Lesson plans and notes 7 tkl physics. Screening papers, tests and independent work

Aimed at teachers working both with A.V.’s textbook. Peryshkin (M.: Bustard), and with the textbook by S.V. Gromova, N.A. Rodina (M.: Prosveshcheniye) and contain all the necessary material for the full implementation of physics lessons in the 7th grade of secondary schools. In addition to the basic lesson options, there are additional ones (games, quiz lessons) that will help diversify the material, especially in humanities classes, as well as tasks for ingenuity, crosswords, and test tasks. The manual will be necessary for beginning teachers and useful for experienced teachers. Meets modern requirements of methodology and didactics.

What does physics study?
Lesson objectives: to introduce students to a new subject of the school course; determine the place of physics as a science; teach to distinguish between physical phenomena and bodies, physical quantities and their units, methods of studying physics.
Equipment: portraits famous physicists, pictures, photographs. Rulers made of wood, plastic, iron; thermometer; stopwatch; weight on a string, etc.

During the classes.
General recommendations: the first physics lesson in the 7th grade should be structured in the form of a lecture, where the teacher not only talks about physics as a science, but also involves students in discussing issues with which they are indirectly familiar.
Introducing students into the world of physics, it should be noted that the role of this science in our lives is very difficult to overestimate, since it is necessary for engineers, builders, doctors and many other specialists.

I. Learning new material.
There are around us various items: tables, chairs, blackboard, books, notebooks, pencils. In physics, every object is called a physical body. Therefore, a table, a chair, a book, a pencil are physical bodies. The Earth, Moon, Sun are also physical bodies.
In nature, changes occur with physical bodies. For example, in winter, water hardens and turns into ice. In spring, snow and ice melt and turn into water. Water boils and turns into steam. The steam cools and turns into water.
The Earth and other planets move around the Sun. The sun and all celestial bodies move in outer space. All these changes are called physical phenomena.

Physics is the science of physical phenomena of nature.
Physics studies the world in which we live, the phenomena that occur in it, discovers the laws that these phenomena obey, and how they are interconnected. Among the wide variety of phenomena in nature, physical phenomena occupy a special place.

Table of contents
From the author 3
Basic requirements for students’ knowledge and skills 5
Introduction 7
Lesson 1. What does physics study 7
Lesson option 1. Lesson-game “What is physics?” 12
Lesson 2. Physical quantities and their measurement 14
Lesson option 2. Why do we measure? 20
Initial information about the structure of matter 24
Lesson 3. Structure of matter. Molecules 24
Lesson option 3. From experimental facts to scientific hypothesis 29
Lesson 4. Laboratory work“Determination of the sizes of small bodies” 33
Lesson 5. Diffusion in gases, liquids and solids 34
Lesson 6. Interaction of molecules 39
Lesson 7. Three states of matter 42
Lesson 8. Test on the topic “Initial information about the structure of matter” 45
Interaction of bodies 47
Lesson 9. Mechanical movement 47
Lesson 10. Speed ​​in mechanical motion 50
Lesson 11. Calculating the path and time of movement 54
Lesson option 11. Blitz tournament 58
Lesson 12. Laboratory work
“Study of Uniform Motion” 60
Lesson option 12. Laboratory work
“Measurement of the period of oscillation of a pendulum.
Study of the dependence of the oscillation period on the length of the thread" 61
Lesson 13. Inertia 62
Lesson 14. Interaction of bodies. Weight 68
Lesson 15. Laboratory work “Measuring body weight on lever scales” 72
Lesson 16. Density of matter 73
Lesson 17. Laboratory work “Measuring body volume” 77
Lesson 18. Laboratory work “Determination of the density of a solid” 78
Lesson 19. Calculation of body mass and volume 79
Lesson 20. Solving problems. Preparing for the test 83
Lesson option 20. Lesson-game on the topic
“Movement and interaction of bodies” 86
Lesson 21. Test on the topic: “Mechanical motion. Body mass. Density of matter" 88
Lesson 22. Power 91
Lesson 23. The phenomenon of gravity. Gravity force 92
Lesson 24. Elastic force. Hooke's Law 95
Lesson 25. Laboratory work “Hooke’s Law” 98
Lesson 26. Dynamometer. Body weight 99
Lesson 27. Laboratory work “Measuring force using a dynamometer” 102
Lesson 28. Resultant force 102
Lesson 29. Friction force 105
Lesson option 29. Friction force in nature and technology 108
Lesson 30. Laboratory work. Sliding friction force measurement 110
Lesson 31. Test 112
Lesson option 31. Types of forces. Systematization of knowledge 114
Lesson-evening “A heart dedicated to science” 117
Pressure of solids, liquids and gases 121
Lesson 32. Pressure and pressure force 121
Lesson 33. Pressure in nature and technology 124
Lesson 34. Gas pressure 125
Lesson 35. Pascal's Law 128
Lesson 36. Hydrostatic pressure 130
Lesson 37. Solving problems 131
Lesson 38. Communicating vessels 133
Lesson 39. Atmosphere and atmospheric pressure 138
Lesson 40. Measuring atmospheric pressure.
Torricelli experience 143
Lesson 41. Aneroid barometer 146
Lesson 42. Pressure gauges. The test room worked on the topic “Atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure" 149
Lesson 43. Hydraulic press 151
Lesson 44. Solving problems. Hydrostatic and atmospheric pressure 153
Lesson 45. Plumbing. Piston liquid pump 154
Lesson 46. Test “Hydrostatic and atmospheric pressure” 156
Lesson 47. The action of liquid and gas on a body immersed in them 158
Lesson 48. Archimedes' Law 160
Lesson Option 48: Study Archimedean force 165
Lesson 49. Swimming bodies. Swimming of animals and humans 167
Lesson 50. Sailing ships 172
Lesson option 50. Application of the laws of hydrostatics in technology 174
Lesson 51. Aeronautics 176
Lesson option 51. Lesson-game “Seafarers and Aeronauts” 177
Lesson 52. Preparing for the test. Problem solving 181
Lesson Option 52. “Knowledge Review” 182
Second version of lesson 52. Game lesson 184
Lesson 53. Laboratory work “Measurement of buoyancy (Archimedean) force” 187
Lesson option 53. Multi-level laboratory work “Study of Archimedean force” 188
Lesson 54. Test on the topic: “The Power of Archimedes. Swimming bodies" 192
Lesson option 54.
Lesson-competition for smart people and smart girls “Pressure” 196
Work and power. Energy 202
Lesson 55. Mechanical work 202
Lesson 56. Power 203
Lesson 57. Solving problems 205
Lesson 58. Simple mechanisms. Lever 208
Lesson 59. Rule of Moments 211
Lesson 60. Solving problems. Laboratory work “Finding out the equilibrium conditions of a lever” 213
Lesson 61. Block 214
Lesson 62. Simple mechanisms, their application 216
Lesson 63. Coefficient useful action 220
Lesson option 63. Efficiency 223
Lesson 64. Laboratory work “Determination of efficiency inclined plane» 225
Lesson 65. Kinetic and potential energy 226
Lesson 66. Transformation of energies 228
Lesson 67. Test 231
Lesson Option 67. Lesson-KVN 234
Lesson 68. Final for the studied course 237
Lesson Option 68. Blitz tournament “Physics in Wildlife” 239
Second version of lesson 68
Solving experimental problems 245
Lesson developments for the SV textbook. Gromov and N.A. Homeland 248
Lesson 1. Introductory. What does physics study 248
Lesson 2. Some physical terms. Observations and experiments 248
Lesson 3. Physical quantities and their measurement 251
Lesson 4. Solving problems 253
Lesson 5. Laboratory work “Measuring the volume of liquid using a measuring cylinder” 255
Lesson 6. Mechanical movement 255
Lesson 7. Speed ​​in mechanical motion 255
Lesson 8. Calculation of path and time of movement 255
Lesson 9. Inertia 255
Lesson 10. Interaction of bodies. Weight 255
Lesson 11. Laboratory work “Measuring body weight on lever scales” 256
Lesson 12. Density of matter 256
Lesson 13. Laboratory work “Determination of the density of a solid” 256
Lesson 14. Calculation of body mass and volume 256
Lesson 15. Solving problems. Preparing for the test 256
Lesson 16. Test on the topic: “Mechanical motion. Body mass. Density of matter" 256
Lesson 17. Power 257
Lesson 18. The phenomenon of gravity. Gravity force 257
Lesson 19. Resultant force 257
Lesson 20. Elastic force. Hooke's Law 257
Lesson 21. Dynamometer. Body weight 257
Lesson 22. Friction force 257
Lesson 23. Laboratory work “Measuring force using a dynamometer” 257
Lesson 24. Test 258
Work and power 258
Lesson 25. Mechanical work 258
Lesson 26. Power 258
Lesson 27. Solving problems 258
Lesson 28. Simple mechanisms. Lever 258
Lesson 29. Rule of Moments 258
Lesson 30. Solving problems. Laboratory work “Finding out the equilibrium conditions of a lever” 259
Lesson 31. Block 259
Lesson 32. Simple mechanisms, their application 259
Lesson 33. Efficiency 259
Lesson 34. Laboratory work “Determination of the efficiency of an inclined plane” 259
Lesson 35. Test 260
Structure of matter 260
Lesson 36. Structure of matter 260
Lesson 37. Molecules and atoms. Laboratory work “Determination of the sizes of small bodies” 260
Lesson 38. Diffusion in gases, liquids and solids 260
Lesson 39. Interaction of molecules 260
Lesson 40. Wetting and capillarity 260
Lesson 41. Aggregate states of matter 263
Lesson 42. Structure of solids, liquids and gaseous bodies 263
Lesson 43. General lesson on the topic “Initial information about the structure of matter” 265
Pressure of solids, liquids and gases 265
Lesson 44. Pressure and pressure force 265
Lesson 45. Pressure in nature and technology 265
Lesson 46. Gas pressure 265
Lesson 47. Using compressed air 265
Lesson 48. Pascal's Law 267
Lesson 49. Hydrostatic pressure. Test work on the topic “Pressure” 267
Lesson 50. Pressure at the bottom of seas and oceans. Exploration of the deep sea 267
Lesson 51. Solving problems 268
Lesson 52. Communicating vessels 268
Lesson 53. Atmosphere and atmospheric pressure 268
Lesson 54. Measuring atmospheric pressure. Torricelli experience 268
Lesson 55. Aneroid barometer 268
Lesson 56. Solving problems 269
Lesson 57. Pressure gauges. The test room worked on the topic “Atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure" 269
Lesson 58. Plumbing. Piston Liquid Pump 269
Lesson 59. Hydraulic press 269
Lesson 60. The action of liquid and gas on a body immersed in them 269
Lesson 61. Archimedes' Law 269
Lesson 62. Laboratory work
“Measurement of buoyant (Archimedean) force” 270
Lesson 63. Preparing for the test. Problem solving 270
Lesson 64


The work program was developed on the basis of the Approximate work program in physics, in accordance with the requirements for the results of the main general education, presented in the federal state educational standard, and is focused on the use of the educational and methodological set:

1. Maron, A. E. Physics. 7th grade : didactic materials / A. E. Maron, E. A. Maron. – M.: Bustard, 2013.

2. Maron, A. E. Physics. Collection of questions and tasks. 7–9 grades /A. E. Maron, E. A. Maron, S. V. Pozoisky. – M.: Bustard, 2013.

3. Peryshkin, A. V. Physics. 7th grade : textbook for general education institutions / A. V. Peryshkin. – M.: Bustard, 2013.

4. Khannanov, N.K. Physics. 7th grade : tests / N. K. Khannanov, T. A. Khannanova. – M.: Bustard, 2011.

5. Khannanova, T. A. Physics. 7th grade : workbook for the textbook by A. V. Peryshkin / T. A. Khannanova, N. K. Khannanov. – M.: Bustard, 2013.

general characteristics course

School physics coursesystem-forming for natural science subjects, since physical laws underlie the content of courses in chemistry, biology, geography and astronomy.

Physicsthe science that studies the most general patterns natural phenomena, properties and structure of matter, laws of its motion. The basic concepts of physics and its laws are used in all natural sciences.

Physics studies the quantitative laws of natural phenomena and belongs to the exact sciences. At the same time, the humanitarian potential of physics in shaping the overall picture of the world and influencing the quality of life of mankind is very high.

Physics experimental science, studying natural phenomena experimentally. By constructing theoretical models, physics provides an explanation of observed phenomena, formulates physical laws, predicts new phenomena, and creates the basis for the application of open laws nature in human practice. Physical laws underlie chemical, biological, and astronomical phenomena. Due to the noted features of physics, it can be considered the basis of all natural sciences.

IN modern world the role of physics is continuously increasing, since it is the basis scientific and technological progress. Everyone needs to use knowledge of physics to solve practical problems in everyday life. The design and principle of operation of most devices and mechanisms used in everyday life and technology may well become a good illustration of the issues being studied.

Goals Physics courses in basic school are as follows:

development of interests and abilities of students based on the transfer of knowledge and experience of cognitive and creative activity;

students’ understanding of the meaning of basic scientific concepts and laws of physics, the relationship between them;

formation of students’ ideas about the physical picture of the world.

Achieving these goals is ensured by solving the following tasks:

introducing students to the method scientific knowledge and methods of studying objects and natural phenomena;

students' acquisition of knowledge about mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic and quantum phenomena, physical quantities ah, characterizing these phenomena;

developing in students the ability to observe natural phenomena and perform experiments, laboratory work and experimental research using measuring instruments widely used in practical life;

students’ mastery of such general scientific concepts as a natural phenomenon, an empirically established fact, a problem, a hypothesis, a theoretical conclusion, the result of an experimental test;

students’ understanding of the differences between scientific data and unverified information, the value of science for satisfying everyday, industrial and cultural human needs.

Contents of the physics course in 7th grade

Physicsscience of nature. Observation and description physical phenomena. Physical experiment. Measurement of physical quantities. International system of units. Scientific method knowledge. Physical laws and limits of their applicability. The role of physics in the formation scientific picture peace. Short story main scientific discoveries. Science and technology.

Mechanical phenomena


A material point as a model of a physical body.

Mechanical movement. Relativity of mechanical motion. Trajectory. Path is a scalar quantity. Speed ​​is a vector quantity. Velocity vector module. Uniform rectilinear movement. Graphs of the dependence of the path and velocity module on the time of movement.


Inertia. Inertia of bodies. Interaction of bodies. Mass is a scalar quantity. Density of matter. Force is a vector quantity. Movement and forces. Elastic force. Friction force. Gravity. The law of universal gravitation. Center of gravity. Conditions for the equilibrium of a rigid body.

Pressure. Atmosphere pressure. Pascal's law. Archimedes' law. Swimming conditions of bodies.

Laws of conservation of momentum and mechanical energy

Mechanical vibrations and waves.

Job. Power. Kinetic energy. Potential energy. Law of conservation of mechanical energy. Simple mechanisms. Efficiency. Renewable energy sources.

Structure and properties of matter.

Atomic and molecular structure of matter. Experiments proving the atomic structure of matter. Thermal motion and interaction of particles of matter. Brownian motion. Diffusion. Aggregate states of matter. Properties of gases, liquids and solids.

Place of the course in the curriculum

The basic curriculum (educational) plan for the study of physics in primary school allocates: 2 teaching hours per week during each year of study, a total of 210 lessons, 70 hours per year. School time can be increased to 3 lessons per week due to the variable part of the basic plan.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results
mastering the course content

In the approximate physics program for 79 classes of the basic school, compiled on the basis of the federal state educational standard, the requirements for the results of mastering are determined educational program basic general education.

Personal results

1) formation cognitive interests, intellectual and creativity students;

2) conviction in the possibility of knowing nature, in the need for wise use of the achievements of science and technology for further development human society; respect for the creators of science and technology; attitude to physics as an element of universal human culture;

3) independence in acquiring new knowledge and practical skills;

4) readiness to choose a life path in accordance with own interests and opportunities;

5) motivation of educational activities of schoolchildren based on personal oriented approach;

6) the formation of a value-based attitude towards each other, the teacher, the authors of discoveries and inventions, and the results of learning.

Meta-subject results teaching physics in basic school are:

1) mastering the skills of independent acquisition of new knowledge, organization educational activities, goal setting, planning, self-control and evaluation of the results of one’s activities; the ability to foresee the possible results of one’s actions;

2) understanding the differences between initial facts and hypotheses to explain them, theoretical models and real objects; mastery of universal educational actions using examples of hypotheses for explanation known facts and experimental testing of put forward hypotheses, development of theoretical models of processes or phenomena;

3) developing the ability to perceive, process and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic forms, analyze and process the information received in accordance with the assigned tasks, highlight the main content of the text read, find answers to the questions posed in it and present it;

4) acquiring experience in independent search, analysis and selection of information using various sources and new information technologies to solve cognitive problems;

5) development of monologue and dialogic speech, skills to express one’s thoughts and the ability to listen to the interlocutor, understand his point of view, recognize the right of another person to have a different opinion;

6) mastering methods of action in non-standard situations, mastering heuristic methods of solving problems;

7) formation of skills to work in a group while performing various social roles, present and defend your views and beliefs, lead a discussion.

General subject results teaching physics in basic school are:

1) knowledge about the nature of the most important physical phenomena of the surrounding world and understanding of the meaning of physical laws that reveal the connection of the studied phenomena;

2) the ability to use methods of scientific research of natural phenomena, make observations, plan and perform experiments, process measurement results, present measurement results using tables, graphs and formulas, detect dependencies between physical quantities, explain the results obtained and draw conclusions, evaluate the error limits of the results measurements;

3) ability to apply theoretical knowledge in physics in practice, solve physical tasks to apply the acquired knowledge;

4) skills and abilities to apply the acquired knowledge to explain the principles of operation of the most important technical devices, solve practical problems of everyday life, ensure the safety of one’s life, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection;

5) the formation of a belief in the natural connection and knowability of natural phenomena, the objectivity of scientific knowledge, high value science in the development of material and spiritual culture of people;

6) development theoretical thinking based on the formation of skills to establish facts, distinguish causes and effects, build models and put forward hypotheses, find and formulate evidence of put forward hypotheses, derive physical laws from experimental facts and theoretical models;

7) communication skills to report on the results of your research, participate in discussions, answer questions briefly and accurately, use reference books and other sources of information.

Private subject results studying a physics course in 7th grade are:

1) understanding and ability to explain such physical phenomena as free fall of bodies, atmospheric pressure, floating of bodies, diffusion, high compressibility of gases, low compressibility of liquids and solids;

2) the ability to measure distance, time interval, speed, mass, force, work of force, power, kinetic energy, potential energy;

3) mastery experimental methods research in the process of independent study of the dependence of the distance traveled on time, the elongation of the spring on the applied force, the force of gravity on the body weight, the sliding friction force on the area of ​​contact of the bodies and the force of normal pressure, the Archimedes force on the volume of displaced water;

4) understanding the meaning of basic physical laws and the ability to apply them in practice (the law of universal gravitation, the laws of Pascal and Archimedes, the law of conservation of energy);

5) understanding the principles of operation of machines, instruments and technical devices that every person constantly encounters in everyday life, and ways to ensure safety when using them;

6) mastery of various methods of performing calculations to find an unknown quantity in accordance with the conditions of the task based on the use of the laws of physics;

7) the ability to use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in everyday life (everyday life, ecology, health care, environmental protection, safety precautions, etc.).

Educational and methodological equipment educational process

Internet resources:

1. Library - everything on the subject “Physics”. – Access mode: http://www.proshkolu.ru

2. Video experiments in lessons. – Access mode: http://fizika-class.narod.ru

3. A unified collection of digital educational resources. – Access mode: http://school-collection.edu.ru

4. Interesting materials for physics lessons by topic; tests by topic; visual aids for lessons. – Access mode: http://class-fizika.narod.ru

5. Digital educational resources. – Access mode: http://www.openclass.ru

6. Electronic textbooks in physics. – Access mode: http://www.fizika.ru

Information and communication means:

1. Open Physics 1.1 (CD).

2. Live physics. Educational and methodological kit(CD).

3. From the plow to the laser 2.0 (CD).

4. Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius (all items) (CD).

5. Virtual laboratory work in physics (7–9 grades) (CD).

6. 1C: School. Physics. 7–11 grades Library of visual aids (CD).

7. Electronic supplement to the book by N. A. Yanushevskaya “Repetition and control of knowledge in physics in lessons and extracurricular activities. grades 7–9” (CD).

Educational and thematic plan. 7th grade





Including counter. slave.


Physics and physical methods nature studies






Interaction of bodies







Work and power. Energy



Reflexive phase


Generalizing repetition








Calendar-thematic plan. 7th grade


Lesson topic

Main content of the topic, terms and concepts

Training stage


Characteristics of the main types




Cognitive UUD

Regulatory UUD

Communicative UUD



Date fact

Launch phase (collaborative design and planning of the school year)

Physics and physical methods for studying nature

5 hours

Physics - the science of nature

The science. Types of sciences. Scientific method of knowledge. Physics- science of nature. Physical phenomena. Physical terms.Concept, types of concepts. Abstract and concrete concepts. Matter, substance, physical body


(introductory) lesson

Demonstrate a level of knowledge about the world around them. Observe and describe physical phenomena

They try to independently formulate definitions of concepts (science, nature, man).

Select the basis and criteria for comparing objects. Able to classify objects

They set a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned and what is still unknown

Have a positive attitude towards the communication process. They know how to ask questions, construct clear statements, justify and prove their point of view

Observations and experiments. Physical quantities. Measurement of physical quantities

Physical methods for studying nature. Observations. Body properties Physical quantities. Measurements. Measuring instruments. Value of division.

Laboratory work

1. "Determination of the division price measuring instrument"

Solving a general educational problem searching and discovering a new way of doing things

Describe the known properties of bodies, their corresponding quantities and methods of measuring them. Select the necessary measuring instruments, determine the division price

Highlight quantitative characteristics objects, given by words. Able to replace terms with definitions. Select, compare and justify methods for solving a problem

They are aware of their actions. They learn to construct statements that are understandable to their partner. Have the skills of constructive communication and mutual understanding

Measurement of physical quantities. Accuracy and error of measurements

Physical quantities. Time as a characteristic of the process. Measurements of time and length. Measurement errors. Arithmetic mean.

Laboratory work

3. "Body volume measurement"

(D/z – Laboratory work No. 2 “Measuring the sizes of small bodies”)

Solving specific problems

Measure distances and time intervals. They offer ways to measure body volume. Measure volumes of bodies

They distinguish objects and processes from the point of view of the whole and parts. Identify the formal structure of the task.

Compare the method and result of their actions with a given standard, detect deviations and differences from the standard, make adjustments to the method of their actions

Proficient in verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Provide mutual control and assistance

Scientific methods of knowledge

Hypotheses and their testing. Physical experiment. Modeling of objects and natural phenomena

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action when solving specific practical problems

Observe and describe physical phenomena. State hypotheses and suggest ways to test them

Identify the formal structure of the task. They distinguish objects and processes from the point of view of the whole and parts. Select sign-symbolic means to build a model

They are able to justify and prove their point of view, plan general ways of working

History of physics. Science and technology. Physical picture of the world

Long-form assessment

Take a test on the topic “Physics and physical methods for studying nature.” Make a knowledge map ( First stage)

They create a structure of relationships between semantic units of the text. Perform operations with signs and symbols

They set an educational task for the year, anticipate the time characteristics of achieving the result and the level of mastery

They know how to listen to their interlocutor and formulate questions. Understand the relativity of assessments and choices made by people

: readiness and ability to fulfill the rights and responsibilities of a student, readiness and ability to fulfill moral standards in relation to adults and peers at school, at home, in extracurricular activities, cognitive interest and the formation of the meaning-forming function of the cognitive motive, readiness for equal cooperation, optimism in perception peace

Phase of setting and solving a system of educational tasks

Initial information about the structure of matter

6 hours

Structure of matter. Molecules

Atomic structure of matter. Gaps between molecules. Thermal movement of atoms and molecules. Interaction of particles of matter

Setting and solving an educational problem

Observe and explain experiments on thermal expansion of bodies, coloring of liquids

Proficient in verbal and non-verbal communication

Diffusion in gases, liquids and solids

Brownian motion. Thermal movement of atoms and molecules. Diffusion

Solving specific problems

Observe and explain the phenomenon of diffusion

Analyze observed phenomena, generalize and draw conclusions

They have the skills of constructive communication and mutual understanding. Provide mutual control and assistance

Mutual attraction and repulsion of molecules

Interaction of particles of matter. Deformation. Plasticity and elasticity. Wetting and non-wetting

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

Perform experiments to detect the forces of molecular attraction

Select symbolic means to build a model. Identify the general meaning of observed phenomena

Accept and maintain a cognitive goal, clearly fulfill the requirements of the cognitive task

Construct statements that are understandable to the partner. They justify and prove their point of view. Plan general ways of working

Aggregate states of matter

Aggregate states of matter. Properties of gases. Properties of liquids. Properties of solids. Structure of gases, liquids and solids

Generalization and systematization new ZUN and COURT

Explain the properties of gases, liquids and solids based on the atomic theory of the structure of matter

Select semantic units of the text and establish relationships between them. Identify objects and processes from the point of view of the whole and parts

Able to fully and accurately express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication

Structure of matter

Properties of gases. Properties of liquids. Properties of solids. Structure of gases, liquids and solids

Control and correction – developing self-control, working on the causes of errors and finding ways to eliminate them

Explain the phenomena of diffusion, wetting, elasticity and plasticity on the basis of the atomic theory of the structure of matter.

They are able to select semantic units of the text and establish relationships between them, draw consequences from the data available in the problem statement

Compare the method and result of their actions with a given standard, detect deviations and differences from the standard

Carry out mutual control and mutual assistance. Able to ask questions, justify and prove their point of view

Structure of matter

Aggregate states of matter. Structure of gases, liquids and solids

Long-form assessment

Give examples of the manifestation and application of the properties of gases, liquids and solids in nature and technology

They create a structure of relationships between semantic units of the text. Express the meaning of a situation using various means (drawings, symbols, diagrams, signs)

They realize the quality and level of assimilation.

Understand the relativity of assessments and choices made by people. Are aware of their actions

Personal results mastering the topic : conviction in the possibility of knowing nature, in the need for wise use of the achievements of science and technology for the further development of human society, respect for the creators of science and technology; attitude to physics as an element of universal human culture; the ability to conduct dialogue on the basis of equal relations and mutual respect; the need for self-expression and self-realization, social recognition; friendly attitude towards others.

Interaction of bodies

21 o'clock

Mechanical movement. Speed

Mechanical movement. Trajectory. Path. Speed. Scalar and vector quantities. Units of path and speed

Introductory lesson – setting a learning task, searching and discovering a new method of action

Depict the trajectories of movement of bodies. Determine the speed of rectilinear uniform motion

Identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Identifies quantitative characteristics of objects specified in words

Accept a cognitive goal and maintain it when performing educational activities

Uniform and uneven movement

Uniform and uneven movement. average speed

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

The speed of uniform motion is measured. Present the results of measurements and calculations in the form of tables and graphs.

Express the meaning of a situation using various means (drawings, symbols, diagrams, signs)

Describe the content of the actions performed in order to orient the activity

Calculation of path and time of movement

Determination of the path and time of movement for uniform and uneven movement

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

The distance traveled and the speed of the body are determined from the graph of the path of uniform motion versus time. Calculate the path and speed of a body during uniform rectilinear motion.

Identify the formal structure of the task. Express the structure of a problem in different ways. Able to choose generalized strategies for solving a problem

Interaction of bodies. Inertia.

Change in body speed and its causes. Inertia. Concept of interaction. Changing the velocities of interacting bodies

Solving a general educational problem – search and discovery of a new way of action

Detect the force of interaction between two bodies. Explain the reason for the change in body speed

Identify and formulate the problem. Perform operations with signs and symbols, replace terms with definitions

(what will be the result?)

Body mass

Dependence of changes in the speed of interacting bodies on their mass. Mass is a measure of inertia. Units of mass.

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

Give examples of the manifestation of inertia of bodies, study the dependence of the rate of change in the speed of a body on its mass

They are building logic circuits reasoning. Establish cause-and-effect relationships. Perform operations with signs and symbols

Compare their method of action with the standard

Body mass

Methods for measuring mass. Scales.

Laboratory work

3 "Measuring mass on a lever scale"

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

Body weight is measured on a lever scale. Suggest ways to determine the mass of large and small bodies

Make a plan and sequence of actions

They learn to manage their partner’s behavior - to convince him, control him, and correct his actions.

Density of matter

Density. Density units. Density of solids, liquids and gases

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

Explain the change in the density of a substance during the transition from one state of aggregation to another

Analyze objects, highlighting essential and non-essential features

Make a plan and sequence of actions

Density of matter

Calculate the density of solids, liquids and gases.

Laboratory work

5 "Determination of the density of a solid"

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

Measure the density of a substance

Analyze the conditions and requirements of the task, create activity algorithms, perform operations with signs and symbols

Make a plan and sequence of actions

Are able (or are developing the ability) to take the initiative in organizing joint action

Calculation of body mass and volume based on its density

Calculation of body weight at known volume. Calculation of the volume of a body with a known mass. Determination of the presence of voids and impurities in solids and liquids

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

Calculate the mass and volume of a body from its density. They offer ways to check for the presence of impurities and voids in the body

Analyze the conditions and requirements of the task. Express the structure of the problem using different means, choose generalized solution strategies

Accept and maintain a cognitive goal, regulate the entire process and clearly fulfill the requirements of the cognitive task

Are able (or develop the ability) to obtain missing information using questions

Force. Gravity

Force is the cause of change in speed. Force is a measure of the interaction of bodies. Force is a vector quantity. Image of forces. The phenomenon of gravity. Gravity. Units of force. Relationship between body mass and gravity

Solving a general educational problem – search and discovery of a new way of action.

Investigate the dependence of gravity on body weight

Identify and formulate the problem. They distinguish objects and processes from the point of view of the whole and parts. Select sign-symbolic means to build a model

Independently formulate a cognitive goal and build actions in accordance with it

Elastic force. Hooke's law. Dynamometer

Deformation of bodies. Elastic force. Hooke's law. Dynamometer.

Laboratory work

6 "Spring graduation"

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

Investigate the dependence of the elongation of a steel spring on the applied force

They put forward and justify hypotheses, suggest ways to test them, and draw conclusions from the available data.

Draw up a plan and sequence of actions. Compare their method of action with the standard



Resultant force. Addition of two forces directed along the same straight line

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

The resultant of two forces is found experimentally

Express the meaning of a situation using various means (drawings, symbols, diagrams, signs)

Compare the method and result of their actions with a given standard, detect deviations

Body weight. Weightlessness

The action of the body on a support or suspension. Body weight. The weight of a body at rest or moving in a straight line, uniformly. Determining body weight using a dynamometer

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

Explain the action of the body on a support or suspension. Discover the existence of weightlessness

Establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Make a plan and sequence of actions

Friction force. Static friction

Friction force. Rest friction. Ways to increase and decrease friction. Laboratory work No. 7 "Measuring friction force using a dynamometer"

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

The dependence of the sliding friction force on the contact area of ​​the bodies and the normal pressure force is studied.

Express the meaning of a situation using various means (drawings, symbols, diagrams, signs)

Make a plan and sequence of actions

Describe the content of the actions performed in order to orient the subject-practical or other activities

Force as a measure of the interaction of bodies and the cause of changes in speed. Gravity, elastic force, friction force and body weight.

Compile a background summary on the topic “Interaction of Bodies”

Structure knowledge. Select bases and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects

They highlight and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned,

Communicate and interact with partners joint activities or exchange of information

Movement and interaction. Forces around us

Finding the resultant of several forces. Determining the type of body motion depending on the forces acting on it

Solving specific problems

Solve problems basic level difficulties on the topic "Interaction of bodies"

Analyze the conditions and requirements of the problem, select, compare and justify methods for solving the problem

They highlight and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, they are aware of the quality and level of assimilation

Establish working relationships, learn to collaborate effectively and promote productive cooperation

Movement and interaction. Forces around us

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

Solve qualitative, quantitative and experimental problems of increased complexity on the topic “Interaction of bodies”

Able to choose generalized strategies for solving a problem. Able to draw consequences from the data available in the problem statement

Describe the content of the actions performed in order to orient the subject-practical or other activities

"Real Physics"

( lesson-game )

Long-form assessment – presentation of the results of mastering new knowledge and skills in specific practical situations

Perform creative and challenging tasks during the game

They build consciously and voluntarily speech utterances orally and in writing

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account final result

Movement and interaction. The forces are all around us.

( lesson-consultation )

Calculation of speed, distance and time of movement. Calculation of density, volume and body weight. Calculation of gravity, elasticity, friction, the resultant of two or more forces

Control and correction

Provide individual and group preparation for the test

They make up a whole from parts, independently completing the construction, replenishing the missing components

Make adjustments and additions to the method of their actions in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its product

Test on the topic "Interaction of bodies"

Speed, path and time of movement. Average speed. Density, mass and volume of the body.

Forces in nature


Demonstrate the ability to solve problems on the topic “Interaction of bodies”

Realize the quality and level of learning

Able to present specific content and communicate it in writing



Movement and interaction.

(lesson presentation )

Manifestation and application of the phenomena of inertia, gravitation, elasticity and friction in nature and technology

Long-form assessment – presentation of the results of mastering the knowledge and skills of the court

Evaluate the achieved result

Enter into dialogue, learn to master monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of their native language

Personal results of mastering the topic : positive moral self-esteem; friendly attitude towards others; respect for the individual and his dignity; readiness for equal cooperation; the basics of socially critical thinking, the ability to constructively resolve conflicts, conduct dialogue based on equal relations and mutual respect

Pressure of solids, liquids and gases

18 h




The concept of pressure. Formula for calculating and measuring pressure units. Ways to increase and decrease pressure

Setting and solving a general educational problem

Give examples of the need to reduce or increase pressure. Suggest ways to change pressure

Identify and formulate the problem. They put forward and justify hypotheses and suggest ways to test them.

Anticipate the result and level of assimilation

(what will be the result?)

Are able (or develop the ability) to obtain missing information using questions



Solid pressure

Calculation of pressure in the case of the action of one and several forces. Calculation of the force acting on the body and the area of ​​support based on known pressure

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

Know the formula for calculating pressure. Able to calculate force and area of ​​support. Explain the phenomena caused by the pressure of solid bodies on a support or suspension

Analyze the conditions and requirements of the task. Express the structure of a problem in different ways. Search and select the necessary information

Independently formulate a cognitive goal and build actions in accordance with it

Establish working relationships, learn to collaborate effectively and promote productive cooperation



Gas pressure

Gas pressure mechanism. Dependence of gas pressure on volume and temperature

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

Observe and explain experiments demonstrating the dependence of gas pressure on volume and temperature

Identify and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned



Pressure in liquids and gases. Pascal's law

Transmission of pressure by liquids and gases. Pascal's law. Dependence of pressure on height (depth). Hydrostatic paradox

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

Observe and explain experiments demonstrating the transfer of pressure by liquids and gases

Express the meaning of a situation using various means (drawings, symbols, diagrams, signs)

Identify and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned

Adequately use verbal means to discuss and argue their position



Calculation of liquid pressure on the bottom and walls of a vessel

Formula for calculating the pressure on the bottom and walls of a vessel. Solving qualitative, quantitative and experimental problems

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of a new method of action

They derive the formula for pressure inside a liquid and give examples indicating an increase in pressure at depth

Identifies quantitative characteristics of objects specified in words

Accept and maintain a cognitive goal, clearly fulfill the requirements of the cognitive task

Express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication



Communicating vessels

Communicating vessels. Homogeneous and dissimilar liquids in communicating vessels. Fountains. Gateways. Water supply systems

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

Give examples of devices using communicating vessels, explain the principle of their operation

Express the meaning of a situation using various means (drawings, symbols, diagrams, signs)

Make adjustments and additions to the drawn up plans for extracurricular activities

Able to present specific content and communicate it in writing and orally



Air weight. Atmosphere pressure

Methods for determining the mass and weight of air. The structure of the atmosphere. Phenomena proving the existence of atmospheric pressure

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

They offer methods for weighing air. Explain the reasons for the existence of the atmosphere and the mechanism of atmospheric pressure.

Extract necessary information from texts of various genres. Identify objects and processes from the point of view of the whole and parts

Make a plan and sequence of actions

Describe the content of the actions performed in order to orient the subject-practical or other activities



Measuring atmospheric pressure. Barometers

Methods for measuring atmospheric pressure. Torricelli's experience. Mercury barometer. Aneroid barometer. Atmospheric pressure at various heights

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

Explain the structure and principle of operation of liquid and liquid-free barometers, the reason for the dependence of pressure on altitude

Independently formulate a cognitive goal and build actions in accordance with it

Describe the content of the actions performed in order to orient the subject-practical or other activities



Pressure measurement. Pressure gauges

Pressure measurement methods. Design and principle of operation of liquid and metal pressure gauges. Methods for calibrating pressure gauges

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

The design of an aneroid barometer and a metal pressure gauge are compared. Suggest calibration methods

They analyze objects, highlighting essential and non-essential features. Build logical chains of reasoning

Independently formulate a cognitive goal and build actions in accordance with it

Describe the content of the actions performed in order to orient the subject-practical or other activities



Piston liquid pump. Hydraulic machine

Hydraulic machines (devices): press, jack, amplifier, piston pump, their structure, principle of operation and areas of application

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

Formulate the definition of a hydraulic machine. Give examples of hydraulic devices and explain their operating principles

They analyze objects, highlighting essential and non-essential features. Build logical chains of reasoning

Independently formulate a cognitive goal and build actions in accordance with it

Establish working relationships, learn to collaborate effectively and promote productive cooperation



Archimedes' power

Buoyancy force, calculation and measurement methods. Archimedes' law.

L/r No. 8 "Determination of the buoyancy force acting on a body immersed in a liquid"

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

They discover the existence of a buoyant force, derive a formula for calculating it, and suggest methods for measuring it

Identify and formulate the problem. Establish cause-and-effect relationships. Identify the generalized meaning and formal structure of the task

Independently formulate a cognitive goal and build actions in accordance with it

They work in a group. They know how to listen and hear each other. Are interested in other people's opinions and express their own



Floating bodies

Sailing conditions tel.

L/r No. 9 "Elucidation of the conditions for floating bodies in liquid"

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

Explore and formulate the conditions for floating bodies

Establish cause-and-effect relationships. Build logical chains of reasoning

Make a plan and sequence of actions

Learn to act taking into account the position of another and coordinate their actions



Sailing of ships. Displacement. Calculation of the maximum weight loaded onto the raft. Ways to increase ship capacity

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

Independently create activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature

Evaluate the achieved result

Communicate and interact with partners for joint activities or exchange of information



Solving problems on the topic "Pressure of solids, liquids and gases"

Submarines, bathyspheres, bathyscaphes. Aeronautics: Balloons, balloons and airships. Possibility of aeronautics on other planets

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

They make reports on the history of the development of shipping and shipbuilding. Solve problems

Orient and perceive literary, scientific, journalistic and formal business styles

Realize the quality and level of learning

Communicate and interact with partners for joint activities or exchange of information



Pressure of solids, liquids and gases

Pressure. Atmosphere pressure. Pascal's law. Archimedes' Law

Generalization and systematization of material

Working with a “knowledge map”

Structure knowledge

Realize the quality and level of learning

Express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication



Pressure of solids, liquids and gases


Control and correction – formation of self-control actions, working on the causes of errors and finding ways to eliminate them

Identify gaps in knowledge, determine the causes of errors and difficulties and eliminate them

Make adjustments and additions to the method of their actions in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its product

Show a willingness to adequately respond to the needs of others, provide assistance and emotional support to partners



Test on the topic "Pressure of solids, liquids and gases"

Pressure. Atmosphere pressure. Pascal's law. Archimedes' law. Sailing conditions


Demonstrate the ability to solve problems on the topic “Pressure of solids, liquids and gases”

Select the most effective ways to solve a problem depending on specific conditions

Evaluate the achieved result

Describe the content of the actions performed in order to orient the subject-practical or other activities



"On land, under water and in the sky..."


Pressure. Atmosphere pressure. Pascal's law. Archimedes' law. Sailing conditions

Long-form assessment – presentation of the results of mastering the method of action and its application in specific practical situations

Show results project activities(reports, messages, presentations, creative reports)

Consciously and voluntarily construct speech statements in oral and written form. Identify primary and secondary information

Evaluate the achieved result

Personal results of mastering the topic : sustainable cognitive interest and the formation of the meaning-forming function of the cognitive motive; readiness for equal cooperation; the need for self-expression and self-realization, social recognition; positive moral self-esteem; development of the general cultural heritage of Russia and the world cultural heritage; knowledge of the basic principles and rules of attitude towards nature; knowledge of the rules of conduct in emergency situations; conviction in the possibility of knowing nature, in the need for wise use of the achievements of science and technology for the further development of human society, respect for the creators of science and technology, attitude towards physics as an element of universal human culture; independence in acquiring new knowledge and practical skills

Work and power. Energy

12 h



Mechanical work

Job. Mechanical work. Units of work. Calculation of mechanical work

Solving a learning problem – search and discovery of a new way of action

Measure the work done by gravity and friction

Identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Build logical chains of reasoning

They set a learning task based on the correlation of what has already been learned and what is still unknown

Are able (or develop the ability) to obtain missing information using questions




Power. Power units. Power calculation

Solving a learning problem – search and discovery of a new way of action

Measure power

Able to replace terms with definitions. Establish cause-and-effect relationships

Independently formulate a cognitive goal and build actions in accordance with it

Are able (or develop the ability) to obtain missing information using questions



Simple mechanisms

Mechanism. Simple mechanisms. Lever and inclined plane. Balance of Power

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

Suggest ways to make work that requires a lot of strength or endurance easier

Identify objects and processes from the point of view of the whole and parts

Independently formulate a cognitive goal and build actions in accordance with it

Share knowledge between team members to make effective joint decisions



Moment of power. Levers

Shoulder of power. Moment of power. L/r No. 10 "Conditions of equilibrium of a lever"

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

Study the conditions of lever equilibrium

Select sign-symbolic means to build a model

Make a plan and sequence of actions

Are able (or are developing the ability) to take the initiative in organizing joint action




Blocks. Movable and fixed blocks. Pulley hoists

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

They study the conditions of equilibrium of movable and stationary blocks, suggest ways to use them, and give examples of application

They put forward and justify hypotheses and suggest ways to test them.

Compare the method and result of their actions with a given standard, detect deviations and differences

Are able (or are developing the ability) to take the initiative in organizing joint action



The "Golden Rule" of Mechanics

Use of simple mechanisms. Equality of work, the "golden rule" of mechanics

Calculate the work performed using mechanisms and determine the “gain”

Able to draw consequences from the data available in the problem statement

Formulate a cognitive goal and build actions in accordance with it

Describe the content of the actions performed in order to orient the subject-practical or other activities




Efficiency. Efficiency of an inclined plane, block, pulley. Laboratory work No. 11

"Determination of efficiency when lifting a body along an inclined plane"

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

The efficiency of the inclined plane is measured. Calculate the efficiency of simple mechanisms

Analyze the object, highlighting essential and non-essential features

Work in a group, establish working relationships, learn to collaborate effectively



Energy. Kinetic and potential energy

Energy. Energy units. Kinetic and potential energy. Formulas for calculating energy

Solving a learning problem – search and discovery of a new way of action

Calculate body energy

Identifies quantitative characteristics of objects specified in words

Accept and maintain a cognitive goal when performing educational activities

Enter into dialogue, participate in collective discussion of problems, learn to master monologue and dialogic forms of speech



Energy Conversions

Conversion of one type of mechanical energy into another. Work is a measure of change in energy. Law of energy conservation

Solving specific problems – comprehension, concretization and development of knowledge and judgment

Compare changes in kinetic and potential energy of a body during movement

Build logical chains of reasoning. Establish cause-and-effect relationships

They set a learning task based on the correlation of what is already known and what is still unknown

Adequately use verbal means to discuss and argue their position



Solving problems on the topic "Work and power. Energy"

Calculation of kinetic, potential and total mechanical energy of a body. Determination of perfect work and power

Integrated application of ZUN and CUD

Measure work done, calculate power, efficiency and change in mechanical energy of the body

Analyze methods for solving a problem from the point of view of their rationality and efficiency

They highlight and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, they are aware of the quality and level of assimilation

Establish working relationships, learn to collaborate effectively and promote productive cooperation



Work and power. Energy

Calculation of the work done by various mechanisms, the power produced and the amount of energy converted from one type to another

Generalization and systematization of knowledge

They work with a “knowledge map”. Identify gaps in knowledge, determine the causes of errors and difficulties and eliminate them

Structure knowledge. They distinguish objects and processes from the point of view of the whole and parts. Able to choose generalized strategies for solving a problem

They highlight and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, they are aware of the quality and level of assimilation

Communicate and interact with partners for joint activities or exchange of information



Test on the topic "Work and power. Energy"

Simple mechanisms. Kinetic, potential and total mechanical energy. Mechanical work and power. Efficiency


Demonstrate the ability to solve problems on the topic "Work and power. Energy"

Select the most effective ways to solve a problem depending on specific conditions

Describe the content of the actions performed

Personal results of mastering the topic : conviction in the possibility of knowing nature, in the need for wise use of the achievements of science and technology for the further development of human society, respect for the creators of science and technology, attitude towards physics as an element of universal human culture; independence in acquiring new knowledge and practical skills; formation value relations to each other, to the teacher, to the authors of discoveries and inventions, to the results of learning; knowledge of the basic principles and rules of attitude towards nature; knowledge of emergency procedures

Reflexive phase

Generalizing repetition

6 hours



Physics and the world we live in

Initial information about the structure of matter.

Independently create activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature

They highlight and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, they are aware of the quality and level of assimilation

Show respect for partners, attention to the personality of the other, adequate interpersonal perception



Physics and the world we live in

Generalization and systematization of knowledge. Control and correction

They work with a “knowledge map”. Discuss tasks that require the integrated use of acquired knowledge and training systems.

Analyze methods for solving problems from the point of view of their rationality and efficiency. Structure knowledge

Make adjustments and additions to the method of their actions in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its product

Show a willingness to adequately respond to the needs of others, provide assistance and emotional support to partners



Final test

Initial information about the structure of matter. Movement and interaction. Strength. Pressure of solids, liquids and gases. Energy. Job. Power


Demonstrate the ability to solve problems in basic and higher level difficulties

They are able to draw consequences from the data available in the problem statement. Choose the most effective ways to solve problems

Evaluate the achieved result. Realize the quality and level of learning

Describe the content of the actions performed in order to orient the subject-practical or other activities



"I know I can..."

Movement and interaction. Strength. Pressure of solids, liquids and gases. Energy. Job. Power

Long-form assessment – self-control and self-esteem

Assess the results achieved. Determine the reasons for success and failure

Consciously and voluntarily construct speech statements in oral and written form

They highlight and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, they are aware of the quality and level of assimilation

Use adequate language means to display your feelings, thoughts and motives



"At the dawn of time..."

Movement and interaction. Strength. Pressure of solids, liquids and gases. Energy. Job. Power

Long-form assessment public knowledge review

Demonstrate the results of project activities (reports, messages, presentations, creative reports)

Consciously and voluntarily construct speech statements in oral and written form

Evaluate the achieved result. Realize the quality and level of learning



"At the dawn of time..."

Movement and interaction. Strength. Pressure of solids, liquids and gases. Energy. Job. Power

Long-form assessment public knowledge review

Demonstrate the results of project activities (reports, messages, presentations, creative reports)

Consciously and voluntarily construct speech statements in oral and written form

Evaluate the achieved result. Realize the quality and level of learning

Adhere to moral, ethical and psychological principles communication and cooperation

Personal results of mastering the course : formation of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students; conviction in the possibility of knowing nature, in the need for wise use of the achievements of science and technology for the further development of human society, respect for the creators of science and technology, attitude towards physics as an element of universal human culture; independence in acquiring new knowledge and practical skills; formation of value relations towards each other, the teacher, authors of discoveries and inventions, learning outcomes

Lesson planning

Item : PHYSICS number of hours : 2 hours per week Class: 7


number of hours



Lesson topic

Basic Concepts



Demonstrations and experiments

Physics and physical methods of studying nature/4 hours/

Physics - science about nature. Observation and description of physical phenomena. Physical experiment. Modeling of natural phenomena and objects. Measurement of physical quantities. Measurement errors. International system of units. Physical laws and limits of their applicability. The role of physics in the formation of the scientific picture of the world.

Initial information about the structure of matter./6 hours/. Thermal phenomena

Structure of matter. Thermal movement of atoms and molecules. Brownian motion. Diffusion. Interaction of particles of matter. Models of the structure of gases, liquids and solids. Thermal equilibrium.


4 hours

Introductory safety briefing No. 1

Physics is the science of nature.

Observations and descriptions of physical phenomena

NRC Physical phenomena occurring in the environment of Chelyabinsk

Matter, body,

substance, field, physical phenomenon, observation, experiment, hypothesis, value, division value, error.

P. 1.2 No. 1-4.6

Demonstration examples of mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic and light phenomena.

Demonstration and laboratory measuring instruments. L/r No. 1

Physical devices.

measurement error.

P. 3.4 No. 32, 34

Physical devices

Physical quantities and their measurement. International system of units. Accuracy and measurement error. The role of mathematics in the development of physics. Physics and technology.

Physics and the development of ideas about the material world.

P. 5 No. 36-39, l/r 1

L/r No. 1. “Determination of the division price of a measuring device” Instruction on safety.


Initial information about the structure of matter.

6 hours.

Structure of matter.

Thermal movement of atoms and molecules.

Molecule, atom, diffusion, Brownian motion, temperature, wetting, capillarity, state of aggregation of matter, crystal lattice.

P. 7.8

L/r No. 2“Measuring the sizes of small bodies” Instruction on TB.

P. 9 back 2 No. 41, 42

Brownian motion.

Diffusion. Thermal movement.

Thermal equilibrium. Temperature and its measurement.

Relationship between temperature and the average speed of thermal chaotic motion of particles.

L.O. No. 1

Temperature measurement.

Dependence of diffusion on temperature. NRC The influence of emissions from industrial enterprises on the life of Lake Smolino.

P. 10 No. 65, 68

Models of atoms and molecules, tables.

Model of Brownian motion, chaotic motion. Diffusion in gases

Demonstration lead cylinder clutch

Demonstration compressibility of gases, preservation of liquid volume when changing the shape of the vessel

Interaction of particles of matter. Mutual attraction and repulsion of molecules.

NRC The phenomenon of non-wetting of the plumage of waterfowl with water and wetting with oil.

Models of the structure of gases, liquids and solids and an explanation of the properties of matter based on these models.

Repeated - generalizing lesson on the topic “Initial information about the structure of matter”


Know/understand meaning of concepts : physical phenomenon, physical law, substance; meaning of concepts : physical law, atom;

meaning of physical quantities : internal energy, temperature

Be able to: : distances;

independently search for information naturally scientific content using various sources (educational texts, reference and popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources), its processing and presentation in different forms (verbally, using graphs, mathematical symbols, drawings and block diagrams). : diffusion;

use physical devices and measuring instruments for measuring physical quantities : distances;

Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life for: ensuring safety during use Vehicle

Mechanical phenomena:/57 hours / Mechanical movement. Frame of reference and relativity of motion. Path. Speed. Inertia. Interaction of bodies. Weight. Density. Force. Addition of forces. Elastic force. Friction force. Gravity. Body weight Pressure.

Atmosphere pressure. Pascal's law. Hydraulic machines Archimedes' law. Sailing conditions Job. Power. Simple mechanisms. Efficiency.Conditions for equilibrium of bodies.

Interaction of bodies

Mechanical movement.

Relativity of motion.

Reference system. Trajectory. Path. Rectilinear uniform and uneven movement.

Mechanical motion, reference body, reference system, material point, trajectory, path, uniform and uneven movement, speed, average speed.

P.13 exercise 3

Demonstration examples of fur. motion, relativity of motion.

Demonstration uniform rectilinear motion

Demonstration inertia phenomena

Laboratory equipment according to instructions.

Collections of problems

Didactic materials: collections of educational and developmental tasks on the topic

Speed ​​of uniform linear motion.

Units of speed.

P. 14, 15 exercise 4

Methods for measuring distance, time and speed.

L.O. No. 2 Study of the dependence of the path on time during uniform motion.

P.16.control 5

Solving problems on path and speed graphs, average speed The phenomenon of inertia. Manifestation of inertia in everyday life and technology.


Interaction of bodies.

NRC“Traffic safety when crossing streets in the city of Chelyabinsk”


Body mass. Units of mass. Measuring body weight using scales

NRC Accidents involving cars and trucks

P.18, 19

Measuring the mass and volume of bodies. L/r No. 3“Measuring body weight on lever scales” L/r№4“Measuring body volume” Instruction on TB

Inertia, mass, volume, density


Density of matter.

P.21, exercise 7

Methods for measuring mass and density. Solving problems on calculating the mass and volume of a body based on its density

№ 205, 207,216

Repetition and generalization of questions “Movement. Density."

L/r No. 5"Determination of solid density"

№ 13-22, 216, 220, 225

K/R No. 1 "Mechanical movement. Body mass. Density of matter"


Analysis of test work. Force. The phenomenon of gravity.

Force, gravity, gravitational force, elastic force, body weight, friction force, deformation of bodies. Resultant of forces.

P.23 No. 296, 300

Demonstration interaction of forces, addition of forces, free fall of bodies, dependence of the elastic force on the deformation of the spring.




L.O. No. 3 Study of the dependence of gravity on body weight

P. 24 No. 311, 305,


Elastic force. Elastic deformation. Hooke's law.

L.O. No. 4 Study of the dependence of the elastic force on the elongation of the spring.

Measuring spring stiffness.



Body weight. Weightlessness. Geocentric and heliocentric system peace Problem solving.

P. 26, 27 exercise 9



Units of force.

The relationship between gravity and body mass (weight).

P. 28 No. 333, 340 exercise 10


Methods for measuring force.

Dynamometer. And safety training

Laboratory work No. 6

"Graduation of a spring and measurement of forces with a dynamometer"

№ 350-353


Graphic image strength. Rule of addition of forces.

P. 29, 356, 361, 364,368


Friction. Friction force.

Sliding and rolling friction. Rest friction. Friction in nature and technology. Bearings.

L.O. No. 5 Study of sliding friction force. Measuring the coefficient of sliding friction.

P. 30, 31 No. 400. 405, 407


S/R“Summary of forces. Graphic representation of forces” Friction force. Rest and rolling friction.

NRC The role of friction forces in industry


№ 302, 315, 323, 354, 390


K/R No. 2“Forces are in nature. Resultant of forces"

P. 32

Know : meaning of concepts :

meaning of physical quantities : path, speed, mass, density, force;

meaning of physical laws: universal gravity.

Be able to :describe and explain physical phenomena : uniform linear motion;

use physical instruments and measuring instruments to measure physical quantities : distance, period of time, mass, force;

present measurement results using tables, graphs and identify empirical dependencies on this basis: paths from time;

express the results of measurements and calculations in units of the International System;

give examples of the practical use of physical knowledge about mechanical phenomena;

solve problems using the studied physical laws.

Use: ensuring safety during the use of vehicles.

Pressure. Atmosphere pressure. Pascal's law. Hydraulic machines. Archimedes' law. Sailing conditions.

Pressure of solids, liquids and gases


Test analysis

Pressure. Pressure of solids.

Pressure units NRC Construction of bridges and buildings in Chelyabinsk Methods of reducing and increasing pressure.

Solid pressure, gas pressure, hydrostatic pressure.

Communicating vessels.

P.33, 34 exercise 12

Demonstration TV pressure dependence bodies for support.

Demonstration phenomena explained by the existence of pressure in liquids and gases.

Demonstration Pascal's law

Demonstration communicating vessels, fountain models, visual aids

Collections of problems



Gas pressure.

Explanation of gas pressure based on molecular kinetic concepts.

P35, exercise 13


Transmission of pressure by liquids and gases. Pascal's law.

Clause 36 exercise 14 clause 4 /for additional reading/


Pressure in liquid and gas. Calculation of pressure on the bottom and walls of the vessel.

P.37, 38 exercise 15

37 (5)

Solving calculation problems hydrostatic pressure. Communicating vessels. Gateways. (Water pipes)

№ 425, 429, 431

38 (6)

Communicating vessels.

NRC Violation natural balance during the construction of canals and reservoirs in Chelyab. region, Decrease in fresh water reserves.

P.39 exercise 16 back 9


Solving problems for calculating the pressure of solids, liquids and gases.

P 33-39 turn. 361, 367, 437, 452

40 (8)

K/r No. 3“Pressure of solids, liquids and gases”


Test analysis

Air weight.

Atmosphere pressure. Pressure measurement methods.

NRC Changes in the composition of the atmosphere under the influence of anthropogenic factors.

Air weight, atmosphere, atmospheric pressure. p.45

P.40, 41 exercise 17

Measurement atmospheric pressure with an aneroid barometer

Demonstration various types of pressure gauges.

Hydraulic Press


Change in atmospheric pressure. Torricelli's experience.

P.42-44 exercise 19


Barometer - aneroid.

Change in atmospheric pressure with altitude.



Pressure gauges. Piston liquid pump.

P.46 exercise 22


Hydraulic press Hydraulic machines

P.47 exercise 23

46 (14)

Solving problems "Hydraulic machines"

410, 412. 415


The action of liquid and gas on a body immersed in them. L/r No. 7“Measurement of the buoyant force acting on a body immersed in a liquid. Safety training

Buoyancy force, floating of bodies, draft, waterline, lifting force of a balloon.

P.48 No. 516-518

Demonstration Archimedes' law

Models of ships, floating bodies made of metal

Collections of problems

CMM “Pressure of solids, liquids and gases”




Archimedes' power. Archimedes' problem

L.O. No. 6 Measuring Archimedean force

P.49 exercise 24


Floating bodies L/R No. 8“Finding out the conditions for floating bodies in liquid” Safety instructions

P.50 exercise 25

51 (19)

Sailing of ships. Aeronautics. NRC“The contribution of Aeroflot to the process of destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere; use of balloons.

P.51, 52 exercise 26

52 (20)

Solving problems involving floating bodies

№ 556, 542, 561


Repeatedly generalizing lesson on the topic “Archimedes’ power. Floating bodies"

P 48-52 turn. 554, 555, 557


K/R№ 4 “Archimedes’ power. Floating bodies"


Know: meaning of concepts : physical law, interaction;

meaning of physical quantities : pressure;

meaning of physical laws : Pascal, Archimedes.

Be able to: describe and explain physical phenomena: transmission of pressure by liquids and gases, floating of bodies;

use physical instruments and measuring instruments to measure physical quantities : force, pressure;

express the results of measurements and calculations in units of the International System.

monitoring the serviceability of water supply, plumbing and gas appliances in the apartment.

Work and power. Energy.

Job. Power. Simple mechanisms. Efficiency . Conditions for lever equilibrium. Kinetic energy. Potential energy of interacting bodies. Law of conservation of mechanical energy.

Work and power.



Test analysis

Mechanical work. Units of work.

Mechanical work, power, simple mechanism, lever, block, gate, inclined plane

Torque, efficiency, energy, types of energy, energy conversion.

P 53, exercise 28

Demonstration mechanical work.

Demonstration simple mechanisms

Lever action.

Demonstration finding the center of gravity of a flat body

Movable and fixed blocks, pulley blocks.

Collections of problems

Demonstration changes of energy from one form to another, different pendulums.



Power. Power units. .

P.54, exercise 29


Simple mechanisms. Lever arm.

NRC Environmental safety of simple mechanisms.



Moment of power.

Equilibrium of bodies with a fixed axis of rotation. Types of balance Center of gravity. Conditions for equilibrium of bodies.

P 57, 623, 627, 632, 641


L/R No. 9“Elucidation of the equilibrium condition of a lever.” TB instruction. Levers in technology, everyday life and nature. Blocks.

P. 58. 59, exercise 30



"The Golden Rule of Mechanics." Efficiency Problem solving

P 60.61


L/R No. 10“Determination of efficiency when lifting a body along an inclined plane.” Safety training

№673, 677, 679


Energy. Potential energy of interacting bodies. Kinetic energy of a moving body.

№ 588, 605, 637, 674



L.O. No. 7 Measuring the kinetic energy of a body.

L.O. No. 8 Measuring changes in the potential energy of a body. Problem solving

"Mechanical energy."

P.62, 63 exercise 32


Conversion of one type of mechanical energy into another. Energy of rivers and wind. Law of conservation of total mechanical energy.

P. 64 exercise 33

67 (13)

K/R No. 5"Job. Power. Energy. Simple mechanisms"

Work and power.


.meaning of concepts : physical law, interaction;

meaning of physical quantities : work, power, kinetic energy, potential energy, efficiency;

meaning of physical laws : conservation of momentum and mechanical energy.

Be able to :use physical instruments and measuring instruments to measure physical quantities : distance, period of time, mass;

express the results of measurements and calculations in units of the International System.

Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life for rational use of simple mechanisms.


3 hours


Test analysis

Repetition: “Initial information about the structure of matter”

Basic concepts of the course



Repetition: “Interaction of bodies” “Pressure”

Final test

8th grade

Lesson number


Lesson topic

8th grade

Basic Concepts

Demonstrations, laboratory experiments

Date adjustment


Thermal phenomena / 27 h/

Internal energy. Temperature. Heat transfer. Irreversibility of heat transfer processes. Relationship between the temperature of a substance and the chaotic movement of its particles. Amount of heat, specific heat capacity. Law of conservation of energy in thermal processes. Evaporation and condensation. Air humidity. Boiling. Dependence of boiling temperature on pressure. Melting and crystallization. Specific heat of melting and vaporization. Specific heat of combustion. Calculation of the amount of heat during heat exchange. Energy conversion during changes in the state of aggregation of matter. Energy conversion in heat engines. Environmental problems of using thermal machines. Steam turbine. Internal combustion engine. Thermal efficiency engine

Thermal movement of atoms and molecules. Temperature and its measurement.

NRC"Changes in air temperature in Chelyabinsk region»

Internal energy.


Heat transfer

Thermal conductivity. Convection. Radiation.

Quantity of heat.

Specific heat.

Fuel energy.

Specific heat of combustion of fuel.

D. Operating principle of the thermometer

Relationship between temperature and the average speed of chaotic motion.

L/o No. 1 Study of changes in cooling water temperatures over time

Internal energy

NRC: Sources of heat. Anthropogenic heat source as a factor in disturbing the natural balance Chelyab. region

Ways to change the internal energy of bodies.

D. Change in internal energy during work and heat transfer

Thermal conductivity.

D. Thermal conductivity of various materials


NRC. Formation of convection currents in the industrial zone of Chelyabinsk

D. Convection in liquids and gases

Radiation. TB instruction. L/r No. 1“Study of changes in temperature of cooling water over time”

D. Heat transfer by radiation

L/r No. 1

Features of various methods of heat transfer.

NRC Examples of heat transfer to nature and technology Southern Urals.

Clause 1 add. reading

Quantity of heat. Units of heat quantity.

Specific heat.

Calculation of the amount of heat during the heating (cooling) process

TB instruction.

Laboratory work No. 2"Study of the phenomenon of heat transfer"

D. l/r No. 2

Work report

Safety training

Laboratory work No. 3« Measuring the specific heat capacity of a substance"

L/r No. 3

Work report

Fuel energy. Specific heat of combustion.

NRC. Comparison of the value and environmental friendliness of various types of fuel Pers. region

The law of conservation and transformation of energy in mechanical and thermal processes.

Solving problems “Types of heat transfer”

Collections of problems.

P.7-11 rep.

Aggregate states of matter. Melting and solidification crystalline bodies.

Melting. Crystallization. Specific heat of fusion. Evaporation.



D. Comparison of specific heat capacities of various substances

Melting and solidification schedule. Specific heat of fusion.

NRC Environmental aspects foundry

D. Melting and crystallization phenomena

Problem solving.

S/r “Heating and melting of crystalline bodies”

P. 3 additional reading

Evaporation and condensation

Saturated steam.

NRC. Formation of acid rain in Chelyabinsk and the region.

D. Evaporation phenomenon

Air humidity. Methods for determining humidity

L/o№2“Measurement of relative air humidity with a psychrometer”

Boiling. Specific heat of vaporization and condensation.

D. Boiling water.

D. Constancy of liquid boiling point

Problem solving. Dependence of boiling temperature on pressure.

Collections of problems


Work of gas and steam. Operating principles of heat engines. ICE.

D. Four-stroke internal combustion engine design

L/o No. 3 Study of the dependence of gas volume on pressure at constant temperature

Steam turbine. Heat engine efficiency.

NRC"Polzunov Ivan Ivanovich."

D. Steam turbine design

Problem solving. Preparation for the test.

NRC"Heat engines and environment native land»

Test No. 1 on the topic "Thermal processes"


Test analysis

Explanation of the principle of operation and structure of the refrigerator. Irreversibility of thermal processes.


Jet engine

D. Jet propulsion


Know and explain the hypothesis of the discrete structure of matter.

Internal energy, temperature, heat transfer, amount of heat, specific heat,

melting, evaporation and boiling, air humidity. Know calculation formulas :

Q =cm (t 2 0 -t 1 0)

Q= λ m

Q =Lm

Determine energy conversions in internal combustion engines, heat engines, refrigeration units.

Be able to retell the textbook text, find main idea and answers to questions asked

Define table values; present measurement results in the form of tables

Solve standard calculation and graphic problems to describe the processes of heating, cooling, melting, boiling.

Explain the processes of evaporation and melting of matter; cooling of a liquid during its evaporation, using the basic principles of MKT.

Measure body temperature.

Assemble experimental installations according to the description or drawing.

Ensure safety when using gas appliances in the apartment

Electrical phenomena/3h+ 20h/

Electric charge. Interaction of charges. Two types of electric charges. . Electric field. Action electric field per person. Conductors, dielectrics and semiconductors. Capacitor. Electric field energy of a capacitor.

Constant electric current. Sources direct current . Action of electric current. Current strength. Voltage. Electrical resistance. Electrical circuit. Ohm's law for a section of a circuit. Serial and parallel connection. Work and power of the electric field. Joule-Lenz law. Electric charge carriers in metals, electrolytes and gases. Semiconductor devices.

Electrification of bodies. Two types of electric charges.

Electric charge.




Electric field.

D. Electrification of bodies.

D. Two types of electric charges.

L/o No. 4 Observation electrical interaction

Interaction of charges. Electroscope.

D. The structure and operation of an electroscope.

D. Transfer of electric charge from one body to another

Conductors, dielectrics, semiconductors. Electric field.

D. Conductors, insulators

Quantum phenomena/6 hours/

Rutherford's experiments. Planetary model of the atom. Line optical spectra. Absorption and emission of light by atoms. Compound atomic nucleus. Charge and mass number.

Divisibility of electric charge.

Electrification of bodies.

The structure of the atom.

Law of conservation of electric charge

The structure of the atom. Planetary model of the atom.

Composition of the atomic nucleus.

Charge and mass numbers. Law of conservation of electric charge.

D. Law of conservation of electric charge

Explanation of electrification of bodies. NRC Application of electrification in production in the Chelyabinsk region.

D. Electrification through influence

Charge carriers in metals, electrolytes, semiconductors S/r"The structure of the atom. Electrification of bodies"

Collections of problems

P. 28-31 rep.

Know and define the concepts:

atom, elementary particles, charge carriers. Know the law of conservation of electric charge.

Explain electrification of bodies using

planetary model of atoms

Electrical phenomena /continued / 20 hours.

The concept of electric current.


Sources of electric current

NRC The use of electric currents in medicine in the Chelyabinsk region.

D. DC power supplies

Actions of electric current Electric circuit and its components.

D. Drawing up electrical circuits

Electric current in metals. Current direction

Current strength. Voltage. Resistance. Resistivity.

Ohm's law.

D. Electric current in semiconductors

Current strength. Units of current.

D. current measurement

Ammeter. Safety training

Laboratory work No. 4“Assembling an electrical circuit and measuring the current in its various sections”

L/r No. 4

Voltage. Units of voltage. Voltmeter.

D. measuring voltage with a voltmeter

TB instructions

Laboratory work No. 5“Voltage measurement in different parts of the circuit”

L/r No. 5

Resistance. Units of resistance.

L/o No. 5 Study of the dependence of current on voltage at constant resistance

Ohm's law for a section of a circuit.

L/o No. 6 Study of the dependence of current on resistance at constant voltage

Calculation of conductor resistance. Resistivity. Semiconductors.

L/o No. 7 Study of the dependence of resistance on length, cross-sectional area and resistivity

P 45 additional clause 4

TB instructions

Laboratory work No. 6“Determination of conductor resistance using an ammeter and voltmeter”

L/R No. 6

Rheostats. TB instructions

Laboratory work No. 7“Current control by rheostat”

L/r No. 7

D. rheostat and resistance magazine

Serial and parallel connections of conductors.

L/o№8"Study of series and parallel connection of conductors"

Problem solving. "Conductor Connection"

Work of electric current. Power. Joule-Lenz law.

Collections of problems

Work and power of electric current.

TB instructions

Laboratory work No. 8"Measurement of power and current work in electric lamp»


Joule-Lenz law.

Electrical devices. Problem solving. NRC. Use of fuses used in production in the Chelyabinsk region.

P. 53-54 messages

Test No. 3 on the topic "Electrical phenomena"


Know and define the concepts:

electrification of bodies, electric charge, two types of electric charges, electric field. Know designations and give definitions to quantities:

current, voltage, resistance, resistivity.

Know the formulas:I =q :t R =ρ l /S

Know laws:

Ohm for a section of a circuit, Joule-Lenz law. Be able to retell the textbook text, find the main idea and answers to the questions posed

Define table values; present measurement results in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams.

Gather pilot plants according to description or drawing, diagram. Decide typical calculation problems.

Compare resistance of metal conductors according to graphs of current versus voltage

Provide safety during use electrical appliances in the apartment

Electromagnetic oscillations and waves. /14 hours/

Interaction of magnets. A magnetic field. Interaction of a conductor with current. Action magnetic field on electric charges. Electric motor. Rectilinear propagation, reflection and refraction of light. Ray. Law of light reflection. Flat mirror. Lens. optical instruments. Measuring the focal length of a lens. The eye is like an optical system. Optical instruments.

Test analysis

Permanent magnets. Earth's magnetic field

Magnets. Magnet interaction

A magnetic field. Interaction of conductors with current. The effect of a magnetic field on electric charges.

Electric motor.

Rectilinear propagation, reflection and refraction of light. Ray. Law of light reflection. Flat mirror.

Optical instruments.

Measuring the focal length of a lens.


Interaction of permanent magnets"

A magnetic field. Magnetic field direct and circular current.

NRC Magnetism in the Chelyabinsk region.

D. Magnetic field of current

D. Oersted's experience

L/o №10 "

Electromagnet and electric motor

TB instructions

Laboratory work No. 9“Studying the principle of operation of an electric motor”

l/r No. 9

D. Electric motor device

D. The effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor

Construction of electrical measuring instruments. Electromagnetic relay.

L/o№11“Studying the principle of relay operation”

Abstract message

Sources of light. Spread of light.

NRC The phenomenon of eclipses in the Chelyabinsk region.

D. Sources of light .

D. Rectilinear propagation of light

L/o No. 12" Study of the phenomenon of light propagation"

Laws of light reflection.

L/o№13“Study of the dependence of the angle of reflection on the angle of incidence of light”

P. 63 work report

Flat mirror

D. Image in a plane mirror

L/o№14"Study of image properties in a plane mirror »

Light refraction.

D. Eye model

Lens. Optical power of the lens.

Images produced by converging and diverging lenses.

D. Path of rays in a collecting lens

D. Path of rays in a diverging lens

TB instructions

Laboratory work No. 10

“Measuring the focal length of a converging lens”

l/r 10

Dispersion of light.

D. White light dispersion

D. Producing white light by adding light of different colors

L/o No. 15 " Observation of the phenomenon of light dispersion"

Test « Light phenomena»


Test analysis General repetition


9th grade (70 hours. 2 hours per week)



lesson/lesson number in topic

Lesson topic; D/z

Practical part



Be able to

Using knowledge and skills in practice


Laboratory experiments

Mechanical phenomena (16 hours). Physical methods of studying nature (2 hours)

Mechanical movement. Relativity of motion. Frame of reference. Trajectory. Path . Uneven movement. Instantaneous speed. Acceleration. Uniformly accelerated motion. Free fall of bodies. Graphs of path and speed versus time.

Uniform movement in a circle. Period and frequency of circulation. Newton's first law... Newton's second law, Newton's third law. Gravity. The law of universal gravitation. Artificial Earth satellites. Body weight. Weightlessness. Geocentric and heliocentric systems of the world. Pulse. law of conservation of momentum. Jet propulsion.

Mechanical vibrations . Period, frequency and amplitude of oscillations. Period of oscillation of a mathematical and spring pendulum.

Mechanical movement. Reference system. Material point.

Know the concepts and explain phenomena: mechanical motion, relativity of motion, reference system, material point, trajectory, rectilinear motion, interaction of bodies, free fall of bodies, circular motion of bodies, mass, inertia, friction, elastic deformation, impulse, rocket. mechanical vibrations and mechanical waves, period, frequency, amplitude of vibrations , mechanical waves, wavelength, sound.

Know the definitions of quantities and their units of measurement path, speed, acceleration, force, mass, energy, impulse.

Know the laws: Newton's three laws, the law of universal gravitation, the law of conservation of momentum and mechanical energy

Describe the phenomenon of inertia, understand the meaning of Newton's laws.

Describe the reasons for uniform and uniformly accelerated motion. Observe and describe different kinds mechanical vibrations and waves

Describe energy transformations when analyzing oscillations of pendulums

According to schedules determine dependencies between S, υ, α,

F y (l ) F tr (N )

Determine the period, amplitude, frequency from the oscillation graph

Use physical devices for measuring time, distance, forces. To measure period of pendulum oscillation

Express calculation results in SI units

Solve problems using Newton's laws and the laws of conservation of momentum, the law of conservation of mechanical energy

Explain physical phenomena, based on various theories of structure solar system.

Explain phenomena nature based on Newton's laws, the law of universal gravitation.

Provide safe use Vehicle

Use knowledge in everyday life to explain sound phenomena, give examples of oscillatory and wave movements in nature and technology.

Rectilinear uneven movement. Instant speed. Acceleration.

D. Uniformly accelerated motion

L/O No. 1“Study of the dependence of the path on time in uniformly accelerated motion”

Displacement is a vector quantity. Actions on vectors. Moving in uniformly accelerated motion.

NRC“Features of vehicle traffic in the Southern Urals”

Graph of speed versus time of movement. Safety training

Laboratory work No. 1“Measurement of acceleration of rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion”

p. 5-8 ex. 6(1.2), 7(2.3)

Relativity of motion. Geocentric and heliocentric systems of the world.

D. Relativity of motion

Newton's laws.

D. Newton's second and third laws

L/O No. 2“Addition of forces directed at an angle”

p10-12 exercise 10(1.2), 11(3.4)

Free fall of bodies.

D. Free fall of bodies in a Newton tube

The law of universal gravitation. Gravity and body weight.

paragraphs 14-15 ex. 14, 15(1,2)

Uniform movement in a circle. Period and frequency of circulation.

D. Speed ​​direction at

uniform circular motion

clause 19 ex. 18(1-4)

Weightlessness. AES.

NRC"Possibilities of artificial satellites in the study of natural resources and products of human activity."

D. Weightlessness.

Pulse. Law of conservation of momentum. Jet propulsion.

NRC“Developments of the Aerospace Faculty of SUSU. Activities of the missile center in Miass"

D. Law of conservation of momentum. Jet propulsion

clause 21 exercise 20(3)

Law of conservation of mechanical energy.

D. Change in body energy when doing work .

D. Transformations of mechanical energy.

L/O No. 3 " Measuring the kinetic energy of a body"

"Measurement of changes in potential energy t ate"

clause 23 exercise 22(3-4)

Oscillations. Period, frequency, amplitude of oscillations.

NRC"Movement of children's swings and toys"

D. Mechanical vibrations.

paragraphs 24-25 exercise 23

Problem solving. Safety training

Laboratory work No. 2“Study of the dependence of the period of oscillation on the length of the pendulum thread. L/R No. 3"Measuring the acceleration of gravity using a mathematical pendulum"

l/r report

Mechanical waves. Wavelength.

TB instructions

L/R No. 4“Study of the dependence of the period of oscillation of a load on a spring on the mass of the load.”

D. Mechanical waves.

Sound and its characteristics . NRC“The influence of noise and ultrasound on the human body”

D. Sound vibrations.

D. Sound propagation conditions

Problem solving.

repetition of formulas

K/r"Uniformly accelerated motion"

paragraph 36-41 message.

Electrical and magnetic phenomena (5 hours)

Oersted's experience. Magnetic field of current. Interaction of permanent magnets. Ampere power.. Electric motor. Electromagnetic relay

Analysis of test work.

Oersted's experience. Magnetic field of current. Uniform and non-uniform magnetic fields. NRC"Magnetic Mountain"

Know and describe phenomena:

interaction of magnets,

the effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor and on electric charges

Know the description and schemes of fundamental experiments (Oersted)

Explain interaction of magnets and magnetic field of current

Conduct simple experiments to detect the effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor

Carry out an independent search for additional information and process it in various forms.

D. Oersted's experience

p. 42-43 ex. 34(1,2)

Direction of current and direction of magnetic field lines.

D. Magnetic field of current.

The effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor. Ampere power.

NRC The influence of the magnetic field on human health

D. The effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor.

Magnetic field induction.

Magnetic flux.

NRC"The use of magnets in medicine."

D. Magnetic field of current

Electromagnetic oscillations and waves (30 hours)

Electromagnetic induction. Faraday's experiments. Lenz's rule. Self-induction. Electric generator. Alternating current. Transformer. Broadcast electrical energy on distance. Oscillatory circuit. Electromagnetic vibrations. Electromagnetic waves and their properties. Speed propagation of electromagnetic waves . The principle of radio communication and television.

Light is an electromagnetic wave. Dispersion of light. The influence of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms. Formula thin lens. Optical instruments. The eye as an optical system.

Electromagnetic induction. Faraday's experiments

Know and describe phenomena:

electromagnetic induction, reflection and refraction of light rays, light dispersion

Know ways to get alternating current, name the sources of electrostatic and magnetic fields, properties of electromagnetic waves.

Know the description and schemes of fundamental experiments (Faraday)

Explain device and principle of operation of the generator and electric motor of the transformer, capacitor, oscillatory circuit

Solve typical problems indicating the units of measurement of the desired quantity

Use knowledge in everyday life to explain the principle of operation of radio communications and television, the principle of operation of optical instruments, spectral devices.

Introduce the structure of the eye, explain the principle of operation of converging and diverging lenses.

D Electromagnetic induction

Laboratory work No. 5"Studying the phenomenon electromagnetic induction»

l/r report

Lenz's rule

D. Lenz's rule

Self-induction. Inductance.

D. Self-induction

Electric generator. Receiving alternating current

NRC“Use of transformers in the Urals”

D. Obtaining alternating current by rotating a coil in a magnetic field

D. Direct and alternating current generator design

clause 51 exercise 41

Transmission of electricity over a distance

D. Electricity transmission.

paragraph 51 message

Transformer. Transformation coefficient.

TB instructions

L/r No. 6“Studying the principle of operation of a transformer”

D. Transformer device

L/O No. 4 Studying the principle of operation of a transformer

Electromagnetic field

NRC. Application of radio communications in the region, its capabilities. Development of communications in Chelyabinsk.

D. transmission of electrical energy

Electromagnetic waves, their properties. Electromagnetic wave speed NRC“The influence of electromagnetic waves on living organisms”

D. Properties of electromagnetic waves

clause 53 exr. 44 (1)

Capacitor. Electrical capacity.

D. Capacitor device .

L/O No. 5

Study of the magnetic field of a straight conductor and a coil with current

clause 54 exr. 45(1-2)

Problem solving.


Electric field energy of a capacitor

D.. Energy of a charged capacitor

paragraph 54 /part 2/

Problem solving


Oscillatory circuit Electromagnetic oscillations.

D Electromagnetic vibrations

L/O No. 6

Studying the principle of operation of an electromagnetic relay

paragraph 55 exercise 46

Thomson's formula

paragraph 55 problems in the notebook


D. DC generator device

D. alternator device

L/O No. 7

Studying the effect of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor


Principles of radio communications and television

D. Operating principle of microphone and loudspeaker .

D. Principles of Radio Communication

clause 56 exercise 47

Modulation and detection

p. 56-57 cards

K/r"Electromagnetic oscillations"

Test analysis

Light is an electromagnetic wave

The concept of photons.

paragraph 58 questions

Light refraction. Refractive index of light. TB instructions L/r No. 7"Study of the dependence of the angle of refraction on the angle of incidence."

D. Light refraction

1 part exercise 48

Absolute and relative indicators refraction.

Dispersion of light.

D. White light dispersion

D. Producing white light by adding different colors

L/O No. 8 Observing the phenomenon of light dispersion

Spectra. Spectroscope and spectrograph.

paragraph 62 messages

Lenses. Thin Lens Formula


Problem solving


The eye is an optical system.

D. Eye model



D. Operating principle of the camera


K/r"Light Phenomena"


Quantum phenomena (17 hours)

Nuclear forces. Binding energy of atomic nuclei. Radioactivity. Alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Half-life. Methods for recording nuclear radiation. Nuclear reactions . Nuclear fission and fusion. Sources of energy from the Sun and stars. Nuclear energy.

Dosimetry Impact radioactive radiation on living organisms. Environmental problems of nuclear power plants.

Test analysis

Radioactivity. α-β-γ radiation

Know and explain: phenomenon radioactivity, α-, β-, γ-radiation, describe Rutherford’s experiments, the planetary model of the atom and the proton-neutron model of the nucleus.

Know the concepts: atomic nucleus, charge and mass numbers, isotopes, nuclear reactions, binding energy of particles in the nucleus, radiation from stars. Have an understanding of nuclear energy, dosimetry, methods of observing and recording particles

Apply physical knowledge to protect against the effects of radioactive radiation on the human body, assess safety background radiation,

Decide standard tasks on drawing up equations of nuclear reactions

Use knowledge in everyday life to explain the effects of radioactive radiation on living organisms when discussing environmental problems arising in connection with the operation of nuclear power plants

D. Rutherford's wholesale model

Rutherford's experiments. Models of atoms. Planetary model of the atom

Discovery of the proton and neutron.

Composition of the atomic nucleus Charge and mass numbers.

clause 71upr 53(1)

Problem solving

p. 70-71 exercise 53 (3-4)

Nuclear forces. Binding energy of atomic nuclei

Mass defect Nuclear reactions.

paragraph 73 summary

Problem solving


K/R"Structure of the atomic nucleus"


Test analysis

Fission of uranium nuclei. Half life

NRC“Problems of using nuclear energy in the Chelyabinsk region”

Chain nuclear reaction. Nuclear reactor. Nuclear energy and ecology of the region.

D. Observing particle tracks in a cloud chamber

Dosimetry. Methods for recording nuclear radiation NRC“Consequences of the explosion at the Mayak HC”

D. Design and operation of an ionizing particle counter

paragraph 77 messages

Biological action radiation

L/O No. 9 Measuring natural radioactive background with a dosimeter.

Thermonuclear reactions. Sources of energy from the Sun and stars.

Absorption and emission of light

paragraph 79 summary

TB instructions

L/r No. 8"Observation line spectrum emissions"

Final testing

Explanatory note

General characteristics of the subject

Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum

Educational and thematic plan

Calendar thematic planning

Rating system


Explanatory note

The work program in physics for grade 7 is compiled in accordance with the Federal component state standard basic general education, based on the approximate program of basic general education in physics and the author’s program by A.V. Peryshkin, recommended by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

This program specifies the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives the distribution of training hours by sections of the course and the sequence of studying sections and topics of the academic subject determines the set practical work necessary for the development of key competencies of students.

Physics in modern society is extremely important for general education and the formation of a worldview. The first year of study must be devoted to awakening and developing students' interest in physics, without which there can be no successful study in subsequent years.

General characteristics of the subject

Physics course by A.V. Peryshkin is compiled in accordance with the age characteristics of adolescence, when the child is striving for real practical activity, knowledge of the world, self-knowledge and self-determination. The course is focused primarily on the activity component of education, which allows you to increase the motivation of learning and realize the child’s abilities, capabilities, needs and interests to the greatest extent.

The study of physics in basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    development of interests and abilities of students based on the transfer of knowledge and experience of cognitive and creative activities;

    students’ understanding of the meaning of basic scientific concepts and laws of physics, the relationship between them;

    formation of students’ ideas about the physical picture of the world.

Achieving these goals is ensured by solving the following tasks:

    introducing students to the method of scientific knowledge and methods of studying objects and natural phenomena;

    students' acquisition of knowledge about mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic and quantum phenomena, physical quantities,

    characterizing these phenomena;

    developing in students the ability to observe natural phenomena and perform experiments, laboratory work and experimental

    research using measuring instruments widely used in practical life;

    students’ mastery of such general scientific concepts as a natural phenomenon, an empirically established fact, a problem, a hypothesis,

    theoretical conclusion, result of experimental testing;

    students’ understanding of the differences between scientific data and unverified information, the value of science for satisfying everyday needs,

    production and cultural needs of humans.

Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum

According to the current Basic Curriculum, the work program for the 7th grade provides for 68 hours of physics training, 2 hours per week.

The program provides for the study of sections:

1. Introduction - 4 hours.

2. Initial information about the structure of matter - 6 hours.

3. Interaction of bodies - 21 hours.

4. Pressure of solids, liquids and gases - 20 hours.

5. Work and power. Energy - 13 hours.

6. Reserve time - 4 hours.

According to the program, students must complete 7 tests and 11 laboratory works per year.

Main content of the program

Introduction. Physics and physical methods for studying nature

Physics is the science of nature. Observation and description of physical phenomena. Measurement of physical quantities. International system of units. Scientific method of knowledge. Science and technology.


Observation of physical phenomena:

    Free fall of bodies.

    Pendulum oscillations.

    Attraction of a steel ball by a magnet.

    The glow of an electric lamp filament.

    Electric sparks.

Laboratory works

    Determining the division price of a measuring device.

    Measuring the sizes of small bodies.

Structure and properties of matter

Structure of matter. Experiments proving the atomic structure of matter. Thermal motion and interaction of particles of matter. Aggregate states of matter.


    Diffusion in solutions and gases, in water.

    Model of chaotic motion of molecules in a gas.

    Demonstration of the expansion of a solid when heated.

Mechanical phenomena:


Mechanical movement. Relativity of motion. Trajectory. Path. Uniform movement. Speed. Average speed. Inertia.


    The phenomenon of inertia.

    Uniform straight motion.

    Dependence of the trajectory of a body on the choice of reference system.


Inertia of bodies. Interaction of bodies. Mass is a scalar quantity. Density of matter. Force is a vector quantity. Movement and forces. Gravity. Elastic force. Friction force.


    Comparison of body masses using equal-armed scales.

    Measuring force by spring deformation.

    Properties of friction force.

    Addition of forces.

Laboratory works

    Measuring body weight.

    Measuring the density of a solid.

    Measuring body volume.

    Spring graduation and force measurement with a dynamometer.

Pressure of solids, liquids and gases

Pressure. Atmosphere pressure. Pressure in liquids and gases. Air weight. Communicating vessels. Pressure gauges. Piston liquid pump. Hydraulic Press. Pascal's law. Archimedes' law. Swimming conditions of bodies. Sailing of ships. Aeronautics.


    Pressure of solids, liquids and gases.

    Communicating vessels.

    Air weight.

    Pressure gauges.


    Experience with the Magdeburg hemispheres.

    Experiment with Pascal's ball.

    Experiment with Archimedes' bucket.

    Swimming tel.

Laboratory works

    Determination of the buoyant force acting on a body immersed in a liquid.

    Determining the conditions for a body to float in a liquid.

Work and power. Energy

Mechanical work. Power. Simple mechanisms. Moment of power. Lever arm. Block. Leverage rule. The golden rule of mechanics. Conditions for equilibrium of bodies. Efficiency. Energy. Potential and kinetic energy. Law of conservation of mechanical energy.


    Simple mechanisms.

    Equilibrium conditions.

    Rule of leverage.

    Law of energy conservation.

Laboratory works

    Clarification of the conditions of equilibrium of the lever.

    Determination of efficiency when lifting a body along an inclined plane.

Requirements for the level of preparation of 7th grade graduates

As a result of studying physics in the 7th grade, the student must


    meaning of concepts: physical phenomenon, physical law, matter, physical body, interaction, atom, molecules, Brownian motion, diffusion, states of aggregation, atmospheric pressure, inertia,

    the meaning of physical laws: Pascal's law; Archimedes; Hooke

    the meaning of physical quantities: path, speed; mass, density, strength; pressure, work, power, kinetic energy, potential energy, efficiency;

be able to :

      describe and explain physical phenomena: uniform linear motion, pressure transfer by liquids and gases, diffusion;

      use physical instruments and measuring instruments to measure physical quantities: distance, time interval, mass, force, pressure;

      present measurement results using tables, graphs and reveal empirical dependencies on this basis: paths versus time, elastic force versus spring elongation, friction force versus normal pressure force;

      express the results of measurements and calculations in International System (SI) units;

      give examples of the practical use of physical knowledge about mechanical, thermal and electromagnetic phenomena;

      solve problems using the studied physical laws;

      carry out an independent search for information of natural science content using various sources (educational texts, reference and popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources), process it and present it in various forms (verbally, using drawings);

      use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to ensure safety while using vehicles.

Results of mastering the physics course

Personal results

    formation of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students;

    conviction in the possibility of knowing nature, in the need for wise use of the achievements of science and technology for

    further development of human society, respect for the creators of science and technology, attitude towards physics as an element of universal human culture;

    independence in acquiring new knowledge and practical skills;

    motivation of educational activities of schoolchildren based on a personality-oriented approach;

    formation of value relations towards each other, the teacher, authors of discoveries and inventions, learning outcomes.

Meta-subject results

    mastering the skills of independently acquiring new knowledge, organizing educational activities, setting goals, planning, self-control and evaluation of the results of one’s activities, the ability to foresee the possible results of one’s actions;

    understanding the differences between initial facts and hypotheses to explain them, theoretical models and real objects, mastering universal educational activities using examples of hypotheses to explain known facts and experimental testing of put forward hypotheses, developing theoretical models of processes or phenomena;

    formation of skills to perceive, process and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic forms,

    analyze and process the information received in accordance with the assigned tasks, highlight the main content of the text read, find answers to the questions posed in it and present it;

    acquiring experience in independent search, analysis and selection of information using various sources and new information technologies to solve assigned problems;

    development of monologue and dialogic speech, the ability to express one’s thoughts and the ability to listen to the interlocutor, understand his point of view, recognize the right of another person to have a different opinion;

    mastering methods of action in non-standard situations, mastering heuristic methods of solving problems;

    developing the skills to work in a group with the implementation of various social tasks, to present and defend one’s views and beliefs, and to lead a discussion.

Subject results

    knowledge about the nature of the most important physical phenomena of the surrounding world and understanding of the meaning of physical laws that reveal the connection of the studied phenomena;

    the ability to use methods of scientific research of natural phenomena, conduct observations, plan and perform experiments, process measurement results, present measurement results using tables, graphs and formulas,

    detect dependencies between physical quantities, explain the results obtained and draw conclusions, estimate the error limits of measurement results;

    the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in physics in practice, solve physical problems to apply the acquired knowledge;

    skills and abilities to apply acquired knowledge to explain the principles of operation of the most important technical devices, solutions

    practical tasks of everyday life, ensuring the safety of one’s life, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection;

    the formation of a belief in the natural connection and knowability of natural phenomena, in the objectivity of scientific knowledge, the high value of science in the development of the material and spiritual culture of people;

    development of theoretical thinking based on the formation of skills to establish facts, distinguish causes and effects, build models and put forward hypotheses, find and formulate evidence of put forward hypotheses, derive physical laws from experimental facts and theoretical models;

    communication skills to report on the results of your research, participate in discussions, answer questions briefly and accurately, use reference books and other sources of information.

Educational and thematic plan 7th grade



Number of hours

Test papers

Verification tests

Independent work

Laboratory works

Physics and physical methods for studying nature

Initial information about the structure of matter

Interaction of bodies

Pressure of solids, liquids and gases

Work and power. Energy

Generalizing repetition


Calendar and thematic planning

7th grade (68 hours - 2 hours per week)


Number of hours



Screening work, tests and independent work.

Laboratory work

Section 1

Introduction(4 h)

Introductory training on TB. What does physics study? Methods for studying physical phenomena

Physical quantities, measurement of physical quantities. Accuracy and error of measurements

TB instruction. Laboratory work No. 1

“Determination of the division price of a measuring device”

Physics and technology.

Screening test“What does physics study? Physical quantities, measurement of physical quantities. Accuracy and error"

Section 2

Initial information about the structure of matter (6 hours)

Structure of matter. Molecules

TB instruction. Laboratory work No. 2

"Measuring the sizes of small bodies"

Diffusion in gases, liquids and solids.

Independent work “Molecules. Movement of molecules"

Mutual attraction and repulsion of molecules. Three states of matter. Problem solving.

Preparation for the test “Initial information about the structure of matter.”

Screening test “Interaction of molecules. Aggregate states of matter"

Test No. 1 “Initial information about the structure of matter”

Section 3

Interaction of bodies (21 h)

Mechanical movement. Uniform and uneven movements

Speed. Units of speed. Problem solving.

Verification test “Mechanical movement. Types of movements"

Calculation of the route and time of movement. Problem solving.

Verification test “Speed. Path and time"

Solutions to problems on the topic “Mechanical motion”.

The phenomenon of inertia. Independent work No. 2 “Mechanical movement. Speed"

Interaction of bodies. Weight of bodies Units of mass.

TB instruction. Laboratory work No. 3

"Measuring body weight on lever scales"

Density of matter. Calculation of mass and volume based on its density.

Screening test “Body weight. Interaction of bodies."

Solving problems on the topic density of matter.

Independent work on determining body volume.

TB instruction. Laboratory work No. 4-5

""Measurement of body volume and determination of solid body density"

Preparation for the test “Body weight. Density of matter"

Verification test “Density of matter. Body mass".

Test No. 2 on the topic “Mechanical motion. Body mass. Density of matter"

Force. The phenomenon of gravity. Gravity.

Elastic force. Body weight.

Practical work determining the coefficient of elasticity"

Units of force. The relationship between gravity and mass. Solving problems on the topic “Elasticity force. Gravity".

Strength Test

TB instruction. Laboratory work No. 6

"Graduation of a spring and measurement of forces with a dynamometer"

Graphic representation of power. Addition of forces. Problem solving.

Independent work “Gravity. Hooke's Law"

Friction force. Static friction force. Friction in nature and technology. Solving problems on forces in nature.

Laboratory work No. 7

“Determination of friction forces using a dynamometer.”

Preparing for a test on the topic “Forces in Nature”

Verification test “Addition of two forces”

Test No. 3 on the topic “Interaction of bodies”

Pressure of solids, liquids and gases (20 h)

Pressure. Units of pressure. Ways to increase and decrease pressure.

Gas pressure.

Independent work “Pressure. Pressure units"

Transmission of pressure by liquids and gases. Pascal's law.

Pressure in liquid and gas. Calculation of pressure on the bottom and walls of the vessel

Independent work “Calculation of pressure on the bottom and walls of a vessel”

Solving problems “Pressure of solids, liquids and gases”

Test No. 4 “Pressure of solids, liquids and gases”

Communicating vessels. Application of communicating vessels

Air weight. Atmosphere pressure

Atmospheric pressure measurement

Aneroid barometer. Atmospheric pressure at different altitudes

Verification test No. 5 “Atmospheric pressure. Measuring atmospheric pressure"

Pressure gauges. Piston liquid pump. Hydraulic Press.

The action of liquid and gas on a body immersed in them.

Verification test No. 6 “Pressure gauges. Hydraulic Press"

Archimedes' power.

TB instruction. Laboratory work No. 8

“Determination of the buoyancy force acting on a body immersed in a liquid”

Swimming tel. Problem solving.

Solving problems “The Power of Archimedes. Conditions for floating bodies"

Independent work No. 5 “The Power of Archimedes. Floating bodies"

TB instruction. Laboratory work No. 9

"Elucidation of the conditions for a body to float in a liquid"

Sailing of ships. Aeronautics. Problem solving.

Repetition of topics: Archimedean force, floating of bodies, aeronautics, floating of ships.

Screening test No. 7 “Aeronautics, floating bodies”

Test No. 5 on the topic "Buoyant force. Floating bodies"

Section 5

Work and power. Energy (12 h)

Mechanical work. Units of work. Solving mechanical work problems.

Power. Solving problems “Mechanical work and power”

Verification test "Mechanical operation"

Simple mechanisms. Lever arm. Using leverage.

Independent work No. 6 “Mechanical work and power”

Moment of power. Problem solving.

Verification test “simple mechanisms. Lever arm"

TB instruction. Laboratory work No. 10

"Finding out the conditions of equilibrium of a lever"

Blocks. "The Golden Rule of Mechanics". Problem solving.

Solving problems “Simple mechanisms. The golden rule of mechanics"

Screening test “The Golden Rule of Mechanics. Moment of power".

Efficiency of the mechanism.

Solving problems “Determining the efficiency of simple mechanisms”

Independent work No. 7 Efficiency "

TB instruction. Laboratory work No. 10

“Determination of efficiency when lifting a body along an inclined plane”

Energy. Potential and kinetic energies. Conversion of one type of mechanical energy into another.

Solving problems “Potential and kinetic energy”.

Screening Test No. 9 “Mechanical Energy”

Test No. 6 on the topic “Work, power and energy”

Reserve time. Repetition of the main topics of the physics course

7th grade (4 hours)

Generalization and systematization of acquired knowledge in the section “Interaction of bodies and initial information about the structure of matter”

Generalization and systematization of acquired knowledge in the section “Pressure of solids, liquids and gases”

Final test

Generalization and systematization by

acquired knowledge. Analysis of test work.


Student Assessment System

Evaluation of students' oral responses

Rating "5" is given if the student shows a correct understanding of the physical essence of the phenomena and patterns, laws and theories under consideration, gives precise definition and interpretation of basic concepts, laws, theories, as well as correct definition physical quantities, their units and methods of measurement; correctly executes drawings, diagrams and graphs; builds an answer according to his own plan, accompanies the story with new examples, knows how to apply knowledge in a new situation when performing practical tasks; can establish a connection between the material being studied and previously studied in the physics course, as well as with the material learned in the study of other subjects.

Rating "4" is given if the student’s answer satisfies the basic requirements for an answer for a grade of 5, but is given without using his own plan, new examples, without applying knowledge in a new situation, without using connections with previously studied material and material learned in the study of other subjects; if the student has made one mistake or no more than two shortcomings and can correct them independently or with a little help from the teacher.

Rating "3" is given if the student correctly understands the physical essence of the phenomena and patterns under consideration, but the answer contains individual gaps in the mastery of questions in the physics course that do not interfere with further mastery of the program material; knows how to apply acquired knowledge when solving simple tasks using ready-made formulas, but finds it difficult to solve problems that require transforming some formulas; made no more than one gross error and two omissions, no more than one gross and one minor error, no more than two or three minor errors, one minor error and three omissions; made four or five mistakes.

Rating "2" is given if the student has not mastered the basic knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of the program and has made more errors and omissions than necessary for a grade of 3.

Rating "1" is given if the student cannot answer any of the questions posed.

Evaluation of written independent work and tests

Rating "5" awarded for work completed completely without errors or omissions.

Rating "4" awarded for work completed in full, but if it contains no more than one minor error and one defect, or no more than three defects.

Rating "3" is given if the student correctly completed at least 2/3 of the entire work or made no more than one gross error and two defects, no more than one gross and one minor error, no more than three minor errors, one minor error and three defects, in the presence of four five shortcomings.

Rating "2" is given if the number of errors and shortcomings exceeds the norm for a rating of 3 or less than 2/3 of the entire work is completed correctly.

Rating "1" is given if the student has not completed a single task at all.

Assessment of laboratory and practical work

Rating "5" is given if the student completes the work in full in compliance with the required sequence of experiments and measurements; conducts all experiments under conditions and modes that ensure correct results and conclusions are obtained; complies with the requirements of safe work rules; in the report, correctly and accurately completes all entries, tables, figures, drawings, graphs, calculations; performs error analysis correctly.

Rating "4" is given if the requirements for a 5 rating are met, but two or three shortcomings were made, no more than one minor error and one shortcoming.

Rating "3" placed if the work is not completed completely, but the volume of the completed part is such that it allows you to obtain the correct results and conclusions; if errors were made during the experiment and measurements.

Rating "2" placed if the work is not completed completely and the volume of the completed part of the work does not allow correct conclusions to be drawn; if experiments, measurements, calculations, observations were carried out incorrectly.

Rating "1" is given if the student has not completed the work at all.

In all cases, the grade is reduced if the student did not comply with the requirements of safe work rules!

List of errors

Gross mistakes

    Ignorance of the definitions of basic concepts, laws, rules, basic principles of theory, formulas, generally accepted symbols for designating physical quantities, and their units of measurement.

    The inability to highlight the main thing in the answer.

    Inability to apply knowledge to solve problems and explain physical phenomena; incorrectly formulated questions of the task or incorrect explanations of the progress of its solution; lack of knowledge of techniques for solving problems similar to those previously solved in class; errors showing a misunderstanding of the problem statement or a misinterpretation of the solution.

    Inability to draw and construct graphs and circuit diagrams.

    Inability to prepare installation or laboratory equipment for work, to conduct experiments, necessary calculations or use the data obtained to draw conclusions.

    Negligent attitude towards laboratory equipment and measuring instruments.

    Inability to determine the reading of a measuring device, the error of the device.

    Violation of the requirements of safe labor rules when performing an experiment.

Non-gross errors

    Inaccuracies in formulations, definitions, concepts, laws, theories caused by incomplete coverage of the main features of the concept being defined; errors caused by non-compliance with the conditions of the experiment or measurements.

    Errors in symbols on schematic diagrams; inaccuracies in drawings, graphs, diagrams.

    Omission or inaccurate spelling of names of units of physical quantities.

    Irrational choice of solution.


    Irrational entries in calculations, irrational methods of calculations, transformations and solutions to problems.

    Arithmetic errors in calculations, if these errors do not grossly distort the reality of the result obtained.

    Individual errors in the wording of the question or answer.

    Careless execution of notes, drawings, diagrams, graphs.

    Spelling and punctuation errors.

Regulatory documents ensuring the implementation of the program:

    Federal component of the state standard of general education. Standard of basic general education in physics. // Collection regulatory documents. Physics. – M.: Bustard. 2004. p. 196-204.

    Methodological letter “On teaching the subject “Physics” in the context of the introduction of the federal component of the state standard of general education.”

    Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    National Doctrine of Educational Development.

    Modernization concept Russian education for the period up to 2010

Educational and methodological kit

    Lukashik V.I. Collection of problems in physics for grades 7-9 educational institutions/ V. I. Lukashik, E. V. Ivanova. – 17th ed. –M: Education, 2004. – 224 p.

    Minkova R.D. Workbook. To the textbook by A.V. Peryshkin. Physics 7th grade. - M.: Exam, 2014.- 144.

    Peryshkin A.V. Physics 7th grade. Textbook For general education students. Establishments. 2nd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2013. –224 p.

    Gromtsev O.I Physics tests. To the physics textbook by A.V. Peryshkin “Physics 7th grade” M. Exam, 2014 – 187 p.

    Gromtsev O.I. Independent and test work in physics for the textbook by A. V. Peryshkin “Physics 7-9 grades” M. Exam, 2014 - 187 p.

    Chebotareva A.V. Physics tests 7th grade - M. Exam, 2014 – 187 p.

Methodical manuals

    Volkova M. A. " Lesson plans for physics lessons, grade 8" - M: Exam, 2014- 334p.

    Shevtsov A.V. “Lesson plans in physics - M: Exam, 2008 – 284 p.

    Chebotareva A.V. Physics tests, grade 7. - M: Bustard, 2009.

    Maron A.E. Didactic material in physics. 8th grade, M: “Enlightenment”, 2005.

Internet resources

Name of the site

Email address

Collection "Natural Science Experiments": Physics

http://experiment.edu.ru –


Physics at Open College


Newspaper "Physics" of the Publishing House "First of September"

Collection "Natural Science Experiments": Physics


Virtual methodological office of a physics and astronomy teacher


Physics problems with solutions


Entertaining physics in questions and answers: website of the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation V. Elkin


Kvant: popular science physics and mathematics magazine


Information Technology in teaching physics: website of I. Ya. Filippova


Cool physics: website of physics teacher E. A. Baldina


Quick reference in physics

http://www. physics.vir.ru

World of Physics: Physical Experiment


Educational server "Optics"


Educational three-level tests in physics: website of V. I. Regelman

http://www. physics-regelman.com

Online unit converter


Theory of Relativity: Online Physics Textbook


Lessons on molecular physics


Physics in Animations


Physics on the Internet: Digest magazine


Physics around us


Physics for teachers: website of V. N. Egorova


Fizika.ru: website for students and teachers of physics


Physics for students and schoolchildren: website of A. N. Vargin


Physicomp: to help the beginning physicist


Electrodynamics: learning with passion


Elements: popular site about fundamental science


Erudite: biographies of scientists and inventors