Computer presentation of practical achievements of professional activity. All breakfasts, lunches

Primary school teacher

MBOU "Krasnoznamenskaya School"

Aleshina Valentina Alexandrovna


The Day of Knowledge holiday has its own history. Historians believe that its origins go back centuries. On the one hand, the date is associated with church canons.

Byzantine theologians assumed that God began the creation of light on September 1.

In autumn the field harvest ends.

In ancient times, Slavic farmers celebrated the New Year at this time.

In the 15th century

Ivan the Terrible announced

And in 1984 a decree was issued, now


Now September 1 is a holiday for all schoolchildren, students and their parents.

I congratulate

you with this


during the day.

First lesson

My future profession

What is a profession?

Profession is a type of work activity or occupation that requires special training.

Doctor- This is a very necessary profession. The doctor is dressed in a white coat and has a special cap on his head. This is a doctor's form. The doctor treats children and adults from diseases. The doctor works in the hospital. For his work, he needs special tools, such as a phonendoscope, syringe, thermometer, etc. The profession of a doctor is needed in order to protect and treat people from various diseases.

The main task surgeon - establishing an accurate diagnosis, finding out the cause of the disease, performing the operation itself, and, of course, helping in the complete restoration of the body. The work of a surgeon is a huge responsibility for human life.

Pharmacists prepare, control and dispense prescription and over-the-counter medicines, sanitary, hygiene and patient care items, medicinal herbs, disinfectants, dressings and other pharmaceutical products.

Teacher- The profession is quite complex. It is necessary not only to be able to present the material in an interesting way, but also to organize the children’s work. The teacher must have moral restraint and tact, and know his subject well.

Accountant calculates costs and profits at enterprises, firms, organizations. An accountant must have an economic education and mathematical abilities.

Cook loves to cook, but he does it according to culinary standards and requirements. A cook is needed not only in canteens or restaurants, but also in organizations, schools, and kindergartens.

Fashion designer creates new styles of clothing and brings creative ideas and plans to life, creates sketches, new models, designs technically modern, comfortable, beautiful clothing compositions, organizes shows and exhibitions of fashionable clothing.

Stewardess checks the sanitary condition of the cabins, cabins, the operation of electrical equipment, receives containers with food and kitchen equipment, mail and other cargo, accommodates passengers in the cabin, organizes meals, informs about attractions, and provides necessary assistance to passengers during the flight.

Driver needed everywhere. This is not just a person who drives a taxi. Drivers are required at enterprises, at construction sites, for intercity cargo transportation, etc. This profession requires endurance, attention and, of course, the ability to drive a car.

Salesman is engaged in the sale of goods in the store. This profession requires communication skills and accuracy. The seller must also be able to count well.

Builder participates in the construction of houses. This profession requires physical strength. Construction is a very necessary profession.

Hairdresser does our hair. A hairdresser must have dexterous hands and a subtle artistic taste.

We must fight fire with fire We are partners with water. People really need us, Answer quickly, who are we?

I have a lot to do if someone gets sick, I will cure everyone, friends! Guess Who am I?

I'm going on a flight. I'm getting on the plane. And I'm flying above the ground. Guess who I am?

For apartments and houses, many letters, telegrams, he brings to the recipients. What's his name guys?

He sailed all the seas, In calm and in storm drove the ship. A courageous man And the marine knows the deal.

He will wake up at dawn

snow will be cleared in the yard.

All paths will be swept

and sprinkle sand on the ice.

Just the right size He will make a suit for you. Everything will be done according to science - And put your hands in your pants.

A glass eye will point, click once and remember You!

What can you tell us about the following professions?

Questions for conversation:

  • What is the name of the person in this profession in the picture?
  • What is a person wearing at work?
  • Does it have a special form?
  • What does he do at this job?
  • Where he works?
  • What does he need for work (tools, special devices)?
  • Why is this profession needed?
  • How does it benefit people?

Guess the riddles

1.Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches

Love nature

Respect old people.

3. We get up very early,

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning.

4. Who sits at the patient’s bedside?

And he tells everyone how to treat himself:

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk.

5. He will heave the log deftly, Will make walls, a canopy. He has resin overalls, The forest smells like pine.

6. Among the clouds, on high,

Together we are building a new house,

To be warm and beautiful

People lived happily in it.

7. Who lifts dumbbells,

Runs fast, shoots accurately,

What is the one word for all of them?


The builder will build us a house,

And we will live together in it.

Dressy weekend suit

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The baker will bake the bread in the bakery,

The teacher will teach you everything -

Teach literacy and writing.

The letter will be delivered by the postman,

And the cook will cook us some broth.

I think you'll grow up

And you will find something to your liking!

All professions are important for people:

a teacher, an accountant, a hairdresser, a cook, a builder, a fireman, a driver, an engineer, a veterinarian - they all benefit humanity, and without them it would be very difficult for us.

All-Russian competition with international participation
" My future profession "


The conditions and procedure for holding all competitions are set out in this document: Agreement No. 1 - offer for holding competitions.

Anyone can take part in the competition. Each participant can submit only one work for the competition. Work options:
- Photo;
- drawing;
- collage;
- presentation;
- essay, composition, etc.

The age of participants is not limited. Participation can be individual or joint.

The competition is held according to the following nominations(in accordance with the type of main educational activity of the competition participant specified in the application for participation in the competition):

  • Preschool education.
  • Primary general education.
  • Basic general and secondary (complete) general education.
  • Primary vocational education.
  • Secondary vocational education.
  • Higher professional education.
  • Additional education for children.
  • Adult education and other types of education.

1. Competition goals: deepening and expanding students' knowledge in various fields of professions that contribute to personal and professional self-determination

2. Objectives of the competition:

1. Preparing students for a conscious choice of direction of social and professional activity.
2. Promoting the social and business activity of students with the help of new models and technologies of career guidance work, promoting the values ​​of work and professionalism among children and youth.
3. Popularization and support of children's creative works, expanding ideas about the world of professional work.
4. Career guidance support for students in the process of choosing a profile of study and the field of future professional activity; development of professional self-determination among schoolchildren in conditions of freedom to choose the field of activity, in accordance with their capabilities, abilities and taking into account the requirements of the labor market

Materials submitted to the competition will not be returned or reviewed.

4. Procedure for participation.

To participate in the Competition you must, before January 10, 2019 inclusive: submit an application for participation (see button below), pay the registration fee and download (or send by email to [email protected] ) competition work and a copy of the document confirming payment of the competition registration fee (not required when paying online through the “Pay online” button in the “Payment” section of this site).

After completing the application, a letter confirming receipt of the application and the application number will be sent to the email address specified in the application. The submitted application is submitted for consideration by the competition commission. After the commission accepts the application, the participant’s data is published in the section results this site.

Lists of participants and winners of Competitions are published in the section results open access indefinitely.

After registration, participants of the Competition pay the registration fee. The number of works for one participant is not limited; a fee is paid for each competitive work. When performing work in collaboration, both authors pay the registration fee. For the procedure and method of payment, see the section Payment .

After paying for participation in the Competition, the participant in the Competition prepares and uploads it to this website (or sends it by email to: [email protected] ) competition work, as well as an electronic copy of the payment document (not required when paying online through the “Pay online” button in the “Payment” section of this site).

5. Design of the material.

Materials for the Competition are accepted in electronic form in Russian. If the competition work contains material in another language, then a complete translation into Russian must be attached.

The maximum allowable size of a competitive work is 50 MB.

When submitting your entry by email to text of the letter you must specify:
1) application number (indicated in the letter confirming the registration of your application on the website),
2) full name of the competitor,
3) the name of the competition work,
4) the name of the Competition.

For example:
1) 13451
2) Martynova Irina Petrovna
3) My future profession is energy engineer
4) My future profession

6. Rewarding.

Based on the results of the evaluations of the competition commission, diplomas of I, II, III degrees are awarded on January 12, 2019.

All Competition participants receive electronic certificates of Competition participants. Documents are issued electronically with a signature and seal.

The link for downloading diplomas and certificates is generated only after we receive the competition works and copies of the document on payment of the registration fee for the Competitions (not required when paying online through the “Pay online” button in the “Payment” section of this site) and is sent by us by email to the participant.

Access to download diplomas and certificates is available in the section results within three months from the date of completion of the Competitions. After this period, the numbers of certificates and diplomas are published in the lists of participants and winners of Competitions; to receive a copy of the corresponding certificate or diploma, the participant should submit an application to [email protected] and we will send a copy of the relevant certificate or diploma from our archive by email.

September 1st HOLIDAY “DAY OF KNOWLEDGE!” » Compiled and conducted by: Pinyugina O.A., primary school teacher, MAOU Secondary School 26, Ulan-Ude, 2018.

From history The Roman Emperor Constantine the Great convened the first Ecumenical Council, at which it was decided to start the new year on September 1. 4th century AD 325 By decree of John III the Great (First Russian Tsar), Rus' began to celebrate the beginning of the new year on September 1, 1492.

In 1699, Peter the Great issued a decree moving the New Year to January 1, so as not to differ from Europe. The tradition of starting the school year the old fashioned way on September 1 was left intact. That is why children go to school on September 1 - because previously this day was the first day of not only the school year, but also the calendar year!

In 1984, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established a new holiday - Knowledge Day. The date of the holiday became the most favorite day of all first-graders - the First of September!

EUROPE Apart from its closest neighbors, the school year traditionally begins on September 1st in Belgium, the Baltic countries, Hungary, Macedonia, Ireland, Poland and Slovenia. But for schoolchildren in Finland, Denmark, Germany and Scotland, the school year begins in August. In Germany, everything depends on the school: sometimes German children go to school in the last week of August, and sometimes (depending on the school schedule) at the beginning of September. Start of the school year in other countries

ASIA In the vast majority of Asian countries, the start of classes, like ours, is on the first of September, for example, in China, Hong Kong, Laos, Taiwan and Mongolia, and in Myanmar, schools begin to work on the second Wednesday of September. However, in many Asian countries the beginning of the school year occurs in the spring.

In Japan, educational institutions begin work on the first of April, in Thailand - in May, after the celebration of the Thai New Year (its date is determined individually each time, but usually it falls in mid-April), and in the Philippines, schoolchildren set out for knowledge in early June.

In Israel, school starts usually on September 1st. In Iran - September 22nd or 23rd, in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates - September 15th, in Egypt - from September 15th to 24th, and in In Oman and Saudi Arabia, the school year begins in the first week of September. Africa In many African countries, children also start school on the first of September, for example in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Somalia, and in Algeria, Knowledge Day is traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday of September. In South Africa and Tanzan, the school year begins in mid-January, and in South Sudan, school starts on March 20.

The holiday of knowledge met us and took us to our favorite class. We sat down at our desks together, We need to know everything in the world. Now we want to learn, We can no longer be lazy, We will write, count, answer questions. Let's keep our books and notebooks in order all year round, Let's study a lot and not be distracted. At school we gain knowledge, at home we consolidate knowledge. Always on time and on time We will do our homework.

Our parents

Information sources template source: Lidiya Petrov Fokina, primary school teacher, MCOU “Secondary School Art. Evsino" Novosibirsk region Background Trees http:// www. playcast. ru/uploads/2013/10/16/6324381. png Schoolgirl http:// s 4. pic 4 you . ru/y 2014/08-13/12216/4544067. png Inscription September 1 http:// planerka. by / Images / Photos / Knowledge 6. png Poem: Photo - Internet resource Text - Wikipedia

teacher Smetanina E.V.

OBJECTIVES: - contribute to the formation of ideas about the future profession;

To promote awareness of the correctness of the chosen profession;

Promote the development of cognitive interest in professions;

To promote the formation of knowledge and skills to objectively carry out self-analysis of the level of development of one’s professionally important qualities and correlate them with the requirements of professions and areas of work for a person.

TYPE OF LESSON: debate with quiz elements.

FORMS OF WORK: collective, group.

EQUIPMENT: presentation-quiz “In the world of professions”, projector, screen, laptop, profession paraphernalia.



in a small elementary school

teacher Smetanina E.V.

OBJECTIVES: - contribute to the formation of ideas about the future profession;

To promote awareness of the correctness of the chosen profession;

Promote the development of cognitive interest in professions;

To promote the formation of knowledge and skills to objectively carry out self-analysis of the level of development of one’s professionally important qualities and correlate them with the requirements of professions and areas of work for a person.

TYPE OF LESSON: debate with quiz elements.

FORMS OF WORK: collective, group.

EQUIPMENT: presentation-quiz “In the world of professions”, projector, screen, laptop, profession paraphernalia.


Stage I Introduction

A student reads a poem

Here it is autumn. Hello school!

The cheerful bell rang,

And they entered for the umpteenth time

To a bright and spacious classroom!

What is needed here? Don't be lazy

And study diligently

To know about everything in the world

And get straight A's.

Teacher White bows, bright flowers, cheerful school bells mark this day on the calendar! September 1 is a long-awaited, beloved and exciting day! It is special for first-graders who cross the school threshold for the first time. Please accept our warmest and kindest congratulations on September 1st! And may there always be a place for knowledge and wisdom in your life!

Stage II Motivation

We will begin the first lesson of the new school year with the words of V. Mayakovsky.


My years are growing

I'll be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

What should I do?

On whose behalf is the story being told?

Have you ever thought about these questions?

Can you guess what the lesson will be about?

How would you formulate its theme?

Well done guys, the topic of our lesson is “My future profession”

Why do you think you need to ask yourself these questions today?

Maybe a cartoon will help you answer this question.

(watching the cartoon “Kaleidoscope of Professions” episode 1)

Stage III Discussion of the cartoon on issues

Why is it important to choose the right profession?

(For our work to be a joy for us, to bring benefits to people. To live, we need to earn money, and for this we need to choose the right profession for which we have inclinations and interest).

How do you know which profession is right for you and which is not?

What concepts should not be confused? (profession, specialty)

Who can explain the concept - PROFESSION? (This is the main occupation of work)

How do you explain the concept of SPECIALTY? (Type of occupation within one profession)

Stage IV Relay game “In the world of professions”

Attached to the board are cards depicting people of the following professions: sailor, doctor, seamstress, car mechanic

On the table there are cards depicting the attributes and tools of these professions. Children are divided into two teams, run to the table at a signal, select the desired card and attach it.

Stage V Quiz game “In the world of professions” based on presentation. Group work.


Tell me, guys, what professions do you know?

Which ones are you particularly interested in?

Let's get acquainted with some more professions in the quiz.

1. What do you call a worker who extracts minerals in a mine?

1. Geologist

2. Shakhtar

3. Explorer

2. A specialist in this profession monitors compliance with traffic rules. Name your profession.

1. Traffic police inspector

2. Policeman

3. Traffic controller

3. What is the name of a scientist who studies the fossil remains of extinct organisms: animals, plants, bacteria, etc.?

1. Paleontologist

2. Archaeologist

3. Art critic

4. Name the specialist who is responsible for the condition and protection of forests?

1. Forester

2. Firefighter

3. Forest Rescuer

5. What do you call a specialist in raising and breeding dogs?

1. Felinologist

2. Dog handler

3. Dog psychologist

6. Which specialist can create a paper or electronic map?

1. Cartographer

2. Ethnographer

3. Geological engineer

7. Name a doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases of the teeth, jaws and other organs of the oral cavity:

1. Ophthalmologist

2. Surgeon

3. Dentist

8. What do you call a person whose profession is leading an orchestra?

1. Composer

2. Conductor

3. Accompanist

9. What is the name of a specialist who observes and studies atmospheric phenomena?

1. Meteorologist

2. Geographer

3. Ecologist

10. What do you call an actor who performs complex and dangerous stunts while filming a film?

1. Cartoonist

2. Stuntman

3. Doubler

Exercise "Find your profession."

The presenter gives each student a card with an attribute of a professional doctor, hairdresser or cook on it and offers a task, without telling them to find their team and position themselves in three corners of the room. Then, for two or three minutes, the guys look for their team. After the leader clap, the search stops, and he asks each of the teams, “What is the name of their profession?” Students answer “Hairdresser”, “Doctor”, “Cook”.


What professions do you remember?

How would you now answer the question:What do I want to be when I grow up?