Conferences. International scientific and practical conference “Experimental and theoretical research in modern science”

remote participation

  • Terms of publication
  • Articles


Dear Colleagues!

The collection of conference articles is assigned ISSN, UDC and BBK codes. The conference collection is published on the website 10 days after the deadline for accepting articles.

Articles accepted for publication are posted in full text format on the website eLIBRARY.RU.

Conference Sections

1. Biology

2. Information technology

3. Art history

4. History

5. Cultural studies

6. Mathematics

7. Medicine

8. Interdisciplinary research

9. Geosciences

10. Pedagogy

11. Political science

12. Psychology

13. Agricultural Sciences

14. Sociology

15. Technical sciences

16. Physics

17. Philology

18. Philosophy

20. Economics

21. Jurisprudence


All articles pass:
  • Plagiarism check(the service is used). The originality of the text must be at least 75% of the volume of the article;

    It is not recommended to use methods to bypass anti-plagiarism: formula words, replacing Russian letters with Latin ones, etc. These violations are detected using software and the article is returned for revision.

  • Mandatory review editorial board.
Based on the results of the innovation conference, the best authors will be determined and awarded:
  • conferences;
  • And opportunity publish one article for free in the scientific journal of the Publishing House "Faces of Science".

Requirements for article formatting

  1. Articles accepted for publication include: at least 5 pages of text.
  2. The article must not have been previously published, and must not be submitted for consideration and publication in another publication.
  3. To type text, formulas and tables, you should use the Microsoft Word editor for Windows. Text editor parameters: all margins are 2 cm; font Times New Roman, size – 14; line spacing – 1.5; width alignment; paragraph indent 1 cm; Sheet orientation is portrait. Drawings made in MS Word are not accepted. All figures and tables must be numbered and provided with titles or captions. Graphs and diagrams should be equally informative in both color and black and white.
  4. Title design in Russian:(uppercase, bold letters, aligned to the center of the line) ARTICLE TITLE; on the next line (bold italic font, right aligned) – FULL NAME. the author of the article in full academic title, academic degree, name of university, city or position, place of work, city (abbreviations are not allowed); on the next line (italic font, right aligned) – Email for contacts. If there are several authors of an article, then the information is repeated for each author.
  5. Title design in English: the same information is repeated in English. (not necessary)
  6. Abstract in Russian and English (). (not necessary)
  7. Keywords(provided in Russian and English) are separated from each other by a comma. (not necessary)
  8. After 1 line – the text of the article.
  9. After 1 line - inscription "Bibliography". After it is a list of references in alphabetical order, with continuous numbering, designed in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 - 2008 (example of design). Links in the text to the corresponding source from the list of references are presented in square brackets, for example: . The use of automatic pagination links is not permitted.

Example of article text formatting


Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Ph.D. tech. sciences, head Department of Information and Measuring Systems,

Associate Professor, Novosibirsk State Technical University,

Novosibirsk city


Ivan Ivanov

candidate of Science, Head of Information and Measuring Systems department,

Assistant professor of Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk


Target. Method. Result. Conclusions.


Background. Methods. Result. Conclusion.

Keywords: phase characteristics; chain.

Keywords: phase characteristics; circuit.

Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. "Quote" . Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text.

Table 1.

Table name

Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text

Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. "Quote" . Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text.

Figure 1. Title of the figure

Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. "Quote" . Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text.


where: - current scalar measure of fatigue damage;

Current value of the material endurance limit, MPa;

Effective process frequency, Hz;

Coefficient in the correlation between the endurance limit and the Eichinger tensile strength;

Sensitivity threshold coefficient.

Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text.


Examples of designing a list of references

A unified format for the design of bibliographic lists of articles in accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008 “Bibliographic reference” (Examples of the design of references and article bibliographic lists)

Glukhov V.A. Research, development and construction of a system for electronic delivery of documents in the library: Author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. tech. Sci. - Novosibirsk, 2000. - 18 p.

Analytical reviews

Economics and politics of Russia and neighboring countries: analyst. review, Apr. 2007, Russia acad. Sciences, Institute of World Economy and International. relationships. - M.: IMEMO, 2007. - 39 p.


Fenukhin V.I. Ethnopolitical conflicts in modern Russia: the example of the North Caucasus region: dis. ...cand. watered Sci. - M., 2002. - P.54-55.

Internet documents

Official periodicals: electronic guide / Russian. national b-ka, Center for Legal Information. [SPb], 200520076. URL: (access date: 01/18/2007)

Loginova L.G. The essence of the result of additional education for children // Education: researched in the world: international. scientific ped. online magazine 21.10.03. URL: (access date: 04/17/07)

Novosibirsk training market: its own game [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (access date: 10.17.08)

Litchford E.W. With the White Army in Siberia [Electronic resource] // Eastern Front of the Army of General A.V. Kolchak: website. – URL: (access date: 08/23/2007)

Conference materials

Archeology: history and prospects: collection. Art. First interregional conf. - Yaroslavl, 2003. - 350 p.

Maryinskikh D.M., Development of a landscape plan as a necessary condition for sustainable development of the city (on the example of Tyumen) // Landscape ecology and land use planning: abstracts of reports. All-Russian conf. (Irkutsk, September 11-12, 2000). – Novosibirsk, 2000. - P.125–128.


Tarasova V.I. Political history of Latin America: textbook. for universities. – M.: Prospekt, 2006. – P.305–412.

It is allowed to replace the prescribed dot and dash sign separating areas of the bibliographic description with a dot:

Philosophy of culture and philosophy of science: problems and hypotheses: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. / Sarat. state University; [ed. S.F. Martynovich]. Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. University, 1999. – 199 p.

It is permissible not to use square brackets for information not taken from a prescribed source of information.

Raizberg B.A. Modern economic dictionary / B.A. Raizberg, L.Sh. Lozovsky, E.B. Starodubtseva. – 5th ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2006. – 494 p.

The title of an entry in an article may contain the names of one, two, or three authors of the document. Author names appearing in the title are not repeated in the disclaimer. That's why:

Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 5th ed., revised. and additional M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - 494 p.


RF Patent No. 2000130511/28, 12/04/2000.

Eskov D.N., Bonstedt B.E., Koreshev S.N., Lebedev G.I., Seregin A.G. Optical-electronic device // Russian Patent No. 2122745. 1998. Bull. No. 33.

Article from magazines or collections

Adorno T.V. On the logic of social sciences // Issues. philosophy. – 1992. – No. 10. – pp. 76–86.

Crawford P.J. The reference librarian and the business professor: a strategic alliance that works / P.J. Crawford, T.P. Barrett // Ref. Libr. – 1997. Vol. 3. No. 58. – P.75–85.

Crawford P.J., Barrett T.P. The reference librarian and the business professor: a strategic alliance that works // Ref. Libr. 1997. Vol. 3. No. 58. P.75–85.

Kornilov V.I. Turbulent boundary layer on a body of rotation during periodic injection/suction // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. – 2006. – T. 13, No. 3. – pp. 369–385.

Kuznetsov A.Yu. Consortium – a mechanism for organizing subscriptions to electronic resources // Russian Foundation for Basic Research: ten years of service to Russian science. – M.: Scientific. world, 2003. – pp. 340–342.

Electronic resource

Artistic encyclopedia of foreign classical art [Electronic resource]. – M.: Bolshaya Ross. encycl. [and others], 1996. – 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

Examples of formatting references and bibliography


Publishing an article
(printed collection is paid separately)
152 RUR/page.
(regular authors) *
190 rub./page.
(new authors) *
Certificate of acceptance of the article
for publication (electronic)
For free
Review of the article For free
Electronic collection (in pdf format) For free
Printed copy of the collection 350 rub./copy.
Printed reprint of the article
(regardless of the number of pages)
170 RUR/pcs.
Printed certificate
conference participant
120 RUR/pcs.
Electronic certificate
conference participant
70 rub.
Discounts are cumulative and apply only to the cost of publication!

Payment Methods

Payment details for the article are sent only after the article has been accepted for publication.

All payments are made through the payment service “Yandex Cashier”,
which supports payment via:

Visa MasterCard QIWI Wallet Sberbank

You can also make payment using a receipt at branches of banks in the Russian Federation and the CIS


Acceptance of applications and articles until29.11.2017 (inclusive)
Review of the article and scoreWithin 2 days
Acceptance of payment for publication/
providing a scanned copy of the receipt
Until 01.12.2017 (inclusive)
Certificate confirming acceptance
articles for publication; announcement;
article imprint
Immediately after payment for publication
Publication of articles and collections on the website
conferences in .pdf format
Discussion of articles within the framework of work
Discussion platform
Distribution of printed copies of the collection,
stamps, certificates and diplomas
Distribution of postal track numbers



Editorial team

Akhmetov Sayranbek Makhsutovich - Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Grudeva Elena Valerievna - Doctor of Philology. sciences, professor
Dmitrieva Natalya Vitalievna - Doctor of Psychology. Sciences, Ph.D. honey. sciences, professor
Karapetyan Vladimir Sevanovich - Doctor of Psychology. Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member International Academy of Psychological Sciences
Kozminykh Vladislav Olegovich - Doctor of Chemistry. sciences, professor
Larionov Maxim Viktorovich - Doctor of Biology. sciences
Milushkina Olga Yurievna - Dr. med. sciences
Popova Irina Viktorovna - Doctor of Sociology. sciences
Tararoev Yakov Vladimirovich - Doctor of Philosophy. sciences, professor
Khodakova Nina Pavlovna - Dr. Pedagogist. Sciences, Corresponding Member Academy of Informatization of Education
Churilina Lyubov Nikolaevna - Doctor of Philology. sciences
Antonova Lyudmila Ivanovna - Doctor of Law. sciences, professor
Andreeva Lyubov Aleksandrovna - Ph.D. legal sciences
Arkhipova Lyudmila Yurievna - Ph.D. honey. sciences
Akhmednabiev Rasul Magomedovich - Ph.D. tech. sciences
Bakhareva Olga Aleksandrovna - Ph.D. legal sciences
Vigovskaya Maria Evgenievna - Ph.D. ped. sciences
Vishtak Olga Vasilievna - Ph.D. those. Sciences, Dr. Ped. sciences
Volkov Vladimir Petrovich - Ph.D. honey. sciences
Guzhavina Tatyana Anatolyevna - Ph.D. Philosopher sciences
Danilov Viktor Pavlovich - Ph.D. agricultural sciences
Eliseev Dmitry Viktorovich - Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor
Zelenskaya Tatyana Evgenievna - Ph.D. physics and mathematics sciences
Ibataev Zharkyn Abykenovich - Ph.D. chem. sciences
Ivanova Svetlana Yurievna - Ph.D. ped. sciences
Karpenko Vitaly Evgenievich - Ph.D. Philosopher sciences
Karpenko Tatyana Mikhailovna - Ph.D. Philosopher sciences
Corvette Nadezhda Grigorievna - Ph.D. geol.-mineral. sciences
Korolev Vladimir Stepanovich - Ph.D. physics and mathematics sciences
Kupchenko Konstantin Vladimirovich - Ph.D. ist. sciences
Le-van Tatyana Nikolaevna - Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor
Lebedintseva Elena Anatolyevna - Ph.D. honey. sciences
Makusheva Zhanna Nikolaevna - Ph.D. Philol. sciences
Pavlovets Tatyana Vladimirovna - Ph.D. Philol. sciences
Romanova Alla Aleksandrovna - Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor Department of Physics, A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, St. Petersburg
Rymkevich Pavel Pavlovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Physics of the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (St. Petersburg), Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Safety and Nature, Member of the Expert Council on Energy Efficiency of Buildings and Structures of St. Petersburgbr/> Rysmambetova Galiya Mukhashevna - Ph.D. Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
Sidyacheva Natalya Vladimirovna - Ph.D. psychol. Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor RAE
Solovenko Igor Sergeevich - Dr. ist. sciences
Sorokin Alexander Nikolaevich - Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Associate Professor
Suleimen Erlan Melsuly - Ph.D. chem. Sciences, PhD
Victoria Evgenievna Kharchenko - Ph.D. biol. sciences
Shayakhmetova Venera Ryuzalievna - Ph.D. ist. sciences
Yakusheva Svetlana Dmitrievna - Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor
Kovner Vladimir Leonidovich - Ph.D. econ. sciences

Saratov National Research State
University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky
Art Institute

Saratov branch of the State Center for Contemporary Art as part of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture and Exhibition Center "ROSIZO"

Ministry of Culture of the Saratov Region

Department of Culture Administration
municipal formation "City of Saratov"

MUK "Cultural Center named after P.A. Stolypin"


“Cultural heritage of Saratov and the Saratov region”
VI IInternational scientific and practical conference
Saratov, October 3-6, 2018

We invite you to take part in a conference dedicated to the cultural heritage of Saratov and the Saratov region. Conference participants: Russian and foreign specialists; scientists, graduate students, students; representatives of state and non-state institutions of higher and secondary vocational education; scientific societies; public youth organizations; representatives of cultural and art institutions (Russian state departmental and municipal museums, archives, libraries and other scientific, educational, entertainment and educational enterprises, institutions and organizations operating in the field of education, science and culture) and many others. Based on the results of the conference, a collection of scientific articles will be published.
Status: International scientific and practical conference (in-person and correspondence participation) with the publication of a printed collection and a participant certificate

Main directions of the conference:

Year of the Volunteer in cultural life in Saratov and the Saratov region
- History and culture of the region
- Cultural heritage of the Saratov Volga region in the spiritual development of society

Famous personalities of culture and art of Saratov and the Saratov region
- Cultural assets of the region (museums, theaters and other cultural institutions)
- Art and folk art of Saratov and the Saratov region
- Use of cultural heritage resources of Saratov and the Saratov region in education and upbringing
- Professional education in the system of culture and art of Saratov and the Saratov region
- Contemporary art in the space of the city and region

Conference schedule
October 3 - plenary session
October 4-5 - work of sections
October 6 - historical and cultural expedition in the Saratov region

Conditions for participation in the conference
To participate in the conference you need to do two things:
1. Fill out the participant application by email [email protected]
2. Send by email [email protected] article (or report) of the participant

Deadline for submitting applications and materials
The deadline for submitting an application to participate in the conference is September 12, 2018 (you only need to send an application by email).

Rules for submitting an article - until November 1, 2018 (in one email you must send 2 attached files: an article prepared in accordance with the requirements and re-attach the application according to the sample)

From May 16 to May 20, 2018 in Moscow in the Shuvalovsky building of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov will host the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Education and Education of Young Children” (ECCE Conference) andexhibition “Modern preschool education”.

During the conference, experts from 35 countries, all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, within 25 scientific sections, will consider key problems in the field of preschool education. The conference is distinguished among others by the equality of science, methodology and practice in education.

Location: Moscow, Shuvalovsky building of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, bldg. 4

The event is held under the auspices of UNESCO, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives. The organizers of the event are M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Moscow Pedagogical Academy of Preschool Education (MPADE).

In addition to the grand opening of the conference, the most striking events of the first day will be:

panel discussion: “The global future of preschool education in the era of digitalization” (15.00-17.00, room 7), (moderator: rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University , Igor Remorenko, experts: Irina Komarova- Leading Researcher at the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Inna Karakchieva— Leading expert of the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, Natalya Amelina— Head of the Department of Teacher Development and Networking at UNESCO IITE;

round table “Cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky in the context of modern preschool education”(moderators: Nikolay Veraksa- Professor, Rector of MPADO ( Russia), Roger Saglio- Professor at the University of Gothenburg, Director of the Center for Research on Learning, Interaction and Mediated Communication in Modern Society ( Sweden), Sazasivan Cooper- President of the International Psychological Union, President of the Pan-African Psychological Union, Professor ( South Africa); section on educational policy in the field of upbringing and training of children, section “Environmental education for the sustainable development of young children”, etc.

May 18 there will be a round table "Investment and efficiency in preschool education and early childhood development", where the return on investment in preschool education and educational institutions as part of the general infrastructure of the city will be considered. This round table was prepared in conjunction with the BuildSchool exhibition. This large-scale project started in Russia in 2017 and accumulated the most interesting architectural projects of educational institutions in Russia and the CIS. This round table was prepared with the support of the World Bank Group.

Also on this day, as part of the scientific section “Development of the quality of preschool education” (09.30-11.30, room 1) and panel discussion: “Research on the quality of preschool education in Russia - 2017. Main results and development guidelines” (12.00 -14.00, room 8) experts will discuss results of three major studies on the quality of preschool education held in Russia in 2017 - the first half of 2018, will talk about international experience and outline ways to further intensify work in this direction.

May 19 The conference organizing committee will hold Open educational program for teachers and parents: master classes, lectures, seminars from manufacturers of educational products for children, authors of educational methods, exhibition "Modern Preschool Education", where manufacturers of innovative toys, preschool equipment, publishers will present their developments to a wide audience of specialists.

For the first time, within the framework of the Open Program there will be OpenTalk on preschool education ECCETALK+ MEL (12.30 main hall). The jury received more than 100 video applications for performances from creative parents, child psychologists, and young scientists, and selected the 6 most interesting, relevant, and inspiring. The speakers will simply talk about the complexities of education and upbringing from the podium of the best university in the country.

Participate in the conference: