The emotional world of man. Emotional world of personality

In recent years, sociologists and psychologists have expressed concern that the value of the family is falling, that young people prefer “open relationships” and are in no hurry to go to the registry office. Analyzing the reasons for what is happening, A. Bossart came to the following conclusion: “The family has not fallen in value at all as much as the intriguing divorce statistics and no less intriguing publications about conscious loneliness suggest. Yes, many men and women make the bachelor choice. Do they hate their family? In principle, no. Almost all bachelors are not averse to getting married, and almost all “conscious singles” are not averse to getting married. In principle, their family does not dislike them. They are disgusted like this family. The kind they see in their friends. The kind you may have once tasted yourself. The one we grew up in. I hate a family in which feelings are in short supply.”

It is the deficit of feelings that is the key to unraveling the ever-increasing alienation of parents and children. “There are children who, from childhood, have already thought about their family, from childhood have been offended by the indecency of their fathers and their environment, and most importantly, from childhood they begin to understand the disorder and randomness of the foundations of their entire lives...” – wrote Dostoevsky in the drafts for the novel “The Adolescent”.

Judge for yourself. Here is the confession of a thirteen-year-old girl who was referred for counseling by teachers who were concerned about her conflict-prone nature, explosive temperament, and inability to communicate with peers. “My parents live like cats and dogs, and I am constantly waiting for someone to yell at me. They got married not out of love, but because I was about to be born. Every time during quarrels, the father expresses this to the mother. They are completely different people and are similar in only one way - they are never inferior to each other in anything. If my father allows me to go for a walk, my mother starts yelling at both him and me. Their argument often turns into mother's hysteria. And when they get tired of arguing among themselves, it turns out that everything is my fault, and now curses and threats are raining down on me. At such moments it is better not to catch their eye. Friends have repeatedly advised my parents to get a divorce, but they don’t want to hear about it. They say: I feel sorry for my daughter - how will she live without her father or mother? Why do I need such pity, what is the use of it? After all, they not only torture each other, but they also tormented me. Why do I need such a family? And really – why?

In the eyes of a child, parents appear in several guises: as a source of emotional warmth and support, without which he feels defenseless and helpless; as administrators of benefits, rewards or punishments; as an example to follow; as a decision-making authority; as an authority capable of taking upon itself the protection of a child or punishing for wrongdoing; as an older friend and advisor. How often do we think about what quality we are in every time we communicate with a child? After all, in order to understand our child, the motives of certain of his actions, we must first of all learn to understand ourselves. What is most important to us in life? What do we want from a child and by what means do we achieve what we want? How do we show our emotions towards each other, towards our child and towards people in general? At what level do we communicate with everyone?

Research conducted by psychologists has shown that already at the end of the preschool period, a special form of communication, the so-called extra-situational-personal, begins to predominate in children. It is based on the child’s deep need for mutual understanding with adults, for emotional empathy with them; the need for open communication with dad and mom - all that shows true parental love. In the family, the little person begins to accumulate emotional and social experience, process it and assimilate it. In the family, he receives interpersonal feedback, and this is an important moment in the formation of his own self. Much depends on how this connection is presented by the parents and how the child perceives it. Feedback can be verbal and non-verbal, consciously given and unconsciously. Sometimes she doesn’t need words, but the child feels her. If there is no emotional resonance, then he perceives it as the coldness of the parents. He doesn't know how he is treated and suffers from it. You can shower a child with material goods, but not satisfy his immediate emotional needs: love, understanding, recognition, safety, security, and he will feel lonely and abandoned. Paradoxically, a child who is allowed to do everything is unhappy even in childhood. Just remember the movie “Toy”. Watch a spoiled child. He is capricious every now and then, increasing his demands, as if he was deliberately running into refusal. It seems that the child is subconsciously looking for the edge of what is permitted, which his parents do not point out to him. Finding this line on your own is an impossible task for a child. And in the boundless, formless space of permissiveness, where there are no guidelines and therefore nothing to cling to, he is scared, uncomfortable, and he begins to become neurotic. The neurotic state of the parents themselves, especially the mother, does not have the best effect on the emotional development of children. The expression of love for a child is blocked, which begins to irritate literally everyone. This often happens in families where the child is like an unloved family member; where the child’s gender does not correspond to what was expected (they were expecting a boy, but a girl was born), where he was born from an unplanned pregnancy or does not live up to the ambitious expectations of his parents. The child is also uncomfortable in a family of closed, emotionally cold parents or “over-correct” parents who believe that only strictness is the best means of education. The situation is also difficult when parents are so busy with each other (be it all-consuming love or sizzling jealousy with surveillance and scenes) that they do not notice the love of their children; or with the birth of a second child, all attention is switched to him, pushing the first-born into the background and leaving him alone with his experiences: resentment, jealousy, envy, fear, which does not contribute to normal emotional development and makes it difficult for him to communicate with peers in the future.

Often the actions of children frighten parents, but in order to understand them, it is necessary to look at the family situation through the eyes of a child. This is not the same thing as putting yourself in his shoes. How to do it? Just! In your free time, take sheets of writing paper, felt-tip pens or colored pencils and, with the whole family, each draw your own picture entitled “My family doing something.” Just don’t give children instructions on who and how to draw (“As you want.”) Compare the drawings. Match up? No? Many people are surprised to discover that the child does not perceive the family as happily as the parents would like. For many, it becomes a revelation that children do not feel comfortable in the family, that the family itself is aggressive for them. Sometimes parents themselves are not aware of their family troubles or stubbornly hide it even from themselves. Draw a “picture” and a lot will be revealed to you.

“Contact with the world begins with the family,” writes A. Bossart in his book “Paradoxes of Age or Education.” – A person who owes honor, goodness and nobility to her begins with the family, if she is wise; not free from it - at least by the fact of his protest against it, if it is bad; and doomed to search for it if it is not there.” How often we have to state with regret that even with living parents, a child feels like an orphan, although the family is considered prosperous by generally accepted standards. And the very concept of family well-being has become relative.

Observing the lives of those around you, you have obviously wondered more than once: why is a single mother barely making ends meet, but living in perfect harmony with her teenage daughter? Why is it that in the house from which the mother ran away in search of a “beautiful life”, and the father spins like a squirrel in a wheel, raising two sons, everyone is comfortable and warm, and the children grow up to be people without moral damage? Why is it that in a house where there is hubbub and disorder and there is nothing but debts, everyone understands and respects each other? And why in a “proper” family, where everyone works, where there is prosperity and “impeccable” morality, the son, in deep hatred of it all, drinks himself to death, and the daughter is on the verge of suicide? The fact is that every family has something what makes her prosperous or dysfunctional for the child, first of all. And this name is the emotional world.

The emotional world of a person is an immense, unexplored, mysterious, but very significant element of our life. And even when a person was only at the origins of his development, he already had an idea of ​​the most important, basic feelings that determine our humanity. Love, hatred, envy, friendship - these concepts are so close to us that we rarely think about the nature of their appearance, and when we set ourselves the task of understanding this riddle, we understand that it is somewhere beyond our understanding. Most human actions are supported by some kind of emotions and feelings. When you are happy and cheerful, you are ready to do good at every step, and when you are angry, sad or angry, you can greatly offend your loved ones. And how many great deeds have been done in the name of love, and all this is due to the fact that feelings and emotions enrich our inner world and encourage us to be active. It is thanks to them that everyone perceives the reality around them in their own way.

Animals also have emotions, but they are not able to control them, change them, or direct them to creative purposes, like humans. People have created many masterpieces of art, ideas for which were born through the emotions experienced by the creator and conveyed them with the help of colors and music. In general, in any human activity there are emotions and feelings that have a significant effect on a person’s behavior and actions. That is why this topic, in our opinion, is relevant; society will always look for an answer to the question of the essence and content of the concepts of emotion and feeling, since many things related to this subject of study are still beyond our understanding.

The purpose of this essay is to identify the main aspects of the concept of the human emotional world and to determine the basic concepts of managing feelings and emotions.

To achieve this goal, we need to solve a number of problems:

· reveal the concepts of feelings and emotions, get acquainted with their properties and structure

· determine the main views of psychologists on the phenomenon of the human emotional world

· find out what types of feelings and emotions exist, and also consider various emotional phenomena

· get acquainted with various techniques for managing feelings and emotions

This topic has been considered by many philosophers, which is why there is a lot of literature related to this problem. It is not possible to analyze all scientific works, and some thinkers consider the problem of the emotional world in very narrow areas. Our abstract is written based on the article by Romek E.A. “The Logic of Emotions” and the works of T.D. Martsinkovskaya “General Psychology”, which helped us in solving our problems. The works analyze various approaches to considering the problem of the human emotional world. The authors of the articles explore in detail various techniques for managing emotions and feelings, and create concepts for effectively directing one’s energy to perform useful activities. In addition to articles, we analyzed several Internet sources for a deeper understanding of this issue and to get acquainted with different views on the problem of the human emotional world, which also helped us solve our problems.

Reading time 9 minutes

A person cannot live without emotions, they fill our lives with bright colors, help us feel happiness and joy, love - however, we also need emotional self-regulation to neutralize and mitigate the impact of negative emotions. Emotions manifest themselves as mood swings: fear, delight, anger. The emotional state depends on a person’s attitude to reality, internal balance.

Feelings and emotions play the role of internal regulators of behavior. Negative emotions and feelings are rarely groundless; usually there is a foundation for grief; a thorough analysis of the situation allows us to understand the reason for the occurrence of such a state. Feelings help correct behavior, remorse helps correct mistakes. However, there is also feedback: in a depressed state, it is difficult to work effectively, achieve results, and enjoy life. How do emotions arise, what is their nature?

Human feelings and emotions

A person’s internal experiences are divided into affects, emotional moods, and feelings. What is their difference?

Affects- short-term outbursts of emotions (anger, fear, despair). Such processes have a strong impact on the functioning of internal organs, especially the cardiovascular system. Affects manifest themselves in a specific situation and last only a short period of time.

Affects can leave deep marks on the mind, so people are advised to change their environment to improve their condition. A person can rarely influence the cause of the feeling of affect; it is an involuntary reaction of the nervous system.

Emotional moods- this is a state of less intensity than affects, but longer lasting. They are associated with the highest human needs. These states can relate to both the present and the future, and can influence actions that have not yet been committed.

Feelings- are distinguished by the stability of processes, they make it possible to make the attitude towards life constant, they include the most important regulatory function. It is interesting that feelings can come into conflict with affects, but they usually win. True love is stronger than temporary resentment. So the mother, even scolding the child, continues to love him.

True and lasting feelings fill life with meaning and help in achieving high goals and peaks in life.

It is known that a large number of negative emotions causes a state of stress, which is harmful on a physical and mental level. Conditions of constant conflicts and a series of stresses are considered dangerous; they lead to neuroses, sleep disorders, psychoses, and depressive states. This is why emotional self-regulation is important; strong emotions harm a person.

At the physical level, stress leads to stomach diseases, ulcers, hormonal imbalances, asthma attacks, arrhythmias, increased injuries, and the development of harmful addictions. In addition, the emotional state of parents affects the health of future generations.

Tension and stress are caused by the following factors:

  • Acceleration of the pace of life;
  • Information overload;
  • Urbanization;
  • Inactivity.

Technological progress has positive and negative sides. Advances in technology make life easier, but they also cause harm to health, for example, an excessive passion for computers leads to a lack of outdoor games, which previously had a lot of emphasis. Now they are trying to restore a healthy lifestyle; there is a fashion for gyms and healthy eating. However, it is worth remembering that simple food and simple movement are useful - running, physical labor.

Of course, a state of stress can also be the cause of personal troubles or be caused by professional stress and worries. Representatives of the following professions are most susceptible to stress loads: miners, police officers, journalists, builders, doctors (especially dentists), actors, politicians, drivers, school teachers. The work of employees of libraries and museums is considered the most relaxed.

The main danger of stress is that in this state, free radicals are formed in cells, which can even lead to the growth of cancer or the proliferation of bacteria and viruses, and the body weakens. Smoking also stimulates the growth of radicals, so it is not an effective way to combat stress.

It is important to find your own ways of emotional self-regulation and interruption of emotional stress. They can be simple: communication with a child, a cat, a walk, contemplation of nature, the main thing is to switch gears. Let's move on to consider psychological techniques.

Emotional self-regulation: ways

To determine a method of dealing with emotional overload, it is important to understand the main source of stress.

These may be the following factors:

  • Lack of time;
  • Uncertainty about the future;
  • Feelings of loneliness, isolation, abandonment;
  • Lack of self-confidence.

Psychologists have developed a system of emotional self-regulation. What do we mean by this concept?

Emotional self-regulation- this is the ability to perceive life emotionally, but flexibly and within the limits of social norms, to control and regulate the internal state and reactions; the ability not to succumb to negative emotions, to remain calm and reasonable in any situation, even in the presence of loss of control, fear, and panic in others.

  1. Learn to understand what is most important to you in life, set global and strategic goals. Strive to achieve your results, not only in the professional sphere. Family and self-development are excellent sources of inspiration. And moving forward increases faith in your own goals.
  2. In times of despair, feelings of loneliness try not to isolate yourself, call a close friend, it’s always easier to logically assess the problem from the outside, and simply communicating will reduce the level of negative emotions. Often communication helps better than sedatives. Emotional self-regulation is aimed at restoring one’s state of mind through one’s own efforts, but if there is a lack of strength or despair, one can resort to the help of friends and psychologists.
  3. Strive to eliminate the source of stress- analyze the cause, think about how to resolve the issue, reduce the emotional stress, try to restore a peaceful atmosphere in the family, at work, or ignore people who cannot be corrected. Nothing can hurt a person until he allows it himself.
  4. Find ways to use your downtime c - travel in transport, waiting. You can listen to or read books, plunge into the world of music by connecting a player, or learn foreign languages. Again, this is a time management tool to get more done. You can mentally think about your plans for the evening, where to go, who to meet.
  5. It is better to use pastel colors in the interior to restore and relax the nervous system, bright red and yellow colors promote excitement and increase aggressiveness.
  6. Emotional self-regulation begins with awareness of worries and experiences. Don't accumulate stress in your soul, discuss what’s troubling you with your loved ones in calm tones; together it’s easier to resolve pressing issues. Often, in order to find a way out, you need to formulate a problem, and by voicing it, we begin to think specifically and not get lost in thoughts.
  7. Treat loved ones with understanding, listen carefully, try to understand feelings, emotions, everyone needs such support.
  8. The issue of time shortage can be solved by mastering the techniques of planning your time, making a list of tasks and distributing time in order of priority. The main thing is to take control of your life, everything will work out.
  9. A great way to relieve stress is laughter therapy, read jokes, listen to recordings of comedians, or just joke with friends. They say that a minute of laughter prolongs life by 1 hour, and that joy and increased mood improve immunity, promote health and a positive attitude towards life. This means they provide assistance in solving all problems.
  10. Music is also a healer of souls, there is information that the sounds of nature and classical music help to calm, normalize heart function, and restore mental balance in the body. And Mozart’s compositions, moreover, improve memory and mental abilities. It is worth finding time to listen to pleasant and relaxing music. Emotional self-regulation with the help of music is very effective and pleasant; you can also use independent singing to improve your mood and get away from negative emotions.
  11. Physical exercise is undoubtedly also the key to improving health and relieving stress; the body switches to doing exercises, forgetting about sorrows and adversities. That's why swimming, fitness, gym or outdoor exercise always help recharge with vigor and energy.
  12. A person needs activity for a normal life; switching from one activity to another works better than passive rest. At the same time, try to remember and concentrate on successes and achievements in life, this will help overcome periods of failure that everyone encounters in life.
  13. Important to remember: aggressiveness, irritability, excessive excitement is harmful, first of all, to the person himself, as well as envy and settling scores. It’s better to learn to treat people calmly and find compromises. We remember that our attitude towards people causes a response. Therefore, goodwill and understanding contribute to successful communication.

Emotional self-regulation is necessary for everyone!

The formation of emotional self-regulation is necessary for both adults and adolescents, who often experience mood swings and emotions. In addition to the methods described, there are also deeper psychological technologies associated with the control and transformation of thoughts. These include:

  1. Meditations- muscle relaxation, deep breathing, normalization of a calm state due to relaxation of the body and the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. There is an expression - “cool your thoughts”, that is, distract yourself, calmly switch to something, you can meditate.
  2. Self-hypnosis- a technique of instilling calm, relaxation, and a positive attitude towards life and people; it is useful to use in the morning before getting out of bed. It is important to think about the future day, believe in your strength, success, and be calm in resolving any issues. You can return to self-hypnosis throughout the day.
  3. Internal transformation of feelings- it is necessary to understand what is happening - I feel fear, anger, resentment, to convince myself of the uselessness of these emotions. Say “I don’t need these emotions at all.” Next, you should switch your attention, think about something good, perform breathing exercises, calming the body and mind.

    The next point is self-order: I perceive the situation logically, with my mind, and not with my feelings. Now look at the situation from the outside, evaluate it critically, imagine that everything is not so bad, and the offender is just a small figure, an unhappy person himself, probably. If there is a situation, then there is always a solution, the main thing is: turn off emotions, think about pleasant things, and, breathing deeply, turn on rational thinking. Emotionally strong-willed self-regulation is the key to success in many areas of activity and in personal communication.

  4. Using a relaxation mask- first you need to learn how to do a facial massage, relaxing the muscles, later mentally imagine this state of a calm face when you do a massage, know how to maintain a calm facial expression in any situation, this is very useful, it simplifies negotiations and disputes. The one who does not lose emotional balance wins. Screaming is a defensive reaction; a person has lost control and cannot operate with calm arguments. Emotional self-regulation allows you to save face and look decent in any difficult situation.
  5. Mood transformation- when you experience a bad mood caused by life’s troubles and negative emotions, it is useful to use the following scheme. First you need to check your condition, say mentally “stop!”, stop the flow of negative thoughts, this is unproductive, try to mentally reduce the problem. Then think positive thoughts, relax(breathing, self-massage, relaxation mask), go to a neutral state. Only after that improve your mood by thinking about pleasant things, tuning into a positive wave, mentally humming a cheerful melody, smile to help yourself.
  6. It is necessary to develop internal protection, reaction to negative emotions, this should be at the level of life position. Only a person himself can protect himself from the effects of negative emotions and experiences; for this, internal sensors must be triggered that do not allow one to remain depressed for a long time, reminding one of the need to transform emotions and mood. After all, it is not people and life circumstances that cause harm, but the person himself destroys himself from the inside with unnecessary experiences.

Self-regulation of emotional states is very important; it is necessary to control your mental health, as well as your physical health, and negative thoughts and feelings are harbingers of poor health. It is better to get rid of them at an early stage of their development than to reap the fruits of a depressive state.

There are different methods of self-regulation and relieving emotional stress; the article examined the main methods of relieving emotional stress. We wish you to always be in a good mood and quickly cope with emotions!

Various types of activities and forms of communication with others are formed, causing profound changes in the emotional sphere of the child. A correct understanding of a person’s emotional states is very important for the formation of adequate interpersonal relationships, mastering one’s own emotions, their regulation and influence on others. Understanding emotions and feelings contributes to a better understanding of fiction and feature films, theatrical productions, which in turn enriches children's knowledge about the world of feelings.

A.V. Zaporozhets noted that the development of the child’s emotional sphere and the education of his feelings on this basis is a primary task, “no less, and in some sense even more important than the education of his mind.” His research indicates that the development of emotional processes is associated, on the one hand, with the transition from relatively immediate to complexly mediated emotional experiences through words, and on the other, with the development of the motivational and semantic sphere of the individual. The mechanism of qualitative dynamics and development of emotions lies in the mediation of socially determined emotions by activity. However, as noted by L.I. Bozhovich, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontyev, Ya.Z. Neverovich et al., not all components of children's activity play the same role in the emergence and development of emotions. The goals and motives of the activities performed are especially important, and the methods of actions performed have only an indirect impact.

The role of an adult is to, based on the child’s life experience, use verbal explanations to help him understand the connection between the motive and the product of the activity. This allows the child, even before the start of an activity, to anticipate its social significance and emotionally tune in to it, which in turn leads to the actualization of the simplest social motives of activity that develop in the child and enhances their influence on the overall direction and dynamics of behavior.

The basis of such emotional anticipation is noted by L.S. Vygotsky, the shift of affect from the end to the beginning of activity and the emergence in preschoolers of a special “emotional imagination” that combines affective and cognitive processes.

The unity of emotions and cognitive mental processes, as well as the role of cognitive elements in emotional processes, were considered in the works of E.R. Baenskaya, N.Ya. Grota, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontyeva, Ya.Z. Neverovich, S.L., Nikolskaya O.S., Rubinshteina, P.V. Simonov, B. Spinoza, D.B. Elkonina et al. Researchers noted that emotion is knowledge plus attitude (excitement); that emotions are associated with activity, cognitive processes and interact with morality and free will of the individual. L.S. Vygotsky pointed out the need to “consider the relationship between intellect and affect not as a thing, but as a process,” and also “to free ourselves from the view of the connection between intellect and affect as a one-sided mechanical dependence of thinking and feeling” and recognize their internal connection and unity. L.S. Vygotsky noted that “the transition from lower to higher affective formations is directly related to a change in the relationship between affect and intellect.” Thus, the emotional and cognitive systems jointly provide orientation in the environment.

Emotional development involves the formation of ideas about emotions, the structure of which includes the external expression of emotions, their adequate experience and understanding of their content in various situations. Studying the development of the child’s emotional sphere, S.L. Rubinstein, K.V. Shuleikina et al. noted that emotions appear in a person even before birth. In particular, such emotional reactions as pleasure and displeasure are noted already in a five to six month old fetus. As K. Izard pointed out, in the process of ontogenesis, the ability to use emotional expression as a means of communication develops, and the recognition of emotions by facial expression improves. Researchers associate these changes, first of all, with the fact that with age, knowledge about emotions expands and becomes more complex, the “vocabulary of emotions” expands, the boundaries of emotional concepts become clearer, and ideas about the causes of emotions and internal states are differentiated. This becomes possible only in conditions of communication in the process of joint activity of the child with adults who are bearers of the socio-historical experience of mankind.

The trend toward increased sophistication in children's knowledge of emotions occurs in several ways. Due to rapid cognitive development, the child becomes more and more accurately aware of the nuances of emotions in everyday life and expresses them in speech form. It has been established that with age a child better identifies emotions, the boundaries of emotional concepts become clearer, and the number of parameters by which he distinguishes emotions increases. In addition, knowledge about emotions becomes more complex. Complication should be understood as the destruction of rigid cohesion between its individual components. As noted by A.N. Leontyev, L.I. Bozhovich and others, the development of emotions is closely related to the development of behavioral motives, with the emergence of new needs and interests in the child. Throughout childhood, not only a profound restructuring of organic needs occurs, but also the assimilation of material and spiritual values ​​created by society, which, under certain conditions, become the content of the internal motivations of the child’s personality.

In their studies, Bylkina and D.V. Lyusina note that already one-year-old children, through nonverbal behavior, can express contradictory emotions in an unfamiliar situation, ambivalent feelings, mixing the desire for contact and resistance as soon as it is achieved (anger because they were left alone; relief when mom or dad returns). Clearly, there is a significant gap between the child's emotional experience and his ability to cognitively organize and report on that experience. In some situations, children are aware of only the most vivid emotion, but when trying to cope with this situation or express their feelings, they experience the complexity of emotional experience.

By the beginning of preschool age, the child has a relatively rich emotional experience. He usually reacts quite vividly to joyful and sad events, and is easily imbued with the mood of the people around him. The expression of emotions is very spontaneous in nature, they are violently manifested in his facial expressions, words, movements, there is an expectation (anticipation) of emotions, which, according to A.V. Zaporozhets and Ya.Z. Neverovich, significant influence on the motivation of behavior and activity. A.M. Shchetinina noted that preschoolers gradually develop the ability to determine the emotional state of other people, which depends not only on the age of the children and their accumulated experience, but also on the modality of emotion. However, for a five-year-old child, expressive means become signaling only in the context of actions and situations. In a study by V.Kh. Manerov found that for most children 5-6 years old it becomes possible to determine the emotions of another person from his speech.

O.A. Denisova, O.L. Lekhanova et al. note that by the age of four, a child should be able to recognize emotional states: joy, sadness, anger, surprise, fear. Knows some ways of expressing these emotional states (through drawing, vocalization, with the help of facial expressions, gestures and pantomime). By the age of five, a child should be able to recognize a pictogram and name emotional states: joy, sadness, anger, surprise, fear. He knows how to talk about his mood. Knows ways to express and change these emotional states. Able to identify the emotional states of fairy tale characters. According to La Frenier, most 4-year-old children are not yet able to clearly distinguish between real and visible emotions. They take any facial expression at face value. However, already at the age of 6, most begin to understand: if, for example, you fall, then you can mislead your friend and not show that you hurt yourself, otherwise they will tease you. This task is more successfully solved by those who have mastered the skill of masking emotions. This fact can be considered an important step in development, leading to an understanding of social life (including contradictory motives both in oneself and in surrounding ambivalent interpersonal relationships). This is on the one hand; on the other hand, it leads to more complex ideas about oneself.

By the age of six, a child should be able to recognize by pictogram and name emotional states: joy-delight, sadness, anger-rage, surprise, fear, confusion, calm. Ideas about such personal qualities of people as kindness and anger, greed and generosity, laziness, capriciousness have been formed. The child knows how to evaluate himself, highlighting these qualities in his behavior. Elements of reflection appear. By the age of seven, the child should be able to be critical of his actions; elements of reflection appear; stable self-esteem.

The ability to understand the emotions of other people through facial expressions develops most intensively in the preschool period. The level of children’s understanding of a particular emotional state depends on a number of conditions:

  1. on the sign and modality of the emotion (for example, children recognize positive emotions easier and better than negative ones, but children understand surprise poorly, although this emotion is a positive one);
  2. on age and the experience accumulated during life in recognizing experiences in various life situations, in different emotional microclimates (such experience accumulates in children most often spontaneously, but it can apparently be enriched in specially organized conditions, which will certainly increase the capabilities and skills of children understand the condition of people);
  3. on the child’s degree of proficiency in verbal designations of emotions (it is legitimate to assume that the transfer from a concrete sensory understanding of expression to the level of its comprehension is possible provided that emotional states and their external expressions are accurately and completely verbalized);
  4. on the child’s ability to isolate expression and differentiate its elements, that is, on the type of perception, on the formation of standards for state expressions.
Types of children's perception of emotions

A.M. Shchetinina, working with children of middle and senior preschool age, studied in detail the problem of developing the ability to understand the emotions of other people by facial expressions. She identified several types of perception of emotional states by expression.

  1. Preverbal type. An emotion is not indicated by words; its recognition is revealed when the child adopts a facial expression that corresponds to the nature of a particular situation (“He’s probably watching a cartoon”).
  2. Diffuse amorphous type. The child names the emotion, but perceives it superficially and vaguely (“Cheerful,” “I looked and found out that he was sad”). The constituent elements of the emotion standard have not yet been differentiated.
  3. Diffuse-local type. Perceiving the expression of emotion globally and superficially, the child begins to highlight a separate, often single element of expression (in most cases - with the eyes).
  4. Analytical type. Emotion is recognized through elements of expression. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the child relies on facial expression rather than posture.
  5. Synthetic type. This is no longer a global and superficial perception of emotions, but a holistic, generalized one (“She’s evil because she’s all evil”).
  6. Analytical - synthetic type. The child identifies elements of expression and generalizes them (“She is cheerful, her whole face is like that - her eyes and mouth are cheerful”).
As noted by A.M. Shchetinin, the type of perception of expression depends not only on age and accumulated experience, but also on the modality of emotion. Children 4-5 years old understand fear and surprise mainly by the preverbal type of perception, joy and sadness - by the diffuse-amorphous type, and children 6-7 years old - by the analytical-synthetic type. If a 4-5 year old child perceives the feeling of anger, then the diffuse-local type becomes the leading one, and if a 6-7 year old child, then the analytical type.

According to N. Dovga and O. Perelygina, pupils of senior preschool age quite easily understand the causes of such emotions as joy, sadness, fear, anger, shame. The most difficult emotions to understand are pride and surprise for children in the preschool group. With age, the understanding of the causes of a particular emotional state expands and deepens. If in the middle group children focus on the satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) of their needs, then in the older groups the answers extend to a greater extent to the sphere of interpersonal relationships and include categories not related to the child’s direct experience. Noticeable progress, especially when moving from the older group to preparatory, can be traced in the development of understanding of external manifestations of emotions, characteristics of behavior in a particular emotional state: children not only realize their behavior under the influence of certain emotions, but also try to control their own emotions.

The results of a study on understanding the causes of emotions were quite successful for six- and seven-year-old children. N. Dovgaya, exploring the understanding of the characteristics of human behavior in an emotional state, revealed that many children experienced significant difficulties. She explains this by saying that when naming possible causes, children used “abstract” knowledge, i.e. those received during educational conversations and reading literary works. Knowing clearly what a person should be ashamed of or what a person should be proud of, they, nevertheless, did not load this knowledge with personal meaning. And this is necessary when the task is set to indicate the characteristics of one’s behavior in a state of the corresponding emotion and when asked to remember a similar incident.

Insufficient personal experience and a low level of reflection, characteristic of older preschool age, lead to less success when it comes to completing a task that requires an understanding of emotions as the causes of behavior, which cannot be said for the task of identifying possible causes of emotions. A study of verbal identification of emotions showed that children have insufficient development of an active vocabulary of emotions. Most often, children used concepts of a more general nature (“Sadness is a bad mood”). As in other tasks, the task associated with a sense of pride caused the greatest difficulties. Even in the pre-school group, only 40% of children used this word. What is noteworthy: even those who demonstrated good command of the language of emotions (47%) found it difficult to give an example from their own experience. N. Dovgaya and O. Perelygina made the following conclusions:

  1. Knowledge of the appropriate words denoting an emotional state is divorced from experience and characterizes speech development (vocabulary) rather than emotional development.
  2. In kindergarten (and in the family), the main emphasis is on the development of the child’s intellectual and strong-willed qualities. Often, 5-year-old children are already being prepared to enter school, which significantly impoverishes the gaming experience - a natural source of emotions.
  3. Adults do not sufficiently voice their own emotions, do not talk to the child about feelings and experiences, which, naturally, does not add to the vocabulary. Hence the lack of command of the language of emotions, the inability to verbalize one’s experiences and, as a consequence, the inability to control and adequately express emotions.
  4. Children have difficulty navigating their emotional experience. In the majority of those who took part in the experiment, we observed repression of the emotion of anger, which significantly hampered learning constructive ways of expressing it. Guilt was perceived not as an emotion, but as an objectivity (the commission of an unseemly act that deserves condemnation). But the experience of guilt is a natural regulator of behavior.
Emotional development is determined by two groups of factors - internal (maturation of the cerebral cortex, development of the cognitive sphere, self-awareness, etc.) and external (features of the child’s socialization). For the development of the cognitive component of the emotional sphere, the factors of the second group are of dominant importance. N. Dovgaya and O. Perelygina showed that a modern preschooler experiences significant difficulties in the development of the emotional sphere, primarily due to such circumstances as a lack of communication with adults, the desire of adults to speed up intellectual development, poor play and real experience.

Understanding emotions depends on the child's own emotional experience. E.L. Yakovleva notes that in understanding the emotional state of another person, the need to understand one’s own emotional reactions, which develop in the interaction of a preschooler with an adult. A child’s awareness of his own emotions is facilitated by the adult’s naming of the child’s emotional reactions and state, the adult’s acceptance or non-acceptance of these emotions, the support of adequate reactions and the rejection of inappropriate ones. In addition, the role of the adult is that he provides the preschooler with examples of ways of emotional self-expression.

Emotions are a special type of mental processes or states
person, which manifest themselves in the experience of any
significant situations (joy, fear, pleasure), phenomena and
events throughout life.

The role and nature of emotions
Emotions allow a person to evaluate everything that happens around him and
inside it. The “language of emotions” is the same for all living beings on our planet,
a dog, not knowing human language, perfectly understands what is happening to
a person, simply by observing him, “reading” his emotions. Some
hypersensitive people are able to read emotions from a distance, even time
they are not a hindrance. The "Reading Technique" is given to all living beings from the moment
birth. How this process occurs is to be thoroughly investigated.

Function of emotions
1. Evaluative – assessment of the possibility of meeting needs and
making a forecast of future events;
2. Reinforcing – conditioned reflexes are developed, and
deeper traces of memory remain;
3. Communicative – improve people’s understanding of other people;
4. Mobilizing – mobilizes the body’s hidden reserves in
critical situations;
5. Triggering stereotypical reactions - in critical situations
trigger stereotypical reactions (fear - flight, rage - fight).

Types of emotions
An emotion, like a rainbow, can be completely different. But it's still possible
identify the main types of emotions, each of them gives rise to sensations. On
The whole world speaks to each other in the “language” of these sensations, without opening
mouth, dogs and cats, tigers and lions know this language, it is the same for everything. The most
common types of emotions are joy and anger, sadness and fear, all living things
in the world I felt a feeling of disgust and surprise. Types of emotions on
in fact, a lot, this is how subtle the substance is that is capable of
create combinations.
This is how joy flows into anger, mercy into disfavour, and
a person has the ability to simultaneously feel love and hate
relation to the same object at the same time. Main types
A person’s emotions are determined by a person’s facial expression and behavior.
Determine exactly what emotion a person is experiencing
It’s almost impossible, only this type of emotion is possible.

Emotions can be divided into positive, neutral and
negative, let's try to list the main ones.
1. Positive emotions include:

2. Negative emotions include:
3. Neutral can be called:

Each of us experiences different emotions throughout the day. They appear
when something excites us, it becomes very important. In the emergence of emotions
the brain is involved, and their expression involves the tongue and body.
When we talk about our deep emotional experiences,
special attitude towards someone or something, then most often
feelings are implied. The most beautiful human feeling
is love - a special relationship between a person and another person, nature,
A person’s emotional “baggage” is very large. It is not limited
called emotions.
Emotions and feelings are the language of our inner world. The brighter the inner
the world, the more diverse the emotions and feelings.