In total, an introductory word.

In total In total, in total. Despite the fact that both spouses were at least a hundred years old in total, they got married relatively recently(Korolenko. Blind musician).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what “In total” is in other dictionaries:

    total- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    total- see complexity; in sign. introductory collocation In the end, taking everything into account. In total, he lived abroad for seven years... Dictionary of many expressions

    difficulties- In total, taking into account everything, in the end, in total, as a whole. In total, there is still two more weeks of work left... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Computational complexity theory- In computer science, computational complexity theory is a branch of computational theory that studies the cost of work required to solve a computational problem. Value is usually measured by abstract concepts of time and space called... ... Wikipedia

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    Operation Demon- (English Operation Demon) an operation to evacuate British Allied forces from the territory of mainland Greece, carried out during the Greek campaign of World War II by the British Royal Navy between April 24 and May 1, 1941... ... Wikipedia

    Battle of Guadalcanal- World War II, War in the Pacific... Wikipedia

    Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II- This term has other meanings, see Lightning. F 35 Lightning II F 35C during ... Wikipedia

    Languages ​​of Georgia- This article contains an incomplete translation from German. You can help the project by translating it to completion. Georgia has been known since ancient times as one of the most multinational and multilingual countries... Wikipedia

    STS-135- Emblem Flight data of the ship ... Wikipedia


  • Questions and problems in general chemistry. Textbook for universities, A. V. Suvorov, A. B. Nikolsky. Compiled in accordance with the standards of chemical education and long awaited by students and teachers, a problem book for the well-known textbook by the same authors, General Chemistry. Designed for... Buy for 273 RUR
  • Story. 10-11 grades. Thematic tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam. 400 tasks of a high level of difficulty (C 4-C 5). Textbook, R.V. Pazin. The proposed manual is intended for high-quality preparation for the Unified State Exam in History and is aimed at students who plan to get the highest possible score on the exam. The book contains...

In total, in the end. Despite the fact that both spouses were at least a hundred years old in total, they got married relatively recently (Korolenko. The Blind Musician) ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

total- see complexity; in sign. introductory collocation In the end, taking everything into account. In total, he lived abroad for seven years... Dictionary of many expressions

difficulties- In total, taking into account everything, in the end, in total, as a whole. In total, there is still two more weeks of work left... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

In computer science, computational complexity theory is a branch of computational theory that studies the cost of work required to solve a computational problem. Value is usually measured by abstract concepts of time and space called... ... Wikipedia

Developer Konami Publisher ... Wikipedia

- (English Operation Demon) an operation to evacuate British Allied forces from the territory of mainland Greece, carried out during the Greek campaign of World War II by the British Royal Navy between April 24 and May 1, 1941... ... Wikipedia

World War II, War in the Pacific... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Lightning. F 35 Lightning II F 35C during ... Wikipedia

This article contains an incomplete translation from German. You can help the project by translating it to completion. Georgia has been known since ancient times as one of the most multinational and multilingual countries... Wikipedia

Emblem Flight data of the ship ... Wikipedia


  • Questions and problems in general chemistry. Textbook for universities, A. V. Suvorov, A. B. Nikolsky. Compiled in accordance with the standards of chemical education and long awaited by students and teachers, a problem book for the well-known textbook by the same authors, General Chemistry. Designed for…
  • Story. 10-11 grades. Thematic tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam. 400 tasks of a high level of difficulty (C 4-C 5). Textbook, R.V. Pazin. The proposed manual is intended for high-quality preparation for the Unified State Exam in History and is aimed at students who plan to get the highest possible score on the exam. The book contains...

If the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged to another place in the sentence without disturbing its structure (usually this happens with conjunctions “and” and “but”), then the conjunction is not included in the introductory construction - a comma needed.

For example: “Firstly, it became dark, and, secondly, everyone was tired.”

If the introductory word cannot be removed or rearranged, then a comma after the conjunction (usually with the conjunction “a”) not placed.

For example: “She simply forgot about this fact, or maybe she never remembered it,” “..., and therefore, …”, “..., and maybe …”, “..., and therefore, …”.

If the introductory word can be removed or rearranged, then a comma needed after the conjunction “a”, since it is not associated with the introductory word.

For example: “She not only didn’t love him, but maybe even despised him.”

If at the beginning of the sentence there is a coordinating conjunction (in the connecting meaning) (“and”, “yes” in the meaning of “and”, “too”, “also”, “and that”, “and that”, “yes and”, “ and also”, etc.), and then an introductory word, then a comma before it need not.

For example: “And really, you shouldn’t have done that”; “And perhaps it was necessary to do something differently”; “And finally, the action of the play is ordered and divided into acts”; “Besides, other circumstances have come to light”; “But of course, everything ended well.”

Happens rarely: if at the beginning of a sentence worth the connecting union, A the introductory construction stands out intonationally, then commas are NEEDED.

For example: “But, to my great chagrin, Shvabrin decisively announced...”; “And, as usual, they remembered only one good thing.”

Always written WITHOUT commas:


at first sight

for sure


More or less


in addition

in the (eventual) end

in the end

as a last resort

best case scenario


at the same time




in some cases

through thick and thin



as a result

due to this

in this case

in the same time

in this regard




at most


just in case

in case of emergency

if possible

as far as possible




with all that

with (all) desire

on occasion


the biggest

at the very least


in addition

to top it off

by the proposal

by decree

by decision


A comma is NOT placed at the beginning of a sentence:

“Before... I found myself...”


"Before as…"



"In order to…"

"Instead of…"



“Especially since...”


“Despite the fact that...” (at the same time - separately); There is NO comma before “what”.




« Finally" in the meaning of "finally" - is not separated by commas.

« And this despite the fact that..."- a comma is always placed in the middle of a sentence!

« Based on this, …"- a comma is placed at the beginning of the sentence.

BUT: “He did this based on...” - no comma is used.

« After all, if... then..." - a comma is not placed before "if", since the second part of the double conjunction - "then" - comes next. If there is no “then”, then a comma is placed before “if”!

« Less than two years..." - a comma is not placed before “what”, because this is not a comparison.

Comma before "How" placed only in case of comparison.

« Politicians like Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov...” - a comma is added because there is a noun "policy".

BUT: "… policies such as Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov…” - there is no comma before “how”.

Commas are not used:

“God forbid”, “God forbid”, “for God’s sake”- not separated by commas, + the word “god” is written with a small letter.

BUT: commas are placed in both directions:

"God bless" in the middle of the sentence it is highlighted with commas on both sides (the word “God” in this case is written with a capital letter) + at the beginning of the sentence - it is highlighted with a comma (on the right side).

"By God"- in these cases, commas are placed on both sides (the word “god” in this case is written with a small letter).

"My God"- separated by commas on both sides; in the middle of the sentence, “God” - with a small letter.

Despite the apparent synonymy of the words indicated in the title, they perform different syntactic functions in sentences, which accordingly affects punctuation.

Commas for “in general”

Let's start with the easiest thing - let's find, as we ourselves asked, what is superfluous. Here it is “in general”. The base is not an introductory word, which means it is not isolated. The only difficulty is to remember it. Every now and then, authors are tempted to consider “in general” an analogue of “in general” (which, remember, is introductory) and add commas. No need.

Example: In general, there is no stability in the world: everything is constantly changing. Figured it out:

"Generally" not introductory, no commas needed.

Commas for “in general”

But if “in general” is added to “in general”, problems begin. In general, the expression “in general and (on) the whole” is an adverbial one (that is, you can ask a question about it How?) in the meaning “in general, without touching on details, particulars” and does not require punctuation. Examples from the punctuation guide on the portal:

The general meeting, having considered your question, came to the conclusion that, in general, you occupy excessive space. M. Bulgakov, Heart of a Dog. In general, it turns out that I’m not kicking the ball, but he’s kicking me. A. Nekrasov, The Adventures of Captain Vrungel. They were of the same generation, Komsomol members of the twenties, and in general they all thought the same way. A. Rybakov, Ashes and Ashes.

And that would be good - it’s easy to remember and navigate by “in general,” which in itself is not separated by commas, and as part of a given expression. If not for the disclaimer in the same reference book:

“In fiction there are cases of isolation of words “in general” with a connotation of the meaning “in short”, “in a word”: In general, you very correctly assessed the significance of this document. V. Kaverin, Two captains. In general, the thing costs two hundred. V. Panova, Kruzhilikha.”

Lopatin’s reference book is also grist to the same mill, in which “in general” is listed among the introductory words indicating the relationships between the parts of the statement.

Therefore, formally, to isolate the expression "overall" if you don’t approach it - you need to delve into the meaning and decide whether in a specific context it is an adverbial one (you can ask a question about it), then no commas needed, or introductory (close in meaning to “in short”), then commas are needed.

There are even more nuances with the last word in the trinity - “in general.” Not only can it be introductory and may not be introductory, but it is also confused with the word “in general”, and to the punctuation problem (whether to put a comma) is added the orthographic one (whether to write together or separately). Pulls on.

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