The main educator of a person is life experience. What does reading experience add to life experience? A teacher's thoughts about his calling

K. D. Ushinsky said: “If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own.”

The profession of a teacher is one of the most necessary and in demand. This is the person who teaches children elementary ideas about life, leading them step by step to the school desk.

And indeed, real enthusiasts of their craft work in this area. On the eve of the holiday, we decided to give the floor to the teachers of our Teremok kindergarten and learn the main principles of this difficult profession.

– What does it mean to be a kindergarten teacher?

Tatyana Nikolaevna Mahovik,teacher second junior group No. 1 “Klyukovka”:

- IN kindergarten She started working as a teacher back in 1981. This is very difficult and difficult work, a constant search for something new, creativity, new discoveries. And in order to be needed and useful to children, you need to constantly improve yourself, you need a desire to grow in the profession.

Children see in us a standard of morality, presenting the teacher as the creator of their joy, capable of coming up with something new, fun and unexpected. Like a sage who knows everything and can do everything. As a protector, ready to protect them from troubles and injustice, evil and insults. All this requires the teacher to have high professional excellence. The teacher must know and be able to do a lot: sew, craft, play and sing with children, and always be interesting for children.

But the main thing is that the teacher must be able to love children, all of them, despite the fact that they are all different - each with their own character. You need to learn to treat everyone objectively, because behind every character there is a personality that needs to be helped to develop.

Being a teacher means having a lot of patience, surrounding more than twenty kids with care, tenderness, affection and attention, and in return receiving a storm of emotions and a new charge of positivity.

– Why did you choose this profession?

Zulfiya Maratovna Tasmukhambetova, teacher of the second junior group No. 6 “Kalinka”:

– After graduating from school, when I was faced with the question of choosing a profession, I didn’t doubt it for a minute. I firmly decided: I will be a kindergarten teacher. Upon entering, I realized that I had chosen a very difficult profession for myself. But, overpowering herself, she got involved in her studies... And successfully graduated from college. Now I don’t regret for a single minute that I am a teacher. Looking into the eyes of children, I want to make the world brighter and kinder.

I am sure that education is the most important function our culture, and I believe that an educator can improve the world.

By the will of fate, I ended up in this wonderful kindergarten. I won’t hide that there were moments when I thought I’d give up everything and leave. However, everything always ended in thoughts. Every day, when you see the eyes of children wide open, greedily catching every your word, you understand what they need. The secret of their pure love is simple: they are open and simple-minded. And for me the best reward is their joyful smile and words: “Will you come again tomorrow?”

- All children are so different. Do you have a secret to approaching them?

Natalya Alekseevna Khomich, teacher middle group No. 11 “Rowan”:

– There are wonderful words that fully characterize the teacher’s attitude towards children: “I should always be with them, giving warmth and warming with my eyes, leading them into the world of beauty and remembering the commandment - do no harm.” I have been working with children for 29 years. When it's time to choose yours life path, out of many professions, I chose one - kindergarten teacher. For me, this is not just a profession, it is a state of mind, a calling. The work of a teacher can be compared to the work of a gardener. One plant loves sunlight, the other - cool shade. Each person needs special care that is only suitable for him, otherwise he will not achieve perfection in his development. It's the same with children.

My students are different, and their moods are different: some are capricious, some are playing around, some are having too much fun, and some are bored. And for everyone little man you need your own approach, your own treasured key. I can joke with someone, I can scold someone, I can cheer them up, but for someone, just a glance is enough. I’ll have a heart-to-heart talk with someone, and I’ll just hug and caress some “capricious one” - he’ll calm down. No matter what I’m doing, if a child comes to me with his own, even the smallest problem, I put everything off, find good words, I delve into every little detail, trying to cheer him up.

My main method in the learning, development and upbringing of children is a game. Wise educators prohibit little and play a lot. After all, children live in play, own experience realizing how unpleasant it is when the weak are offended, and how joyful it is to receive help when you need it. They learn to respect themselves and others by “pulling the turnip” or “escaping the wolf.” Having noticed the child’s abilities, the educator must not only support the weak shoots of future endeavors, but also convince the parents of the need to develop the child.

– How do you imagine the ideal kindergarten of the future?

Oksana Viktorovna Smolyannikova, teacher senior group"Running Bunnies":

– I have been working as a kindergarten teacher for 24 years. From my own experience, I note that basically all my colleagues are people with active life position, cheerful and passionate about their work. I think that the kindergarten of the future must be cozy, bright, with a cartoon cinema, each group must have modern technical means communication, swimming pool, working all year round, equipped sports grounds. In our kindergarten, of course, the equipment meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, but like all creative active people, we want more...

In our preschool educational institution they begin their pedagogical path young specialists, I want to be an example for them and pass on my experience to them. And, of course, so that more specialists will continue to work, rather than leaving to work outside their specialty. I want the child’s stay in kindergarten to be comfortable, the children’s health to be strong, and their development to be successful.

Tatyana Ivanovna Andreeva, deputy. head according to GP MBDOU “D/s No. 5 “Teremok”

Text. M.P. Alpatov
(1) The result of upbringing sometimes seems discouraging to a person who rarely thinks about cause-and-effect relationships. (2) Everyone knows that education is the most complex of all processes of personality change towards improvement. (3) Educates everything: parents, school, enemies, friends - in a word, environment. (4) This is a truism - a well-known and well-worn truth.
(5) To the question of what is more effective in education: family or school, it is either difficult or impossible to answer, because everyone really educates.
(6) Let's take, for example, a family. (7) This “unit of society” is directly responsible for the moral state and fate of the person born into it. (8) I remember this story. (9) Caring, loving father, caring for his child, tracking every step of his offspring. (Yu) When the son was still in the cradle, the father, a military engineer, firmly decided to make him a man in uniform and persistently, purposefully prepared the boy for military career. (1 ^The obedient child, indecisive in his own choice, trusting his father in everything and seeing his sincere concern, knew that the parent would not advise anything bad. (12) The military school where the young man was assigned and where he studied for the required number of years turned out to be slow for him. , an absent-minded nature, neither in mind nor in heart. (13) He studied, began to work - the service did not work out, and his relationships with his colleagues did not go well. (14) Under pressure father's will The son overcame himself for a long time - all to no avail. (15) Time passed quickly. (16) The bright future was leaving forever, slipping away, turning into faceless, gray prose.
(17) Became over time mature man the son was afraid to do anything on his own, without his father's support. (18) A misfortune of this kind happened to him: due to his father’s pressure and care, he did not recognize himself or his true capabilities, he did not find his calling and place in life.
(19) Self-doubt, fear of acceptance own decisions- such an ending awaits everyone who did not have to live by their own mind.
(20) But should we give up intruding into the life of a growing person altogether? (21) Let everything take its course? (22) Not to interfere with the natural course of development? (23) This is unlikely to be true. (24) A positive environment, and with it morals, must be formed. (25) Form first of all in the family. (26) If we, who love, do not do this, then others who do not love will do it, and it will be worse.
(27) There are no trifles here; every nuance here can play a huge role. (28) Everything is important here: the opinions expressed by parents on significant and most insignificant issues, and their conflicts, which do not escape the children, and their preferences. (29) At the same time, the most important thing is a positive personal example, and not teachings, not instructions, although they are important.
(ZO) Suppose you tell the children words of wisdom about mercy, about self-giving, about the spiritual benefits of sacrifice. (31) But your words are only words if your children do not see the mercy you show, such as protecting homeless animals, giving alms to the poor, helping the sick, and so on.
(32) If you talk about generosity, but you yourself acquire it, worrying, as you claim, exclusively about the future of your family, then it is unlikely that your children in the near future will not spare their own thing for a beggar, even if it is never in demand. (33) They will hide it, thinking about their future.
(34) If you divide the world into two parts: your family, for which you are ready to sacrifice a lot, and everyone else who can sometimes be sacrificed, you risk getting selfish, cynical inhabitants in the person of your own children. (35) And the day will come when their selfishness will be directed not to anyone, but to you. (3b) It is you who will become a useless “waste material” for them, a burden at their life’s celebration.
(M.P. Alpatov)

In the text proposed for analysis by M.P. Alpatov poses the problem of education. The author of the article asks the question: should a mentor interfere in the development of his mentee or is it better to give preference to the “natural” development of personality?
Speaking of importance family education, the author expresses the opinion that the teacher, of course, must influence the child. However, this influence must be delicate and careful, avoiding violence against the individual. M. Alpatov gives an example of how a loving father, wanting his son to become an officer, prevented the free spiritual development your "child". As a result, he grew up as a dependent person, did not find his place in life and was not happy. At the same time, the author believes that positive family environment is extremely important in education and should be formed. Moreover, as the author emphasizes, a positive environment can be formed personal example teacher, and not just verbal teachings.
The main idea of ​​M. Alpatov’s text comes down to the fact that if we want to have a worthy result of upbringing, we should treat the child’s personality with care and demonstrate exclusively moral behavior ourselves.
Agreeing with the author, I would like to emphasize that the education process should not be left to chance and the teacher’s words should never diverge from deeds.
The validity of the expressed thoughts is confirmed by examples from works of Russian literature.
Let us turn to the story by V.G. Korolenko "Children of the Dungeon". The son of a rich judge, the young man Vasya, having become friends with poor children Marusya and Valek, commits a “theft”: he takes out of the house a family heirloom - a doll given by his late mother to Vasya’s younger sister. Vasya gave the doll to Marusya, who was dying of tuberculosis. The judge, having learned about his son's misconduct, is going to punish him. However, he completely forgives his son when he finds out that he wanted to please a seriously ill poor girl. So, the father’s unfeigned participation in his son’s affairs undoubtedly contributed to the formation of nobility in Vasya’s character and his moral maturation.
Another example is the poem by N.V. Gogol’s “Dead Souls,” which describes the childhood of Pavlusha Chichikov, the main character of the work. The atmosphere of childhood was heavy and sad - no friend, no comrade nearby. Only a sick, stern father who treated the child strictly. Chichikov fulfilled his father’s instructions to “take care and save a penny”, becoming a hero-acquirer, walking up through human destinies, like on a ladder. Without receiving a decent family education, without having moral basis in his soul, the hero became a “scoundrel”, despite the fact that he possessed positive qualities that have not been properly developed.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the idea that when raising, one should respect the child’s personality and develop the best that is inherent in him.

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“Teacher is a profession of the soul”

Have I ever thought about this?

In everyday life and endless work The teacher does not have much energy and time left (or rather, not at all!) to determine, not for others but for himself, the main “beacons”, guidelines for pedagogical activity.

So, what are they, the “sources and components” of my internal professional code?

Taking on board catchphrase After long and difficult reflections, I will try to formulate Anton Pavlovich Chekhov’s talk about the relationship between brevity and talent very briefly:

Attitude towards children -respectful and realistic.

Attitude to business, what I do (and am passionate about!) – conscientious, responsible.

Attitude to the “workplace” and “tools”(pedagogical technologies) – rational.

My pedagogical credo:

The world of childhood is joyful and subtle, like the floating sound of a flute.

As long as my child laughs at me, I know that I am not living in vain.

My friends say: “There are quieter fields,” but I won’t back down for anything.

I love these cute kids like my own children...

And every day, as if on a premiere, I enter a quiet kindergarten:

I’m not coming here for a career - every child here is happy to see me,

To be in the midst of joyful events...

And so over the years -

My destiny is children's souls! There is no better life on earth...

...But I’m not Chekhov, so I’ll continue to dot all the i’s.

Children. William Channing remarked: " Raising a child requires more penetrating thinking, deeper wisdom than governing a state.” It's hard to disagree with these words. Indeed, toEach child is individual, which means he needs special approach, care, love and understanding of him personal characteristics, otherwise he will not achieve perfection in his development. After all, only in love is the uniqueness of each pupil revealed, his inner world.

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Every morning when I come to work, I see the eyes of my children. In some there is wariness, in others there is interest, in others there is hope, in others there is still indifference. How different they are! Everyone has their own idea, their own mood, their own special world that needs to be helped to open up. The child is the most main value In my work and I, as a teacher, am responsible for ensuring that this child succeeds as an individual, that is, is not broken, humiliated, so that he finds out who he is, understands what his capabilities are, what he can do, what he wants.

Korney Chukovsky wrote: “Childhood is illuminated, and any collision with it is happiness.”

Attitude to business and pedagogical technologies.Socrates said that all professions are from people and only three from God: Teacher, Judge, Doctor.

I am convinced that a teacher combines these three professions.
Because good teacher is a doctor for whom main law: "Do no harm!" Without devices and instruments, we monitor the mental and moral health of our children. Without potions or injections, we treat with words, advice, smiles, and attention. Be a teacher in modern conditions difficult and responsible, since you need not only comprehensive knowledge and experience, but also enormous patience, you need to constantly be in a creative search, be able to bring something new to your work.

A good teacher is a wise judge who unwittingly finds himself in the center of the eternal conflict between fathers and children. He does not divide in order to rule, but, like a true peacemaker, he smooths out contradictions in order to come to harmony. The teacher, like Themis, on the scales of justice, weighs good and evil, deeds and actions, but does not punish, but tries to warn.
A good teacher is an actor, screenwriter, and artist. He has the power to turn any activity into pleasure. "Creativity is best teacher! Raise a person in in every sense words mean to perform a miracle, and such miracles are performed daily, hourly, every minute by ordinary people.

A modern educator is a competent specialist who understands the variety of programs and methodological developments, is a sensitive colleague, always ready for cooperation and mutual assistance, who knows how to work in a team of like-minded people.

“Childhood is a daily discovery of the world,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky. I am sure that children should be loved for who they are. Nurture their feelings self-esteem and responsibility for yourself and your actions. Praise, encourage, approve, create a positive atmosphere around him.

You always need to believe in the capabilities of every child, in the goodness that is inherent in him. I teach children kindness, caring for loved ones, respect for adults and peers.

WITH early childhood I form character traits that will help him become a person and a worthy citizen. I cultivate love and respect for our small Motherland: home and the street, kindergarten, city; I form a sense of pride in the country’s achievements. I develop children’s interest in social life phenomena that are accessible to their age.

A good educator should remember the words of Rousseau: “Let my pupil be destined to carry a saber, serve the church, be a lawyer, I don’t care... Living is the craft that I want to teach him. Coming out of my hands... he will be, first of all, a man.” I would like to dare and continue the thought of the great philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau that only a teacher with a broad soul can do this:

Reach every heart

Those whom you decide to teach,
And the secret door will open
To the souls of those whom I could love!

"I am a teacher"

“...Perhaps our work is not noticeable in appearance,

But I know only one thing - the kids are rushing to our garden,

They're rushing mom in the morning - come on faster, mom, hurry up!

Probably - this is the answer -

More valuable than our labor

Not in the world!

I have been working as a teacher for more than fifteen years and have no regrets. Children are joy, they are the most precious thing we have. There are no other people's children for me, so I treat every child as if it were my own, with maternal care and tenderness. A teacher is a person who enters the life of a child and his family, because parents trust him with the most precious thing they have - their children. There is probably not a single parent in the world who would not worry about their child, about what kind of relationships he will develop with adults, peers, and how he will grow up. It is important for me not to lose this trust, but to strengthen it. Also very important to me once again praise the child, even when his successes are very modest. This builds self-confidence in children and makes them want to take the next step.
The highest achievement of my work is the ability to find mutual language with children and their parents. When my children grow up and become adults, they will appreciate my efforts. Most best reward for my work will be the opportunity for my students to live in harmony with the world around them. I would like to believe that, having received a positive charge in kindergarten, they will confidently enter the future and be able to easily walk through life.
The principle of my work: “Every child -successful personality“And I try to create conditions for everyone to reveal their abilities.
Time does not stand still, and we teachers cannot work the “old fashioned way.” New innovative technologies come into our lives. I try to keep up and put into practice all possible and interesting innovations.
In my work I widely use the method project activities, I use technologies such as: information and communication; health-saving; research; personality-oriented; gaming The design method makes children active. They gain the experience of independence and self-confidence. When new problems arise, the child gets into the habit of independently looking for solutions in any conditions. The peculiarity of any project is that children, parents, and teachers take part in it.
What does it mean to me to be a teacher? – Communicate with children every day, find joy and pleasure in it, think about them, empathize with successes and failures, bear responsibility, love.
A teacher is more than a profession. Being a teacher for me means living. But live in such a way that you are not ashamed of every day you live. Children do not always know how to obey adults, but they are very good at copying them. And a copy of your behavior is forever deposited in the child’s soul and affects his future life. I am responsible for my students.
To be a teacher also means to be a unique actor who comes up with ideas every day. fascinating stories, like a good wizard and helps children believe in miracles.
Of course, it’s not easy, but I’m proud of my profession because I dedicate my life to children.

A teacher, like an artist, must be born.

Weber K.

Of all creations, the most beautiful is a person who has received an excellent upbringing.

About Me

Hello. My name is Oksana Alekseevna. I live in a picturesque corner of the Moscow region, the village of Monino. Our village is small, but life in it is rich. I have been working as a kindergarten teacher for 14 years now. I am proud of my profession and believe that raising children is one of the few the most needed professions. I have a higher pedagogical education.

Books that shaped my inner world

All the ones I've read.

My portfolio

Educates everything: people, things, phenomena. But above all - people. Of these, parents and teachers come first. This is what the great teacher Anton Semyonovich Makarenko said. And I absolutely agree with him. Because children take their example, first of all, from us adults. And it doesn’t matter: mom or dad or a passerby on the street. So let's not disappoint our children, so as not to be disappointed in them later.