Cards in German. Technological map of German language classes

    Sughd region ... Wikipedia

    The United Nations, to facilitate planning, has identified seven subregions in Afghanistan, which are grouped into three regions. Contents 1 Northern Afghanistan (region) 1.1 ... Wikipedia

    Part of the world Asia Region Central Asia ... Wikipedia

    Map of Afghanistan List of cities in Afghanistan. Due to instability in Afghanistan, the last census was conducted in the country in 1979. Current estimates from various organizations provide only approximate estimates... Wikipedia

    History of Afghanistan ... Wikipedia

    Islamic Republic of Afghanistan ... Wikipedia

    It is based on the independence, national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Afghanistan. The traditional principle of foreign policy, active and positive neutrality, also remains in force. Afghanistan is a member of the UN since... ... Wikipedia

    - (Pashto د افغانستان اساسي قانون) is the Basic Law of Afghanistan. Adopted on January 4, 2004 by the Supreme Assembly (Loya Jirga). Has supreme legal force, direct effect and supremacy throughout Afghanistan. The current Constitution... ...Wikipedia

    This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

    Afghanistan's foreign policy is based on the independence, national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Afghanistan. The traditional principle of foreign policy, active and positive neutrality, also remains in force.... ... Wikipedia

Afghanistan is a long-suffering state that has long been in a difficult position between war and peace. Tourists still ignore it, fearing for the lives of their family and friends. We can only hope that this small Asian country has a happy future ahead. peaceful life, and the provinces of Afghanistan will still be able to surprise tourists with exotic and national cuisine.

Northernmost province

This is Badakhshan, whose territories are located in the north of Afghanistan. Most of it is mountainous, the beautiful Pamir and Hindu Kush ranges, alpine-like meadows, and deserts located at high altitudes.

Lost Shrine

Seven centuries ago, the main city of Afghanistan was called one of the most beautiful on the planet. Even the name had a picturesque interpretation - “water between flowers”, because the city blocks were located in the valley and in the spring they were hidden in lush vegetation.

Except external beauty and attractiveness, Kabul was a major cultural center. Now only ruins and traces remain of its former greatness. Many of the memos ancient history and the culture of Kabul have been preserved thanks to the dedicated work of the employees National Museum Afghanistan.

Another beautiful place is located in the vicinity of the capital - Babur's Garden, which received its name in honor of the first owner. Carefully thought out plantings, a system of beautiful cascades, unique and rare plants, many of them brought from distant countries - the pride of Afghanistan.

Oasis of cypress trees

Most of the territory of Kandahar province is occupied by the Bakvi Desert, which significantly complicates the existence of local residents. Therefore, most of the population is concentrated around the capital, which has the same name as the province. The main city of Kandahar is located in the heart of the oasis, which amazes with blooming mulberries and the emerald beauty of slender cypress trees.

Jam Minaret

In the northwestern part of Afghanistan there is a unique religious building, a minaret, the construction of which dates back to XII century. This historical monument was created by the hands of great masters who used quite ordinary material - baked clay.

Many historians believe that the Jam minaret is the only surviving structure of the city of Firuzkukha that disappeared from the face of the earth. Monument Afghan history taken under protection by UNESCO specialists, it is located in a remote place, in a gorge surrounded by mountain ranges.

There are many different language learning supplements that can help beginners train their memory and language comprehension more effectively. To start communicating in German, you need to have an idea of ​​the rules for reading letters and their combinations, tenses, articles, genders, and most importantly, have a sufficient vocabulary to express your thoughts. In Germany itself and a basic level of German requires the ability to say:

IN total such lexicon requires 2000 words, including prepositions, pronouns and articles.

How to make learning German easier

To quickly memorize and understand such a number of words, it is not enough to study a few hours a week. It is better to repeat a little or learn something new every day. It is convenient to carry small sheets of notes with you on which you can write:

You don’t have to write them yourself - you can find ready-made, conveniently designed thematic sets of German words and phrases in the form of cards or Internet applications.

The effectiveness of learning a language using flashcards strongly depends on the approach to their design and use. Ideally, words should not just be written - they should evoke associations with the context. Cards need to be grouped by meaning; you can assign a certain color to parts of speech (preposition, verb, adverb) or topic (travel, products, plants).

For better memorization and building associations, it is better to avoid using translations in your language. You should try to operate with accessible concepts of German when studying. Instead of translation, you can draw or stick something. The elementary level is replete with simple objects and concepts that are easy to depict.

When writing groups of words, it is worth considering features of writing and use. For example, for a verb, write down all its forms (tenses and declension), write all nouns only with articles (this may change the meaning), if the plural of a word differs in spelling from the singular, write down both. It is advisable to write down homonyms (the same sound, but different in meaning) on ​​different cards, with clear examples.

You shouldn’t immediately learn as many different words as possible - the lexical garbage won’t stick in your head anyway. When forming cards, it is better for a beginner to choose:

  1. The closest and most frequently used concepts in life. First of all, you need the names of your favorite products, dishes, colors and shades, descriptions own hobbies and work.

  2. Verify not only the translation, but also the actual meaning of the concept in the mentality. This will make it easy and quick to memorize words and create a semantic framework of German concepts for the future.

Registration of German cards

There is no doubt that writing a card uses more types of memory (visual, tactile) than printing it. Searching and grouping words by context will help, if not learn, then make everything written familiar. Don't go overboard with the beauty and design of the cards - this activity can get boring too quickly.

When grouping concepts, traits and categories, it is good to write down pairs of antonyms on one card: opposite concepts are easier to remember together. Having learned a little basic vocabulary, you should try to write down complex concepts using simpler synonyms, phrases, and dialogues in German.

All cards selected for study should be useful in everyday life. Phrases, tenses and rules are better sort by colors and themes, you can do the same use stickers and scents. By adding individual properties, which due to psychological characteristics are easier to perceive, memorization is simplified.

A person perceives and remembers the world using one or two senses as the main ones - vision, hearing, touch, smell or logic. When learning, you need to take into account your type of perception, then the process can happen almost by itself.

  1. For auditory learners need to pronounce or hear pronunciation.
  2. For visuals - look and distinguish.
  3. For kinesthetic learners, the material, surface, shape of the card and the process of writing it will be better remembered.
  4. Logicians are good at understanding riddles, diagrams, and tables.

Using cards, you can easily pay in speaking to the tongue several times a day while passing the time public transport, in line, in free time at work. With the help of cards, it is easy to make the initial language course simple and interesting, leaving difficulties and perfectionism for the future, so that learning German brings joy and self-satisfaction.

For entry level German language, you can see information about cards with German phrases !

Subscribe to blog updates + get a free book with German phrases, + subscribe toYOU-TUBE channel.. with educational videos and videos about life in Germany.

Germany. Map in German
The map can be enlarged or reduced

Map of Germany in German and Russian languages

Since ancient times, a tribe of Germans was known in Europe. The Romans also mentioned them in their records. But of course, the people existed long before the chronicle mentions. Wild and bearded, the Germans wore their hair in tight braids, placing them around their necks and on their heads and weaving wires into them. Thus, the hair served as helmets, and the beards as collars, preventing the head from being cut off. These people hunted in the forests and practiced shifting agriculture. But, in the end, the Germans came out of the forest and showed the arrogant Rome who had the right to force.

Germany became the sword of Rome, at the tip of which it carried faith to other countries. German knights rushed to numerous crusades, as they felt cramped in their dark forests.
However, the pugnacious but petty German kings were not a serious threat to Europe in the Middle Ages until they united under the hand of Bismarck, the iron chancellor. And then Germany rose again in full force. The stern disposition has now moved from the inside out, because it has not gone away. And step by step Germany began to annex its neighbors.

And for those who want to find it in Russian, it will help in finding the right route.
We all know from history lessons what came of it. Ultimately, no matter how strong an individual state is, and no matter how big and toothy its mouth is, too large a piece of land forces any empire to choke. This is what happened with Germany. However, Germany restored what was destroyed in last war economy and now creates 4% of the gross world product.

Do not think that the gloomy German genius invents only prodigies, like the atomic bomb or the Dora mega-cannon. There are also very real things, for example: suspended ceilings in Moscow, prices for which are quite suitable for the pockets of ordinary citizens. German precision is expressed in the stretch ceiling calculator.

Methodological development

video lesson on the discipline


The methodological development of an open lesson is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the sample program academic discipline"German"

Chairman of the PCC______________/_____________

Protocol No.________________from_______________

Compiled by: Samokhvalova V.Yu. teacher of BPOU UR "Sarapul Industrial College"

Reviewer: Gorbunova A.L., Deputy Director for MR

BPOU UR "Sarapul Industrial College"

Lesson notes

Profession 01/08/07 Master of general construction works

Group number, course Gr.27, second year

Discipline German

Subject Germany.State and political structure of Germany. Economy" Grammar on the topic: “Additional clauses.”

Type of lesson: lesson of new knowledge

Form of the lesson: practical

Equipment: projector, computer, screen, Power Point presentation «Germany", audio presentation "10Fakten ü berGermany", video, didactic handouts "Arbeitshefte", map of Germany, posters, portraits of German writers, magazines in German.

Goals: gaining new knowledge about Germany, state and political structure Germany, the most important industries in Germany, formation of viewing reading, listening and speaking skills.


introduce the sociocultural specifics of German-speaking countries, namely Germany

give an idea of ​​the most important industries in Germany


development of independence and will of students;

development of cognitive interest using pair and group activities.


contribute to increasing interest in the country of the language being studied

Educational technologies:

problem-based learning technology;

information and communication technologies.

"Carousel" method

"Leserally" method

In the field of formation

Competency code

Planned results of the formation of OK

General competencies

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

Level 3 - independent solution of problematic problems

OK 2. Organize your own activities, determine methods of solution professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

Level 2 action under the guidance of a teacher

OK 3. Assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations

OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

Level 2 - actions under the guidance of a teacher

OK 6. Work in a team and in a team, interact with management, colleagues and social partners.

Level 2 - actions under the guidance of a teacher

Forms of organizing students' work: steam room, group, frontal

Lesson duration- 90 minutes.

The lesson is preceded by homework to familiarize yourself with vocabulary on the topic “Industriezweige”.




Method instructions


Organizing time

Greetings to students

Checking readiness for class.

Guten Tag, liebe Studenten und sehr geehrte Gäste! Ich bin froh, euch heute zu sehen. Setzen Sie sich!

Sind Sie zur Stunde bereit?

Students- Ja. Wir sind bereit.

Der wievielte ist heute?

Students - Heute ist der 19. Oktober.
- Welcher Wochentag ist heute?

Annex 1


Aufgabe1- Finden Sie russische Äquivalente!

Suchen Sie zu jeder geographischen Bedeutung links die entsprechende Übersetzung rechts! Nehmen Sie das Wörterbuch zu Hilfe.

die Wiedervereinigung

North German Lowland

die Einwohnerzahl

Food industry

das Norddeutsche Tiefland

Production coal

Agricultural products

die Nahrungsmittelindustrie



die Verbrauchsgüterindustrie


die landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse

densely populated

die Steinkohlenbergbau

home appliance industry

die Sehenswürdigkeiten


Aufgabe2 - In der deutschen Sprache gibt es viele Komposita. In diesem Thema gibt es viele solcher Wörter.

Finden Sie Wortpaare! Wie heißt das auf Russisch?

Appendix 2


Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist am 23. May 1949 gegründet. Das Land nennt man auch Deutschland oder nur kurz BRD. Deutschland liegt in der Mitte Europas und grenzt an Dänemark im Norden, an Polen und Tschechische Republik im Osten, an Österreich und die Schweiz im Süden, an Frankreich, Luxemburg, Belgien und die Niederlande im Westen. Deutschland hat also Grenzen zu 9 Ländern Europas. Die Nord- und Ostsee bilden eine natürliche Grenze im Norden. Von 1945 bis 1990 war Deutschland in zwei Staaten geteilt. Am 3. Oktober 1990 hat sich Deutschland wieder vereinigt. Nach der Wiedervereinigung beträgt die Fläche des Landes 357,000 Quadratkilometern. Fast 90% der Gesamtfläche sind Äcker, Wiesen und Wälder. Die Wälder nehmen fast ein Drittel des Landes ein. Gut bekannt sind der Schwarzwald und der Thüringer Wald.

Text 2

Die deutschen Landschaften

Die deutschen Landschaften sind vielfältig und reizvoll. Das sind das Norddeutsche Tiefland, das Mittelgebirge und das Alpenvorland mit dem Alpenland. Der höchste deutsche Berg heißt die Zugspitze (2962 m) und liegt in den Bayerischen Alpen. Der größte Fluss Deutschlands ist der Rhein (1320 km). Er entspringt in den Alpen und mündet in die Nordsee. Die anderen großen Flüsse sind die Elbe, die Weser, die Donau. Der größte Binnensee ist der Bodensee. Er liegt im Süden des Landes. Deutschland ist eine dicht besiedelte Region Europas. Die Einwohnerzahl beträgt fast 90 Mio Einwohner.Klimatisch liegt Deutschland in einer Zone, in der es keine extremen Temperaturen gibt. Im Sommer ist es nicht sehr warm, im Winter nicht sehr kalt. Das Klima ist gemäβigt.

Text 3
Deutschlands - ein schönes Reiseziel

Die BRD ist ein schönes Reiseziel, für viele Touristen, denn es gibt hier viele schöne Orte. Das sind schöne Berge, Flüsse, Seen, Wälder. Die Touristen wollen auch viele deutsche Städte mit ihren schönen historischen Denkmälern und Sehenswürdigkeiten besuchen.

Deutschland hat viele große Städte, von denen die fünf größten der Reihe nach Berlin, Hamburg, München, Köln und Frankfurt am Main sind.

Die BRD ist ein Industrieland. Die Wirtschaft ist in Deutschland sehr stark entwickelt. Sein Geld ist Euro. Der Staat exportiert viele Waren ins Ausland: Maschinen, Fahrzeuge, pharmazeutische Produkte, landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse. Jeder vierte Arbeitsplatz ist vom Export abhängig.

Die wichtigsten Industriezweige der BRD sind Steinkohlenbergbau, Metallurgie, Maschinenbau, der Fahrzeug-und Waggonbau, Straβenfahrzeugbau (Automobilindustrie), Schiffbau, Luft-und Raumfahrtindustrie, feinmechanische, chemische, elektrotechnische, optische Industrie, Verbrauchsg üterindustrie, Nahrungsmittelindustrie.

Die Staatssymbole

der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Die Staatsform Deutschlands ist Bundesrepublik. Seine Hauptstadt ist Berlin. Seine Sprache ist Deutsch. Die Staatssymbole der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sind: das Wappen, die Flagge und die Nationalhymne. Die drei Farben der deutschen Flagge „schwarz-rot-gold“ sind die Nationalfarben.

Die BRD ist in 16 Bundesländer aufgeteilt, z.B.: Hessen, Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Thüringen, Brandenburg, Sachsen, Schleswig-Holstein .Es gibt auch 3 Stadtstaaten: Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen.

Die wichtigsten politischen Organe der Bundesrepublik sind: der Bundestag, der Bundesrat, die Bundesregierung, der Bundespräsident. In der Spitze Deutschlands steht der Bundeskanzler. Der Bundeskanzler wird vom Bundestag gewählt. Heute ist der Bundeskanzler Deutschlands Angela Merkel.



1. Die Nationalfarben von Deutschland sind...

A: schwarz und weiss

B: rot and white

C: grün, weiß und rot

D: schwarz, rot and gold

2.An welches Land grenzt Deutschland NICHT?

3.Was ist der offizielle Name für Deutschland?

A: Bundesrepublik Deutschland

B: Deutsche Demokratische Republik

C: West Germany

D.Vereinigte Deutsche Lander

4.Wer ist Angela Merkel ?

A: Die deutsche Außenminister

B: Der Finanzminister

C: Der Bundeskanzler

D: Der Bundespräsident

5. Hier sind drei deutsche Städte. Was passt nicht dazu?

6.Welche diese deutsche Firma produziert Bauprodukte?

7.Diese Stadt ist bekannt durch ihren Dom, der 500 m lang ist. Wie heißt diese Stadt?

8.Wie heißt das berühmte deutsche Fest?

A: Nationalfeiertag

9.Welche Autos werden als Taxi gewählt?

10.Was ist eine deutsche Spezialität?

11.Was wurde NICHT in Deutschland erfunden?

12. Welche Skizze stellt die Bundesrepublik Deutschland dar?

13.Was produziert die deutsche Firma Haribo

B: Kindersurprise

C: Gummibärchen

14. Neuschwanstein ist ein…

D: Platz in Berlin

15.Der beliebteste Sportart in Deutschland ist

Answers for the test

Appendix 4

Facts about Germany

The German language is widely used on the Internet.
Approximately 6.9% of Internet users speak German, and 12% of queries on the Google search engine are made in German.

... in Germany there are a lot of cyclists, bike paths and traffic lights. There are more than 60 million bicycles for 90 million Germans. For many, this is the most frequently used transport, even in winter.

... world classical music is dominated by German composers (and composers born in the historical territory of Germany), these include: Bach, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Handel, Beethoven, Wagner, Brahms and others.

... in Germany you can drink tap water without boiling or additional filtration, without fear for your health. German quality drinking water on this moment is one of the highest in the world.

...the most common surname in all of Europe is Müller. There are approximately 320,000 people with this surname in Germany.

... to go fishing in Germany, you first need to complete the appropriate courses, where one of the sections will be devoted to how to handle the caught fish so that it does not experience unnecessary suffering.

Appendix 5

Arbeitsblatt: Die deutschen Bundesländer





Welche drei deutschen Städte sind auch Bundesländer? _______________, _______________, _______________

Was ist das größte Bundesland (in Landmasse)? _______________________

Welches Bundesland hat die meisten Einwohner ? ______________________

Welche drei Bundesländer haben eine Grenze mit Frankreich?

___________________________, ___________________________, ___________________________

Welche drei Bundesländer haben eine Grenze mit Polen? ___________________________, ___________________________, ___________________________

Was ist die Hauptstadt von Rheinland-Pfalz? _______________________________

Was ist die Hauptstadt von Baden-Württemberg? _______________________________

Welches Bundesland umringt Berlin? _______________________________

In welchem ​​Bundesland feiert man am meisten das Oktoberfest? _______________________________