What does it take to become a teacher? Influence the lives of future generations

You can get a new specialty at the Amur Regional Institute for Educational Development in just 10 months

Now the certification commission of an educational organization, upon the recommendation of the employer, has the right to recommend a person to work at a school if he does not have a pedagogical education. At the same time, he must undergo retraining at this time.The rector of the Amur Regional Institute for Educational Development, Lidia Dmitrieva, spoke about how you can undergo pedagogical retraining.

Those wishing to receive retraining

- Lidia Efimovna, who has the opportunity to undergo retraining?

The first category of people are those who have secondary vocational education, work in educational organizations, but do not have a pedagogical education. For example, industrial training masters, among them electricians, mechanics, and technologists. They received secondary education at one time, they have sufficient work experience in an educational institution, but they do not have a pedagogical education. They must undergo training and receive a diploma of professional retraining for the right to conduct a new type of activity. Upon completion, they will be vocational educators. In this case, they can work calmly, because their qualifications have been confirmed, and they also have the right to receive categories, including first and second.

In the Amur region there is a shortage of: educational psychologists, special education teachers, speech therapists, teacher-mediators, education managers

- And those who have a higher, but non-pedagogical education, also come to study with you?

This is just the second group of our listeners. These could be lawyers, economists, agricultural workers who, due to circumstances, found work at school. They do not have pedagogical education, but they were hired as subject teachers in the areas of their training. Even though they have a higher education, they must also undergo retraining and obtain a diploma. In the future, they may be education managers, specialized school teachers, vocational education teachers - they have a wider range of self-realization. In the end, they can be social educators, educational psychologists.

- Do you also train teachers to work in preschool institutions?

Well, the third category is those who work in preschool educational institutions, since working with young children requires professional training. This is a very serious issue, because staffing and staffing of educational organizations are currently being audited. During this audit, it turns out that even in leadership positions in kindergartens there are people who, according to the qualification list, do not have the right to do so. But these people have been working there for many years, so they have the right to undergo retraining and continue working.

Compromises in studies

After retraining courses, both a lawyer and a farmer can work as a teacher

Photo depositphotos.com

- What training options do you provide to students?

According to the new law, there are three types of programs in which we train future teachers: basic education program, basic level; additional program and network program. Now it is possible to conduct retraining not only on-site, but also part-time and remotely. This is of great importance for many territories and various organizations. Now there are many network programs that allow teachers and students to communicate online. We sit in the classroom and thus read a course of lectures.

- How long does retraining last?

Previously, the retraining program was 500 hours and above, but now we can adjust it. If a person has been working in the industry for many years, but lacks the methodological basis for his work, we can train him using shorter versions of the programs. Retraining lasts on average 10 months, students take three sessions of 21 days.

Theory and practice

- How do full-time students study during retraining courses?

All professional retraining programs are modular, and there is also a personalized system for advanced training and retraining. Full-time training consists of several modules. Students must study the regulatory and legal part, then subject training is carried out, i.e. everyone listens to a course of lectures in their field of work, as well as a practice-oriented direction. These modules make up the overall program. Sometimes modules are offered by choice and what a particular person needs to receive and what knowledge he needs is selected.

Pedagogical retraining costs 7 thousand rubles for each of three semesters

- What is the program for part-time and distance learning?

During the intersession period, they write tests, term papers, prepare final papers and take exams.

- How do students do their internships and how do they work on their final work?

As a rule, final papers are written based on the situation that develops in the student’s educational institution. In the institution in which he works, the student takes analytical materials, monitors the situation and draws conclusions in his work. Practice is also gained in the workplace. If a student does not have a job in an educational institution, then we organize an internship.

- It turns out that you help with further employment?

We target a person for a job, negotiate with the education department, and they try to find him a place. We recommend this person to take a closer look.

What's the result?

After completing pedagogical courses, Amur residents are helped to find employment in local schools

Photo depositphotos.com

- What documents do graduates receive?

Previously, the diploma that was issued after retraining was state-issued. Now the law gives the right to establish a sample document for those institutions in which this retraining is carried out. Those. if a person undergoes retraining at an educational development center, then a document of the established form allows him to work in the future in any subject of Russia, and not just in the Amur region.

Without a pedagogical education, they can undergo retraining and work in a school:

1. Specialists with secondary education working in schools

2. Specialists with higher non-teaching education to work as subject teachers or education managers

3. Specialists working in preschool educational organizations

The best teacher in life is the one who greatly influences students, who changes their outlook on life and the subject, who allows them to open up and motivates them to achieve. One that makes students feel special. Many people remember their favorite teacher throughout their lives, not just before the graduation ceremony. They even tell their memories of school to their own children. What makes a good teacher? How to become someone who is remembered? Try to do what the best teachers do. Here are thirteen important differences.

They don't control everything too tightly

A teacher can be called good if his presence becomes unnecessary over time. He pushes students in the right direction, rather than dictates their every step. He understands that the role of a teacher is to be a source of knowledge, not its custodian. Such a teacher never dictates his opinion; he forces students to learn independently. A good teacher simply does not need dictatorship - students are ready to obey him and are motivated to learn without threats. This is the best approach possible.

They learn by doing

It's not about what grades you get at university or how well you study pedagogical theory. One who is naturally good at teaching does not need instructions. He is willing to learn as he goes, honing his skills every day. Like doctors or engineers, such teachers gain knowledge on the job. In addition, they do not believe that they can become experts, and are ready to work all their lives on their own skill as a teacher.

They're not always fun

People often think that teachers should be able to entertain children, but you know, this is not part of their job. A teacher must share knowledge and skills, his goal is to teach. Sometimes this means being tough, sometimes giving a boring lesson. It's necessary. Good teachers know that learning isn't always fun, and they don't set out to entertain students. This is the only way to achieve the maximum - leaving your comfort zone and not trying to ensure fun in every lesson.

They don't know everything

A teacher should not come to class looking like an expert who has known everything for a long time. Every day brings new inventions and knowledge that can be applied. Therefore, good teachers always engage in self-development. In addition, they are ready to learn from their own students. Only a specialist open to new knowledge can be considered a talented teacher.

They are program-oriented, but think more broadly

An excellent teacher has a wealth of knowledge and is enthusiastic about the subject he teaches. He not only knows everything about the program and educational standards, he is ready to give students more. Therefore, a good teacher is never limited by the program - he knows about its importance and is ready to rely on it as a proven basis, easily going beyond the standard.

They involve students in the process

Benjamin Franklin believed that if you tell, the student will forget, if you teach, he can remember, and if you involve him in the process, he will learn. A good teacher is full of energy. He is ready to answer all questions and maintain interest in the subject, he is a master of explanations. With a good teacher, all students are engaged in the process, even the most modest and reserved ones.

They don't try to find perfect students.

A good teacher knows how to find an approach to any student. He has no labels or prejudices. He understands how difficult it is sometimes to concentrate his attention on the right topic, and does not condemn even those who lag behind. All people are different, which is why the learning process is interesting, although very difficult. Teachers must understand this and be able to deal with it. They never give up and do not believe that any of the students are simply not capable of anything. The teacher is confident that anyone can learn if guided correctly. He knows how to put himself in the shoes of others, especially those who have a hard time. For a good teacher, every student is important; he does not look for favorites and does not wait for an ideal to appear in the class.

They know how to reach

Of course, it is difficult to expect a teacher to become intimately acquainted with every student in the class. This is simply unrealistic, but it is still quite possible to feel sincere interest in everyone. An excellent teacher does not have to know everyone personally, he simply knows how to understand people and knows how to influence each of them in order to move towards the goal together. A talented teacher can be a bit of a psychologist and at the same time just a friend. He easily understands people and their needs.

They make the learning process easier

A good teacher knows how to make the process easier, but does not simplify the information. It simply creates an ideal learning atmosphere that puts students in the right mood. He does not need strict discipline - he knows how to manage people without strict control, he encourages rather than scolds. A high-quality teacher can create an atmosphere in which each student considers himself involved in the process, and only after that the teacher begins to teach. He does not adhere to a routine or one single tactic - he is ready to try different things and each time changes his approach depending on the situation.

They know how to measure success in their own way

The teacher awakens ambition in the student. Of course, the teacher has his own expectations for each of the students - especially that they will try their best. At the same time, he knows how to measure progress correctly - by how much everyone has progressed, and not by the number of grades received. This approach is the most effective and does not deprive any of the students of motivation.

They are passionate about their work

An average teacher tells, a good teacher explains, a great teacher demonstrates, and a great teacher inspires. We all want to learn from someone who not only loves to teach, but is also filled with inspiration. Such teachers are not limited to their field of activity, they are simply interesting as interlocutors. This kind of teacher can chat with students about life events, for example, exchange thoughts about the latest match or news seen on TV. You can talk about anything with such a person, and the conversation will always be exciting; he is an interesting conversationalist and full of varied information.

They are proud of the students

Do you remember the joy of getting your first A or simply completing a task successfully? What did your elementary school teacher say that day? And at university, did you have a teacher who would highlight your work as an ideal for others to strive for? You felt slightly embarrassed, this is natural, but at the same time your heart was filled with joy. An ideal teacher knows how to please students, he always celebrates their successes and encourages them to new achievements, allowing everyone to achieve more. Great teachers are excited about progress; they don't try to measure it. This should be one of the main character traits of a talented teacher - the ability to be proud of his students and do it sincerely.

They have the right motivation

No one can be successful in teaching unless he treats his students with warmth and respect and is filled with a genuine interest in teaching them everything they need to know. The best specialists do not enter the profession for the money. They choose their path because they want to change something in the world. Teaching can be extremely frustrating, but it can also be the most rewarding. People who were born with a calling to teach understand this fact.

IQ Review continues to review professions - we interview only specialists directly and find out all their professional secrets. Today our topic is “Profession Teacher”. A young mathematics teacher from Belarus will share her life experience with readers. You will learn about the pros and cons of working in a school, how to become a teacher without a pedagogical education, and what problems representatives of this respected profession regularly face.

Primary school teacher

Why did I choose to become a teacher?

My name is Tatyana, my work experience is 5 years, I am a mathematics teacher at a gymnasium in the city of Grodno, Belarus. The profession of a teacher aroused admiration in me even as a child, but then I thought that being a teacher was very simple: come to the office, sit on a chair - and sit there, tell the children the material. But in reality everything turned out to be completely different.

A teacher is a person who must be literate, modern, well-mannered, with correct speech, and good manners. He must understand and feel both children and his subject, have certain life experience and try to pass it on to the children.

What education is needed to work as a teacher?

Today, almost all teachers have higher education, perhaps some graduated from colleges (or technical schools), and then underwent retraining in this specialty. In any case, if you plan to work as a teacher in the city, you need to get a higher education (and they will be more willing to hire you, and the salary will be higher).

They say that there are two options for higher education that schoolchildren choose: the first is easy to enroll, but difficult to study, the second is difficult to enroll, but easy to study. So, we are dealing with the first one.

In fact, competitions in almost all universities of the country for teaching specialties are the lowest . Therefore, they take everyone, but only 30-40% of those admitted remain at graduation.

Naturally, the teacher must:

  • possess a certain set of knowledge in your subject;
  • be able to write plans;
  • know psychology;
  • know the methods of teaching the subject.

But I will say that human qualities are no less important.

Employment process

Upon graduation, you will have two options - choose a 2-year distribution or find a job yourself ( in Belarus there is a distribution system after receiving higher education at the expense of the state budget - approx. ed.). The university will send you your placement. Here, depending on your luck, they can go to the village, or to the city, it all depends on your rating during training (our flow was distributed, it feels like it was based on registration, so as not to pay “lifting fees” for moving). You can find a job yourself, here you should go around the maximum number of educational institutions (schools, colleges) and contact directly the head teacher or director. Don’t be upset if they don’t hire you right away, they can write down your phone number and then, if a vacancy becomes available, they will call you back.

Often, final-year students work part-time at schools (as substitutes), and then stay there. Of course, during the interview the director pays a lot of attention to the transcript (for some reason it is believed that a diploma with honors is the highest indicator, but this is not so, you can have the highest grade, but not be able to present the material), so you can simply not take. This is not a sign of intelligence. Whether you are a good teacher or not, you and the principal will only understand after some time has passed.

Be sure to dress for the interview appropriately for the occasion, business attire is always acceptable, take a notepad with you to take notes (you may not write anything there, but this will show that you take the job seriously). The main thing is not to worry, they don’t scatter teachers, there are already few of them. So, if not here, then they will definitely take you somewhere else.

After signing an employment agreement or contract, you will most likely be assigned a mentor who will watch you and give you advice, but in reality no one wants to overwork themselves, so you will have to run around and ask, ask. At first it’s scary to do something wrong. But teachers are responsive people, they will always help and advise, because sharing experience is so nice!

The essence of a teacher's work is the daily routine

Teacher's work

As for the work itself, I can say that there is much more paperwork than work . In some places this is justified, in others it is not. Of course, let's start with the fact that you need to write a plan for each lesson - this is about 1-2 sheets of text. Fill out the journal daily, check notebooks at least once a week, plus tests, study methodological literature, letters and documents from the education department and administration orders.

In principle, if you are not a class teacher, then working is still tolerable. But if you are “lucky” to become a class teacher, then you have another burden of problems: checking diaries, collecting money for meals daily and paying for meals, calling parents if the child does not show up for school, checking the presence of students 2 times a day (after all, some may run away from lessons), organizing class hours and parent-teacher meetings, planning educational work with children six months in advance, visiting various events, exhibitions, cinemas with children, and, of course, working Saturday! Even e If you have a third lesson in a row, you are still required to come to the first one in order to carry out all the listed procedures.

Everything seems to be fine, but let’s take a closer look at one of the events, for example, going to the movies . You need to brief the children the day before about the rules of behavior, sign the briefing in the principal's reception room, put one in the class teacher's folder for checking, find those willing (imagine, you were given a plan - 15 people, but 5 want to go, because all the events are on Saturday , and on Saturday children go to their grandmothers, spend time with their parents, go to visit, etc.). Of course, you do not have the right to force your child to refuse a trip out of town with his parents, but the plan must also be followed!

So you then get a scolding from the administration for the fact that few people came to the event! And this is everywhere! Not enough was handed over for repairs - it’s my fault! They don’t want to eat in the cafeteria, because after this meal an adult will have heartburn for the rest of the day, not to mention children - it’s also their fault!

You are always responsible for everything: during breaks there are shifts (you should take a break here, but no), after classes there are meetings, in the evening there are meetings. It used to be that you go to work at 7.00 and come home at 21.00, and you also go to bed by 1 a.m. to write plans and go to work in the morning. It’s always hard at the beginning, you don’t know what to take on, what to do. Then you get used to it and use ready-made materials. This all comes with experience.

How to teach effectively

Educational board

It’s interesting to work with children, it’s interesting to teach, but everything else is red tape and unnecessary stress! They say that teachers age more slowly, I believe in this, there is simply no time for this. I would like to enjoy my work, but this is rare, at least for me.

The teacher must have a lot of imagination, because it is not easy to present the material, you need to do it in such a way that the child understands, and most importantly, remembers. Well, what's interesting about sines and cosines? You can’t tell a fairy tale, it seems like the children are already in the 10th grade. So you remember that a cardiogram is the same sinusoid, you count, draw, compare. A teacher must be comprehensively developed, because one science cannot exist on its own, they are all connected.

How much do school teachers get paid in 2015?

Teacher's salary in Russia

Many people leave the profession because of low wages, but, in principle, you can make money. In the work of a teacher there are such concepts as rate and category . Now the rate is 20 hours per week, that is, approximately 5 lessons per day. How much do teachers get paid? As a young specialist, working at one rate, you will receive a maximum of $150 (this is in Grodno), after 2 years you can pass to the second category, this is another plus 10%, after 5 years - to the first category, another plus 10 %, and then after 5 years - to the highest, plus another 10%. Besides, bonuses are added to the rate (up to 50% of the rate), bonuses for high achievements in work - these are competitions, speeches at teacher councils (another plus 20%). At my school, a teacher could get a maximum of $300, and that was for almost 2 times the rate, including bonuses. Sick leave is paid, but only at 70% of the salary.

Reference: Our heroine talks about the situation in Belarus. As for Russia, the average salary of teachers since September 1, 2015 is 35,000 rubles - data from the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov (from an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta before Knowledge Day). The mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, and the head of the education department, Isaac Kalina, cite the figure of 70 thousand rubles as the average teacher salary in Moscow in 2015.

Career ladder in the education system

Of course, both they add and take away, although very rarely. The main thing is to be present at work with sound mind and bright memory. You can rise to the position of head teacher, the salary is about the same, but there is more administrative work - creating a schedule, monitoring, monitoring; they work little with children, only part-time. The director is appointed by the head of the local education department, here, of course, if not, then you won’t get through.

Additional income and tutoring

But a teacher can always take on a part-time job - tutoring, both officially and without formalizing his activities. You just need to pay a single tax on tutoring, about $20 per month. (we’re talking about Belarus, in Russia you have to pay 13% personal income tax on income - editor’s note), and please work.

Nowadays, an hour of tutoring costs 5-10 dollars. Many people work at school just to gain experience; their main income comes from tutoring.

Pros and cons of being a teacher

The profession of a teacher has many pros and cons; in general, it depends on the person, what he wants to see - this very plus or minus. It’s never boring with children, you are always up to date with all the news, all the new products, you know youth slang, etc.

When choosing the profession of a teacher, take care of your feet and comfortable shoes, since you won’t sit much at work. At the lesson- go to everyone, check if the child decides correctly, at a break- to the teacher’s room - hand in or pick up a magazine, during the day - check if all the children are there, take them to the dining room for lunch, go in to sign some order, prepare the board for the next lesson, and if the office is on the third floor, and the teacher’s room on the first, the change turns into a cross!

Tiredness after work

At work you get tired very quickly, you come home and want nothing but sleep. There is little time for her children, and her husband also remains almost unattended. Hard. Of course, if you are not a fan of your work, you may approach this work very differently. But, as practice shows, only those who selflessly sacrifice themselves and their health for the sake of those who may not even say hello on the street when they meet their favorite teacher in a couple of years stay in this profession for a long time.

We, teachers, work not for money and not for the sake of the majority of those who do not respect us, but for the sake of those few who love us, and having become People with a capital P, they will come to the next evening meeting with graduates and say the long-awaited: “Thank you for everything you did for me!” We're such weirdos! Join us!

A teacher is a very noble and prestigious profession in the Russian Federation. But, unfortunately, working as a school teacher is not highly paid. Due to low wages, the job of a teacher has become not only prestigious, but also very in demand throughout the Russian Federation. Many teachers prefer to go to work in other countries and only a small number of teachers remain to work in their home country. In the ranking, teacher salaries remain at the bottom.

Not everyone can become a teacher. This is a difficult profession that requires patience, endurance and love for children. Therefore, the majority of teachers in the Russian Federation work not for financial gain, but out of vocation. They get moral pleasure from communicating and working with children. The peculiarity of a teacher’s work is that the teacher must find a common language with the children, try to unite the class, make them friends, and at the same time, the students’ performance should increase.

Many graduates of pedagogical universities, after completing their studies, express a desire to work in schools. There are several ways you can get a job as a teacher at a school:

  1. Already in their 2nd or 3rd year, young teachers undergo internships in schools. If a future teacher establishes himself as a communicative and qualified employee, then he has every chance of remaining working at the school where he did his internship. The teacher will need to show all his skills and abilities in order to earn the trust of the teaching staff.
  2. The employment of teachers in schools is handled by local education authorities (GORONO - the city department of public education and science). If a future teacher wants to get a job, he can come to such an organization and find out about the availability of vacancies. You should come no later than May-June. During these months, the teaching staff is recruited.
  3. Independently check with schools about available vacancies. It is worth remembering that a positive reference from the place of practice will only increase the chances of a future teacher getting a job in a school. Therefore, you should not neglect the advice of “senior” teachers in practice.
  4. You can find a job as a school teacher on the Internet. There are many job search sites. On the website, you should go to the “Education” section, and the portal will automatically display vacancies in different educational institutions of the selected city.

One of the most famous job search portals in Russia is the Trudvsem.ru website. The website contains a nationwide database of vacancies. It is necessary to enter the requirements of the future teacher in terms of salary, region and work schedule, and after that it is worth choosing the field of activity “Education, Science”.

Home page of the website “Work for everyone”

  1. One of the easiest ways to get a job at a school is to contact your home school from which you graduated. If during training a teacher has found a common language with the teaching staff and has established himself as a responsible person, then if there are available places, the specialist will most likely be able to get a job.

Many ambitious people who want to devote their lives to teaching are interested in the question of whether it is possible to get a job as a school teacher without having a specialized education. Unfortunately this is not possible. A person will need to graduate from at least a pedagogical college or lyceum. But with such an education he can only become a primary school teacher. In order to teach in high school, you will need to graduate from a higher education institution with a pedagogical focus.

In rare cases, you can get a job at a school without a specialized education. But for this, a person must thoroughly master the knowledge that he wants to teach children. The decision to hire is made by the school administration.

In order to get a job in a school, it is not at all necessary to have work experience. Specialists without work experience are accepted into both municipal and private schools.

To increase your chances of finding a job, you should look for work in areas where the percentage of demand for teachers is higher. In 2018-2019, the areas that most urgently need teachers are:

  1. Moscow region.
  2. Krasnoyarsk region.
  3. Krasnodar region.
  4. Leningrad region.
  5. Novosibirsk region.
  6. Sverdlovsk region.
  7. Volgograd region.
  8. Omsk region.
  9. Rostov region.

A properly written resume is very important when applying for a job. The resume contains information such as:

  1. Personal data.
  2. Experience.
  3. Education.
  4. Category.
  5. Qualification.
  6. Contact Information.
  7. Personal qualities.
  8. Discharge.

If a person already has experience working in a school, then the responsibilities performed at the previous place of employment are additionally included in the resume.

This information will help the school administration understand how qualified the employee is and what responsibilities can be assigned to him.

If the school administration is satisfied with the candidacy of the teacher, then a hiring order is issued. The order is drawn up by a personnel service employee. If one person is hired, then an order is drawn up in form No. T-1. If two or more people get a job, then the personnel officer draws up an order in form No. T-1a.

The order contains the following information:

  1. School name.
  2. Document number and date.
  3. Employment date.
  4. End date of the employment contract.
  5. Personnel Number.
  6. Full Name.
  7. Structural subdivision.
  8. Job title.
  9. Conditions of employment.
  10. Nature of the work.
  11. Salary and bonus for overtime work.
  12. Grounds for hiring.

The order is signed by the school director and teacher.

If the basis for hiring is not an employment contract, then the teacher is required to write and sign a job application.

Application for a job

To conclude an employment contract, the teacher must provide the school administration with a package of documents:

  • passport,
  • employment history,
  • education document,
  • personal medical certificate indicating that the teacher has no health restrictions for working at school.

It is worth noting that the first year of work at school is not easy. During this period, the teacher gets to know the children, exchanges experience and forms of work with other young teachers.

Adaptation to work at school takes on average from 6 months to 2 years.

Requirements for teachers

The main requirement for teachers of various specialties is compliance with Federal State Educational Standards standards(Federal State Educational Standard).

The Federal State Educational Standard clearly defines the personal qualities of schoolchildren, which the teacher should help develop. The Federal State Educational Standard specifies the main educational program and workload in certain subjects. Also, it is in the Federal State Educational Standard that the main disciplines for studying are indicated.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, a primary school and high school teacher must have the following abilities:

  1. Organizational skills are the ability to unite students.
  2. Didactic abilities are the ability to prepare educational material.
  3. Receptive abilities are the ability to identify the characteristics of the psyche of schoolchildren.
  4. Communication skills are the ability to establish contact with children.
  5. Suggestive. Ability is the ability to emotionally influence a student.

Responsibilities of the teacher

The main responsibilities of a teacher at school:

  1. Monitoring the availability of notebooks for students.
  2. Checking notebooks.
  3. Monitoring compliance with order.
  4. Submitting grades to the class journal.
  5. Teaching a subject in your specialty (lesson teaching).
  6. The ability to find an individual approach to each student.
  7. Drawing up calendar plans.
  8. Making report.
  9. Preparing a visual aid for the lesson.
  10. Participation in a meeting of the pedagogical council.
  11. Conducting parent meetings.
  12. Conducting educational work.
  13. Organization of extracurricular activities.

Advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher

Like every profession, the specialty of a teacher has its own advantages and disadvantages:


  1. Creative work.
  2. Systematic development of the teacher.
  3. Opportunity to earn extra money as a tutor.
  4. Schedule. Often teachers work only in the first half of the day.
  5. Vacation 2 months.
  6. Opportunity for career growth.


  1. Small salary.
  2. The profession is associated with nervous tension. Because of this, teachers often have health problems.
  3. Strict dress code. The teacher is an example for students to follow. Therefore, the teacher is forced to dress strictly and in a business style for work.

For comparison, here is a video about working in a US school. radically different from ours.

Salary by specialty

It is worth noting that a teacher’s salary depends not only on the number of hours worked and qualifications, but also on specialization in the subject:

  1. A Spanish language teacher earns from 45 thousand rubles per month.
  2. An economics teacher earns approximately 45 thousand.
  3. The teacher rightfully receives from 40 thousand.
  4. An English teacher earns from 15 thousand. If a foreign language teacher gets a job in a private school, then his salary will range from 30 to 60 thousand, depending on the level of prestige of the school.
  5. A vocal teacher earns an average of 34 thousand monthly.
  6. A physics teacher earns from 30 thousand.
  7. A Japanese language teacher earns from 26 thousand.
  8. A labor teacher receives an average of 20 thousand monthly.
  9. A primary school teacher earns from 23 thousand.
  10. A French language teacher earns approximately 22 thousand.
  11. A mathematics teacher earns from 21 thousand rubles per month.
  12. A Chinese language teacher can count on a salary of 20 thousand.
  13. A Russian language teacher receives from 20 thousand rubles.

Salaries by region

The level of a teacher’s average salary directly depends on the region in which he works.

City or countyAverage salary (expressed in rubles)
Yamalo-Nenets77 000
Chukotka75 400
German65 370
Khanty-Mansiysk56 900
Kamchatka52 300
Magadan58 800
Yakutia49 140
Moscow58 800
Sakhalin53 300
Komi39 460
Khabarovsk34 900
Tyumen33 700
Krasnoyarsk33 500
Saint Petersburg39 000
Arkhangelsk32 600
Sverdlovsk29 000
Karelia29 000
Irkutsk30 700
Tatarstan27 200
Buryatia27 000
Nizhny Novgorod24 800
Yaroslavl24 300
Tyva27 400
Vologda26 000
Omsk25 580
Kemerovo26 140
Permian26 230
Tomsk31 400
Ryazan23 000
Samara24 930
Novosibirsk26 120
Rostov22 600
Chelyabinsk27 000
Kaliningrad26 000
Lipetsk22 300
Smolensk21 600
Kaluga27 000
Stavropol21 500
Vladimir21 800
Altai22 000
Orenburg22 900
Voronezh23 000
Volgograd22 900
Astrakhan23 600
Tver23 820
Ulyanovsk20 300
Ingushetia21 170
Novgorod24 280
Adygea20 170
Pskov20 300
Bashkortostan23 500
Eagle20 000
Tambov19 600
Bryansk20 200
Belgorod22 900
Kalmykia19 000
Kirov20 260
Mound20 180
Kursk22 000
Penza21 450
Saratov21 280
Ossetia19 800
Kostroma20 260
Mordovia18 700
Dagestan18 500

All the professions in the world depend on a person who decided to devote his life to working with children and chose the profession of a teacher, because everyone - a simple worker, a doctor, a movie star, and a politician - began their education from school.

The most vivid memories are always associated with the first teacher, so primary school teachers must have not only the appropriate education, but also high moral qualities and love for children.

In order to work as a primary school teacher, you must obtain a diploma confirming receipt of higher or secondary specialized pedagogical education in this specialty; you can also undergo training in a related or similar field. However, preference is still on the side of specialists with higher education, which is due to the specifics of this profession. After all, a primary school teacher is, in one person, a teacher and psychologist, an educator and music director, a mathematician and philologist, and also a “school mother.”

You can get a pedagogical education on the basis of 9 or 11 grades, which will take 3 and 4 years of study, respectively. Higher education of the first level is a bachelor's degree (4 years), and the second is a master's degree (2 years). There is also a third level, whose graduates teach in higher education institutions.

How to become a teacher without pedagogical education

Recently, an increasing number of young people have expressed a desire to master the teaching profession and, according to the classical method, boys and girls apply to pedagogical colleges, universities and pedagogical institutes, the latter allows teaching in various subjects in senior grades of secondary schools.

However, guided by changes in the school education system, which have been in effect since September 1, 2010, it is possible to hire people without specialized education to work in schools. Training can be carried out by a doctor, lawyer, economist, teaching a subject as close as possible to the specifics of their work. To obtain the proper qualifications, you must pass exams at one of the domestic pedagogical universities.

How to become a primary school teacher without pedagogical education

The same applies to primary school teachers. After all, a teacher is not so much a specialty as a way of life, a calling of the heart and soul. Often, even the highest education does not help if a person does not like children, does not have restraint and self-control, and cannot cope with his own emotions. Therefore, a naturally talented teacher can work without special education, having passed exams and confirmed his qualifications at the appropriate university.

How to become an English teacher at school

In order to teach English to children, it is imperative to acquire knowledge that not only teaches a foreign language, but also introduces them to the methods of teaching it at school. School methods are mastered at the Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, as well as at the university, choosing to specialize as an English teacher.

A school English teacher is especially in demand; we can say that this is one of the most important professions of our time. After all, knowledge of English today is not just a tribute to fashion, but a necessity. Moreover, for the teacher himself, especially a young one, working at a school is an excellent experience in improving pedagogical and professional skills.

How to become a history and geography teacher at school

The profession of a school geographer and historian is one of those specialties for which love begins even when future teachers themselves go to school. Usually these are people who are in love with their land, the whole wide world and are capable of childish sincere joy in all its amazing manifestations, passing on knowledge and emotions to their students.

You can obtain the profession of a school teacher of geography or history by enrolling in the geographical or historical-geographical department of a pedagogical institute or university. The training time is usually 4 years.

But you can also get a secondary pedagogical education, after which you can begin working as a primary school teacher, while simultaneously studying in the correspondence department of a higher educational institution.

How to become a physical education teacher

It is hardly worth reminding once again about the importance of physical education for students. Schools are in demand for professional teachers who are able to instill in children a love of sports and convey the extreme importance of a healthy lifestyle, especially in modern environmental conditions.

You can obtain this profession at the technical school of physical education only as a full-time student. Graduates of the 9th grade usually study for 3 years and 10 months, and with a certificate of complete secondary education, the training period takes 2 years and 10 months.

Admission immediately after school to an institute or university in the department of physical education and sports will give you a diploma of higher education, which can be obtained after studying at a technical school by choosing both full-time and part-time study at a university.

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