Main human values. The system of human life values: types of values ​​and formation of the system

Personal values ​​are a reflection of our needs, desires, and everything that we especially value in life. Values ​​are a huge driving force that can be seen as a guide by which we create our identity. Defining your values ​​will help you figure out what to pursue and what to avoid. This will allow you to go through life with a strong inner compass. Finally, in the most difficult situations, personal values ​​can serve as a reminder of what you truly value. Thus, identifying them will help you stay true to yourself in any circumstance.


Tracking emerging values

    Clear space for “your” time. Since determining your personal values ​​requires so-called soul-searching, create your own space for this. Turn off your phone, listen to soothing music, or do anything that helps you relax and focus on the present.

    Write down the moments of your greatest happiness and deepest sadness. Remember all your ups and downs, while highlighting the details and feelings associated with each memory. Include only the things that have had the greatest impact on your life and well-being, not the things that have earned you praise or recognition from others.

    • For example, you can remember the evening on which you met your best friend. It may not have been the biggest achievement of your life, but on that day you may have learned a lot about your personality and how to start making friends and sharing experiences with other people.
    • Identify the themes that run through your most vivid memories, good and bad. They may also be informed by your spiritual or political leanings. You will likely identify several things that make you feel unfair, sad, angry, or all of the above. Try to do the same with happy moments.
  1. Let's consider the common values ​​of humanity. We all have relatively similar, very basic needs that come from the constitutions and evolution of human culture. The things we value ultimately stem from our needs - that's why we are so passionate and committed to our values! Studying human needs will give you a powerful boost in understanding your own values. More or less universal needs include:

    • Physical well-being (food, rest, safety)
    • Autonomy (freedom of choice, self-expression)
    • Peace (hope, calm)
    • Feelings (praise, participation, understanding)
    • Connection (warmth, respect, attention)
    • Entertainment (adventure, humor, joy)
  2. Sketch out an initial list of personal values. Include items without which you cannot imagine your life. It allows you to connect personal experiences with your culture's values ​​as well as universal human needs.

  3. Record how you select these values. These may vary depending on the strategy you used. Often the strategy comes from the religion of the family in which you grew up. By knowing this, you will have a better understanding of the values ​​that allow you to do things that you can be proud of.

    • For example, you have a value - a high position in society. But how will you follow it - will you wear designer clothes or become a human rights activist? If you value a deep sense of peace and order, would you set up a home essential oil distillery in your home? Or maybe you are used to resolving conflicts that arise in your family? Make connections between your values ​​and your daily life.

    Checking and balancing personal values

    1. Determine what drives you in life. One way to test your values ​​is to spend an entire day observing and identifying what drives you in life. If you have a certain priority value and you find yourself in a situation in which it is threatened, you will feel anxious, vulnerable, or even angry. What you hear or see on the news can also change the course of your life.

      • For example, your boss might tell you that your knit vest isn't the most appropriate outfit for work. Instead of just feeling a little upset, you might feel angry or even irritated. In this case, you can say that your values ​​are making your own decisions and autonomy.
    2. Look at decisions made under the influence of your values. This can be done using both real and fictitious situations. For example, you value independence and are considering the possibility of moving in with a new roommate. Given your worth, what will you do? If you value peace and spontaneity, but your job takes up 70 hours a week, how can you avoid stress and internal conflict? In situations like these, understanding your values ​​can really help you make creative decisions that reflect your true self.

      • Keep in mind that you will only see your value most clearly when you make a real decision. Sometimes we are so fascinated by a certain value that we believe that it will definitely trigger the best decisions (even though this does not necessarily happen).
    3. Decide how you will defend it. If you are in a difficult situation and you are having a hard time standing up for what you value, think about whether to speak up or not. Are you unable to live according to your value because everything in the world is changing? What value is at risk and why?

      • Let's say you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't appreciate your work, and you set a goal to get recognition for your efforts. Is it possible to solve this problem by talking? Would you enjoy it if your partner began to express gratitude to you?
      • Another way to check is as follows. Speak to the community about an issue. Perhaps you're concerned about cuts to public school funding - would you like to know more about it, or have you been affected in some way? Depending on the answer, your value could be either a concern for future generations or a call to action.
      • If you look at your list of values ​​and connect those that have the potential to conflict, you will gain insight into what creates creative tension in your life.
        • For example, you may value having your own space while still being unconditional in your relationship. In this case, you need to organize your communication with family and friends so that you have time for yourself, but at the same time you should not forget about your loved ones. Balancing these potentially conflicting values ​​can be challenging, but being aware of the challenge can help you make more informed decisions.

What is a sense of life? How to live a full and happy life? What is truly valuable in life? Am I living right?

These are the main questions that we are all trying to find an answer to... In this article, I offer you a new opportunity to reconsider your life priorities and find answers to these “eternal” questions for yourself.

When I became seriously interested in this topic and began searching, I discovered that the best answers to these questions come from people who have come face to face with their own death in their lives.

I studied best-selling books about people who found out they were going to die very soon and changed their priorities in life; collected various studies on the topic “what people regret before death”; added a little eastern philosophy, and the result is this list of five true values ​​in the life of every person.

“If it weren’t for my illness, I would never have thought about how wonderful life is.”


Everything in life has its purpose. Every living creature on the planet has its own mission. And each of us has our own role. By realizing our unique talents and abilities, we gain happiness and wealth. The path to our uniqueness and mission lies through our desires and dreams since childhood.

"Individuality is the highest value in the world"(Osho).

One woman (Bronnie Vee) worked for many years in a hospice, where her task was to ease the mental state of dying patients. From her observations, she found that the most common regret people have before death is the regret that they did not have the courage to live the life that was right for them, and not the life that others expected of them. Her patients regretted that they never realized many of their dreams. And only at the end of the journey did they realize that this was only a consequence of the choice they made.

Make a list of your talents and abilities, as well as a list of your favorite things to do to express them. This is how you will find your unique talents. Use them to serve others. To do this, ask yourself as often as possible: "How can I be useful (to the world, to the people I come into contact with)? How can I serve?"

Feel free to quit your unloved job! Don't be afraid of poverty, failures and mistakes! Trust yourself and don't worry about the opinions of others. Always believe that God (the Universe) will take care of you. It’s better to take a risk once than to later regret that you lived a dull and mediocre life, “killing yourself” at a job you don’t like, to the detriment of yourself and your loved ones.

Always remember that you are unique and your mission is to give the maximum of your uniqueness to the world. Only then will you find true happiness. This is how God (the Universe) intended it.

“Discover your divinity, find your unique talent, and you can create any wealth you want.”(Deepak Chopra).

Self-discovery and spiritual growth

Stop being an animal!..

Of course, we need to satisfy physiological needs, but only in order to develop spiritually. People mainly chase material well-being and are concerned, first of all, with things, and not with the soul. Whereas the primary meaning and purpose of human life is to realize that he is a spiritual being, and he, in fact, does not need anything material.

"We are not human beings having spiritual experiences from time to time. We are spiritual beings having human experiences from time to time."(Deepak Chopra).

Realize God within you. Man is a transitional being from animal to spiritual. And each of us has the resources to make this transition. Practice the state of “Being” more often, when you have no thoughts and you don’t need anything, when you simply experience life and enjoy its fullness. The state of “here and now” is already a spiritual experience.

“There are people among us - not many, but there are - who understand that you need to start saving money for old age while it is far away, so that a certain amount has time to accumulate... So why not at the same time take care of what is more important money - about the soul?(Eugene O'Kelly, "Chasing the Fleeing Light").

And there is no need to improve yourself, you are already perfect, because you are spiritual beings. Engage in self-discovery...

“To know yourself as best as possible in order to be as great as possible for the world is the most important task of man.”(Robin Sharma).

Even when you achieve your goals, true success is not associated with the achievement, but with the changes in consciousness that occur as an inevitable consequence of your progress towards these goals. It's not about achieving goals, but about what happens to you in the process of achieving it.


How often, in the face of death, people regret that they never had the courage to express love to their family and friends! They regret that they often suppressed their emotions and feelings because they were afraid of how others would react. They regret not allowing themselves to be happier. Only at the end of the journey did they realize that being happy or not was a matter of choice. Every moment we choose a reaction to a particular situation, and each time we interpret events in our own way. Be carefull! Watch your choice every moment...

"What goes around comes around"(folk wisdom).

What do you need to do to become more open?

  1. Give free rein to your emotions and feelings. Ride the coolest ride and scream to your heart's content; share your feelings with other people; become an optimist - rejoice, laugh, have fun, no matter what.
  2. Accept yourself and life as it is. Allow yourself to be who you are and events will happen. Your task is to dream, move and observe what miracles life brings to you. And if something doesn’t work out the way you wanted, then it will be even better. Just relax and have fun.

"I'm dying and having fun. And I'm going to have fun every day I have."(Randy Pausch "The Last Lecture").


It’s sad, but many people only in the face of death realize how little love there was in their lives, how little joy they had and enjoyed the simple joys of life. The world has presented us with so many miracles! But we're too busy. We cannot take our eyes off our plans and pressing problems to look at these gifts and enjoy them.

"Love is food for the soul. Love for the soul is the same as food for the body. Without food the body is weak, without love the soul is weak"(Osho).

The best way to create a wave of love in your body is through gratitude. Start thanking God (the Universe) for everything that he presents to you every moment: for this food and roof over your head; for this communication; for this clear sky; for everything you see and receive. And when you catch yourself getting irritated, immediately ask yourself: "Why should I be grateful now?" The answer will come from the heart, and believe me, it will inspire you.

Love is the energy from which the world is woven. Become a missionary of love! Give people compliments; charge everything you touch with love; give more than you receive... and move through life from your heart, not your head. It is this that will tell you the most correct path.

“A path without a heart is never joyful. Just to get there, you have to work hard. On the contrary, a path that has a heart is always easy; you don’t need much effort to love it.”(Carlos Castaneda).


As life passes and in our daily worries we often lose sight of our family and friends, at the end of the journey we will feel devastation, deep sadness and longing...

Spend time with those you love and appreciate as often as possible. They are the most precious thing you have. Always be open to communication and meeting new people, it’s enriching. Give people your attention and admiration as often as possible - all this will come back to you. Help joyfully and selflessly, give and just as joyfully accept gifts from others.

“Bliss is also contagious, like any disease. If you help others be happy, by and large, you help yourself be happy.”(Osho).

P.S. I recently came across an interesting survey online: "What you will regret before you die." 70% of participants answered “When the time comes, then we’ll find out”...

So what will you regret at the end of your journey?

What is important to you and what is it? Each person who is asked such a question will answer it individually. One will say that the most important thing in life is career and wealth, another will answer that this is power and status in society, the third will give the example of family, relationships and health. The list could go on for quite a long time, but we just need to understand that what is important to a person controls his actions. Based on what his priorities are, he will make friends, get an education, choose a place of work, in other words, build his life.

And the topic of this article is life priorities, or, more precisely, life values. Next we will talk about what they are, what kinds of values ​​there are, and how their system is formed.

What are life values?

So, a person’s life values ​​can be called the scale of assessments and measures with the help of which he verifies and evaluates his life. During various periods of human existence, this scale was transformed and modified, but certain measures and assessments were always present in it and continue to be present now.

A person’s life values ​​are absolute values ​​- they occupy the first place in his worldview and have a direct impact on which areas of life will be a priority for him, and what he will perceive as secondary.

What are the life values?

First of all, it should be pointed out that a person’s system of life values ​​can consist of several elements:

  • Human values
  • Cultural values
  • Individual values

And if the first two elements are determined mainly by people’s general ideas about what is good and what is bad, what is important and what is secondary, as well as the characteristics of the culture in which a person was born and raised, then the third element can be attributed to purely subjective worldviews peculiarities. Although in this case, something in common can be identified that unites the life values ​​of all people in general.

Thus, the general system of human life values ​​includes:

  • Health is one of the main values ​​in life, shared by many people and valued quite highly. But health can include not only spiritual well-being, but also social well-being, expressed in the absence of social crises in life. Particular attention is paid to indicators of physical and social well-being, which are reflected in external attractiveness and in attributes of social status, such as social status, possession of certain things, compliance with standards and brands;
  • Success in life is another value that has been held in high regard for a long time. Receiving is the key to a stable future, a successful career, availability and public recognition - all this is important for many people. But at the same time, the number of adherents of the so-called downshifting is also quite large - a phenomenon in which people who have already managed to achieve success and social status come to the understanding that they no longer have the strength to endure social pressure, retire from business and go into a simple life. in order to maintain peace of mind and integrity. Today, the skill of adapting to different conditions and circumstances of life and the ability to earn money without being hired are especially valuable;
  • Family remains one of the main life values ​​for people all over the world, despite the fact that today there is a tendency to refuse marriage, especially early marriage, refusal to have children, as well as the promotion of same-sex relationships. In addition, even the fact that in our time money can be used to obtain an endless number of sexual relationships and the appearance of love cannot be compared with the fact that a real family and the need for procreation are still significant for people;
  • Children - and here we can again say that, despite the propaganda of abandoning children (childfree), for the vast majority of people children continue to remain the meaning of existence, and the birth and upbringing of offspring turns into. And great importance here is given to the opportunity for a person to leave behind offspring as a trace, as well as the transfer of his life experience and the consolidation of his individual “I” in something that will continue to exist longer than himself.

Guided by all this, we can conclude that the system of people’s life values, which they are guided by throughout their lives, in most cases is represented by their desire for self-realization, and its transmission over time.

But, in addition to the listed life values, we can name a number of others, which are also very common:

  • Closeness with loved ones
  • Friends
  • Freedom of judgment and action
  • Independence
  • Work that matches your life purpose
  • Respect and recognition from others
  • and opening new places
  • Creative implementation

Differences in life values ​​and priorities are explained by the fact that people differ in. This suggests that your system of life values ​​is completely individual, but what matters most to you, and what you value as the most important thing in life, for someone else may mean absolutely nothing or nothing at all. absent from his value system. Although, of course, things that are significant for everyone, like moral values, have a place to be, regardless of where a person was born and at what time.

Now let's talk about how the formation of a system of life values ​​occurs.

Features of the formation of a system of life values

The system of life values ​​of each person begins to form from the first years of his life, but it is finally formed only upon reaching a responsible age, i.e. by about 18-20 years, although even after that it may change in some ways. The process of its formation itself takes place according to a certain algorithm.

Schematically, this algorithm can be expressed as follows:

  • Aspiration > Ideal
  • Aspiration > Goal > Ideal
  • Aspiration > Values ​​> Purpose > Ideal
  • Aspiration > Means > Values ​​> Goal > Ideal

However, subsequently, between all these points, another one appears - ethics, as a result of which the whole scheme takes on the following form:

  • Aspiration > Ethics> Tools > Ethics> Values ​​> Ethics> Goal > Ethics> Ideal

From this it turns out that first of all, the ideal and the very desire for this ideal arise. An ideal, which can also be called an image, if there is no desire for it, is no longer such.

At the first stage, which is most often instinctive, the ideal is neutral from an ethical point of view, i.e. it cannot be assessed in any way, and it can be formed in the form of a sensory-emotional substance, the content of which is quite difficult to determine. The meaning that is attached to the ideal is formed only at the stage of transformation into a goal. And only after this, reaching the third stage, the formation of values ​​occurs, serving as resources, conditions and rules for, which leads to the ideal. And the entire algorithm ultimately ends with the so-called inventory of the necessary and available means to achieve the goal.

Each element of the presented algorithm is extremely important, but you need to pay attention to the fact that the ideal, goal and means are formed and selected under the influence of not only needs, but also ethical norms, which seem to “filter” all stages of the algorithm. At the same time, ethical standards may exist in the human mind, as well as in the mass consciousness, representing the results of the action of previous algorithms, and therefore be perceived as “existing objectively.” In addition, they can also be formed as new ones, being conditioned by a newly emerged ideal and the corresponding algorithm.

The life of any person, as we have already mentioned, from childhood begins to obey this algorithm, and it does not matter what it concerns: the choice of a future profession, a loved one, political or religious views and actions performed. And here “ideals” play a special role, regardless of whether they exist in a person’s consciousness or in his subconscious.

To summarize, we can say that a person’s system of life values ​​is a fairly stable structure, despite the fact that it is subject to changes, both small and global. And a person’s awareness of his own system of life values ​​is the first step towards understanding his own.

Darina Kataeva

Every person has values ​​in life. They are formed in childhood, and in adulthood they influence people’s actions, their decisions, and personal choices. Values ​​are a reflection of the essence, the driving force that influences worldview and personality formation. What exactly are the values ​​of life and how to choose them for yourself?

Where do life values ​​come from?

Although a person’s values ​​are a stable structure, they change under the influence of external circumstances and internal experiences. The values ​​that are laid down in childhood are of fundamental importance. However, they do not arise instantly; they are formed over the course of life. The older a person becomes, the more stable his values ​​are. For some, money, fame, power and luxury items are essential in life. Others consider spiritual self-improvement, creative development, health, family and children important.

The formation of life values ​​is influenced by:

education and family;
team at work;
experienced trauma and loss;
economic situation in the country.

Basic values ​​of human life

Although each person is individual, there are values ​​that unite all people:

This has nothing to do with selfishness. Such love helps to achieve happiness in life and self-improvement.
Near. The manifestation of this value lies in respect for every person, his opinion and position in life.
Family. - the highest value for most people.
Spouse. Emotional, spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one comes first for some.
Love for children.
Motherland. The place where a person was born affects his mentality and attitude towards life.
Job. There are people who strive to dissolve in activity; they are ready to take on any assignment at work to achieve the common good.
Friends. and self-expression in it are of no small importance for any person.
Rest. This area of ​​life allows the individual to concentrate on his feelings, relax and unwind from the endless bustle.
Public mission- activity. Altruists primarily strive to do something for the benefit of society. Satisfying your needs and desires comes second.

It cannot be said that every person identifies one universal value for himself and lives by it. The listed areas are harmoniously intertwined; we simply mark a few for ourselves and put them first in life.

Life values ​​are a complex structure, which is reflected in the setting and method of achievement. As a result, a person anticipates unpleasant situations and possible failures.

List of possible values ​​in human life

In addition to basic life values, each person can have individual, sometimes extraordinary values. Below is only a partial list of possible human values, because it can be continued ad infinitum.

Optimism. “The pessimist sees difficulties at every opportunity; An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” This character trait can undoubtedly be considered a value and you can enjoy the presence of optimism in your life: with it, life becomes brighter and fuller.
Patience. "Patience and a little effort". Having patience, especially among the modern generation, should definitely be considered a value. Only with patience you can. This is about your personal benefits. But your friends and partners will certainly appreciate this quality.
Honesty. “Honesty is more valuable than anything.” It is important to be honest not only with others, but also with yourself. If for you this value is on par with the basic ones, you are probably a happy person: paradoxically, honest people have an easier life than those who like to lie.
Discipline. "Business before pleasure". Most people are extremely skeptical about this value, because discipline, in their opinion, is equal to restrictions and lack of freedom. And only over the years, many come to the conclusion that if you are a disciplined person, this does not mean that you somehow limit yourself, but rather, you find a path to freedom and happiness with the help of this character trait.

Examples of Life Value

When asking the question: “What is valuable to me?”, many find themselves at a dead end. However, it is very important to give yourself a clear answer so that when a new situation arises, you will be true to your values.

Life values ​​are not related to the opinions of others and recognition of you as an individual thanks to the heights achieved.

The following sequence of actions helps in determining your values:

Be alone with yourself. To understand what is important to you in life and what is of secondary importance, it is recommended to clear the space of extraneous influence. Explore your personality completely alone, without the influence of external factors.
Remember important events in your life. It doesn’t have to be only positive situations; think about the negative ones too. Write down your main experiences on a piece of paper, think about what impressed you, what upset you, and what you can’t imagine your life without.
Learn human values, because personal needs and views flow from them. Keep track of the relationship between the list you receive and your daily life. Some of the items listed are only a desire, and not an established value in life.
Watch yourself. Set aside at least one day in which you examine yourself, your behavior, your choices and your motives. The decisions we make every day are an indicator of a person’s personal choice and values.
If the list of values ​​is too long, it will have to be shortened. There should be 3 maximum 4 values ​​left. The rest is just additions and subsequent decisions in life.


Some values ​​that are simultaneously important to a person may conflict. After looking at the list, decide what doesn’t fit together. This causes a creative person who is in disharmony with himself. It is important to remember the balance and impact of our values ​​on the lives of others.

Each person is individual, therefore values ​​differ depending on the character and established guidelines in a person’s life. Although the tendency to reflect and explore oneself is not observed in every person, it is still worth stopping for a moment and thinking about what is valuable to me. Otherwise, you will be a driven person, without your own core. Under new circumstances, you will immediately lose yourself and your personality!

February 26, 2014

Hi all! Life values ​​are practically the foundation of a person’s personality, his core and support. Remember the saying: “Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are”? This is exactly how you can characterize anyone by finding out what is most important to them, what they strive for and crave.

Role and significance in human life

Values ​​help us make decisions and choose the path we want to take. Or rather, they define it. Because, thanks to them, we navigate this world and understand what should be done and what should not be done. Otherwise, it will not be possible to satisfy your needs and realize your dreams. They often give us . They bring stability and confidence in a successful future. The main thing is to refrain from starting to impose them on others, otherwise they will turn into ideology. And this does not always promise a good outcome.

They are the ones who inspire, motivate and give us strength to achieve. Because a person who knows exactly what he wants and firmly believes in the correctness of the chosen path cannot be stopped. We can say without a shadow of a doubt that they help us find the meaning of our existence. They build character and help create close, deep connections with people who have similar priorities. Agree, it is very difficult to be close to someone who devalues. Or he doesn’t understand at all the importance of some processes that are significant for the interlocutor or partner.

They also allow you to form beliefs and a clear position regarding political and, in principle, social issues. Form self-esteem. They are guided in society, in the form of norms and rules of behavior.


In addition to material and spiritual, professor of psychology and pedagogy, Philip Lersch, identified three main types:


These are our passions, hobbies, desires and feelings. To put it simply – an image and lifestyle. For some, quality rest is the most important thing, which is why they try to get pleasure and satisfaction from traveling as often as possible. For some, it is more important to invest in material things, rejoicing in the addition of a collection of stamps or figurines.


This category is more typical for individuals who strive to realize themselves, achieve heights and success, receiving recognition and respect from others. That’s why all resources and free time are directed to work. An example is avid careerists who strive to come to power at any cost and so on.


Based on the name, you can understand that they give meaning and significance to actions, desires, and dreams. This is the desire for creativity, the search for something ideal and perfect. Sincere impulses to serve for the benefit of society and help those who need help.

7 core values

Man is in a continuous process of development, with the exception of cases of degradation. He is completely different at different stages of his life. This is why there is a constant change in values.

For example, there are often cases when successful businessmen left their business, sold their houses, cars and went to live in deserted places. To connect with nature and feel the joy of life. Their system of priorities was completely changed, old stereotypes and aspirations “fell away”, and new ones were developed. They were aware of their problem and sought to correct it, to make up for the wasted years. And sometimes, on the contrary, the world received geniuses and simply creative individuals who were satiated with solitude and hungry for communication.

So, despite the fact that everyone has their own views on the world around them and needs, there are still areas that in no case should be ignored. So that, as in the previous examples, it is not taken to extremes. So, the core values:


In the first place, since it is quite difficult to do without it, and sometimes even impossible. Agree, without pain and any physical limitations it is much easier to realize your goals and dreams. Good health is the best companion on the path to success. A surge of strength, vigor and energy – isn’t this what most of us dream about?

Therefore, it is important to exercise, consult a doctor on time and undergo periodic examinations to make sure that the body’s condition is normal, or to anticipate the occurrence of any disease. Listen to the sensations in your body, follow your desires and stop with any kind of addiction. After all, as they say, a healthy mind in a healthy body.

If you don't know where to start, it doesn't matter. You will receive recommendations on how to lead a healthy lifestyle so that it is useful and enjoyable, and does not consist of only restrictions, by clicking on.


Spirituality is quite multifaceted, and consists of faith, ethics, internal balance and harmony with the surrounding world, nature, understanding of the meaning of life and one’s purpose. It also affects the moral side of the individual. All this together helps to feel happiness, to understand what actions are worth doing and what not. Coping with difficulties, because what, if not faith, gives us the strength and motivation to act and move on, no matter what? It is very important to develop spirituality in yourself, and you will learn how to do this.


It is important to receive it both in friendships and in family relationships. Communication in fact is our most important need, after, of course, physiological ones. To continue your family line, to feel support and support behind your back, to know that there are comrades-in-arms and people in general who care about you is truly valuable.

Many, not receiving intimacy, try to replace it with material things that give the illusion that, in principle, one can live without love. But in fact, the saturation and satisfaction from this are superficial and short-lived. Nothing can fully replace contact with another person, healthy and full of feelings.

Financial position

Financial independence provides a person with comfort, peace of mind, stability, and sometimes even health. Each of us simply must be able to plan expenses, have a passive form of income and avoid falling into a debt trap. Otherwise, anxiety, stress and poor health will be constant companions.

Thanks to money, we can purchase quality products and arrange our home so that it is comfortable. Travel the world, expanding your horizons and boundaries of consciousness, learning new things and so on. The problem arises when a person tries to replace all other needs directly with money, ignoring relationships, recreation, and hobbies. Therefore, take it into account and begin to improve your financial situation.


The realization of your ambitions and abilities is sometimes vital, as they allow you to gain recognition from colleagues, loved ones, and society as a whole. Achieving career success and professional competence, a person experiences self-esteem, and this has a positive effect on his self-esteem.

This includes not only professional activities, but also charity. Helping others increases self-worth in the best possible way, and for some it also gives them an understanding of their purpose.


To be inspired and recharged with energy, it is important to be able to get quality rest. And believe me, not everyone is capable of this. Life's troubles and grandiose plans are sometimes so addictive that a person is afraid to relax even for a minute. Lounging in front of the TV or spending time playing computer games and on social networks actually takes up time and does not allow you to sufficiently restore your strength and resources.

To get new emotions, you need to change your usual way of life. The culture of modern society promotes a whole host of entertainment and opportunities for quality relaxation and trying new things for yourself. So choose the moment and enjoy your holidays and weekends without reproaching yourself for laziness.


There is no limit to perfection, and, despite your level of development, there is always something more to learn. Get to know not only the world around you, but also your internal structure, so to speak, the structure of your personality. You are constantly changing, and it is very important to notice the slightest changes in order to know how to treat yourself, build relationships with others, and also advance in your career.


To understand which area requires your urgent attention, I want to offer you an interesting method called the “Balance Wheel”. It will help you see a holistic picture of your problem areas and, conversely, advantages. You can view it by clicking.

The material was prepared by a psychologist and Gestalt therapist, Alina Zhuravina.