The conventional line dividing Europe and Asia. The border between Asia and Europe: where it is, interesting facts

The question will undoubtedly cause bewilderment to any resident of Kazakhstan and Russia, because every schoolchild knows about this: the border between Europe and Asia runs along the Ural Mountains and the Ural River. Evidence of this is the obelisks on important railway lines.

and highways crossing the Ural ridge, indicating where Europe and Asia begin.

But the question is not as simple as it seems.

This is also evidenced by the fact that this question discussed at scientific-practical conference Society of Petroleum Geologists of Kazakhstan, held in Atyrau. Its participants unanimously noted the relevance of the topic under discussion.


The ancient Greeks initially considered Europe to be a separate continent, separated from Asia by the Aegean and Black Seas. Convinced that Europe is only a small part huge continent, which is now called Eurasia, ancient authors began to carry out eastern border Europe along the Don River. This opinion prevailed for almost two thousand years.

In 1730, the Swedish scientist Philipp Johann von Strahlenberg first founded the world scientific literature the idea of ​​drawing a border between Europe and Asia (later, in 1736, Vasily Tatishchev, known for his “Russian History,” claimed that it was he who suggested this idea to him). In his book, Tatishchev drew the line in the following way- from the Yugorsky Shar Strait along the Ural ridge, further along the Ural River, across the Caspian Sea to the Kuma River, through the Caucasus, Azov and Black Sea and Bosphorus.

This idea did not immediately gain recognition from contemporaries and followers. For example, Mikhail Lomonosov in his treatise “On the Layers of the Earth” (1757-1759) drew the line between Europe and Asia along the Pechora, Volga and Don. However, authors soon appeared whose studies, following Tatishchev, began to recognize the Ural Range as a natural border between Europe and Asia.

Gradually new frontier became generally accepted first in Russia and then abroad.

The borders of Europe and Asia are fixed in the cities of Kazakhstan by symbolic monuments. In the city of Uralsk in 1984, a monument was erected at the bridge over the Ural River at the entrance to the city from the airport. At its top there is a ball symbolizing the Earth, surrounded by the inscription “Europe-Asia”. In the city of Atyrau, on both sides of the bridge over the Ural River there are gazebos with the inscriptions “Europe” and “Asia”, respectively.

So where is the south-eastern border of Europe across the territory of Kazakhstan?



IN natural attitude There is no sharp border between Europe and Asia. The continent is united by the continuity of land formed on currently tectonic consolidation and unity of numerous climatic processes.

The eastern part of the continent includes two platforms (Chinese-Korean and South China), some plates and areas of Mesozoic and Alpine folding. South-eastern part represents areas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic folding. Southern regions represented by Indian and Arabian platforms, the Iranian plate, as well as the Alpine and Mesozoic folding, which prevail in Southern Europe. Territory Western Europe includes zones of predominantly Hercynian folding and plates of Paleozoic platforms. The central regions of the continent are zones of Paleozoic folding and plates of the Paleozoic platform.

The period of formation of the continent covers a huge period of time and continues today. The process of formation of the ancient platforms that make up the continent of Eurasia began in the Precambrian era. Then three ancient platforms were formed - Chinese, Siberian and East European, separated by ancient seas and oceans.

By the end of the Paleozoic, the East European Platform and the Kazakhstan Plate were welded together. The Kazakhstan plate, pushed to the west, occupied a hypsometrically elevated position. From a geological point of view, the line western border The Kazakhstan plate can be taken as the southeastern boundary European mainland within the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



In 1964, the 20th Congress of the International Geographical Union in London adopted the border between Europe and Asia, depicting it on the map with a red line. The line passed along the eastern base of the Ural Mountains and Mugodzhar, the Emba River, north shore Caspian Sea, Kuma-Manych depression and Kerch Strait. However, this decision has not taken root in our republic to date. It is interesting that when the border between Europe and Asia is drawn along the Emba River, 12.5 percent of the territory of Kazakhstan will be located in Europe.

In 2010, the Russian Geographical Society conducted an expedition in Kazakhstan with the aim of revising generally accepted views on the passage of the border between Europe and Asia through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The expedition members were convinced with their own eyes that it was the Ural ridge, or rather its eastern foot, that was the landmark for drawing the border between Europe and Asia.

In their opinion, the Ural and Emba rivers are not real boundaries, since the nature of the terrain along their banks is the same. Scientists have come to the preliminary conclusion that it is most reasonable to draw the borders of Europe and Asia along the eastern edge of the Caspian Lowland, which is the southeastern end of the East European Plain.

In 2011, the issue of drawing this border was brought up for discussion at the Moscow branch of the All-Russian Geographical Society.

During the discussion, it became clear that the European-Asian border cannot be drawn with an accuracy of one meter or even a kilometer, because in nature there is no sharp transition between Europe and Asia. The climate in Europe near the border with Asia is the same as in Asia near the border with Europe, the soils are the same, and there is not much difference in vegetation either.

The only natural boundary can be a building earth's surface, reflecting geological history terrain. This is what geographers usually used when drawing the border between Europe and Asia along the Urals and the Caucasus. But where exactly should we draw the line then? After all, the width of the Ural Mountains reaches 150 kilometers, and the Caucasus is even more. A way out of this situation was found in the fact that the border was drawn along the main watersheds of the Urals and the Caucasus (that is why border obelisks were placed in the Urals). In this case West Side The Urals belonged to Europe, and the eastern part belonged to Asia, the inhabitants of the northern slope of the Main Caucasus Range could consider themselves Europeans, and the southern slope and the entire Transcaucasus - Asians. But that's not the problem.

Cartographers experienced the biggest troubles because of this drawing of the border between Europe and Asia. When compiling, for example, a map of Europe, they had to show half of the Urals and a small part of the Caucasus, breaking these mountain ranges. Geologists also objected to this formulation of the question. They were forced to artificially divide the Caucasus into two parts, which had a single geological history of development. The Mugodzhars, lying on the continuation of the Ural ridge and forming a single whole with it, were sometimes separated from the Urals, since some scientists drew the border south of the Ural Mountains along the Ural River.

Moscow geographers decided to rectify the situation and decided to agree on drawing the border between Europe and Asia in such a way that the Urals and the Caucasus would not be torn apart, but would belong entirely to that part of the continent with which they are more connected by geological history.

Thus, it has now been decided to attribute the Urals entirely to Europe, and the Caucasus, also entirely, to Asia.

Taking into account the geology, geomorphology and geography of the region, the south-eastern border of Europe across the territory of the Aktobe region is proposed to be drawn along the eastern foot of the Mugodzhar Mountains (a continuation of the Ural Mountains in Kazakhstan) and along the left bank of the Emba River along the line of the Shoshkakol ridge, the Shagyray plateau, the Donyztau ridge with further exit to the Caspian Sea south of the field Tengiz.

Thus, the European part of the territory will include Atyrau, West Kazakhstan, and partially Aktobe and Mangystau regions.

In this regard, it is proposed to install “Europe-Asia” obelisks across the territory of Kazakhstan in the Aktobe region near the city of Khromtau on the Aktobe-Astana highway, in the area railway station Mugalzhar, as well as in the Atyrau region between the Oporny and Beineu railway stations.

It is proposed to reflect such a solution to the question of the border between Europe and Asia in all geography textbooks and on all geographical maps issued for educational purposes.

Europe is a part of the world with an area of ​​about 10.5 million square kilometers and a population of 830.4 million people. Together with Asia, it forms the continent of Eurasia.

Eurasia is the most large continent on the ground. Area - 53,893 thousand square kilometers, which is 36 percent of the land area. The population is more than 4.8 billion (data for 2010) - this is about 3/4 of the population of the entire planet.

Rasbergen MAKHMUDOV,


candidate of geology

mineral sciences, geologist

P.S. Opinion of Russian and Kazakh scientists,

participating in the expedition,

and proposals for a new definition

borders between Europe and Asia

It has not yet been considered by the International Geographical Union.

Is Russia Europe or Asia? Residents of Moscow and Khabarovsk will probably answer this question differently. Is there a single correct and objective answer to it? Where does it take place? geographical boundary European and Asian parts of Russia, where - cultural and historical, and where - political? Various aspects It is this topic that we will try to cover in our article.

A little about the border of two worlds

Europe, Asia... These two terms are used quite often in modern life. We meet them in books and on geographical maps. Politicians, sociologists, cultural figures, usually contrasting them. Indeed, these two are absolutely not similar friends on a friend of the world with different views to life, different cultural traditions and religions.

The border between Europe and Asia is quite arbitrary. After all, if two neighboring mainland separated by an ocean or seas, then in the case of these parts of the world there are no obvious natural boundaries. Nevertheless, scientists and geographers have been persistently and stubbornly trying to draw a “cordon” between them for several centuries in a row.

It is interesting that the ancient Hellenes called Europe only northern regions of his country - Ancient Greece. But over time, this name spread to larger areas. As for establishing a clear border between Europe and Asia, this issue became relevant only in mid-18th century century. The famous Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov proposed to conduct it along the Don River. V.N. Tatishchev went even further, proposing to consider the Ural Mountains as such a border.

Today, geographers of the planet, fortunately, have come to unanimous opinion about this question. And it is obvious that the border of the two worlds runs exactly along Russian territory. In this regard, a logical question arises: is Russia Europe or Asia? Let's try to answer it.

Is Russia Europe or Asia?

From a modern point of view political geography, Russia is European state. It is on this basis that the country is a member of the Council of Europe.

If we consider this issue from the standpoint physical geography, then Russia is difficult to classify as any of these parts of the world. About 70% of its territory is located within Asia, but the capital of the state, like most of its population is located precisely in the European part.

It’s curious that on the old American maps the border between Europe and Asia was drawn along the western borders of the USSR. Today, overseas cartographers often carry it out through the Donbass and Georgia, classifying Ukraine, Georgia, and Turkey as part of Europe. However, in this case we're talking about rather, about the formal division of territories into Europe and non-Europe, based on the so-called “zone of Russian influence.”

To which part of the world is Russia closer culturally and spiritually? According to famous historian A. S. Alekseeva, Russia is a self-sufficient state, qualitatively different from Western European civilization and from all Asian cultures.

The border of Europe and Asia on the map of Russia

When people talk about the border, corresponding images immediately appear in the imagination: fences with barbed wire, harsh border guards and checkpoints. However, in our world there are also boundaries of a different type. And to cross them, a person does not need foreign passports or visas.

The border between Europe and Asia is shown on many maps. And on the ground it is marked with dozens of special signs, obelisks and tablets, which we will talk about a little later. Within Russia, this border runs through the deserted expanses of the northern tundra, mountain slopes, through steppes, seas and forests. Her total length here - about 5.5 thousand kilometers.

The European-Asian border in Russia, according to generally accepted ideas, is drawn according to the following geographical objects(from North to South):

  • coast of the Kara Sea;
  • the eastern foot of the Ural mountain range;
  • Emba River;
  • Ural River;
  • northwestern coast of the Caspian Sea;
  • Kuma-Manych depression;
  • Don River delta;
  • Kerch Strait.

Below on the map you can see how this line runs through the country.

"Border" Ural Mountains

The mountains dividing Russia into Europe and Asia are the Urals. It is perfect for the role of border. The mountain system stretches strictly from north to south for almost 2,500 kilometers. This fact was noticed at one time by V.N. Tatishchev. It was he who first proposed drawing the European-Asian border along the Urals. In support of his proposal, the scientist pointed to the fact that mountain system is an important watershed of the mainland. In addition, the rivers flowing from it to the west and east differ significantly in their ichthyofauna.

Drawing the border between parts of the world along the Urals turned out to be easy. The exception was his South part where is everyone mountain structures arranged fan-shaped. Until the 50s of the 20th century, the border ran along the watershed line. But later the International Geographical Union shifted it to the eastern foothills of the mountain range.

Memorial signs on the European-Asian border line

Within Russia there are at least 50 such signs. And the largest number of them is in the Urals. These are all kinds of obelisks, steles and pillars made of stone, marble, steel or simple wood.

Most north sign"Europe - Asia" is located near the Yugorsky Shar Strait. This is a simple wooden post with an anchor nailed to it. It was installed back in 1973 by workers at one of the polar stations. The largest monument - an obelisk made of red granite - was opened in 2008 on the outskirts of Pervouralsk.

An interesting city in this regard is Orenburg. After all, like Turkish Istanbul, it is simultaneously located in two parts of the world. And it is divided between Europe and Asia by the modestly wide Ural River. The city has pedestrian bridge, connecting the center of Orenburg with the Transural Grove. Locals People often joke about this: they say, we work in Europe, but go on picnics to Asia.

Bottom line

The story about this symbolic bridge in Orenburg is an excellent conclusion to our article. So, is Russia Europe or Asia? Obviously, it is incorrect to classify the country as one of these parts of the world. It would be most correct to call Russia a Eurasian state - unique and self-sufficient.

The huge continent of Eurasia consists of two parts of the world: Europe and Asia. The main border between them runs through the Ural Mountains, but how does it go further south? Caucasus Mountains are also conditional border, but the question often arises about which part of the world one belongs to Caucasus region? Of course, the border between Europe and Asia is largely a convention, but it must be adhered to. Therefore, let's figure out where it takes place and residents of which regions can call themselves Europeans.

The concept of Europe arose during Antiquity, and its borders have undergone significant changes over time. For example, in ancient times, scientists drew the eastern border between the two parts of the world along the Don River, but today it has already shifted to the Ural Mountains.

The border between Europe and Asia is quite controversial issue. Until now, scientists cannot come to a common opinion and agree on where the very line between the two parts of the world lies, and in different publications you can see a cartographic embodiment different approaches to this problem. Such confusion creates many difficulties: from the formation of statistical data by region to purely geographical issues, related to which part of the Caucasus can be attributed to Europe and which to Asia. During the existence of the USSR, the border between Europe and Asia was marked on maps along the line state border USSR, and the Caucasus was located on the territory of Europe. But subsequently, this location of the border was criticized, because the Caucasus Mountains were geographically closer to the Asian region.

So, according to the agreements adopted today, the border between Europe and Asia runs along eastern outskirts The Ural Mountains and Mugodzhary, then follows the Emba River, which flows through the territory of Kazakhstan. Then the border passes along north coast Caspian Sea and further along the Kuma-Manych depression goes to Sea of ​​Azov. Thus, it turns out that the Caucasus is part of Asia and is entirely located in this part of the world, and the Ural Mountains territorially belong to Europe.

The border between Europe and Asia is becoming the most important feature Ural region. Usually the border between Europe and Asia is drawn along the watershed of the Ural Mountains. However, where exactly it is more correct to draw this border in some areas is still debated. How and where the border between Europe and Asia lies on the world map is actually not very clear. The European-Asian border cannot be drawn with an accuracy of one meter or even a kilometer, since there are no clear landmarks. However, following Tatishchev, they began to recognize the Ural ridge as a natural border between Europe and Asia, and that the border of two parts of the world passes through the Urals: Europe and Asia.

The border between two parts of the world is a very arbitrary concept. The opinion about the passage of the border through the Urals is now generally accepted, because on the territory of the Ural federal district and neighboring regions there are an abundance of border markers and obelisks on the border between Europe and Asia. It is quite difficult to determine their exact number, since their records are based on state level still not, and some are installed in very hard-to-reach places. But many of them are quite interesting. True, not all of them correspond to the real border.

Obelisks and memorial signs on the border of Europe and Asia.

The Ural Mountains stretch from north to south for many thousands of kilometers, dividing two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. And along their entire length there are border pillars. Most of the monuments and signs were installed in the Urals, unfortunately, some of the signs were destroyed, some of the signs are just tablets or columns, but obelisks were also built, located at the junction of Asia and Europe, established by people in order to emphasize the exclusivity of these places. Each of them was built in honor of an event, and each has its own history.

The “Europe-Asia” obelisks are popular places for photo sessions; many pictures are taken here. In addition to tourists, newlyweds are frequent visitors to the obelisks. Here the newlyweds tie ribbons next to the obelisk and, of course, take photographs for memory.

The northernmost obelisk on the border of Europe and Asia stands on the shore of the Yugorsky Shar Strait. It was installed in this inaccessible area in 1973 by employees polar station. The border sign is a wooden post with the inscription “Europe-Asia”. There is also a chain with an anchor nailed to the post. It is believed that at this place the border between Europe and Asia comes to the shore of the Arctic Ocean.

The most eastern. The easternmost border line of Europe is marked by the Europe-Asia obelisk. It is located near the village of Kurganovo (about 2 kilometers), on Polevskoye Highway. In combination, this monument perpetuates the 250th anniversary of scientific definition the location of the border between two parts of the world, made by N.V. Tatishchev. The correctness of the location is confirmed by the fact that the obelisk was installed together with members Geographical Society, in 1986.

The most southern ones. Two popular obelisks “Europe-Asia” can be found in Southern Urals, V Chelyabinsk region, between Miass and Zlatoust. The first is a monument at the Urzhumka railway station. Made of stone, granite base, which is a square. At the top of the obelisk there is a protruding meter-long “sleeve” on which the cardinal directions are indicated. “Europe” from the side of the city of Zlatoust and “Asia” from the side of Miass and Chelyabinsk. The top of the monument is crowned with a tall spire. The obelisk is dedicated to the completion of construction of the South Ural section Trans-Siberian Railway in 1892.
The second stone monument is located right on the M5 Ural highway, between Miass and Zlatoust, where the road intersects mountain range Ural-Tau.

And yet, the most famous and popular monuments on the border of Europe and Asia are located on the Moscow Highway near Yekaterinburg and near Pervouralsk. The only obelisk that is installed right within the city is a metal stele, its shape reminiscent of a rocket or the Eiffel Tower, located in Yekaterinburg, at the 17th kilometer of the Novomoskovsky highway. The monument was erected in 2004, but in the near future it plans to undergo a grandiose remodeling.

The most beautiful obelisk “Europe-Asia”, which is located on the Perm-Kachkanar highway, not far from the border with the Sverdlovsk region. Finding it is quite easy, and the 16-meter white pillar will not allow you to make a mistake. The monument was erected in 2003. In addition to the pillar, decorated with sculptures of winged lions and a double-headed eagle, there is Observation deck and a line on the asphalt marking the immediate boundary.

The most popular and also the very first monument on the border of Europe and Asia was the monument on Mount Berezovaya. It is located near the city of Pervouralsk on the former Siberian Highway. First border sign appeared here in the spring of 1837 - before the arrival of 19-year-old Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich, the future heir to the throne, to the Urals.
On the same Mount Berezovaya, a little further, closer to Pervouralsk, in 2008 a new Europe-Asia obelisk was opened. A tall 30-meter red granite pillar crowns double headed eagle. Created with the aim of attracting tourists, it has become a traditional place for visiting wedding processions.

The rest are located in different parts Sverdlovsk region and beyond: in Perm region, Chelyabinsk region, Orenburg, Bashkiria, Magnitogorsk and a number of other settlements.

So where is the border between Europe and Asia? Why is this issue controversial?

Borders between Europe and Asia on the map

Even scientists cannot determine exactly where the border between Europe and Asia lies - discussions have not stopped for many centuries, territories are being clarified, information is being corrected... However, today there is a generally accepted opinion according to which:

  • the borders of Asia are established at the junction of the lithosphere plates, they are easy to find - they are marked by mountains and mountain ranges;
  • if determining the border along the Ural ridge is not difficult, then in the south it is more difficult - the barrier is the Embra River and the Kumo-Manych lowland in the Rostov region;
  • the length of the border is over 5.5 thousand km, most of it is mountains;
  • separates parts of the world and the Kerch Strait between Europe and Asia, connecting the Azov and Black Seas;
  • The Urals are conventionally considered European, the Caucasus range belongs to Asia, although geographers often divide parts of the world according to mountain peaks.

Overseas Asia is separated from the European part of the world in the Black Sea. Türkiye belongs to the Asian continent, and Bulgaria belongs to Europe.

Why is it difficult to define the boundaries of Asia and Europe?

The problem of identifying boundaries is not geographical in nature - on maps it is easy to determine where Asia is and where Europe is. It's all about people's mentality and established beliefs. So, interesting facts when determining where the border of Europe and Asia lies are:

  • Accurate data about the border is not available in most sources - even encyclopedias prefer to hide this information;
  • it is believed that Asia is a part of the world where the standard of living lags behind that of Europe, so many people are simply not ready to admit that they live here;
  • managers former republics The USSR also does not classify the territories of its countries as the Asian part;
  • Turkey, which is a member of NATO and plans to join the EAEU, conventionally classifies itself as part of Europe; a similar approach can be seen on maps issued in the United States.

However, the territorial allocation of the border of Asia and the inclusion of Kuban and North Caucasus- a question relating exclusively to geography. If the inhabitants of these regions, Turks and Georgians, want to consider themselves Europeans, their mentality is not similar to the Asian one - the border can be established by mutual agreement, as is done today.

Where to relax - in Europe or Asia?

The choice of destinations is extensive - open to tourists the whole world. You can go to amazing Asia, where there is enough exoticism, you can visit hospitable Europe, where they are kind to people, and the level of service is much higher. Where should you go?

  • Foreign Asia is the choice of those who want to enjoy the beauty of nature, clean beaches, mountain views, and see exotic animals; there is no such diversity in Europe;
  • Tourists who like to explore ancient sights, wander through narrow streets with a centuries-old history, admire amazing architectural monuments, I like Europe, although in the East you can see many unusual objects;
  • If you are on a limited budget, it is preferable to go to Asia - prices here are much lower, food is cheaper, as are services, because local population forced to earn at least this way. Just the flight will be expensive;
  • Europe is recommended for those who value safety and unobtrusive service, and those who want to calmly walk the streets without attracting the attention of annoying merchants;
  • Travelers going to relax on the beaches, sunbathe and swim in the sea will enjoy Asia more; they also offer the most diverse SPA services;
  • Culinary gourmets will be impressed by both destinations; if familiar dishes are served in Europe, they will be captivated by the abundance of new tastes, and local fruits are a separate reason to come here;
  • For entertainment, you can go both to the East and to the West, although holidays with fun, fiery dances and festivals are offered specifically in Asia.

It’s clear to say where to rest it will go better– in Europe or Asia, impossible. It all depends on the purpose of the trip, on your own expectations from the holiday, on the budget and season. So, to enjoy the warm days among cold winter, go or Vietnam, but if inclement weather is not a problem, sightseeing in Paris at Christmas will be a real gift.

Russia – Europe or Asia?

Thinking Russians are also concerned about where our country belongs? It would seem that everything is simple: the western part of Russia to the Urals is Europe, Siberia and the East - Asia. But such a division is conditional, because the mentality of all residents of Russia, their cultural heritage and worldview are identical to European views. However, there are similarities with Asia too. For example:

  • a religious concept aimed at saving the human soul, over 50% of the population in Russia and Asia are believers, in Europe - only 25%;
  • Russia is a multinational country; people of different nationalities also live in Asia, although internecine wars– a frequent occurrence;
  • large areas with untouched nature, due to the area of ​​the continent;
  • the similarity of everyday life - for example, in both Asia and Russia, carpets on walls are popular, which in Europe have never had a demand; today, among Russians, this trend is becoming a thing of the past;
  • low level of production capacity utilization – Asian and Russian goods they do not differ high quality, at least, this belief has been instilled in the population for years.

The roads in Russia and Asia are similar, but not of high quality. But despite the similarities, Russia is still European country, although it is difficult to deny its originality and unique path of development.

Finding the border between the two civilizations is not easy, it passes through the Ural Mountains in the north, and the Kerch Strait between Europe and Asia divides the continent in the south. However, to see exotic nature, attractions, try National dishes and to visit new countries it is not at all necessary to look for borders on the map - you can safely go on a trip, because the east and west of the continent are unique.