Eurasia in relation to other continents. The largest continent. Extreme points and neighboring continents

It will inevitably include both climate characteristics and a description of all the diversity natural areas, which the named continent is so rich in.

The largest continent

The unique position of Eurasia is due to the fact that no other continent can compare with it in size, the number of people living on its territory and biological diversity.

The name itself was assigned to this territory only at the end of the nineteenth century, when the location of Eurasia relative to other continents was finally clarified. Until then, it was called either simply Asia or Asia-Europe. but after the publication of the seminal work of Eduard Suess, the term was finally fixed in the geographical dictionary.

For many centuries, researchers have studied the continent - its coastline and huge interior spaces.

Geological diversity

Being the most big continent on the planet, Eurasia is, in a geographical sense, also the youngest continent that currently exists. This causes significant seismic activity, which gives rise to a wide variety of terrain.

The location of Eurasia relative to other continents is determined by the straits and mountain ranges that separate its territory. This continent contains such significant mountain ranges like the Alps, Himalayas, Caucasus, Tibet and Pamir, Hindu Kush and the Urals. By Ural mountains and the Caucasus is the border between two parts of the world - Europe and Asia.

Extreme points and neighboring continents

The geographical position of the Eurasian continent can be determined by its extreme points. Eurasia's position relative to North America easy to determine at least eastern point continent, which is located on the territory of Russia. located on the border of the Arctic and Pacific Ocean and from Alaska, which belongs to the United States, is separated by the Bering Strait, on opposite bank where Cape Prince of Wales is located, which is the extreme point of North America.

The extreme continental point in the south of Eurasia is considered to be located on the territory of Malaysia. Unlike the lifeless and deserted northern capes of Eurasia, Piai is a popular tourist place. From the comfortable restaurants located on its territory, vacationers can explore the territory of Singapore, located on the opposite bank of the Strait of Johor. At the very edge of the cape there is a fifteen-meter lighthouse that sends a signal every three seconds, and mangroves grow along the coast, so unique that a special international convention was signed to protect their integrity.

Extreme southern points determine geographical position Eurasia relative to Australia. One of them is considered to be Yuzhny Island, which belongs to the group Cocos Islands. Despite the fact that in a geological sense the islands belong to Eurasia, they are nevertheless governed by Australia and are its external territory.

How is Eurasia located relative to other continents: Africa

For a long time, scientists could not decide on the line along which the border between Asia and Africa runs. The difficulties were caused by the fact that how Eurasia is located relative to other continents is most often determined by natural barriers, such as straits or mountain ranges. There was no such border between Eurasia and Africa, and one desert imperceptibly flowed into the other.

The situation changed radically in 1896, when the first ships passed through the Suez Canal from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. Since then, the border between the two continents has been a canal, which also connects the two seas.

Another border between Eurasia and Africa runs along the Strait of Gibraltar, which separates Europe from Morocco, located in northeast Africa.

It will inevitably include a description of the climate and a description of the entire diversity of natural zones in which the named continent is so rich.

The largest continent

The unique position of Eurasia is due to the fact that no other continent can compare with it in size, the number of people living on its territory and biological diversity.

The name itself was assigned to this territory only at the end of the nineteenth century, when the location of Eurasia relative to other continents was finally clarified. Until then, it was called either simply Asia or Asia-Europe. but after the publication of the seminal work of Eduard Suess, the term was finally fixed in the geographical dictionary.

For many centuries, researchers have studied the continent - its coastline and vast interior spaces.

Geological diversity

Being the largest continent on the planet, Eurasia is, in a geographical sense, also the youngest continent that currently exists. This causes significant seismic activity, which gives rise to a wide variety of relief.

The location of Eurasia relative to other continents is determined by the straits and mountain ranges that separate its territory. This continent contains such significant mountain ranges as the Alps, Himalayas, Caucasus, Tibet and Pamir, Hindu Kush and the Urals. The Ural Mountains and the Caucasus are the border between two parts of the world - Europe and Asia.

Extreme points and neighboring continents

The geographical position of the Eurasian continent can be determined by its extreme points. The position of Eurasia relative to North America is easy to determine by the extreme eastern point of the continent, which is located on the territory of Russia. located on the border of the Arctic and Pacific Oceans and separated from Alaska, which belongs to the United States, by the Bering Strait, on the opposite bank of which is Cape Prince of Wales, which is the extreme point of North America.

The extreme continental point in the south of Eurasia is considered to be located on the territory of Malaysia. In contrast to the lifeless and deserted northern capes of Eurasia, Piai is a popular tourist destination. From the comfortable restaurants located on its territory, vacationers can explore the territory of Singapore, located on the opposite bank of the Strait of Johor. At the very edge of the cape there is a fifteen-meter lighthouse that sends a signal every three seconds, and mangroves grow along the coast, so unique that a special international convention was signed to protect their integrity.

The extreme southern points determine the geographical position of Eurasia relative to Australia. One of them is considered to be Yuzhny Island, which belongs to the group of Cocos Islands. Despite the fact that in a geological sense the islands belong to Eurasia, they are nevertheless governed by Australia and are its external territory.

How is Eurasia located relative to other continents: Africa

For a long time, scientists could not decide on the line along which the border between Asia and Africa runs. The difficulties were caused by the fact that the location of Eurasia relative to other continents is most often determined by natural barriers, such as straits or mountain ranges. There was no such border between Eurasia and Africa, and one desert imperceptibly flowed into the other.

The situation changed radically in 1896, when the first ships passed through the Suez Canal from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. Since then, the border between the two continents has been a canal, which also connects the two seas.

Another border between Eurasia and Africa runs along the Strait of Gibraltar, which separates Europe from Morocco, located in northeast Africa.