Axes in astrology. To successfully complete any of the practices, deep knowledge of astrology is not necessary.

Astrological chart - not just a diagram on a piece of paper, but a living, moving matrix that displays the energy pattern of each specific moment in time. This matrix is ​​especially interesting when it is superimposed on a certain material, on a certain space: it can be a human person, a country, an event... In this case, knowing their characteristics and patterns of development, one can draw conclusions regarding their past, present and future.

Each of our earthly incarnations is an endless process of development. All the situations we experience are temporary, social status, nationality, faith and race are not significant, they are secondary and given in accordance with the training program. The personality itself and its qualities that it developed in a previous life are valuable.

All circumstances of life push a person to change himself. As a result of the training program, three options are possible: the person understood the lessons of life and moved to the next class; the person did not understand anything and stayed for the second year, and in the next incarnation the training will begin from the point where he stopped before leaving; the person did not understand anything and degraded, became embittered, created many negative karmic connections, and became a worse person than he came into this world. In this sense, it is not the experience itself that is important, but the awareness of it, the reaction to this experience. And most often it is very difficult for the average person to work on himself, because... he cannot yet understand himself and his manifestations, he is too attached to the material, he spends all the energy given at birth on fighting this world, on trying to change it and the people around him, but in reality he must spend time and energy on overcoming myself. Therefore, the development of personality occurs slowly, hence the infinity of life training, the infinity of cycles during one life and the infinity of incarnations.

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We are simultaneously biological, social and cosmic beings. The manifestations of each of us are influenced by various factors: our level of spiritual development, the collective unconscious, the environment, the value system that we received during our upbringing, family, religious attitudes of society. In the school of life, we are offered a large sphere of experience in time and space in order to radically change, harmonize and polish the 10 personality traits symbolized by the 10 planets.

Astrology, being 100% initiatory knowledge , allows, through the birth horoscope, to reflect the training program of a given incarnation of a person: her qualities inherited from a previous incarnation are described in detail, what she will now have to realize, what to atone for, when and in what period of her life. In other words, the natal horoscope reveals the entire past life of an individual, the task of this life, and the projection for a future life.

The interval that we define from the moment of birth to the moment of death is conventionally divided into 12 areas of experience , which we recruit with the help of 10 cosmic teachers - planets influencing our consciousness. In astrology, it is the symbolism of houses that speaks of spatial life experience, which is not chaotic, but ordered in time: situations associated with one or another experience are periodically repeated, and their rhythm is set by the cycles of the planets.

So, 12 houses of the horoscope correspond 12 areas of life experience , the houses are located in certain Zodiac signs , and the planets are located simultaneously in signs and houses. The planets symbolize the qualities of the inner essence that need to be improved, the quality of the aspects between the planets will determine under what conditions, in a gentle or harsh mode, training will take place, what the tendency will be for conflict and harmonious situations and contacts between the individual and the environment. Planets in houses do not determine a person’s choice, but indicate the nature of learning; their position in a house does not mean automatic victory or defeat. A person gains useful experience only when a synthesis of consciousness and will ultimately arises: a conscious understanding of experience and volitional control of one’s actions, because one without the other makes no sense.


4 corner houses of the horoscope - this is the central cross of the personality, it contains the most complete information about a person, determines the most important problems in his life.

First corner point ASSCENDANT (Asc)

This is the point of immersion into the material world at the moment of physical birth. The soul is embodied in the physical body, because she needs it to manifest. But a person who has entered the body receives earthly experience, which is inevitably associated with physical suffering: childbirth, illness, injury, aging, death. This is encrypted in a graphic symbol Ascendant- planets Earth: spiritual consciousness, which is reflected by the symbol Sun(a circle with a dot inside), subordinated to the earthly, everyday consciousness (the cross of matter), and often even drowned out by it. Ascendant in a certain zodiac sign will describe a person’s behavior, his appearance, his view of the world, and the characteristics of his body.

Second corner point IC

IV house or IC, whose symbol Moon(crescent of the soul), corresponds to the subconscious of a person, which stores the experience of previous lives, experience that a person uses unconsciously. IV house reflects the most habitual manner of behavior of a person, the true essence of a person, and he manifests it primarily in the family, because It is among close people that a person is most liberated and does not wear a mask of social roles. The IV house will also describe the conditions of a person’s early childhood, how he will be greeted by his family, his relationship with his mother and other loved ones, as well as family circumstances when the person leaves the world. This also includes the ability to manifest itself in a biological environment.

Third corner point DESCENDANT (Dsc)

By combining the experience of earthly life, which he acquires through suffering, with the experience of past lives, a person learns harmonious contact with his own kind. In symbolism Venus(the ring of spirit over the cross of matter) lies the meaning of spiritual consciousness: when a person has already learned harmony, then a higher, spiritual consciousness dominates over suffering. The more spiritual consciousness is developed in a person, the less he suffers. Therefore horizontal Asc/Dsc axis- this is a line of spiritual development.

Fourth corner point MC (MC)

Graphic symbol X at home- planet Saturn: cross of matter rising from the crescent of the soul. After a person has learned harmonious social communication, he shows all his activity in order to establish himself in the physical world and realize himself as a valuable social person. When an individual has the beginnings of individuality and has emerged from the crowd, he feels the right to organize his social life and the lives of others, and to take responsibility for the organization. Therefore vertical IC/MC axis- this is the line of will.

The human soul will pass through a plurality of earthly incarnations, realizing itself in the main spheres of experience, while at the level Ascendant at the next incarnation he will not feel like God. This is Aryan swastika symbol wheel of life . And therefore, the ultimate experience of all human earthly lives is to acquire the ability to love and to possess enormous power over this world.


Each area of ​​life experience is associated with a specific need, which to one degree or another is characteristic of every person.

I house: the appearance of a person, appearance features, characteristics of the body, behavioral stereotype, “mask” when communicating, view of the world. The need to express your individuality.

II house: material resources, knowledge, talents and abilities, attitude towards values ​​and property, ability to earn and spend. The need for property and the acquisition of material assets.

III house: development of intelligence, learning, exchange of information, communication with friends, neighbors, brothers and sisters, short trips. The need to study the immediate environment and exchange experience with it.

IV house: “roots” of a person - parental family and ancestors, family life, home, real estate, a person’s relationship to his homeland. Need for security.

V house: creativity, love, children, entertainment, a person’s attitude to art, creativity, the ability to relax, gambling and risky games. The need for creative self-expression.

VI house: work, service, desire and ability to benefit, ability to obey and attitude towards subordinates, health and functioning of the body. The need to adapt to living conditions through food, clothing, service as a source of existence.

VII house: partners in the broad sense of the word, marriage and business, competitors and rivals, a person’s attitude towards partnership, his role and requirements in partnership. The need for contact with others.

VIII house: resources of other people - bank loans, insurance, inheritance, a person’s attitude to sex, to the occult and to death. Need for renewal.

IX house: distant countries, travel, religion, higher education, a person’s attitude towards other cultures, foreigners in his life. The need for a deeper understanding of life through abstract categories - religion, philosophy.

X house: career, social status, profession, social role and purpose of a person, attitude towards superiors and relationships with superiors. The need to find one’s place in society, one’s social niche.

XI house: friends and like-minded people, social activities, the ability to cooperate and unite one’s interests with a group of people. Need for friendly contacts.

XII house: “house of karma”, isolation, restrictions, secrecy, self-sacrifice, withdrawal from the world, voluntary or forced. The need for self-purification, for further spiritual development.


Each of the 4 groups of houses, which contains three houses, is called trigon of houses and indicates a certain type of activity and the form of this activity. This distribution of houses is related to the elements Zodiac signs : Fire, Earth, Air and Water .

TRIGON OF FIRE characterizes personality: body, soul and spirit

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3rd and 9th houses. Introductory lecture. Lecture 116.

Finishing our consideration of the topic of “horoscope houses”, we move on to the axis of the 3rd and 9th house. It should be noted that in your regular practice, you will rarely encounter consultations based on the themes of these houses. Although the issues of guiding older children to higher educational institutions and the problems of young children at school will arise regularly within the general consultation about children.

The 3rd house has extensive signification, and even if not as the main ones, but as additional ones, such questions will also arise, which means there is a need to consider these topics.
Let me make a reservation right away: we will not consider the 9th house separately by Signs. As part of the introductory lecture, we will talk about the signification of the 9th house, and you will take all the particular characteristics from the description of the 3rd house in the corresponding Signs.
As usual, in order for interest to arise in the topic of the corresponding house (both for the Native and for the astrologer, at the time of preparation for the consultation), this house must be strengthened by some indicators. Either this is a filled house, or it is a strong house ruler in a highlighted position - on the ASC or MC, in conjunction. with the Sun or Moon, in the handles of a Sling or Basket (), standing at the top of some aspect configuration or highlighted through karmic indicators (we will talk about these topics in the future), etc.
A weak house does not indicate a lack of achievement in that house, but almost always indicates a lack of special interest in the topics of that house. That is, the Native will not make special efforts to achieve results in the affairs of this house, but if the house and its ruler are harmonious, and have a good connection with the element of some other house, then by dealing with the affairs of a stronger house, a person can simultaneously realize the themes weak but harmonious house.
Defeat, of course, creates problems in the corresponding house, and, therefore, there is a need to solve these problems, simply in order to remove the discomfort. Therefore, investing in the affairs of this house, even through numerous “rakes” and troubles, the result can be very worthy. Well, consciously ignoring the affairs of this house will periodically “climb out” troubles in it, the strength of which can be assessed based on the strength of the house itself.

General signification of the 3rd house.
I think most of you already know well what topics traditionally relate to the signification of the 3rd house, but I would like to clarify something in the usual formulations. “Communications and the ability to do so. Degree of eloquence” - you will find something like this in any book with a description of the 3rd house.
Let's figure it out. Indeed, the 3rd house symbolically corresponds to the Sign of Gemini, and, therefore, it is customary to transfer all Gemini themes to it. BUT it’s worth understanding here.
The 3rd house is responsible for the importance of communications in the life of the Native, but rarely, in itself, indicates behavior in these communications. Only relationships with people of the 3rd house (relatives, classmates, etc.) can literally correspond to the characteristics of the house, and in other communications, other indicators will be realized to a greater extent - in particular the first house and the ASC. It is he who indicates “primary” sociability, openness or, conversely, restraint when acquaintances are not intimate.
The words used by the Native will depend on the ASC and Mercury more than on the 3rd house. Voice timbre, assertiveness, specificity, conciseness, imagery, friendliness, aggressiveness - all this is also Mercury - speech in itself and ASC - what the Native can afford to retain the formed image.

The 3rd house will show whether communication is NEEDED at all. He will explain with which people and under what circumstances it is easier and simpler for the Native to make contacts, or, on the contrary, he will point out the difficulties in communicating with a certain type of people. What importance does the Native attach to contacts? BUT, his presentation at the moment of contact is better described by the ASC, speech - by the ASC and Mercury, etc.

For example, our family has a simply wonderful friend - a handsome, tall, always smiling person who can find a common language with anyone. We have been friends for a long time and, in principle, have already become accustomed to his sociability, and yet, he still manages to surprise and delight us. We recently vacationed together in a forest area, and when leaving, we went to get some water at a spring, which is located in a large forest clearing. At this edge, many people were resting with tents, barbecues and other attributes of happiness. Already on the way, he began to loudly and loudly express his admiration for the vacationers and how great everything was arranged for them. He walked along the road and wished everyone a good rest, JUST IN THE WAY OF CONVERSATION WITH US! When leaving (we just filled up with Water and went in the opposite direction!), I said goodbye to everyone, asked how long they were resting, and told about how we rested J.
He has K3 - Leo, the Sun in Leo, in conjunction with Mars in the 3rd house - on the one hand, it’s clear, he sees himself in communication, he manifests himself in connections with other people. But still, Leo is selective and quite arrogant, although he is certainly talented and eloquent. And Mars adds aggressiveness and pressure.
Mercury – the ruler of speech – and the ruler of the ASC – is in Gemini in the 1st house.
So it turns out that he feels the importance of contacts (Sun in the 3rd house), but at the same time, he behaves in them not in a Leo/Martian way, but in a Gemini way - easily and naturally. He gives the impression of a very simple and pleasant person with an open Soul. At the same time, by the way, he is not at all touchy, which is very typical of fiery people.
Those. The 3rd house is the need for contacts in general, but NOT the method of contact (except for people and situations of the 3rd house).
“Thinking and the ability to learn” is also a traditional theme attributed to the third house. In fact, here, as with speech. HE DESCRIBES THE IMPORTANCE of the topic of study, of course, but thinking is better described by the Sun, Mercury and the horoscope as a whole (this is too large a layer).
As for the ability to learn, the 3rd house, IN COMBINATION with the Sun, Mercury and the overall balance of the chart, shows well how information should be presented so that the Native can assimilate it. BUT, what is important, most often this concerns information received in the 3rd house situation. So, for example, if we are talking about the learning process, then we will have to look at the balance of the cosmogram, the Sun, Mercury, and 3rd house, to understand HOW to TEACH our Native.
But if we remove the situation of the 3rd house, and talk, for example, about marriage, then in order to hear each other, the partners can easily do without the third house. You will need to adapt to Mercury, the Sun, and the dominant element, for example.
“School and learning. School performance".
It is generally accepted that from the third house it is possible to determine which form of education will be more suitable for the Native, and as described above, it is indeed possible to make such conclusions, for which, IN THE ALL, other indicators should also take into account the 3rd house.
But personally, I was not able to assess my performance with 100 percent certainty. Moreover, I don’t know how to evaluate it not only by the 3rd house but also by generally examining the entire horoscope. The third house provides excellent opportunities for assessing the circumstances of learning, from it you can see the difficulties or joys at school, but it is possible to make a more or less viable judgment about the grades in the magazine only on the basis of cumulative signs, and then the probability of error will be very high - from the category "finger to the sky".
It’s a completely different matter to assess the child’s general attitude towards school, relationships with classmates, and determine their moral state – here the third house has no equal!
Likewise, he is second to none in describing the school as an institution, the circumstances of learning, etc. This third house can and does do this simply brilliantly.
By the way, it’s not uncommon for parents, when asking about their child, to say something like “while we went to first school, everything was fine!” But how did we go to this... just creepy! I don’t know what to do anymore!” Obviously, the 3rd house is the same, but the circumstances are different, the question arises, how then to evaluate different schools? To do this, we will use the horary method of evaluating things or phenomena that are similar to each other. It probably sounds depressing, but in fact, you and I have already used it, assessing the qualities of husbands () or children () if there are several of them.
The first school will go through the 3rd house, the second through the third from the third house - that is, through the fifth, the third through the third from the fifth - that is, through the 7th, the fourth through 3 from the seventh - that is, through the 9th, etc.
There is an opinion that elementary school (especially if the child did not change schools during his education) is described by the third house, and high school by the 5th. I can’t say anything about its effectiveness, simply because I almost never use it.
The 5th house also describes various schools, colleges, etc.
The house manager of the school will show WHAT school means to Nativ, what emotions it is associated with, describe the difficulties and joys at school, the learning process and the school itself as a building.
We will talk about the features of assessing the remaining topics of the 3rd house - relatives, road and documents in the next part of the introductory lecture.

In the interpretation of horoscope houses, an important role is played by such a concept as the axes of houses - these are houses that are in opposition. They belong to the same energy channel and belong to a specific topic. These are areas of life, united by one principle, in which we solve similar problems at different levels - personal and social. When there is an opposition of planets in a horoscope, it affects two opposite houses, contrasting their problems in a person’s life and encouraging them to harmonize these areas of life, bringing them to a common denominator.

The axes of the houses are similar to the signs of the Zodiac that lie in opposition: Aries-Libra (1-7 houses), Taurus-Scorpio (2-8 houses), etc. Each axis contains a house of the lower hemisphere (personal) and the upper (social) hemispheres. The houses of the lower hemisphere are from 1 to 6, the houses of the upper hemisphere are from 7 to 12. Similar to the signs of the Zodiac, the houses are combined into 3 crosses: , and . Each cross includes 4 houses, similar to the signs of the Zodiac. The principle that is implemented through houses of one axis is the same, but is solved differently in houses of the upper and lower hemisphere. Each house of the horoscope has its share of participation in the affairs of the opposite field, which is called accidental influence.

Cardinal or corner houses

House axis: 1-7- axis of relationships, axis of personality.

Principle: action, awareness, boundaries.

Lower hemisphere: 1st house – active action, personal awareness, natural boundaries, personally set at your own discretion. The 1st house shows the person himself. A person owes his successes and failures primarily to himself.The house of the upper hemisphere - the 7th house - coordinated action, awareness reflected through others, social boundaries. This house shows how other people influence a person. Here a person's affairs depend on others.An example of how these fields interact : either a person uses the energy or capabilities of others to achieve his goals, or other people use the person’s potential for their own purposes. It depends on the severity of the field, on the number and quality of planets that are in these fields.

Axis of houses: 4-10 - axis of social growth, axis of home and career

Principle: – safety, stability, responsibility.

Lower hemisphere: 4th house - personal security, stability of your family, home, clan. Responsibility for yourself and for your family members. 4th house – foundations, traditions. The intimate life of a person. A person has the right to follow family traditions and the right to refuse them. Leaves his parents' house and starts his own family.Upper hemisphere – 10th house – security in society, stability in the profession, in one’s position, responsibility for society, for the world as a whole. 10th house – career, position in society. A person is dependent on circumstances, social growth does not depend entirely on a person’s efforts, extraneous factors intervene here.Interaction example : profession inherited from ancestors, working dynasty.

Fixed or subsequent houses

Axis of houses: 2-8axis of well-being, axis of desires

Principle: values, judgments, pleasures.

Lower hemisphere: 2nd house - personal values, own judgments, pleasures received personally by a person, in accordance with his preferences. The 2nd house shows how a person earns his living. Money as a result of the efforts of the person himself.Upper hemisphere: 8th house – joint values, judgments as a result of interaction, socially oriented, joint pleasures. This is a chance to earn income without physical effort or with the help of other people. This could be valuables obtained jointly, or money received, for example, as an inheritance.Interaction example : a person works, and part of what he earns goes as taxes or to pay for insurance, which returns to him through insurance and social benefits.

House axis: 5-11axis of social connections and creativity, axis of drives

Principle: behavior, creativity, love

Lower hemisphere: 5th house – involved behavior, since the house belongs to the western hemisphere; individual creativity, giving of love. Actions of a person that bring him joy and emotional satisfaction.Upper hemisphere: 11th house – independent behavior, creativity in a group, acceptance of love. These are plans, hopes associated with other people.An example of interaction: a person receives support from friends or sponsors or becomes the head of a community.

Mutable or cadent (cadent) houses

Axis of houses: 3-9 – axis of relationships, axis of mind

The principle of this axis is: education, research, communication.

Lower hemisphere: 3rd house – practical education, pragmatic, something that can be useful for a future profession. Research based on everyday, direct personal experience, connection - close, immediate connection. The 3rd house is the immediate environment that surrounds a person. A person is free to change something in his environment. You are free to communicate or not to communicate. To study or not to study.Upper hemisphere: 9th house – ethical, systematic, higher education. Research based on the experience of others, long-distance communication. The 9th house is an environment beyond the control of a person’s will. Having chosen, for example, a confession, he follows its canons and, not having the right to change anything, he can become its guide, a missionary.An example of interaction: scattered information is combined into a system of knowledge, which, in turn, is returned to the world in the form of lectures, books, and teachings.

Axis of houses: 6-12 – axis of service

The principle is understanding, treatment, help.

Lower hemisphere: 6th house - practical understanding, external treatment, on the physical level, help for a fee. A person chooses his place of service, follows a diet or carries out preventive procedures.Upper hemisphere: 12th house – cosmic understanding, in the interconnection of all components, internal, spiritual treatment and help as charity. The 12th house is also labor service (prison, settlement, monastery) or treatment in a hospital, where the method of treatment is chosen by doctors, and not by the person himself.Interaction example:Failure to comply with the required diet can lead to a hospital bed.

Used Books:
S. Vronsky. Classical Astrology, Volume 3.

Zodiac signs located on the same axis are inextricably linked with each other. In some respects, they represent the total integrity of qualities, located on different sides of the system, the state within which is compensated by oppositely polar forces. To some extent, the relationship between pairs of signs of the axes of the natal chart resembles a chemical equilibrium in which the reaction proceeds to the same extent as the reverse, and as a result there is no change in the amount of each component. In total, there are six axes of the horoscope, within which the equilibrium forces, based on the principles of optimal situations, are characterized by resistance to changes in the behavior of the energies of the signs when they antagonize or unite within the zodiacal pair.

Axis I - Others or Aries - Libra

Aries prefers to do everything himself. He really doesn't need anyone, because he can do everything without everyone. Libra is about partnership, taking into account the opinions of others, assessing the situation from different points of view. Balancing the axis involves active action taking into account the interests of other people and defending one's interests in group actions.

Axis Mine - Alien or Taurus - Scorpio

Taurus is not only about personal property and finances, but also talents with which a person can earn a living, including with his own body, for example, a dancer. Let's also not forget that everything in this world is energy. She can be her own or someone else's. Scorpio is other people's money, services, energy, etc. Balancing the axis involves maintaining a balance between giving your energy to the outside world and accepting someone else’s from the manifested reality.

Axis of communication, education, concrete and abstract mind or Gemini - Sagittarius

Gemini is the concrete mind of an individual, with the help of which one can comprehend the flow of events. Sagittarius is about going beyond the individual mind, understanding at the level of animal instinct the integrity of the universe and the relationships in it. Higher education grows from the individual experiences of many individuals and then develops into a specific discipline. Balancing the axis involves a concrete understanding of a separate reality while simultaneously focusing on the abstract spirit that demonstrates itself to a person at every turn of life.

Axis of internal and external development or Cancer - Capricorn

This axis is often called the career axis. In fact, every person has two worlds - internal and external. You can be an extremely spiritually developed person, but still not achieve any success in the outside world. This pair of zodiac signs forces a person to balance inner life and concern for others with self-realization and achievements in manifested reality. Balancing the axis involves internal and external development and the mutual synthesis of these two components of human life.

The axis of demonstrating oneself and fighting for others or Leo - Aquarius

The creative power of the Leo sign is enormous and all of it is aimed at demonstrating one’s own individuality and self-expression. A leader always chooses only a direct course, he is independent and freely expresses his beliefs. The moment a person begins to use his power to make other people happy, Aquarius kicks in, along with a sense of justice, equality and brotherhood. Balancing the axis involves the use of personal power in the interests of society and unconventional self-expression within it.

Axis of concrete and abstract service or Virgo - Pisces

They say that Pisces serves others, and Virgo serves themselves. In fact, not everyone understands this expression correctly. When a Pisces sign person does something for someone, he serves an abstract thing that cannot be taken and touched with hands. Virgo, on the other hand, serves a specific piece of reality in the manifested world: she cooked dinner, ironed the curtains, started the washing machine. Virgo crystallizes through its actions the huge, vast reality of Pisces in a single section of this reality, performing its work on the earthly plane. Balancing the axis presupposes the understanding that by specific actions in a single small area you can influence the reality of the entire universe.

The axis of comprehension of knowledge about oneself and the world. Social environment and your inner ascension. Axis 3 - 9 houses.

Greetings to all who stopped by.
The time has come to get to know the axis of 3-9 astrological houses better - and not just get acquainted, but also work with the energies of these houses in yourself and your life.

(By the way, practice along the axis “Personal energies, life resources, values, money.” Axis 2-8 houses" It turned out to be one of the most powerful practices.

Axis 3-9 - this is briefly (and only partially) like this: - axis of interconnections, axis of the mind, axis of learning, cognition and the pursuit of Knowledge already with a capital letter.
The axis of comprehension of knowledge about oneself and the world, the disclosure of one’s internal resources in these directions.

3rd house-the immediate environment that surrounds a person. A person is free to change something in his environment. You are free to communicate or not to communicate. To study or not to study. This necessary connections (and therefore - the formation by you of that part of society that you need. BUT! Here, in the third house, you are still “half-blind” and can make mistakes, because you do not have experience yet. You are not very familiar with the choice yet.
3rd house- these are nerves (peripheral nervous system), all information flows and means of communication in these flows, close relatives, vehicles, logistics, simple education such as school. This house is located under the control of the sign Gemini, the ruler of the house is the planet Mercury.

The sign of Gemini is asexual, does not have emotionality (because a person at this third degree of development has not yet comprehended even duality (split), although it is present in him. It is duality that brings what gives rise to emotionality, sometimes excessive)) It carries within itself two half of the original knowledge of good and evil.

And this radiation acts in two directions. It pushes a person from within to look left and right in order to collect knowledge and experience. AND study distinguish!! Learn to be specific and not lump everything into one pile. Learn to coordinate (introduce it into coordinate systems. Including the coordinate system “needed - don’t need”, “important - not important”, learn to operate with information that is innumerable, and draw specific conclusions. It also forces you to respond to information flows from the outside.

Twins- the most curious sign. But his curiosity does not always turn into inquisitiveness. Curiosity is the 3rd house, the tendency to inquisitiveness is already in its connection with the 9th, because curiosity is the love of knowledge. The life path of a person at the 3rd stage (i.e. in the 3rd house) is therefore similar to the branches of a tree that grow in different directions. In search of the most diverse experience (and not yet being able to choose the true), a person wants to see, hear, learn everything. The Gemini radiation manifests itself as a desire for knowledge.

After birth (the Sign of Aries, the beginning of Human Existence), each new Essence (God’s creation) coming to Earth must take root and take root on it. How to “land.”))) This happens with the help of the energies of the earth sign Taurus (2nd house of life resources). In it, a new being (Man) accepts and assimilates food, becomes accustomed to matter, and begins to count precisely its basis, which gives him a material connection with the outside world and nutrition for the body. He does not yet have the experience of recognizing either between up and down, or between truth and lies, which is why he considers the Earth, its matter, to be the basis, and not his true Beginning. He doesn't know about it YET.

Under the influence of the sign of Gemini, the new being begins to acquire earthly experience of communication, and its path branches out like the branches of a tree. He develops in different directions and gains broad, far-reaching knowledge. But the foliage from those branches often falls off and is then replaced by new ones.
Then other steps follow, a person masters new energies (if the person does not slow down at the level of 4 or half-5 steps, and does not remain at the “sleep-eat-sex-procreation” level).

Then it gradually reaches the 9th step, the 9th house. Thanks to the action of Sagittarius (Centaur), he becomes a teacher (or Teacher), like the Centaur himself, a creature rising above the animal level, and which is now uses his body just for that, in order to quickly achieve the great goal that he clearly sees ahead.

His thoughts and gaze already cut through feeble-mindedness, the narrowness of perception of “small-town” logic, darkness and ignorance. He passes on his experience, his experiences to the next generation. And this is a much more extensive connection, wider horizons, further and more interesting roads. Expanding the level of education (not always through prioritizing a diploma of higher education), the point of view of the world changes to a more comprehensive one.

The 9th house is ruled by Jupiter, an amazing planet with the largest number of satellites (think about gravity). As of 2017, 69 satellites of Jupiter are known; this is the largest number of discovered satellites among all the planets in the solar system. (It is estimated that there may be at least a hundred satellites). In addition, at Jupiter there is a ring system. “Failed star” is what many astronomers call Jupiter. It occupies a special place in the solar system, if only because it is almost 2.5 times larger than all the planets combined.

The 9th is an open house. A house in which the door to another world opens. The house is the ninth, and 9 is the number of the sacrament. In any case, the 9th house of the horoscope is called the house of the teacher, because such a person is able to lead (or pull) a lot of people. (Whoever looked at the cards of strong “networkers” paid attention to this.)

After all 9 House adjacent to the Midheaven - this the path of final ascent. After it, a person already descends to himself. Those. Next comes the path of descent from the top of the MS, the person descends, and his descent can be voluntary. But this is NOT a fall, of course. The 9th house is simply the last stage of the ascension. There are six such stages in total, starting from the 4th house. It is very difficult to reach the top - in the 8th house this stage was very difficult, and in the 9th house it is even more difficult. Try it reach the realization of your highest goal. Top of the 10th House - MC, Start The 10th house is the same staircase to heaven, this is the path of higher self-awareness, the path of insight. We still have to come to him.

After a person has crossed the bridge over the abyss, and this abyss is Scorpio, the 8th house, has overcome the dangers on the way to the top, he sees the peak in front of him, but cannot climb on his own. Why? Because he is alone without the participation of Higher powers will never achieve the goal. Therefore, in the 9th House, for the first time, the question of TEACHING is raised, about what and to whom you belong. About the fact that it is impossible to achieve anything by relying only on your own human strength.

9th house- this is all “special” knowledge - from the knowledge that makes a professional out of a person who is passionate about some profession. These are foreign contacts and interests, distant countries, overseas travel, long trips, pilgrimages, serious mental pursuits, expansion of the mind, philosophy, religion, clergy, lawyers, lawyers, knowledge, science, education, relatives of the spouse.

The ninth house is associated with the brave, risk-taking, adventure-loving, freedom-loving centaur archer, Sagittarius. The first two fire houses, 1 and 5, are under the horizon and relate to more personal issues. The only symbolic fire house above the horizon, the 9th house, extends the fiery principle of energy and expansion of influence into the sphere of other people. This includes research, both psychic and mental.

For me (as a strong 9th house person, having in the 9th house (plus with a cusp in a fire sign) 7 planets ruling ten of the 12 houses of the chart. (“Slipped out” only the 3rd and 4th houses, but also their the junior ruler and co-rulers are located there, in the 9th) - so for the strong and accentuated 9th it was not entirely easy to understand, that the 9th house is, first of all, the Road to God - to your Higher Self - i.e. to your Real self. Skill expand finally your own gaze (the gaze of that “telescope” of yours, so as not to rest only on what is in front of your nose and what does NOT allow you to see the Main thing.. or at least much, not to mention the Laws of the Universe

In the 9th house a person, gradually freeing himself from stereotypes, acquires his own point of view, philosophy, ideology. Having his own view of things, a person initially comes into conflict with his usual environment, faces misunderstandings from loved ones, and he needs courage to defend his beliefs.

Depending on the emphasis on the 3rd or 9th house, it is clear that a person is prone to ease and superficiality of perception and conclusions, to logical constructions and (or) conservatism (especially if Saturn is “in business”), or is looking for new ways. The contradiction of the axis 3 - 9 houses is resolved completely through the axis 6 -12 houses, but this is already on the topic of practice for 6-12 houses))) I believe that it will happen in about a year.

To successfully complete any of the practices, deep knowledge of astrology is not necessary.

I am writing this for those who are confused by the fact that they are only a reader of the Oculus and are not yet very versed in astrology, knowing only the names of the planets and understanding a little what each of them is “responsible for.”

We are engaged in recognizing the work of energies within ourselves., living certain moments of knowledge and revelations in each of the practices - and at the same time gradually and as if by chance, we begin to understand the action of certain planetary energies.

We come to Earth, into this life of ours, with some goals, some tasks. We bring with us our experience and capabilities to solve all our problems. HOW we resolve them is our choice.

Practice on the energies of 3-9 houses lasts 14 days.

Practice fee - 75 euros
(payment is possible in rubles through Sberbank.
For those living in the countries of the former CIS and Eastern Europe - Unistream, MoneyGram.
For residents of the USA, Canada, England - Western Union
for residents of Western Europe - by transfer to my personal account in a German bank.

To the question, HOW does the practice go? - I answer in advance:

Participants will be sent materials daily for 14 days (audio files such as a seminar, video, and sometimes text materials). There will also be several bonus seminars, or relevant literature in the “Afterword to Practice”, which always happens after any joint work :))

You work with the materials yourself (!) - in the evenings or when you deem it necessary and possible. Feedback is welcome, because... I almost always receive questions and answer them when there are a certain number of them.

Based on experience, I can say that your daily studies will require from an hour to an hour and a half (sometimes two, depending on the complexity of the material and how much time you personally need to put your thoughts on paper).

We will read, listen, think (and a lot))), we will write. We will do various practices (from breathing to... others.
Of course, you can communicate with me at any time via Skype and email if the need arises. (Whenever and however you work (I mean time and place) - the feeling of group work is always present

PS. Questions are often asked about whether it is possible to start practice with some delay (for example, you are supposed to be on vacation, a business trip or some other business), or to miss a couple of days during practice (I repeat)).
I answer: this is quite acceptable. We are all adults; we have different things to do that require our immediate presence.

All questions can be asked by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you are contacting me for the first time, please write something like “practice 3 - 9” in the “subject” of the letter - so that if the letter ends up in spam, I can easily identify it there as needed :)

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