Tasks on knowledge of the German alphabet. Methodological development of a game with letters of the German alphabet

The main occupation of schoolchildren and students is study. Children spend more than 50 percent of their time on textbooks, notebooks and computers - this an integral part of life of a modern teenager.

But children don’t always have to learn what they like - most of subjects causes boredom, you have to force the child to learn homework, draw up a schedule with him, and much more. IN website They will tell you how to make German interesting for students of any age.

Teachers website We have developed special tips that will help to interest a child in a new subject. Toddlers and teenagers are the most difficult age when it is most difficult to force learning.

  • It never happens that a child does not want to learn for no reason. There's a reason for everything. It is necessary to work out all aspects - the psychological plan, the program, the teacher, the school. It is necessary to eliminate the cause, then a desire to learn will appear, for example, choose a different teacher or switch to a different program for mastering the subject.
  • Without good fluent reading skills in a foreign language, a child will not progress further. Make sure that he has mastered this stage one hundred percent - in otherwise hire a tutor, talk to the teacher.
  • It is important to organize your workplace. A teenager's daily routine should have a clear schedule. A certain time is allocated for study, leisure, sports, additional classes, circles and sections. Leisure must be a must, otherwise the child will quickly get tired and lose interest in learning.
  • It is necessary to be supportive of the baby and support him in his difficult work. You don’t need to sit with him on homework every day, but he should always feel your support. Ask how things are going with him. Help if necessary.

Print German in pictures, or basic study methods

Pay attention to how your child’s German lessons with the teacher go. It is good if the following methods are used in the process.

  • New knowledge must be applied in practice: conversations in German, watching children's films, reading books, poetry by heart, etc.
  • Use picture cards when learning new words and letters.
  • On specific examples The child needs to be told that speaking a new language is convenient and useful. He will need it in the future for work and travel abroad.
  • During conversation classes in German, topics should be covered: different topics: sports, computer equipment, the world and so on.

The child should have fun learning German. This will help him learn a new discipline thoroughly and for a long time, and will also make your relationship with him more trusting.

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Today, the fact that a foreign language is studied from the second grade is recognition of the existing social interest to learning foreign languages ​​and confirming the importance of the subject. Early learning foreign language gives great practical effect in improving the quality of language proficiency in primary school, and also opens up opportunities for teaching a second foreign language, the need for proficiency in which is becoming increasingly obvious. In addition, learning a foreign language in at this age useful for all children, regardless of their starting abilities, since it has an undeniable positive influence for development mental functions child: his memory, attention, thinking, perception, imagination; stimulating effect on general speech abilities child.

A successful start to learning a foreign language helps create high motivation to learn a foreign language, and this requires such methodological system, which is based on children’s interest in the subject. How does a child live? How is his personality realized? Of course, in the game. By apt expression Vygotsky’s “game is natural form labor of the child, his inherent form of activity, preparation for future life. A child always plays, he is a creature that plays, but the game has him makes a lot of sense, it exactly matches his age and interests and includes elements that lead to the development of the necessary skills and abilities.” Of course, this does not mean that all foreign language teaching in primary school It just comes down to the game. But it should be recognized that some gaming methods and techniques are necessary in the classroom.

Taking into account the requirements sample program teaching foreign languages, having analyzed the teaching materials in the German language I. L. Beam Die ersten Sritte for grade 2, we have developed a complex game tasks for 2nd grade (1st semester) in German. These tasks can be used in each lesson as phonetic or speech exercises, as well as physical education. In addition, the teacher can take them as a basis when developing a scenario for an extracurricular activity.

The tasks are developed taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standard and represent the German alphabet, each letter of which has its own task encrypted. Each game or competition is accompanied by computer presentation And soundtrack(if necessary).


  • educational: developing the ability to communicate in a foreign language elementary level taking into account speech capabilities and the needs of younger schoolchildren;
  • developing: development of speech, intellectual and cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren, as well as their general educational skills; development of motivation for further mastery of a foreign language.
  • educational: education and diversified development junior school student by means of a foreign language.

1. Letter A a

Alphabet(game with spectators)

2 sets of letters are distributed to the auditorium in advance (or hung in the classroom): printed and written. Behind certain time teams must collect their alphabet. The team that does it faster and more correctly wins. (Musical accompaniment included)

2. LetterBb

Buchstabe + Buchstabe

Each team member receives a card with letter combinations. It is necessary to correctly name the letters that make up this letter combination, name the sound they make, find on the screen the word in which they occur, read it correctly and, by clicking on it with the mouse, erase it from the screen. The winner is the team that makes no mistakes .

3. Letter C s


Teams are asked to decipher the sentences according to the diagrams.

Ist das Pixi
Ja, das ist Pixi.
Nein, das ist nicht Pixi

Sind das Lulu und Waldo?
Ja, das sind Lulu und Waldo
Nein, das sind nicht Lulu und Waldo

The team that does it faster and more correctly wins. (To check the correctness, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

4. LetterD d

Das ist meine Freunde

A representative from each team must name all members of the opposing team. The team that does this with fewer or no errors wins.

5. Letter E e

Eins, zwei, drei, vier
Alle, allezä hlenwir

Each team receives a card with math examples written in words. You need to solve the examples, write down the answer in numbers, and then read the entire example with the answer. The team that solves it correctly wins nai large quantity examples, and also will not make mistakes when reading. (To check the correctness, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

6. LetterF f

Frage - Anwortspiel

Each team takes turns asking each other questions about the letters of the alphabet: Welches Buchstabe kommt nach...? (What letter is after ...?) and answers the questions. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

7. LetterGg


Each team receives a card with an encrypted task. In addition, on the card, the key to decoding is the alphabet, where each letter is numbered. We need to decipher the message. The team that does it faster and more correctly wins. (To check the correctness, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

8. Letter Nh


Each team must act out a dialogue - introduction. The team that does this most expressively and without mistakes wins.

9. LetterI i

Ich bin Schüler.

Each team member should briefly introduce themselves. The team whose members do it correctly wins.

10. LetterJj

Ja – Stuhl, nein - Stuhl

All team members play. Each player receives his own card with a number. There are two chairs in the classroom (Ja - Stuhl, Nein - Stuhl). The teacher names a number (for example, 4) and asks a question (for example: Ist Däumelinchen gross?). Both students who are number four must occupy the corresponding chair as quickly as possible. The team whose members gave the most correct answers wins.

  1. Ist Waldo klein?
  2. Is Lulu gross?
  3. Ist Weise Eule klug?
  4. Berlin is the capital of Germany
  5. The famous German writer is Charles Perrault.
  6. Bonn, Berlin, München, Köln are big cities Germany.
  7. Ludwig van Beethoven is a great German composer
  8. Number 10 in German zehn
  9. The inhabitants of Germany are called Germans
  10. The Brothers Grimm are famous Russian writers and storytellers.
  11. Mercedes, Volkswagen, BMW are German cars
  12. Germany in German – Deutschland

11. Kä ttenspiel

Each team receives a card with an encrypted message. We need to decipher it. The team that does it faster wins. (To check the correctness of the message, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

12. LustiegeSä tze

Live sentence game. Each team receives a set of cards (words from one sentence). 1 participant – 1 member of the proposal. Participants must take such places as to make the correct declarative sentence. (To check the correctness, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

Sind das Malwina und Buratino?
Sind das Alissa und Basilio?

When the sentences are constructed, the teacher can ask the children, without preparation, to change places and construct an interrogative sentence.

13. Malenwir

Each team receives a card with the names of German schoolchildren. It is necessary to paint the boys' names in blue and the girls' names in red. The team that does it faster and more correctly wins. (To check the correctness, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

14. LetterNn

Each team receives a card with encrypted German names. You need to rearrange the letters to make a name. The team that deciphers the most names wins. If both teams can decipher all the names, the one that does it faster wins. (To check the correctness, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

15. Letter O o

O = 0

Each team must come up with and write down several mathematical examples, the answer of which will be 0. The winner is the team that comes up with the most examples in the allotted time.

16. Letter R r


One participant is selected from each team. The teacher whispers to them the names of the characters in the textbook. The task of the participants is to show the teams this hero without words. The teams answer in German in turns. The game can be played several times with different presenters from one and the second team. The team that guesses the most textbook characters wins.

17. LetterQq


Teams receive cards with lines of letters written on them. The names of the characters in the textbook are encrypted here vertically and horizontally. The team that finds all the encrypted names the fastest wins. (To check the correctness, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

18. LetterR r

Rechnen wir

Each team receives a card with encrypted examples. The team that solves it faster and more correctly wins. (To check the correctness, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

19. LetterSs

Stehen wir richtig

Each team member receives a card with a number written on it. At the signal, the teams must line up in order. The team that does it faster and more correctly wins.

20. LetterTt


All students stand in general circle. Each team selects 2 representatives who go out the door. A leader is selected in the circle who will demonstrate the movements, and everyone else must quietly look at him and repeat the movements. At the same time, the children repeat the rhyme:

Eins, zwei, drei, vier
Alle, alle turnen wir.
Fünf, sechs, sieben, acht,
Haben wir das gut gemacht

Team representatives will have 3 attempts to guess the leader. (Ist das...?) The game is played first with a representative of one team and a leader, then with a representative of the other team and another leader. The team whose member quickly identifies the leader wins.

21. LetterUu


Each team receives a letter that contains several errors. The task of the teams is to correct mistakes and read the letter expressively. The winner is the team that corrects more errors and reads the letter more expressively. (To check the correctness, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

22. Verwirrung

Each team receives a set of letters, from which they need to make up the names of the characters in the textbook within a certain time. The winner is the team that correctly composes the names of the heroes within a certain time.

Waldo Karabas
Lulu Buratino

(To check the correctness, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

23. LetterWw


(game with spectators)

Each team needs 1 representative who is blindfolded. Then 5 people willing to participate in the competition are selected from the audience. At the signal, the children ask in chorus: “Wer ist das?” Team representatives must eyes closed determine who is in front of them and answer German. The team that guesses correctly wins more participants, taking into account correct construction sentences in German when asking Ist das...?

24. Letter X x

X- files

Each team receives a card with text with missing letters. You need to insert letters and read the text. The winner is the team that inserts the letters correctly and reads the resulting text expressively. (To check the correctness, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

25. LetterY y

Teams receive cards with a chain of letters. You need to cross out the letters that are in the name of the competition (y, p, s, I, l, o, n), and read the remaining letters in order so that you get a phrase. The team that does it faster wins. (To check the correctness, you need to click on the slide and the correct answer will pop up.)

26. LetterZz


Each team receives a card with 2 tongue twisters. You need to answer the tongue twisters in unison and at a fast pace. The team that does it better wins. (You can compare children’s reading with the model.)

Addition: All tasks are presented as team competitions. But the teacher, depending on the purpose of the lesson and the capabilities of the class, can use these tasks at will when organizing individual, pair work with further self-test (comparison with a sample on the slide) or frontal work.


  1. Games – education, training, leisure // Ed. V. V. Petrusinsky. – M., 1994.
  2. Interactive Forms organizations educational process in primary school. – Vladimir: VOIUU, 2004
  3. New pedagogical and information Technology in the education system. E. S. Polat, M. Yu. Bukharkina, M. V. Moiseeva, A. E. Petrov - M.: Publishing center"Academy", 2004
  4. Tkachuk T. G. “Development of interest among schoolchildren junior classes in French lessons."//Foreign languages ​​at school 1997 - No. 5.
  5. revolution.allbest.ru

Methodological development"Games with letters of the German alphabet"

Performer: Urkina Svetlana Vasilievna,
German language teacher MBOU "OSH No. 12"
Kemerovo region, Mariinsk city

The alphabet is the basis of language. Its study must be approached with special care initial stage. This will allow students to avoid mistakes in reading and writing in the future. Quite often it happens that children write letters they have poorly mastered in reverse, as if in their mirror image, and confuse their writing. similar letters or being influenced native language, they write Russian letters instead of German ones. The consequence of this is serious errors in reading. Situations often arise when children read parts german words in Russian. Thus, in order to avoid such mistakes, the teacher from the very beginning of teaching a foreign language needs to pay attention to the alphabet Special attention.
In this work, I propose various tasks for consolidating the alphabet in game form, which children really like and increases their motivation to learn.
The proposed tasks not only teach, but also develop memory, attention, imaginative and logical thinking. I hope that these tasks will diversify the course of the German language lesson and show kids how interesting learning it can be.

Find each little fish its mother. Guess the kids' names. A little fish named “a” will tell you.

Help the pig distribute everything german letters, which you know, into consonants and vowels.

This bunny built 2 houses from letter cubes in alphabetical order. But he made mistakes. Try to find them, otherwise the houses will collapse.

Connect the dots in alphabetical order (first capital letters, then small letters) and you will find out what is drawn here.

Help the little cow complete the half-erased letters. What letters did you get? Name them.

Look at this strange cloud. It contains 19 letters of the German alphabet. Try to find them. Write down the letters you found:______________

Look closely at this pattern. Find all the hidden letters here as quickly as possible, circle them and write them in alphabetical order. What 2 letters are hidden here twice?

Look carefully at this little man. What letters does it consist of? Write down all the letters you find:___________________________________________________________

Come up with and draw your own little man from the letters of the German alphabet.

Help the dog and untangle the cobweb one by one, starting with the letter “a”. Write down, one by one, all the German letters that the spider hid. Check if they are written in the right order capital letters.

Each of these animals has 3 favorite letters of the German alphabet. Write them in the animal tracks, but keep in mind that you must write large letters, not small ones.

I wish you and your students success!
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The compiled exercises contribute to students’ assimilation of the letters of the German alphabet, the formation of reading skills in German in accordance with the requirements for knowledge, abilities, skills in primary school, as well as the development of children’s attention and memory, associative thinking, semantic guesses.

The exercises include tasks on identifying letters from a number of others, reading words and sentences.

Thanks to exercises that are simple, visual, accessible and interesting shape, schoolchildren will easily remember letters, letter combinations, and begin to read words and sentences. The exercises help parents of schoolchildren who are interested in their child learning to read German well.

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“Training exercises for students to master the letters of the German alphabet.”

1. Find and circle the letter combination sch. w.

Deine Schuhe sind schwarz. Der Fischer fischt Fische. Meine Schwester kann schlecht schwimmen.

2. Circle the letter combinations in red Sp, and blue - letter combination St, read.

Spiel Stadt Stuhl Stern Straße Spiegel Stiefel Sport

3. Hund Hahn ohne gehen ihn Hand Sahne Lohn nehmen ihnen Herr ahnen Sohn Mehl ihm

4. Find and circle the letter combination ie. Read it in words like a Russian letter And.

Nie Knie Miene Kopie Nina Kino piepen

5. Find and circle the letter combination ei. Read it in words like ah.

Ei ein mein kein eine meine dein einem meinem

6. Find and circle the letter combination tsch. Read it in words like a Russian letter h.

Deutsch tschüss Deutschland

7. Find and circle the letter combination chs. Read it in words like ks.

Sechs wachsen Fuchs Dachs

8. Find and circle the letter combination ck. Read it in words like To.

Ecke schicken Rock packen wecken decken

9. Find and underline the letter combination au. Read it in words like oh.

Bäume Mäuse Häuser Räume Läufer läuft träumen

Die Bäume sind bunt. Die Mäuse fressen Käse gern.

10. Find and underline the letter combination eu. Read it in words like Ouch.

neun heute heulen Eure Leute Freund Eule Heu

Im Wald heult eine Eule. Heu ist trockenes Gras.

Mein Freund läuft um die Wette.

11. Find and underline the letter combination tz. Read it in words like c.

Katze Satz Witz Spatz Matratze sitzen putzen kratzen Mutze

12. Find and underline the letters Qq. Read it in combination with the letter and, like Russian sq.

Quelle Qualle Quark Qual bequem quellen quaken quieken

Die Schweine quieken. Die frozen guaken.

13. Read the letter Yy like Russian And.

Pohy Baby Teddy Tony

Tim spielt mit seinem Teddy. Ich reite auf dem Pony.

14. Read the letter Yy, How u.

Typ Dynamo Olympiade Gymnastik Ypsilon

Die Olympiade ist ein schönes Fest.

15. Read the words.

Ja hr Ju li Ju ni Ja noir Ja guar Jo gurt Ja pan Ju nge ja je tzt je mand ju ng je der