the Himalayas, the Indian Ocean, and the Thar Desert.

There are three seasons in India:
- from March to June – summer
- from July to October – monsoons
- from November to February - winter

The average annual air temperature in India is +25.3C. The hottest month in India is May, when the average maximum air temperature is +41C. The coldest month is January, when the average minimum temperature is +7C. The average annual precipitation is 715 mm.

Average air temperature in New Delhi:

January - +14C
- February - +17C
- March - +22C
- April - +28C
- May - +34C
- June - +34C
- July - +31C
- August - +30C
- September - +29C
- October - +26C
- November - +20C
- December - +15C

Seas and oceans of India

In the south, India is washed by the Indian Ocean, in the southwest by the Arabian Sea. The Bay of Bengal is located in the southwest of the country. General coastline in India, including the islands, is more than 7.5 thousand km.

Average sea temperature near Goa, India:

January - +28C
- February - +28C
- March - +28C
- April - +29C
- May - +30C
- June - +29С
- July - +28C
- August - +28C
- September - +28C
- October - +29С
- November - +29C
- December - +29C

Rivers and lakes

In India there are two river systems with different feeding regimes. These are the Himalayan rivers (Ganges, Brahmaputra, etc.) and rivers flowing into the ocean - Godavari, Krishna and Mahanadi.

One of the longest rivers in the world, the Indus, whose length is 3,180 km, also flows through India.

As for lakes, there are not very many of them in India, but, nevertheless, some of them are very beautiful. The largest Indian lakes are Chilika, Sambhar, Koleru, Loktak, and Wular.


Neolithic human settlements in the area modern India appeared about 8 thousand years ago. In 2500-1900 BC. in Western India there was the first urban culture, which formed around the cities of Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa, and Dhalavira.

In 2000-500 BC. Hinduism spreads in India, and during the same period a caste system begins to take shape there, consisting of priests, warriors, and free peasants. Subsequently, castes of merchants and servants were formed.

Around the 5th century BC. In India there were already 16 independent states - Mahajanapadas. At the same time, two religions were formed - Buddhism, founded by Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, and Jainism, founded by Mahavira.

In the 6th century BC. some territories of India were conquered by the Persians, and in the 4th century the troops of Alexander the Great conquered some of the northwestern parts of this country.

In the 2nd century BC. The Mauryan kingdom reaches its peak, having conquered several neighboring Indian states.

In the 1st century BC. Indian kingdoms traded with Ancient Rome. In the 7th century, most of the Indian kingdoms were united by King Harsha into a single state.

In 1526, the Mughal Empire was founded on the territory of modern India, whose rulers were the descendants of Genghis Khan and Timur.

In the 17th-19th centuries, the territory of modern India was ruled by the English East India Company, which even had its own army.

In 1857, the so-called “The Revolt of the Sepoys,” whose discontent was precisely caused by the East India Company. After the suppression of the Sepoy Mutiny, the British liquidated the East India Company, and India became a colony of the British Empire.

In the 1920s, a massive national liberation movement against British rule began in India. In 1929, Great Britain gave India dominion rights, but this did not help the British. In 1947, Indian independence was declared. After some time, part of the Indian territories became independent state Pakistan.

India was admitted to the UN back in 1945 (though at that time this country was still British India).


India is a country with a huge cultural heritage. Indian culture has had (and continues to have) an influence not only on neighboring countries, but also on other states located far from it.

There is still a caste system of society in India, thanks to which Indian culture retains all its traditional values.

Indian traditions are expressed through music and dance. There is nothing like it anywhere else in the world.

We recommend that tourists in India definitely see local festivals and parades, of which there are a lot. During festivals, there are often elephant parades, musical performances, tiger dances, fireworks, distribution of sweets, etc. The most famous Indian festivals are the Onam festival (dedicated to the memory of the mythical king Bali), the Tea Festival in Kolkata, Diwali, Ratha Yatra (Festival of Chariots), Dussehra in Delhi, the Ganapati Festival in honor of god Ganesh.

Also worth noting interesting holiday sisters and brothers "Raksha Bandhan" celebrated every year in July. On this day, sisters tie scarves and ribbons around their brothers’ wrists, which protect them from evil forces. In turn, the brothers give their sisters various gifts and vow to protect them.

Indian cuisine

Indian cuisine is famous all over the world for its use of spices. It was thanks to the Indians that various seasonings and spices, including black pepper and curry, became widespread in the world.

India is a very large country, and therefore it is not surprising that each region has its own culinary traditions. However, all regions of India are characterized by the consumption of rice. This product is the basis of Indian cuisine.

It is generally accepted that the people of India are vegetarians, as required by their religious doctrine. However, in fact, meat dishes are also quite popular in India, because there are also Muslims in this country. The most famous Indian meat dish is “tandoori chicken,” when chicken is marinated in spices and then baked in a special oven. Other famous Indian meat dishes are “biryani” (chicken with rice), “gushtaba” (meatballs stewed in yogurt with spices).

In general, meat dishes are most often included in the diet of residents of northern India. Fish and seafood are popular in coastal areas, and vegetables - in southern India.

We also recommend that tourists in India try dal puree soup, naan wheat flatbread, sabji vegetable stew, chapati and samba rice cakes, kitchari (stewed rice with mung bean and spices), jalebi "(pancakes in syrup), "rasgulla" (curd balls), "gulab jamun" (yogurt with flour and almonds).

Traditional non-alcoholic Indian drinks are “dhai” (yogurt or yogurt), “raita” (yogurt with mint and grated cucumber).

Sights of India

There are so many attractions in India that it is difficult for us to select the most interesting ones. Perhaps, in our opinion, the top ten best Indian attractions include the following:

Red Fort in Delhi

Construction of the Red Fort in Delhi began in 1638 and ended in 1648. This fortification was built by order of the emperor of the Mughal Empire, Shah Jahan. The Red Fort is now included in the list. world heritage UNESCO.

Mausoleum-mosque of the Taj Mahal in Agra

The Taj Mahal was built in 1653 by order of Shah Jahan, the emperor of the Mughal Empire. This mausoleum was built by 20 thousand people over 20 years. The Taj Mahal is now included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Qutub Minar in Delhi

The height of this brick minaret is 72.6 meters. Its construction lasted from 1193 to 1368.

Elephant Cave near Mumbai

The Elephant Cave houses an underground temple of Shiva with her sculptures. It was built several thousand years ago. Now the Elephant Cave is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Virupaksha Temple in Hampi

The first small temple on the territory of the modern city of Hampi was built back in the 7th century AD. Gradually, other religious buildings were built around it, and after some time there was already a huge, beautiful temple complex in Hampi.

Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar

Harmandir Sahib is better known as the “Golden Temple”. This is the most important religious building for Sikhs. Construction of the Golden Temple in Amritsar began in the 16th century. In the 19th century, the upper floors of this temple were covered with gold.

Ajanta Caves in Maharashtra

Buddhist monks began building their Ajanta caves around the 2nd century BC. These caves were abandoned around 650 AD. It was only in 1819 that the British accidentally stumbled upon the Ajanta Caves. To this day, unique frescoes have been preserved in these caves, telling about the life of people in the distant past.

Jaigarh Fort

This fort was built near the city of Amber in 1726. According to legend, once upon a time, the most big gun in the world (it can still be seen, since the ancient fort is now a museum).

Raj Ghat Palace in Delhi

Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi were cremated in this palace.

Pearl Mosque in Agra

This mosque in Agra was built in the mid-17th century under Emperor Shah Jahan. No, there are no pearls in this mosque, its domes just sparkle very much in the sun.

Cities and resorts

The largest Indian cities are Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat, and Kanpur.

India has a large number of beautiful seaside resorts with magnificent beaches. The sand on Indian beaches is white and fine. The most popular beach resort in India is Goa. Among other Indian beach resorts, the following should definitely be mentioned: Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, as well as beaches on the Andaman, Nicobar and Laccadive Islands.

India has several ski resorts that are considered the best in Asia. Of course, the winter resorts of India cannot compare with the ski slopes of Austria, Italy and Switzerland. However, for those travelers who love skiing and who at the same time want to get to know the unique India, a holiday at Indian ski resorts will be remembered forever.

Most Popular ski resorts in India - Auli, Dayara-Bugayal, Mundali, Munsiari, Solang, Narkanda, Kufri, and Gulmarg. By the way, the skiing season in India lasts from mid-December to mid-May.

Many foreign tourists come to India to relax at spa resorts. Indian spa centers offer various Ayurvedic programs to clients. Among such spa resorts we should first of all name Beach & Lake, Ayurma, and Ananda.


Before you go to India, think about what you want to buy there. Otherwise, Indian traders in bazaars and shops will sell you many different unnecessary goods, and you will lose thousands of rupees. We recommend that tourists from India bring Indian tea, various incense, bracelets (glass, metal, precious metals), amulets, talismans, souvenirs made of marble (for example, a small marble Taj Mahal), scarves, shawls, saris (traditional Indian dress), leather shoes, sets of Indian dry spice mixtures, henna paint, carpets, musical instruments (for example , drums or an elegant wooden flute).

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