Training exercises for students to master the letters of the German alphabet. Cards with the German alphabet and letter combinations, or how to interest a child

Any language begins with an alphabet, and German is no exception! To learn to read German correctly, you must first become familiar with all German letters and sounds.
The German alphabet is an alphabet based on Latin, it consists of 26 letters:

A a[A], B b[be], C c[tse], D d[de], E e[uh], F f[ef], G g[ge], H h[Ha], I i[And], Jj[yot], K k[ka], Ll[el], M m[Em], Nn[en], O o[O], P p[pe], Q q[ku], R r[er], Ss[es], T t[te], U u[y], Vv[fau], W w[ve], X x[X], Y y[upsilon], Z z[tset].

German alphabet (listen)

Listen to the alphabet:

There are also three umlauts in the German alphabet (Ä, Ö, Ü).
Listen to the umlauts:

Umlauts (two dots above vowels) indicate a qualitative change in the sounds u, o, a.

The correct pronunciation of sounds in words with and without umlauts is very important, since the meaning of the word depends on it. For example, the word “schon” is pronounced hard, with the sound “o” and means “already”, while the word “schön” has a softer sound, close to the Russian “ё”, and means “pleasant, dear”. Be careful about the icons above the vowels to avoid misunderstandings!

To speak German correctly, pay attention to the pronunciation features of the German umlauts:
At the beginning of a word and after vowels, the umlaut “ä” is read as the sound “e”, after consonants: as “e”. To correctly pronounce the umlaut “ö”, the position of the tongue should be as for “e”, and the lips as for “o”. Thus, a sound will be produced that is vaguely similar to the Russian “ё”. By the way, “е” can also be called an umlaut, because it is a qualitative change in the sound “e” in the Russian language. So, to pronounce umlaut ü, the position of the tongue should be as with “i”, and the lips as with y. You will get a sound somewhat similar to the Russian “yu”.
Umlauts are not only not so easy to pronounce, but also to type. If you don't have a German layout, you can use the generally accepted character substitution:
ä – ae
ü – ue

Another unusual sign of the German language is the ligature (i.e., connection of letters) “eszet” (ß).

Most often, “esset” is equated to the letters “ss”, however, in addition to the sound, [s] indicates the length of the previous sound, so replacing “ß” with “s” is not worth it - “ss” signals the brevity of the previous sound, which is important to remember when learning the rules reading.
Like umlauts, “eszet” is not part of the alphabet and is taken outside of it. However, in dictionaries these letters are in alphabetical order: Ää follows Aa, Öö follows Oo, Üü follows Uu, ß follows “ss”.

The rules for reading German words are quite simple and follow simple rules, and therefore there is no transcription in the German language - it appears only in some complex words, most often coming to German from other languages.
The stress is placed before the stressed syllable, and the long sound is indicated by a colon.

From sound to letter. Learning to read in German

In German, different letters can make the same sound. The table below will help you figure out which letters and letter combinations are read the same in German.

Remember! An open syllable is considered to be one that ends with a vowel: da. A closed syllable ends with a consonant: das.

Sound Pronunciation Letter Position in a word Examples
[A] [A] A in a closed syllable das

in an open syllable

[s] [With] s at the end of words and after long vowels das, Naß
[z] [h] s before and between vowels Saat
f Faß
ff in the middle and end of a word paff
v at the beginning and middle of a word Vater
[v] [V] w at the beginning and middle of a word was
[n] [n] n at the beginning, middle and end of a word nah, an
nn wann
[d] [d] d at the beginning and middle of a word das
t At the beginning, middle and end of a word Tat
tt In the middle and end of a word Satt
d at the end of a word Sand
[ts] z at the beginning, middle and end of a word Zahn
tz in the middle and end of a word after short sounds Satz
[b] [b] b at the beginning and middle of a word between vowels Bahn
p at the beginning and middle of a word paß
pp in the middle and end of a word after short sounds knapp
b at the end of a word and before a consonant ab
[m] [m] m at the beginning and middle of a word Mann
mm Damm
[g] [G] g at the beginning and middle of a word Gast
[ŋ] [n] ng in the middle and end of a word after a short sound Sang
[ŋk] [nc] nk in the middle and end of a word after a short sound Bank
k at the beginning and middle of a word kann
ck in the middle and end of a word after a short sound Sack
g at the end of a word Tag
[kv] qu Quant
[ks] x Axt
[i] [And] i in a closed syllable Ist

in an open syllable

[u] [y] u in a closed syllable und
[y:] u

in an open syllable

uh Uhr
[ə] [e] e in the final syllable Tasse

r at the beginning of a word or syllable Rat
rr after a consonant, short vowels and long Paar, Brust
[r] [A] r at the end of a word Vater, wir
[ɜ] [e] e in a closed syllable Bett
[ɜː] [e:] ä in an open syllable Käse, Bar,


in an open syllable

Rede, Weg, Tee, sehen
[ʃ] [w] sch at the beginning, middle and end of a word Schuh
[ʃt] [PCS] st at the beginning of a word Strasse
[ʃp] [shp] sp at the beginning of a word spat
[ouch] ei at the beginning, middle and end of a word ein, mein,
[O:] o, oo in an open syllable Brot, Boot,
[o] [O] o in a closed syllable oft
[x] [X] ch after short sounds a, o, u Fach, doch, Buch
[ç] [xx] ch after short sounds ich, recht, weich
g in the suffix -ig ruhig
[j] [th] j at the beginning of a word before vowels ja
[ay] j before the vowels a, o, u in French. borrowings Journal, Jargon
g before the vowels e, i in French. borrowings Ingenieur
[pf] pf at the beginning, middle and end of a word Pfad, Apfel, Kampf
[Ouch] eu at the beginning, middle and end of a word Euch, neun, neu, Räume
Lesson assignments

Try to put your knowledge into practice by doing the following exercises. Don’t be afraid to look at the table; over time, all the sounds will be remembered, and the need for hints will disappear by itself!

Exercise 1. Read the following words:

Mein, liegen, Freunde, Tasche, Tag, jetzt, Jacke, spielen, stehen, wachsen, zusammen, Stunde, Träume, täglich, ruhig, schon, Bitte, Spaß, selten, ziemlich, oft, neun, Brot, die, Baum, Naß.

Answers to Exercise 1.
Mein [mine], liegen ['li: gen], Freunde [; freunde], Tasche ['tashe], Tag [so], jetzt [ezt], Jacke ['yake], spielen ['spi: flax], stehen ['shte:en], wachsen ['waxen], zusammen [tsu'zamen], Stunde ['shtunde], Träume ['troime], täglich ['taglikh], ruhig ['ru: ikh], schon [sho: n], Bitte ['bite], Spaß [shpa: s], selten ['zelten], ziemlich ['tsimlich], oft [oft], neun [noyn], Brot [brot], die [di:], Baum [baum], Naß [on: s].

The compiled exercises help students master the letters of the German alphabet, develop reading skills in German in accordance with the requirements for knowledge, abilities, skills in primary school, as well as the development of children's attention and memory, associative thinking, and semantic guesswork.

The exercises include tasks on identifying letters from a number of others, reading words and sentences.

Thanks to exercises that have a simple, visual, accessible and interesting form, schoolchildren will easily remember letters, letter combinations, and begin to read words and sentences. The exercises help parents of schoolchildren who are interested in their child learning to read German well.

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“Training exercises for students to master the letters of the German alphabet.”

1. Find and circle the letter combination sch. w.

Deine Schuhe sind schwarz. Der Fischer fischt Fische. Meine Schwester kann schlecht schwimmen.

2. Circle the letter combinations in red Sp, and blue - letter combination St, read.

Spiel Stadt Stuhl Stern Straße Spiegel Stiefel Sport

3. Hund Hahn ohne gehen ihn Hand Sahne Lohn nehmen ihnen Herr ahnen Sohn Mehl ihm

4. Find and circle the letter combination ie. Read it in words like a Russian letter And.

Nie Knie Miene Kopie Nina Kino piepen

5. Find and circle the letter combination ei. Read it in words like ah.

Ei ein mein kein eine meine dein einem meinem

6. Find and circle the letter combination tsch. Read it in words like a Russian letter h.

Deutsch tschüss Deutschland

7. Find and circle the letter combination chs. Read it in words like ks.

Sechs wachsen Fuchs Dachs

8. Find and circle the letter combination ck. Read it in words like To.

Ecke schicken Rock packen wecken decken

9. Find and underline the letter combination au. Read it in words like oh.

Bäume Mäuse Häuser Räume Läufer läuft träumen

Die Bäume sind bunt. Die Mäuse fressen Käse gern.

10. Find and underline the letter combination eu. Read it in words like Ouch.

neun heute heulen Eure Leute Freund Eule Heu

Im Wald heult eine Eule. Heu ist trockenes Gras.

Mein Freund läuft um die Wette.

11. Find and underline the letter combination tz. Read it in words like c.

Katze Satz Witz Spatz Matratze sitzen putzen kratzen Mutze

12. Find and underline the letters Qq. Read it in combination with the letter and, like Russian sq.

Quelle Qualle Quark Qual bequem quellen quaken quieken

Die Schweine quieken. Die frozen guaken.

13. Read the letter Yy like Russian And.

Pohy Baby Teddy Tony

Tim spielt mit seinem Teddy. Ich reite auf dem Pony.

14. Read the letter Yy, How u.

Typ Dynamo Olympiade Gymnastik Ypsilon

Die Olympiade ist ein schönes Fest.

15. Read the words.

Ja hr Ju li Ju ni Ja noir Ja guar Jo gurt Ja pan Ju nge ja je tzt je mand ju ng je der

Open lesson “Celebration of the German alphabet”

Lesson objectives: control of knowledge in a game form, 2) repetition of reading rules

3) development of oral speech skills 4) expansion of students’ vocabulary

5) repetition of songs, poems, games, physical education exercises

Lesson type : generalization and systematization of knowledge

Thomas lesson : lesson-competition

Equipment : cut alphabet, emblem cards for teams.

The date of the lesson, the topic of the lesson are written on the board, there is a poster with the letters of the German alphabet, and tasks to complete.

Members of the jury (children from high school) are present at the lesson.

During the classes :

1.Organizational point: the teacher opens the holiday.

Guten Tag, Kinder! Wir feirn das ABC-Fest.Wir wollen das ABC alle zusammen widerholen. Heute zeigen wir, was wir shon konnen. Wir widerholen das ABC.

Spechtmirnach! (The teacher shows the letters on the poster, the children repeat them in chorus)

Wir wissen auch das ABC-Lied. Undjetztsingenwir! (Students and teacher stand in a circle, hold hands, perform dance movements,

sing a song "Das ABC-Lied")

2.Speech exercises.

Teacher : Sehr gut! Antwortet auf meine Fragen!(the teacher asks questions in alphabetical order, the children answer them)

Teacher: Children, on your desks there are cards with vowel letters, tell poems about them (Children recite poems and show these letters)

1 .Ich bin A, Ich rufe laut “Hurra”!

2 .Ich bin I, Ich lache viel “Hihi”!

3 . Ich bin O, Ich tanze lustig so!

4. Ich bin U, Ich fliege wie Lulu!

Teacher: What rhyme do you know with these letters?

Students : A,E,O,U

1,2,3- du bist frei!

3. Physical education minute

Teacher : What counting rhymes do you know that help us exercise and help us be healthy?

(Children say counting rhymes in chorus and perform gymnastic exercises).

Counting book :

1,2,3,4-alle, alle springen wir ( children jumping )

1,2,3,4-alle,alle spielen wir ( pretend to play ball )

1,2,3,4-alle,alle tanzen wir ( dancing )

1,2,3,4-alle,alle laufen wir ( are running )

4 . Jury presentation.

Division into teams.

The group is divided into 2 teams by drawing lots. There are pieces of paper on the table with the clean side facing the students. There are exactly as many of them as there are students present in the lesson. On these pieces of paper the emblems of one and the other team are drawn equally. Students take pieces of paper and sit down according to commands.

Teacher: So, you are divided into teams. Let's start our competition. And so that we are in a good mood, we will sing one more song!Wir singen! ( Children sing and dance ):

Anna, Ada, Helga, Hans,

Dieter, Uli, Petra, Franz,

Toni, Lothar, Monika,

Grete and Veronika

5. Tasks for competitions:

Task No. 1 : Game-competition: “Who can find the letter faster?” Each team receives an envelope with letters of the German alphabet. The teacher names the letter, and the students find its image in the envelope and pick it up.

Task No. 2 : Each team receives a card with an alphabet grid, you must write the letters in the alphabet grid, whoever does this faster and reads the alphabet wins this competition.




















3. Task . Teams receive cards in which they must arrange the words in alphabetical order and read them.

4. Task . Watch and listen to the skit. We need to answer the question: “Does the hero of the scene know the German alphabet?”

Which team answers faster and more correctly gets a point.

(Children act out a skit)


Opa : Na, Hanschen! Kennst du schon das ABC?

Hanschen : Aber, naturlich, Opa!

Opa: Sag mal, welcher Buchstabe kommt nachA , Hanschen?

Hanschen : Alle anderen.

Task No. 5: Guess the intended letter by ear. Each team reads its own chain of words. One point for the correct answer.

    Nett, das Bett, traurig, trinken, tanzen

    Blau, bitte, der Buch, der Bruder

    Machen, malen, der Baum, malerisch

    Lesen, klug, klingen, der Wind, das Kind

Teacher : Have you guessed the letters, which letters are vowels or consonants?

Children: Consonants

Teacher : But we also know other consonant letters (Teacher shows a card with the letter “G"and asks students to remember words and greetings for this letter, and also students read the poem)

Guten Morgen, ruft die Sonne,

Guten Morgen, ruft der Vogel,

Guten Morgen, ruft der Wind,

Guten Morgen, ruft das Kind.

(Then team representatives tell the “Getting Acquainted” dialogue, two people per team (1 point))

The teacher shows the letter "F" Students remember words starting with this letter and recite the poem “MeineFamily».

Mein Vater heist Hans,

Mein Opa heist Franz,

Meine Mutter heist Renate,

Meine Schwester heist Beate,

Meine Oma heist Ottilie

Das ist meine Familie.

Ich heisse Fritz

Und meine Hund heist Spitz

(Then team representatives tell a story about their family (1 point))

The teacher shows the letter "M" Students remember the letter word and sing a song and do dance moves. (Song about mom "MeineMutti»)

The teacher shows the letterW(Children name words, sing a song about winter "Winterlied", and then play the game "Teams", the teacher asks the children to do something)

Task No. 6: Team representatives will receive cards with letter combinations, explain the rules for reading letter combinations and find words with these letter combinations on the board.

Ich, nein, wie, jung, zehn

Ihr, der Sport, jana, stimmt, schon, tschuss

Physical education minute : "Ball game"

(German vocabulary is repeated during physical education)

Task No. 7 . Decipher the question.

(The teacher prepares cards for each student, where the numbers correspond to the letters of the alphabet)

23.9,5 8,5,9,19,20 4,21 ?

Wie heist du ?

23, 15, 8, 5, 18 11, 15, 13 , 19, 20 4, 21?

Woher kommst du?

Task No. 8. “Collect letters”

Cards with letters are hung on the board, from which you need to make a word.

4. Summing up and rewarding .(The jury counts the points and announces the results)

At the end, students sing a song.

Methodological development of “Games with letters of the German alphabet”

Performer: Urkina Svetlana Vasilievna,
German language teacher MBOU "OSH No. 12"
Kemerovo region, Mariinsk city

The alphabet is the basis of language. Its study must be approached with special care at the initial stage. This will allow students to avoid mistakes in reading and writing in the future. Quite often it happens that children write poorly learned letters in reverse, as if in their mirror image, confuse similar letters in writing, or, being influenced by their native language, write Russian letters instead of German. The consequence of this is serious errors in reading. Situations often arise when children read parts of German words in Russian. Thus, in order to avoid such mistakes, the teacher needs to pay special attention to the alphabet from the very beginning of teaching a foreign language.
In this work, I offer various tasks to reinforce the alphabet in a playful way, which children really like and increases their motivation to learn.
The proposed tasks not only teach, but also develop memory, attention, imaginative and logical thinking. I hope that these tasks will diversify the course of the German language lesson and show kids how interesting learning it can be.

Find each little fish its mother. Guess the kids' names. A little fish named “a” will tell you.

Help the piglet classify all the German letters you know into consonants and vowels.

This bunny built 2 houses from letter cubes in alphabetical order. But he made mistakes. Try to find them, otherwise the houses will collapse.

Connect the dots in alphabetical order (first capital letters, then small letters) and you will find out what is drawn here.

Help the little cow complete the half-erased letters. What letters did you get? Name them.

Look at this strange cloud. It contains 19 letters of the German alphabet. Try to find them. Write down the letters you found:______________

Look closely at this pattern. Find all the hidden letters here as quickly as possible, circle them and write them in alphabetical order. What 2 letters are hidden here twice?

Look carefully at this little man. What letters does it consist of? Write down all the letters you find:___________________________________________________________

Come up with and draw your own little man from the letters of the German alphabet.

Help the dog and untangle the cobweb one by one, starting with the letter “a”. Write down, one by one, all the German letters that the spider hid. Check that the capital letters are written in the correct order.

Each of these animals has 3 favorite letters of the German alphabet. Write them in the animal tracks, but keep in mind that you must write large letters, not small ones.

I wish you and your students success!
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The main occupation of schoolchildren and students is study. Children spend more than 50 percent of their time on textbooks, notebooks and computers - this is an integral part of the life of a modern teenager.

But children do not always have to learn what they like - most subjects cause boredom, you have to force the child to learn lessons, draw up a schedule with him, and much more. IN website They will tell you how to make German interesting for students of any age.

Teachers website We have developed special tips that will help to interest a child in a new subject. Toddlers and teenagers are the most difficult age when it is most difficult to force learning.

  • It never happens that a child does not want to learn for no reason. There's a reason for everything. It is necessary to work out all aspects - the psychological plan, the program, the teacher, the school. It is necessary to eliminate the cause, then a desire to learn will appear, for example, choose a different teacher or switch to a different program for mastering the subject.
  • Without good fluent reading skills in a foreign language, a child will not progress further. Make sure that he has mastered this stage one hundred percent - otherwise, hire a tutor, talk to the teacher.
  • It is important to organize your workplace correctly. A teenager's daily routine should have a clear schedule. A certain time is allocated for study, leisure, sports, additional classes, clubs and sections. Leisure must be a must, otherwise the child will quickly get tired and lose interest in learning.
  • It is necessary to be supportive of the baby and support him in his difficult work. You don’t need to sit with him on homework every day, but he should always feel your support. Ask how things are going with him. Help if necessary.

Print German in pictures, or basic study methods

Pay attention to how your child’s German lessons with the teacher go. It is good if the following methods are used in the process.

  • New knowledge must be applied in practice: conversations in German, watching children's films, reading books, poetry by heart, etc.
  • Use picture cards when learning new words and letters.
  • Using specific examples, the child needs to be told that speaking a new language is convenient and useful. He will need it in the future for work and travel abroad.
  • During conversational classes in German, various topics should be covered: sports, computer technology, the world around us, etc.

The child should have fun learning German. This will help him learn a new discipline thoroughly and for a long time, and will also make your relationship with him more trusting.