A bad teacher teaches the truth, but a good one does. A bad teacher presents the truth

Lidia Nikolaevna teaches English at the Lyceum and, when working with children, pays great attention to the development of their creative abilities, the ability to think, reflect, and the formation of a scientific worldview in students. Her lessons are difficult, but interesting, and most importantly, informative and “productive.”

Although L.N. Kournikova’s homeland is Nizhny Shibryai, she considers herself a native resident of Uvarov: she moved here soon after birth with her parents and older sister, here she took her first step, said her first word. On time I went to study at a sugar factory school and from the first days until graduation I was the best student and graduated with a gold medal.

Parents rejoiced at the success of their daughters, and they, in turn, were proud of their parents. They were honest and exceptionally decent people. Mom, Alexandra Nikitichna, taught mathematics at the same sugar factory school. Father, Nikolai Alekseevich, a former front-line soldier, was severely wounded at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War; he returned home as an invalid (without an arm and with many fragments in his body, which the doctors then removed almost until the end of his life), but did not lose heart and feel sorry for himself He didn’t let anyone, and before he didn’t feel sorry for himself: he worked all his life, took care of his family. At first he worked as the chairman of a collective farm, and then for a long time he headed an organization called "Burvodselstroy", which was engaged in laying a water supply system in Uvarovo and in the surrounding villages.
The Kournikovs taught their daughters Tanya and Lida to work from childhood. They could dig up a vegetable garden, weed beds, chop wood, light a stove - they knew how to do it all. But they didn’t consider this a hardship, the family lived together, whoever could do what did, did it, responsibilities were not divided into “mine” and “yours.”
“People at that time were brought up differently,” says Lydia Nikolaevna. “Our dad was the boss, he was in charge of transport, but he never allowed himself to manage it for personal purposes. I remember in winter the snowdrifts were waist-deep, and we from Yuzhnaya, where we lived, made our way through the garden through the snow to school. But it was possible to rent a car from the organization and take another road, where it was cleared, to get to school... But this never even occurred to us! Conscience did not allow me to somehow stand out, to put myself above others. And all the people then raised their children this way. Later, when I became a student, the children of party secretaries and heads of large enterprises studied with me, but they never boasted about it. They sent us to the collective farm to harvest the crops, and they worked in the fields just like everyone else. There was no such thing as it is now - “golden youth”. To boast about the position and position of one’s parents was, to put it mildly, indecent.

After school, Lydia entered the Tambov Pedagogical Institute at the then prestigious faculty of History and English. My student years left only pleasant memories. The teachers at the faculty were excellent, true professionals, infinitely in love with their work. It was very interesting to learn from them. But at the same time it is very difficult. While Lida didn’t have any particular problems with history, things weren’t so rosy with English. The fact is that at school teachers changed every now and then, at one time English was not taught at all, so even though the certificate showed an A, the knowledge was rather weak. I had to work hard to keep up with my fellow students. And she has a lot of hard work and perseverance: “Our parents taught us not to give in to difficulties: on the contrary, when they arise, our enthusiasm only intensifies.”

On September 1, 1981, Lidia Nikolaevna Kournikova again crossed the threshold of her native sugar factory school, only now in a different capacity - a teacher of English and history. This is how her work biography began. The knowledge I received at the institute was solid, so there were no problems with adaptation.
“The director of the second school was then Alexander Ivanovich Uvarov,” recalls L.N. Kurnikova. - An amazing teacher, he had a lot of advantages, the main one of which was his ability to talk about the most difficult things - in an elementary way, so that everything became clear. In the very first days of my teaching, he taught me a good lesson. We were assigning classes, and I see that he takes a stronger class for himself, and gives me a weak one. She was indignant, but did not remain silent, she asked directly: why are you, an experienced teacher, taking the best class for yourself, while I get the weak one, this is unfair. To which he answered me: “What you will teach is still unknown, but I will certainly teach you what should be taught.” Throughout my life I have learned that if you claim something, then be kind enough to live up to your claims.

For a long time, L.N. Kurnikova worked as both a history and English teacher, then she switched only to teaching a foreign language. And in 2005, she received an invitation from V.N. Ardabiev to move to the lyceum, and has been working here ever since. L.N. Kurnikova is a strict and demanding teacher. She herself knows and understands this. It’s not easy to get an A from her, but this is a real A. Lidia Nikolaevna’s students enroll in different educational institutions, and there their knowledge of English is an order of magnitude higher than that of other students. Teachers often ask the question: “What, do you have special classes in Uvarov?”, to which the guys proudly answer: “No, we don’t have special classes, but we have a special teacher!”

L.N. Kournikova also has many of her own, original developments. Together with her sister, T.N. Lysova, who also graduated from Foreign Languages ​​and has been teaching foreign languages ​​for many years, they developed and published an elective course in English, “American English,” at the Moscow publishing house “Sam Poligrafist” LLC. Lidia Nikolaevna willingly shares her work experience with colleagues.

Together with her students, L.N. Kurnikova participates in all-Russian projects. In 2013-2014 Lidia Nikolaevna served as coordinator of Yes"N"You distance learning. In January-April last year, she led a group of 8th and 10th grade students who participated in the “Guides-Interpreters” project under the auspices of the Gymnasium Union of Russia. It was a kind of remote master class. The guys, participating in this project, not only got an idea of ​​what the work of a guide is, but most importantly, they had wonderful language practice, because all communication took place only in English.

There have been many different students over the years. But, perhaps, I especially remembered the most active and hardworking ones, who always showed excellent knowledge in the classroom and were always ahead in extracurricular activities. There are also those who, following the example of their favorite teacher, chose a profession related to English: Olga Naumova, Marina Minina, Elena Bogomyakova, Natalia Skvortsova, Miroslava Tarasyuk... Tanya Sheina, one of Lidia Nikolaevna’s strongest students, is graduating from school this year, she plans to become a translator .
The English language is a rather complex subject: it is not enough to memorize words and master grammar, you also need to work on pronunciation. L.N. Kurnikova teaches children to think and study independently. Nowadays there are many so-called “solvers”; many teachers are categorically against this. But a “solution book” can also be useful if you use it correctly: don’t just copy the solution, but check your answer with what is given in the book, and if there is a discrepancy, then get to the bottom of the truth: where did I go wrong and why is it right to do this? , and not otherwise.

“I always tell the kids that they should learn a foreign language not for the sake of a grade, but for the sake of increasing their mental and cultural capabilities,” says Lidiya Nikolaevna. - It has been noted that those students who have an excellent grade in foreign language also study successfully in other subjects. Mark Twain has a wonderful saying: “You can lead a horse to water, but no one can force him to drink if he doesn’t want to.” I repeat the same thing to the guys: we, teachers, bring you to the water of knowledge, but if you don’t want to drink, then we are powerless.

Over the years of work at the school, L.N. Kurnikova has received many awards: certificates of honor - from the regional administration, the regional Duma, the city council and the city department of education, letters of gratitude from the department of education and science of the Tambov region and the Education Support Fund in St. Petersburg, the "Excellence" badge public education" (1990). But she herself considers the most significant assessment of her work to be a postcard with an image of Confucius, which was recently brought to her by a former student M. Tarasyuk from China, where she had an internship as a student at Derzhavin University, and on which Miroslava wrote only two words: “To my Teacher!” And that's it…

A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches how to find it.

School lessons were forgotten, or rather, forcibly rejected by me. We found ourselves in the furnace of oblivion, plunged with my gullibility. I loved all the “Maryivanovnas”, and even now I bow deeply. They tried their best, under pressure, oppression and pressure. We lived together in harmony: “Give me peace!” "Bring on the uprising!" And the cry of love for one country was also a point on the schedule. My “coming out into the public eye” marked the worthlessness of the school “hard times”, having shredded them - altered them, the lessons of days, years, centuries. Loving a country just because you were forcibly baptized? What swore to her under the gun? That your family has been strengthened in children?
Love is so endless, fraught with a grain of danger... So a lady, passionately adored, loses her sense of adequacy. Having thought through all the cause and effect, I harness myself to a feasible task - I see inconsistencies in many ways and identify some...

My mind forgives adolescence
for the lies and hardships of the prologue,
the brighter the bridge burns behind,
the more visible the road ahead is.
There are a lot of books to read
so that a gram is added to the mind.
And to know a lot of women’s depths,
to finally find yours.
You should strive for the heights
even a step of half a millimeter.
The main thing here is not to make a mistake:
books first, not minerals.
The rich man won't steal his wallet,
strives for the best.
The poor man on the contrary is always a thief,
lazy and prone to the worst.
I'm not in the Bible often, but to the bottom
and I am strengthened by the wisdom of Jesus:
I separate the seeds from the chaff and...
I enjoy the tares to my heart's content.
They want to somehow round them off,
but the triangles become sharper...
Or maybe it’s better to blunt it,
angles that dominate?
All desserts are arrogant
and as light as a draft:
so that the essence of betrayal disappears,
Marriage must first disappear.
In historical swarming bottoms,
always found labor in high esteem:
created man from a monkey.
Holocaust, per person - Jew.
The gray-haired one is always respectful of old age,
but frequent debate often convinces,
that the experience of life, even great
Unfortunately, it doesn’t replace brains at all.
The essence of honest women is blessed,
there is no self-interest and calculation is alien:
from honest - everything is free for you.
what a prostitute sells.
When in the vanguard -
It's not okay to be afraid of the front.
The first ones are shot more often from behind,
shooters are considered friends...
Applaud for the celebration,
perhaps extremely stupid,
after all, the gain in one’s life is
represents the loss of another.
Sin will not drag us into the abyss.
Having thrown away all the implants,
life will wake up and rise up!
And it will become firm... on pointe shoes.
Don't take it for lamentations of piita,
It’s not reality that’s to blame for the stress.
My love is open to my neighbor!
Exactly like Achilles' heel...

Here in full: https://antialle.livejournal.com/191491.html

A good one teaches you how to find it.

A. Diesterweg

lesson quality .



So maybe it’s not worth changing anything?

So that this question does not remain rhetorical, let us remember one well-known wisdom:

When a lesson is done together by a teacher and a student, when both the teacher and students are ready for it, we can talk about its effectiveness.

Types of organization of activities in the lesson:

  • lecture
  • discussion
  • role-playing game
  • teleconference
  • Living room
  • Conversation,
  • answers to teacher questions, textbook questions
  • note-taking
  • experiment, experiments
  • work in pairs
  • programming
  • joint activities to achieve the lesson goal
  • journey
  • press conference
  • "tic-tac-toe"
  • "sea battle"
  • Retelling the text
  • Group work
  • Creative tasks
  • Independent work
  • Drawing up a plan, review, summary, review, abstract
  • Working with maps, contour maps
  • Didactic material
  • Working with illustrations
  • Making crosswords
  • Study
  • Musical pause
  • Frontal survey
  • Mutual check, self-check
  • Auction of ideas
  • Testing
  • Practical activities
  • Essays
  • fairy tales on the subject
  • cards for oral work
  • independent preparation of assignments
  • compiling simulators for oral and independent work
  • tasks for independent work of comrades
  • visual aids
  • figure models, scans, graphics
  • reports
  • presentations
  • Drawing up memos
  • publication of books, brochures
  • preparation of tests, etc.

The game “Yes” - “No” is successfully used to reinforce new material. The question is read once, you cannot ask again; while reading the question you must write down the answer “yes” or “no”. The main thing here is to involve even the most passive in learning.

There is no need to waste time on repeatedly repeating digital material, definitions, conclusions, this will pay off in the knowledge of the student.

It is important to excite the guys, to make them think. Students can express their point of view, justify their conclusions, but if they are incorrect, correct them.

Another thing that develops the thinking and imagination of students is the following: children are asked to write a text, having previously reconstructed the meaning of each word and sentence as a whole.


Vpya snge. In lseu thio. Mdvdeei evil in brlgeow and sptya. Blkey sdtiya v dplue i grztyu rhoei. Zykai zlzlaei pdo kstuy. Lye vlkoi bgtoayu op lseu.

In the process of teaching mathematics, it is important to develop in children the ability to observe, compare, analyze, generalize, reason, and justify the conclusions that students come to in the process of completing tasks.

The purpose of the didactic game “Logical domino” consists of consolidating children’s knowledge about the properties of objects and developing logical thinking. To play you will need a set of figures of different colors and sizes. Two students play and have a full set of pieces. The first student places a piece on the table. The second student’s response is that he attaches another figure to this figure, differing from it only in one property: shape or size. The one who is the first to be left without pieces loses. The teacher walks through the rows and leads the game.

The game will help improve your computing skills “Feeding the fish” Visual material, in the form of bright flat images of fish, is prepared for use on a magnetic board. Each fish has an addition and subtraction example written on it. There are feeders with numbers 5 and 10.

There will be a drawing here!

The participants of the game, having solved the examples, place their fish near the feeder whose number corresponds to the result of the calculation.

Didactic games for the development of thought processes are also used in natural history lessons.

A game "Vegetables fruits" aims to strengthen children's ability to classify and name vegetables and fruits, and to use verbs correctly

"put". The teacher divides the children into two teams with an equal number of players.

The teams sit on chairs facing each other. The first children from each team pick up small balls and begin passing them to their neighbors. Pupils of one team, passing the ball, name vegetables, the other – fruits. Passing the ball is accompanied by dialogue:

1st student: Put a vegetable in the basket.

2nd student: I put a cucumber. (Turns to the neighbor, passes the ball and says: “Put a vegetable in the basket.”).

3rd student: I put carrots. The one who repeats the name twice or makes a mistake gives a forfeit, and at the end of the game buys it back.

A game “Every vegetable has its foliage” consists of two sets of cards:

1) with pictures of vegetables;

2) with herbarium leaves of these vegetables.

It is necessary to quickly combine the corresponding vegetable and foliage.

The use of didactic games in the process of teaching primary schoolchildren activates their interest in learning.

Developmental goal – “how?”

Examples of techniques for implementing student-centered learning

  • Tasks, taking into account the degree of difficulty, should be selected by the teacher, but chosen by students individually, independently, according to their own strengths. In this case, differentiation will be carried out not from the teacher, but from the student. Such differentiation can be carried out both during the survey and during the assimilation and consolidation of students’ knowledge.
  • self-questioning or self-control
  • To implement a differentiated approach during the survey, two portable stands are used, on which cells-pockets are located in 4 rows. All cells are numbered. For example, the top row is from 1 to 13, the second from the top is from 14 to 27, etc. Tasks are placed in the cells of the first stand. Usually these are definitions of a term. This term needs to be named. The answer to this task is mainly calculated for recognition. The tasks of the second row are calculated for playback material. For example, give a definition of a concept. In the third row, tasks are given, for example, to find relationships between any phenomena. The fourth row is represented by tasks problematic nature. It is easy to notice that tasks of the 1st and 2nd rows are designed mainly for memory work, tasks of the 3rd and 4th rows - the work of thinking, the ability to reason, find similarities and differences.

If a student fails to complete a task, he can exchange it for easier tasks in the lower rows. These tasks in their total should give the number of points corresponding to the unsolved task.

Students check the correctness of their answers on the self-control board, in which the answers to the tasks are given in pockets under the same numbers. If the answer is correct, the student gives himself the corresponding number of points on the piece of paper where he completed the task; if not, he exchanges it for easier tasks. At this time, the teacher can carry out other forms of updating knowledge.

  • Any number of people can work at the self-examination stand at the same time.
  • The tasks are prepared not for a specific individual, but for the general mass of students. The differentiation of tasks is carried out by the students themselves. An individual approach is carried out not “overhead”, not intrusively, but unnoticed by the student himself.
  • Students usually get good grades when using this differentiated approach. But the mark is different. And a “B” received on assignments in the first row has a completely different value in the eyes of students than a “B” received on assignments in the fourth row. This encourages students to take on more complex tasks, but in order to complete them, they need to know the material well, which means they need to be careful when explaining the material and prepare well at home. Typically, students start with easy tasks and then move on to more complex ones, and take tasks from the bottom row only as a last resort.
  • This approach relieves the well-known psychological tension in students before a survey - the tension of expectation: will they call or not? The fear of the teacher’s questions and the possibility of receiving a negative mark disappears. This approach allows the student to feel equal to everyone and provides an opportunity for self-improvement. In addition, this approach frees the teacher from the work of selecting tasks designed for a specific student. The main task of the teacher is to stimulate students; he must ensure that students do not stop there, but make constant attempts to move forward.

A student-oriented approach presupposes the availability of teaching aids and didactic materials for individualized work (workbooks, problem books, textbooks); tasks of varying degrees of difficulty; adapted programs; taking into account the factors that cause academic failure; finding ways to overcome individual shortcomings in knowledge and skills; overcoming underdevelopment of motivation; a combination of educational work methods and teaching methods; individual work with a book, teacher; independent work at school and at home; free self-education.

In the process of individual-personal learning, the teacher needs to rely on such individual characteristics as characteristics of perception, thinking, memory, speech, temperament, character, will. The dominant quality of a teacher, in my opinion (in addition to a high qualification level), is an excellent knowledge of both developmental and individual psychology. The development of a person’s inclinations and abilities in different areas depends on individual characteristics, the ability for introspection, and self-esteem, so it is very important to find a special approach to each child, to give everyone the opportunity to express themselves. In the learning process, the teacher must identify the strengths of each child’s personality, and, relying on them, help him cope with his weak qualities. For every academic success achieved, it is necessary to praise the student, which will give him the impetus for further success. Training should be carried out based on the needs and interests of children.

Student - teacher

  • There is a student question + teacher answer = repeating what has been covered and learning something new.
  • Tasks proposed by students based on their interest = student development.
  • Self and mutual self-esteem of students + positivity on the part of the teacher = development of criticality and desire to work.
  • Monitoring student success + personal approach to teaching = bringing students to a creative level.
  • The results of the student’s activities for the work of the whole class + reliance on reality = motivation of learning.

Teacher - student

Algorithm for constructing lessons on the subject + novelty effect +

+ Positive for every student + freedom to choose tasks +

+Encouraging creativity =

Interest, motivation, activity, knowledge!

Modern effective lesson plan

  1. Preparing the teacher for the lesson(lesson planning taking into account different forms of work with students: topic, goal, objectives, visual material, additional literature, preparing assignments at different levels and taking into account the individual characteristics of students)
  2. During the classes:
  • Organizing time (the teacher checks the students’ readiness for the lesson - textbook, notebook, diary, writing materials from the teacher i) (1 min.)
  • Checking homework(2 minutes.)
  • Oral exercises (solving examples, tongue twisters, etc. by ear) (3 min.)
  • Working with cards (tasks of different levels) (5 minutes.)
  • Repetition of what has been covered (the teacher asks questions “What did you learn in the last lesson? Etc.) (3 min.)
  • Physical education minute (y eye exercises) (1 min.)
  • Learning new material (the topic of the lesson is written on the board; Guys, what is the topic of today’s lesson? Set lesson goals for yourself. (for example: Today, using ..., we will do ... By reading texts from ..., we will become even smarter, wiser, etc.); the inclusion of each student in activities to achieve the goal, there must be a degree of novelty, problematic, search, creativity and attractiveness of the educational material, with the help of visual aids) (14 min.)
  • Physical education minute (y exercises for arms, back, neck) (2 minutes.)
  • Consolidating new material (solving problems, exercises) (11 min.)
  • Homework(1 min.)
  • Lesson summary. Reflection (Guys, what was the topic of our lesson? What goal did we set for ourselves? Were you able to do it? What interesting things did you learn? What was the most difficult and challenging for you (you didn’t like)? Praise your comrades and yourself for your work in the lesson. I I praise you guys for your work in the lesson. Thank you! Our lesson is finished) (2 minutes.)

There is this formula:



Any lesson has enormous potential for solving new problems. But these problems are often solved by means that cannot lead to the expected positive result.
Both for students and for the Teacher, a lesson is interesting when it is modern in the broadest sense of the word.

Are we doing everything to make our lessons interesting and comfortable for children?

You can argue for a long time about what the lesson should be.

A lesson can be considered modern if three points can be traced: the historical aspect of what is being studied, the connection of what is being taught with the present, reliance on modernity and access to the future, to the future profession. In other words, the lesson should be life-long.

One thing is indisputable: it must be animated by the personality of the teacher.

And in the field outside the outskirts, -

While you are following someone,

The road will not be remembered.

But wherever you go

And what a muddy road

The road is the one I was looking for,

Will never be forgotten.

(N. Rylenkov)

Workshop solution:

  1. Class teachers should conduct a study of the level and characteristics of the development of various types of memory in schoolchildren - visual, auditory, motor, draw up a table with the components of the individual way of learning of students and familiarize all teachers.
  2. For teachers
  • apply a modern lesson plan taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

summarize work experience through a system of open lessons, seminars, and teacher councils.

A bad teacher teaches the truth

A good one teaches you how to find it.

A. Diesterweg

The main task of every teacher is not only to give students a certain amount of knowledge, but to develop their interest in learning and teach them how to learn.

A lesson is the main form of organizing the educational process, and the quality of teaching is primarily lesson quality . Can a lesson be called modern if it is conducted without visual and technical teaching aids?

With them, the lesson is richer, brighter, more diverse. With their help, students have an emotional impact, they contribute to better memorization of the material, increase their interest in the subject, and ensure the strength of their knowledge.

Without well-thought-out teaching methods, it is difficult to organize the assimilation of program material. That is why it is necessary to improve those methods and means of teaching that help to involve students in cognitive search, in the work of learning: they help teach students actively, independently acquire knowledge, stimulate their thoughts and develop interest in the subject.

From the analysis of class attendance, several main problems today can be identified:

Most teachers teach lessons traditional.


Yes, because you don’t need to prepare for them in advance; prepare some cards, because the cards should contain tasks that are not the same for everyone, but at different levels, and also take into account the individual characteristics of students whom they do not know; visual aids. What for? You can write everything down on the board. Understand, is it really possible to arouse in students any interest in the subject, in knowledge. We also want good discipline in class. Will she be there if there is no interest? Naturally, students begin to make noise in class, talk, and laugh. But the teacher may not even notice, and continues to teach the lesson, despite everything that is happening around him, continues to explain the topic further. We always ask the question, why don’t children know how to talk, answer questions correctly, and remain silent when asked? Do we give them the opportunity to learn how to do this? We ask questions and answer them ourselves. Who talks most of the time in class? Teacher. When will students learn this?

With these problems it is impossible to achieve the effectiveness of the lesson.

A bad teacher presents the truth, a good one teaches you to find it

There are deserved and undeserved teachers. Not based on regalia and officially awarded honorary titles - but based on the main thing - the availability of knowledge, competence and attitude towards their students. Sometimes a teacher can teach a child much more important things than parents. Not because the parents are bad, but because the teachers are good.
P.F. Yurkevich wrote that the public school is a subjective being. If science does not change its objectivity into subjective methods, it will do nothing in school. A method can be found, but its power lies in the teacher, so the best method of education is the one that the teacher has complete mastery over.
Teachers must distinguish between authority and love, otherwise all educational measures will be of a violent nature, will not serve the voluntary obedience of children, and therefore will lose their educational power. The main quality of a teacher should be unity - duty and pleasure, nature and culture, science and life, thoughts and feelings, knowledge and deeds, and especially mental and moral religious education. Such unity is capable of realizing the idea of ​​goodness in the spirit of the student. The teacher's activities should carry the idea of ​​benevolence, then the students will love the teacher, and this will facilitate the task of supervision and management in teaching.
Well-known, but very strong and sure means for inducing children's sympathy and affection are the synthesis of affectionate behavior, frequent or minor benefits, participation in the various states of children, patience in activities, living forms of word and deed, and a light tone of behavior. The teacher is obliged to constantly receive self-education, since those who do not move forward move backward, and education that is not updated by regular self-education loses such important qualities as liveliness, strength and freshness. Such responsibilities include conscientious preparation of lessons for teaching, since it is one of the ways of self-education.
Writer F. Mer identified the following qualities necessary for a good teacher: self-loyalty, courtesy, prudence, selflessness, kindness, morality, religiosity, diligence. A teacher must be aware of his own merits and take care of self-education in order to serve as a model.
It turns out that the requirements put forward to the teacher were not particularly different from the current ones, but the boundaries of their implementation softened over time. Particular attention was paid to the moral qualities of the teacher, presenting him mostly as an educator. Therefore, he had to have kindness, spirituality, patience, and the desire to learn new things.
A teacher in the modern conditions of our life, alas, is one who represents two hypostases at once - both God and the devil. Some people don’t care about low wages and unworthy working conditions - the main thing for them is to teach, to make the student a Person who has not only knowledge and skills, but also moral qualities, which, together with this very knowledge and skills, will give you a start in life. And some don’t care about their students, don’t care about perceiving their student as an individual, and direct all their strengths and aspirations to please the authorities, move up the career ladder, vote for the party determined by the school director, etc.
Thank you, teachers-Gods, and may the teachers-devils be rewarded according to their deserts.

Contrary to popular belief, teachers learn too. They also sometimes sit at their desks and learn from their colleagues. The more events there are where teachers from different schools can exchange experiences, the better for us, the better the quality of education in general. Workshops help teachers grow - both those who teach them and those who watch them.
I remember my teachers very well and am grateful to them for science, for teaching me not only to answer the questions posed, but also to think and doubt, look for answers and think outside the box.

On Friday, September 4, 2015, on the territory of the Vorobyovy Gory educational complex, the III Congress of Moscow Teachers took place under the auspices of the Moscow Department of Education, the main goal of which was the exchange of experience, knowledge, teaching methods, as well as discussion of the most important and pressing problems in in the field of education today, its main task is to position the education system as a social institution that determines the priority directions for the social development of the city.

It was the first time I saw so many teachers in one place.

Such projects are necessary to develop additional training for teachers, to determine priority areas for social development and education of the city.

At the congress of teachers, four sections were opened in various areas: “Culture”, “National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism”, “Nature Management and Environmental Protection”, “Economics and Finance” and “Physical Culture and Sports”. More than 15 different master classes were conducted by laureates and winners of the “Teacher of the Year in Moscow” and “Teacher of the Year in Russia” competitions. All master classes were combined into eight thematic blocks based on fundamental concepts: “question”, “space”, “measurement”, “method”, “alternative”, “dialogue”, “idea” and “environment”.

It is no longer a secret that in recent years Moscow schools, Moscow teachers and students have been working a lot not only in the classroom. The city itself became an educational space. A huge number of lessons that children attend are held in factories, factories, museums, even on the streets of the city.

Therefore, other departments of the Moscow Government were also invited to the event so that they could talk through master classes about what is interesting about the city as an educational and scientific development space.

The most interesting, the most breakthrough, the most important projects today are projects that allow you to combine knowledge and obtain knowledge that can be used in future real life. So that children don’t say: “I learned this at school, but I didn’t understand why I needed it.” It is important that all the knowledge acquired at school is useful for future life.

It's no secret that the last 5 years have seen huge changes in education. Education in the capital provides many opportunities for teachers to develop, share experiences, conduct master classes, and learn new things for the upbringing and education of children. But for children, the education process has now become more interesting, exciting and effective.

All this was actively discussed at the open August pedagogical council. Live on a computer monitor, it was possible to evaluate the results of the 2014/2015 academic year and find out the key areas of development for the new academic year.

And what has changed recently in schools?
Firstly, school classes. Modern computers, whiteboards, and furniture appeared. The school buildings themselves were also repaired and new ones were built.

Now schoolchildren study in classrooms with modern equipment, and parents monitor their children’s progress using electronic resources. The work of the electronic diary has been improved - instant synchronization and a notification system about a new assessment are now implemented. those. There is no way to hide a bad grade from a child. But parents also find out about the A grade at that very second, and not after school.

But in some schools there are no longer even twos and fives, because now it is possible to choose a rating scale. This can be the usual five-point scale, as well as ten-point, 100-point and even letter. The school itself chooses its scale.

And some schools have already introduced electronic textbooks.
A pilot project to introduce electronic textbooks started a year ago in six Moscow schools. The results were positive - student performance increased by 10%. And now some lessons are not allowed to include manuals that do not have digital analogues. And in 30 schools an electronic library has already been created based on electronic textbooks.

Another important point is the emergence of electronic student cards. Already 700 schools are actively using this invention. The card not only provides the student with access to the school premises, but also makes it possible to make cashless payments for school meals.

Teachers, by the way, are also not averse to taking photos with their smartphones.

The capital's authorities do not plan to reduce funding for the education sector in 2016. This was announced at the III Congress of Moscow Teachers by the Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Social Policy and Labor Relations, Mikhail Antontsev.