Modern director - who is he? Special knowledge of the school director. Control over the activities of the director of an educational institution

“School Director” is the first professional publication for heads of educational institutions. The bulk of the materials are devoted to the main topic of the journal—management in education. In addition, we try to help our readers solve other issues that they encounter every day in the process of work. In each issue you can find interviews, articles, analytics about the organization of the educational process, educational work, additional education, the level of teacher training, certification and advanced training, etc.

The magazine does not limit its mission only to information and analytical activities. One of the projects of the School Director magazine is the All-Russian School Director competition, covering the majority of schools in Russian regions and identifying management experience in solving various problem situations in schools.

Published since 1993.

Published 10 times a year.

Distributed by subscription in all regions of Russia and CIS countries. Since 2011, the magazine has offered design electronic subscription. Subscribers to the electronic version receive the magazine in any format convenient for them - for reading on a computer, using an e-reader, smartphone, and even iPhone and iPad!

Magazine headings

  • Editor's letter
    Does not always determine the theme of the issue or relate to any specific material. Rather, it is an invitation to an informal dialogue with the reader, an invitation to reflect together on some significant details of the life of the school.
  • Educational policy
    Rubric about the interests of the school within the state. Improving the quality of education, NSOT, bills and amendments to the Federal Law “On Education”, advanced training of teaching staff, organization of the Unified State Exam, autonomy of schools and much more
  • The Art of Management
    Ways to effectively manage the teaching staff, intra-school organizations and processes, routines and personal time: from the basics to complex management decisions.
  • Organization of the educational process
    How to organize an online seminar at school? Should we finally abandon the paper journal in favor of an electronic one? What is needed to start a new educational project? In this section you will find answers to these and many other questions related to the educational process.
  • Education and additional education
    What kind of education is actually considered basic: basic or additional? What is more important - to learn the rules from a textbook or to be able to navigate in society? What and how does additional education teach today?
  • School and parents
    The relationship between school and parents is not easy. Parents are always on the side of the children, and sometimes the school has to prove that it is on the side of the student. The materials in the section help to understand each other and find the right ways of communication between the school principal and parents, children, and teachers.
  • Economics and law
    Professional lawyers and economists help resolve problematic situations and prevent possible legal errors in the work.
  • Persona grata
    Interviews with significant people who are not indifferent to the problems of schools, whose opinions are considered authoritative not only in the educational community, but also in many areas close to education: science, culture, economics, politics.
  • Health Lessons
    Preserving and strengthening the health of students is an integral task of the school. To help directors, there are materials from doctors and representatives of medical departments about health-saving measures and technologies.

A person who wants to survive in the modern world, in my opinion, must be successful.

What does it take to be a successful leader, carrying a huge load and responsibility on your shoulders? The main thing is to look forward and see the goal, make the right decisions, act correctly and certainly complete the task with success and victory. Successful directors set high internal performance standards. They have high expectations for their students and staff; they communicate these expectations to people inside and outside their school.

The main qualities that a leader must have are the following:

  • Competence.
  • Communication skills.
  • Attentive attitude towards subordinates.
  • Courage in decision making.
  • Ability to solve problems creatively.

The last one is the most important. A modern leader is a creative person who is able to overcome stereotypes and find unconventional ways to solve problems facing the school, create and use innovative management technologies.

A modern leader is a person who is constantly working on himself, on his professional and personal qualities.

A modern leader is a strategist who sees the prospects for the development of his organization for several years ahead, based on existing social conditions and resources.

A modern leader is a carrier of organizational change, developing new approaches to solving problems, promoting new values ​​among employees, obsessed with an idea, and ready to overcome long-term difficulties to bring it to life.

A modern manager is a leader who strives not to order, but to listen to colleagues, who is psychologically inclined to approve proposals, who is an enthusiast and prepares and supports enthusiasts.

A modern leader is a person who integrates the efforts of employees into the widespread use of cultural and ethnic management tools. Thus, a modern school director must possess the above human qualities and have the following traits of a manager-leader:

  • Available to any employee, the tone of discussion of any problems is always friendly.
  • Understands that managing means doing things with the hands of others. Hence, he devotes most of his time to working with personnel, constantly paying attention to reward systems. He personally knows a significant part of the workers.
  • Opponent of the office management style, prefers to discuss problems locally, knows how to hear and listen, is decisive and persistent.
  • Tolerant of expressions of open disagreement, skillfully delegates authority to performers, and builds relationships on trust.
  • In difficult moments, he does not strive to find the culprit, but looks for the cause of failures and deviations.
  • He does not command or command, but convinces; strict control is replaced by trust.
  • Strives to develop collective forms of work as a single team.
  • Always open to new ideas, creates an atmosphere in which free expression of ideas becomes the norm.
  • Forms a good psychological climate in the team, does not satisfy the interests of some workers at the expense of others.
  • Readily, and most importantly, publicly recognizes the merits of employees.
  • Doesn't imitate change, but actually strives to make positive changes.

At the same time, the manager-leader thinks:

  • protocol - distinguishes facts from opinions, the real from the apparent, the actual from the desired;
  • inertialess - accumulated experience and knowledge do not prevent him from making an original decision when considering new, non-traditional problems;
  • methodically - consistently, without being distracted from the goal, comprehend commercial, managerial and psychological-pedagogical situations;
  • mobile – transfers accumulated experience to new areas of knowledge, taking into account their characteristics, place, time, conditions;
  • dominant – highlights the main thing and does not get lost in the details;
  • constructively - not only reveals the causes of shortcomings, but also knows how to find the most rational ways and means of eliminating them, knows how to qualitatively improve things.

A manager-leader thinks not according to the “either-or” principle (either this or that), but according to the “both-and” principle (both) - it all depends on specific circumstances and conditions. Life itself and the market situation force him to be a spontaneous dialectician. He operates with seemingly mutually exclusive concepts such as: “quality quantity”, “creative performance”, “initiative discipline”, “organized disorganization”, etc.

A leader not only must organize and lead change, but he must “be the change” that he wants to see in others. “The leader is given the function of a “social architect”, “studying and creating what is called “work culture” - those intangible elements that are difficult to identify, but which are extremely important: behavior, values ​​and norms. “ The peculiarity of the modern view of the leader is that, - write M.V. Grachev, A.A. Sobolevskaya, D.V. Kuzin, A.R. Sterlin in his book “Capitalist Management: Lessons from the 80s”, - that he is considered as a bearer of an innovative organizational culture, as the main agent of consistent changes in the corporation”(12, pp. 36-37).

This is the general outline of a manager-leader. Bringing this model to life is not easy, but as the Americans say: “The ability to walk on water does not happen overnight.”

I. The school director must lead, teach how to learn, and create an image of the future. The head of the educational system must influence the value aspects of people’s consciousness, their culture, and vision of the future. Leadership does not come down solely to the ability to come to an agreement with teachers or find a compromise with them; it is about transforming the culture of a school organization and focusing on internal changes.

II. The school director is a strategist, the developer of the “General Rules of the Game”, new ideas on the basis of which the concept of the school is developed. Providing teachers with creative and professional independence, initiative, and “pedagogical entrepreneurship.”

Based on an in-depth study of the literature on management theory, I have constructed the following concept of intra-school management, the methodological foundations of which are:

1. Increasing the level of cooperation within the management apparatus, between the administration and teachers, between teachers and students. Transferring intra-school management to a democratic basis, i.e. inclusion of teachers and students in the management process. The school has 12 creative groups, in which 40 teachers (about 65%) participate.

2. Deep analytical penetration of the leader into the essence of the pedagogical phenomenon, into the lesson, into the pedagogical process for a qualified, in-depth assessment of the teacher’s work.

    The management scheme at the school is as follows:

This model allows for a systematic, organized, scientifically based, systematic influence on innovative, experimental processes, involving the largest number of teachers in management. Innovations and positive work experience of teachers are introduced through mini-teams, which are formed to solve certain problems at a certain time.

3. Possession by the manager of the necessary amount of knowledge, management experience, and special management training.

We have a successfully functioning independent children's and youth association “Dobrograd”.

“Dobrograd” is a creative organization that unites on a voluntary basis the administration, school teachers and children from grades 1 to 11, who are distinguished by organizational skills, activity, desire to act and create, who are not indifferent to our school life, who have the desire to make it truly interesting, bright and joyful.

The association builds its work on the principles:

  • Voluntariness
  • Openness
  • Creative approach to any business
  • Collective decision making

The objectives of the association are:

  • Formation of a new style of relationship in the administrator-teacher-student system
  • Creating conditions for personal self-realization, the transition from relationships of subordination to relationships of cooperation between children and adults.
  • Development of creative initiative of students and teachers.
  • Combining individual actions and ideas, giving an organized character to creative search.

4. Deep analytical penetration of the leader into the essence of the pedagogical phenomenon, into the lesson, into the pedagogical process for a qualified, in-depth assessment of the teacher’s work.

5. Possession by the manager of the necessary amount of knowledge, management experience, and special management training.

When making decisions and performing management functions, I focus on the following: principles of team management:

1. The principle of respect and trust in a person:

  • respect a person's personal dignity;
  • provide individuals with freedom of choice;
  • trust a person based on mutual respect;
  • not showing sufficiently high demands on a person;
  • contribute to the discovery of human capabilities and the development of initiative;
  • encourage the achievements and personal contribution of everyone to the affairs of the school;
  • guarantee each employee and student personal security in the team.

2. The principle of a holistic view of a person:

  • build your relationships with teachers not as an official with subordinates, but as person to person;
  • delve into the life, spiritual world and aspirations of employees;
  • do everything possible to make the time spent at work bright and joyful;
  • meet with teachers in an informal setting.

3. Cooperation principle:

  • know and take into account the personal qualities of teachers;
  • value the teacher’s competence, initiative, and responsibility;
  • treats with care the manifestation of any pedagogical expedient initiative.

This principle is implemented through the technology of pedagogical interactions. One form of such interaction is creative groups.

Usually, teachers themselves unite in creative groups based on the criterion of similarity of the methodological topic and come to the meeting of the scientific and methodological council with a work plan. The work plan of the creative group is drawn up for one year, and the long-term plan for 3 years. The nature of communication between group members is informal.

The main focus of the group is search work.

Forms of classes - workshops, theoretical seminars, debates, etc.

4. Principle of social justice:

  • evenly distribute not only the educational, but also the social workload among teachers;
  • systematically cover the activities of the administration in the team;
  • provide teachers with equal “starting” opportunities;
  • bring the merits of a teacher’s work into line with their public recognition.

5. The principle of an individual approach in intra-school management:

  • deeply study the work system of each teacher;
  • systematically improve the quality and depth of the teacher’s pedagogical analysis of the lesson;
  • help the teacher create his own creative laboratory;
  • instill professional confidence in teachers;
  • gradually level up the professional skills of teachers, bringing those lagging behind to the level of advanced ones;
  • take into account and correct temporary emotional states of members of the teaching staff;
  • determine for each teacher his individual goals and milestones for their achievement and thereby provide him with a path to success.

6. The principle of enriching the teacher’s work:

  • monitor the improvement of teachers' qualifications;
  • conduct seminars, round tables, symposiums on the problems of teaching methods of individual subjects;
  • consult with teachers about their current and future professional needs;
  • systematically discuss literary and poetic novelties in the teaching staff.

7. The principle of personal stimulation:

  • use moral and material incentives fairly;
  • have a well-thought-out incentive system. Politeness, a smile, an attentive and sensitive attitude towards a person are more powerful incentives than awards;
  • remember that incentives are an effective tool for creating an uplifting, healthy microclimate in the teaching staff.

8. The principle of single status: all school employees, teachers and students, regardless of their position and position in the school, should be in the same democratic conditions.

9. The principle of permanent professional development:

  • ensure constant professional development of teachers through the work of methodological commissions, creative seminars, problem-based creative groups, self-educational work of teachers within the school;
  • to form stimulating motives for the development of an intra-school system of advanced training for teachers.

10. Principle of consensus:

  • objectively evaluate the points of view of team members when discussing problems and making decisions;
  • clearly and logically argue a point of view and logically argue a point of view so that it is accepted by the majority in the team;
  • carry out a logical analysis of erroneous judgments, reveal contradictions, seek a revision of conflicting points of view;
  • “mobilize” the opinion of the most influential part of teachers.

11. The principle of collective decision-making:

  • make collective decisions only on important, promising, strategic issues;
  • make vital decisions with the active participation of those who will have to carry them out;
  • involve the dissenting “minority” in the process of implementing the decision.

12. The principle of participation in the management of teachers and delegation of authority:

  • do not involve teachers in management without their desire;
  • involve the teacher in management, taking into account his individual characteristics;
  • to ensure that the teacher considers participation in the management process as an act of trust, as one of the opportunities for his professional growth;
  • provide the teacher with attention and assistance in the area assigned to him;
  • achieve public recognition of the results of teachers’ management activities.

13. Principle of targeted harmonization:

  • no matter what is done at school, everything must be done on the basis of a meaningful, pre-formulated, pedagogically appropriate goal;
  • strives to form a targeted unity of the teaching staff.

14. The principle of horizontal connections: promote the establishment of connections between teachers and each other to achieve the final result - the development of the child’s personality.

This principle works within the framework of the school’s activities. Creatively working teachers are united into “mini-teams” with specific tasks.

15. Principle of control autonomy:

  • Autonomous management areas should be headed by highly qualified teachers, elected at a meeting of the entire staff, who have undergone appropriate training;
  • For this work, it is necessary to determine material remuneration.

16. Principle of constant renewal:

  • any major changes must be prepared in advance, creating a certain psychological mood in the team;
  • if there is no confidence in the success of the changes, then it is better not to carry them out;
  • do not be afraid of resistance to change on the part of teachers;
  • remember that the process of change in school is a process of change in views, methods, solutions to organizational problems, etc. teachers.

The “technology” of successful school management consists of three main stages:

  • collecting information about the state of the managed object;
  • its processing;
  • issuance of information by the team.

This means that the success of management depends on the availability of an intra-school information system.

Each school director must have a “mandatory minimum of information” about the people he manages, about their relationships and connections, about the state, progress of development of those processes, links, areas of the school’s work for which he is responsible and on which he is trying to exert managerial influence.

Coordination – the main task of management activities.

Successful management– this is a realized goal. A goal is a desired and pre-programmed result that can be achieved in the future.

The main thing in management– clearly see the goal. The goal causes organization, the need for program-targeted planning and developing a specific program to achieve each goal.

The main purpose of the leadercreate systems: a system of intra-school control, a system of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work, a system of working with parents, etc.

It is possible to manage a modern school successfully only if you subordinate your actions to certain rules and a clear regime. A systematic approach to management consists of a clear, scrupulous distribution of functional responsibilities not only among managers, but also among all members of the teaching staff. When assigning functional responsibilities, the following requirements must be adhered to:

  • the definition of the responsibilities and rights of employees must be clear, defined, and in writing;
  • everyone must be responsible to a certain person for the results of their work;
  • responsibilities must be clearly defined;
  • decision rights are delegated downward to the greatest extent possible.

For management to be democratic and effective, and for employees to grow intellectually, it is necessary delegation of authority.

Delegation- this is a manifestation of trust, it is a tool for including an employee in the management process, and therefore, democratizing the latter.

One of the most important management functions is control.

Control, to a certain extent, should be considered as a SERVICE that a manager provides to his employees.

During control, the manager is obliged to instill in each employee a “sense of success”, a feeling of a winner and constantly support him, because victory is life and moving forward!

Not a single management function (collecting information, analyzing and assessing the situation, forming and selecting management decisions, issuing tasks and adjusting the progress of work, evaluating results) can be implemented without business communication. To successfully manage people, you need to create all the conditions so that people want to be managed. The main role here belongs to communication.

A person who is incapable of communication will never become a good leader, because through communication and through personal example he exerts the necessary influence on people.

In business communication the following information is important:


  • social and financial situation;
  • health status;
  • profession;
  • taste;
  • accuracy.
  • External reactions -> emotional state of the partner.

    Status information– physical and emotional state of partners (malaise, fatigue, emotional excitement, upset feelings, spoiled mood).

    Environment information(place, setting, environment, “atmosphere”, noise, smells, temperature, presence of strangers, lack of time).

    Taking into account the information “flows” of business communication, you can win over and “win” an attentive and friendly interlocutor. Without taking them into account, you can, on the contrary, offend, outrage, traumatize him - and then the interlocutor turns into an enemy.

    In order for communication to be businesslike, you must:

    1. Be able to control yourself. Don't make hasty conclusions.
    2. Be able to listen carefully to everything, understand it, think it through.
      Make decisions and act only when your opinion is confirmed with certainty.
    3. Be impartial. Emotions are inappropriate in management.

    The main commandment of management– to attract (attract, attract) subordinates.

    Mutual respect between the manager and subordinates is a necessary condition for their professional relationships.

    True leadership is the art of communication, the art of influencing people through example and conviction so that they recognize the leader as the most capable and worthy person in the organization.

    In order to win a person over, to cultivate in him an emotional attitude (liking, sympathy, friendship, love), a person must be sincerely respected and appreciated.

    The success of a school director depends not so much on the presence of business qualities, but on the ability to clearly present them to others.

    80% of success is related to the development of communication skills.

    It is important to present yourself brightly and interestingly, to make a good impression, and to recognize the character and intentions of other people by their gestures.

    III. The school director is responsible for the fate, health and well-being of children.

    This position involves not only enormous intellectual and moral, but also emotional and physical costs. What resources can be used to cope with such a huge burden? You must be able to constantly change: not adapt to someone, but develop the functions of self-regulation, self-correction, self-organization, i.e. you need to know yourself, overcome your stereotypes, discover your natural resources. In any difficult situation, without relying on anyone, you should use your own resources. The resources of any person are practically unlimited. Having believed in the unlimited resources of his resources, a person begins the process of constant self-improvement, but this happens only when he:

    • sincerely and deeply believes in his resources;
    • knows the features of physical and psychological development, has the skills to manage various conditions and use one’s potential;
    • has the will, because the process of improvement must be systematic and purposeful.

    So, in order to control your behavioral and emotional reactions, recognize and assess the situation, get out of a conflict situation with dignity, be able to quickly recover and switch, put yourself in a creative state, you need to:

    1. Accept yourself for who you are, find self-love, recognizing your own uniqueness.

    2. Recognize the uniqueness of others. Find qualities in yourself that help you understand the opinion, point of view, behavior of another.

    3. Study your preferences, reactions, states in various life circumstances, situations, periods of time, explore your character, the features of its manifestation in various areas of its activity, constantly monitor the work of your body.

    4. Find your own algorithm for achieving equilibrium.

    5. Stop worrying and learn to live now.

    6. Learn to forgive.

    7. Learn to get rid of fear and choose love over fear.

    Directors are not born, directors are made!

    Every teacher who works hard and loves his job, sooner or later thinks about taking the director's chair. But you can't get a job as a manager without following certain rules. Appointment as a school principal is the responsibility of the local education department, and there are several career steps you must follow before the local authority can entrust you with the role.

    What education is needed for work?

    A person who is thinking about how to become a school director is first of all interested in which educational institution he will have to graduate from. Of course, you need a higher education. You can graduate from college or technical school with honors, but if you want to become a director, you will have to go to university.

    You cannot immediately get a leadership position. You will have to work as a regular teacher for some time. Therefore, it does not matter whether you teach mathematics, biology or physical education, the main thing in achieving your goal is to obtain a higher education. But this is not enough to make your desire come true. You will have to cultivate certain character qualities that will undoubtedly help you.

    What character qualities should a school principal have?

    To feel comfortable in any position, you need to really strive to gain specialized knowledge and self-development. How to become a school director and what character qualities you need to have in order to achieve your desired goal in a short time, your intuition will tell you if you are really predisposed to this. Work should be fun. The position of school director will bring you joy if you cultivate the following character traits:

    • The ability to find a common language with children of different ages. You should get along well with both the freshmen and the graduates, and your relationships should be based on mutual trust. An authoritative approach to communication is unacceptable here.
    • Ability to find a common language with the teaching staff. Subordinates must unquestioningly follow all your instructions.
    • Responsibility. You must realize that you are entirely responsible for the moral and physical well-being of all students while classes are in progress.
    • The ability to keep everything under control. You must understand that the work of teachers, the education of schoolchildren, and the work activities of support staff must be completely controlled by you.
    • Ability to understand paperwork. You will have to constantly submit reports on the work of the educational institution to higher authorities.

    As you can see, the characterization of a school director, which is usually compiled during his work in this position, is based on many factors, so decide in advance whether you are ready to take on such responsibility.

    Special knowledge of the school director

    No one can answer how to become a school director without having one, because this information does not exist. To succeed in this position, you must master basic computer programs. After all, most reports are submitted electronically. In addition, you must master the regulatory framework, as well as study the latest methods in the educational process.

    How to become a school director: getting a director's chair

    According to the resolution of the Ministry of Education, in order to obtain the position of director, you need to win a competition, which is open only to candidates with higher education and experience as a teacher. A local department representative appoints a person to this role. The character reference for a school principal must be impeccable, so from all the candidates the most suitable one is selected, one who has an ideal resume and knows how to behave in society.

    If you want to become a director, you will have to accept that you will take refresher courses from time to time. You will be responsible for the work of the teaching staff, but there is one more responsibility that you will begin to fulfill. Typically, the principal teaches a specific subject to the students. You must be a teacher of the highest category and prove your professionalism from time to time.


    Sometimes, when selecting candidates for the position of director, special testing is carried out. If you successfully pass the exam, you will receive a license, which you will later present to a competent person so that he can decide whether you are suitable for this position or whether you still need to work on your professionalism. But this procedure is not always carried out. Typically, this position is occupied by a person who has worked in a given school for many years as a deputy director or as a regular teacher.

    The program operates in full force in the capital; almost all directors of educational institutions are involved in it. Its peculiarity is that the most experienced leaders (within the program they are called “mentors”) help their colleagues (in this case acting as trainees) to develop and implement new educational projects. Moreover, after achieving the intended results, each project expects public protection.

    To date, Moscow school directors have already developed 462 management projects and begun to implement them, and some have even managed to defend them. But there is a lot of work ahead, the first stage is just the beginning.

    What is a modern head of an educational institution, according to the directors themselves? How do they formulate their objectives?

    “The school director in the generally accepted sense and the head of a Moscow school are different professions,” I am sure Director of school No. 2095 “Pokrovsky Quarter” Ilya Novokreshchenov. - We are entrusted with much more complex tasks. We do not just manage in the usual sense of the word - we manage processes, resources, results and even values, discussing together with the team what is most important in our education system. The director of a Moscow school is a person who can simultaneously generate goals and plan the work of a team, handle finances and understand legal issues. And at the same time, it is open both to the whole world and to every child.”

    Eternal students

    “The Effective Leader program gives us the opportunity to develop new management competencies for a modern director,” says Director of School No. 2114 And-rey Zinin. - And the main word here is “new”, that is, corresponding to the realities of the 21st century. These competencies are the ability to multitask, high adaptability to constant change, teamwork skills and even humility as a new form of leadership. The last quality is worth dwelling on in more detail. The point is that the leader should not be a central figure in the team, but a person who has managed to create such a structure that even after his departure the organization will remain successful and work like clockwork. A leader should focus not on his own importance, but on the success of the institution he heads.”

    “The main goal of the Effective Leader project is to modernize the management training system,” explains Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education Viktor-Fertman. - We do not teach directors management - they are already quite experienced managers. But we give them tools with which they can improve the work of both an individual school and the capital’s education system as a whole. Everything happens as openly as possible: the selection of mentors and interns, the defense of projects, the manager’s report to teachers and parents - this has been done, and there is still more to come. In fact, our project is endless, we will go from one achievement to another, because there is no limit to perfection. At the same time, directors will learn a lot themselves. You cannot be an effective leader without constantly learning, so the best leader is an eternal student, that is, a person who never stops in his development.”

    His deputy and scientific supervisor will be the former vice-rector of the Russian School of Economics, Andrei Bremzen. Apparently, in 2017 he will take over as school director.

    How reported on the official page of the institution on Facebook, the day before the new leaders were introduced To the Governing Council of the Fifty-seventh School.

    Alexander Tverskoy is a graduate of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, until his current appointment the director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow “Lyceum No. 1581”. He will be in charge of all operational administrative and financial matters at the 57th school. “His main task is to update and ensure transparency of school administration, to ensure the sustainability of the functioning of all departments of the school, including the interaction between all its buildings,” the statement said.

    Andrey Bremzen is a professor of economics, until his current appointment, vice-rector for academic affairs at the Russian School of Economics (NES). In 1992, he graduated from school No. 57, then graduated with honors from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, and then a master's degree from NES. He completed his doctorate in economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. At school No. 57 he taught mathematical analysis for many years, helping his teacher L.D. Altshuler. “He will be in charge of all issues related to teaching, interaction with all school communities, as well as issues of maintaining and updating the value and scientific competencies of the school.” During this academic year, Andrei Sergeevich will have to pass the certification required to occupy the position of school director.

    Alexander Bremzen himself has already published his address to the school’s graduates, in which he explained why he will become the director, and not Vyacheslav Leshchiner, who won the alumni vote: “We met and communicated personally with Vyacheslav Roaldovich. He said that he did not want/was not ready to be a director, but he would be interested in receiving an offer from me for the position of head teacher or deputy director. We will discuss this with him in the near future.”

    He says his first priority is to fill the vacancies left by the scandal. In addition, Alexander Bremzen will meet with each of the teachers and deal with the internal situation.

    The scandal at school No. 57 broke out at the end of August after journalist Ekaterina Krongauz published a post about a history teacher who, according to her, had been in a close relationship with her students for years. According to graduates, the administration, in order to prevent any complaints, developed a memorandum against “defamation of teachers.” Law enforcement officials are currently checking this information.

    The head of school No. 57, Sergei Mendelevich, in turn, talks about leaving his post. In addition, the school has a governing council, which is called upon to address the crisis. The council included: Rector of RANEPA Vladimir Mau, art critic Mikhail Kamensky, famous public figure Anna Federmesser, restaurateur Dmitry Yampolsky and other famous people.