How to change your life and destiny on New Year's Eve. March

Many people dream of change. From Monday, from next month and, of course, from the New Year. The heroines of our material decided to change their lives when they were ready for it, without regard to dates. And they did it!

Anna Reznikova (30): “I started small - I bought a gym membership.”

Just 9 months ago I weighed 95 kg and was happy with life. I had great friends, a loving family, an interesting job, and a passion for travel. Like many girls, I regularly went on a diet. I swore that I would go to the gym on Monday, but instead I ate cakes.

Probably nothing would have changed if not for the new job. In the new team, I saw people who enjoy playing sports, going to dances, trying to eat right and talking about it with such a twinkle in their eyes that you want to try to live the same way. I bought a 3-month subscription and started working with a trainer.

At first it was hard: my arms and legs hurt terribly, I forced myself to eat 4-5 times a day and fought temptations. But literally a month later I could calmly order a vegetable salad, steamed fish and a cup of coffee in a cafe without dessert. And the fact that everyone next door to me was eating cakes and sandwiches did not spoil my mood!

After a couple of months of training, I suddenly fit into my favorite and terribly expensive trousers, once brought from abroad. They have been too small for me for the last 8 years. In six months I have lost 30 kg and I am not going to stop!

Natalya Bavykina (34): “I really wanted to celebrate the New Year in my own home.”

Three years ago, at an on-site training in Altai, I formulated a desire: to get married again, have more children, find my own business and a space where all this could come true.

The dream began to come true as soon as I returned home from the trip. That same day, my mother offered to look at a house in a cottage community where she had lived for a long time. From the outside it looked very Southern - white, beautiful, with a red roof and red dahlias at the entrance. Estate! But inside it was creepy: the floor, pipes, insulation of the ceiling, and cosmetic repairs needed to be replaced.

I was scared: how can I do all this alone, with two children, without money? But I really wanted a change, so I signed a preliminary agreement. The most difficult work was done by hired builders, the rest was done by myself. In the evening after work I went to putty and level the walls and paint.

There were times when I cried from fatigue, but continued to work. I had a goal - I wanted to celebrate the New Year in a new home.

And everything worked out! Now there are five of us living: with my husband, older children and little daughter. They've even harvested their own harvest. I realized that the main thing is to formulate your desire correctly, and it will certainly come true.

Sofia Osochenko (34): “I reduce the amount of suffering, increase the amount of goodness.”

Seven years ago, I returned from a trip to India, Nepal and Sri Lanka to a top position in a large organization, sat down at my expensive laptop and realized: I was doing something that did not bring happiness to me or people. I quit.

All my life I dreamed of owning a craft that could be used anywhere in the world. And also help animals. I created, developed and strengthened one of the largest charitable organizations for helping homeless animals in Siberia. I teach yoga in Russia (and sometimes in the Himalayas), saving people from physical and mental ailments.

All this took enormous effort. And loved ones had to observe metamorphoses for which they were not prepared.

Right now I am most likely walking with a scabies dog through one of the Indian cities. The doctors and I will cure her, like hundreds of her relatives. We, together with like-minded people, are reducing the amount of suffering on this planet, increasing the amount of goodness. Goodness should not be expected. It must be created!

Ksenia Erdman (30): “The New Year first took away and then gave me space for my workshop.”

The desire to start our own business did not arise spontaneously: my husband and I thought about it for quite a long time. But they couldn’t understand what exactly the family business would be like.

My 30th birthday and my husband's were approaching. I wanted to look back, evaluate achievements and make plans for the future. Fate helped with this: while traveling around Thailand, we accidentally met people who make candy. And we decided - this activity suits us!

But no one has a smooth road. Before the New Year 2014, the landlord kicked us out of the premises: he gave us 5 days to get ready and said “get out.” It was a blow. We spent several months looking for a suitable premises, but our hands began to give up. But I kept thinking: if I could turn back time, would I get involved in this again, knowing how many problems I would have to go through? The answer was always yes.

On the eve of 2015, our candy kingdom found a home again. We gained momentum very quickly: it turns out that people remembered us and were waiting for us. Their love for our product, the joy we give at master classes and feedback from customers is what gives us the strength to move on, no matter what.

Irina Simrok (38): “I left, graduated from college, met my husband and have been living in London for 10 years.”

I had the dream of moving abroad back in 1998, when my boyfriend left for America. We wrote paper letters to each other (the Internet was still bad then), they didn’t give me a visa, and gradually the story faded away. But there was a feeling of hopelessness for my life in my hometown.

I finally decided to move in 2004, after my first trip to Europe - to France and Spain. I was amazed by the friendliness of the people, the beauty, cleanliness, infrastructure, tasty and inexpensive products. Returning home, I was shocked by the behavior of my compatriots. I remember how I went to the salon to print photos, and they rude to me.

Together with a friend I went to learn English and French. And then she found a company that sent language training to English colleges. Exactly a month later we were already in London.

Almost immediately it became clear that our English has nothing in common with the language spoken by the British. The money ran out, and the work promised under the contract turned out to be a list of vacancies that can be taken for free at any employment center. But we did it! Here I graduated from one of the best colleges, met my future husband and have been living in the capital of Great Britain for 10 years now.

Anastasia Kataurova (32): “I feel happy, helping to reveal to people their inner and outer beauty.”

In 1995, my mother and I went to Italy, and I saw people who were different from me. And I wanted to understand how they live, what their dreams are. This picture is etched in my memory.

I received a diploma in psychology, but did not work in my specialty and began to travel. I was passionate about fashion, I wanted to make people beautiful, so I completed a stylist course in my city. This was a good start, but to realize the dream, fundamental education was required.

I wanted to learn from professionals, I wanted to leave my gray city to where fashion is happening, where every corner breathes beauty. Milan was the best fit. At the age of 26, I entered university, completed my training, settled in and began working as a private image consultant.

Now I’m 32, I’m doing what I love and I feel completely self-realized. My clients are people from different countries and I feel very happy helping to reveal their inner and outer beauty.

Change the way you think about yourself, your life, and the successes you can achieve. Every thirty days, try to do something you haven't done before. Choose something that you have long dreamed of and put off until later. Take a singing class? Or just stop throwing things around in the hope that you'll clean everything up on the weekend. Doing things like this will give you a sense of how quickly change can be achieved. What else should be done?

1. Be positive. Stop reading newspapers and turn off all sites that add panic to your life. Play positive music in the morning.

2. Stop stealing your sleep hours. Cinema, work, unnecessary conversations on the phone - it doesn’t matter at all why you don’t get enough sleep and have difficulty getting up in the morning. Add sleep to your to-do list and you will see how much strength you have.

3. Start meditating. 20 minutes a day will be enough. Why is this necessary? In order to remove all the informational and emotional noise that has accumulated during the day.

4. Start listening to motivational videos. Sometimes it is difficult to find people in your immediate circle who will encourage you to do great things. If you don’t have such friends, listen to those who have already achieved success. Let it even be videos or books. Such remote communication with successful people will give you the energy to take your first steps into a new life.

5. Visualize your dreams. Think about what exactly you want to achieve and why. Give this special importance, because such dreams will give you the strength to fulfill your plans.

6. Learn to give thanksof people. Why try to solve all the problems yourself? If the whole world unites, we can solve many problems and spend much less effort. To do this, you just need to be a grateful person who appreciates effort.

7. Write a business plan for your life. Admit what you want to achieve and how much effort it will cost you. If you already understand that your desires are greater than your current capabilities, then you need to start doing something completely different. In other words, change is inevitable.

8. Start saving money now. In Russia, due to endless crises, it seems that it is completely impossible to accumulate a significant amount. But money is just starting capital and a great habit. Learn to work with money, think about your financial independence and start saving. Even in a year, you can collect enough money to make big changes - move to a new city, get additional education, or start your own business.

9. Stop communicating with those people who drag you down. Your discomfort, fatigue after communication and the desire to end the conversation as soon as possible will tell you who you should not date again. You'll understand this pretty quickly. All you have to do is admit to yourself that you no longer need this relationship.

10. Learn to delegate.

Few people have yet succeeded in “starting a new life on Monday.” However, the onset of the New Year is an excellent occasion not only to take stock, but also to think seriously about the future, and also try to make your wishes truly come true next year.

Alas, if you are waiting for magical recipes in the spirit of: write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, and drink the ashes with champagne while the chimes strike, I have to disappoint you! This article is for those who are ready to really change something, make efforts towards their goals, and not wait for a magical fairy godmother. There will be no miracles. There will be a thoughtful approach to yourself, your wholes and desires, careful planning and a lot, a lot of work. For what? So that in a year you can really feel the difference and experience positive changes, and not put off your dreams for another 365 days.

Goals and Desires: What's the Difference?

A wish is something you make with a sparkle in your eyes as the chimes strike. It’s good if it’s something more or less specific, and not “I want everything to be fine.” Alas, if you still don’t have a fairy godmother nearby, your wish itself, one or more, will not come true. Of course, happy exceptions happen, however, by a strange coincidence, this does not happen to everyone, but usually only to those citizens who thoughtfully and persistently strive to achieve their goals.

Photo: An Exquisite Nymph

The goal is always specific and quantifiable, has a specific time frame. Yes, and no other way. The goal should be formulated as clearly as possible in one sentence, indicate which event or specific result will serve as a sign that this goal has been achieved, and set a certain time frame for its implementation. According to Greg McKeon, author of Essentialism. The path to simplicity": "The goal should be both specific and inspiring, meaningful and memorable! It must answer the question: “How will we know we have succeeded?”

Photo: Iris from Universityandme

“I want to be rich” cannot be a goal either for a year or for a lifetime. This is a desire, beautiful and abstract, standing next to “I want to fly like a bird” and “I want to meet a handsome prince/princess.” Think about what amount of monthly income would suit you, think about how you can achieve it step by step, what your dream house and car look like. It may turn out that you are uncomfortable living in a huge house, where you don’t know where to spend millions, but the amount that will help you feel comfortable is quite within reach.

In the same way, you can work on your goals in any area of ​​life: from health and the search for inner harmony to relationships with loved ones and the search for a soul mate. The main thing is to focus on your personal goals, and not those imposed by society and upbringing, because the goal is your future, and the key to it is the moments in the present that bring a feeling of happiness and completeness of your own “I”.

Photo: yoursummerdreamz

Memo: your life will never change unless what you do every day changes!

Goals are not meant to force you into a framework, but to maximize your potential so that you can feel the rhythm of every moment you live. However, even if every December 31st you meticulously write down your goals and plans, but over time you begin to notice that they wander with you from year to year, it’s time to change something in the planning system!

So, step one: be thoughtful. make a list of goals for the year. Don’t try to write them down quickly, think, spend at least 30 minutes on each and be sure to write down all your thoughts on paper. The freewriting technique is perfect for this. One goal can be rewritten at least 5 times, no problem.

Photo: An Exquisite Nymph

Advice: Of course, there can be several goals, but their number should be realistically feasible, for example, 10 pieces.

Keep your list of goals in a visible place: on the board in front of the workplace, on the flyleaf of the diary, in the smartphone. The main thing is that they should regularly catch your eye.

Photo: An Exquisite Nymph

For each goal, create list of specific tasks, all the steps and actions that can help achieve it. Write in a special notepad or computer application so that you can constantly check this list and adjust it. Even if these steps are very tiny, a small step towards the goal is better than regretting what did not come true. Ideally, you should have a long list of mini-tasks for every day (this could be daily sports training; 1 chapter from a book that you have always dreamed of writing; a training course in a foreign language or a new computer program, or a mandatory sketch).

Photo: An Exquisite Nymph

Tasks from the second list should appear regularly in your diary; it is advisable to devote at least 1 hour of time to them every day. An hour is not much, but 365 hours a year can work wonders and make a goal that seemed unattainable come true.

Train yourself to behave list of daily to-dos and tasks and check with him. Yours “morning or evening pages” of freewriting on the topic of the stages you have experienced, your dreams and goals will also be an excellent daily help, allowing you not to give up halfway through the journey.

Advice: Armen Petrosyan, the author of the “It’s Interesting to Live” project, suggests regularly organizing hundred days for yourself. A 100-day marathon during which you focus on achieving three goals from your list, regularly track changes and devote an hour of your time to each goal.

Photo: Sweet tea and Sunday morning

Goals may change as you move towards them, and there’s nothing wrong with that. The main thing is that in the daily routine there is a place not only for “supposedly important things”, but also for “things that will help you achieve your true goals.” Dream, strive forward and finally begin to enjoy your achievements and take small but confident steps in the life of your dreams, Happy New Year to you!

New Year is a time of fulfillment of your most cherished desires and happy changes. It is on New Year's Eve that you can radically change your life and destiny for the better.

To attract financial success and wealth next year, you need to know how to get rid of all financial debts before the New Year. This will help you cleanse your financial energy and attract well-being and prosperity into your life.

How to change your life for the better in the New Year

In order to bring positive changes into your life, you will need:

  • a list of your failures and troubles for the whole year;
  • clean new saucer;
  • black candle;
  • a small blank sheet of paper;
  • pen;
  • lighter;
  • a glass of your favorite drink.

Place a black candle on a saucer in advance and prepare a list of what you want to get rid of. Five minutes before the festive midnight, light a candle and remember all the bad things that happened to you.

Imagine that all troubles and bad luck recede from you forever. Burn the list of all negative incidents in the flame of a black candle, while saying the following words: "The New Year is at the gate, it knocks and rings, the door opens, the threshold is crossed! The Old Year will take everything evil with it, I must be new, live in a new way! Truly!" Leave the candle to burn out on the window.

After this, as the New Year’s chimes strike, fill a glass with your favorite drink and write the following phrase on clean paper: “All evil turned out to be good.” Burn the paper over the glass and drink the drink along with the ashes. This will launch a new energy program and your life will begin to change for the better.

The practice of holotropic breathing will help you correct past mistakes and achieve harmony and inner peace. This type of meditation quickly leads to positive changes because it renews the energy field and helps you look into your subconscious.

A correctly compiled wish map for 2017 will help you turn your dreams into reality. We wish you a joyful New Year and happy changes. Good luck with everything, and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.11.2016 02:37

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We often perceive the beginning of a new year as a kind of symbolic moment: we make promises to ourselves in the hope that the coming year will make us happier and more successful, help us realize ourselves in the professional sphere and bring stability in our personal lives. For all this to happen, we ourselves need to change. And, of course, it is not at all necessary to start a new life on January 1, March 29, or next Monday. Moreover, any change takes more time than one day.

1. Set boundaries

To achieve success, you need to learn to say “no”, become stricter and more decisive. This requires some courage and may displease people who have taken advantage of your gentleness. But your loved ones will definitely understand and support you. So, from now on you will not tolerate in silence if:

  • you are asked for something at the last minute and you have to change your plans to fulfill this request,
  • they speak to you arrogantly and disrespectfully,
  • you are being unfairly criticized
  • you are forced to do something that you do not like, is harmful to you or you simply consider it unacceptable for ethical and moral reasons,
  • you are told that you need to lose weight/dress differently/buy an apartment/expensive car, etc.,
  • someone makes decisions for you or speaks on your behalf without your consent.

2. Start getting enough sleep

An adult should sleep 8-9 hours a day. Sleep is considered sound and healthy if you fall asleep quickly and easily, do not wake up at night and get up in the morning cheerful and rested. To improve your sleep, you need:

  • go to bed and get up at the same time (optimally at 23:00 and 8:00). This schedule must also be followed on weekends.
  • sleep in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of 19-21 ° C with the lights turned off and thick curtains that do not let in the sun's rays. To avoid being woken up prematurely by the sounds of the street, you can sleep to the so-called “white noise” or sounds of nature (the sound of rain, the ocean). They can be played by your smartphone.
  • give up TV, laptop, phone, tablet an hour before going to bed. Studies have proven that radiation emanating from the screens of any gadgets reduces the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

If all these steps fail to eliminate sleep disturbances, then you need to consult a specialist.

3. Exercise

Play sports, start walking more, become more active - call it what you want, the meaning is the same: you need to move more. Studies have shown that even 20 minutes of physical activity a day can help reduce the risk of depression. panic attacks And attention deficit disorder. After all, training increases the synthesis of dopamine and serotonin, which are conventionally called the “pleasure hormone” and the “good mood hormone.” Ideally, of course, every person needs one hour of physical activity per day. Sometimes the hardest thing is to find something you like.

4. Make a list of goals

Many psychologists argue that simply writing down a specific goal in a notebook or on a list increases the chances of achieving it. You also need to tell as many people as possible about your plans. Now this is very easy to do - write on a page on a social network: “This year I will run a half marathon.” And it will be inconvenient for you to refuse this idea without significant reasons.

When we publicly make a commitment, we try to fulfill it and thus prove our consistency

This is how the principle of obligation or social consistency works. The point is that we all have a deep-seated need to act consistently. When we publicly make a commitment, we try to fulfill it and thus prove our consistency. In addition, from a psychological point of view, the fact of fulfilling one’s obligations helps to increase self-esteem.

5. Prioritize

Ask yourself what three things are most important in your life. They are all different - material and spiritual: family, work, personal growth, money, good food, new apartment, education, travel, entertainment, etc. Think about in what cases you spend your resources: energy, time, money - wasted. And cut these things out of your life.

When you focus on the main thing, it will be easier for you to set goals and achieve them, you will not waste your time on trifles and you will definitely achieve your goal.

About the expert

Stephanie Sarkis– Ph.D., bestselling author of life with attention deficit disorder.