Uplifting books - what to read. Feeling sad or in a bad mood has a number of benefits

Target lesson: the influence of a bad mood not only on a person’s behavior, but also on his creativity.

Lesson objectives:

  • show, using the example of the works of M.Yu. Lermontov and N.A. Nekrasov, how a bad mood can be transformed into talented poetry;
  • teach behavioral techniques so that a bad mood does not develop into depression;
  • develop communicative UUD:

A) learn to participate in dialogue in the classroom and in life situations;

B) teach to listen and understand others.

Epigraph to the lesson: “Life is short: Break the rules - Goodbye quickly - Kiss slowly - Love sincerely - Laugh uncontrollably.” (Chinese wisdom)

Lesson equipment: photos of students in a bad mood, portraits and poems by M.Yu. Lermontov and N.A. Nekrasov, computer presentation, printed assignments.

During the classes

1. Announcement of the purpose of the lesson by the teacher.

Today is a very unusual lesson for you: we will talk not just about a bad mood, but about what poets wrote at moments when they were in a bad mood. Let us dwell in more detail on the work of M.Yu. Lermontov and N.A. Nekrasov. First, let’s find out what kind of mood we call bad and what words can be used to describe it.

Torment, suffering. sadness, sadness, melancholy, mental discomfort, loss of strength, depression, depression, moral weakness, tearfulness, tearfulness, whining, indifference, emptiness, feelings of guilt (your own or a loved one’s, no matter whom, even God), boringly unhappy, everything is disgusting , gloominess, despondency and, finally, poisoned joy.

Slide 2. (Roden’s sculpture “The Thinker”)

Teacher: I will console you with the fact that a bad mood is a completely normal state of a civilized person. And the more civilized we are, the richer for us - in content, theme, intensity and significance - is a bad mood. Let's try to figure this out. And subtle experts on the human soul and their own experiences - poets - will help us.

Now let's try to describe, with the help of poets, some of the nuances of a bad mood.

Reading poems by M.Yu. Lermontov:

  1. “Loneliness” p.45.
  2. “We parted…” p.162–163.
  3. “Both boring and sad...” p.185.
  4. “Duma” p.168.
  5. “Farewell, unwashed Russia...” pp. 213–214.

Teacher: This poem was written in 1841, when Lermontov was traveling to the Caucasus into exile, offended by the whole world.

“Unwashed Russia” is dense, backward, lazy and, of course, dirty. In general, completely unpresentable. But was Lermontov right when he called Russia “unwashed”? Princess Anna Yaroslavna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, married King Henry I of France in 1051. And then she wrote to her father in horror that Paris is a very dirty city, the French are very unclean, they have no idea about regular washing, they wash in tubs, and there is no sewerage system at all - waste products pour out of pots directly onto the streets, aromatize in sewers ditches.

The princess’s surprise at the morals of the Parisians is understandable - in Kyiv, even the most seedy courtyard was equipped with appropriate amenities (a traditional booth over a pit), and slop did not flow through the streets. Well, as for regular washing, baths appeared in Rus' long before Anna and were used with enviable consistency.

N.A. Nekrasov’s poems about Russia are also full of sadness. He was burdened by serfdom in his homeland. Therefore, it is difficult to read his poems: not in terms of reading technique, but in terms of content.

Reading poetry by N.A. Nekrasov:

1. “Motherland” pp. 29–30.

2.”Uncompressed strip” pp. 51–52.

3.”Yesterday, at about six o’clock…” p. 36.

Both N.A. Nekrasov and M.Yu. Lermontov are in a bad mood. But what do you think causes this mood?

Pain for the fate of the people.

Unhappy love.

Character properties.

For example, the poet Apukhtin invented (erected) a statue of Melancholy for himself and dedicated poems to it. Alexander Blok created a Beautiful Lady in his imagination. and dedicated poems to her. Poets feel differently than we do. They have a very vulnerable soul, their nervous system is constantly agitated, their senses are heightened. That's why their poems are sad. They melt their bad mood into poetry.

Here are more lines from the eastern poet Omar Khayyam:

The flow of times is harsh, danger is everywhere
I am wounded and expect more and more wounds.
In the garden of creatures I am a shriveled rose.
The heart is drenched in blood, like a tulip.

Bad mood... But is it always bad? Probably not. If only because, by changing the passage of time, it forces a person to look back at himself, evaluate everything and re-evaluate it again. A bad mood makes people whose hearts have not dried up into philosophers and introduces them to human wisdom, leavened by the suffering of the soul.

Here's another Omar Khayyam:

Learn all the secrets of wisdom! - And there?
Arrange your world in your own way! - And there?
Live carefree until you are a hundred years old and happy...
You will miraculously last until two hundred! - And there? ...

But aren’t the poems of “offended by the whole world” poets always sad? In their sadness there is a lot of joy, a bright feeling. A bad mood is a cloud, a cloud on the horizon of our soul, under which there is always a bright, warm, gentle sun!

Slide 5 (portrait of Varenka Lopukhina)

Reading poems by M.Yu. Lermontov:

1. “Why” p. 197.

2. “Sadness in my songs...” p.137.

3. Motherland” p. 207.

Reading poetry by N.A. Nekrasov:

Slide 6 (portraits of Panaeva and Zinaida Nekrasova)

“I don’t like your irony...” p. 41.

“Zine” p. 230.

“I’m in such a sad mood today” p. 53.

Amazing poems! They are a celebration of love!

People of art create masterpieces. Well, we, mere mortals, how can we live in moments when we are in a bad mood? How can we protect our psyche? First, a little history:

... The ancient Egyptians were deep and subtle psychologists: doctors, clairvoyants, and, of course, priests. Wall stone writings of Luxor and the tombs of the pharaohs, their wives and priests preserved the classification of human experiences, including “bad mood”. According to the four elements - cold, heat, dryness and humidity, bad mood occurs accordingly

“cold” (dullness, grayness, alienation, orphanhood, etc.)

“hot” (irritability, anger, tearfulness without tears, whining, self-deprecation, sadness, guilt)

“dry” (lost taste, decreased appetite, insomnia, discomfort, lethargy)

“wet” (tearfulness, wet eyes, tearfulness - tears flow in streams for no reason)

When a “bad mood” consisted of different combinations, the ancients characterized this condition as a disease and the person was sent to priests or clairvoyants who would help figure out who caused the evil.

Knowledge about “bad mood” came to Europe not only from Egypt, but also from the ancient Chinese, Tibetans and Japanese. Their teaching dealt with “low” and “high” moods. Scientists came to the view of the asymmetry of our experiences only in the 60s of the 20th century. That is, after 6 thousand years. Now the science of functional asymmetry is rapidly developing.

When we are in a bad mood, we are overcome by fear or anxiety. When a person is simultaneously tormented by both fear and anxiety, this is depression. Depression is a disease. Depression paralyzes the will and suppresses pain sensitivity, sometimes to such an extent that a person becomes like a stone. Bad mood and depression are two different things. You cannot allow yourself to become depressed. Before moving on to specific practical tips, i.e. To answer the question: what to do?, when we are in a “bad mood”, let’s touch on another aspect of this phenomenon. Sometimes we are surrounded by people who are gloomy, gloomy, grumpy or grumpy. Thank God that not everyone is like that! At first glance, you might think that these creatures are constantly in a bad mood. No need to rush to conclusions! The fact is that “gloomy, grumpy” people most often do not know what a “bad mood” is, because they take it out on their neighbors, transferring their unpleasant emotions to them. Very often, a “bad mood” turns out to be a mask behind which a person hides his aggressiveness. Thus, a bad mood can be considered in some cases as a character trait.

Now write on the sheets of paper offered to you what makes you feel good?

What lifts your spirits?





2 students count notes and announce the results

Reflection. What can cause a bad mood?

Pain for the fate of the people, for loved ones;

Unhappy love;

Character traits;

Failures in studies, unwillingness to obey the rules of life.

How to cheer up? You have already answered.

How important it is to rejoice
Even in small things,
How important it is to hold back
So as not to send everyone to hell!
How important it is to find the good
Yes, where he is not,
How important it is to meet with a smile
And on a cloudy day dawn!

You can fight the blues in different ways: eat chocolate, drink alcohol, or go for a walk. But still, the most effective, useful and proven way is a good and funny book. We have collected for you 10 humorous, ironic and simply kind and cheerful books that will dispel your bad mood.

1. "Naive. Super" Erlend Lu

The novel "Naive. Super" by the Norwegian writer Erlend Lu is his most famous book. It is written from the perspective of a 30-year-old hero who is going through a “midlife crisis.” The book was translated into almost 20 languages, and was enthusiastically received in Russia. This ironically restrained and charming novel is akin to “naive” painting. At first glance, everything is funny and simple, but just look closely - the details, despite the apparent simplicity, are drawn out masterfully and accurately, and the plot itself is touching and smart.

2. “The plumber, his cat, his wife and other details” Slava Se

The main character is a nondescript, strong man, whose male loneliness smells like a hamster that lives under his bathtub, and is carried away by sad, unapproachable women who easily give out kisses. He is the only plumber in the entire Baltics who plays in the theater, knows how to grow onions in the window and fry meat, and writes a blog on LiveJournal. The reader has to find out who it is – Slava Se himself, his hero, and whether he really is Slava Se.

3. "Heaven Is Out There" by Fannie Flagg

Life is still a strange thing. As soon as the tireless Elner found herself on a fig tree, where she climbed for ripe fruits, literally a second later she was already communicating with the inhabitants of Paradise and with the Lord God himself. While Elmer is having heavenly conversations, a real doomsday begins on Earth. Her boyfriend ended up in a ditch with his truck, her niece fainted, and her neighbor suddenly started studying the Bible. Looking at what is happening, the Lord comes to the conclusion that while it is too early for Eamer to go to heaven, let him deal with earthly matters first.

As a result, it turns out that heaven is among the people we love and who need our help. Fannie Flagg's new novel is further proof that she was sent to Earth to write good and wonderful books, in which there is not an ounce of falsehood.

4. "The Book of Deceptions" by Martha Ketro

The heroes of this book take deception more than seriously. For them, this is a kind of creative act and a means of strengthening such a fragile reality. They consider the path of the Liar to be the only true path and valiant path for the artist. But the time comes and each of them understands that the most ordinary self-deception has become the main thing of her whole life. In fact, they are all trying to extract the soul from the darkness of despair and lull their wounded pride. And it is precisely because of this that they write this damned book in the hope that the time will come when they will be able to escape through green grass or white snow to where there is no pain.

5. "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert

This book is about how sometimes you find joy where you don’t expect to find it, and how you shouldn’t look for happiness where it cannot be found by definition. “A modern book about a modern woman, for whom eating, praying, loving means enjoying life,” critics wrote about this book.

6. "Year of the Hare" by Arto Paasilinna

The plot of the book begins with the Helsinki journalist Vatanen accidentally hitting a hare with his car. He feels sorry for the unfortunate animal, he leaves the car and, together with the hare, goes on an exciting journey around Finland. From that day on, the journalist decided to end everything that made up his life. This is how the main character gains complete freedom.

7. “Waffle Heart” by Maria Parr

The book "Waffle Heart" was the debut of the young Norwegian writer Maria Parr. Critics have already called her the new Astrid Lindgren. The book was enthusiastically received in Sweden, France, Poland, Germany, and in the Netherlands the novel received the Silver Pencil Award.

The book describes just a year in the life of two little residents of Shchepki-Matilda Bay - 9-year-old Trille (his face is the story), and his classmate and neighbor Lena. But this year contains an unimaginable number of touching, funny and dangerous adventures and events. The idealistic life on a Norwegian farm is disrupted by dramatic circumstances, but not destroyed. But friendship is stronger.

8. "A Dog's Life" by Peter Mayle

The book is written from the perspective of the dog Boy - a pure paranoid, suffering from delusions of grandeur, which is organically combined with a delusion of persecution. True, all this manifests itself only when it is beneficial to him. Combat as a writer is a cross between Eeyore and Proust. He is self-sufficient and at the same time prone to slander. In the book, quotes from the works of great sages are interspersed with dog topics, and references to Machiavelli and Voltaire are adjacent to advice on how to protect paws and tails from clumsy people under the dinner table.

9. "Apricot Blossom" by Bi Xiaosheng

The Chinese romance novel "The Blossom of Apricot" is a controversial book. On the one hand, this is an ironic anecdotal story about the adventures of a young man who got hold of a miraculous drug that stimulates male power, and immediately acquired 12 wives. But there is another side to this book. This is a book about intimate life, about passion, which occupies a significant part in human life. This novel can easily be considered erotic reading.

10. “About Fedot the Sagittarius, a daring fellow” Leonid Filatov

“About Fedot the Sagittarius, a daring fellow” is a real pearl of the literary heritage of the great Russian actor Leonid Filatov. The author of witty, elegant and satirical comedies has played with classic literary plots in a new way. The play, every word of which many are ready to quote by heart, is interesting and relevant today.

“The Tale of Fedot the Archer, a Daring Young Man” is a fairy tale in verse, the most famous poetic work of Leonid Filatov, written in 1985. Many performances were staged based on it in various theaters in Russia and the CIS, as well as films and cartoons. The video recording of Filatov’s solo performance will not leave anyone indifferent.

Those who like to tickle their nerves should pay attention to. In our review, the most terrible books - from classics of fiction to documentaries.

In the era of material wealth, we have come to the conclusion that society needs to reassess the role of bad moods in our lives. It is worth recognizing that it is a normal and even useful phenomenon, helping us cope with many everyday situations and problems.

A Brief History of Sadness

In earlier historical times, momentary sadness or moodiness was accepted as a normal part of everyday life.

Greek tragedies reveal and teach society to accept and deal with inevitable misfortune as a normal factor in human life. Likewise, the works of many great artists, such as Beethoven and Chopin in music, or Chekhov and Ibsen in literature, explore the landscape of sadness.

Ancient philosophers also believed that accepting bad moods was essential to living a fulfilling life. They emphasized the importance of accepting adversity such as loss, grief or injustice.

What is the meaning of sadness?

Psychologists who study how our feelings and behavior have evolved over time justify all of our emotional states (such as moods and emotions). After all, they play a useful role: they warn us about factors to which we need to respond.

In fact, the range of human emotions includes many more negative than positive emotions. Negative feelings such as fear, anger, shame or disgust are useful because they help us recognize, avoid and overcome dangerous and negative situations.

They also act as a social signal that communicates disconnection, leaving the comfort zone and provides a protective shell. In other words, a bad mood helps us to be more attentive and focused in difficult situations.

Some negative moods, such as melancholy and nostalgia (longing for the past), can even be pleasant.

Sadness can also enhance compassion and moral and aesthetic sensitivity. Also, sadness has long been an impetus for the development of artistic creativity.

Positive mood (eg, feeling happy) tends to signal familiar and safe situations and leads to less detailed and attentive information processing.

Feeling sad or in a bad mood has a number of benefits:

Better memory. In one study, a bad mood (caused by bad weather) led people to remember details better. A negative mood may also improve eyewitness recall by reducing the effects of various distractions such as false or misleading information.

More accurate judgments. Infrequent bad moods also reduce some of the biases in how people form impressions. For example, slightly sad people formed more accurate and reliable impressions of others because they processed details more efficiently. The researchers found that a bad mood also reduced trusting and increased skepticism in assessments, and even improved people's ability to more accurately detect deception.

Motivation. Other experts learned that when happy and sad participants were asked to perform a challenging mental task, those who were in a bad mood survived the test. They spent more time on the task, asked more questions, and gave more correct answers.

Better communication. A more attentive and detailed thinking style, which is facilitated by a negative mood, can also improve communication.

Increased fairness. Other experiments showed that a bad mood made people pay more attention to social expectations and norms, and they treated others less selfishly and more fairly.

The text by Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin raises the problem of a person’s attitude to a bad mood.

The author based his story on reflections on the influence of a bad mood on others and himself. He says that a bad mood arises from a person’s discord and that a person should hide it from others so as not to infect them with it.

Let's give an example from A.S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin".

Lensky, who persuaded Onegin to go to Tatyana’s name day, becomes a victim of Evgeny’s bad mood, who, having found himself in a hated environment of guest neighbors, takes revenge on his friend by courting Olga, which leads to a duel and Lensky’s death.

You can also give an example from M. Yulermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time.” In it, Pechorin and Grushnitsky did not forgive each other’s insults; they both tried to respond to anger with anger, which led to a duel. If they had shown at least a little understanding, the tragic consequences could have been avoided.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that if each of us fights hatred, at least within himself, then the world will become a little kinder.

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Updated: 2017-05-30

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The mood persists steadily for a long period of time, which is why it affects all processes occurring inside and outside the human body, both physical and, of course, mental. It would not be a great exaggeration to say that success in life and the quality of a person’s life depend on mood, or rather, on what that mood is like. So what is the mood like?

Mood- a form of human emotional life. It is conditioned and directly depends on emotions, but unlike them, it is much longer and more even.

The mood is often caused specific reason(even if the individual does not realize it), but extends to external events not related to the root cause, to incidents any character, generally to any influence. For example, if a person is in a depressed mood, he will not be happy with work, rest, or communication with loved ones.

Mood- a mental phenomenon that, although it depends on many factors (which, for example, physiology, are sometimes completely uncontrollable by the conscious part of the psyche), is nevertheless amenable to adjustment and control.

You can lift a bad mood on your own, but miss a good one.

To simplify it to the minimum, then the secret to maintaining a good mood simple – consciously maintaining positive emotions.

When a person does not control his emotions and feelings, does not have a positive attitude, it is very easy for him to “slide” into boredom, and then melancholy and other forms of manifestation of a bad mood.

Change of mood– a normal, natural phenomenon for humans. The mood cannot be positive or negative all the time. A prolonged mood in certain situations indicates physical or mental ill health. For example, too long a depressed mood and apathy, along with other symptoms, may be a signal of the onset of.

Evolutionarily, mood and emotions developed as ways to notify a person about the possibility or impossibility of satisfying his basic vital needs, that is, by and large, to survive.

Negative emotions and bad mood – danger signals and the sign “It’s time to change something, otherwise things won’t go well!” That is why, no matter how much you would like, you won’t be able to be in high spirits all the time. After all, there are things and situations that really threaten a person, and the body will let you know about this with a bad emotion.

Modern people, unfortunately, do not often think about where their mood can lead. While psychologists have long proven: a good mood improves a person’s quality of life, and a bad one worsens it, in all areas.

Having the opportunity choose their mood, people often ignore it or even deliberately choose a bad mood, “drive” themselves into melancholy, boredom, apathy, sadness, sadness, grief, and so on.

You can and should choose your mood! But to do this, you need to know what the mood is like.

What are the moods like: 5 main types

There are many classifications of mood. The most general and broad:

  • bad mood - negative emotional tone,
  • good mood – positive emotional tone.

The first is conditioned and presupposes the presence of negative emotions, the second - positive.

Respectively, to put yourself in a bad mood you need to grieve, grieve, be sad, be bored, feel disgust, disdain, annoyance, anger, apprehension, fear, anxiety, and so on.

To create a good mood, you need to trust, admire, rejoice, show interest, optimism, acceptance and recognition, be peaceful, calm, love yourself, people and the world around you.

If we take the basic emotion that provoked it as the basis for the classification of mood, then there will be as many types of mood as there are emotions - more than seventy!

Most frequently manifested In modern people, the types of mood are:

Mood based on positive emotions is the key to physical and mental health, happiness in your personal life, success at work, creative self-realization and personal growth.

Of course, it is impossible not to encounter negative experiences, but they are necessary worry, that is, to let go, having felt it, and not to immerse yourself in them, not to get hung up, not to engage in self-criticism and soul-searching, as well as completely ignore them or try to drown them out.

Joy always replaces sadness! The main thing is not to disturb her; even better, to facilitate her return.

If a certain negative emotional background and bad mood persist for a long period (more than three weeks), especially if it is accompanied by other negative psychophysiological phenomena (for example, insomnia, loss of appetite, weakness in the body, obsessive bad thoughts) and independent attempts to correct the situation do not allow results, you should definitely seek psychological help.

Do you know how to regulate your mood?