Which colleges belong to the Razumovsky Institute. Reviews about "University College of Information Technology"


Hello. Yes, I agree, the building is not new and requires renovation. Teachers combine their main job with teaching, which is great. They are not divorced from reality. They are practitioners and specialists in their field. Or are you more satisfied with a teacher who graduated from pedagogy and knows everything only in theory? Yes, the part-time teacher has no desire to bother with poor students and truants. He came here not to earn money, but to share his experience with the younger generation. And those students who are not interested...

Horrible college. Starting with a rotten, collapsing building, ending with teachers who openly say that they don’t care, and teach, if this process can be called that, accordingly. The last good teachers left here 2 years ago, what remained were mostly those for whom college was a combination of their main job, hence the attitude - they say, I can leave at any moment, and even these keep missing their classes. The level of education is below par, languages ​​are taught in computer disciplines...

I already wrote this on one of the review sites, but I’ll write it here too. Hmmm. Hypocritical reviews are in the spirit of our “sycophants” students. Now a little about the real story. Preface: most reviews are simply fake. At open days they just lie. Well, let's get down to reality. I am a 4th year student, when I entered I was attracted by the fact that the college was affiliated with some institutes, well, apparently, there was accreditation. Some time later, in 2012, MGKIT (now UniKit or UKIT) reorganized...

I transferred to college this year and regretted not coming here sooner! An excellent educational institution, excellent teaching, if you respect the teachers, they respect you and always make concessions. As for the prices, they are still acceptable.

I am in my third year studying land and property relations. I'm happy with my choice. I don’t regret at all that I entered here after 9th grade. It’s not easy to study; they ask especially harshly in some disciplines, such as DL and economics. I recommend to all students not to delay completing their coursework. Oh, how difficult it is to pass it now. Good luck to all!

Thank you very much for the open day on March 28, 2015! I recommend everyone to attend the open day. You can see the college with your own eyes and chat with senior students. Third year students have classes on Saturday. I talked to the guys and attended a master class and understood what specialty to choose. I have made my choice, I will apply to this college!

He graduated from this college in 2014 with a degree in Computer Systems Programming. I work for a company that automates website promotion on the Internet. I published my resume on a job search portal and after a while they started calling me with offers to get a job. In order to work in this company, I needed to complete a test task and pass an interview. The test task turned out to be no more difficult than the tasks that I solved in college, and to pass...

There are many educational organizations in Moscow where people become educated specialists. One of them is University College. Applicants enter here both after 9 years of schooling and after 11 years. All offered specialties are currently relevant. That is why college graduates do not face any problems during employment.

A little bit of history

The history of the college began in the last century. During this period, the Vocational School functioned in Moscow. The Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1952 decided to reorganize this educational institution. In its place a radio vacuum technical school appeared. Students who entered here after the reorganization began to be prepared for the production of radio equipment,

In 1960, the educational organization was renamed. It became known as the Moscow Radio Equipment Engineering College. The educational institution developed in subsequent years. New specialties were opened in it. In 1997, the technical school was reorganized. Ssuz continued its activities, but under the new name of the Moscow State. College of Information Technology.

Current state of the educational institution

An important event in the history of the college occurred in 2011. The educational organization, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of our country, joined the Moscow State. University of Technology and Management and as a result became a structural unit of the university. From that moment a new page in the history of the educational institution began.

University College of Information Technology - this is what the secondary school is now called. It is a multidisciplinary educational organization. From its walls come highly qualified specialists for various areas of life - for land and property relations, advertising, IT technologies.

List of qualifications

The University College of Information Technology offers 6 Having heard such a small number, many probably thought that it was difficult for applicants to make a choice. In reality, this is not the case. Specialties do not belong to any specific field or area. They are very different, so each applicant can choose something most suitable for himself.

What qualifications does the University College of Information Technology offer? Here is their list:

  • software technician;
  • computer network technician;
  • information security technician;
  • specialist in property and land relations;
  • advertising specialist.

"Applied informatics (by industry)"

This is one of the majors offered by University College. Students who entered it after 9 years of schooling study for 3 years 10 months. For persons with secondary general education, the duration of training is 2 years 10 months. At the end of the training, all students who successfully complete the program are awarded a diploma with the qualification of a programmer technician.

During their studies, students study subjects such as basic information theory, operating systems and environments. University College students learn the architecture of electronic computers and computer systems, processing industry information, creating, implementing and adapting industry-specific software, etc.

"Programming in computer systems"

In this specialty, the duration of training and the assigned qualifications are the same as in the direction of “Applied Informatics (by industry).” During their studies, students admitted to the University College of Information Technology (UKIT) study:

  • information Technology;
  • OS;
  • theory of algorithms;
  • programming, etc.

After studying at the University College of Information Technology, graduates are employed as software technicians. They develop software program modules for computer systems, create and manage databases, and participate in the integration of program modules.

"Computer networks"

This specialty requires passing:

  • fundamentals of information theory;
  • data transmission technologies;
  • principles of creation, organization and operation of computer networks;
  • providing computer networks with programs;
  • safe operation of information systems.

The duration of study at the University College of Information Technologies is 3 years 10 months and 2 years 10 months upon admission on the basis of secondary basic and secondary complete education. After successfully completing the educational program, you are awarded the qualification of a computer network technician. When applying for a job in this specialty, graduates will have to organize network administration and operate network infrastructure facilities.

“Information security of automated systems” (IBAS)

The above-mentioned specialties, which the University College of Information Technologies (Moscow) has, are related to computers and technologies. IBAS is another direction that is relevant to this area. Future information security technicians are trained there.

College graduates get jobs in their specialty where they need to develop security systems and monitor the effectiveness of the technical, cryptographic and hardware-software protections used in the system. Those people who are not yet ready to begin their professional activities and want to gain deeper knowledge can continue their studies at a university that includes the University College.

"Property and land relations"

The Moscow University College of Information Technologies offers the only area of ​​training in which the training period is shorter - “Property and Land Relations”. After 9 grades, they study in secondary school for no more than 3 years, and after 11 grades - no more than 2 years. This specialty is considered modern, because it is indispensable in a market economy. During their studies, students learn the intricacies of property and land law, cadastral valuation of land, and real estate valuation.

In the future, students will have to prepare documentation so that specialists can make the necessary decisions on the development and use of territorial areas. The list of graduates’ tasks also includes determining the cadastral value and preparing appraisal documentation. After completing your studies at University College you can work:

  • in appraisal and real estate firms;
  • in insurance and mortgage companies;
  • in the territorial departments of Rosreestr, etc.


Another area of ​​training offered by the Razumovsky University College of Information Technologies is “Advertising”. This is a sought-after specialty, because there are many enterprises and organizations that need advertising products (attractive texts and photographs, special videos and outdoor posters).

University College graduates who have become advertising specialists are employed in the media, PR agencies, and advertising departments of production companies. Some open their own business - they begin to develop specific advertising products to order.

University College of Information Technologies named after Razumovsky: reviews

The educational institution receives many positive reviews. Students note the high quality of education and write that teachers provide all the necessary information. Many teachers combine teaching with work at various enterprises. This is a definite plus, because thanks to this they are not divorced from reality, know practical nuances and can teach students about them.

The University College of Information also receives a negative character. In them, students point out such shortcomings of the educational institution as an old building and lack of proper repairs. Some teachers, in the opinion of dissatisfied students and graduates, do not provide knowledge at the proper level and may skip classes. In negative reviews, students write that those who entered budget places and do not spend money on such a low-quality education are lucky.

You can get the necessary information about the University College and verify the veracity of positive reviews at open days. These events are held regularly throughout the year. As a rule, in September, school students are invited to get a general idea of ​​the educational institution. In other months, presentations of available specialties are held. In the spring, an open day is held again, dedicated to the entire educational institution.

Thus, the University College of Information Technology. Razumovsky is an educational institution that is worth paying attention to. Ssuz has existed for more than half a century. During this period, a huge number of specialists were graduated, many of whom, after completing their studies, were able to take the path of independent life, find a suitable job for themselves, and build a career. The new school year is approaching. Many applicants will think about whether it is worth enrolling in this educational institution to obtain secondary vocational education. It should be noted that about 900 people are currently studying here. Some of them speak negatively about University College, but there are many more positive reviews.

Customer reviews about the Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky First Cossack University University College of Information Technologies


I am studying the specialty “Land and Property Relations”, the specialty is interesting, although there are many subjects that I like most: “Organizational Economics” and “Management”, strong teachers, they explain clearly and intelligibly, the administration is also very competent and qualified, they will always explain and help difficult situation.
I really like the school, I’m glad I came here.


I graduated there a year ago. They charge a huge amount of money for training, and not only for training, but also for incomprehensible expenses. It is not clear where they go. The building is falling apart, the computer rooms are terrible. How do you like turning on your computer in 10-15 minutes? He might just get stuck with all of this. The promised practice at the end of the training was not given. They didn’t even say that she wouldn’t exist. This turned out to be an accident, and as a result, within a couple of weeks, our entire group rushed to find some practice somewhere. And this is a small part of the problems. There are many of them, it takes a long time to write. On top of all this, the school seems to be giving out your contact information to 3 people. For the past 2 years I have been receiving letters and phone calls from various universities with an offer to study with them. Perhaps this was once a good educational institution, but now it is horror and sucks money out of you.


I’m a 4th year student, if you want to take it easy and get a diploma, then don’t come here! There are no free grades here, in order to get a grade you need to work hard, complete assignments: practical, independent, you need to go to lectures, don’t miss classes, preference is also given to self-education, here you need to study, not freeload! You will spend time and effort, but then you will get not only a diploma, but also knowledge! With the help of which you can not only realize yourself, but also earn decent money! Even open your own business! Think! Don't look for freebies, improve yourself!


Horrible college. Starting with a rotten, collapsing building, ending with teachers who openly say that they don’t care, and teach, if this process can be called that, accordingly. The last good teachers left here 2 years ago, what remained were mostly those for whom college was a combination of their main job, hence the attitude - they say, I can leave at any moment, and even these keep missing their classes. The level of education is below par, in computer disciplines they teach programming languages ​​comparable only to Latin, they are so ancient, it is unlikely that they will ever be useful to anyone else. Another director has been replaced, exiled to college from some school, so he is completely out of touch, but he successfully complements the overall depressing picture. Those who are lucky enough to get on the budget and stay on it until the end, in principle, can only complain about not receiving the proper knowledge, but those who also paid for this disgrace, considerable money by the way, have the right to demand it back - because there is absolutely nothing for it. Let me summarize: if you have nerves of steel, extra money and you don’t care where to put your child, it’s up to you. If you want your children to gain knowledge and not be completely discouraged from learning, forget about this college as if it were a bad dream, since 4 years will simply be erased from your child’s life. In addition: the college, surprisingly, has an excellent moderation system, so there are a lot of positive reviews online from supposedly “satisfied” students, while negative ones are attacked like a red rag. At one time, we also bought into such reviews, which we have not ceased to regret since our second year. Thank God, this nightmare is over, but the desire to protect normal people from it, and even better to shut down this office, where they teach worse than the most backward Soviet technicians, has not gone away yet, so I will try to replicate this review on as many people as possible sites - maybe it will be possible to save someone from a rash decision.


I chose this university because it is close to home. The tuition price is affordable for our family. The place has been renovated, everything is clean and very beautiful. I am sure that every year the atmosphere in our college will get better and better. Because of the move, my mother suggested that I transfer to a college that is much closer, but I don’t want to leave this place. There is an excellent administration and wonderful teachers here. All this has become so close and dear to me that I can’t imagine myself as a student at another college. I finally decided for myself to get a profession here. Guys, if you decide to enroll in our college, then you will not regret your choice.

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