Analysis of Yesenin's poem black then smelling howl. What mood is this poem permeated with? Where was I.A born?

Essay “We are responsible for those we have trained.” A long time ago, my mother brought a kitten home from work, it was small, we fed it, and then went to bed.

laid down. And after some time, we began to potty train the kitten, but it was difficult to train it right away. The kitten was good with everything, but he did not quickly get used to his new living.
The kitten had already grown up, he was already running everywhere, and it was fun to play with him, he was so funny and cheerful.
But one day, when I was leaving for school, he ran out and I couldn’t catch up with him. I really hope everything is okay with him, I loved him very much!
...Check errors to see if everything is correct

the plan is complex for this essay “So, she was called Tatyana* “Eugene Onegin” reflects not only the life of noble society, but also the soul,

feelings, thoughts of Pushkin himself about himself. They are expressed not only in digressions, so vividly associated with the content of the novel, but also in the images created by the poet. Tatyana is Pushkin’s “sweet ideal”. When he talks about her, his verse is filled with admiration and admiration... Tatyana is a simple girl from a poor noble family. The fate of her parents was usual for this time, and the fate of her younger sister too. But since childhood, she herself has been sharply different from those around her. Her closest friend is her nanny, who tells her horror stories, which “captivated Tatyana’s heart more than funny Games children. The nanny is a serf to whom Tanya will confide her secrets. She herself feels alienated from the usual society, unable to caress either her father or her mother. Sad and silent, she finds herself in novels in which everything was so different from their drab life, they really “replaced everything for her.” Dreamy, she loved to greet the sunrise, as if expecting the arrival of a new life from the sun, still shrouded in the darkness of the night... So a wondrous, wonderful flower grew in the desert, keeping in its petals a quiet but strong flame of love... Tatyana was lonely, like this one flower, and it seemed that nothing wonderful would happen in her life, but then she meets Onegin... The rumors of her neighbors at first insult her proud soul, but at the same time they also evoke a pleasant feeling. She, “not knowing deception and believing in her chosen dream,” fell in love with Onegin with all her heart. But her rich imagination and tormented soul represent him ideal person, but he wasn’t. However, her love is so strong, so deep, so sincere that, unable to contain it within herself any longer, she writes a letter to Evgeniy, opens to him her unique, boundless world... Pushkin is with her with all his heart, despite the fact that noble society she would not be forgiven for this; Together with us, he is amazed: “Who inspired this tenderness in her...” Nobility, mind, heart - these are the greatest riches, and even Eugene, with his chilled soul, managed to see them in her. Touched by Tatyana’s letter, but knowing himself well, he says: “Is this what you were looking for with a pure, fiery soul, when you wrote to me with such simplicity, with such intelligence?..” But even this explanation cannot extinguish the fire in Tatyana’s soul, Submissive to fate, she still will not lie: “I will perish... But death from him is kind...” Terrible events separate Tatiana from Onegin. By chance she ends up in his empty house, and then, reading his books, she finds out true face your loved one. But this does not make her love less, she simply hides it deep in her heart, because for her love is life. Soon she too has to leave her native place. “Russian in soul”, Tatiana is having a hard time with the separation. It was as if she had united with Russian nature, in it she found joy. She was just as simple and discreet, but she concealed an inexplicable mystery and charm... Tatyana, and with her Pushkin, seemed to have a presentiment of what awaited her in the capital. Sensitive to any lies, she feels the falseness of this society and “with a dream strives for life in the field,” but... “fate is already decided...” ...And again we meet her only a few years later, at a brilliant St. Petersburg ball. It seems that there are no “traces of the old Tatyana” left in her, but no. The nobility of the soul is forever. And in high society, Tatyana rises above everyone, everyone is internally aware of her superiority. But she remembered Onegin’s advice well: “Learn to control yourself.” And therefore, the true Tatyana is revealed only when she meets Onegin, who is passionately in love with her. She remained the same old Tanya, eager with all her soul to give “all this rags of a masquerade for a shelf of books, for a wild garden...”. She is mistaken in considering Onegin's passion to be petty and unworthy of his heart and mind, but she acts according to her heart. And, a true Russian, close to the people since childhood, she selflessly puts duty above feelings. “I love you (why lie?), but I am given to someone else, and I will be faithful to him forever.” Pushkin, passionately loving his heroine, his ideal, with the power of his verse makes us love and admire her. Tatyana, a figment of his imagination and dream, is worthy of love and admiration. Similar essays on partner sites: Pushkin A.S. Evgeniy Onegin “So, she was called Tatyana*

All living things have a special meaning
Celebrated from an early age.
If I weren't a poet,
4 He was probably a swindler and a thief.

Thin and short,
There is always a hero among boys,
Often, often with a broken nose
8 I came to my home.

And towards the frightened mother
I muttered through my bloody mouth:
"Nothing! I tripped over a stone
12 It will all heal by tomorrow.”

And now, when I caught a cold
These days are boiling water,
Restless, defiant force
16 It spilled over my poems.

Golden, verbal pile,
And above each line without end
The old prowess is reflected
20 Bullies and tomboys.

As then, I am brave and proud,
Only newness splashes my step...
If earlier they hit me in the face,
24 Now my soul is covered in blood.

And I’m not already telling my mother,
And into the alien and laughing rabble:
"Nothing! I tripped over a stone
28 It will all heal by tomorrow!”

All zhivoye osoboy metoy
Otmechayetsya s rannikh por.
Yesli ne byl by ya poetom,
To, naverno, byl moshennik i vor.

Khudoshchavy i nizkorosly,
Sred malchishek vsegda heroy,
Often, often s razbitym nosom
Prikhodil ya k sebe domoy.

I navstrechu ispugannoy mame
Ya tsedil skvoz bloody rot:
“Nothing! Ya spotknulsya o kamen,
Eto k zavtramu vse zazhivet.”

I now vot, when prostyla
Etikh day kipyatkovaya vyaz,
Bespokoynaya, derzkaya sila
Na poemy moi prolilas.

Zolotaya, slovesnaya gruda,
I nad kazhdoy strokoy bez kontsa
Otrazhayetsya prezhnyaya udal
Zabiaki i sorvantsa.

How then, ya otvazhny i ​​gordy,
Tolko novyu moy bryzzhet step...
Yesli ranshe mne bili v mordu,
To now vsya v blood soul.

I uzhe govoryu ya ne mame,
A v chuzhoy i khokhochushchy sbrod:
“Nothing! ya spotknulsya o kamen,
Eto k zavtramu vse zazhivet!”

Dct ;bdjt jcj,jq vtnjq
Jnvtxftncz c hfyyb[ gjh/
Tckb yt ,sk ,s z gj"njv,
Nj, yfdthyj,sk vjityybr b djh/
