Forms of methodological work with preschool teachers. Interactive forms of work with teachers as a factor in improving the quality of education

Natalia Chebordakova
Interactive forms of work with teachers as a factor in improving the quality of education

The quality of education and its effectiveness is one of the pressing problems of domestic pedagogy. The leading role in ensuring educational effectiveness is the educational process is played by the teacher, his professionalism.

Increasing the skill level of teachers is a priority area of ​​activity of the methodological work, which occupies a special place in the management system of a preschool institution and represents an important link in the entire system advanced training of teaching staff, since, first of all, it contributes increase professional competence teacher, the development of his creative initiative.

Activation of creative activity teachers possible through non-traditional, interactive methods and forms of working with teachers. Many major methodological innovations involve the use of interactive teaching methods.

Word « interactive» came to us from the English language. Concept « interaction» (from English interaction - interaction) arose for the first time in sociology and social psychology. Interactive means the ability to act or be in the mode of conversation, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or with anyone (for example, a person). From this we can conclude that interactive training is, first of all, dialogue training, during which interaction takes place teachers.

Today we need to use new, active forms of work, which are characterized by involvement teachers into activity and dialogue involving free exchange.

Meaning of use interactive methods in preschool institution:

1. Improving the quality of educational process in a preschool institution.

2. Stimulation interest and motivation of teachers in self-education.

3. Promotion level of activity and independence.

4. Development of skills of analysis and reflection of one’s activities.

5. Development of the desire for cooperation and empathy.

Besides, interactive training ensures the creation of an atmosphere that relieves tension and anxiety in adults in connection with inclusion in educational activities, reveals new opportunities, is a necessary condition for the development of competencies.

First effective interactive form, introduced in work with preschool teachers - training.

Training: fast response, fast learning. The exercise, the atmosphere, the special state of mind of each participant.

Business game: contribute increasing interest to the problem at hand, help formation creative thinking teachers, finding new ways to solve complex problems, form and train their practical skills. A business game is, to a certain extent, a rehearsal for an activity. teacher. It gives you the opportunity to lose any pedagogical situation in persons, which allows you to understand human psychology by taking the place of a child, his parents, manager or colleague.

Pedagogical ring: Here the intention is to attack the opponent with questions that must be answered promptly. The game host can also ask questions. The content of the questions may relate to one or different problems, depending on the purpose of it. carrying out: clarify and systematize classes on one problem or conduct a mini-diagnosis of knowledge teachers on a whole range of issues. For example, pedagogical ring: “Ways to improve educational process in preschool educational institutions».

Round table: The topic and problem are highlighted in advance. Possibly prepared speakers. You can divide participants into groups when discussing different types on the same issue. Required for the presenter form conclusions and offers. Topics for round tables may be different, but they must contain wording alternative elements. For example, - “Problems of interaction between public and family education at the present stage”, “Preschool educational institution – what should it be?” “The strength of the teacher’s personality. What is she wearing?.

A symposium is a discussion in which participants give presentations representing their points of view and then answer questions from the audience.

Debate is a discussion based on pre-arranged speeches by representatives of two opposing groups.

Discussion is one of the ways to help teach teachers conduct a professional, constructive dispute that can lead to a solution to the problem, developing a common opinion. Discussion (translated from Latin - research, analysis) consists of a collective discussion of any issue, problem or comparison of ideas, opinions, proposals. It can be used as an independent view working with teachers, and also as a discussion-based business game. Taking part in the discussion, The teacher first of all formulates thesis is a thought or position whose truth must be proven. Before having a discussion, you should formulate before teachers the problem and purpose of the discussion, that is, to clarify what is being discussed, why the discussion is being held, and what the discussion should achieve. In this case it is necessary interest teachers, pointing out to them unresolved or ambiguously resolved pedagogical problems or questions. It is also necessary to establish rules for the discussion and each speech.

The leader of the discussion must create a friendly environment, a positive emotional background, and also make sure that everyone teachers understand the essence of the problem being discussed and are familiar with the relevant terminology, common for all participants.

The leader's goal is collect more less opinions, so he activates teachers and keeps them active, offers formulate proposals, expresses himself, trying to identify different approaches, different opinions in order to come to the desired result.

Discussion swing(discussion): the audience is divided into groups (2 or more). Each group advocates opposing views on one issue.

Brainstorm: a group of several people actively discussing solves some problem. The group leader voices the general decision.

Lecture using technology feedback: Teacher after every completed thought addresses the audience. Based on the answer to this, he regulates the content of the further lecture.

Lecture for two: teacher Together with a specialist or parent, she covers current issues. The material for this type of lecture is pre-distributed. At the end, listeners are allowed to ask questions to both lecturers.

Lecture "question answer": Throughout the lecture, questions are asked and the lecturer answers.

Method "Quadro" (form discussions after the lecture teacher). Teacher asks a problematic question, the parent votes with a card (4 things.): 1 – agree; 2 – I agree, but; 3 – disagree; 4 – I agree, if. Then teacher brings together parents with the same cards into a group and a discussion is organized. Conclusions are drawn teachers.

Creative hour "Gold mines": Job small teams where methodological recommendations and models for analyzing a literary work are developed, and non-traditional drawing techniques are introduced.

Master Class (workshop). Its main goal is to get to know pedagogical experience, system work, author's findings and everything that helped teacher achieve the best results.

Problematic pedagogical situations. A situation is proposed, from which ways out are proposed.

Pedagogical workshop or pedagogical"studio": teacher– the master introduces the members pedagogical collective with the main ideas of its educational - educational system and practical recommendations for its implementation. For example: “Development of creative imagination preschooler through the means of fiction, artistic activities, and experimentation.”

"Film School": teacher shows pre-prepared video recordings of one of the children's activities (for example, children playing). Show without comments. According to teacher criteria, parents evaluate the level of development of children's activities.

Bank of ideas: This is a rational way of collectively solving problems that cannot be solved by traditional methods at this stage. For example: "Ecology games: how to bring play back into the life of a kindergarten".

Exhibitions – fairs pedagogical ideas, auction: public presentation of the best samples professional activity. Properly prepared and carried out, it stimulates. Leads to the emergence of new ideas, stimulates teachers to creativity and self-education.

Coaching session: interactive communication. Developmental consultation, discussion (question answer). Teacher does not receive advice and recommendations, but only answers questions that the consultant asks him, and he himself finds ways to solve problems. For example: « Working with a certified teacher» .

Quick - setting: it's a mood teacher for successful work.

1. If you want people to like you, smile!

2. You are the best and most beautiful, let all the fashion models in the world envy you.

3. There are people like gold coin: the longer work, the more they are valued.

Case - method: a non-game method of analyzing and solving situations. Where teachers participate in direct discussion of business situations and tasks taken from real practice.

The essence of the case method is that the acquisition of knowledge and formation skills are the result of active independent activity teachers to resolve contradictions, as a result of which the creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of creative abilities occurs.

Open technology space: involves the active participation of everyone teacher, creating a democratic atmosphere, equality of opportunity, openness and cooperation, interaction, communication, development and exchange of ideas.

Using TOP at teachers' council (no need to go into detail developed agenda and plan work).

Presentation: a visual version of lecture and practical material.

All of the above methods are quite effective. To summarize, we can say that a well-built system interactive forms of work with teaching staff, - will lead to increase educational level - educational work Preschool educational institution and will unite the team teachers.


1. Davydova O.I., MayerA. A., Bogoslavets L. G. Interactive methods in organization pedagogical councils in preschool educational institutions. – St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2008. – 170 p.

2. Romaeva N. B. Interactive forms of working with personnel(methodological materials)/auth. – comp. N. B. Romaeva and others. Stavropol: SKIRO PC and PRO, 2012. – 93 p.

In educational practice at various levels (state, regional, school), traditional compulsory forms of training and methodological work with teachers have become widespread. Despite their inherent shortcomings (frontality, inflexibility, pursuit of the number of methodological activities, lack of efficiency in assistance, ossification of forms), the system of continuous professional development for teachers would be incomplete without them.

In a modern school, such traditional forms of methodological work are used (note that the council, school teachers' council, instructive meetings are not always forms of methodological activity itself, but they perform methodological functions)

The school council functions according to. Regulations on it, consists of teachers, parents, high school students, meets once a quarter to solve problems important for the school, analyze the educational process in the school and the activities of individual teachers, namely: the state of the educational process in the school in light of requirements. Law "On Education", the state of educational work in the 9th, for example, the classroom, the organization of summer holidays for children, etc.

The pedagogical council consists of teachers, it also exists in accordance with. According to its regulations, it meets 4-5 times a year, and in some educational institutions monthly. At its meetings, the pedagogical council discusses such issues as: the state of labor education at school and tasks for its improvement; the state of teaching and the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in mathematics, the work of methodological associations at school and ways to improve it; aesthetic education of students using educational disciplines: opportunities, problems and prospects, and many others.

Instructional and methodological meetings at school are held as necessary; for this, one day a week is allocated (for example, Thursday), which is called a methodological day? The school administration tries to carry out methodological work with teachers on this day. At production and methodological meetings, the following issues are discussed: the condition of student notebooks, compliance with the language regime at school, legal educational work, work with parents, preparation for subject Olympiads and competitions, the work of teachers in preparing students for exams, organizing summer holidays for students.

Methodological associations of teachers (school and interschool), in vocational schools they are called methodological commissions and regional methodological sections, which work in accordance with the annual work plan and relevant instructions. At meetings of subject commissions, reports on topical issues of training and education are heard and discussed; a review of the latest specialized literature is made; books, articles from magazines and newspapers on current topics are discussed; mutual visits to lessons are organized; open lessons, the use of visuals in the educational process, and applications are conducted and discussed. TSO and computer ov; consultations are organized for young teachers; Teachers' reports on the implementation of individual self-education plans are heard.

In addition to the above-mentioned traditional forms of methodological work, schools also hold subject weeks, workshops, conferences, interdisciplinary conferences, psychological and pedagogical seminars, competitions of pedagogical skills, individual methodological consultations, methodological exhibitions, design of methodological rooms or corners, schools of excellence, release of a methodological bulletin, information days, spivb essay of leaders with teachers about the results of work during the academic year, mentoring, internships, course retraining, self-education.

. Self-education- This is a traditional form of methodological work of a teacher. In the 60-70s, teachers wrote widespread plans for self-education for a year, then for six months (for it is clear that it is impossible to provide at least new literature for a year), later the writing of self-education plans was canceled, since mass methodological work with teachers contributed to self-education.

. Individual self-education- this is a systematic study of new psychological, pedagogical, scientific literature, participation in the work of school, district, interschool, regional (v. VET) method of associations, seminars, conferences, pedagogical x readings (held once every two to three years at the state level, once a year - at the district, regional level, once a year during the winter holidays at the school, vocational school level). Teachers methodically develop problems of improving teaching and education, conduct experimental research, prepare reports, appear on radio and television; schools organize reviews of pedagogical literature and methodological journals, collections, etc.

. Scheme of motivational management in the self-education system

. Work motivation teacher at all levels of education consists of four blocks, which today are not sufficiently implemented: material interest, the essence of work, relationships in a team, self-realization in creativity

This motivational model has a classical character and is suitable for normal conditions of the functioning of society or for a period of society emerging from a crisis. It also works during a crisis, but its effectiveness will be incomplete

. Motive as an internal causative agent of the activity of individuals and social communities should be distinguished from external causative agents - stimuli. Stimulation is carried out through orders, instructions, incentives, threats, sanctions

. Material interest will be when wages correspond to labor contribution. The equalizing principle of calculating wages based on the number of hours worked, without taking into account the quality of work and its final results, is the main reason that material interest has never been used in our country as a lever of influence on the activity of educators, teachers, teachers.

The essence of pedagogical work is now taking on concrete shape. Collaboration with students, achieving real and visible results makes the work of a teacher much more attractive than it has been so far

Relationships in the team: relationships of collectivism are strengthening in connection with common interests in improving final results, assessment of the results of the work of each teacher helps to satisfy the need for respect from others; competitive relations arise between members of the teaching staff in connection with the development of social comparison of skin achievements.

Self-realization in creativity and free time. The implementation of the motivational capabilities of the three previous blocks cannot but awaken in the teacher the desire to seek and find new ways of working with students in order to achieve dynamic goals. The consequence of such interest may be a reduction in the time required for students to master program disciplines compared to standard periods, individualization of training, a general shortening of the period a student spends at a given level of education, and others. Along with the effect of self-realization in creativity, the stimulating power of the time freed up for the teacher is triggered; he uses the beat in his own way. Based on measuring the results of teachers’ work through assessing the level of knowledge (skills, skills), the level of creative, moral and physical development of students, a new sphere of motivational influence arises, the use of which constantly intensifies the activities of teachers, educators, teachers.

Requirements for the organization of self-education: the connection of self-education with the practical activities of the teacher, the systematic and consistent nature of self-education, constant improvement of its content and forms, a multifaceted approach to identifying the learning problem, publicity and visibility of the results of self-education, the creation at school of the necessary conditions for self-education (a day free from lessons, the presence of a pedagogical or methodological office, timely information from the library about the latest pedagogical literature, etc.), access to materials about advanced pedagogical experience, completeness of self-educational work at each stage (reports, speeches, participation in Pedra di, conferences, etc.). d..

Open lessons aim to improve the skills of all teachers. Main tasks: putting into practice the work of all teachers of advanced pedagogical experience and achievements of pedagogical science, aimed at solving the problems set for the national school. It is necessary to ensure that open lessons are useful. For this purpose, school leaders

Vocational schools, methodologists, and experienced teachers should prepare open lessons, provide teachers with consultations and methodological assistance, as an example. Rostov. All-Union Conference (Russia, Rostov-on-Don) with developmental education. It was held in 1980 and took 1.5 years to prepare. The conference began with the fact that about 1000 teachers participating in the conference attended lessons on problem-developmental character, of which 75 were held in total, and they took place in schools and. Vocational schools in Rostov-on-Don (Russia) and in regional centers. Only after the conference participants saw with their own eyes the effectiveness of problem-based learning and studied the materials of numerous stands, after discussing the lessons attended, which were attended by the ministers of education, their deputies, academicians, and teaching scientists (they spent 1.5 years preparing these lessons), a plenary session of the conference took place, then sectional work (in subjects), and then recommendations were adopted for the introduction of problem-based developmental education.

Requirements for analysis and discussion of open lessons: purposefulness of discussion, scientific analysis, integrity combined with goodwill when expressing critical comments, combination of lesson analysis with conclusions and recommendations, summing up the results of an open lesson to qualified specialists.

Conducting open lessons, or even better, their systems, is an effective form of methodological improvement for teachers (even when the lesson is prepared and taught by a not very experienced teacher)

Non-traditional forms of methodological work in the 90s became so widespread and widespread that they can be classified:

1. According to the method of collective creativity, these are fairs of pedagogical creativity, a festival of pedagogical ideas and discoveries, panoramas of methodological ideas, pedagogical scatterings, clubs of creative teachers, methodological tournaments and vernissages, creative portraits and laboratories, schools of teaching.

2. Forms that unobtrusively direct teachers to active work are business games / pedagogical consultations, gatherings, methodological rings, methodological auctions /, brainstorming, the “Best Teacher of the Year” competition, etc.

3. Forms that enhance the scientific focus of the work are problem-based seminars, creative groups, creative scientific discussions, educational seminars on the pedagogical methodology, consultations with scientists, author's schools of excellence, pedagogical collective affairs, a pedagogical tournament on a current scientific topic, public research institute, creative laboratories.

4. Forms that enhance the practical orientation of the work are consultation workshops, seminars, beginner teacher schools, pedagogical representation, etc.

5. Forms that combine traditional work with leisure are a small academy of folk pedagogy, pedagogical gatherings, parties, a panorama lesson, presentations of a pedagogical novelty, a pedagogical portrait of a creative team, etc. Such non-traditional forms of methodological work are most widespread with teachers, such as: methodological festivals; panoramic and non-standard lessons; satellite seminars, methodological dialogues, rings, bridges, brainstorming sessions, methodological auctions; pedagogical consultations and trainings; methodological gatherings; pedagogical. KVN; problem tables; psychological and pedagogical discussions; pedagogical tournaments (see table 6 6).

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Effective forms of methodological work

A teacher remains a teacher as long as he learns.

K. Ushinsky

People learn throughout their lives. According to sociologists, they receive 20% of their knowledge through formal individual training in secondary educational institutions, universities, advanced training courses, and seminars. They gain the remaining 80% of knowledge and, most importantly, experience through informal learning at their workplace, as well as through interaction with other people. Today, many schools are aware of the fact that the main part of individual learning takes place within the walls of the school itself, at the teacher’s workplace. This is why there is a methodological service. In a modern school, the methodological service is a multi-level structure of various types and forms of work on training and personnel development. What end result should this activity be aimed at? – To create success, participation, and cooperation in the team; – to create an atmosphere of creative search and interest in the teaching staff; – to improve the teacher’s methodological skills; – to actively participate in teacher quality management; – for certification of teachers to a higher qualification category; – to improve the quality of the educational process; to improve the quality of students' knowledge; – to create a bank of innovative ideas and technologies; – for the development of creative original programs. Therefore, the methodological service must create conditions in which the teacher could fully realize his potential. There is a kind of starting point: the methodological service does not work, and this responds accordingly at the professional level of the teacher. In this regard, it is necessary to search for effective directions, forms and methods of methodological work. Forms of methodological work: – debate, discussion, – teacher council, methodological council, – organization of a methodological day, week, – creative report, – competitions, – festival of pedagogical ideas, – business game, – “Round table”, – pedagogical council, – presentation, – auction, – brainstorming, – experiment, – creative internship, – reports, speeches, – seminars, workshops, – discussion of problems, – scientific and practical conferences, – self-education, self-reports, – exhibitions, shows, – surveys, – mentoring, - master classes, - creative groups, - subject and interdisciplinary education, - methodological operatives, - psychological and pedagogical readings, - micro-research, - methodological consultations, - defense of original projects and developments, - departments, - meeting with the director, - conferences, – research laboratories. In the book by V. M. Lizinsky “On methodological work at school,” more than 40 different forms are described and grouped. What determines the effectiveness of these forms of work? First of all, it depends on the goals and objectives that the teaching staff sets for itself and, of course, on the level of development of the team. Every year, drawing up a plan for educational work, the administration sets a number of specific goals and objectives that the team will work on. Let's assume that one of them is increasing the level of education of the teaching staff. What forms of methodological work will be most effective? - seminars, workshops - organization of a methodological day, week, - methodological consultations, - psychological and pedagogical readings, - questionnaires, - methodological briefings, - subject and interdisciplinary training, - reports, speeches. And the teacher’s self-education will play a special role as one of the most important forms of methodological work. The main effect of self-education is the reduction or maintenance of a high intellectual and physical level. One of the domestic classics of NOT, P. M. Kerzhentsev, defined clarity and specificity of purpose as one of the principles of self-education. When a goal appears, a plan is usually drawn up in writing - what and in what time frame needs to be mastered, completed, done. In the organization of self-education, the time factor plays a very significant role: – if a person’s interest is directed towards increasing his competence, then there is time for it; – if self-educational motivation is low, then there is no or not enough time for it. Therefore, one of the most important features is the presence of a well-functioning system of methodological work that helps stimulate the self-education of teachers and ensures their professional aspirations. Forms of self-education within the framework of methodological work can be the following: – communication with highly qualified teachers, masters of their craft; – solution to a specific problem of a practical nature (introduction of technology, testing of a textbook); – critical review of periodicals; – a critical review of existing forms of lesson delivery; - abstract; – self-certification; – analysis and accounting of errors, mistakes, failures in subsequent activities. As a result of this approach to self-educational work, teachers gain confidence in their abilities, realize their true capabilities, and previously hidden abilities appear. In modern conditions, innovative methodological work is effective, the purpose of which is the introduction of innovative technologies through educational institutions, the design of innovative ideas, and the assessment of the level of innovative potential of teachers. But it can create a number of acute problems, up to the lag of methodological activity from the various processes rapidly occurring in education. This especially applies to those methodological services that are characterized by traditional functioning, with a conservative structure of the methodological service, where there is no substantive methodological study of new ideas and their effectiveness is not always tested. The traditional approach, as studies show, meets the expectations of providing methodological assistance to only 54% of teachers. What forms of methodological work need to be used to move the school into innovation mode? Brainstorming is used as an effective method of collective discussion, the search for a solution in which is determined by the free expression of the opinions of all participants. This is one of the best methods for activating cognitive activity, when in a short period of time participants must offer the largest number of ideas, options, approaches, and analyze them. All ideas are written down, at least by recording a keyword or phrase, and work is done in groups. From all the ideas, the groups select 4 best ones, then present them, justifying their choice. The jointly adopted program prescribes the step-by-step participation of each group member, the form of presentation, intermediate results, and the nature of the activity. One of the effective forms of methodological work is also the “Festival of Pedagogical and Methodological Ideas”. This is a solemn summing up of the work of the teaching staff, where achievements are presented both in the field of methodological work and in the organization of the educational process, amateur performances and creativity. The purpose of such festivals is to get acquainted with pedagogical discoveries and the creativity of individual teachers, pave the way for pedagogical invention and innovation, and stimulate the development of initiative and creativity of teachers. All teachers, students, and parents participate in the festival. The school shows the process, content, forms of education, diagnostics and methodological support, organization of educational activities, creative work of students, competitions, shows, and open events are held.

The teacher occupies a key position in the educational process and his qualifications and personal qualities determine what the educational system as a whole should be like today.

Methods of methodological work are ordered ways of working to achieve goals.

Form is the internal organization of content, the design of segments, cycles of the methodological process, reflecting the system of its components and stable connections.

According to the forms, methodological work is divided into group and individual.

Group forms include: participation of teachers in methodological associations of the city, district, and educational institutions; organization of theoretical and scientific-practical conferences; teachers' councils.

Individual ones include individual consultations, conversations, mentoring, mutual visits, and self-education.

It is necessary to learn the art of conversation, its universal nature is based on the fact that in any conversation the participants must skillfully adapt to each other, regardless of what is being discussed.

In order to make the right choice for your team of forms and methods, you must be guided by:

  • - goals and objectives of the subsidiary;
  • - quantitative and qualitative composition of the team;
  • - comparative effectiveness of forms and methods of work;
  • - features of the educational process;
  • - material, moral and psychological conditions in the team;
  • - real opportunities;
  • - best practices and scientific recommendations.

The most effective forms of organizing methodological work are:

  • - teachers' council;
  • - seminars, workshops;
  • - open views are effective;
  • - medical and pedagogical meetings;
  • - consultations;
  • - work of the creative group.

External advanced training occurs:

  • - by attending advanced training courses;
  • - training in educational institutions;
  • - participation in the work of methodological associations of the region.

Internal professional development occurs through various forms of methodological work with teachers in preschool educational institutions:

  • - participation in the work of the council of teachers;
  • - training at seminars and workshops;
  • - consulting, etc.

Let's take a closer look at teacher councils.

Pedagogical Council - a permanent collegial body of self-government for teaching staff. With its help, the development of preschool educational institutions is managed.

The pedagogical council, as the highest governing body of the entire educational process, solves the specific problems of a preschool institution. Its activities are determined by the Regulations on the Pedagogical Council of the Preschool Educational Institution. It is created in all preschool institutions where there are more than three teachers. It includes all teaching staff and part-time teachers. Also, the pedagogical council is the central link in the organization of all methodological work, the “school of pedagogical excellence.”

Subjects teachers' councils are indicated in the annual plan of the preschool educational institution. If necessary, additions and clarifications are made to it.

The main goal of the pedagogical council - to unite the efforts of the preschool educational institution team to improve the level of the educational process, use the achievements of pedagogical science and best practices in practice.

Functions of the pedagogical council:

  • · determines the directions of educational activities of the preschool educational institution;
  • · selects and approves educational programs for
  • · use in preschool educational institutions;
  • · discusses issues of content, forms and methods of the educational process, planning educational activities of preschool educational institutions;
  • · considers issues of advanced training and retraining of personnel;
  • · identifies, generalizes, disseminates, implements pedagogical experience;
  • · considers issues of organizing additional services for parents;
  • · listens to reports from the manager on the creation of conditions for
  • · implementation of educational programs.

Meetings of the Council of Teachers are valid if at least half of its members are present. A decision made within the competence of the Council of Teachers and not contrary to the law is binding.

Types of pedagogical advice:

  • · installation- is held before the start of the school year, at the end of August, and is devoted to analyzing the results of the previous year, adopting a plan and focusing on solving upcoming problems;
  • · thematic teachers' council with interim results dedicated to one of the annual tasks of the teaching staff;
  • · final- held at the end of the academic year, it sums up the results of the year.

Pedagogical councils are divided into types. The academic year is determined by the cycle of pedagogical councils. The most common structure of the annual cycle is formed from four components: an orientation teacher council, two thematic ones and one more final one. Meetings of the pedagogical council are convened, as a rule, once every two months in accordance with the work plan of the preschool educational institution.

With such a structure, pedagogical councils cannot cover all the problems of preschool educational institutions in one academic year. There is a need to plan topics for a longer period. The content of pedagogical councils should become a system-forming factor for the implementation of the development program developed at the preschool educational institution.

Teachers' councils are also distinguished by forms of organization :

  • · traditional- this is a teachers’ council with a detailed agenda, held with strict adherence to the regulations on each issue and making decisions on them;
  • · teachers' council with using separate activation methods teachers;
  • · unconventional teachers' council(for example, in the form of a business game, conference, etc.). Its preparation requires writing a script, dividing participants into teams and assigning roles.
  • · However, it must be remembered that the result of the work of any teachers’ council should be the adoption of decisions to improve the work of the team.

Traditional pedagogical councils are distinguished by the predominant use of verbal methods, the traditional nature of the content, and the authoritarian style of communication between the administration and teachers.

According to the form and organization of the participants’ activities teacher councils are divided:

  • · to the teachers' council (classic) based on a report with discussion (speeches);
  • · report with co-reports;
  • · meeting with the invitation of a specialist speaker.

Along with this, there may not be a main report at the teachers' council, which is replaced by a series of messages united by one topic.

The report can be structured as follows:

Introduction - indicate the relevance, essence of the problem, at least in one sentence. Defining the goal, i.e. a reflection of the most essential thing that determines the presentation of a report.

Main part - presentation of facts, events, provisions in a logical and chronological sequence.

Conclusion in the shape of:

  • · conclusions, if required, i.e. if the goal is persuasion;
  • · recommendations, if required, i.e. if a certain plan of action is defended;
  • · summary - a brief summary of the essence of the report, if it is complex and long.

The traditional structure of the teachers' council may include individual methods of activating teachers : collective viewing of classes and other events; use of video materials; display and analysis of the results of the educational process of preschool children.

In the practice of preschool educational institutions, both in preparation and during teacher councils, the following methods and forms of activation of teachers can be used:

  • · imitation of a specific situation . This method helps you choose the right option from the many offered. There are four types of specific situations. By selecting them taking into account gradual complication, you can achieve the greatest interest and activity of educators. Illustrative situations describe simple cases from practice and immediately provide a solution. Situations-exercises encourage you to take certain actions (make a note plan, fill out a table, etc.). In assessment situations, the problem has already been solved, but teachers are required to analyze it and justify their answer, evaluate it. Problem situations view a specific case study as an existing problem that needs to be solved;
  • · discussion of two opposing points of view . The senior teacher offers two points of view on the same problem for discussion. Teachers must express their attitude towards them and justify it;
  • · practical skills training . This method is very effective, but you need to think it through in advance and decide which teacher you can recommend it to. It is better to offer a learning element from work experience;
  • · imitation of a teacher's working day . Teachers are given a description of the age group of children, the goals and objectives that need to be solved are formulated, and the task is set: to simulate their working day within a certain time. In conclusion, the leader organizes a discussion of all the proposed models;
  • · solving pedagogical crossword puzzles helps clarify teachers’ knowledge on a specific topic, develops their horizons, and therefore influences the quality of work with children;
  • · working with instructive and directive documents . Educators are asked in advance to get acquainted with this or that document, apply it to their activities and, highlighting one of the areas, think through a work plan to eliminate shortcomings. Everyone completes this task independently, and at the teachers’ council different approaches to solving the same problem are discussed;
  • · analysis of children's statements, their behavior, creativity . The senior teacher prepares tape recordings, collections of children's drawings or crafts, etc. Teachers get acquainted with the material, analyze it, evaluate the skills, development, and education of children, formulate several specific proposals to help the teacher working with them;
  • · intellectual, business and creatively developing games , which allow teachers to exchange opinions with their colleagues in a relaxed manner.

Game simulation increases interest, causes high activity, improves skills in solving real pedagogical problems.

At teacher councils, teachers are offered various questions, during the discussion of which a dialogue-discussion can arise, which has become a true sign of our time. However, not everyone masters the art of collective discussion of issues in the form of dialogue or argument.

Dialogue - this is a conversation between two or more people, a free exchange of opinions, often complementing the characteristics of various aspects of the problem under discussion. In this case, a dispute usually does not arise, since each participant in the conversation expresses his or her point of view.

Discussion - discussion of any controversial issue, revealing the truth and making the right decision by everyone who wants to express their own point of view.

Features of the discussion:

  • · involves constructive interaction,
  • · search for group agreement in the form of a common opinion or consolidated decision.

Rules for discussion

  • · The truth does not belong to you, just as it does not belong to anyone.
  • · When discussing topic A, do not start a discussion on topic B.
  • · The debate is not a socialist competition; there can be no winners in it.
  • · You cannot turn a remark into a report.
  • · Everyone has the right to their opinion.
  • · If you cannot express your arguments in 3 minutes, then there is something wrong with them.
  • · Ideas are criticized, not people.

Organizing a discussion - it’s not an easy matter. Particular attention should be paid to creating a favorable psychological environment. The first step is to seat the participants in a circle. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of goodwill and interested attention to everyone. The object of discussion can be a truly ambiguous problem, in relation to which each participant freely expresses his opinion, no matter how unpopular and unexpected it may be. The success or failure of a discussion is determined by the formulation of the problem and questions. What should you be guided by? The questions must be controversial, i.e. ones that can be answered with both “no” and “yes”. The level of preparedness of the discussion participants should also be taken into account: are they able to independently formulate the optimal solution to the problem?

Discussants need to be prepared for the fact that conceptual conflict and differences of opinion will not be resolved quickly. At the same time, the long-term activity of opponents should be considered a successful outcome of the discussion.

In recent decades, they have become widespread non-traditional teaching advice .

Let's consider some forms of their organization and implementation.

Signs and conditions for the pedagogical council - business game

  • · the presence of a problem and goal that the teaching (game) team must solve;
  • · imitation of a real situation, the presence of game roles and the assignment of game participants to them (most often social roles are played: teachers, children, parents, preschool administration, authorities, etc.);
  • · real difference in interests, opinions, points of view of the participants themselves;
  • · compliance with game rules and conditions;
  • · presence of game incentives: competition
  • · in social activity, expert assessment of personal and collective contributions, public assessment of the result of gaming activities.

Teachers' council - business game - a training form in which participants are assigned certain roles. A business game teaches you to analyze and solve complex problems of human relationships, in the study of which not only the correct decision is important, but also the behavior of the participants themselves, the structure of relationships, tone, facial expressions, intonation.

One form of business game is brainstorming. It can be used to summarize the work of a team on a particular problem or for a certain period. The main place in such a teachers' council is occupied by group activities. Organizers need to think through the scenario down to the smallest detail, define roles, tasks, and calculate regulations. Participants analyze the issues raised, develop goals and objectives, and draw up programs that will form the basis for the decisions of the teachers’ council.

Business games are a type of activity in artificially created situations aimed at solving a learning problem.

Teachers' council-conference can be practiced in large preschool educational institutions (10 groups or more) to activate the final pedagogical councils.

Conference in the scientific world - this is a form of presenting to the public any results, results of experience. At conferences, orally or in writing (poster presentations, publication of abstracts), authors make applications for primacy and exchange information.

The pedagogical council-conference combines the qualities of both the pedagogical council and the scientific conference. A pedagogical council of this form is held in the form of a series of short (up to 10-15 minutes) reports containing the results of the creative, educational, scientific and methodological work of teachers and the head.

The topics of teacher council conferences can be devoted to both the results of the work of the institution as a whole, and a separate general pedagogical problem, of a scientific and practical nature. Their peculiarity is mandatory incentives and awards (at the end of the year), design and release of materials summarizing teaching experience, taking into account and implementing proposals and recommendations of teachers in the plans for the next academic year.

If the topic of the teachers' council-conference touches on a separate pedagogical problem, then the teachers' council may consist of several parts, for example, a main message and a dialogue organized by a senior teacher with a group of specialists (music director, psychologist, physical education teacher, speech therapist). Their answers to the questions asked will encourage other participants to develop the topic by expressing their opinions. In conclusion, relevant recommendations are adopted.

Teachers' Council - round table requires serious preparedness and interest of each participant. To carry it out, managers need to select important, interesting issues for discussion and think through the organization. For example, some topics can be given to a group of educators in advance and the relevant literature can be offered to them. Then they will be able to familiarize themselves with different theories, approaches, opinions and think about their point of view.

Situational teachers' council consists of considering one or more situations that can be played out by previously prepared participants. You can conduct a discussion of the situation based on the video recorded on the video camera.

Teachers' council-discussion requires that teachers divide into subgroups in advance and propose their concepts of the problem being discussed. During the discussion, a plan to solve the problem is jointly thought out.

Teachers' council-dispute - a type of teacher council-discussion.

Dispute (from Latin disputable - to reason, to argue) involves a dispute, a clash of different, sometimes opposing points of view. It requires the parties to have conviction, a clear and definite view of the subject of the dispute, and the ability to defend their arguments. Such a teacher council is a collective reflection on a given topic or problem.

Laws of dispute

  • · Dispute - free exchange of opinions.
  • · Everyone is active at the debate. In a dispute, everyone is equal.
  • · Everyone speaks out and criticizes any position,
  • · with which I do not agree.
  • · Say what you mean and mean what you say.
  • · The main thing in a dispute is facts, logic, and the ability to prove.

The subject of the dispute should be a problem that causes conflicting judgments and is solved in different ways. The dispute does not exclude, but presupposes the depth and comprehensiveness of the disclosure of the problem. Where there is no subject of dispute, but only speeches that complement or clarify certain arguments, there is no dispute, this is, at best, a conversation.

The formulation of the topic should be acute, problematic, awaken the thoughts of teachers, contain a question that is solved differently in practice and in the literature, causing different opinions.

A variant of the pedagogical council-dispute is the solution of pedagogical situations. The leader or senior teacher selects a bank of complex pedagogical situations on the problem and offers it to the team. The form of presentation can be varied: targeted, by drawing lots, divided into groups. The administration of the preschool educational institution can play the role of jury, presenter, consultant, opponent, etc.

Pedagogical Council - scientific and practical conference can be prepared and carried out by combining the efforts of several preschool educational institutions based on an institution that has the status of an experimental site. When preparing it, open days for teachers should be organized in advance. It is important to set the agenda so that each institution participates on an equal basis in demonstrating its experience, discussing problems and proposals for developing solutions. Decisions at such a teachers' council can be made both general for everyone and for each team separately, taking into account its specifics.

Teachers' council in the form of collective creative activity ( hereinafter - KTD) - all members of the teaching staff participate in the planning, implementation and analysis of activities that have the nature of collective creativity.

The main goal of KTD is to create conditions for the self-realization of each teacher, the manifestation and development of all his abilities and capabilities. Therefore, CTD is based on creative, creative activity. A system of collective relations - cooperation, mutual assistance - develops in the process of creative activity, which includes several stages:

  • · search for ideas and preliminary formulation of tasks;
  • · collection-start;
  • · elections of the council of affairs (activities);
  • · collective planning of activities;
  • · work of micro-teams;
  • · readiness check;
  • · carrying out technical technical work;
  • · collective analysis
  • · Consequences stage.

In these stages there is a large share of play and entertainment, which are combined with a high level of ideology and purposefulness, which is the main uniqueness of KTD.

Whatever form the teacher council takes, decisions must be made. They are recorded in protocols. Their number depends on the agenda, therefore, if there are five items on it, then there should be at least five decisions. But several decisions can be made on one issue. Together they will help to cope with the problem that has arisen. The wording of decisions must be specific, indicating those responsible and the deadline for implementation. In other words, such that they can be verified. After all, each new teachers’ council begins with a brief summing up of the implementation of the decisions of the previous one.

Approximate structure of a meeting of the teachers' council:

  • · information about those present and absent, determining the competence of the council of teachers;
  • · information on the implementation of decisions of the previous meeting and the progress of implementation of decisions with a longer period;
  • · introductory speech by the chairman of the council of teachers about the topic, agenda, significance of solving the problem posed for the entire staff of the preschool educational institution;
  • · discussion of issues in accordance with the agenda;
  • · final speech by the chairman of the council with an analysis of the work done, discussion of the draft decision;
  • · adoption of a decision by the council of teachers by voting.

Typically, during the meeting, a draft of the minutes is drawn up, which is then duly executed within five days. The date of the minutes is the date of the meeting. Competent protocol preparation is a kind of art. It is recommended to elect a secretary for at least an academic year. The protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary of the pedagogical council.

We must remember that protocols are mandatory reporting documentation. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the secretary clearly records the speeches of the meeting participants, i.e. his notes should reflect an objective picture of how the discussion went, on what issues the discussion unfolded, and how the teachers’ council came to certain decisions. If the participants of the pedagogical council make a report, report, message, presented in writing, then an entry is made in the protocol: “The text of the report (report, message) is attached.” When making decisions requiring voting, it is necessary to note how many votes are “for”, “against”, “abstained”.

Due to the fact that in kindergartens meetings of the council of teachers are thematic in nature, it is possible to make general decisions on the issues stated on the agenda.

At meetings of the pedagogical council are being discussed :

  • · issues of educational work with children;
  • · use of new achievements in science and pedagogical practice;
  • · existing shortcomings, decisions taken to eliminate them;
  • · issues of exchange of experience.

The final speech of the chairman of the teachers' council should be brief, specific, and contain constructive proposals. It is not always justified to include secondary issues of a domestic, economic and organizational nature. Such problems need to be discussed at planning meetings. The topics brought to the teachers' council, the nature of their consideration, the behavior of teachers at the teachers' council, as well as their attitude towards it, reveal the professional level of the preschool educational institution's management.

In order for the teachers' council to be a governing body, and its decisions to be effective and conducive to improving work with children, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it.

An important condition when organizing a teachers' council is the relevance of the issues being considered. Teachers are only interested in those that help to practically solve problems that cause difficulties for the majority of team members, as well as new pedagogical technologies and original developments.

The thoughtful placement of its participants also contributes to the creation of a working spirit at the teachers’ council. For example, depending on the purpose of the council of teachers, their workplaces can be arranged as follows:

frontal arrangement (chairman against those present) is necessary when the meeting is informative;

  • · "round table" is useful for equal collective discussion of pressing issues;
  • · the “triangle” allows you to highlight the leading role of the manager and include everyone in the discussion of the problem;
  • · work in “small groups”, i.e. 3-4 people at separate tables (solving pedagogical situations);

To conduct a discussion, it is possible to provide a frontal arrangement of participating groups defending their positions.

A detailed agenda with issues for discussion should be posted no later than two to three weeks before the teaching council meeting. An exhibition is set up in the teaching room, for example, “Preparing for the Teachers’ Council.”

A pedagogical council of any form necessarily requires an analysis of the results with answers to the following questions: what was achieved and what was not achieved during the discussion; which of the teachers was active and which was passive and why; what lessons can be learned from the experience; how to influence individual passive teachers. Various preschool educational institutions and teaching staff take part in the preparation of the teachers’ council.

The Pedagogical Council helps in forming a team of like-minded people, creates conditions for analyzing and evaluating existing attitudes and principles in accordance with the requirements of modern science and best practice.

Algorithm for preparing the teachers' council

  • 1. Definition of goals and objectives.
  • 2. Formation of a small creative group (think tank) of the teachers' council.
  • 3. Selection of literature on the issue under consideration and preparation of primary material by a small creative group.
  • 4. Drawing up a plan for the preparation and holding of the teachers' council (the questions of the teachers' council, the plan of conduct, schedules of questionnaires and open viewings are posted (at least) a month before the teachers' council, the topic of the teachers' council and literature on the stated topic - 2 months).
  • 5. Development of questionnaires and conducting surveys.
  • 6. Attendance at open viewings of the teaching process.
  • 7. Discussion, processing of digital material by a small creative group.
  • 8. Systematization and preparation of final material.
  • 9. Seminars on the topic of teachers' council.
  • 10. Conducting creative workshops by experienced teachers.
  • 11. Preparation of questions for discussion at the teachers' council.
  • 12. Preparation of the hall and all necessary materials.
  • 13. Inclusion in the work of psychological services: surveys parents, prepares for work in small creative groups.
  • 14. Preparation of a draft decision of the teachers' council.
  • 15. Analysis of the work of the teachers' council.
  • 16. Final order on encouraging teachers.
  • 17. Making a piggy bank with teacher council materials.
  • 18. Formation of further goals and objectives that require solutions.

Consultations - a permanent form of assistance to educators. In a children's institution, consultations are held for teachers of one group, parallel groups, individual and general (for all teachers). Group consultations are planned throughout the year. Individual consultations are not planned, since their conduct is dictated by the need of educators to obtain certain information on a specific issue.

However, not all questions can be answered comprehensively in a short period of time. Some problems of raising children require a longer conversation and discussion, and if they concern several educators, then it is advisable to organize such a collective form of methodological assistance, which is seminar.

Experienced educators who have good results in working on a particular problem can also be appointed to lead the seminar. At the beginning of the school year, the methodologist determines the topic of the seminar and appoints a leader. The duration of classes depends on the topic: they can take place over a month, six months or a year. Attendance at the seminar is voluntary.

Preschool workers can reinforce the theoretical knowledge acquired at the seminar with practical skills, which they consolidate and improve by participating V seminar - workshop. How to make a hare so that it looks like a real one, how to show a puppet theater so that the characters bring joy to children and make them think, how to teach children to read a poem expressively, how to make didactic games with your own hands, how to decorate a group room for the holiday. Educators can get answers to these and other questions from an experienced teacher - methodologist.

In order to organize special practical classes, the head studies the need of teachers to acquire certain practical skills and abilities. Teachers can use the teaching aids produced during the workshops in their further work with children, and some of them remain in the teacher’s office as samples - standards.

A common form of methodological work is conversations with educators. The methodologist uses this method when summing up the results of testing pedagogical work, when studying, summarizing best practices, and in a number of other cases.

Before starting a conversation, you need to think about its purpose and questions for discussion. A casual conversation encourages the teacher to be frank.

This form of methodological work requires great tact from the methodologist. The ability to listen carefully to your interlocutor, maintain a dialogue, accept criticism kindly, and act in such a way as to influence them, primarily through your behavior.

Talking with the teacher, the methodologist finds out his mood, interests, difficulties in work, learns about the reasons for failures (if they occur), and strives to provide effective assistance.

An effective form of improving the qualifications of educators and providing them with methodological assistance are collective viewings of the work of experienced teachers. Depending on the topic discussed at the teachers' meeting, it is advisable to conduct such screenings for the purpose of demonstrating, illustrating the theoretical positions expressed in the reports, and for the purpose of studying and introducing advanced methods into the work practice of other employees.

When discussing such a lesson, the methodologist must emphasize that the teacher did a lot of multifaceted work and was able to generalize the knowledge and ideas of the children, based on their impressions, forced them to think, reflect, and draw independent conclusions.

Those teachers who already have it should show their work experience. Analyzing the experience of colleagues, teachers should gradually develop their own successful techniques. The methodologist is obliged to see this in the work of every educator. Having noticed certain successes of the teacher in any section of the program, he plans its further development: selects certain literature, advises, and observes the practical actions of this employee. Collective viewings are held no more than once a quarter. This allows everyone to be well prepared for them: both those who demonstrate their experience and those who adopt it. Preparation should include: correct choice of topic (its relevance, the need for all teachers in it, connection with the topics of teacher councils, etc.), assistance to the teacher-methodologist in formulating the main goal of the lesson (or in the process of any other activity of children), drawing up notes activities indicating educational objectives, methods and techniques, and material used.

In order to study and borrow the best experience, such a form of improving pedagogical skills is organized as mutual visits. In this case, the role of the senior teacher is to recommend to the teacher the organized activity of a partner to develop uniform requirements for children or the activity of a teacher of a parallel group to compare the results of work. The methodologist must give this work a purposeful, meaningful character. For this purpose, mentoring is organized. When a new, novice teacher appears in the team, at first he has many questions and needs help.

Due to his busy schedule, the manager cannot always provide such assistance. Therefore, he appoints a mentor from among the more experienced teachers, taking into account that mentoring must be voluntary on both sides.

The mentor's candidacy is approved by the teachers' council, and his report is also heard there. The mentor should help the new employee establish the necessary business and personal contacts, get acquainted with the traditions of the team, its successes, as well as difficulties in work.

In methodological work, a special place is given to the principle of an individually differentiated approach to the pedagogical activities of educators and specialists. In modern conditions, methodological work with personnel should be built on a diagnostic basis, taking into account the needs of each teacher.

The implementation of individually oriented methodological work allows us to develop the creativity and initiative of the teaching staff by including everyone in active professional activities.

In the field of methodological work, a complex of interrelated forms of cooperation between the teaching staff and parents is presented.

The center of all methodological work of the preschool educational institution is the methodological office. He plays a leading role in assisting teachers in organizing the educational process, ensuring their continuous self-development, summarizing best pedagogical experience, and increasing the competence of parents in matters of raising and educating children. The methodological office is a treasure trove of the best traditions of a preschool institution, therefore the task of the senior educator is to make the accumulated experience alive and accessible, to teach teachers how to creatively transfer it to work with children, to organize the work of this methodological center so that educators feel in it as if they were in their own office .

The methodological classroom of a preschool institution must meet such requirements as information content, accessibility, aesthetics, content, ensuring motivation and activity in development.

The implementation of the information and analytical function of managing a preschool institution determines the formation of an information data bank in the methodological room, where the sources, content, and direction of information are determined.

Informing teachers about new requirements for work and the latest achievements of science and practice.

Timely informing teachers about new developments in psychological and pedagogical science and best practices, methodological support in the preschool education system is an important condition for the high effectiveness of the educational process.

Increasing the awareness of teachers contributes to the establishment of a unified pedagogical strategy for the development of preschool educational institutions, which is discussed, approved and implemented through the main governing body - the pedagogical council and serves as the main resource for the development of the team in preschool educational institutions.

Forms of work with preschool teachers to improve the quality of preschool education

T.V. Mitrochenko

senior teacher

MBDOU d/s No. 1 “Ryabinka”

The quality of education and its effectiveness is one of the pressing problems of domestic pedagogy. The leading role in ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process is played by the teacher and his professionalism.

Increasing the level of skill of teachers is a priority area of ​​methodological work, which occupies a special place in the management system of a preschool institution and represents an important link in the holistic system of advanced training of teaching staff, since, first of all, it contributes to the activation of the teacher’s personality and the development of his creative personality.

A constant connection between the content of methodological work and the results of teachers’ work ensures a continuous process of improving the professional skills of each teacher. Traditional forms of methodological work, in which the main place was given to reports and speeches, have lost their importance due to their low efficiency and insufficient feedback. Today it is necessary to use new, active forms of work, which are characterized by the involvement of teachers in activities and dialogue, involving a free exchange of opinions.

Improving the skills of teachers, replenishing their theoretical and practical knowledge is carried out through various forms of methodological work, namely using interactive forms and methods. Value This approach is that it provides feedback, a frank exchange of opinions, and forms positive relationships between employees. The rod These forms of work with personnel are collective discussions, reasoning, argumentation of conclusions, competition of minds and talents. Meaning interactive methods - achieving such important goals like:

  1. Stimulating interest and motivation for self-education;
  2. Increasing the level of activity and independence;
  3. Development of skills of analysis and reflection of one’s activities;
  4. Developing a desire for cooperation and empathy.

The main focus of interactive forms is to activate teachers, develop their creative thinking, and find a non-standard way out of a problematic situation.

Advanced training for teachers is a complex creative process that involves familiarizing educators with technologies for teaching and raising preschool children, working with parents, as well as non-traditional approaches to the development and execution of pedagogical documentation.

There are various forms of advanced training, each of which has its own specific features.

Pedagogical adviceis a permanent collegial body that considers various aspects of the kindergarten’s activities. The pedagogical council can be traditional, using separate methods of activation, i.e. During the teachers' meeting, teachers are invited to solve a crossword puzzle or a situational problem, as well as non-traditional ones in the form of a business game or a round table.An indispensable component should be the reflective activity of teachers.

Training seminarsare, perhaps, the most productive form of advanced training for teachers: they focus on improving their theoretical training. A necessary condition for organizing training seminars was the feasible participation of many teachers. They are offered tasks in advance that will allow everyone to develop teaching abilities, pedagogical thinking, and communication skills.Consultations (individual and group)) are usually planned in advance and reflected in the annual plan of the preschool educational institution. Preliminary preparation for consultation includes analysis of literature reflecting modern approaches to teaching and raising preschool children, building the structure of consultation, determining its content, preparing information booklets, prospectuses and manuals. A variety of consultations are held at the preschool educational institution. As a rule, they are associated with the cognitive interests of educators and other specialists, for example, “Design of the educational process,” “Organization of a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution,” etc.

A significant role in the educational process in general and in the system of advanced training for teachers is played byopen viewings of classes. They allow everyone to see how colleagues work, use their positive experience, and realize their shortcomings. In addition, teachers learn to analyze the features of the educational process as a whole, as well as classes or leisure activities in a group.

Learning from best practicesteachers allows you to solve a number of problems, such as: targeted accumulation of pedagogical materials, analysis of the results of activities in a certain area of ​​educational work, description of the interrelated work of all preschool specialists, preparation of an educational institution for certification, management and marketing of the educational process.

The study of the best teaching experience has its own structure:

  • research stage (questionnaire, observation, conversation);
  • analysis stage (selection of the best experience from those presented according to certain criteria);
  • structuring stage (building a system of the proposed experience for a better perception of its content);
  • stage of visual perception (direct acquaintance of teachers with available materials).

The best experience can be presented in the following options: notes of classes and routine moments; long-term and calendar-thematic work plans; teacher's pedagogical diaries; scripts for matinees, entertainment, proms; samples of teaching materials; products of children's creativity (photo materials); author's programs; samples of information material on working with parents and children (nature calendars, descriptions of elements of the developmental environment).

One of the options for advanced training could becreative and problem groups of teachers.

“Teacher’s business notebook”,which reflects the main directions of work of the preschool educational institution and the teacher for the current academic year. This is a kind of mini-plan for the year of each teacher. It contains almost all the information: the methodological topic of the educational institution; teacher council system; seminars; Exhibitions; consultations, work with parents (meetings, consultations, holidays); individual work of the teacher (stages of work on a methodological topic and a system of open classes); regulatory page (study of regulatory documents).

Review competition - this is a way to test professional knowledge, abilities, skills, pedagogical erudition, the ability to evaluate results by comparing your abilities with others. Various competitions are held in kindergarten:

  • "The best group"
  • "Vegetable garden on the window"
  • “Parents’ corner, what should it be like?” etc.

"School of a young teacher", the purpose of which is to help beginning teachers improve their professional competence. Solving this problem, a young specialist goes through several stages:

  • Stage I – 1st year of work: the most difficult period, both for the newcomer and for the colleagues helping him adapt;
  • Stage II – 2nd–3rd years of work: the process of developing professional skills, gaining experience, finding the best methods and techniques for working with children, developing your own style in work, seeking authority among children, parents, and colleagues.
  • Stage III – 4th–5th years of work: a system of work is being developed, we have our own developments. The teacher introduces new technologies into his work;
  • Stage IV – 6th year of work: improvement, self-development, generalization of one’s work experience take place.

Pedagogical ring- guides teachers to study the latest research in psychology and pedagogy, methodological literature, helps to identify different approaches to solving pedagogical problems, improves the skills of logical thinking and argumentation of their position, teaches conciseness, clarity, accuracy of statements, develops resourcefulness and a sense of humor.This form provides criteria for evaluating responses, speeches and actions of participants:

  • general erudition;
  • professional knowledge, skills, abilities;
  • the ability to get out of a difficult situation, impromptu.
    For example, the pedagogical ring: “Ways to improve the learning process in preschool educational institutions.”

Every creative teacher knows how often he is visited by wonderful ideas, sudden insights (eureka), which, being unclaimed in a timely manner, are lost and forgotten. Whatever this happens, there is a discussion - this is a discussion-argument, a clash of different points of view, positions, approaches. For example,round table "aquarium" technique.Its main task is to develop the skills to critically evaluate different approaches to solving specific issues in the practice of preschool educational institutions, the ability to defend one’s point of view with reason, and to create a culture of discussion. Topics for round tables can be different, but they must contain alternative elements in their formulation.For example, - “Problems of interaction between public and family education at the present stage”, “Preschool educational institution - what should it be?”, “The strength of the teacher’s personality. What is it?”, “Ten Commandments of a Creative Personality. Do you agree with them?

Symposium - discussion, during which participants give messages representing their points of view, after which they answer questions from the audience.

Debate - a discussion built on the basis of pre-arranged speeches by representatives of two opposing groups.

"Court hearing" -discussion simulating a trialtrial (hearing of the case).

KVN, what? Where? When? Lucky case.Successfully used to develop a quick response to changepedagogical situation, the ability to find the optimal solution tasks.

Pedagogical situations, impromptu- a method of activating pedagogical knowledge in the process of everyday communication, relationships with children, parents, and colleagues.For example, a child tells the teacher that mom and dad have separated, and he will now have a new dad. What might the teacher's reaction be?

The disadvantage of traditional forms of work is thatthat not all educators act as active participants. Business games and other innovative forms of working with teaching staff help eliminate this shortcoming.

Business game can be used not only as a test lesson based on the results of a theoretical seminar on a problem relevant to a preschool educational institution, but also when developing solutions to a new problem.For example: “Is it easy to be a preschooler?”

Bank of ideas - This is a rational way of collectively solving problems that cannot be solved by traditional methods at this stage of preschool education.For example: “Ecology of play: how to bring play back into the life of a kindergarten”

An effective form is to carry outexhibitions and fairs of pedagogical ideas, auction. Properly prepared and carried out, it stimulates teachers to creativity and self-education. Therefore, the main result of the exhibition-fair is a noticeable professional and personal growth of educators. Thanks to this form of work with teachers, conditions are created for the public presentation of the best examples of their professional activities, the emergence of new ideas, and the establishment and expansion of business and creative contacts with colleagues.

Master Class . His the main goal is to get acquainted with teaching experience, the system of work, the author’s findings and everything that helped the teacher achieve the best results. The master class can be conducted both within the preschool educational institution and for teachers of the preschool educational institution of the district and region.

Creative hour "Gold mines"- work in small teams, where methodological recommendations, models for analyzing a literary or musical work, plans for searching for “treasure” are developed, new unconventional drawing techniques are introduced.

Quality mugsare organized at the initiative of the administration, taking into account the delegation of powers. The leading method is “brainstorming” or “brainstorming”. A prerequisite for organizing a circle is the presence of a teacher who can teach colleagues without the help of the administration.

Pedagogical “atelier” or pedagogical workshop.Their goal: the master teacher introduces members of the teaching staff to the basic ideas of his educational system and practical recommendations for its implementation. Individual practical tasks are also being completed with a view to further use in working with children.For example: “Development of the creative imagination of a preschooler through fiction, artistic activities, and experimentation.”

"Coaching session" -interactive communication that developsconsultation, discussion (question - answer). The “Do it for me” principle practically does not work; here the teacher does not receive advice and recommendations, but only answers the questions that the consultant asks him, and he himself finds ways to solve problems. Confucius said: “Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge. Provide help only to those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts. Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of the square, to imagine the other three,” In this process, individual support is provided to teachers who set themselves the task of professional and personal growth, increasing personal effectiveness.For example: “Working with a certified teacher.”

When working in a team, it is important to know its psychological climate, the emotional state of teachers, and the level of professional and personal development. A corporation that unites teachers by common interests – “Union of like-minded people." Ethen a corporation of kind, sociable, intelligent,sincere, organized, lucky.Examples of some events: super bachelorette party, designer workshop, finest hour, mystical New Year , going to the theater, cinema, going out into nature.

Technology ModerationIt is led by a moderator, work in groups, has its own structure: Introduction, clarification of participants’ expectations, metaplan, input, group work, reflection

Another form that can be used before open events for teachers of the district, region, and parents is the teacher’s mood for successful work - “Quick - setting":

  1. If you want people to like you, smile! A smile, a ray of sunshine for the sad, an antidote created by nature from troubles.
  2. You are the best and most beautiful, let all the fashion models in the world envy you.
  3. Some people are like a gold coin: the longer they work, the more
    are more valuable.
  4. There is no better beloved friend than your favorite job: she doesn’t get old, and
    doesn't let you grow old
  5. Difficulties strengthen you on the path to happiness.

To summarize, we can say that a well-constructed system of interactive forms of work with teaching staff will lead to an increase in the level ofeducational work of preschool educational institutions and will unite the team of teachers.

Interactive forms and methods of teaching




Business game

Round table


Quality mugs

Exhibitions – fairs

pedagogical ideas

Pedagogical workshop


living room

Pedagogical ring

Bank of ideas

Coaching session

KVN? What? Where? When?

Pedagogical situations

Union of like-minded people

Master Class

Creative hour “Gold Placers”

Seminar workshop

Quick setup

Create conditions for the creative activity of each teacher

Overcoming shyness and indecisiveness

Every thought has the right to exist

Teach teachers to formulate their thoughts independently

Criticism should be constructive

Along with denial, it is necessary to offer solutions