Ways to develop intelligence in adults. What does a person need to do to truly develop?

Was dedicated to intelligence, as one of the most important skills for any copywriter. And today’s material will be its logical continuation. Obviously, intelligence is important, but even more important is the answer to the question “ How to develop intelligence?» Our brain is a unique and little-studied organ, but scientists have already identified enough patterns that you and I can use for development own capabilities. This is exactly what will be our topic today.

Brain activity is a collection of electrical impulses. The cells that carry them out are called neurons. Neurons are connected to each other, and the result of their interaction determines our capabilities. By developing our brain, you and I contribute to the emergence of not only new neurons, but also new connections between them, and, therefore, expand the range of our capabilities.

How to develop intelligence: ways

Let's move from theory to practice. Intelligence is the ability to think, analyze, remember and perceive. Therefore this complex concept, which involves various parts of the brain and requires an integrated approach. Below are presented both the methods of developing intelligence and explanations of the effect they have on the brain.

Way to develop intelligence No. 1: Recording

The simplest way to train intelligence, although not the most obvious. Suppose it has matured in your head brilliant idea. You have two options: keep it in your head and silently implement it, or put it on paper and implement it, recording every step. In the second case, processes will take place in your brain that are very different from the first case, despite the fact that the implementation of your idea may ultimately be the same.

This is due to the fact that when you write down, you visually perceive information, and, therefore, use the parts of the brain responsible for vision and more parts random access memory(there is no mistake here: the concept of “operative (short-term) memory” has the same relation to people as to computers).

In addition, when you write down, you analyze the information more deeply, causing more complex thought processes in the brain. As a result, your intelligence develops.

Way to develop intelligence No. 2: Games

Exists huge variety games that allow you to develop your intelligence. The most effective games are those that require you to plan and calculate. One of the most popular (and my favorite) is chess.

Chess develops logic and vision. To achieve success, you need to be able not only to count and foresee, but also to keep in mind many possible options developments of events. As a result, many are involved think tanks: from vision to memory.

Way to develop intelligence No. 3: Puzzles

Puzzles are another great way develop not only logical, but also spatial thinking. There are a lot of puzzles, both online and offline. My personal favorites are the Rubik's Cube and spatial wire puzzles. They are inexpensive, but occupy your mind for many hours and give you a feeling of total moral satisfaction when a solution is found.

Way to develop intelligence No. 4: Breaking the pattern

Many people repeat the same actions every day, such as going to the store, driving to work, eating, hygiene procedures, etc. We do all this according to a template. We don’t even think about how we do this, and all these daily rituals have become automatic. It's like a well-trodden path that doesn't strain your brain at all.

At the same time, if the pattern is broken, then the brain is simply forced to engage in more active work. For example, try to open a door with a key with eyes closed. The action is the same, but it will not be carried out according to a template and will require the brain to activate new parts to complete the task. As a result, new connections between neurons will appear.

There are many ways to break the pattern, and you can use them in Everyday life"with a bang." Just add something uncharacteristic for you to your activity, something that is not in your habit, and very soon you will see the result.

Way to develop intelligence No. 5: Ballroom dancing

I anticipate that when you read these lines now, you will think with indignation how ballroom dancing can influence the intellect, when it can be entirely attributed to sports.

In fact, sport itself is also in a good way train the intellect, but ballroom dancing is superior to other types in this regard. Their secret is that while dancing you need to constantly think. Think about every movement, about your partner, about posture, about the frame, about the music, about what you will do in a moment and about so many other things. I was engaged in sports ballroom dancing for several years, and by the end of each training I was very exhausted, both physically and mentally, because the load was simply colossal.

Funny: I tried it different kinds dancing, however, compared to sports ballroom, the effect was much weaker.

Way to develop intelligence No. 6: Fine arts

When you draw, your brain activates many parts to complete the task. Of course, we are not talking about making Rubens or Titian out of you. You can draw anything: for example, faces at lectures or caricatures of speakers speaking from the podium at conferences.

Way to develop intelligence No. 7: Training

Another unique way improve your intellectual potential. Start absorbing new information and transform acquired knowledge into skills. A foreign language or a new Adobe package, web design or a new website engine - you can study anything, and all this will have a beneficial effect on the development of your intellect.

Way to develop intelligence No. 8: Copywriting

The time has finally come to close this vicious circle. We develop intelligence in order to succeed in copywriting, but it should be noted that, in itself, copywriting significantly contributes to the development of intelligence, since it includes a lot of thought processes:

  • Analysis
  • Synthesis
  • Problem solving
  • Finding an approach
  • Choosing the best option
  • Filtering unnecessary data
  • Memorization

Look at most successful copywriters and you will see that they are all intellectuals.

Way to develop intelligence No. 9: Physical activity

Physical activity, such as lifting weights, running, doing pull-ups or push-ups, of course, does not directly affect intelligence. However, they even influence indirectly. The point is that when physical activity the so-called brain neurotropic factor is produced. This is a protein that is responsible for the development of neurons, the very cells that are key in our brain.

So it turns out: the load on the muscles contributes to the development of intelligence. However, it is worth noting that since this method is indirect, it is ineffective in itself, but it can significantly increase the effectiveness of all other methods.

Way to develop intelligence No. 10: Rest

As in any matter, in the development of intelligence it is important to know when to stop. That's why rest is endured as separate method. Not to be confused with, which carefully disguises itself as relaxation, but in fact has the opposite effect.

Conclusions: as you can see, none of the above methods can make you a professional copywriter, say, in a month. However, these methods will allow you to raise the level of your thinking to a qualitative level. new level and open up many more ways for you to achieve success in many areas, including copywriting. In addition, they do not require Herculean efforts, and the return from them will pay off handsomely.

It is impossible to become smarter overnight. Being smart is a way of life, a constant search and overcoming oneself. It's quite complicated, but at the same time nice way. And you can choose how to start it.

1. Exercise regularly

This improves blood flow and saturates the brain with oxygen, and good physical state promotes good mental health. Choose a program that is comfortable for your age and physical abilities. The main thing here is regularity.

2. Make sure you get enough sleep

Numerous studies have shown that lack of sleep reduces concentration, short-term and long term memory, speed of problem solving, visual and hearing acuity, slows down the reaction. Especially to maintain good mental health The right combination of deep and REM sleep is important. Here you will be helped again physical exercise and from Lifehacker.

3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Your brain needs a certain amount nutrients For optimal performance. Diversify your usual menu to get enough vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates. You don't have to buy it for this. nutritional supplements! We wrote earlier.

4. If you smoke, stop!

5. Reduce your alcohol intake

Drinking alcohol in small quantities, especially when combined with socializing, may be beneficial for some brain functions. But excessive consumption can lead to acute and chronic impairment of its activity and cause irreversible cognitive impairment.

6. Learn new things regularly

Learn something new, such as foreign languages, playing the musical instruments. Learn something you've been wanting to try for a long time! This promotes brain plasticity and flexibility. Studying mathematics is an excellent training for logic and abstract thinking, and also improves concentration, mental endurance and is guaranteed to raise your IQ by several points. Use to learn something new.

7. Maintain friendships with smart and educated people

Make regular meetings with them and discuss a wide range of issues - complex intellectual discussions will give you new ideas and perspectives. You will understand how they think and express themselves smart people and what you might need to change about yourself.

If you are the most clever man in the room, then you are not in the room where you should be.

Alexander Zhurba, businessman and venture investor

8. Read at least one serious book a week and diversify your reading

This will improve your vocabulary and verbal intelligence, as well as enhance your knowledge and speaking repertoire. There must be reading!

9. Play challenging computer games

Shooters and racing in best case scenario develop reaction speed, but do not provide you with mental stimulation. Choose a game that includes complex rules, strategy and requires certain mental skills. Such are, for example, the puzzle games Braid and Portal.

In multiplayer online games, perhaps Eve-online has the highest barrier to entry.

10. Let go of limiting beliefs about your own intelligence.

Many truly qualified people tend to underestimate their abilities and suffer from a lack of self-confidence. Often the opinions of parents, overly critical (or even incompetent) teachers matter more than stubborn facts your success. Believe in yourself and start living a full life!

An intelligent person is always pleasant to talk to, easily achieves his goals and achieves success. Anyone would like to have (IQ), but the brain cannot develop on its own. This requires a lot of effort and also spending a large number of time. There are many ways to become smarter and increase your intelligence level.


Development mental abilities most effectively achieved through training. With regular training in this way, a person can become smarter and more erudite, thanks to which he will be a more attractive interlocutor to others. There are several options for achieving a goal through training.

Foreign languages

Studying foreign languages provides good stimulation brain and also helps improve memory. It's enough to learn one additional language to feel positive changes. It is recommended to give preference to common and useful languages:

  • English;
  • German;
  • Spanish;
  • Italian.

It is advisable to conduct training using all modern methods, which will increase the efficiency of studying.

Exact sciences

Classes exact sciences can seriously develop the mind. Even humanists need to study them. The main thing is to start at the right level, gradually increasing the complexity of the topics being studied. You can study exact sciences at home on your own, but there are special courses, where people are united into groups according to their level of knowledge. After several weeks of training, intelligence will increase, thinking speed will develop, logic will improve, and memory will strengthen.


Showing interest in the world around you is one of the best ways to develop your brain. In children and adolescents, this happens on a subconscious level, and adults will have to use willpower for curiosity to bear fruit. The easiest way to achieve benefits is by interacting with all surrounding objects, regularly learning new skills, reading useful articles, encyclopedias, listening to good music or watching movies.

When studying serious materials, you should give preference to trusted sources. Therefore, it is recommended to use textbooks or scientific papers.


The right hobbies are the key to success. But can they increase intelligence? If you choose useful hobbies, your brain will gradually develop, making you smarter. Therefore, it is worth throwing out useless hobbies from your life, replacing them with more suitable ones.

Reading books

You can increase your own intelligence at home with the help of literature. People who regularly read books have good erudition, great vocabulary And developed brain. This The best way avoid development in old age. It is enough to read 30 minutes a day to achieve results. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to make reading as varied as possible, and the list must include classic novels, as well as books on self-development.

  • Magazines (preferably popular science);
  • Newspapers.

When reading becomes a habit, daily activity, worth a try various techniques aimed at developing skills. To do this, you can try to increase the speed of running your eyes over the text, highlight important information, independently answer the questions after reading.

Playing a musical instrument

Music is very beneficial for the human brain and psyche. If the significance of its influence on the mind when listening is in great doubt and has not yet been proven, then independent game on musical instruments brings guaranteed benefits. This was proven by Schellenberg in 2004, when he conducted appropriate tests that proved an increase in intelligence in those who study music. It is recommended to give preference to classical instruments: violin, piano.


Write new ones regularly short stories- a good method of brain development. When the skill level is raised to high level, you can try to write a full-fledged book. Specific ones are perfect for training short ideas, from which the story can be developed. The main thing is to avoid platitudes.

All hobbies will allow you to gain special attention from others, as well as make new useful acquaintances.


Intentional training, execution special exercises, solving puzzles will improve the quality of memorizing information, as well as improve brain activity. As in previous cases, you need to improve these methods to achieve your goal on a regular basis.

Puzzles, tasks, games

Educational games or tasks promote brain development. With regular training, a person can achieve improvement in many indicators related to mental abilities. There will be a particular impact on memory and speed of brain activity. Suitable for classes:

  • Chess, checkers;
  • Crosswords, sudoku;
  • Puzzles, riddles.

All these options are applicable for both children and adults. Among the puzzles there are a huge number of options designed for different age categories, which allows you to choose the most suitable puzzles for yourself.


It is very important for any person to be alone sometimes. At such moments, you need to take a break from everything that is happening and immerse yourself in your thoughts. Analyzing past events, thinking about the future, thinking about something important - all this allows you to increase your level of intelligence. Additionally, it is recommended to question everything that happens, thinking about the reasons for any events.

To achieve maximum effect, you can download any special application for mobile. It will help you train attentiveness, memory and the brain as a whole.


The most important factor, without which it is impossible to increase intelligence, is a person’s lifestyle. If it is incorrect, then it will be very difficult to develop the brain, and it will not be possible to acquire a strong mind. Therefore, you should pay attention specifically to your lifestyle, change it if necessary, and only then engage in the development of intelligence and erudition.

Sleep quality

Lack of sleep or low quality have a direct impact on human life. Lack of sleep leads to decreased brain activity, memory loss and attentiveness. Good dream– the main condition for achieving goals in life, as well as brain development. What do you need:

  • Go to bed before 00:00;
  • Get up no later than 08:00;
  • Sleep duration – at least 8 hours;
  • Short sleep breaks during the day.

This even applies to weekends. If you break the regime once a week, the body will experience unnecessary stress.

Physical activity

When walking on fresh air and classes active species sports, the brain receives a large amount of oxygen, which is necessary for proper blood circulation and the ability to think clearly. A person involved in sports is calmer, more reasonable, and easily copes with difficulties. Perfect fit the following types physical activity:

  • Walks;
  • Sports or Nordic walking;
  • Yoga;

People who play sports are much more likely to realize themselves in life and achieve success.

Bad habits

If you have bad habits, then high intelligence it won't be possible to achieve. Regular drinking or smoking significantly slows down all processes in the human brain, which becomes critical for the development of the mind. Nicotine and alcohol penetrate into the blood, which is why such a negative effect occurs. It is no less harmful to watch programs on TV for hours or play computer games, which do not require serious use of intelligence. You need to expand your mental abilities only after giving up bad habits.


The right environment will tell you how to increase your intelligence. Therefore, you should try to communicate only with smart and educated people, while trying to become better than them. Good people always pull up, and bad ones always pull down. Therefore, the issue of communication and environment is very important for a person who wants to achieve mental development. There should always be people nearby who have more developed intellect. They will help you move towards the better.

Rest allows the brain to relax and prepare for work, training, and new challenges. This has a beneficial effect on brain activity, the ability to improve intelligence and strengthen memory. It is enough to practice meditation for 20 minutes daily to achieve success in developing the mind. A person will see additional benefits in organizing thoughts, clarifying the mind, and increasing creative skills. This effect occurs after just a few days of meditation.

A correct lifestyle not only makes it possible to broaden one’s horizons and improve the quality of intelligence, but also gives a person good health for many years.


Proper nutrition provides a person good health, good mood and a clear mind. How to increase intelligence with its help: eat healthy foods, include medical supplements in your diet and folk remedies. This is necessary for the brain to begin to develop if a person already leads healthy image life, takes care of yourself and trains your mind.


A properly formulated diet is extremely important for people seeking brain development. Special attention We recommend using the following products:

  • Walnuts - positive influence lecithin affects the brain, which increases speed intellectual activity and strengthens memory;
  • Fish - iodine and omega-3 are responsible for the rate of energy flow to the brain, regulation of cholesterol levels, normalization of blood vessels;
  • Pumpkin seeds - they affect the speed of processing information perceived by the brain, as well as memorization;
  • Spinach - lutein slows down the aging process, which helps improve learning ability.

It is enough to include any of the listed products in your diet to feel their effect within a week. At the same time, it is important to exclude from the menu all harmful foods that could have an impact negative impact on the body.

Medical supplements

Special drugs, which are presented in the form of food additives, have a serious impact on the quality of brain activity. In search of an answer to the question of how to improve your intelligence, you need to think about purchasing the following tools.

Everyone has ups and downs in life, and often we blame others and fate for our failures, but we may not see our own shortcomings. In order to change something in the world around you, you need to start, first of all, with yourself.

One day you will ask yourself the question: “where to start working on yourself?” Self-improvement is a delicate matter, you need to approach it very competently, so that at one moment you don’t feel the desire to give up everything.

Wheel of life - how strong motivation on the path of self-improvement

If you don't know where to start self-development How to choose the right path for yourself, first you need to understand at what point you are. The Wheel of Life is a system that helps you analyze your level of success.

To do this, you need to draw a circle and divide it into 8 sectors:

- career and business. Do you enjoy your work?

- finances. Are you satisfied with your salary? Do you have enough funds for financial independence?

- friends and environment. Does your environment help you develop? What do you get from communicating with friends?

- family and love. Is there harmony in your relationships with loved ones?

- health and sports. How good is your health? Would you like to make your body attractive and get rid of excess weight?

- entertainment and relaxation. Are you organizing your vacation correctly in order to not only recharge your batteries, but also get something useful for yourself?

- education and personal growth. What knowledge have you acquired to develop and improve yourself?

- brightness of life. Are you satisfied with your life? Does it have enough bright, memorable moments?

Each sector is yours life value, which is necessary in order to feel the happiest. This way, you will put your goals in order and have a better understanding of what you need to strive for. Also, do not forget to write what exactly in each sector you lack for complete happiness.

Each sector must be assessed using a 10-point system. You must be as honest with yourself as possible. There is no need to look for excuses for your saggy belly or low salary. Just finally admit to yourself that everything is bad in these areas and you need to do something about it.

After this, connect the points on the scale with a line. If the resulting figure in the center resembles a circle, then you can only be congratulated. You are in complete harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

If you get a crooked figure, you will be able to see which sector you need to work on in order to achieve harmony and happiness. In addition, by putting one sector in order, you can in a positive way affect other parts as well.

After analyzing each sector, you should set yourself global goals, which need to be broken down into several small ones and confidently strive for them. In addition, the goal should be achievable, so be realistic and don’t try to become slim like Angelina Jolie and find yourself a prince in the person of Brad Pitt.

Get yourself a diary and write down in it what you have achieved, every small victory. For example, you gave up unhealthy but tasty food. Praise yourself for this.

A positive outlook on the future is half the success

Personal development cannot be achieved without positive outlook to the future. If you always think that you will achieve nothing, that there are no results, thoughts will swarm about giving up everything, you will never achieve anything.

You should greet every day with a smile, rejoice in even the smallest victories, see the positive in everything, notice changes in yourself.

Of course, thoughts alone are not enough for a person’s self-development. Actions are important. At first, 30 minutes a day is enough to read a book and learn something. You can even just not sit in the evening in social networks or not watch TV, and this will already be a victory and the first steps on the way self-improvement.

Literature for self-improvement

Books for self-development are another step towards improving your personality. There are many primary sources, such as the Bible or books on the teachings of Tao, but they will be incomprehensible to many.

Today there are a lot books for self-development. We present you a list of some of them:

  1. Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen "A Whole Life". Will teach you how to put real goals that are easy to achieve. You will be able to correctly prioritize;
  2. Dan Waldschmidt "Be" the best version myself". This book can radically change your life. It tells how simple people become outstanding;
  3. M. J. Ryan “This year I...” This book will be useful to everyone, as it helps to change habits, keep promises to yourself, and change your life for the better;
  4. Brian Tracy "Get out of your comfort zone." Recognized worldwide as the #1 book on self-development. You will be able to step out of your comfort zone to achieve maximum goals;
  5. Kelly McGonigal "Willpower" How to develop and strengthen? The author believes that willpower is like a muscle that needs to be pumped up and strengthened.

All books have one main meaning— self-development never ends. You can work all your life to develop your personality, to make your life bright and unforgettable. Each of us strives to be better, but this quality must be used wisely.

A few rules for self-development

Each person lives in his own comfort zone, and we are often afraid of something new and unknown, which is why it is so difficult, and sometimes scary, to change our lives. The process of self-development needs to be turned into a habit so that you never stray from this path.

Where should you start self-development? Plan Simple steps will help you gradually develop this habit:

- life depends directly on our desires and actions. There is nothing impossible about it. Never tell yourself that something can't be done, just think about what it takes to make it achievable;

- way to main goal break it down into several small ones that are easy to achieve. Once this becomes a habit, you can set more goals for yourself;

- in the evening, think about everything that happened to you during the day. Record your successes and failures. If you did something wrong or it didn't work out, think about what would have changed if you had done it differently.

Do not forget that self-improvement is a difficult path, but very interesting. If you once decide to change your life, always stick to this thought and believe that the result will meet all expectations. Always look at life, successes and defeats with a positive outlook, and then you will definitely succeed.

What is development for a person? As a rule, in our time this phrase has become a “raped” concept that does not have much meaning. Why is that? When you ask a person the question: “Are you developing?”, he answers: “Yes, of course, I am developing!” Although he has no idea how to respond. After all, he himself does not understand what he is talking about.

The word development implies a specific change in a fact, that is, it was so, it became so. For example, if we look at how a sprout develops, first a small trunk appears, and then it becomes beautiful flower. That is, if a person actually develops, he must change naturally.

Firstly, the very first and most important action is to set a goal. How to put the right goal, and why is it needed at all?

In our time, one cannot accuse a person of being lazy, of not doing anything. But, as a rule, most human actions are so-called “bullshit” (in Russian “nonsense”). Just the same goal helps to discard all unnecessary actions and leave only those that are appropriate. Purposeful actions mean that these actions accurately lead to the realization of the goal. For example, you need to learn to play the guitar, if you play it and practice, then this is a worthwhile action, but if you read a detective book instead, then this action will not lead to the goal. And in this simple way, we can achieve our goals much faster. Therefore, develop faster.

The question arises: “Then how to set the right goal?” And there is an excellent answer and good advice to this question.

There are a lot of methods for delivering goals, but we will look at the most famous and most applicable.

Method - SMART.

S - Specific, specific, that is, an explanation of the goal itself, specification if you like.

M - Measurable, measurable or otherwise discrete, the goal must be measurable, there should not be any abstract concepts like “become kinder.”

A - Attainable, that is, “attainable”, there is no need to set goals in the format “I want to become the emperor of the universe and learn to fly.” Who knows, but it’s better not to.

R - Relevant, current. You must be sure that the goal is within your range of capabilities. Don't confuse a goal with a dream - it's different concepts. The goal should be clear in achievement.

T - Time-bound, limited in time. Fulfillment of the goal must be limited in time to achieve it. The best period of time is considered to be two months. This segment is long and short enough to keep you always on your toes.

What we end up with:

a) To truly develop, we must change noticeably, no matter what we are developing in, sports or social fulfillment.

b) Setting goals is the best first step to take the path of development.

c) You need to set goals correctly, preferably according to the SMART system.

At the end of the article I would like to say that real development is bad now, good later. If a person actually changes, it will be very painful and involve leaving our beloved comfort zone. So development in the usual “raped” sense will not work here, real development is not for everyone, and not everyone needs it. But if you are a purposeful person, then I highly advise you to start acting according to the presented plan. Good luck in your endeavors and success to you guys!