Geographical position of the southern continents table. Lesson "Lesson topic: "Geographical location and natural features of the southern continents

Lesson topic: " Geographical position and features of nature southern continents "

Target: Development personality structures students through the organization independent work based on a competency-based approach

The purpose of the lesson: create general idea about the peculiarities of the geographical location of the southern continents

Lesson Objectives

    Educational: Continue formation practical skills students to work with atlas maps, use standard plans-algorithms, use computational skills, analyze, identify patterns, establish cause-and-effect relationships, group material according to specified criteria.

    Educational: Continue education personal qualities; feelings of collectivism, responsibility, personal involvement in what is happening.

    Educational: To develop the thinking of schoolchildren, why provide for the creation in the lesson problematic situation and teaching students how to solve it: organize their educational activities and work at a given pace; use previously acquired knowledge to gain knowledge and use it in a new situation; collate the information received and write it down in a notebook; form elements of creativity based on solving problematic problems.

Lesson type : Learning new material.

Forms of organizing educational activities: practical work based on the integration of algorithmic and problem-search activities.

Methods of teaching: Heuristic conversation. Organization of student work standard plans, atlas maps, textbook text, contour maps.

Student activities : Performance practical work using atlas maps and standard plans-algorithms. Solving a lesson problem. Working on a contour map.

Basic knowledge, intra-subject and inter-subject integration: degree grid, definition geographical coordinates(geography); Computational skills (mathematics).

Planned results: Acquiring knowledge about the peculiarities of the geographical location of the Southern continents. Consolidation of skills to work with atlas maps, standard plan-algorithm, contour map.

Lesson steps:

Organizing time- 1 min.

Motivation - 1 min.

Update background knowledge- 7 - 8min.

Learning new material - 28 min.

Consolidation of the studied material - 4 min.

Homework- 1 min.

Summing up the lesson - 2 min.

Lesson equipment: “Physical map of the world”, multimedia projector, document – ​​atlases, sheets, tables, crosswords, markers.(Prepared on the tables Handout(task sheets, modeling material, score sheets)

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

1. Motivation

Good morning, Guys! Today I have great mood, I'm glad to meet you. What's your mood, guys? It’s clear from your faces that you are also happy to meet us. We have guests in our lesson, let's keep our good mood during the lesson and we will pass it on to the guests of our lesson.

Epigraph to the lesson: “Our Earth is beautiful!
In some places it is dangerous,
Somewhere the deserts are dry,
Somewhere the forests are dense...”

Today we have to explore the unknown together, explain the amazing, understand the true

Presentation (nature of the continents) student preparation.

2. Updating knowledge about the theory of the origin of continents .

What name can be used to unite these continents?
Statement of the question: Which continents are called southern? Why?

    Why are these four continents classified as the southern continents?

(Australia and Antarctica are entirely in the Southern Hemisphere, Africa and South America only partially occupy North hemisphere- this is according to the GP), in part. what continent were they on before? -(they were all part of the same ancient continent Godwana)

What general features of the nature of the continents should be expected due to this location and history of development? (Common features relief and placement of minerals )

Exercise: Consider physical card world in the atlas and answer the questions:

    Which two large forms relief are distinguished on the continents? (In the relief of all continents, two main parts are distinguished - vast plains and mountains)

    Which one takes large area? (Most of the continents are occupied by plains located on platforms)

    Where on the continents are the largest mountain systems?(Different mountain systems are located on the outskirts of the continents: the Andes in South America - in the west, the Atlas in Africa - in the northwest, the Great Watershed Ridge in Australia - in the east)


Find in the text of the textbook (p. 101) the answer to the question: what is common in the structure of modern continents?(The structure of the plains of modern continents has much in common. Most of them were formed on ancient platforms, composed of crystalline and metamorphic rocks. In addition to relatively flat areas on the plains, there are areas where ancient crystalline rocks of the platform base protrude to the surface. Block mountains and highlands in the form of horst uplifts formed on these ledges. Platform deflections covered sedimentary rocks, are represented in the relief by vast depressions, some of which are low-lying plains).

II. Learning new material. Conversation to define tasks


What is the reason for the diversity of nature of the southern continents? (Differences in GP.)
– What is GP? (A peculiar address for the mainland.)
– Why are we starting to study the southern continents with their GP, how does nature depend on the GP?

(The GP determines how much solar heat and precipitation a given continent will receive, their distribution by season, and since all components of nature are interconnected,

    Remember what “meridian”, “parallel”, “equator” and “zero and 180th” meridians, “geographical coordinates” are.

    What are parallels? (Conditional lines, envelopes Earth parallel to the equator.)

    Are the parallels the same length? (No. Their length decreases from the equator to the poles.)

    Name and show on the globe and map the longest parallel.

    Name the continents that are located in both the northern and southern hemispheres. Explain your answer. (Africa, South America, because they intersect the equator.)

    What are meridians?(Conventional lines that cross the globe from pole to pole.)

    Are all meridians the same length?

The 0th and 180th meridians divide the globe into the western and eastern hemispheres. What direction do the meridians point? North South.

    How to determine the extent (length) of a continent from a map?


    The length of 1 degree of the meridian is about 111 km, the length of 1 degree of parallel is different.

    To determine the length in degrees, you need to find the coordinates of the extreme points of the continent and produce arithmetic operations: add the data if the points are in different hemispheres, subtract from larger size smaller if the points are in the same hemisphere.

2. Work in groups. Today in class you will work in groups.

We must learn:

1.Analyze educational texts, find the main thing.

2.Present information.

3.Compare the characteristics of the proposed objects.

4.Draw conclusions about patterns

You have working materials on your desks, read them and in 15 minutes you must submit a mini project.

2. Complete the tasks following the execution algorithm:
– study the “Plan for describing the mainland gas supply” in the Appendix of the textbook, p. 311;
– analyze what needs to be determined when describing the mainland’s GP.
– using the physical map and the GP plan, create a design sheet for the “African GP” using modeling methods, South America, Australia, Antarctica” (depending on the group’s assignment);
– project defense (speech from the group)

3. During presentations to defend projects, each student fills out the table:

Similarities between the GPs of the southern continents

Differences between the GPs of the southern continents

What conclusion can be drawn?

4. Formulation of the conclusion: GP is the reason for the diversity and striking contrasts in the nature of the southern continents.

III . Consolidation of knowledge.

The task is to complete the crossword puzzle “Southern continents”

1Which continent was the last to be discovered? (Antarctica)2strait separating South America and Antarctica (Drake)3 country occupying an entire continent (Australia)4 island south of Australia (Tasmania)5large western city in Australia (Perth)6 island where Papuans live (New Guinea)7 most southern point South America (Cape Horn)8 most high point Antarctica (Erebus)9 animal symbol of Australia (kangaroo)

IV. Homework.

Prepare a description of the GP of any island Southern Hemisphere using the plan
Answer the question - a riddle: “Can there be a flat mountain?”

V. Lesson summary. Self-assessment by students of their work in class (filling out an evaluation table). Reflection (students express their opinions).Reflection

Continue the sentence…….

    Today I found out...

    I felt that...

I wanted……

Extreme points continents





Cape Ras Angela

37° N. w.

10° V. d.


Cape Agulhas

35° S w.

20° E. d.


Cape Almadi

15° N. w.

17° h. d.


Cape Ras Hafun

11° With. w.

51° east d.

South America


Cape Gallinas

12° With. w.

72° W d.


Cape Froward

54° S w.

72° W d.


Cape Parinhas

4° S w.

81° h. d.


Cape Cabo Branco

7° S w.

35° W d.



Cape York

11° Yu. w.

143° V. d.


Cape South – East Point

39° S w.

146° V. d.


Cape Steep Point

26° S w.

113° V. d.


Cape Byron

28° S w.

154° V. d.



Antarctic Peninsula

63° S w.

58° W d.

Africa and Australia - are located near the equator, so they prevail there high temperatures throughout most of the area all year round. Only narrow South part South America enters temperate latitudes. Most of continents is located in the subequatorial and tropical zones. Antarctica is the only continent on Earth that is located around South Pole, which determines the exceptional severity of its nature. Is there a continent on Earth that is crossed by all meridians? Yes. Antarctica. Thus, the geographical location was the cause of great contrasts in the nature of the southern continents: from eternal summer to eternal winter.

Geographic latitude

Arc length 1° in km

Geographic latitude

Arc length 1° in km

















