Version: The last war of Hyperborea with Atlantis. Atlantis is Hyperborea

Doctor of Philosophy, researcher of the Russian North Valery Demin spent his entire life collecting information about the legendary Hyperborea and looking for the remains of this civilization.

- Was the sudden cold snap to blame for the death of Hyperborea?

This is the first thought that comes to mind when looking at the modern polar climate. After all, numerous data show that the climate in the Arctic has changed at different times. For example, the results of a foreign expedition that took place in 2004 were recently announced - a research vessel, with the help of two icebreakers, “came close” to the North Pole at a distance of only 250 km. There, scientists took soil samples from the ocean floor and then carried out an isotope analysis of the carbon contained in the remains of algae and shells. And he showed that 55 million years ago the water in these latitudes warmed up to 24 degrees and was not much different from the equatorial one. This means that there are some factors that official science is not yet able to take into account.

Yes. This case is just typical - we still don’t know much about the Arctic and our North. But here is an example of a discovery where we are talking about times closer to us. Russian archaeologists, during excavations on the Yana River in northern Yakutia, discovered spearheads made from mammoth tusks and one, very unusual, made from the horn of a woolly rhinoceros. These finds, as well as animal bones and stone tools, are twice as old as previously known traces of human presence in the Far North. Archaeologists have come to the conclusion: the ancestors of modern people hunted in the Arctic 30 thousand years ago, and not 14 thousand, as was thought before this discovery. But this is not the limit.

Lost sensation

In 1982, archaeologist Yuri Mochanov discovered the ancient site of Diring-Yuryakh on the right bank of the Lena River, 140 km away. from Yakutsk. Unique tools, deposits of boulders and pebbles with obvious traces of mechanical impact were found there. The age of the finds, established by archaeologists, was amazing - at least 2.5 million years! And this is several hundred thousand years younger than any African site. Naturally, such a chronology contradicts the hypothesis of the tropical origin of man and becomes an additional argument in favor of the concept of his polar ancestral home. It was a sensation! At the end of the 80s, the All-Union Conference “The Problem of the Ancient Homeland of Humanity in the Light of New Archaeological and Anthropological Discoveries” was held in Yakutia.

Dozens of scientists from institutes and universities gathered. The final document stated: “The monuments of Diring culture are not only a national, but also a universal, planetary heritage. Their comprehensive study can have important long-term significance in the world science of the origin of mankind.” The question is, has this changed anything in modern archeology or anthropology? Unfortunately no.
SCIENTISTS argue whether Atlantis existed and, if so, where to look for it? The ancestral home of humanity, a symbol of an ideal state whose inhabitants possessed secret knowledge - this is what is meant by Atlantis. In mythology, this country is opposed to Hyperborea - a civilization whose name translated from Greek means “beyond the north wind.” However, a number of scientists over the past centuries have tried to prove that the legendary Atlantis was located in the north before its destruction. In other words, this... is Hyperborea.

The Aborigines considered them gods

WHAT IS YOUR HYPOTHESIS BASED ON? What is its scientific basis?
- Firstly, there are the results of our nine expeditions. Artifacts have been found that require explanation. Secondly, an analysis of ancient texts was carried out. In books such as the Indian "Rigveda" and the Iranian "Avesta", in Chinese and Tibetan historical chronicles, in German epics and Russian epics, in numerous myths and legends of different peoples of the world, the northern Ancestral Home with polar phenomena is described - the northern lights, polar night and day, etc. According to ancient ideas, it was from the north that the ancestors of modern ethnic groups once migrated.

There is reason to believe that previously the climate in the Arctic Circle was much more favorable for living. Perhaps the continent was washed by a warm current like the Gulf Stream. Russian oceanographers have established that in the period 15-30 thousand years BC, the climate of the Arctic was mild, and the Arctic Ocean was quite warm, despite the presence of glaciers on the continent. Canadian and American scientists came to approximately the same conclusions. In their opinion, during the Wisconsin glaciation (about 70 thousand years ago), a temperate climate zone was located in the center of the Arctic Ocean.
- Do you want to say that the Hyperborean civilization was older than mammoths?


- Yes, it existed 15-20 thousand years ago. And it had aircraft in its arsenal; it was a highly developed civilization. The sacred books of many nations contain descriptions of contacts with “heavenly aliens.” The aborigines attributed these phenomena to the realm of the miraculous and considered the Hyperboreans to be gods or demigods. I think that the overwhelming majority of archaic myths telling about the deeds of gods and demigods are just the actual history of the Earth dressed in esoteric form.

Atlanta from Spitsbergen

BUT WHY did these “heavenly aliens” necessarily come from the polar regions? They could be, dare I say it, aliens.
- Well, I didn’t come up with all this out of the blue. Let's look at the background of the question. For a long time it was believed that the ancestral home of all civilizations was in the Middle East. In the twentieth century, evolutionary scientists moved the cradle of humanity to Africa. But in the Hindu, Buddhist and Vedic traditions, other ideas prevailed.

The first of those who gave a serious scientific substantiation of the polar concept of the origin of civilizations and world cultures was the Frenchman Jean Sylvain Bailly, a famous astronomer and public figure of the 18th century. Having studied the information available to him, Bayi came to the conclusion that all the existing achievements of the ancients were based on even earlier achievements of an unknown (“lost”) people who had highly developed knowledge. Among other things, he analyzed the astronomical calculations of antiquity and realized: those peoples who in the 18th century were classified as southern ethnic groups previously lived in northern (often polar) latitudes.

Bailly was the first to point out the polar origin of the myth of the dying and resurrecting god, which exists in many cultures. Such ancient deities as the Egyptian Osiris or the Syrian Adonis (who later migrated to the Greco-Roman pantheon) personified the Sun in the distant past. And, as you know, in northern latitudes it disappears behind the horizon for several months, giving way to the long polar night. Bailly calculated that the 40-day cycle preceding the resurrection of Osiris corresponds to the "dying and resurrection" of the Sun at a northern latitude of 68 degrees. It is here that one should look for the ancestral home of the Egyptians with their solar cult of Osiris. If we look at the map of the Eastern Hemisphere, we will see that the sixty-eighth parallel runs through the center of the Kola Peninsula, crosses Yamal and the Gulf of Ob, as well as vast territories of Western and Eastern Siberia.

Jean Bailly was sure that before the cold snap in the North, Spitsbergen and other Arctic territories were inhabited by powerful Atlanteans. “Atlanteans,” he wrote, “who came from an island in the Arctic Sea, are definitely Hyperboreans - inhabitants of a certain island about which the Greeks told us so much.” For Bailly, as for ancient authors, Atlantis and Hyperborea were identical.

Bailly lived in the 18th century, but since then science has made great progress. Genetics have proven that all modern humanity descended from a small tribe of a couple of thousand people that lived in East Africa.
- All of humanity cannot be subjected to genetic analysis. Along with this group of ancestors, others could have existed. We know that the theory of evolution has many blind spots and contradictions. Only at the end of the twentieth century did scientists recognize that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons were completely independent groups of troglodytes, and not a consistent chain of humanoids, as previously thought. And what are the facts of concealing the remains found by anthropologists worth if their age does not fit into the scale accepted by Darwinists?! They gather dust in storage rooms, they are not exhibited in museums, they are not written about in textbooks.

The stone clearly shows traces of artificial processing (Seydozero)

The history of mankind is still shrouded in mystery. It is possible that, along with primitive ape-people, more intelligent creatures lived on the planet. A significant part of the population of Hyperborea died as a result of a planetary cataclysm, but some managed to take refuge in underground shelters, and then spread to the south, forming new ethnic centers.

WHO, besides Bailly, has seriously studied this problem?
- Oh, this is a whole direction in science! Not only geographers and historians were involved here, but also linguists. At the end of the 19th century, the rector of Boston University, William Warren, published the book “Paradise Found at the North Pole” - it went through 11 editions! Based on the analysis of extensive material, he showed that all archaic legends about the earthly paradise (Eden) are vague memories of a once-existent fertile land that was located in the Far North.
"Arctic Bridge"

Hyperborea on the map of Gerardus Mercator.

WHAT is meant by Hyperborea? What lands are we talking about?
- At the moment, it makes sense to look for traces of this civilization in the Eurasian and American North, on the islands and archipelagos of the Arctic Ocean, on the ocean shelf, at the bottom of some seas, lakes and rivers. Moreover, the largest number of places and artifacts that can be interpreted from a Hyperborean point of view are located in Russia. Many of them have already received expert assessment, others are still waiting to be discovered. Currently, active search work is being carried out on the Kola Peninsula, on Vaygach Island, in Karelia, in the Urals, in Western Siberia, in Khakassia, Yakutia, and other regions. There are prospects for research in Franz Josef Land, Taimyr, and Yamal.

The geological concept of “Hyperborean platform” has already come into circulation. Its dynamics are discussed - how and for what reasons did it sink to the bottom of the ocean?
- That is, Hyperborea was located not only on the currently existing lands, but also on those that went under water?
- One of the maps of the Flemish Gerard Mercator, the most famous cartographer of all time, depicts a huge continent in the region of the North Pole. It is an archipelago of islands separated by deep rivers.

In the very center there is a mountain (according to legend, the ancestors of the Indo-European peoples lived near Mount Meru). Where did this land come from on the map, since in the Middle Ages nothing was known about the polar Arctic? There is reason to believe that Mercator had some kind of ancient map in his hands - he mentioned this in one of his letters in 1580. And on that map, the Northern Ocean was free of ice, and in its center there was a continent. Mercator simply took this circumstance into account.

Catherine's secret decree

IF ancient cartographic sources were available to a select few, did any of them try to penetrate north in search of Hyperborea?
- Moreover, these were our compatriots. Information about the Arctic ancestral home spread through Masonic channels and reached Catherine the Great. With the help of Lomonosov, she organized two expeditions. On May 4, 1764, the Empress signed a secret decree. According to official documents, the goal of Admiral Vasily Chichagov’s expedition was presented as “Resumption of whale and other animal and fisheries on Spitsbergen.” However, in the memoirs of Chichagov’s son it is referred to as “an expedition to the North Pole.” Only when the ship entered the open sea was it necessary to open a special package with instructions. It was said there that you need to swim towards the pole. The instructions were written by Lomonosov's hand. The expedition stumbled upon thick ice and returned back.
- Why was Catherine interested in Hyperborea?

I think she was attracted by what attracted other rulers long before her - the secret of eternal youth (or even immortality). According to legends, the elixir of youth is one of the “know-hows of the Hyperboreans.” The Empress was a woman, let's not forget that.
P.S. The Cheka and Dzerzhinsky personally also showed interest in the search for Hyperborea. What was discovered in the Russian North in the twentieth century? And why are its geographical names so consonant with Sumerian, Indian and ancient Greek words?

They were seized with fear before the hole

YOU ASSUME that the empress was interested in the recipe for the “elixir of youth” or even immortality, which the Hyperboreans allegedly possessed. What other “know-how” did they have at their disposal?
- The secret of the Ultimate Weapon, similar in strength to nuclear weapons. In any case, the 20th century expedition led by Alexander Barchenko was looking for him. Not at the North Pole, which by that time was already more or less clear. It was worth searching on the Arctic islands, mysteriously disappearing lands and throughout the entire Hyperborean periphery - from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka.

Barchenko was a famous esoteric researcher. They say he had extrasensory abilities and studied the issues of transmitting thoughts at a distance. And on the Kola Peninsula he acted with the mandate of the Brain Institute and with the personal blessing of Academician Bekhterev. The fact is that, among other things, Bekhterev was interested in the mysterious phenomenon of measuring - polar psychosis. It is inherent to the aborigines of the North. For no apparent reason, people fall into a mass trance and behave like zombies: they sway, speak in an incomprehensible language and do not feel pain.

The Cheka became interested in Barchenko’s research. Firstly, measuring could be used to create psychotronic weapons. Secondly, the security officers were already beginning to supervise atomic developments. And Dzerzhinsky personally supported Barchenko’s expedition to the remote areas of the Kola Peninsula. This was in 1922. Near the sacred Seydozero, the researchers saw a giant black figure of a man with outstretched arms crossed on a rock. They discovered rectangularly hewn granite blocks, “pyramids” on the tops of mountains and in swamps, and found paved areas - as if the remains of an ancient road. The expedition members also came across an unusual hole leading into the depths of the earth. But no one dared to go down there. They say they felt the opposition of some forces, they were overcome by sudden fear.

Entrance is difficult to find

NOT GOOD for searching for the Ultimate Weapon. Iron Felix was unlikely to be pleased...
- I’m sure that Barchenko still penetrated into the ancient shelter and found something there. It is possible that upon his return he presented material evidence to the Cheka to support his ideas. In any case, the results of the research were classified in the archives. We made inquiries to the FSB, and we were told that all documentation was destroyed in 1941, when the Germans were approaching Moscow.

Barchenko himself was accused of espionage and executed in 1938. Already in prison, he asked for a pencil and paper in order to describe in detail everything he knew. As soon as the manuscript was completed, he was executed. What happened to the researcher’s written work is unknown.
- But during your expeditions did you find this mysterious hole?

No, and this is understandable. Firstly, finding the entrance to an underground cave can be very difficult - speleologists know this well. It sometimes turns out to be inconspicuous, lost among piles of stones and rocks, and also overgrown with bushes. An illustrative example is Abrau-Durso, a sparkling wine factory near Novorossiysk. Storage cellars were built in the depths of the mountain; this warehouse is five kilometers long. But the Germans were never able to penetrate there during the war! And this despite the fact that hundreds of excursionists used to be taken to the plant, its location was not a special secret.

Secondly, I do not rule out that the entrance was blown up. Since the mid-30s, a camp for political prisoners was organized in the Seydozero area. They even built something there, but in the 50s they blew everything up. Only traces of destroyed structures remained. But you won’t get anything from the special services!
What did modern expeditions manage to discover in the Seydozero area? To be continued in the next issues.

Sites on the pyramids

WHAT did you find there?
- The deepest research was carried out in the area of ​​Seydozero, a sacred lake on the Kola Peninsula. In 2001, we made a geolocation there. And she showed that under the bottom of the reservoir there is a tunnel clogged with silt. It runs from one bank to the other and goes into the depths of Mount Ninchurt. The ground penetrating radar, which “translates” the ground to 30 m, stated that there are extensive underground shelters in the mountains at both ends of the tunnel. And the geologists who were there unanimously declared that the natural origin of the caves was impossible. An equally unexpected result was produced by the same “paved road” found by Barchenko. It turned out that the stonework went in even rows at right angles one and a half meters underground. Of course, the walls of Troy, excavated by Schliemann, are ten times larger, but it is possible that we are also dealing with some kind of defensive fortification.

Did you find the pyramids that Alexander Barchenko wrote about?
- Yes, we discovered several pyramids, they look like mounds, and they also need to be examined with ground penetrating radar. Among them there are those whose top is, as it were, cut off with a knife, and in its place an absolutely flat area is found.

Steps on the Karelian mountain Vottovaara

Remains of foundations, geometrically correct blocks, inverted columns were also found... It can be seen that powerful stone structures used to exist everywhere in the North. In general, the northern coast of the polar seas - from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka - is replete with pyramidal pillars made of stones, they are called “gurias”. In appearance, they resemble Lapland seids - religious structures made of stones, which were worshiped by the Lapp Sami from ancient times. It is believed that they were placed in prominent places as beacons so that they could navigate the area well. An examination of samples broken off from stone blocks showed that they are of technogenic origin, and their age is about 10 thousand years BC.

Still, it was very important for us to discover underground shelters in the polar territories. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. We are sure that they are there, just hidden from view.
- Couldn’t the local residents help in this search?
- They are afraid of this like fire! The Sami say: “We have no right to reveal the secret.” Like, yes, my father told me something, but if I show you these places, I’ll die right there. And it is impossible to convince them.

"Arctic homeland in the Vedas"

YOU SAID that in the books of various ancient cultures there are references to polar realities, which implies that these peoples came from the North. Can you give examples?
- There are a lot of them. The ancient Iranian “Avesta” describes the Ancient Home of humanity, where the Sun rises and sets once a year, and the year itself is divided into one long day and long night. This, as is known, occurs in high polar latitudes. It also talks about the aurora, and the behavior of the Sun is described as it is seen in the Far North. There is a phrase in the Vedas: “What is a year is only one day and one night of the Gods.”
The Indian scientist and public figure Balgangadhar Tilak conducted a scrupulous textual analysis of the sacred books. He studied Sanskrit sources, the ancient Aryan cult of the Sun and the goddess of the dawn Ushas. Tilak calculated the length of days and nights, dawns and twilights, months and seasons according to their descriptions in the books of the ancient Aryans. Scientists superimposed these calculations on a map of Russia and saw that the realities described in the Rig Veda are suitable for the latitude of Murmansk and Yamal. Tilak called his work “The Arctic Homeland in the Vedas”; it is widely known in the West.
Evidence of the presence of historical peoples in the Arctic can be found in Homer’s Odyssey. Polar realities are found even in the Bible. For example, in the Book of Joshua there is a reference to the behavior of the sun: “The sun stood in the midst of the sky, and did not hurry towards the west almost the whole day.”

Intrusive "frame"

Are there any hints in ANCIENT RUSSIAN texts that our ancestral home was located in the North?
- There is research data on Slavic folklore, it was carried out by our compatriot Lilia Alekseeva. The result was her monograph “Aurora Borealis in the Mythology of the Slavs.” It convincingly shows that many images in fairy tales, as well as ritual poetry, folk beliefs, conspiracies and spells of our ancestors were inspired by the contemplation of the spectacle of the polar lights.

The Kola Peninsula, where you went on an expedition, is inhabited by the Sami. Do they have “memories” of Hyperborea in their language?
- The Sami language belongs to the Finno-Ugric branch. What can make it related to the Indo-European language family? Nevertheless, on the Kola Peninsula, geographical names (most of them given by the Sami) often contain the roots “Indus” and “Ganges,” reminiscent of the famous Indian rivers. These are the Indiga, Indera, Indichjok rivers, the hill, the river and the village of Indel, and the Indera lakes. Also in the Russian North are the Ganges Island, Gangasikha Bay, Gangas Bay and Hill, Gangos Mountain and Lake.

There is another root base common to many Indo-European languages ​​and languages ​​of other branches - “ram”, which refers us to the name of the ancient Indian epic “Ramayana”. In the very heart of the Kola Peninsula you will find the Ramatuayvvench-tundra hills, Lake Ramyavr and Mount Rama. Both in Europe and in Asia (including Russia) you can find many names of cities, lakes and rivers with the root base “frames”.
Dahl's dictionary notes the figurative (and once, perhaps, the main) meaning of the Russian word “ramo” - “power, strength, power, mighty hand.” Agree, a very suitable nickname for a leader. I think this is how our language (and other European and Asian languages) preserves the memory of Prince Rama, the hero of the epic who led the movement of the Aryans from north to south, as described in the Ramayana.

Myths or reality?

BUT THE SIMILARITY of names does not explain which language is older, Sami or Sanskrit, and where our ancestors migrated. Maybe it was exactly the opposite? People gradually moved from south to north, as modern science claims. And what does the Ramayana have to do with it?
- The assumption that about 7 thousand years ago the Indo-Aryan leader Rama led the ancestors of the Indo-European peoples from the Arctic to the south was expressed by Alexander Barchenko, whom we mentioned, and his predecessors, the same Tilak, in his work “The Arctic Homeland in the Vedas.” Let me remind you what is discussed in the Ramayana. The plot centers on a grandiose battle between the noble prince Rama and bloodthirsty demons - rakshasas. The prince and his associates are helped by the super-perfect people who came from the north. The epic is based on the archaic ideas of the ancient Aryans, including about their Ancient Homeland. And its symbol, as in the entire Aryan tradition, is the golden Mount Meru, located at the North Pole, in the center of Hyperborea.

Maybe it's just mythology? Should it be taken so literally?
- Any ethnic groups in all eras, faced with phenomena that they cannot comprehend rationally, with some scientific and technical achievements incomprehensible to them, attributed the phenomena and living beings they saw with their own eyes to the realm of the miraculous and declared this the sphere of activity of the celestials or their messengers, descended from heaven. I am sure that most archaic myths telling about the deeds of gods and demigods are just the history of a once-existing highly developed civilization dressed in a mystical and esoteric form.

There are numerous references to Hyperborea in the mythology of the ancient Greek gods, in the very history of the formation of the Olympic pantheon. I do not rule out that the Olympian gods were not fictional characters, but real-life descendants of the Hyperborean titans who reached the Balkans from the north and settled there.
- Now we have reached the most important question. What drove the Hyperboreans from north to south? Why did civilization perish?
- It is obvious that a severe cold snap has begun there. What caused the cataclysm, whether it had a natural or man-made cause, one can only guess.

SO, was the sudden cooling to blame for the death of Hyperborea?
- This is the first thought that comes to mind when you look at the modern polar climate. After all, numerous data show that the climate in the Arctic has changed at different times. For example, the results of a foreign expedition that took place in 2004 were recently announced - a research vessel, with the help of two icebreakers, “came close” to the North Pole at a distance of only 250 km. There, scientists took soil samples from the ocean floor and then carried out an isotope analysis of the carbon contained in the remains of algae and shells. And he showed that 55 million years ago the water in these latitudes warmed up to 24 degrees and was not much different from the equatorial one. This means that there are certain factors that official science is not yet able to take into account.

But 55 million years is quite ancient. You said that the age of Hyperborea is 15-20 thousand years...
- Yes. This case is just typical - we still don’t know much about the Arctic and our North. But here is an example of a discovery where we are talking about times closer to us. Russian archaeologists, during excavations on the Yana River in northern Yakutia, discovered spearheads made from mammoth tusks and one, very unusual, made from the horn of a woolly rhinoceros. These finds, as well as animal bones and stone tools, are twice as old as previously known traces of human presence in the Far North. Archaeologists have come to the conclusion: the ancestors of modern people hunted in the Arctic 30 thousand years ago, and not 14 thousand, as was thought before this discovery. But this is not the limit.

(“We were stupefied when we saw how the wound on the chest had healed without a trace, as soon as the whispering stopped,” said A.A. Kondiain. The shaman assured that the pass had been received, that Barchenko’s heart would be exceptionally healthy for the rest of his life. And, indeed. In the morning , the scientist, having shouldered two heavy backpacks, did not go, but ran across the tundra to the treasured rocks of Lovozero, to the sanctuary, Side - water.)

Lost sensation

Well, before 30 thousand years ago, man could not have appeared in Siberia.
- If we proceed from the officially accepted history of mankind, then yes. We have already mentioned in passing that information about many finds of archaeologists and anthropologists is simply hushed up if the age of the found remains “does not fit” into the scale accepted by Darwinists. Or it contradicts the hypothesis of the origin of man from Africa and his further settlement to other continents.

In 1982, archaeologist Yuri Mochanov discovered the ancient site of Diring-Yuryakh on the right bank of the Lena River, 140 km from Yakutsk. Unique tools, deposits of boulders and pebbles with obvious traces of mechanical impact were found there. The age of the finds, established by archaeologists, was amazing - at least 2.5 million years! And this is several hundred thousand years younger than any African site. Naturally, such a chronology contradicts the hypothesis of the tropical origin of man and becomes an additional argument in favor of the concept of his polar ancestral home. It was a sensation!

Hyperborea on map Gerard Mercator 1595

At the end of the 80s, the All-Union Conference “The Problem of the Ancient Homeland of Humanity in the Light of New Archaeological and Anthropological Discoveries” was held in Yakutia. Dozens of scientists from institutes and universities gathered. The final document stated: “The monuments of Diring culture are not only a national, but also a universal, planetary heritage. Their comprehensive study can have important long-term significance in the world science of the origin of mankind.” The question is, has this changed anything in modern archeology or anthropology? Unfortunately no.

YOU CALLED research data according to which the climate in the Arctic has changed repeatedly and was once quite suitable for human life. But if Hyperborea was destroyed by a sharp cold snap, why did the continent, which was supposedly located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, sink to the bottom?
- I think there was more than one cataclysm. To understand the cause of the cosmoplanetary tragedy that played out in the open spaces of the earth, we must turn to the data of a whole complex of sciences - geology, geophysics, hydrology, astronomy, cosmology.

In the twentieth century, scientists came to the conclusion about the existence in the distant past of the powerful Tulean landmass in the Arctic Ocean. Zoologists called it Arctida. They noticed that the same animal species live in North America and the polar regions of Eurasia. This is how the hypothesis arose about the existence of an “Arctic bridge” - land that connected America and Eurasia from 100 to 10 thousand years ago. (However, some geologists call dates closer to us - only 2.5 thousand years ago.) As is known, the Lomonosov mountain range runs along the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, from Russia to Greenland.

Its peaks rise three kilometers above the ocean floor and reach only one kilometer below the surface of the water. I am sure that the ridge was the main axis of the “Arctic bridge”. In the course of further research, this concept became more and more specific and supported by new facts.
- Let’s say that the “Arctic bridge” could go under water as a result of geological shifts. But in order for it to become sharply cold where there was a tropical climate, some kind of “shake-up” of the planet is simply necessary...

Exactly. That is why it is worth talking about a cosmoplanetary cataclysm, and not just about geological shifts. The cause of the cooling could be a change in the tilt of the axis and a shift in the Earth's poles. It is known that they have repeatedly changed their position throughout the history of the planet. The same applies to the magnetic poles - it is estimated that over 76 million years the north and south changed places 171 times. Moreover, the last geomagnetic inversion occurred between 10 and 12 thousand years BC. The time coincides with the death of Hyperborea (or the hypothetical continent of Arctida). Along with the change of poles, the specific location of zones with cold and warm climates on Earth changed. Where ice now reigns and there is a long polar night, tropical vegetation once bloomed.

Why did the Earth “somersault”?
- IN SUCH case, there must be some indications of this global cataclysm in ancient texts...
- And they are! Moreover, in a number of texts the reason is directly indicated - a change in the inclination of the sky in relation to the earth, which is only possible when the axis is shifted. For example, in the ancient Chinese treatise “Huainanzi” it is described as follows: “The sky tilted to the northwest, the Sun, Moon and stars moved.” Plato, in his dialogue “Politician,” reported on times when sunset and sunrise of the Sun were the opposite of the present one - it rose in the west and set in the east, which is possible precisely when the earth’s axis rotates 180 degrees. Herodotus reported the same thing with reference to Egyptian priests.

Lomonosov, having studied all these written sources, made the following conclusion: “Therefore it follows that in the northern regions in ancient times there were great heat waves, where elephants were born and multiplied, and other animals, as well as plants, near the equator.”
- What made the poles change places and the Earth “tumble” in interplanetary space?
- There could be several reasons. One of them is the influence of cosmic factors, for example, the invasion of a new massive body into the Solar System, which changed the balance of gravitational forces between the planets and our star. Or a cosmic explosion - within the solar system or beyond.

Modern geophysicists do not rule out that the planet’s “somersault” could have occurred due to the massive accumulation of ice at the poles and their asymmetrical location relative to the earth’s axis. By the way, this hypothesis was supported by Albert Einstein. Here are his words, written in the preface to a book by an American scientist: “The rotation of the Earth acts on these asymmetrical masses, creating a centrifugal moment that is transmitted to the rigid earth’s crust. When the magnitude of such a moment exceeds a certain critical value, it causes movement of the earth’s crust relative to the part of the Earth’s body located inside...”

Venus passed by

YOU SAID that the Earth's poles repeatedly changed places, which is why warm and cold places on our planet also “wandered” back and forth. Was this such a common occurrence in the past?
- On the scale of the history of the Earth - of course yes. And the displacement of the earth's axis is only one of the possible consequences of global cataclysms. I mentioned the hypothesis of a massive body invading the Solar System, which changed the balance of gravitational forces between the planets. So, the famous American scientist of Russian origin, Immanuel Velikovsky, wrote six books on this topic, combined into the “Centuries in Chaos” series. Having studied thousands of written sources, he came to the conclusion that such a body could be Venus, the youngest planet of the solar system...

Firstly, the position of the Earth in orbit has changed - east and west have swapped places. Secondly, the catastrophe was caused by a certain “heavenly deity”. After which Venus appeared in the sky. Where did she come from? It is assumed that initially it was a huge comet that collided with some planet in the solar system. It eventually stabilized in its current orbit, but not before passing near the Earth and causing a shift in the axis of our planet with all the catastrophic consequences.
Of course, astronomers and other scientists rejected Velikovsky's concept. But space research at the end of the twentieth century confirmed that the age of Venus is indeed much younger than was commonly believed.
The beauty of Seydozero - the smell of antiquity

Mirages have nothing to do with it

- LET'S RETURN to the search for Hyperborea. At the beginning of the 19th century, the famous Yakov Sannikov suggested the existence of vast land north of the New Siberian Islands. Allegedly, he saw her three times from different points. But in the twentieth century it was proven that there is no land there. Maybe Hyperborea is also a kind of “mirage” that has worried humanity for centuries?

But material traces remained from this “mirage”! Albeit not in the form we are accustomed to, and also in a destroyed and deformed form. These are stone structures and sculptures. We have already talked about some, we will talk about others later.
Now about Sannikov. There is much evidence of the existence of mysterious disappearing lands in the Arctic. At first people observed them with their own eyes, and then no one could find these lands. There were a lot of such islands - these are the Lands of Makarov, Bradley, Gilles, Harris, Kenan, Tak-Puk, etc. They were recorded in ship documents, their coordinates were indicated, and they were put on maps. And then they disappeared, God knows how!

Well, this only confirms the version of mirages. They are known to be found not only in deserts, but also in cold northern latitudes...
- What is the essence of polar mirages? The observer sees what is located beyond the horizon line. Or sees the object distorted. In any case, he will not see the ground where there is solid ice. And then, the disappearing islands were observed not only from the ground, but also from the air, so mirages have nothing to do with it. In March 1941, an aerial polar expedition led by Ivan Cherevichny photographed a large island in the Laptev Sea with an elongated oval outline and distinct river beds. The coordinates were recorded, but subsequently no one saw this land there. In 1946, Soviet and American pilots simultaneously photographed an even larger island - 30 km long. Soon after that, he too disappeared forever.

Visions from the past

And I happened to read that the Arctic islands are disappearing because many of them consist of permafrost covered with a layer of soil. The waves wash away the icy shores, and the islands become smaller until they disappear completely.
- This is only partly true. I would like to point out that on many lands that subsequently disappeared, researchers saw not only ice, but also rocks. And also mountains covered with forests. All this, you see, is not so easy to wash away with a wave. And the famous American polar pilot Richard Byrd, as follows from his stories, during one of his flights over the endless expanses of ice, he unexpectedly saw an oasis below - mountains, lakes and huge animals reminiscent of mammoths!
- Well, hello to Obruchev, the author of the science fiction novel “Sannikov’s Land”!

If we take fantastic hypotheses, I admit that the travelers who observed the mysterious lands were dealing with the so-called chronomirages. True, I prefer another term - “noospheric memory”. Information about the distant past is stored in the energy-information field of the Universe, surrounding and permeating the Earth. This field can interact with the nervous system of a person or animal and open channels of information accumulated over previous centuries and millennia. Such possibilities are found in some bioactive zones of the Earth. The North is one of these zones.

Footprints in the snowy desert

WHAT other phenomena are observed in the Arctic besides disappearing islands?
- For example, there is a riddle of the Pole of Inaccessibility. This is a huge and poorly studied area in the East Siberian Sea. In area it is comparable to several European countries. Apparently, there was the eastern part of Hyperborea, which sank to the bottom of the ocean. The mystery is that huge flocks of birds regularly rushed towards the obviously lifeless Pole of Inaccessibility. (By the way, this fact was reflected in the novel “Sannikov’s Land” that you mentioned.) It was possible to reach this area only in 1941. The air expedition plane led by Ivan Cherevichny made several landings there. No lands were discovered, but the researchers were perplexed when they discovered a chain of arctic fox tracks in the snow leading north. Where the arctic fox could have come from thousands of kilometers from the mainland is unknown.

In general, when reading many written sources telling about Arctic research, one cannot leave the feeling of mystery. Take the expedition of 1764. The detachment, led by Sergeant Stepan Andreev, set off on dog sleds across the ice of the East Siberian Sea north of the mouth of the Kolyma. Local aborigines said that there was “a large land on which there is quite enough standing forest.” The expedition reached one of the Bear Islands and there came across a chain of fresh human traces. Without saying a word, the people turned back and left the island in panic. But they had been preparing for this trip for a whole year, they knew what they were getting into, and, apparently, they were not timid people! Maybe they saw something inexplicable?
- “Bigfoot”?

Indeed, residents of the North often talk about encounters with “Bigfoot.” It is forbidden to communicate with him - it is taboo. There are known tales of local aborigines about the “underground miracle” - an ancient people who were forced to hide underground under the influence of the elements. And he allegedly continues to live there to this day.

WHERE the Hyperborean civilization once existed, local residents often meet Bigfoot. The aborigines have tales about the “underground miracle” - an ancient people who were forced to hide underground from some kind of cataclysm and continue to live there to this day.

Flying "monkey people"

SO, Bigfoot is a direct descendant of the Hyperboreans? This civilization has an unenviable fate...
- No, the descendants of the Hyperboreans are modern Indo-European peoples. And Bigfoot, as I assume, descended from another species of humanoids who lived at the same time and in the same territory as the Hyperboreans. What kind of humanoids are these? According to the traditional beliefs of many peoples of the world, the gods first created the world, and then man. But in the mythology of the ancient Aryans there is another intermediate link, which is not given much importance. It turns out that long before people, the gods created a population of other creatures - highly wise and super-perfect monkeys.
The ancient Indian epic "Ramayana" mentions a certain "monkey people" who arrived from the north and helped Rama win his brilliant victories. These “ape people” had amazing abilities, including the ability to fly. Similar creatures are described in both Chinese and Tibetan mythologies. I think that when the Aryans rushed south after the global climate catastrophe, the “monkey people” chose to stay in the north and adapt to new conditions. This population managed to survive in underground shelters, but gradually degraded and lost many skills and abilities.
- Why have scientists still not been able to catch a representative of this “tribe”?

The largest number of data on encounters with Bigfoot, traces of his presence (footprints, beds, scraps of fur, excrement) come from the Kola Peninsula - one of the centers of Hyperborea. But the geology of these places is poorly studied. It is possible that in the depths of rock formations there are vast voids of natural or artificial origin with favorable geothermal conditions. And then, Bigfoot is not a primitive relict humanoid, but a fully developed creature, despite the degradation that has occurred. Therefore, he easily leaves everyone who hunts him with their nose.

Sanctuary in the mountains

YOU WERE GOING TO list what other material traces remained from Hyperborea, besides the already mentioned pyramids, the “paved road”, the tunnel clogged with silt under the bottom of the lake...
- In the summer of 2000, St. Petersburg prospectors discovered traces of a religious building in the Khibiny Mountains (a mountain range on the Kola Peninsula). This is a sanctuary that has been severely damaged by time and erosion, consisting of large stone blocks. Its central element is a two-meter stone of a “phallic” shape. It resembles the famous Omphalus - the “Navel of the Earth”, which was located in Delphi, the sacred center of the ancient world.

True, that monolith is smaller in size and decorated with a carved pattern, while the “Kola Navel” is larger and heavily weathered. Researchers tried to determine the purpose of other stone blocks and came to the conclusion that this entire complex was a structure that served ritual purposes.
And this is not all the finds of search engines in the Russian North. There are also mysterious steps, a stone throne, drawings on stones...

Dmitry Pisarenko

Many people at different periods of their lives ask questions - who am I and where are my origins? Today we will talk about how it all began, about Hyperborea - the cradle of humanity, about the great secrets of the disappeared continents. Let's talk about Lemuria and Atlantis - the oldest civilizations on Earth.

To be fair, it is worth noting that there are different versions of the appearance of humanity on Earth, but now we will not delve into the esoteric nuances regarding the introduction of life by other alien civilizations.

However, the famous Sumerian legend “On the Creation of Life” tells how certain Gods flew to Earth 4 billion years ago and founded their colonies here.

So, Hyperborea, Lemuria, Atlantis... Let's begin.

One common homeland - Hyperborea

Once upon a time in the past, everyone had one language and one common homeland - Hyperborea.

The first continent, called the White Island or the Country of the Gods, was located in the very center of the North Pole. It was the giant Mount Meru, coming straight out of the sea.

According to Tibetan legend, it was believed that this mountain or White Island is the Eternal Sacred Land, the Habitat of Brahma, Vishnu, as well as the Olympus of Indian religions, which is not subject to destruction.

The second continent is Hyperborea or the northern country, stretching in all directions from the North Pole. There were legends about this country that were preserved among many peoples.

The ancients believed that there was once a Golden Age on Earth without wars and bloodshed. People lived happily ever after, dying of their own free will from satiety with life, and not from illness and old age. This country was located under the North Star, and all the loops of the world converged in it.

The ancient Greeks called Boreas the God of the North Wind, the son of the God Astraeus and the Goddess Eos. The Hyperboreans lived near the Arctic Circle. In those days, the cult of Apollo the Hyperborean reigned, who was later worshiped by the Hellenes.

Hyperborea - the cradle of humanity - was the land of the sun. In those early days, it was always warm in this beautiful country, winter did not come to these parts, exotic trees grew everywhere, and many animals lived in the groves, living in harmony with people.

The ruler of Hyperborea was the High Priest of Apollo, the son of Boreas, and all the inhabitants of this country were priests of Apollo. In the center, on the territory of the modern Arctic, Mount Meru towered of fantastic size.

The top of the Mountain went far into the sky and was hidden behind the clouds; there was the abode of the Gods or Celestials. Their age was ten thousand years; perfection, harmony, and virtue reigned in their world. This country was ruled by Beings of Divine nature.

It was a Great Happy Country, located under the North Star, a day in it lasted a year: half a year there was day, and half a year there was night.

In the ancient Iranian treatise “Avesta”, Mount Meru is described as the ancient homeland of the Aryans and the entire human race.

In 1569, Gerard Mercator presented the public with a navigation map centered on the legendary Arctic Hyperborea.

Lemuria and Atlantis - cyclical processes

In those prehistoric times, the planet was washed by a global ocean. The oldest one existing now is the Pacific Ocean, it is 4.5 billion years old. Then, at the end of the Mesozoic period, the Indian Ocean appeared.

This happened about 100 million years ago as a result of the subsidence of the crust and the formation of future continents. The first continent was Hyperborea or the second land after Mount Meru.

Hyperborea had the shape of a horseshoe and included: Scandinavia, the island of Spitsbergen, Sweden, Norway, Chukotka, Yakutia, the Urals and other regions.

The death of Hyperborea occurred as a result of changes in sea currents and changes in the course of the oceans. Part of the earth sank to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, and part was added to the third continent - Lemuria.

Lemuria was a huge, one might say gigantic, continent that stretched east and west to the site of the modern American continents. It included: Sweden, Norway, Europe, Siberia, Kamchatka, Tibet, Mongolia, the Gobi Desert, India, Ceylon, Sumatra, Madagascar and other areas.

Some of the modern territories were at that time under the waters of the seas. Also, parts of this continent were located from Hindustan to Australia and Africa.

After some time, Lemuria was divided into smaller continents as a result of a change in the speed of rotation of the planet.

Continents are periodically formed and destroyed. One reason is shifting ocean currents. The change of water and land is the result of “earth shaking,” M. Lomonosov wrote in his works.

In place of modern deserts there were once seas, and ancient cities and forgotten civilizations are hidden under the current seas.

The history of the ancients tells of this continent in the Pacific Ocean, destroyed as a result of cataclysms, and the remains of Lemuria must be sought on the islands of Madagascar, Ceylon, Sumatra, Borneo, Java. This may also include a large number of islands from the Malay Archipelago to Polynesia.

When the turn of destruction of Lemuria came, Atlantis appeared - the fourth land of the planet. The history of Atlantis is several million years old. Its geological basis was the Atlantic part of Lemuria.

Peoples who inhabited ancient Hyperborea, Lemuria and Atlantis

What peoples inhabited the ancient continents of Hyperborea, Lemuria and Atlantis? No matter how fantastic this version may seem, giants existed. In ancient Greek mythology they were called Titans. The inhabitants of Hyperborea belonged to the Titan Race, their ancestors were the most ancient giants.

Hyperborea was considered the birthplace of the first giants. In the Indian epic it was called Adi-Varsha. This area today includes: Greenland, Norway, Sweden, and the island of Spitsbergen. After the submersion of Hyperborea, the Titans moved to Lemuria.

The first Lemurians were about eighteen meters tall, subsequently their height decreased until it reached six meters.

The man of that time differed from our contemporary in all respects - physical, mental, psycho-emotional and others.

There were constant wars between the Lemuro-Atlanteans for new lands. Hesiod wrote about giants in Theogony, describing them as people of gigantic size, possessing enormous strength. The giants of the first races - the people of the Bronze Age - spent their entire lives in battles.

Due to climate change, cities began to be built as shelters from the cold. Eternal spring ended, the periodicity of the seasons began.

The cities of Lemuria were built in the cliffs of stone and cooled lava. Similar architectural examples can be found today in the Andes, on the top of Tiahuanaco.

Lemuria perished before the beginning of the Eocene period as a result of massive volcanic eruptions. The continent split into separate islands, which periodically sank and rose.

One of them is Easter Island with its giant statues telling the story of its once numerous and enlightened civilization. These statues represent the last descendants of our progenitors of the first physical Race.

Every civilization first grows, develops, reaches its peak and then falls into degeneration.

One of the degenerating branches of the Lemurians began to lead a primitive existence in the jungles and caves. Today this branch is represented by the aborigines of Australia, most of whom died as a result of the tsunami that occurred in 2004 in the Indian Ocean.

Lemuria was replaced by Atlantis. If the Lemurians were drawn more to the spiritual principle, to the heavens of their ancestors and the place of their origins - Hyperborea and the North Pole, then with the Atlanteans everything was just the opposite.

It was a more down-to-earth race, gravitating towards material values, more aggressive and warlike. The settlement of lands by them increasingly shifted to the South Pole.

When some of the Lemurians were saved after horrific cataclysms, their High Priests or White Adepts settled on the Sacred Island - Shambhala. At that time it was located in the middle of the sea, today it is the Gobi Desert.

The Lemur-Atlantean races explored, populated the earth and gave birth to new races that sprouted their branches. Starting from the North, which also included ancient northern India (its size at that time was much larger than now), they, moving through the Bering Strait, as well as Kamchatka, the Kuril and Aleutian Islands, reached Alaska.

Other Atlanteans, starting from the south and moving on ships along the Polynesian islands, were able to reach South America.

This is how humanity settled from its common ancestral home - Hyperborea and the great ancient civilizations of the Earth were born: Lemuria and Atlantis. And that is why Hyperborea is considered the cradle of humanity.

"("Country of immortals, magicians and sorcerers. When was there a "golden age" on Earth?) reconstructions concerned only Hyperborea and did not affect other mythical continents - Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Pacifida, etc. I was able to understand what they were on the recently opened website “Earth before the Flood - Vanished Continents and Civilizations” on which, in the topic “”, experts from various professions - geologists, historians - expressed their opinions about the nature and time of existence of Lemuria and other mythical continents , philosophers and esotericists. In the same topic, the last veil of fog was lifted over the still remaining secret of Hyperborea.
I will not retell the content of the discussion about Lemuria, since you can read it yourself. I'll get straight to the main point. Lemuria is part of the southern supercontinent Gondwana, well known to geologists (which existed from 200-180 million years ago) after Africa and South America broke away from it about 150 million years ago.
In the form described in esoteric works, Lemuria existed from the end of the Late Jurassic era or from the turn of the Jurassic and Cretaceous eras (150 - 145 million years ago) to the turn of the early and middle Cretaceous eras (110 million years ago) and then included the united Antarctica, Madagascar, Hindustan, Australia and New Zealand, and also, according to some sources, South America and the Kerguelen Plateau in the Atlantic Ocean (Africa began to separate from South America 140-135 million years ago).
110 million years ago, Hindustan separated from Antarctica, and in the early or middle Eocene 55-45
million years ago (according to other sources, 40 million years ago) Antarctica from Australia. At the turn of the Eocene and Oligocene about 34 million years ago (according to other sources, 40-45 million years ago), Antarctica found itself in the region of the south pole, and glaciation began there, which significantly intensified at the turn of the Paleogene and Neogene periods (24 million . years ago). Madagascar moved slightly away from Africa, and Australia made a slow rotational movement counterclockwise and, as a result, remained to this day in the southern hemisphere.
From 110 million years ago, the most important fragment of Lemuria became Hindustan, which for more than 55 million years (until the early Eocene, about 55 million years ago) moved at a speed of 9-10 cm per year in a northerly direction towards the outskirts of Eurasia. At that time, between Hindustan and Eurasia there was a warm Tethys Ocean and numerous islands. In the late Eocene, approximately 40 million years ago, a “head-on” collision between Hindustan and Eurasia began, which continued throughout the Oligocene, Neogene and Quaternary periods. As a result of the interaction of two continental plates, the
The Tethys Ocean formed Tibet, the Hindu Kush, the Pamirs and the Himalayas. At first they were low elevations covered with tropical forests. In the Middle Miocene-Pliocene epoch of the Neogene period (18-3.4 million years ago), in the place of Tibet there was a vast land raised by about 1 km, on which there were many lakes, meandering rivers flowed and tropical and subtropical forests grew. The Himalayas were mountains of small height. They were covered with tropical rainforests and forest-steppes. Rivers that flowed from Tibet cut deep into them. The modern appearance of the Tibet plateau and the Hindu Kush, Pamir and Himalaya mountain ranges took on the second half of the Pliocene epoch of the Neogene period and the Quaternary period (3.4 - 0 million years ago).

The collision of Hyperborea - Eurasia with Lemuria - Hindustan led to the penetration of two completelydifferent groups of the population of the antediluvian Earth - humanoid gods, demons and their descendants from the north (Aditya, Daitya, Gandharvas, Apsaras, etc.) and snake-like and multi-armed gods, demons and their human descendants from the south. Or, in the language of anthropologists, the Aryan (Nordic) and Dravidian types of population, which led to the great mixing and formation over the past 40 million years of numerous types of intelligent beings and peoples (see also).

Hyperborea - Laurasia and its fragments connected by the land Arctic

Hyperborea corresponded to another supercontinent, Laurasia, that existed simultaneously with Gondwana 200 - 135 million years ago, million years ago, which began to split into separate continents (North America, Eurasia, individual continental masses in the Arctic) in the Early Cretaceous era (140 - 135 million years back). However, for a long time after this, there was a land connection between North America and Eurasia through the Arctic (the islands of Arctic Canada, Greenland, the central and eastern part of the Arctic, which was then dry land). The northern part of Hyperborea was the habitat of the white gods (Adityas, Gandharvas, Apsaras (and others), etc.), and later - their human descendants, the Aryans.

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This is how Atlantis was flooded

13 thousand years ago, as Plato narrates from the words of the ancient Egyptian priest Maneto, overnight, beautiful Atlantis, the center of civilization, suffered a catastrophe and disappeared into the water column. At the same time, the city, called today by its location, Mohenjo-Daro, on the other side of the world - in the Indus River valley - suffered an equally strange and unexpected catastrophe. It ceased to exist immediately, and its inhabitants, huge skeletons of which were discovered in great numbers by archaeologists, were not buried either then or centuries later for some reason. An analysis of thousands of stones also dotting the streets of Mohenjo-Daro showed that they are fragments of pottery, sintered by instantaneous heating to 1400-1600 degrees Celsius. Experts believe that there were three destructive waves in the city, spreading two kilometers from the epicenter (judging by the absence of skeletons lying everywhere, people who were near the epicenter simply evaporated). What is most important is that the possibility of a volcanic eruption or meteorite fall is completely excluded.

All over the world we find strange artifacts that, barring the possibility of nuclear war many years ago, are simply inexplicable. These are tektites (glasses of unknown origin, similar to sintered sand at the sites of ground-based nuclear tests) of the Libyan desert, the Sinneara desert and many other places.

More recently, in March 2001, Richard B. Firestone, a scientist at the famous Berkeley Atomic Research Center, made a sensational announcement. In his opinion, the radiocarbon dating of many monuments and finds already on the American continent is incorrect due to the fact that some areas, according to his research, were subjected to... bombardment by streams of neutrons and other particles that, as is known, arise during a nuclear explosion. “These neutrons converted residual nitrogen in the dated charcoals into radiocarbon, thus producing the anomalous dates. Some North American dates are thus given with an error of at least 10,000-plus years downward.” As evidence of this, he cites examined specimens from Janey in Michigan, Fedford and Zandra in Ontario, Shoup in Pennsylvania, Elton in Indiana, Leavitt in Michigan and the northern tip of Grant Lake, as well as in southwestern Baker, New Mexico. He also points to anomalous abundance ratios of uranium and plutonium in the areas he studied. And although the scientist carefully explains these anomalies as “radiation from a nearby supernova that exploded approximately 12,500 years ago (same date!!! - Yu.Ch.),” the supernova explosion does not explain traces of plutonium, an element that is not found in nature at all, and arising only in nuclear reactions of uranium produced by man under special conditions - in a nuclear reactor. All this suggests that 13,000 years ago a global nuclear war occurred on Earth. The war, I dare say, is between Hyperborea and Atlantis.

The gods and demons of the ancients are the people and leaders of Atlantis and Hyperborea!

Legends all over the world say that once upon a time there was a war on Earth and in the sky using fantastic weapons, aircraft and deadly rays, when cities disappeared and mountains exploded with giant lightning, traces of which are still visible. But they speak somehow vaguely, and here’s why. When the previous civilization was destroyed and cold weather set in, most people died. The few survivors descended into barbarism. Over centuries of savagery, science was lost, although memories of ancient wisdom were preserved from generation to generation by priests who passed on secret knowledge within their corporations in all countries and on all continents. At first these were real memories - epics, but over the centuries there were fewer and fewer details, more and more layers, naive aspirations and beliefs were intertwined, aggravated by the constantly declining level of existence and consciousness of people of the post-Hyperborean era. Distorted memory represented the heroes and leaders of the lost world as gods and demons with supernatural power, but they were just people who controlled aircraft and had weapons and technology, in some ways similar to ours, in some ways superior to us. And the hardships of life gave birth to dreams of a serene, blissful life, projected into the distant past. And as a result, we have what we have - vague memories, interesting only for their amazing details, which must be sifted out of thousands of pages of text, like golden grains of sand from tons of empty rock of religious nonsense. But what grains of sand!

For example, the work of the ancient Indian astrologer Bhashar “Siddhanta-shiromani” was recently introduced into scientific circulation, in which, among other units of time measurement, the “trutti” appears, which is 0.3375 seconds, and in an even earlier Sanskrit text, “Brihath Sakatha” , there is a unit of measurement of time “kashta”, equal to one three hundred millionth of a second! Experts studying the works of ancient Indian scientists are at a loss: for what purpose was such a unit needed in those days and how was it measured? After all, “kashta,” like any other unit of measure, can only have meaning if there is a practical need for it and there are means to measure it with such accuracy. No need to rack your brains! Everything is very simple. And those who stored and transmitted knowledge from the previous civilization that could not be useful for the last 12 thousand years knew this very well.

The American writer Andrews, while in Madras, heard the following confession from the yoga teacher, Pandit Kaniakhi: “From time immemorial, Brahmin scientists were obliged to preserve a lot of information, the meaning of which they themselves did not understand. Even their distant ancestors knew that matter consists of countless atoms, that most of the space in the atoms themselves is not filled with matter.” The task of the Brahmins, like other occultists of all continents from time immemorial, from the beginning of their esoteric traditions, was simply not to lose the heritage passed on to them, to preserve it for future generations, to pass it on from generation to generation, even if you don’t understand a single thing about what is being passed on. But, unfortunately, they handled this poorly, stuffing what was transmitted with piles of religious and magical nonsense.

On the other hand, the ancient memory was spoiled by “the eternal human desire to settle down universally,” as Dostoevsky wrote. And to her - as an eternal shadow - is the constant horror of death. Unpreparedness and unwillingness to accept the evidence that with death everything ends and that we are alone in the Universe. The first does not require proof: “the flesh is separated from the bones,” although so many hallucinations have been created by those who cannot accept this. Proving the second is also easy. Although there are about 10 valid proofs, the most obvious is this. If we know that the laws of nature are the same throughout the Universe, this means that any other civilization, whatever it may be, even talking dogs from Sirius, will be obliged to use radio waves for long-distance communication and, in a necessary way - and very soon - a large Some of the wave range used will be ultra-short, which has the advantages of low cost, quality and accuracy, but also the disadvantage of going into space through the ionosphere. This means that such a planet in the radio range will look from the outside like a huge, no less than Vega in volume, powerful star - while being completely invisible in the optical range. This is exactly what our planet looks like from space. Moreover, the modulations of this radiation will be complex and non-periodic - because we are a planet not of beeping radio beacons, but of thousands of television and radio stations. There is nothing like it anywhere else. Radio astronomers since the 60s. of the last century listen to the Universe and come across only natural cosmic “beacons” - like quasars. We are alone!

So where did this secret knowledge come from, these amazing tales about the last war, especially confirmed by archaeological finds? And out of nowhere - these are our legends and our history. It’s just that we are not the first civilization on Earth, and if we don’t have enough intelligence, then we won’t be the last.

The lack of direct evidence of the existence of an ancient machine civilization does not disprove this existence. We know so little about what lies under our feet that it’s simply amazing. Troy was lost for millennia until Schliemann dug up the Trojan walls, and before that, for 30 centuries, illiterate cattle breeders grazed their goats over this wealth. Nebuchadnezzar's shining Babylonia was buried under the sand of Sinnear, just as Pompeii was buried under volcanic ash until its excavations began. How many cities are eroding today on the ocean floor and how many once populous metropolises lie beneath the desert sands? And when brave individuals begin their search, they are either mocked, like Schliemann, or crowds of schizophrenics flock to them, seeing in the evidence of antiquity confirmation of their religious mania, although archaeological finds least of all confirm the “transmigration of souls,” “the existence of God,” or “ necessity" of vegetarian nutrition. For they were abandoned by people who subordinated (and subordinated) physical nature to their will, and therefore - by materialists.

If the “nuclear summer” takes place, in a few thousand years cavemen may crawl out of their underground holes near the ruins of Moscow or New York and build new cities above them, having no idea about our lost world. Future historians will ask the question: could there ever have been an arrogant “global” civilization, whose arrogant leaders are about to gather in St. Petersburg - to decide, as it seems to them, issues of the world order, and from our enlightened age there will be nothing left except distorted memories of flying machines and fantastic magical weapons that will be told like fairy tales to children for centuries until culture rises again. Only adherents of the Secret Wisdom will keep in their secret teachings, gradually degenerating into a parody of themselves, the legends of our lost age...

We are not the first...

The ancient Indian epic Mahabharata describes an 18-day war between Duryodhana, the son of Master Drona or, in Sanskrit, Drona-Acharya, and his “cousin” Yudhishtira, which allegedly occurred 14 centuries BC. It is hard to believe that this magnificent epic actually describes the civilization of 1400 BC, because the nomadic Aryans invaded the Indian plain through the northern passes with only horse-drawn vehicles, arrows and bronze swords, and songs tell aircraft duels and the use of nuclear weapons. In fact, the Mahabharata contains pieces of much older legends, once memorized by the singers of the Vedas and turned into temple records only with the invention of the Devanagari alphabet in the 1340s. BC - that is, precisely at the time when the battle allegedly took place on the Kuru field. Here are examples of such descriptions.

“Drona Parva”: “Noticing this mountain in the sky, releasing countless charges, the son of Drona (Duryodhana - Y.C.) did not flinch and called for the help of the Vajra cannon. The stricken Prince of the Mountains was quickly destroyed. And the rakshasa turned into a mass of blue clouds in the sky, decorated with a rainbow, and began to rain stones.” Why don't you like a description of a bomber that was shot down by a surface-to-air missile? “Mahabharata” also talks about more interesting things, identified as heavy missiles: “This Brahma-danda, or Brahma’s Rod, is incomparably more powerful than even Indra’s arrow (tactical non-nuclear missiles? - Yu.Ch). The latter can strike only once, but the former can strike entire countries and entire races from generation to generation.” For thousands of years it looked like a play of poetic imagination. We are struck by the ominous resemblance to our nuclear bombs, the radiation from which causes hereditary diseases and stillbirths in unborn future generations. “Once, being attacked by the Valadevas, the enraged Jarasandha, in a desire to destroy us, threw a rod capable of killing all living things. Sparkling with fire, this rod headed towards us, cutting out the sky like a line that separates the pigtails on a woman’s head (a jet trail! - Yu.Ch.) with the speed of lightning launched by Shukra. Noticing the rod flying in our direction, Rohini's son threw his stunakarma weapon to throw it away. The energy of the rod was extinguished by the energy of Valadeva’s weapon, and it fell to the Earth, splitting it and causing even the mountains to tremble” (“Bhisma Parva”). Missiles and anti-missiles...

But the description, also considered poetic nonsense. To Hiroshima. A description of the destruction of the Triple City, the same one that today is almost confidently identified by archaeologists with Mohenjo-Daro, which was mentioned at the beginning. “...The murderous Arrow of Brahma, spewing out streams of flame (its size is three cubits and six feet; its power is like a thousand lightning of Indra, and it destroys all living things around) was released. The flame, devoid of smoke, spread in all directions with all-destructive force. A red-hot column of smoke and flame, as dazzling as 10,000 suns, rose into the sky in all its terrifying majesty, opening like a beach umbrella... It was Iron Lightning, the messenger of death, turning all the people of Vrishni and Andhak into ashes. Their bodies were burned. Those who survived lost their hair and nails, pottery cracked for no apparent reason, and all the birds in the area turned white in their feathers. A few hours later, all the food turned out to be poisoned... Fleeing from this fire, the warriors threw themselves into the river to wash themselves and their equipment.”

And again: “The hero Advattaman refused to leave his ship when it touched the water, and resorted to the weapon Agni (god of fire - Y.C.), which even the gods could not resist. The teacher's son (Drona) - this destroyer of enemy heroes aimed a blazing spear spewing smokeless fire at all his visible and invisible enemies, and released it in all directions. Thick sheaves of arrows burst out of him into the sky. Enveloped in bright flames, these arrows engulfed Parthi from all sides. Suddenly, thick darkness enveloped Pandava. All directions of the world also plunged into darkness. The winds blew. Clouds thundered in the sky, raining down blood. Birds, animals, cows and vowed souls fell into extreme anxiety. It seemed that the elements themselves became agitated. Elephants and other animals, scorched by the energy of this weapon, fled in horror, trying to hide from this terrible force. Even the water began to boil, and the creatures living in this element became worried and seemed to be boiling. From all directions of the world, from the sky and the Earth itself, sheaves of fierce arrows flew at the speed of Garuda. Burned and struck down by these lightning-fast arrows, the enemies fell like trees burned by an all-consuming fire. Elephants, scorched by these weapons, fell to the ground, uttered terrible screams, others rushed back and forth, roaring loudly in fear, as if they were in a burning forest. The horses, O King, and the carts, burned by the force of this weapon, looked like the tops of trees burned by a forest fire. Thousands of carts crumbled to dust. Indeed, O Bharata, it seemed that the divine Lord Agni burned the Pandava army in that battle, just as the fire of Soma-Vartya destroys everything at the end of the Yuga.”

In general, the epic “Mahabharata” contains more than 230 stanzas containing detailed and very real descriptions of the design of missiles, aircraft, as well as other vehicles and devices, including what we would call today unmanned vehicles and combat robots.

The stone soldiers of Hyperborea are waiting in the wings

This is what the most authoritative Russian researcher of the monuments of ancient Hyperborea, the head of the Scientific Tourism Commission of the Russian Geographical Society, Sergei Vadimovich Golubev, thinks about the possibility of such a war in the distant past. Let me emphasize once again - the real, and not the mythical, fabricated heritage of Hyperborea, confirmed by its numerous finds of prehistoric monuments of this ancient continent.

– I do not exclude the possibility of such a war, but I want to emphasize that one should not expect any findings that directly confirm it: too much time has passed. Neither metal, nor, especially, composite materials last that long, especially organics. And the evidence available and known to you suggests that in ancient times a lot of what we make today from metal was “made” from living or almost living matter. By the way, our technologies are rapidly approaching this. It’s not for nothing that there are now so many scientific fantasies around so-called “cyborgs.” You and I will talk about this in detail sometime. Now I would like to say that nuclear weapons were hardly the only powerful weapons of that war. You, of course, know that the earth’s crust, the firmament on which we walk, is incredibly thin.

If we imagine the Earth in the form of a school globe and mentally “cut” it, we will not even be able to see its dense crust even with a strong magnifying glass - it is so thin. Science can only speculate what is underneath it, but most scientists agree that beneath it is the molten mass on which our continents float. This, if not more, could have been known to the ancients; it was not for nothing that in their treatises, which came down to us through thousands of generations, they compared the earth to an egg. Already today we have access to the so-called “geophysical weapons”, which have been talked about a lot in recent years. The geological record of the planet also speaks about the possibility of its use - about 13,000 years ago there was an unexpectedly powerful outbreak of volcanism and geological activity, which, as it seems today, cannot be caused by the process of gradual cooling of our planet. Something awakened this volcanism - or indeed some kind of cosmic intervention, or earthly events, the human factor. Just as in the 60s, the military departments of nuclear powers were alarmed by a message received from geophysical monitoring services that a nuclear bomb had exploded in the Atlantic - this is what their instruments showed. In fact, there was no atomic bomb; during an experiment, British geophysicists detonated a 200-kilogram charge on the oceanic crust, and the effect was the same as the detonation of a high-power nuclear warhead, which was detected by surveillance services.

It turned out that when a powerful explosion occurs on the continental crust, it dampens the caused seismic wave, but the thin oceanic crust does not, and the resulting resonance leads to strong geological displacements. The military became interested in the effect, as the prospect of creating geophysical weapons loomed.

Hyperborean cities, if they existed, are today under water - on the shelf of the Arctic Ocean, which sank to the bottom precisely in that era - about 9-11 thousand years BC, when that very incomprehensible catastrophe occurred, associated with the sinking of Atlantis . One can, very cautiously, assume that the Atlanteans and Hyperboreans exchanged geophysical blows. This is evidenced, by the way, by the shape of the geoid, which has specific concavities in the northern hemisphere, which is not observed in other planetary bodies of the Solar System. If we assume that an exchange of such blows took place, then Atlantis found itself in a deliberately losing position - its metropolis was on an island, in a zone of geoactivity, as evidenced by Plato, describing hot springs in Atlantis, and colonies on the coasts of Africa, Europe, and both Americas.

At one time, by the way, the Americans were first very surprised and then extremely irritated by the fact that the USSR’s atomic missiles, when there were still very few of them, were aimed not at launch silos, but generally at sea, where no one could shoot them down assumed. In fact, our military then expected to bury America, at least its coastal cities, in a gigantic geophysical cataclysm. Also, Hyperborea was located mostly in the coastal zone, but it also had extensive possessions on the mainland. So Atlantis was completely destroyed, and Hyperborea was preserved on that part of the continent that did not sink to the bottom as a result of the impact, and we have the opportunity to find preserved monuments of that era on the Kola Peninsula and in the White Sea region. Although, of course, the cataclysm was supposed to destroy a lot on the continent too...

– You know, Sergei, I am amazed by the art of Hyperborea. Time after time, looking through the photographs you took, I am amazed at the ideological nature of this art. The monuments of Hyperborea are militaristic monuments, the faces depicted on them are the faces of warriors. Except for one thing. On the only monument that was already carved lying down, defeated. I'm talking about a gigantic face, surprisingly reminiscent of the faces of the statues of Central America - those places where the colonies of Atlantis were, while the faces of other statues are completely Aryan. That’s what I call him – “defeated Atlas.” Also an ideology, also monumental propaganda... Are we really doomed to fight and destroy the achievements of civilization, acquired with such labor over so many centuries?

Quite a version for comprehension. Not only does it resonate in some places. Some facts are also confirmed from other sources.

Original taken from stringsofttime in Atlantis, Hyperborea and Lemuria

Remember when I published a map of Atlantis a year ago? I'll bring it again. The black outline is the outline of the continents approximately 13 thousand years ago - before the disaster. Today, signs and indications came from several directions at once that there really was the continent of Atlantis, connecting America and Hyperborea. Yes, Hyperborea, which everyone is also trying to find, like a sunken continent, is Eurasia, with slightly different outlines. Modern Southern Europe was not there, but in the north (I'm talking about the modern north) there was much more land.

The center of the circle was the center of Atlantic civilization. But in order to understand some facts related to Atlantis, in particular, its “elusiveness,” it is necessary to explain what this civilization was and where it came from. The information that I present here is the memories of my incarnations of that time breaking through the thickness of centuries. Therefore, there is not an ounce of science here and I am not going to prove anything - I’m just stating it.

Speaking about the origin of the Atlanteans, we will have to look into the very distant past and leave our planet to understand the reason for the creation of this artificial race. Perhaps as a child you read Alexander Kazantsev’s novel “The Faetians”. If not, I recommend reading it. It is surprising that in the Soviet years, such a strong channeling was officially published by a Soviet writer :) Of course, what the author SAW was subjected to literary processing, something was distorted due to misunderstanding. But none of this matters. The important thing is that Kazantsev quite accurately described the escalation of the conflict, the terrible war and the death of the entire planet in this war. The novel ends with the Phaethian expedition landing on Earth, which, after the news of the death of Phaethon, becomes their new home. But this is literature. Here's what really happened.

So, in time immemorial, there was one more planet in our Solar System. The orbit of this planet took place somewhere in the asteroid belt, between Earth and Mars. It was a beautiful planet, although rather cold by our standards, and with less oxygen in the atmosphere. However, life did not just exist on the planet. The planet was inhabited by intelligent beings who had eternity at their disposal. The climate was quite stable and the planet was abundant in resources. Therefore, the creatures that inhabited Yoton - the name of the planet in the language of one of their races - achieved incredible power in science and technology. In the absence of guests from deep space and from the subtle planes of existence, they were left to their own devices, so they had neither religions nor ideas about magic. It was a 100% technological civilization.

By the time of the disaster, they had mastered the technologies of curvature of space-time and gravity control, and medicine had reached such a level that the Jotuns became biologically immortal. Mind control technologies also reached perfection - this civilization was not limited by ideas about morality. In this regard, the development of public institutions on Yoton lagged behind scientific and technological progress and the planet experienced several man-made disasters, including a nuclear war. This cooled down the hotheads for a long time, however, the level of control over the use of technology after this war fell, and the divisions only intensified. But science continued to move forward. At some point, the confrontation reached such a level that everything was subordinated to one goal: to destroy the enemy.

Several hundred years after a nuclear war, one side dealt a crushing blow to the other. A superweapon was used, the action of which is somehow connected with the disruption of the very structure of the space-time continuum. As always happens, they did not calculate... The enemy was completely destroyed, and so was the attacking side. Together with the planet. Fortunately, by that time, two satellites of Phaethon had already been inhabited, which, having lost their planet, began to wander in space. One of them, the larger one, having lost its thin atmosphere, was captured by the gravity of the Earth and now we call it the Moon, and the other was turned into a giant spaceship and, with the help of hastily installed engines, was sent to Mars - this is Phobos.

The lunar bases found themselves in a very difficult situation, there were not enough resources and all their strength was spent on the struggle for survival. Those who were on Phobos were luckier - in the best of times, the planet was a repository of strategic resources for one of the warring parties. Thanks to Phobos, even the nuclear winter passed quite painlessly. And so, after a long journey that lasted several decades, Mars was colonized, underground cities were built, production and replenishment of resources were resumed. This was the beginning of a new stage in the development of the Jotun civilization. Mars was a fairly convenient habitat for these creatures. They never appeared on the surface, and conditions in cities located at a depth of at least a kilometer were ideal. However, the full restoration of civilization required resources that this planet could not provide. The only source of these resources was the Earth - an uninhabitable planet, from the point of view of the Jotuns. Too much oxygen and too warm. There was another complication - the local population and the structure of the planet's consciousness. Despite the technogenic nature of their knowledge, the Jotuns knew quite a lot about subtle matters and even tried to create etheric machines. They did this through technological means. In the absence of restraining factors in the form of morality and various kinds of religious values, the Jotuns did not bother creating machines and computers from scratch, especially in conditions of limited resources - they simply modified their fellow citizens from the lower castes.

The local population of the Earth at that time was the highly developed and also technological civilization of the Lemurians (3rd root race). The Jotuns were technologically superior to them, but they lacked the resources for a full-scale war, therefore, representatives of the upper castes of the Jotuns decided to make a leap forward in time during the period of the decline of the Lemurians. And so, a laboratory city was deployed on Mars, to which specially selected aborigines of the Earth were brought and, with the help of genetic engineering, they created a new race of creatures intended to be obedient slaves for the extraction of resources on Earth.

The Atlantean settlers were landed on a fairly large continent located on the site of modern Greenland. But then this continent was much larger and through thin strips of land it was connected to both North America and Eurasia. In practice, this was the opposite side of the planet in relation to the places of settlement of the remaining representatives of the Lemurian race. The Atlanteans were divided into castes, each of which had its own set of programs embedded in their consciousness. They obediently carried them out, creating settlements and infrastructure for mining. The lifespan of the Atlanteans was quite long, about 800 years, so even in the first generation everything necessary was created and the extraction of resources began. But in the second and third generations everything went wrong. The programs crashed and Atlanta got out of control. At first the Jotuns did not notice anything, but when they realized what had happened, it was too late. The Atlantean civilization began its own path. The development of Atlantis followed a magical path. The fact is that the Atlanteans freed their consciousnesses due to the fact that the souls of creatures from higher planes came into many bodies created by the Jotuns. At first they were observers, and then they began to transmit knowledge. The first thing that was done by the liberated Atlanteans was to build a network of temples that created a special protective dome over the entire Atlantis. After this, Atlantis breathed freely.

The Atlanteans initially had a very high level of awareness and therefore civilization gradually began to “grow” onto more subtle and grosser planes. One of the reasons for the impossibility of finding any traces of Atlantis here on the physical plane is due to the fact that Atlantis existed not in 3-dimensional space, but in 5-dimensional space. The physical Earth was only one of the main planes. The structure of Atlantis was a spiral in 5-dimensional space, each “point” of which was a 3-dimensional projection of Atlantis at the appropriate vibration level (relatively speaking). Tuning into the vibrations of each plane was carried out using the Temple projections located along the perimeter. On the map that I gave at the beginning, our physical plan corresponds to the temple shown in a circle next to the words “Modern Greenland.” In ancient sources, this place is mentioned in particular as Mount Meru or Sumeru, with an altitude of 1,106,000 km. This figure seems absurd if we consider it from the point of view of the 3D Earth, but it reflects the real extent of the 5-dimensional spiral and the scale of the Atlantean civilization.

It should be noted that there were also Hyperboreans on Earth at the time of colonization. But the Jotun Martians recognized them as non-warlike and harmless. At the very beginning, when the Atlanteans were still under the control of the Jotuns, sometimes skirmishes occurred. But subsequently, the Atlanteans and the Hyperboreans existed peacefully, and quite a large part of the Atlanteans left the confines of their dome and assimilated among the Hyperboreans, who predominantly inhabited the territory of modern Russia.

To be continued...