Mora's most significant work was the novel. Thomas More and his "Utopia"

Remembering the history of past centuries, we most often talk about rulers, forgetting that a sovereign is unlikely to be able to rule successfully without devoted executors and advisers. It was on them that a significant part of the concerns about the state rested. One of the most prominent statesmen of the era was Alexey Adashev. short biography This associate of the great Russian Tsar will become the subject of our study.

early years

About early years Almost nothing is known about Alexey Adashev. Even the date of his birth remains a mystery to us. Therefore, the exact years of life cannot be given.

At the same time, it is known that Alexey was the son of the boyar and governor Fyodor Grigorievich Adashev, who came from the not very noble Kostroma family of the Olgovs. The mother's name is also a mystery. In addition, Alexey had a younger brother, Daniel.

The first mention of Alexey Adashev in the chronicles dates back to his mature age, namely by 1547.

First steps in the service of the sovereign

So, as mentioned above, Alexei Adashev first came to the attention of chroniclers in 1547, when he performed the position of liaison and lieutenant at the wedding of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, whose duties included making the wedding bed. His wife Anastasia is also mentioned there.

After this event, Alexey Adashev became a constant character in various annals and chronicles; he advanced more and more in his career, getting closer to the sovereign and influencing him.

Turning events

The turning point that finally determined the rapprochement between Alexei Adashev and Ivan the Terrible was the famous Moscow fire of 1547 and the events that followed it.

Erupted in the summer " great fire"Destroyed more than 25,000 Muscovites' houses. People began to blame the Glinsky family, Tsar John’s maternal relatives, who by that time had enormous influence on him, for the “punishment of God.” The discontent of the people spilled over into an uprising, as a result of which one of the representatives of the Glinsky family was torn to pieces by a crowd, and the property of the family was plundered.

In the end, the rioters were persuaded to stop the outrages. But nevertheless, this uprising made a significant impression on the young Ivan the Terrible and forced him to radically reconsider his policy. He alienated the Glinskys and other noble boyars, but brought closer new people who were not of such high origin. Among them was Alexey Adashev.

Government activities

After these events, the rapid rise of Alexei Adashev began. Together with him, another humble person, the priest Sylvester, approached the king. They had a significant influence on the sovereign and helped him in governing the country.

In 1549, Adashev became the leader. It was a kind of government that Ivan the Terrible had just created. The years of work of the Elected Rada were marked by a number of ongoing reforms. It was at this time that the first Zemsky Sobor in Rus' was convened - an estate-representative body, somewhat reminiscent of a modern parliament. In 1551, a church was held. In addition, Aleksey Fedorovich Adashev took an active part in the development of the Code of Laws, which was published in 1550. In the same year, Ivan the Terrible awarded him the title of okolnichy.

Alexey Adashev also distinguished himself in diplomatic activities. He negotiated with the Kazan Khanate, Nogai Horde, the Kingdom of Poland and Denmark. In addition, he took an active part in 1552, supervising engineering work.

Confrontation with the Romanovs

At this time, thanks to the marriage of Tsar John to Anastasia Romanovna, the Zakharyin family, later known as the Romanovs, rose to prominence, giving Russia a number of kings and emperors. They began to compete fiercely in the struggle for influence on the Tsar with Adashev and Sylvester.

The turning point in this struggle came in 1553, when Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich became seriously ill. Then he demanded that all the courtiers swear allegiance to his son from Anastasia Romanovna, Dmitry, as the future king. This should have been done also cousin Tsar Vladimir Andreevich Staritsky, according to the old custom, has the primary right to the throne. Those close to the sovereign were divided into two parties: one unquestioningly swore allegiance to the prince, and the other sided with Vladimir Staritsky.

Aleksei Fedorovich Adashev immediately swore allegiance to Dmitry, but his father Fyodor Grigorievich refused to do so, fearing the further strengthening of the Romanovs. After this incident and the recovery of Ivan the Terrible, the tsar ceased to treat the Adashev family with the same favor.

Despite the cold snap in Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich’s attitude towards Alexei Adashev, the latter still long time had a significant influence on government affairs.


Nevertheless, this state of affairs could not continue forever, and Alexey Fedorovich understood this perfectly well. He was not even misled by the fact that his father, soon after the recovery of Ivan the Terrible, received the rank of boyar. The Romanovs increasingly strengthened their positions, and Adashev and Sylvester faded into the background. Despite the death of Tsarevich Dmitry in the same 1553, the Romanovs began to exert even more influence on the sovereign.

The tension between the tsar and Alexei Adashev reached its peak in 1560. Just shortly before that, the Livonian War began in the Baltic states, and Alexey Fedorovich chose to go there, away from the court. This event could be considered a kind of honorary exile. Alexey Adashev was given the rank of governor. His immediate commander was Prince Mstislavsky.

But Alexei Fedorovich failed to conquer military honors in the fields of Livonia, since in the same year Queen Anastasia died, which made King John even more embittered towards the Adashev family. Therefore, Alexey Adashev was sent to the Dorpat fortress on the territory of modern Estonia and taken into custody.


It was while in captivity in Dorpat that Alexei Adashev died in 1561. Death occurred due to fever, which former manager The chosen one was ill for two months. At the time of his death, there were no relatives, relatives, or friends near Alexei Fedorovich. Thus ended the years of life of one of the most active people our Fatherland of our time.

However, similar death, quite possibly, saved him from the more difficult fate that Tsar Ivan the Terrible and the Romanovs were preparing for him. Evidence of this may be that soon after the death of Alexei Adashev, his brother Daniil was executed along with his son Tarkh. A similar fate befell other representatives of the Adashev family, which practically ceased to exist. The father of Alexei and Daniil Adashev, Fyodor Grigorievich, died back in 1556 of natural causes.

Performance evaluation

Of course, not every figure of the 16th century was so bright in national history as Alexey Adashev. The description of his activities by most historians is quite positive. He is credited with establishing a number of state institutions and broad reform practices. True, this time did not last long. Moreover, in contrast to the period active work Adashev looks like the era of oprichnina and rampant obscurantism that came after his removal from government affairs.

Of course, the deeds for the benefit of the Fatherland of Alexei Adashev, as well as his biography, are worthy of detailed study.


Adashev was first mentioned on February 3, 1547, together with his brother Daniil, at the wedding of Tsar Ivan the Terrible in the position of lieutenant and movnik, that is, he laid marriage bed sovereign and accompanied the newlywed to the bathhouse.

Adashev began to enjoy great influence on the Tsar together with the famous Blagoveshchensk priest Sylvester after the terrible Moscow fires (in April and June 1547) and the murder of the Tsar’s uncle, Prince Yuri Vasilyevich Glinsky, by the indignant people.

These events, considered as God's punishment for sins, produced a moral revolution in the young, impressionable king. This is what he himself says: “Fear entered my soul and trembling into my bones, my spirit was humbled, I was touched and recognized my sins.”

From that time on, the tsar, disliked towards noble boyars, brought two unborn, but the best people of his time, Sylvester and Adashev. Ivan found in them, as well as in Tsarina Anastasia Romanovna and Metropolitan Macarius, moral support and support and directed his thoughts for the good of Russia.

The time of the so-called reign of Sylvester and Adashev was a time of broad and beneficial government activity for the earth (convocation of the 1st Zemsky Cathedral for the approval of the code of law in 1550, the convening of the Church Council of Stoglav in 1551, the conquest of Kazan in 1552 and Astrakhan (1556); the granting of statutory charters that determined independent community courts: a large expansion of estates, strengthening the content service people(in 1553).

There is no doubt that he, gifted by nature brilliant abilities and unusually imbued with the consciousness of his autocratic power, did not play a passive role in these glorious events, as some historians say, but in any case, he acted on the advice of Sylvester and Adashev, and therefore the latter must be recognized for their great historical merits.

stood out and diplomatic activity Adashev in conducting many negotiations entrusted to him: with the Kazan king Shig-Aley (and), Nogais (), Livonia (, ,), Poland (,), Denmark (). The importance of Sylvester and Adashev at court also created enemies for them, of which the main ones were the Zakharyins, relatives of Queen Anastasia. His enemies especially took advantage of the circumstances that were unfavorable for Adashev during the king’s illness in 1553.

Having become dangerously ill, the tsar wrote a spiritual letter and demanded that his cousin Prince Vladimir Andreevich Staritsky and the boyars swear allegiance to his son, the baby Dmitry. But Vladimir Andreevich refused to take the oath, exposing own rights to the throne after the death of John and trying to form a party for himself.

Sylvester apparently leaned towards Vladimir Andreevich. Alexei Adashev, however, swore unquestioning allegiance to Dmitry, but his father, the okolnichy Fyodor Adashev, directly announced to the sick king that they did not want to obey the Romanovs, who would rule during Dmitry’s childhood.

John recovered and began to look at his friends who had betrayed him with different eyes. Likewise, Sylvester’s supporters now lost the favor of Queen Anastasia, who could suspect them of not wanting to see her son on the throne. However, the tsar did not show hostile feelings at first, either under the joyful impression of recovery, or for fear of affecting the powerful party and breaking old relations, and even in 1553 he granted Fyodor Adashev the boyar’s cap.

In May 1560, the tsar’s attitude towards Adashev was such that the latter found it inconvenient to remain at court and went into honorable exile to Livonia as the 3rd commander of a large regiment led by Prince Mstislavsky and Morozov. After the death of Tsarina Anastasia († August 7, 1560), Ivan IV’s dislike for Adashev intensified; the king ordered him to be transferred to Dorpat and placed in custody. Here Adashev fell ill with a fever and died two months later. Natural death saved him from royal reprisals, since in the coming years all of Adashev’s relatives were executed. [

The meaning of ALEXEY FEDOROVICH ADASHEV in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia


Adashev, Alexey Fedorovich, a well-known favorite of Ivan the Terrible, the son of a serviceman of insignificant origin, Fyodor Grigorievich A. “This person, perhaps less talented than some of his contemporary political businessmen, shines with such a bright light of kindness and integrity, is such an example philanthropist and humanist of the 16th century, that it is not difficult to understand her charm for everything around her" (N.P. Likhachev). A. was first mentioned in 1547 at the royal wedding (February 3) in the position of a lieutenant and a mover, i.e. he made the sovereign's wedding bed and accompanied the newlywed to the bathhouse. A. began to enjoy great influence on the Tsar together with the famous Annunciation priest Sylvester after the terrible Moscow fires (in April and June 1547) and the murder of the Tsar’s uncle Yuri Glinsky by the indignant people. From that time on, the tsar, who was not disposed towards the noble boyars, brought closer to himself two unborn, but the best people of their time, Sylvester and A. John found in them, as well as in Queen Anastasia and Metropolitan Macarius, moral support and restraint of his spoiled childhood. nature. The time of the so-called reign of Sylvester and A. was a time of diversified government activities (convening the first Zemsky Sobor to approve the Code of Law in 1550, convening the Church Council of Stoglav in 1551, the conquest of Kazan in 1552 and Astrakhan in 1557; the granting of statutory charters that determined self-government communities; large expansion of estates, strengthening the maintenance of service people). In 1550, John granted A. a okolnichy and at the same time told him a speech by which it is best to judge the tsar’s relationship with his favorite: “Alexey! I took you from the poor and from the youngest people. I heard about your good deeds, and now I have sought you beyond your measure for the sake of helping my soul; although your desire is not for this, I wished for you, and not only you, but also others like you, who would quench my sorrow and look upon the people given to me by God. I instruct you to accept petitions from the poor and offended and analyze them carefully. Do not be afraid of the strong and glorious, who steal honors and destroy the poor and weak with their violence; do not look at the false tears of the poor, who slander the rich, who want to be right with false tears: but consider everything carefully and bring the truth to us, fearing the judgment of God; elect truthful judges from the boyars and nobles." At the same time, he was in charge of the state archive, kept the state chronicle and participated in the compilation of the code bit books and "the sovereign's genealogist." In the years 1553 - 1560, being not separated from the tsar, according to Kurbsky, “he was extremely useful to the common thing.” Adashev’s diplomatic activity was also outstanding in conducting many negotiations entrusted to him: with the Kazan king Shig-Aley (1551 and 1552), the Nogais (1553), Livonia (1554, 1557, 1558), Poland (1558, 1560), Denmark (1559) . The importance of Sylvester and A. at court also created enemies for them, of whom the main ones were the Zakharyins, relatives of Queen Anastasia. These enemies especially took advantage of the circumstances that were unfavorable for A. during the king’s illness in 1553. Having become dangerously ill, the tsar wrote a spiritual letter and demanded that his cousin, Prince Vladimir Andreevich Staritsky, and the boyars swear allegiance to his son, the infant Dmitry. Alexei A., however, swore unquestioning allegiance to Dmitry, but his father, the okolnichy Fyodor A., ​​directly announced to the sick king that they did not want to obey the Romanovs, who would rule during Dmitry’s childhood. John recovered, and from then on the king began to cool off towards his former friends. In May 1560, relations between the tsar and his advisers became so strained that A. found it inconvenient to remain at court and went into honorable exile in Livonia, the third commander of a large regiment led by Prince Mstislavsky and Morozov. After the death of Queen Anastasia (died August 7, 1560), John’s dislike for A. intensified; the king ordered him to be transferred to Dorpat and placed in custody. Here A. fell ill with a fever and died two months later. - See Kostomarova, “Russian history in biographies,” vol. I; articles by N. Likhachev about A. in "Russian Biographical Dictionary"(ed. Imperial Russian Historical Society, vol. I).

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what ADASHEV ALEXEY FEDOROVICH is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    (? - 1561) okolnichy, member of the Chosen Rada. Brother of D. F. Adashev. From the end 40s led eastern Russian policy, with...
    Alexey Fedorovich (died 1561), Russian statesman. He came from Kostroma nobles, related to the Moscow boyars. Since the late 40s. ...
    the son of a serviceman of insignificant origin, Fyodor Grigorievich Adashev, glorified his name during the reign of Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible. For the first time Adashev is mentioned...
  • ADASHEV, ALEXEY FEDOROVICH in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? the son of a serviceman of insignificant origin, Fyodor Grigorievich Adashev, glorified his name during the reign of Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible. For the first time Adashev...
  • ALEXEI in the Dictionary-index of names and concepts of ancient Russian art:
    MAN OF GOD (5th century) one of the most popular saints in Byzantium and Rus', Roman by origin. Son of the rich and...
  • FEDOROVICH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Shaking) Taras Ukrainian hetman, leader of the uprising against Polish rule in 1630. Negotiated in Moscow about the transfer of part of the Ukrainian Cossacks ...
  • ALEXEI in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Alexy) (90s of the 13th century - 1378) Russian metropolitan from 1354. Supported the unification policy of the Moscow princes. In fact, the head of the Moscow government...
  • FEDOROVICH V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Georg-Friedrich - lawyer, full member Imperial Academy sciences; studied legal sciences abroad, served as chief auditor in the Admiralty. After leaving...
  • ALEXEI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Alexey Petrovich, Tsarevich - the eldest son of Peter the Great from his first marriage with E.F. Lopukhina, b. 18 Feb 1690, ...
    FEDOROVICH Florian Florianovich (1877-1928), politician. activist Since 1901 member Socialist Revolutionary Party, participant in the Revolution of 1905-07. In 1909-14 at hard labor. IN …
  • FEDOROVICH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    FEDOROVYCH (Shaking) Taras, Ukrainian. hetman, leader of the uprising against the Polish. domination in 1630. Negotiated in Moscow about the transfer of part of the Ukrainian. ...
  • ALEXEI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ALEXEY PETROVICH (1690-1718), Russian. Tsarevich, Art. son of Peter I and his first wife E.F. Lopukhina. Became a participant in the opposition to Peter's reforms...
  • ALEXEI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ALEXEY NIKOLAEVICH (1904-18), leader. prince, son of the emperor Nicholas II, the heir grew up. throne. suffered congenital inheritance. hemophilia. After Feb. revolutions of 1917 ...
  • ALEXEI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ALEXEY MIKHAILOVICH (1629-76), Russian. Tsar since 1645. Son of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. On the board of A.M. the center has strengthened. power and serfdom took shape...
  • ALEXEI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ALEXEY ALEXANDROVICH (1850-1908), leader. Prince, Admiral General (1883), Adjutant General (1880), son of Alexander II, brother Alexandra III. Participant in a number of distant seas. hikes. ...
  • ALEXEI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ALEXEY I Komnenos (c. 1048-1118), Byzantine. Emperor since 1081. Founder of the Komnenos dynasty. Seized the throne, relying on the military. know. Repelled the onslaught...
  • ADASHEV in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ADASHEV Dan. Fed. (? - ca. 1563), okolnichy. Brother A.F. Adasheva. Participant of the Kazan campaigns and Livonian War. In 1559 the first...
  • ADASHEV in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ADASHEV Al. Fed. (? -1561), okolnichy (from Nov. 1553), bed servant; member The chosen one is welcome. Brother D.F. Adasheva. Headed the Petition Order. WITH …
    Venetsianov, Leonov, ...
  • ALEXEI in the Dictionary for solving and composing scanwords:
  • ALEXEI in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
  • ALEXEI full spelling dictionary Russian language:
    Alexey, (Alekseevich, ...
    (Shaking) Taras, Ukrainian hetman, leader of the uprising against Polish rule in 1630. Negotiated in Moscow about the transfer of part of the Ukrainian ...
  • ALEXEI in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    (Alexy) (90s of the 13th century - 1378), Russian metropolitan from 1354. Supported the unification policy of the Moscow princes. In fact, the head of the Moscow government...
  • ADASHEV in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    Alexey Fedorovich (? - 1561), okolnichy, member of the Chosen Rada. Brother of D. F. Adashev. From the end 40s led the eastern...
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia"TREE". Frantov Stepan Fedorovich (1877 - 1938), psalm-reader and regent, martyr. Memory 22...
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    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Alexei Tovt (1854 - 1909), protopresbyter, "father of American Orthodoxy", saint. Memory April 24...
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    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Mikhail Fedorovich (+ 1645), Russian Tsar, from the Romanov boyar family, founder of the Tsarist-Imperial Romanov dynasty. Father …
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    ANGEL - Byzantine Emperor in 1203-1204 Son of Isaac II. Genus. OK. 1183 Died 1204 After deposition and ...
  • ALEXEY III in the Directory of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    ANGEL - Byzantine emperor in 1195-1203 Alexei belonged to the rich and influential family of Angels. In 1183, together with ...
  • ALEXEY IV ANGEL in biographies of Monarchs:
    Byzantine emperor in 1203-1204. Son of Isaac II. Genus. OK. 1183 Died 1204 After being deposed and blinded...
  • ALEXEY III ANGEL in biographies of Monarchs:
    Byzantine emperor in 1195-1203. Alexey belonged to a rich and influential family of Angels. In 1183, together with his brothers...
  • ALEXEY I KOMNINUS in biographies of Monarchs:
    Byzantine emperor in 1081 - 1118. Genus. OK. 1057 Died 15 Aug. 1118 Alexey came from a rich...
    Peter III Fedorovich(Peter-Ulrich) - Emperor of All Russia, son of Duke of Holstein-Gottorp Karl-Friedrich, son of his sister Charles XII Swedish, and Anna Petrovna, ...
  • VESELAGO FEODOSIY FEDOROVYCH in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Veselago (Feodosius Fedorovich) - historiographer maritime ministry, belongs to an old Novgorod noble family, which was mentioned for the first time in ...
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    Adashev, Daniil Fedorovich, younger brother Alexey Adashev. He began his service at court with his brother. In 1551, in the rank...
  • ADASHEV DANIIL FEDOROVYCH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (? - ca. 1563) okolnichy. Brother of A.F. Adashev. Participant of the Kazan campaigns and the Livonian War. In 1559 the first governor in ...
  • RODIONOV SERGEY FEDOROVICH in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    Sergey Fedorovich, Soviet physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1942). Studied (1926-29) in Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. Have worked …
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    Abram Fedorovich, Soviet physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1920; corresponding member 1918), vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences ...
  • ADASHEV DANIIL FEDOROVYCH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Daniil Fedorovich (died about 1562-63), Russian military leader; brother of A.F. Adashev. From February 1559 okolnichy (court rank). Participant of the Kazan...
  • PETER III FEDOROVYCH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Peter-Ulrich) - Emperor of All Russia, son of Duke of Holstein-Gotthorne Karl Frederick, son of the sister of Charles XII of Sweden, and Anna Petrovna, daughter of Peter the Great (b. ...

Alexey Fedorovich Adashev, son of a boyar Fedor Grigorievich Adashev and brother of Daniil Fedorovich, played outstanding role in the initial, bright period of the reign of Ivan IV the Terrible. An example of a philanthropist and humanist of the 16th century, Alexey Adashev, with his kindness, charmed everyone around him. There is reason to think that he was for several years older than Ivan IV. Aleksey Adashev was initially a solicitor and a bedspreader, and in 1550 he became a bed guard and the head of the newly established Petition Prikaz, where it was ordered to accept complaints from all the oppressed and offended. Adashev stood at the head of the court party (the Chosen Rada), to which Ivan the Terrible temporarily submitted after the Moscow fire on June 21, 1547.

During the conquest of Kazan, Alexey Fedorovich Adashev took an active part in all events: he placed cannons against the city, dug under the Kazan cache, from where the besieged took water. He negotiated with the Kazan ambassadors, went to Kazan first to imprison and then depose Shig-Aley from the Kazan throne. In 1553, Adashev received the high rank of okolnichy and thanks to this he received independent position in the Duma. Now he began to manage diplomatic relations, received ambassadors, and led negotiations with them. In addition, he was put in charge state archive, kept the state chronicle.

Alexey Fedorovich Adashev at the monument “1000th anniversary of Russia” in Veliky Novgorod

From 1553 to 1560, Alexey Adashev lived constantly in Moscow, traveled only with the sovereign and accompanied him everywhere on all campaigns; his influence grew stronger. Since the death of the queen Anastasia Romanovna(August 7, 1560) a revolution begins in the relations of Adashev and the entire Chosen Rada with the Tsar. Ivan IV began to feel burdened by his advisers. Various misunderstandings arose between them and Grozny, among other things, on the issue of the conquest of the Crimea, which Adashev and the Rada were striving for instead of the Livonian War planned by the tsar. The situation became increasingly tense, as a result of which Adashev, as they say, at his own request in May 1560, was sent to Livonia as the third commander of a large regiment.

In September of the same year, Adashev was left as governor in the newly taken Livonian city Felline, this was already a clear fall from grace. As a result of a local dispute that arose between Adashev and Polev, Ivan satisfied the latter and, thus inflicting a new insult on Adashev, transferred him to Dorpat. In 1560, Adashev’s estates were assigned to the sovereign, and he himself was imprisoned. A fierce search began, ending with the extermination of all the boyars of the Adashev family and their closest relatives. Alexey Fedorovich himself escaped execution due to the fact that he died (under unknown circumstances) in Dorpat at the beginning of 1561.