Corrective and developmental influence of logorhythmics on the speech development of a child. Logorhythmics as a means of developing speech, music, and motor abilities of preschool children

As a speech therapist, in my work I often hear from concerned parents: “My child not only speaks poorly, but also doesn’t want to study at home!”, “My baby is completely unable to do exercises with small objects!”, “Problem with speech.” has not been resolved for more than a year!” and so on.

Indeed, recently the problem of development, training and education of preschool children has become especially significant. The city of Zelenogorsk is no exception. According to statistics, only about 15% of newborns in our city are born absolutely healthy. The remaining children have various microorganic lesions or severe pathology. The number of children with various speech disorders has increased significantly. Without delving into the causes of the problem, it should be noted that speech disorders, to varying degrees, affect the formation of the personality of children and affect their physical and mental development.
Psychologists and linguists believe that in early childhood the rate of speech development is much higher than in later years of life. If by the end of the first year of life a child’s vocabulary is normally 8-10 words, then by the age of three it is up to 1 thousand words.

In the third year of a child’s life, speech becomes the dominant line of development. The vocabulary is quickly replenished, the ability to construct sentences is qualitatively improved, and the sound aspect of speech is improved. Speech serves as a means of communication and self-regulation of behavior.

The successful development of speech in preschool age is crucial, and the child’s adaptation to school depends on it. It is known that children with oral speech disorders when entering school experience certain difficulties in mastering writing and reading. Such children should be given timely help to correct defects in sound pronunciation before the start of school.

Working with children with speech impairments, I used various methods and techniques. Today, in addition to traditional speech therapy classes to correct sound pronunciation, correct violations in the lexico-grammatical design of speech utterances, etc., I use such an effective method of overcoming speech disorders as Speech therapy rhythm.

This is a form of active therapy the goal of which is to overcome speech disorders by developing the child’s motor sphere in combination with words and music.

I began implementing this form of active therapy, logorhythmics, for the first time in the 2007-2008 academic year. I began my work by studying the methodological recommendations and extensive practical material of many authors involved in logorhythmics (M.Yu. Kartushina, A.E. Voronova, N.V. Miklyaeva, O.A. Polozova, G.V. Dedyukhina, etc. )

Why - LOGORITHMICS? Everything around us lives according to the laws of rhythm. The change of seasons, day and night, heart rate and much more are subject to a certain rhythm. Any rhythmic movements activate the human brain. Therefore, from early childhood it is recommended to develop a sense of rhythm in a form accessible to preschoolers - rhythmic exercises and games.

The system of rhythmic education became widespread in European countries at the beginning of the twentieth century. Speech therapy rhythmics occupies a special place in the system of a comprehensive method of correctional work with preschoolers and serves the purpose of normalizing motor functions and speech, including breathing, voice, rhythm, tempo and melodic-intonation aspects of speech.

Logorhythmic activities are a technique based on the connection between words, music and movement and include finger, speech, musical-motor and communicative games. The relationships between these components can be varied, with one of them predominant.

Complied with in class basic pedagogical principles– consistency, gradual complication and repetition of the material, the rhythmic structure of the word is worked out, and clear pronunciation of sounds that are age-appropriate, the children’s vocabulary is enriched.

In the system of logorhythmic work with preschool children, two directions can be distinguished: impact on non-speech and on speech processes.

The main objectives of logorhythmic influence are:

  • development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing;
  • development of musical, sound, timbre, dynamic hearing, sense of rhythm, singing range of the voice;
  • development of general and fine motor skills, kinesthetic sensations, facial expressions, pantomime, spatial organization of movements;
  • nurturing the ability to transform, expressiveness and grace of movements, the ability to determine the nature of music, coordinate it with movements;
  • fostering switchability from one field of activity to another;
  • development of speech motor skills for the formation of an articulatory base of sounds, physiological and phonation breathing;
  • formation and consolidation of the skill of correct use of sounds in various forms and types of speech, in all communication situations, nurturing the connection between sound and its musical image, letter designation;
  • formation, development and correction of auditory-visual-motor coordination;

Conducting a logorhythmic lesson, like any other, requires certain requirements.

  • Logorhythmics classes are conducted by a speech therapist together with a music director once a week (preferably in the 2nd half of the day).
  • It is advisable to conduct classes frontally, lasting from 20 to 35 minutes, depending on the age of the children.
  • Logorhythmics lessons are based on lexical topics.
  • The content of motor and speech material varies depending on the level of development of motor and speech skills.
  • Each lesson represents a thematic and gaming integrity.
  • The plot of the classes uses stories and fairy tales of Russian and foreign writers, Russian folk tales, which are selected in accordance with the age of the children and allow them to solve correctional problems in a playful way.

Logorhythmic activity includes following elements:

Finger gymnastics, songs and

poems accompanied

movement of the hands.

Development of fine motor skills, fluency and

expressiveness of speech, speech hearing and

speech memory.

Musical and musical-rhythmic games with musical instruments. Development of speech, attention, skills

navigate in space.

Development of a sense of rhythm.

Speech therapy (articulation)

gymnastics, vocal-articulation exercises.

Strengthening the muscles of the organs of articulation,

development of their mobility.

Development of singing abilities.

Pure sayings for automation and

differentiation of sounds,

phonopedic exercises.

Correction of sound pronunciation,

strengthening the larynx and grafting

speech breathing skills.

Exercises to develop facial muscles. Communication games and dances. Development of the emotional sphere,

associative-figurative thinking,

expressiveness of non-verbal means

communication, positive self-awareness.

Exercises for the development of general motor skills, appropriate for age. Development of musculoskeletal and

coordination sphere.

An exercise to develop word creativity. Expanding the active supply of children.

I do not always include all of the listed elements in the structure of the lesson. The sequence of correctional work varies in accordance with the nature of speech disorders, individual and age characteristics of the children.

Speech therapy gymnastics exercises are recommended to be performed while sitting: this position ensures straight posture and general relaxation of the body muscles. In articulatory gymnastics I include static and dynamic exercises for the tongue and lips. I determine the dosage of repetitions of the same exercises taking into account the nature and severity of the speech disorder. For children who are unable to master articulation skills, I provide targeted individual assistance.

Music is of great importance in logorhythmic classes, so close communication with the music director is important in this work. Children perform movements to musical accompaniment with a clearly defined rhythm, and on our part we constantly monitor the accuracy of their execution. The amplitude and tempo of the exercises are consistent with the dynamics of the music.

During logorhythmics classes, we also conduct finger games and speech motor exercises together with the music director under musical accompaniment. The main task of these

games is a rhythmic performance of a poetic text, coordinated with movements.

We learn the exercises in stages: first the movements, then the text, then all together. Mastering motor skills, learning poems and songs with movements, finger games should take place without excessive didactics, unobtrusively, in a playful way.

When working on breathing, I pay special attention to the development of long, uniform exhalation in children. Singing develops well the duration of exhalation and the melodic-intonation side of speech. And here I also need the help of a music director. We select emotionally expressive, imaginative songs with accessible lyrics, the phrases of which should be short.

I always include communicative games and dancing in my logorhythmics classes. Learning dance movements also takes place in stages. Most of them are built on gestures and movements expressing friendliness, an open attitude of people towards each other, which gives children positive and joyful emotions. Tactile contact carried out in dance further contributes to the development of friendly relationships between children and thereby normalization of the social climate in the children's group. Games with the choice of a participant or an invitation allow you to involve inactive children. When selecting games, I always take into account that their rules are accessible and understandable to children. In communicative dances and games, I do not evaluate the quality of the movements, which allows the child to relax and gives meaning to the very process of his participation in the dance-game.

I think the most important thing is the coordinated work of all these components. Only then will speech be beautiful, sonorous and expressive. Therefore, in logorhythmics classes, I practice not only the techniques of breathing, voice, tempo, but also their relationship, their coherence. In classes, the connection of speech with music and movement, in addition to the development of the child’s muscular system and voice data, allows the development of children’s emotions and increases the child’s interest in classes, awakens his thoughts and imagination. Another advantage of logorhythmics classes is that they are group classes. This helps the child learn to work in a group of children, find a common language with them and learn to actively interact with them.

One of the necessary conditions for obtaining good results is the interaction of all teachers and parents. The song and dance repertoire is learned in music classes. Educators, speech pathologists and psychologists can use clean tongues, finger games, and dynamic pauses in their classes. I offer these same exercises and games to parents as recommendations for reinforcement at home.

Taking into account the principles of systematicity and consistency, I developed perspective and thematic planning taking into account the age and speech disorders of the children. The long-term plan I have drawn up involves a consistent complication of the topics and tasks of the lessons, the end result of which is that children complete the exercises in full, at a given pace and in accordance with the music, i.e. formation of the required level of auditory-visual-motor coordination.

All speech therapists in our kindergarten were involved in practical work on the use of logorhythmics. With the joint work of a creative group of speech therapists and a music director in developing thematic planning, the topics of the lessons were chosen. The content of the classes changed as the speech material and rhythmic games gradually became more complex.

When drawing up a thematic plan, I highlight the following areas of work:

  • development of a sense of rhythm - exercises, musical - didactic, rhythmic games, speech games with movements aimed at developing a sense of rhythm and phonemic perception;
  • formation of correct breathing -
  • exercises aimed at forming, developing and practicing correct physiological and speech breathing
  • development of articulatory and facial motor skills –
  • exercises aimed at developing articulatory praxis and facial muscles
  • development of general motor skills –
  • dynamic games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting general motor and coordination functions
  • development of fine motor skills -
  • finger games and exercises with speech accompaniment or the use of various objects aimed at developing and correcting fine finger motor skills

When developing any logorhythmic lesson, I take into account the main principle of achieving efficiency in work - an individual approach to each child, taking into account his age, psychophysiological and speech capabilities. And also for more successful training, I perform psychological

pedagogical conditions: creating a favorable psychological atmosphere, constantly attracting the attention of children and awakening their interest in performing exercises. It is important to properly organize communication with children. A friendly, attentive attitude towards each child is the key to successful work.

I believe that speech therapy rhythms are useful for all children who have problems developing speech function, including delayed speech development, impaired sound pronunciation, stuttering, etc. Speech therapy rhythms are very important for children with so-called speech negativism, since classes create a positive emotional mood to speech, motivation to perform speech therapy exercises, etc. As a result of the use of logorhythmics, by the end of the school year, children can see positive dynamics in their speech development. Practice has shown that regular logorhythmics classes help normalize a child’s speech, regardless of the type of speech disorder, form a positive emotional mood, teach communication with peers, and much more.

That's why LOGORHYTHMICS becomes a holiday of beautiful speech for children!

Logorhythmic lesson summary

The current situation in the education system, in which changes are taking place associated with an orientation towards the value foundations of the pedagogical process, its humanization and individualization in approaches to solving the problems of a particular child, encourages teachers and specialists to create new models, search for new forms and technologies of specialized assistance to children, having problems in psychophysical development, learning, communication and behavior. Overcoming problems with sound pronunciation is of great importance in the subsequent life of a child with disabilities. Deficiencies in sound pronunciation can cause deviations in the development of mental processes such as memory, thinking, imagination, and also form an inferiority complex, expressed in difficulties in communication. Timely elimination of pronunciation deficiencies will help prevent difficulties in mastering reading and writing skills. Specialists working with children with disabilities are faced with the task of finding the most effective methods for developing pronunciation capabilities, preserving and strengthening the physical health of schoolchildren, and creating an articulatory base that would ensure the most successful mastery of normative pronunciation skills.

Every year, according to the observations of speech therapists, the number of children with various speech disorders is growing. This is the result of insufficient attention from parents, replacement of live communication with the child with television, an increase in the frequency of common diseases in children, poor ecology, etc. Teachers need to look for new, more effective and interesting forms of speech correction for children. Logorhythmics is the most emotional part of speech therapy correction, combining the correction of speech disorders with the development of sensory and motor abilities of children. Under the influence of speech therapy rhythm classes, children experience significant changes in sound pronunciation, word formation, and the accumulation of active vocabulary.

The Logorhythmics program is the first logorhythmics program for children with disabilities of school age, fully consistent with the lexical and grammatical planning of speech therapy classes, including work on consolidating sounds in a certain sequence. In addition, the program’s logorhythmic activities include health-saving technologies, which not only have a beneficial effect on the child’s entire body, but also contribute to the most effective increase in the level of sound pronunciation, mastery of word structure, and expansion of children’s vocabulary.

Logorhythmics is a system of motor exercises in which various movements are combined with the utterance of special speech material. This is a form of active therapy, overcoming speech and related disorders through the development and correction of non-speech and speech mental functions and ultimately adapting a person to the conditions of the external and internal environment.
The peculiarity of the method is that speech material is included in motor tasks, the quality of which is designed to be worked on by speech therapy rhythms. Music not only accompanies the movement, but is its guiding principle. Under the influence of regular logorhythmic exercises, children undergo a positive restructuring of the cardiovascular, respiratory, motor, sensory, speech-motor, and other systems, as well as the development of emotional and volitional qualities of the individual.

The purpose of logorhythmics: prevention and overcoming speech disorders through the development, education and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and music.

As a result of logorhythmic exercises, the following tasks are realized:

    clarification of articulation;

    development of phonemic awareness;

    expansion of vocabulary;

    development of auditory attention and motor memory;

    improving gross and fine motor skills;

    development of clear, coordinated movements in conjunction with speech;

    development of melodic-intonation and prosodic components;

    creativity and imagination.

The structure of logorhythmic classes includes the development of memory, attention, optical-spatial functions, auditory functions, motor sphere, manual motor skills, articulatory motor skills, speech functional system, sound pronunciation. Classes include finger games or finger massage, eye gymnastics, various types of walking and running to music, poems accompanied by movements, speech therapy gymnastics, facial exercises, and there may also be relaxation exercises to music, speaking, speech and musical games.

Logorhythmics is a technique based on the connection between words, music and movement.

This is a form of active therapy the goal of which is to overcome speech disorders by developing the child’s motor sphere in combination with words and music.

We began implementing this form of active therapy, logorhythmics, for the first time in 2013. We began our work by studying methodological recommendations and extensive practical material from many authors involved in logorhythmics (M.Yu. Kartushina, A.E. Voronova, N.V. Miklyaeva, O.A. Polozova, G.V. Dedyukhina, etc. )

Logorhythmic activities are a technique based on the connection between words, music and movement and include finger, speech, musical-motor and communicative games. The relationships between these components can be varied, with one of them predominant.

During the classes, the basic pedagogical principles are observed - consistency, gradual complication and repetition of the material, the rhythmic structure of the word is worked out, and clear pronunciation of sounds that are age-appropriate, the children's vocabulary is enriched.

In the system of logorhythmic work with children with disabilities, two directions can be distinguished: impact on non-speech and on speech processes.

Main tasks logorhythmic effects are:

    development of auditory attention and phonemic hearing;

    development of musical, sound, timbre, dynamic hearing, sense of rhythm, singing range of the voice;

    development of general and fine motor skills, kinesthetic sensations, facial expressions, pantomime, spatial organization of movements;

    nurturing the ability to transform, expressiveness and grace of movements, the ability to determine the nature of music, coordinate it with movements;

    fostering switchability from one field of activity to another;

    development of speech motor skills for the formation of an articulatory base of sounds, physiological and phonation breathing;

    formation and consolidation of the skill of correct use of sounds in various forms and types of speech, in all communication situations, nurturing the connection between sound and its musical image, letter designation;

    formation, development and correction of auditory-visual-motor coordination;

Conducting a logorhythmic lesson, like any other, requires certain requirements.

    Logorhythmics classes are held once a week (preferably in the 2nd half of the day).

    It is advisable to conduct classes frontally for a duration of 30 to 35 minutes, depending on the age of the children.

    Logorhythmics lessons are based on lexical topics.

    Each lesson represents a thematic and gaming integrity.

    The plot of the classes uses stories and fairy tales of Russian and foreign writers, Russian folk tales, which are selected in accordance with the age of the children and allow them to solve correctional problems in a playful way.

The sequence of correctional work varies according to the nature of speech disorders, individual and age characteristics of the children.

Speech therapy gymnastics exercises are recommended to be performed while sitting: this position ensures straight posture and general relaxation of the body muscles. Articulation gymnastics includes static and dynamic exercises for the tongue and lips. I determine the dosage of repetitions of the same exercises taking into account the nature and severity of the speech disorder. For children who are unable to master articulation skills, I provide targeted individual assistance.

Music is of great importance in logorhythmic classes, so close communication with the music director is important in this work. The introduction of ICT into the processes of teaching and education has made it possible to provide musical accompaniment. During classes we actively use a computer and a DVD center. Children perform movements to musical accompaniment with a clearly defined rhythm, and on my part there is constant monitoring of the accuracy of their execution. The amplitude and tempo of the exercises are consistent with the dynamics of the music.

Finger games and speech motor exercises during logorhythmics classes are also performed with musical accompaniment. The main task of these games is the rhythmic performance of the poetic text, coordinated with the movements.

We learn the exercises in stages: first the movements, then the text, then all together. Mastering motor skills, learning poems and songs with movements, finger games should take place without excessive didactics, unobtrusively, in a playful way.

When working on breathing, we pay special attention to the development of long, uniform exhalation in children. Singing develops well the duration of exhalation and the melodic-intonation side of speech. And here, too, the help of a music director is needed. We select emotionally expressive, imaginative songs with accessible lyrics, the phrases of which should be short.

Logorhythmics classes necessarily include communicative games and dancing. Learning dance movements also takes place in stages. Most of them are built on gestures and movements expressing friendliness, an open attitude of people towards each other, which gives children positive and joyful emotions. Tactile contact carried out in dance further contributes to the development of friendly relationships between children and thereby normalization of the social climate in the children's group. Games with the choice of a participant or an invitation allow you to involve inactive children. When selecting games, I always take into account that their rules are accessible and understandable to children with disabilities. In communicative dances and games, the quality of the movements is not assessed, which allows the child to relax and gives meaning to the very process of his participation in the dance-game.

The most important thing is the coordinated work of all these components. Only then will speech be beautiful, sonorous and expressive. Therefore, in logorhythmics classes we practice not only the techniques of breathing, voice, tempo, but also their interrelation, their coherence. In classes, the connection of speech with music and movement, in addition to the development of the child’s muscular system and voice data, allows the development of children’s emotions and increases the child’s interest in classes, awakens his thoughts and imagination.

Another advantage of logorhythmics classes is that they are group classes. This helps the child learn to work in a group of children, find a common language with them and learn to actively interact with them.

The song and dance repertoire is learned in music classes. Primary school teachers, educators and psychologists can use clean talk, finger games, dynamic pauses in their classes. I offer these same exercises and games to parents as recommendations for reinforcement at home.

Taking into account the principles of systematicity and consistency, long-term and thematic planning has been developed taking into account the age and speech disorders of children. The drawn up long-term plan assumes a consistent complication of the topics and tasks of the lessons, the end result of which is that children complete the exercises in full, at a given pace and in accordance with the music, i.e. formation of the required level of auditory-visual-motor coordination.

When drawing up a thematic plan, the following areas of work are highlighted:

    development of a sense of rhythm - exercises, musical - didactic, rhythmic games, speech games with movements aimed at developing a sense of rhythm and phonemic perception;

    formation of correct breathing - exercises aimed at forming, developing and practicing correct physiological and speech breathing

    development of articulatory and facial motor skills – exercises aimed at developing articulatory praxis and facial muscles

    development of general motor skills – dynamic games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting general motor and coordination functions

    development of fine motor skills - finger games and exercises with speech accompaniment or the use of various objects aimed at developing and correcting fine finger motor skills

When developing any logorhythmic lesson, the main principle of achieving efficiency in work is taken into account - an individual approach to each child, taking into account his age, psychophysiological and speech capabilities. And also, in order to conduct classes more successfully, I fulfill psychological and pedagogical conditions: creating a favorable psychological atmosphere, constantly attracting the attention of children and awakening their interest in doing the exercises. It is important to properly organize communication with children. A friendly, attentive attitude towards each child is the key to successful work.

Logorhythmics is useful for all children who have problems developing speech function, including alalia, speech development delays, sound pronunciation disorders, stuttering, and autistic disorders. Speech therapy rhythm is very important for children with so-called speech negativism, since classes create a positive emotional mood for speech and motivation to perform speech therapy exercises.

Logorhythmic classes are aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, improving his speech, mastering motor skills, the ability to navigate the world around him, understanding the meaning of the proposed tasks, the ability to overcome difficulties, and express himself creatively. In addition, logorhythmics using health-saving technologies has a beneficial effect on the child’s health: a restructuring of various systems occurs in his body, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory, and speech motor systems. Children with disabilities with great pleasure perform breathing and health exercises, play massage and self-massage, and play speech and finger games. Elements of psycho-gymnastics, active and passive music therapy are introduced into the course of classes.

Main goals

    optimize the content of education, training and correction of children with disabilities;

    create conditions for organizing logorhythmic classes using health-saving technologies;

    introduce modern effective technologies for correcting speech disorders, developing the musical and creative abilities of children with disabilities, preserving and strengthening the health of this category of schoolchildren, allowing them to achieve qualitatively better results in education, training, and correction;

    develop a long-term plan for conducting logorhythmic classes and teaching aids;

    create a package for diagnosing the development of non-speech mental functions of children.

Logorhythmic exercise includes the following types of exercises:

    Introductory walking and spatial orientation.

    Dynamic exercises to regulate muscle tone develop the ability to relax and tense muscle groups. Thanks to these exercises, children have better control of their body, their movements become precise and dexterous.

    Articulation exercises useful at any age, since clear articulation is the basis of good diction. Articulation exercises for children with sound pronunciation disorders are a necessity. They prepare the child’s articulatory apparatus to produce sounds (this is the task of the speech therapist). Clear sensations from the organs of the articulatory apparatus are the basis for mastering the skill of writing. Working on articulation allows you to clarify the correct sound pronunciation, develops the mobility of the tongue, jaws, lips, and strengthens the muscles of the pharynx.

    Breathing exercises corrects speech breathing disorders, helps develop diaphragmatic breathing, as well as the duration, strength and correct distribution of exhalation. During logorhythmic classes, together with the OU speech therapist and on the recommendation of a pediatrician, the following are used:

    exercises to develop diaphragmatic-abdominal breathing,

    development of prolonged speech exhalation,

    training the coordinated work of the respiratory, vocal and articulatory systems.

    Phonopedic and health-improving exercises for the throat develop the basic qualities of the voice - strength and height, strengthen the vocal apparatus. During the cold season, these exercises are performed daily as a preventive measure against colds. During the classes, phonopedic exercises according to V. Emelyanov are used, which not only develop the vocal cords, but also develop the singing skills of schoolchildren.

    Exercises to develop attention and memory develop all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor. Children's attention and ability to quickly respond to changes in activity are activated.

    Pure talk required for every lesson. With their help, sounds are automated, the tongue is trained to perform the correct movements, and clear, rhythmic pronunciation of phonemes and syllables is practiced. Children develop phonemic awareness and auditory attention.

    Speech games can be presented in various forms: rhythmic declamations without musical accompaniment, games with sound, games with sounding gestures and playing music on children's musical instruments, theatrical sketches, dialogue games, etc. The use of the simplest poetic text (Russian folk songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, counting rhymes , teasers) promotes quick memorization of the game and facilitates the completion of logarithmic tasks.

    Rhythm games develop a sense of rhythm, tempo, meter (accentuation of the strong beat of the beat), which allows the child to better navigate the rhythmic basis of words and phrases.

    Singing songs and vocalizations develops memory, attention, thinking, emotional responsiveness and ear for music; The child’s vocal apparatus is strengthened and helps to automate vowel sounds. The process of developing singing abilities in children with speech disorders is aimed not only at the formation of their artistic culture, but also at the correction of voice, articulation, and breathing.

    Finger games and fairy tales. Science has long known that the development of finger mobility is directly related to speech development. Therefore, by developing fine motor skills of the fingers, we contribute to rapid speech development. Finger games and fairy tales, as in music classes, are often carried out accompanied by music - the texts are sung, or music is played in the background. It is very useful to use modeling of simple figures, origami, laying out simple mosaic patterns while pronouncing the text of the game.

    Elementary music playing on children's musical instruments develops fine motor skills, a sense of rhythm, meter, tempo, improves attention, memory, as well as other mental processes that accompany the performance of a musical work. In addition to well-known musical instruments, during the lesson you can make and play homemade instruments together with children - “noisemakers” from boxes and plastic bottles filled with various cereals, “ringers” from metal tubes, “knockers” from wooden sticks and pieces of a bamboo fishing rod, “rustlers” "made of crumpled paper and cellophane.

    Theater sketches. Very often, children with disabilities have inexpressive facial expressions and gestures. The muscles of the face, arms, and entire body may be flaccid or stiff. Mimic and pantomimic sketches develop facial and articulatory motor skills (mobility of the lips and cheeks), plasticity and expressiveness of children's movements, their creative imagination and imagination. This strengthens children’s sense of self-confidence, the ability to more accurately control their body, expressively convey mood and image in movement, and enriches them with new emotional experiences.

    Communication games develop in children the ability to see their merits in another person; contribute to deepening awareness of the sphere of communication; teach the ability to collaborate. Such games are often played in a general circle.

    Outdoor games, round dances, physical exercises train children in coordination of words and movements, develop attention, memory, and speed of reaction to changes in movements. These games foster a sense of collectivism, empathy, responsibility, and teach children to follow the rules of the game.

Speech therapy rhythm is one of the links in correctional pedagogy. First of all, this is a comprehensive methodology that includes means of speech therapy, musical-rhythmic and physical education. Its basis is speech, music and movement.

As a result of the use of logorhythmics, by the end of the school year, children can see positive dynamics in their speech development. Practice has shown that regular logorhythmics classes help normalize a child’s speech, regardless of the type of speech disorder, form a positive emotional mood, teach communication with peers, and much more.

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Logorhythmics as a means of correcting violations of the sound-syllable structure of words in preschool children in the conditions of a speech group Schumacher O.V. teacher-speech therapist Petropavlovsk 2014

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Goal: to select logorhythmic exercises and experimentally test their effectiveness in the process of correcting violations of the sound-syllable structure of words in preschool children. Object of study: the process of correcting the sound-syllable structure of a word in preschool children in a speech group.

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Objectives: Educational objectives include familiarization with the variety of movements, the formation of motor skills and abilities, and the concept of the spatial organization of the body. Educational tasks include: nurturing and developing a sense of the rhythm of a musical work and one’s own rhythm of movements, nurturing the ability to move rhythmically to music. Corrective tasks include: overcoming the main speech disorder; development of breathing, voice, articulation; development and improvement of basic psychomotor qualities (static and dynamic coordination, switchability of movements, muscle tone, motor memory and voluntary attention) in all types of motor sphere (general, fine, facial and articulatory).

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Speech therapy rhythmics is a correctional method of training and education of persons with various developmental anomalies, including speech, means of movement, music and speech. Speech therapy rhythmics is part of therapeutic rhythmics and is based on the use of the connection between words, music and movement.

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Structure of a logorhythmic lesson: 1. Introductory part: exercises for various types of walking and running. Exercise for developing breathing with speech accompaniment. 2. Main part: exercise for developing diction and articulation. Exercise for developing fine motor skills. Exercise to develop coordination of movements and speech. Exercise with objects and speech accompaniment. Exercise with dance elements. Dramatization game. 3. Final part: exercise to develop muscle tone.

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Fragments of logorhythmic exercises: Exercise for the development of speech breathing Articulatory gymnastics

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Development of motor activity

Yulia Klokova
Logorhythmics as a means of speech development in preschool children



GBOU Gymnasium No. 1404 "Gamma"

Preschool department"Veshnyaki"

on the topic of self-education

Teacher- speech therapist - Klokova Yu. IN.

Musical director - IznairovaO. G.

2013-2014 academic year


Project name: « Logorhythmics as a means of speech development in preschool children»

Project type: Research

Problem: In children preschool age, there is often a significant impairment of various components of the language system, psychomotor and speech processes.

Hypothesis: IN speech development and the mental activity of children, activities play a positive role logorhythmics.

Target: Process stimulation speech and mental activity of children through use of activities logorhythmics.

Final product: Development of a bank of events for logorhythmic activity.

Object of study: Process speech and psychomotor development of preschool children.

Subject of study: Speech therapy rhythm as a means of development and stimulating speech and motor skills in children.

Equipment: CD with a presentation of the defense of the topic of self-education INTRODUCTION


The number of children with various disabilities is growing every year. speech development, due to the fact that the rhythm of life has increased significantly and insufficient attention is paid to children by parents. Live communication with the child is replaced by watching television. Also important is the increase in the frequency of common diseases in children and poor ecology.

Many children experience significant impairment in all components of the language system. Children use adjectives and adverbs little and make mistakes in word formation and inflection. The phonetic design of speech lags behind the age norm. There are persistent errors in the sound filling of words, violation syllable structure, insufficient development phonemic perception and hearing. Logical-temporal connections in the narrative are broken. These violations serve as a serious obstacle to children’s mastery of the program. preschool, and later the elementary school program.

Experience shows that along with traditional methods of work in correction speech disorders, plays a big positive role speech therapy rhythm(logorhythmics, based on the synthesis of words, movement and music.

Logorhythmics represents an association speech motor and musical speech games and exercises based on a single concept of a musical-motor system, carried out for the purpose of speech therapy correction and stimulation of motor activity. It is necessary to especially note the importance of music when using logorhythmics. Music not only accompanies movement and speech, but is their organizing principle. Music can set a certain rhythm before the start of a lesson, or set the mood for deep rest during relaxation at the final stage of the lesson.

Movement helps to comprehend and remember the word. Word and music organize and regulate the motor sphere of children, which activates their cognitive activity. Music evokes positive emotions in children, increases the tone of the cerebral cortex and tones the central nervous system, enhances attention, stimulates breathing, blood circulation, and improves metabolism. Rhythm plays a significant role in words, movement, and music. According to Professor G. A. Volkova, “the sounding rhythm serves means of education and development sense of rhythm in movement and its inclusion in speech.” It is no coincidence that the concept of rhythm was included in the title speech therapy rhythms.

Logorhythmics is the most emotional part speech therapy activities, combining the correction of speech disorders with development sensory and motor abilities of children. Under the influence of activities speech therapy rhythms in preschool children As children age, significant changes occur in sound pronunciation, word formation, and the accumulation of active vocabulary.

Classes logorhythmics– an integral part of the corrective impact on preschoolers, since many children suffer not only speech disorders, but also have a number of signs of motor insufficiency of general and fine motor skills, prosody disorders, and psychological problems.

Speech therapy rhythm is represented by a wide range of special games and exercises aimed at correcting speech and non-speech disorders, development communication skills, as well as the formation of positive cognitive motivation. Elements can be used logorhythmics, including them in speech therapy, music, physical education classes, classes in speech development.


Target logorhythmics: prevention and overcoming speech disorders through development, education and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and music.

Usage means of logorhythmics in development work speech allows you to solve a wide range of problems.

Wellness tasks: strengthening the musculoskeletal system; development physiological breathing; development coordination of movements and motor functions; education of correct posture, gait, grace of movements; dexterity development, strength, endurance.

Educational objectives: formation of motor skills and abilities; spatial concepts and the ability to voluntarily move in space relative to other children and objects; switchability development; improving singing skills.

Educational tasks: education and development of a sense of rhythm; the ability to sense rhythmic expressiveness in music, movement and speech; nurturing the ability to transform and demonstrate one’s artistic and creative abilities; developing the ability to comply with pre-established rules.

Corrective tasks: development of speech breathing; formation and development articulatory apparatus; development general and minor marriages, orientation in space; regulation of muscle tone; development musical tempo and rhythm, singing abilities; activation of all types of attention and memory.

2. Development of speech processes in children and their correction speech disorders. This work includes breathing development, voices; development of a moderate rate of speech and its intonation expressiveness; development articulatory and facial motor skills; coordination of speech with movement; education of correct sound pronunciation and the formation of phonemic hearing.

Methods and techniques of teaching in classes speech therapy rhythm

Are used:

1. visual-visual techniques, such as the teacher showing movement; imitation of images; use of visual cues and visual aids.

2. techniques for ensuring tactile-muscular clarity using various inventory: cubes, massage balls, etc.

3. Visual and auditory techniques for sound regulation movement: instrumental music and songs, tambourine, bells, etc.; short poems.

Verbal methods are used to help children understand the task at hand and consciously perform motor exercises.

The game form of the lesson activates the elements of visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking, helps to improve a variety of motor skills, develops independence of movements, speed of response.

The competition form is used as means improving already developed skills, nurturing a sense of collectivism, and nurturing moral and volitional qualities.

Structure and content of classes speech therapy rhythm

Classes logorhythmics are held 2 times a week. Each lesson is conducted on a single lexical topic in a playful way. It lasts from 15 to 25 minutes depending on the age of the children.


o Positive dynamics of the process of the child mastering correct sound pronunciation.

o Developing the correct tempo of speech and breathing rhythm;

o Development of speech exhalation;

o Improvement speech memory;

o Ability to perform breathing and finger exercises, quickly respond to changes in movements.

o Development of coordination in accordance with the musical accompaniment, which helps reduce psycho-emotional stress and improve children's health

o Classes speech therapy rhythmics are useful for all children who have developmental problems speech function, including delays speech development, sound pronunciation disorders, stuttering, etc.

o Create a positive emotional mood for speech, motivation to perform speech therapy exercises, etc.. d.

o Regular classes logorhythmics contribute to the normalization of the child’s speech, regardless of the type speech disorder.

o Form in children a sense of rhythm, attention, coordination in accordance with musical accompaniment, which helps reduce psycho-emotional stress and improve children's health.


Development speech and coordination of movements to music.

Development of speech breathing.


1. Kiselevskaya N. A. “Use speech therapy rhythmics in correctional work with children" - TC SPHERE-2004.

2. Gogoleva M. Yu. « Logorhythmics in kindergarten» ; St. Petersburg, KARO-2006. Nishcheva N.V. " Speech therapy developing

3. Sudakova E. A. “ Speech therapy musical and gaming exercises for preschoolers» St. Petersburg. ; Childhood-press, 2013

4. Nishcheva N.V. “ Speech therapy rhythm in the correctional system developing work in kindergarten" St. Petersburg. ; Childhood-press, 2014

5. "Musical games, rhythmic exercises and dancing for children"- Educational and methodological manual for educators and teachers. Moscow, 1997

6. Babushkina R. L., Kislyakova O. M. “ Speech therapy rhythmics: Methodology for working with preschoolers suffering from general speech underdevelopment"/Ed. G. A. Volkova - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2005. - (Correctional pedagogy).

7. Volkova G. A. « Speech therapy rhythmics» M.: Education, 1985.

8. Voronova E. A. “ Logorhythmics in speech groups of preschool educational institutions for children 5 - 7 years old" Methodological manual - M.: TC Sfera, 2006.

9. Kartushina M. Yu. « Logorhythmic classes in kindergarten"– M.: Sfera shopping center, 2005.

10. Makarova N. Sh. “Correction non-speech and speech disorders in preschool children based on speech therapy rhythms" - SPb.: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2009

11. Novikovskaya O. A. « Logorhythmics» - St. Petersburg: Crown print., 2005.

12. Mukhina A. Ya. « Speech motor rhythm» - Astrel, M. -2009

13. Fedorova G. P. "Let's play, let's dance"- St. Petersburg: Aksident, 1997

14. Burenina A. I. "Rhythmic plasticity for preschoolers» - St. Petersburg: 1994

Municipal State Preschool Educational Institution

Child development center - kindergarten No. 10. Rossoshi, Rossoshansky municipal district, Voronezh region

District pedagogical conference

"Innovations in preschool educational institutions"

Message from work experience

teacher of the highest qualification category

MKDOU TsRR kindergarten No. 10 Rossoshi

on this topic "Logorhythmics as a means of prevention and correction of speech disorders in preschool children»


2013-2014 academic year

Table of contents

I. Introduction. Relevance of the problem……………………………………………………….3

II. Theoretical foundations of the study

1. From the history of the emergence of speech therapy rhythms………………………….6

2. Issues of speech correction for preschool childrenusing logorhythmic methods in psychological and pedagogical literature…………………………………………………………9

3. Features and capabilities of logorhythmics…………………………………….10

III. Using logorhythmics in your own practice…………………..11

IV. Conclusion (conclusions)………………………………………………………..18

V. References………………………………………………………...20

VI. Appendix……………………………………………………………………………….22

“Everyone should know that preventing unwanted manifestations is a difficult process, but very important in shaping the child’s personality.”

A.S. Makarenko

I. Introduction. Relevance of the problem.

Nowadays, touching on any issue related to childhood problems, we all, without exception, want to see our children healthy, happy, smiling, and able to communicate with people around them. But this doesn't always work out. It is especially difficult for children with speech impairments.

I often hear from concerned parents: “My child not only speaks poorly, but also does not want to study at home!”, “My baby is absolutely unable to do exercises with small objects!”, “The speech problem has not been solved for more than a year! ” and so on.

Good speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with adults and peers, the more active his mental development is. Speech is one of the most powerful factors and stimuli for development in general. We can say that a person’s speech is his calling card.

Therefore, it is so important to take care of the timely formation of children’s speech, its purity and correctness, preventing and correcting various violations, which are considered to be any deviations from generally accepted norms of language.

The issue of a child’s speech development is very acute at the present time, because Every year the number of children with various speech pathologies increases. For example, there are more and more non-speaking children, children with illegible, slurred speech, who by the age of 5 cannot master the clear pronunciation of all sounds. Children with speech pathology are characterized by impaired gross and fine motor skills, and their breathing is often shallow. Some children are hyperactive, others are passive, which is due to weakness of the nervous system. Along with this, the majority of children with speech disorders have increased exhaustion and attention deficit; memory and performance are reduced.

With normal development, mastery of the sound structure of language in preschoolers ends by the age of 4-5 years. But sometimes, for a number of reasons (impairments in the anatomical structure of the speech apparatus, functional immaturity of the speech areas of the brain, immaturity of voluntary movements, etc.) this process is delayed.

In the middle group of kindergarten, we often observe children whose speech is incomprehensible to others: certain sounds are not pronounced, are skipped, or are replaced by others. Fearing ridicule, children begin to feel embarrassed about their mistakes and avoid communicating with their peers. Children become unsure of their abilities, which leads to a number of negative consequences. Speech disorders often lead to delays in physical and mental development and, to varying degrees, affect the development of children’s personality, their activities, and behavior. And subsequently, all these factors lead to serious problems during primary school education.

Most often, children with deviations in speech development end up in a speech therapy group mainly before school, at best after 5 years. As a result, the most significant age for speech development (sensitive period), which lasts up to 3-4 years, is missed. If existing violations are not corrected in a timely manner, the tangle of problems will grow significantly.

In addition, for a number of reasons, not every child can receive help from a speech therapist on time and has the opportunity to attend a speech therapy group. What should we do for children who do not have access to speech therapy?

Working in a regular kindergarten group, systematically examining the speech of my pupils, I came to the conclusion that the main cause of sound pronunciation disorders in primary preschool age is the lack of early preventive work to strengthen the muscles of the speech apparatus. This is facilitated by social factors (sucking pacifiers, eating pureed food, etc.) and insufficient pedagogical education of parents. Therefore, there is a need to change the current situation,and this put me in the situation of searching for new means of early prevention of sound pronunciation disorders.

At the very beginning of my work with children with speech impairments, I used various methods and techniques.I studied a lot of psychological and pedagogical literature. It turned out that the issue of teaching correct sound pronunciation in preschool children is of interest to many scientists and is considered from different angles; means of eliminating speech defects are being studied using various correctional techniques, one of which is speech therapy rhythm.

Logorhythmics is one of the means of improving speech. First of all, this is a comprehensive methodology that includes means of speech therapy, musical-rhythmic and physical education. Logorhythmics is based on speech, music and movement. Logorhythmics is one of the high-quality methods of working on the development of a child’s speech. In pedagogical practice, logorhythmics is necessary for correctional work to be most effective, since logorhythmic classes include health-saving technologies, which not only have a beneficial effect on the child’s entire body, but also contribute to the most effective increase in the level of sound pronunciation, mastery of word structure, and expansion of vocabulary. stock of preschool children.That's whyToday, in addition to traditional exercises for correcting sound pronunciation, correcting violations in the lexico-grammatical design of speech utterances of children in a regular kindergarten group, I use such an effective method of overcoming speech disorders as “SPEECH PEDIC RHYTHMICS,” the motto of which is “Through the synthesis of music, movement and words - to correct speech."

II. Theoretical foundations of the study

1. From the history of the emergence of speech therapy rhythms

Physical exercises accompanied by music have been known since the times of Ancient Egypt. The Greeks, Arabs, and Romans used rhythmic gymnastics as a method of using the rhythm of music for the purpose of physical healing of the body.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, articles, publications and studies concerning the issues of rhythm and rhythmic education appeared almost simultaneously in different European countries.The theoretical and practical provisions on this problem of teachers, scientists, and musicians have become especially famous in this area: N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, E. Jacques-Dalcroze, B.M. Teplova, N.G. Alexandrova et al. It was found that in all biological systems time is represented by rhythmic activity that regulates energy metabolism that supports life.Everything around us lives according to the laws of rhythm. The change of seasons, day and night, heart rate and much more are subject to a certain rhythm. Any rhythmic movements activate the human brain.

The system of rhythmic education became widespread at the beginning of the 20th century. in Europe and became known as the “method of rhythmic gymnastics”. Its creator was a Swiss teacher and musician, professor of GenevaconservatoryEmile Jacques-Dalcroze (1865-1950).

The starting point for the emergence of a system of rhythmic education in Russia can be called 1912, when Jacques-Dalcroze came to St. Petersburg and gave 6 lectures on rhythm. With the help of music and movement, Jacques-Dalcroze solved the problem of educating rhythm, first in musicians, and then in children, starting from preschool age. In the process of work, the students developed an ear for music, memory, attention, a sense of rhythm, and plastic expressiveness of movements. Music was considered the formative principle in the set of exercises.

In our country, ideas fell on fertile soil, since his students N.G. Alexandrov and V.A. Griner widely promoted the method of rhythmic education, aimed at combating arrhythmia, which has a destructive effect on a person’s psychophysical and social life.

Since the 1930s, therapeutic rhythms began to be used in medical institutions.It was found that rhythm has a positive effect on motor skills and regulates the behavior of patients. Then V.A. Gilyarovsky introduced therapeutic rhythm classes into speech therapy practice, organizing groups for preschool children suffering from stuttering.

Since the leading place in the correction of speech disorders is occupied by the word, a special direction has actively begun to form - speech therapy rhythms.For a long time, this branch of therapeutic rhythm was used as an additional technique in the treatment of logoneuroses. V.A. In the course of researching this issue, Griner put forward a number of principles in working with patients who stutter, compiled correctional didactic material and focused on the fact that speech therapy rhythms are significantly different from the methods of rhythmic education, since a special place is given to the word in the exercises.

In 1960 V.I. Rozhdestvenskaya, in her work “Speech Education for Stuttering Preschoolers,” emphasized the importance of the rhythm of the movements made for normalizing speech and exercises for combining words with movement. This technique came into speech therapy practice under the name “speech with movements.”

In 1978, the textbook “Logorithmics” was published in Lublin. Its author, E. Kilinska-Ewertowska, emphasized that the Jacques-Dalcroze didactic method, recognized throughout the world, allows children to develop activity, attention, intelligence and impressionability. The movements are performed freely, they seem to “flow” from the music. This allows all children to perform rhythmic exercises, regardless of intellectual, motor and physical development. Consequently, rhythmics forms a sense of rhythm and musicality in children and can be widely used in the rehabilitation and treatment of various disorders and diseases.

K. Orff, a German composer and teacher, propagandist of Dalcroze’s ideas, developed a system of synthetic approach (the unity of word-music-movement), which promotes the development of children’s activity through musical stage play and dance. Using children's desire for creativity, motor expression, and simplifying the requirements for the technique of playing instruments made it possible to introduce elements of his method of musical education into the programs of general education and special preschool and school institutions. Thanks to the significant contribution of Professor G.A. Volkova in the 80s of the 20th century, speech therapy rhythms stood out as a science.

2. Issues of speech correction of preschool children using logorhythmic methods in psychological and pedagogical literature

The problem of correcting disturbances in the sound pronunciation of preschool children is widely covered in the psychological and pedagogical literature. The kindergarten education program provides for the development of all aspects of oral speech. All structural parts of language are closely connected with each other. Vocabulary and grammatical structure develop and improve not only in preschool children, but also in the process of studying at school. Sound pronunciation is formed in children mainly in preschool age. Therefore, the education of the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language should be completely completed in kindergarten. And since sound is a semantic unit only in a word, all the work on developing correct sound pronunciation is inextricably linked with the work on speech development.

“The standard program of education and training in kindergarten” (1984) provides for the task of improving all aspects of the sound culture of speech in children of senior preschool age, consolidating the correct pronunciation of sounds, eliminating defects in sound pronunciation, developing speech breathing, strengthening and developing the articulatory and vocal apparatus, developing the ability to change the strength and pitch of the voice, the pace of speech in accordance with the specific conditions of speech communication. As well as developing clear diction in children.

In the “Childhood” program, in senior preschool age, the emphasis in working on the sound culture of children’s speech shifts from teaching the correct pronunciation of sounds towards cultivating the expressiveness of speech. It is believed that by the age of five, children, as a rule, master the pronunciation of all sounds of their native language. Consolidation of correct sound pronunciation is carried out in the process of everyday speech communication.

The basic preschool child development program “Origins” sets the following task for educators: “Develop phonemic awareness, pronunciation and intonation aspects of speech. Practice correct pronunciation of sounds in words and tongue twisters, tongue twisters, and short poems. Learn arbitrarily, regulate the tempo and volume of pronunciation, intonation.”

The study of psychological and pedagogical literature has shown that the issue of educating correct sound pronunciation in preschool children is of interest to many scientists and is considered from different angles; means of eliminating speech defects are being studied using various correctional techniques, one of which is speech therapy rhythm. From this we can conclude that the problem of educating and developing correct oral speech in preschool children remains relevant today.

3. Features and capabilities of logorhythmics

Speech therapy rhythmics is based on the general methodological foundations of speech therapy and defectology and is one of its sections. She studies the patterns of development, education, as well as disturbances of psychomotor functions in the syndrome of speech pathology. The most important task that determines the special significance of speech therapy rhythms, as one of the links in speech therapy correction, is the formation and development of motor abilities in children with speech pathology, as the basis for speech education, re-education and elimination of speech disorders.

In all forms of organizing logorhythmic classes, the teacher’s attention is directed to the comprehensive development of the child, to the re-education and elimination of non-speech disorders in the motor and sensory spheres, to the development or restoration of speech, and to the ability to show a desire for creativity in their activities.

The development of movements in combination with words and music represents a holistic educational and correctional process. Logorhythmic education of children is directly related to moral education, the formation of moral feelings and consciousness, with the development of moral and volitional qualities: goodwill and mutual assistance, determination, and creates in children a wealth of aesthetic feelings.

III . Using logorhythmics in your own practice

I have, along with pedagogical music education,became the basis for building systematic work on the topic “Logorhythmics as a means of preventing and correcting speech disorders in preschool children.”I began implementing this form of active therapy for the first time in the 2009-2010 academic year. My work began with the study of methodological recommendations and extensive practical material from many authors involved in logorhythmics (M.Yu. Kartushina, A.E. Voronova, N.V. Miklyaeva, O.A. Polozova, G.V. Dedyukhina, etc.)

The basis of my program is weekly logorhythmic work within the “Fun Logorhythmics” circle, as well as joint activities with children during the day.

During the work of the circle, I implement the following tasks: clarification of articulation, development of phonemic perception, expansion of vocabulary, development of auditory attention and motor memory, improvement of general and fine motor skills, development of clear, coordinated movements in conjunction with speech, development of melodic-intonation and prosodic components, creativity and imagination.

I started working in this direction with the first junior group, which made it possible for early detection and correction of speech disorders.

Testing this technique, already during the first year of work, I identified positive dynamics, primarily in the speech development of children:

for the beginning of the yearin the group there was:

four non-speaking children;

two children who are bilingual in the family;

and four children with severe speech impairments.

TOend of school of the yearAll children showed positive dynamics:

Positive results were noted in the formation of the syllabic structure of words: children have an average and high level.

The positive dynamics of the development of speech activity in preschoolers gave impetus to my further productive activities.

In the course of systematic work, I developed long-term plans for logorhythmic classes with children of primary, middle and senior preschool age.

Consultations for teachers were developed and carried out: “Correctional assistance to children in mass kindergarten groups”, “Voice development in preschoolers”, “The role of adult speech in the development of children’s voices”. Consultations “Good speech is sweeter than honey”, “Developing fingers”, “Teach a child to communicate”, “Development of sound culture of speech in preschool children” made it possible to include the parents of pupils in the work. I also developed methodological recommendations for educators who plan to use logorhythmics for the purpose of comprehensive correction of children’s speech:

Start each speech development lesson with articulatory gymnastics;

Introduce elements of self-massage into working with children;

Include logorhythmic games and exercises in physical education minutes as a means of preventing speech disorders in preschoolers;

Introduce a set of exercises to develop breathing and voice in children.

Systematically introducing elements of logorhythmics into my work, I became convinced that the synthesis of words, music and movement helps to cultivate activity, self-confidence and self-confidence in children.

Various elements of musical and speech activity are closely woven into the structure of the work of the “Merry Logorhythmics” circle, subordinate to one goal - the formation of correct sound pronunciation:

Speech therapy gymnastics (a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, preparing the speech organs for producing sounds);

Pure phrases for automation and differentiation of sounds;

Finger gymnastics for the development of fine movements of the fingers;

Exercises for the development of general motor skills, corresponding to the age characteristics of children, for muscle-motor and coordination training; - phonopedic exercises according to V. Emelyanov’s method to strengthen the larynx and instill speech breathing skills;

Vocal and articulatory exercises for the development of singing abilities and breathing;

Songs and poems accompanied by hand movements to develop fluency and

expressiveness of speech, speech hearing and speech memory, coordination training;

Musical games that promote the development of speech, attention, and the ability to navigate in space;

Melo- and rhythmic recitation for coordination of hearing, speech, movement;

Exercises for the development of facial muscles, the emotional sphere, imagination and associative-figurative thinking;

Communicative games and dances for the development of the dynamic side of communication, empathy, emotionality and expressiveness of non-verbal means of communication, positive self-awareness;

Relaxation exercises to relieve emotional and physical stress.

All my activities with children are varied. I can replace any part of the educational area, include pure speech or articulatory gymnastics exercises that correspond to the children’s speech defect. So, I can include familiar songs in the song repertoire, it is possible to change the game material, use familiar poems, etc.

Classes in the circle are not strictly regulated by time. I always take into account the well-being of children, their emotional state. If necessary, the time spent in the circle can be reduced.

The main principle of achieving efficiency in work is individual

approach to each child, taking into account his age, psychophysiological and speech capabilities.

The methodology of my work is based on a complex thematic method combined with visualization and gaming techniques. In planning, I use the principle of concentrically building up material in all sections of lexical topics studied annually (seasons, harvest, New Year's holiday, wintering birds, etc.).

One of the features of my program is the use of small forms of folklore (rhymes, sayings, chants, jokes) for recreational breaks, which contributes to the upbringing of children in national traditions. The plots of Russian folk tales are used in the construction of many classes.

Music plays a vital role as the integral basis of the entire course. With the help of music, developing dosed emotional training is carried out, which leads to an improvement in the psychological and physiological state of the child’s body.

I pay special attention to developing a sense of rhythm with the help of plastic arts, sounding gestures, speech games, the use of rhythm patterns, and playing children's musical instruments with melodic and rhythmic declamation.

I also found the opportunity to include logarithmics in joint activities with children during the day:

Morning exercises with chants and onomatopoeia

Saying nursery rhymes, sayings, sayings during routine processes - washing, dressing for a walk

Speech games before meals

Logorhythmic pauses during educational activities

Dynamic pauses between types of educational activities

Physical education, theatrical activities using speech material

Invigorating gymnastics with onomatopoeia

Outdoor games with singing (on a walk)

Low mobility games (in a group)

Logorhythmic leisure

One teacher cannot provide children with the necessary motor and speech activity throughout the day, so the effectiveness of work depends on close relationships and continuity in work with parents.

In order to improve relationships with my parents and make them constructive, I revised the basics of relationships with them, because... I think that before solving a child’s problem, it is necessary to solve the adult’s problem, and it consists in the fact that parents are sometimes incompetent in matters of education and psychology, do not know the age characteristics of their children, or are not serious about everything that happens to their children. This prevents them from choosing the only correct line of behavior. Along with the established traditional forms of working with families, such as conversations, consultations, meetings, design of information stands, during the testing of their methodology, new forms and methods of working with parents have successfully proven themselves: a round table, a business game, pedagogical trainings, homework ( “home theater”, collective reading in the family).

Today, a good parent is a competent parent. My program is built on the active participation of parents in the process of joint activities and involves solving a number of problems:

Establishing ways for constructive interaction between teachers and parents;

Establishing close emotional contact between parents and children in the process of joint activities;

Increasing the level of productivity in the acquisition of knowledge, acquisition of skills and abilities by children;

Teaching parents the necessary knowledge, methods and techniques for working with their baby at home.

Pedagogical dedication to parents on the following issues: strengthening the muscular system of the tongue, lips, cheeks; improvement in sound pronunciation; vocabulary enrichment; improving fine motor mobility; manifestation of creative abilities.

At any age, children actively imitate the speech of an adult, so I convinced the parents that if they speak incorrectly, the baby will learn the incorrect speech. To prevent this from happening, it is important to remember two “golden rules”:

You can't distort words

You can’t imitate children’s pronunciation and “lisp.”
You need to: When talking to a child, make sure that your speech is clear and expressive, competent, simple, and clear.

The methodological support available in my personal arsenal allows me to offer phonograms, lyrics, games and exercises to parents for use at home.

The audio aids include lullabies, game songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales and much more, as well as melodies that can be used as accompaniment in physical education classes.

Now you can buy a wonderfulpractical material on CD and DVD discs. I purchased it and alreadyI use many of them in my work: - “Burners”, “Catch up” - I use these collections for

conducting outdoor games in the kindergarten and on

- “Games for health”, “Aerobics”, “Fun lessons” and “Game gymnastics" - help plan morning exercises,physical education class and physical leisure;

Discs “Musical Zoo”, “Woof, Meow”, “Mom’s Lessons” and"Top - top" help to choose musical speech, round dance, finger dances games and games directed on the development of auditoryattention in accordance with topic of the lesson;

The "Golden Gate" and "Golden Fish" discs are wonderful speech material, as they contain a lot of nursery rhymes, poems, pure talkers;

Two discs “Fairy tales - noisemakers” and “Musical tales” - meI use it for entertainment and leisure;

- “Physical Minutes”, “Five Little Pigs”, “Lullabies” and “Play Massage:”
help me in carrying out routine moments.
Practical material on discs can be selected for any age, from the birth of a baby to elementary school.

IV. Conclusion (conclusions)

The use of logorhythmic techniques in my daily work allows children to immerse themselves deeper into a game situation, creates a favorable atmosphere for assimilation of the material being studied and the development of creative abilities. Children began to assimilate knowledge faster, since their presentation is accompanied by various movements to music, which allows them to simultaneously activate all types of memory (auditory, motor. Logorhythmics also promotes the aesthetic education of preschoolers, introducing them to the world of music from early childhood, teaching them emotional responsiveness, instilling love for beauty, thereby developing artistic taste.
Any direct educational activity with elements of logorhythmics, in my opinion, has become more productive and takes place at a higher emotional level. Children wait with joy, actively participating in the playful actions of speech exercises.

As a result of the combination of words, music and movement, children became more relaxed, emotional, and significantly improved their rhythmic abilities. The children's coordination of movements increased, they became more focused and attentive. Songs, speech exercises, finger games, reciting poems with movement and to music improved the quality level of rhythmic feeling. Many children show noticeable dynamics in the development of voice, breathing and articulation, auditory attention and visual orientation. Psychologists noted that working in the logorhythmics system made it possible to correct deviations in emotional development, and children’s fear of failure decreased.

Parents, knowing their child well, his character, inclinations, also noted that the children had become more relaxed, spontaneous, and natural. They are active and proactive not only in classes, entertainment and holidays, but also in social life.

Thanks to systematic and purposeful work on the use of logorhythmics in all areas of children’s lives, my students are systematically winners of expressive reading competitions held annually within the kindergarten. Several children entered a music school, and continue to study dancing in dance groups, in particular, in the “Slavyanochka” ensemble under the direction of T.D. Litvinenko. I also consider it my achievement that as a result of my work, by the end of the middle group, 60% fewer children are accepted into the speech therapy group than planned at the beginning of the year.

I consider a huge advantage of the work being done to be the game form of presenting the material, its comprehensive nature, accessibility and practicality of use, which turns classes with preschoolers into a fun educational game thatpromotes not only the musical development of children, but also fine motor skills, speech, creativity, as well as learning to count.Child developmenttakes place in a playful way, where there are finger games, physical education exercises, and dramatizations.

In the future, I plan to continue and improve the work in the logorhythmics system for greater emancipation of the child’s body and spirit. Based on the development of plastic capabilities, expansion of motor experience, lead children to the development of the creative potential of the individual, to the creative interpretation of a musical work, to the disclosure of their own individuality, the ability to express themselves.

V. Bibliography

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