Communication in the life of society and the individual. The role of communication in human life

Between individuals. In the article we will consider such aspects as the role of communication, why people need it, how to conduct a dialogue correctly, and more.

The role of communication in human life

People can't be lonely. It is established by nature that every person needs communication. Some people just need to speak out, while others cannot live without dialogue. The answer to the question of why people need communication will be given by the history of primitive society.

At first, people “talked” using gestures and facial expressions. They denoted danger, joy, discontent, and objects of hunting. Gradually, people began to communicate through speech, which became much more interesting and exciting.

After people learned to express opinions and talk, rules began to appear. Thanks to them, they are more cultural and developed. Today, only communication helps a person improve every day.

Now people can listen and transmit information, understand a friend, colleague, friends and perceive everything that others say. Now you know why a person needs communication and what its role is. In the article we will look at other aspects of speech that people need.

Why is communication necessary?

A person can be an extrovert or an introvert, but he needs company every day. This could be a team, friends or relatives. Only through communication does each person become a social person.

From birth, parents give their baby communication. If you don’t talk to children and don’t teach them, the baby will never be able to grow up to be a full-fledged person.

Such people are mentally retarded in development, and they cannot become full-fledged, cultural and developed personalities. There are many cases where parents did not pay due attention to their children. Then such unpleasant incidents happened.

The art of communicating with people

Dialogue is a natural human environment. However, every person should be able to communicate with others correctly. We are taught to communicate first by our parents, then by teachers, comrades and other people around us. It is very important to master the art of communication from an early age.

When communicating with a person, always look him in the eyes. Then contact between the interlocutors will occur much faster.

Try to feel the person so as not to offend him. If you know weak spots your counterpart, never talk about them.

Have confidence in your interlocutor. If you don't trust him, then is there a need to build a dialogue with him? Of course, we are not talking about relatives and people close to you. After all, you already know how to communicate with them. But as for an unfamiliar and stranger, you only need to show positivity. Avoid bad emotions and be as friendly as possible.

What do we receive from others?

Of course, we can already understand why a person needs communication. However, this cannot always be explained. People need communication not only as a necessity. There are others positive points. For example, we can acquire many skills and abilities with the help of others.

People exchange information, experience, knowledge - and all this is called communication. The main thing is to correctly build a dialogue with your interlocutor. When people exchange experiences or information, they gain deeper insight, become smarter, more conscious, and more cultured.

Often interesting ideas, thoughts come only when there is a dialogue between people. Any useful advice often helps a person. Psychologists know exactly why a person needs communication. They claim no full personality no dialogue. That is, in order for a person to be able to correctly express his thoughts, he needs to communicate as often as possible.

Rules of communication

In principle, we have already figured out why a person needs communication. We have already described this briefly. However, as mentioned above, there are certain things that must be followed in order to become a cultured and intelligent person.

Always during a dialogue, try to smile and support the topic of your interlocutor. If you don't understand something, never hesitate to ask. Remember, there is no shame in asking, because we are talking about your development.

Never raise your voice. The intonation should be pleasant for the interlocutor, without rudeness or falsehood in the voice. Try to communicate culturally even with friends. Address them by name. When communicating, there is no need to remember his last name or tease him, as in childhood, because this can be very unpleasant and even offensive for a person.

Politeness is very important factor communication. Bad words never adorned a person. Therefore, speak not only calmly, in a friendly tone, but also politely. Your friend or acquaintance will enjoy spending time with you.

The most important rule is not to interrupt your interlocutor. Listen more and talk less. Especially if your interlocutor wants to speak out.

Fear of communication

Many people have social phobia. That is, they do not quite understand why a person needs communication, and are afraid to engage in conversation. Only insecure people can have such an attitude.

The fear of communication must be overcome from an early age. To prevent your child from being withdrawn, teach your child to express his opinion. Even if you don't like it. After all, only through dialogues and communication do children learn to be confident and

Discomfort of communication

Sometimes people don't want to talk to a particular person. Why is this happening? Psychologists say that there is such a thing as communication discomfort. This is when the interlocutor puts psychological pressure on you. It seems unnoticeable, but you feel severe discomfort when communicating. In this case, try to avoid such people so as not to receive negativity from them.

Every person needs only positive emotions. That is why psychologists advise communicating only with people with whom you not only have common topics of conversation, but at the same time you also receive positive emotions, joy and friendliness.


In the article we figured out that Communication is very important aspect in people's lives. Therefore, if you want to be alone, do not abuse it. Try to go outside as often as possible, to see friends or just to the store. After all, you can talk to the seller and find out a lot of interesting things for yourself.

Now you know why a person needs communication. If you listen to the advice and recommendations of psychologists, you will not have problems building a dialogue and choosing an interlocutor.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Department " Applied psychology»


in the discipline "Psychology"

on the topic: “The role of communication in human life”


Student of group SC1-1

Ivanova A.O.

Scientific director:

Orlova Elena Alexandrovna

Moscow, 2011

What is the role of communication in human life? What do we understand by this concept?

Communicationdifficult process interaction between people, which consists of the exchange of information, as well as the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person transmitting information is called a communicator, and the person receiving it is called a recipient. The content of communication is information that is transmitted from one living being to another. The purpose of communication answers the question: “For what purpose does a creature enter into an act of communication?” This may be information about the internal (emotional, etc.) state of the subject, about the situation in external environment. The content of information is most diverse when the subjects of communication are people.

Means of communication: methods of encoding, transmitting, processing and decoding information that is transmitted in the process of communication from one being to another. Encoding information is a way of transmitting it. Information between people can be transmitted using the senses, speech and other sign systems, writing, technical means recording and storing information. One of the basic principles modern life is to maintain normal relationships between people and the desire to avoid conflicts. In turn, respect and attention can only be earned by maintaining politeness and restraint. Therefore, nothing is valued as dearly by the people around us as politeness and delicacy. But in life we ​​often have to deal with rudeness, harshness, and disrespect for the personality of another person. In society good manners a person’s modesty and restraint, the ability to control one’s actions, and to communicate carefully and tactfully with other people are considered.

Do you know how to COMMUNICATE?

I'm sure everyone will say: “Yes, of course.” But in what form does this communication take place? Most often it is just a conversation, an exchange of information. At the same time, everyone knows that the concept of COMMUNICATION is much broader than our usual: “Hello! - Bye!". Although speech plays a huge role in people’s communication, everyone knows perfectly well that people, for example, those who love, do not need words to express their feelings and thoughts.

It is enough for them to see each other. Also, great value in communication between people has the facial expressions of the interlocutors. Have you ever had to communicate with someone using glances and gestures? Of course I had to! But if you understood each other, then this understanding was the result of a very difficult work. So, what is still needed to communicate correctly? We must, first of all, respect the interlocutor, listen to him with as much attention as possible, without interrupting and allowing him to speak, and not “noise” the communication channels. It is also necessary to look appropriate so that there is no mismatch, try to say only what we think, so as not to introduce dissociation.

All these, if not universal ways of communication, then at least they will help to communicate more correctly and find mutual language with people.

We must not forget what our great compatriot Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov wrote 230 years ago:

“... When the parts prepared for the construction of some colossus lie separately and one does not mutually communicate a certain action to the other, then their entire existence is vain and useless. In a similar way, if each member human race could not explain my concepts to another, then we would not only be deprived of this flow that is consistent with common affairs, which is controlled by the combination of our thoughts, but perhaps we would not be worse than wild animals..."

It is impossible to imagine the development of man, the very existence of the individual as a person, his connection with society without communication with other people. K. Marx and F. Engels noted in this regard: “... the actual spiritual wealth of an individual depends entirely on the wealth of his actual relationships...”. Historical experience And daily practice indicate that the complete isolation of a person from society, his withdrawal from communication with other people, leads to a complete loss human personality, her social qualities and properties.

Communication includes all the diversity of spiritual and material forms of human life and is his urgent need. It’s no secret, writes Polish psychologist E. Melibruda, that “interpersonal relationships are no less important to us than the air we breathe.” The irresistible attraction of communication for a person is well expressed in famous saying French writer A. de Saint-Exupery: “The only real luxury is luxury human communication" But how often do we think about the need to analyze our communication processes?

As is known, the need for communication is ultimately determined by the need for joint participation of people in the production of material goods. As for the sphere of spiritual life, here central place is occupied by the individual’s need to acquire social experience, to become familiar with cultural values, in mastering the principles and norms of behavior in society and specific social environment, and all this is impossible without contact with other people.

Interest in the problem of communication has its roots in the distant past. Communication, the processes of interaction between people, their relationships, the issues that a person faces when coming into contact with other people have always attracted close attention. Psychologist and sociologist I.S. Cohn writes that “people invariably consider genuine friendship to be rare and its flowering is usually relegated to the past.” This kind of longing for true friendship, the sincerity of communication in the past is exaggerated. Indeed, in our time one can observe many manifestations of genuine friendship between people, their sincerity and self-sacrifice. A striking example may serve as manifestations of friendship in the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War. But even now it is difficult to imagine a person who does not have friendly feelings for close people, for fellow professionals, for common inclinations, interests, and aspirations.

It may seem that with the concept of communication, which is well known to everyone, there are no special problems. It seems that everyone knows perfectly well what communication is. This word is associated with the usual ideas about contacts and relationships between people, about meetings with friends and strangers, about personal relationships arising on the basis of professional, amateur, creative and other common interests.

Elementary function communication - achieving a relationship, and to begin with - at the most external, preliminary, formal level. It would seem that it could be simpler! A smile, a handshake, an approving nod, a welcoming gesture... But already at this simplest level the most unexpected and annoying misunderstandings. Russians, British, and Americans use a handshake as a greeting gesture. Laplanders rub noses together. Samoans sniff each other. Latin Americans hug, French people kiss each other on the cheek.

When we come into contact with other people, we are not always aware that we are using signs - units of a conventional code, a language that has come down to us from ancient times, a communicative tool that has been created over thousands of years by enormous creative teams- peoples and races. Elementary languages, similar to the language of greeting gestures, vary not only from one national culture to another, but also within the national culture itself, from one professional, class or age and gender group to another, and even from family to family. From here it is clear how universal this source of mutual understanding or, on the contrary, misunderstanding of people is. But if this is the case in the sphere of the most basic communication skills, then how great is the possibility of mutual misunderstanding hidden in the semantic plan of human communication, which includes a range of complex psychological, moral, cultural and ideological motives, a fusion of thoughts, moods and feelings that a person exchanges in the process of communicating with others!

Needs modern society, its spiritual and material spheres make the problem of communication extremely relevant. Without the appropriate development of forms of communication, such areas are practically impossible human activity, such as upbringing, education, health care, science, art, politics, ideology, etc.

What is it starting point any communication that gives rise to mutual understanding or, on the contrary, misunderstanding, rejection? Maybe this is a meeting, a handshake, a greeting, an introduction? Everything seems clear. To enter into communication, people first need to see each other, meet. How could it be otherwise?

We see that the role of communication in a person’s life is enormous! It is impossible to imagine a day without communication. Man needs it like air!

List of used literature:

1. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. – M., Aspect Press, 1996

2. Andreeva G.M. Communication and optimization joint activities. Moscow State University, 1987

3. Voikunsky A.E. I say, we speak...: Essays on human communication. - M.: Knowledge, 1990

4. Leontyev A.N. Activity, consciousness, personality. - M., 197

IN modern world people cannot do without communication; people spend most of their time in society: at work in the office, with family, with friends. And for effective and rich communication there is speech. Any social activity can’t do without it, there are also many professions where communication skills with people are needed: teachers, lawyers, journalists and politicians, etc.

A conversation involves two people: the one who listens and the one who speaks. Moreover, the peculiarity of communication is such that people constantly change roles for more effective conversation. A successful conversation always requires a topic and knowledge of the language.

A person’s personality develops in the process of communication, upbringing, and education; that is why its importance is so great. With the help of speech, we can discuss our goals, plans, dreams, and share our experiences. Communication is the air for a person. It helps to organize working together, build personal life person, enjoy an intelligent conversation. Humanity began to progress along with the development of speech.

A person's personality is formed through communication. Through other people, developed, educated, erudite and emotionally mature, we receive important information about the world around us, which shapes our worldview and helps us become cultured, educated, morally developed and civilized people. From birth we develop our cognitive skills. There are many examples when a person is not brought up in the society of people. Children who find themselves in wolf packs and raised there for a long time will no longer be able to adapt to human society. Outwardly, of course, they look like a person, but internally they are more like an animal, they are mentally undeveloped and it is no longer possible to re-educate them. Successful socialization– another invaluable function of communication.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • communication is an integral part of human life. Impact on us public opinion proves it. There are also many ways to influence people on each other, for example, hypnosis, blackmail, fashion, suggestion.
  • communication is a need, it is the goal of relationships with other people.
  • communication is a source of knowledge and understanding of others.

If a person’s communication is complete, then he feels satisfied and happy, this contributes to the development of his capabilities, self-realization and success. If, on the contrary, a person communicates little and withdraws into himself, then he develops an inferiority complex and deprives himself of useful information and new opportunities, general mental condition the person is deteriorating. Thus, the importance of communication in human life is very great.

Features of communication

  1. Communication undoubtedly brings joy and happiness, communicating with your loved ones, your soulmate, interesting creative people- all this makes our life full. Communication with nature and art gives us harmony and peace of mind.
  2. There are two sides to the coin. Communication can bring disappointment, sadness, and depression. That is why so many dramas have been written dedicated to the feelings and experiences of the hero.
  3. Neutral communication, which cannot be avoided, is a significant part of Everyday life. But there is an alternative - festive communication, without which it is difficult to imagine the life of any person.

Now you see that communication plays a huge role in our lives and therefore it is necessary to master the skills effective communication. Learn to understand people and adequately perceive their positions without prejudice or bias. The circle of people with whom you communicate directly depends on your psychological and emotional maturity.

Lecture 4.1. Introduction to the psychology of communication

The ability to communicate with people is a commodity bought for money, like sugar and coffee. And I am willing to pay more for this skill than for any product in this world.

J. Rockefeller

    Communication concept. Communication in the modern world

Have you ever thought about the role of communication in the lives of each of us and society as a whole? How long can we live without communication? Can a person exist without communication at all? Communication is the natural habitat of humans. This is a complex process in which people interact, exchange information, influence each other, and strive to understand each other.

Often the terms “communication” and “communication” are used as equivalent and synonymous. However, according to other researchers, communication is a connection during which information is transferred. In this case, the object receiving information can be not only a person, but also a machine or an animal. Communication is always a two-way process based on the interaction of equal partners - subjects of communication. Let us accept the first point of view and consider the terms “communication” and “communication” as synonyms, since in human communication communication in its pure form practically does not occur, because the transfer of information, as a rule, in society is a two-way process, speech interaction.

Communication - the process and result of establishing contacts between people or the interaction of subjects through various sign systems; “This is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified strategy for interaction, perception and understanding of another person.”

The development of communication in the world is determined by the development of all social processes. Communication is changing not only due to the constant improvement of technical means of communication between people, but also due to changes in some social functions of a person as an individual, personality and subject of activity. Features of communication in the modern world are associated both with the values ​​that social control brings into the life of every person, and with changes in lifestyle and its relative standardization in connection with the development of mass culture.

1. If several centuries ago direct communication between people prevailed, then last century diddominant mass and mediated communication .

Ψ Internet, mobile phones

2. As for direct interaction, it should be noted that the number of forced contacts between people has increased . This is especially noticeable in large cities, where the very way of life determines the inevitability of contacts between complete strangers and each other. Traveling to work on public transport, shopping for goods in a store, watching performances - all these are ways of spending time that involve numerous contacts. The peculiarity of such contacts is that, firstly, they are numerous; secondly, they are superficial. Both are not criteria for quality communication:

Ψ Proteins in a cage

3. Over the past few decades, various educational communication technologies . People are increasingly aware that many of their problems stem from poor communication skills. The development of civilization, which determines the constant improvement of communications and diverse channels of information, leads to the contradiction between the form, means of communication and its content, depth. On the one hand, a person can easily establish contact even with those subjects who are far from him; on the other hand, the improvement of communication means does not ensure the quality and depth of communication. There is such a phenomenon as loneliness in a crowd - loneliness among people , especially in large cities.

Ψ Vishnevsky “Loneliness on the Internet”

4. Many media create illusion of communication . Working at the computer or watching late-night television programs promotes a sense of interaction with others. For example, sociologists have determined that the average urban modern person spends about 5 hours a day watching TV (!). This is a very dangerous tendency, since a subject watching an information program that is interesting to him creates the illusion of the presence of another person and communication with him. But in reality no communication occurs. This quasi-communication, those. imaginary communication, imaginary, apparent. Console quasi(from Latin -quasi) is used before a word to express the doubtfulness, imaginary nature of the designated phenomenon. If an individual systematically watches a program, he creates the illusion of familiarity with the presenters, the feeling that he knows them well, although in fact he only has some stable idea of ​​​​the television image (image) of the presenters. Increasing the share of quasi-communication in the interaction of a person with the world around him is also one of the features of modern communication.

Conclusion. It is quite clear that superficial, shallow, forced contacts between people with their diversity, an increase in the share of quasi-communication, as well as the predominance of dominant mass and mediated communication reduce its quality everywhere. How can the quality of communication be determined? Firstly, the level at which interaction occurs; secondly, the number of needs that a person satisfies in the process of communicating with other people; thirdly, opportunities for personal self-development.

    Communication functions

Communication fulfills a number significant functions:

    perceptual function - communication partners’ perception of each other and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis;

    informative function - transfer of information, provision of necessary information;

    interactive - organizing interaction between people, for example, coordinating actions, distributing functions, influencing the mood, beliefs, behavior of the interlocutor through the use of various forms of influence;

    motivational function (incentive) - encourages employees to better perform tasks using beliefs, requests, orders, etc.;

    expressive function - promotes emotional expression of feelings, experiences, attitude towards what is happening and allows you to satisfy social needs;

    control function - tracking employee behavior in various ways based on hierarchy and subordination.

    Levels and types of communication

Communication, along with communicative (transfer of information), also performs other functions: regulatory (serves to regulate behavior), perceptual (promotes the interlocutors’ perception of each other), suggestive (suggestion function), etc.

Types of communication

1) official – unofficial (private, private);

2) oral - written;

3) dialogical - monological;

4) interpersonal – public;

5) direct – indirect;

6) contact – distant.

Levels of communication:

Communication can occur at different levels. Levels of Communication are determined, in turn, by the general culture of interacting subjects, their individual and personal characteristics, characteristics of the situation, social control and many other factors. The value orientations of those communicating and their attitude towards each other are especially influential.

The most primitive level of communication is phatic (from Latin fatuus - stupid). It involves a simple exchange of remarks to maintain a conversation in conditions where the communicants are not particularly interested in interaction, but are forced to communicate. Such communication is somewhat automatic and limited. Its primitiveness lies not in the fact that the remarks are simple, but in the fact that there is no deep meaning or content behind them. Sometimes this level is designated as conventional (convention - agreement). If the word phatic indicates its simplicity, then the word conventional determines its standardization. Standardization of communication, in turn, occurs in such social situations that are ordinary, well known to individuals and therefore interaction occurs at the level of simple habit. Such communication does not require any comprehension, does not contain any positive or negative aspects: it is not a source of human activity. At the same time, he should not be underestimated. Phatic communication is necessary in standardized situations. If it is not adequate to the situation, then the person may face negative social sanctions. Often this level of communication is determined by the etiquette norms of the social layer, the representatives of which are the subjects of interaction. The peculiarity of this level of communication also lies in the fact that the subject does not receive any new information.

The next level of communication is informational. At this level, new information that is interesting to the interlocutors is exchanged, which is the source of some type of human activity (mental, emotional, behavioral). The information level of communication is usually stimulating in nature and prevails in conditions of joint activities or when old friends meet. It should be noted that the information level is not related only to the content of the conversation. This may also be paralinguistic, contextual information. In any case, this level contributes to the active inclusion of a person in the communication process. Often levels of communication change during the course of a single conversation. For example, a dialogue begins as informational, but gradually moves to a phatic level or vice versa.

Personal the level of communication characterizes such interaction in which subjects are capable of the deepest self-disclosure and comprehension of the essence of another person, themselves and the world around them. This level of interaction occurs in special situations and under certain conditions, when a person experiences inspiration, insight, a feeling of love, a feeling of unity with the world, a feeling of happiness, etc. These are special situations of spiritual uplift and personal development, therefore this level can also be defined as spiritual . The personal level is deeply moral: it removes all restrictions on interaction precisely because they become completely unnecessary. The personal level of communication is largely determined by the identity of the value orientations of the interacting subjects and the ability of those communicating to comprehend the essence of the phenomena of the surrounding world through illumination (insight) in the process of interaction.

The personal or spiritual level characterizes only such communication, which is aimed at activating the positive attitude of the subjects of interaction themselves towards themselves, other people and the world around them as a whole. Therefore, the personal level is a prosocial level, i.e. useful for society, because a side effect of such communication is the moral improvement of people. As for the phatic and informational levels, they can have a socially positive (prosocial) and socially negative (antisocial) context. Thus, the phatic level can be implemented with etiquette norms (prosocial) and vulgar (antisocial). The same can be said about the information level. It should also be added that the information level can be either business, or emotional, or emotional-business. Moreover, each of the three subtypes of this level can be both prosocial and antisocial.

Material overview

Target: The purpose of our work is to study the degree of influence of social networks on the process of communication in modern society.


To identify how often middle and high school students school age, as well as parents and teachers of students use social networks;

Analyze for what purpose representatives of the above groups visit social media;

Find out what pros and cons the survey participants see in communicating on social networks;

Determine whether respondents consider online communication a worthy replacement for real communication;

Compare survey results between representatives of different age categories;

Methods: analysis various sources on this issue, surveying students, parents and teachers of the gymnasium, comparing information.

Subject of study: communication between people of different age categories on social networks

Study participants: 105 people aged from 11 to 50 years (students of 6th and 10th grades, parents and teachers).

Hypothesis: In modern society, more and more time is spent on communication on the Internet, which is gradually displacing live communication between people from our lives.

Relevance: In the modern world, people cannot do without communication. Any social activity is incomplete without it. A person’s personality develops in the process of communication. Communication helps to organize joint work and build a person’s personal life. Through communication with other people, we receive important information about the world around us, which shapes our worldview and helps us become cultured, educated, morally developed and civilized people.

The communication process in the modern world is rapidly developing, providing us with new and improved opportunities. The Internet opens up significant prospects in this sense, allowing a person to communicate at any time and with any audience. To realize these opportunities, social networks were created, which occupy everything bigger place in the life of modern society. Social networks have become an integral part of our lives. You can talk about whether this is good or bad for a long time. If you think about the fact that previously they did not exist at all, now it is almost impossible to imagine a day without visiting a personal page on the Internet; one gets the impression that there is a certain degree of dependence. The question arises: have networks replaced live communication between people? This question determined the choice of research topic and its relevance. The world around us is becoming more dynamic, and communication and information are becoming one of the main development resources today. Our research demonstrates that social networks are not only an opportunity to create new acquaintances and maintain relationships, it is one of the ways to distance yourself from real life for a long time. indefinite time. Social networks are the prerequisites for creating that virtual reality, with whom we may have to share real life in the future. In order not to get confused in what is happening, it is worth thinking about the pros and cons of communicating on social networks now.

Theoretical part.

Literally 5-7 years ago, not many people knew about the existence of social networks, but today they have firmly entered our lives and become an integral part of it. Almost everyone now has their own page on the Internet.

The term "social network" was introduced by sociologist J. Barnes in 1954. The scientist developed an approach to studying the relationships between people using visual diagrams in which individuals are represented as points, and the connections between them are represented as lines.

What is a social network now? First of all, these are sites designed to introduce and gather people with common interests, give them the opportunity to communicate various topics, post and discuss photos and videos, add each other as friends or foes, download and listen to music, search for long-lost friends and relatives.

The first social networks appeared in the West. The most popular of them are Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Badoo, Flickr,, LinkedIn, XING, Bebo,, YouTube, MyAnimeList, HabboHotel, Google+,, Avaaz, Friendster. Soon in Russia they became analogues appear, such as VKontakte,, Moi [email protected], Hydepark, In the Circle of Friends,, Moi Krug, etc.

We can say that a social network today is, first of all, a tool for online communication that the Internet offers us, and everyone has a choice whether to use it or not. Social networks as a form of communication have had a huge impact on life since their inception. modern man. Today, humanity actually cannot imagine life without communication in one or another social network.

In support of the above theses, we present the results of a survey conducted among gymnasium students, as well as parents and teachers.

Question. For what purpose do you go on social networks?

Social networks are used mainly for communication and learning news. Young people aged 15-17 (50%) go to social networks to listen to music. The vast majority of respondents aged 30-50 (81%) reported that they use social networks for communication, although children aged 11-12 spend time online for entertainment (52%). 81% of respondents aged 30-50 and 71% of teenagers aged 15-17 use the Internet for work and study.

The vast majority of respondents noted that they most often log into the social network VKontakte. At the same time, some respondents reported that they most often access the social networks Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, and Facebook [Appendix 1].

Social networks, having appeared not so long ago, certainly attract teenagers. According to some studies, teenagers are the predominant part of the social network audience.

A social network is an interactive multi-user site, the content of which is filled by its visitors, with the ability to indicate any information about an individual, through which other network participants can find the user’s account (page). Simply put, a social network acts as a kind of social space, in which communication as an activity is not presented in a traditional “live” form, but takes on the features of simple communication. Social networks contribute, firstly, to the organization of social communications between people, and secondly, to the implementation of their basic social needs. Electronic communication has become an integral component of social media activity. Online dating has now become very popular, since communication on the Internet helps reduce the psychological barrier. After all, it’s much simpler and easier to “add as a friend” or comment on a photo than to come up on the street and meet someone. The information presented on the user’s page replaces the stages of acquaintance, since interests, hobbies, etc. become immediately known. It turns out that the first impression is formed when viewing a page on a social network, but it often happens that the information turns out to be fictitious.

World virtual life, organized by social networks, allows you to realize unconscious motives and helps a person live through those scenarios that he may never dare to live in real life, allows him to feel himself in the desired image. The main reasons that serve as the basis for the formation of a new Internet image and Internet behavior are self-doubt, dissatisfaction with oneself, low self-esteem, and the desire to break out of a social vacuum. The user of social networks constructs his own image, putting it together like a mosaic from his fantasies, ideas about himself, the opinions of others, and the expectations of society. In social networks, the self-other is created in the image and likeness of one’s own self. This new, “ideal” personality, created in virtual world, very soon begins to influence real person. This is explained by the fact that on social networks, users see only the “virtual” side of a person and begin to react to it.

Thus, social networks present to a person unlimited possibilities communication in real time become a platform for the manifestation of individual creativity and, in connection with this, personal transformation thanks to cybersocialization. A person who tries himself in various virtual images not only tries on the desired mask and practices a certain model of behavior, he also changes his inner world. In the process of being on social networks, a person gains new social experience and becomes an active part of virtual events. Thus, the creative organization of human life occurs, namely the emergence of a creative personality in social networks.


Society as a whole and individual cannot do without communication. Communication is a complex, multifunctional and multifaceted component human life. Without communication, interaction between social groups aimed at joint labor activity, exchange of experience and skills. Communication plays an equally important role in the process of forming a social personality and attitude. interpersonal relationships, the formation of human individualities.

Adolescence is the age of communication, the age of greatest desire to gain approval from peers and groups that are significant to the teenager. Many of your ideas about social roles And life values Teenagers get it in communication. The modern Internet environment allows a teenager to realize those roles that seem difficult for him to play in real life. It is on networks that the real interests of modern teenagers are reflected, there is an active exchange of information, since there they are not subject to the control of adults. And for many of them, social networks are a necessary condition for life, many schoolchildren can no longer imagine their existence without the Internet.

However, the means of communication do not stand still and are developing very quickly. Throughout history, these media have evolved and changed, from footprints and cave paintings to television and Internet technologies. The whole life of modern society is filled computer technologies. Global network The Internet occupies the process of informatization public life special place. As a new information network and communication system used to carry out various types of activities, the Internet involves specific methods of communication and promotes social interaction individuals and social groups.

Among the first methods of communication on the Internet was Email. Mail is, of course, good, but in order to have someone to correspond with, you need to find those who will be interesting to communicate with. The main places for meeting people are traditionally forums and chats. Forums are good for everyone, and, above all, for the balance of opinions posted on it, but the rhythm of life in them is somewhat slow. For those who want to communicate more intensively, there are chat rooms. Chat rooms can be thematic, but still, as a rule, it’s just a place where people gather to chat completely different topics. Everything would be fine in forums or chats, but they take up a lot of attention, not allowing you to devote enough time to other things - for example, work. And here programs like ICQ are indispensable. ICQ (ICQ) is an Internet pager, convenient and simple communication with those users who, like you, are now on the Internet. Recently, the method of communicating on the Internet using social networks has become extremely popular. And it is unlikely that Mark Zuckerberg and other developers of such resources, working on their creation, counted on such stunning popularity of their own creations.

Internet-mediated communications are endowed with elements feedback, represent open and unrestricted communication between people who are not physically nearby. This leads to the formation and constant growth societies united by a commonality of views, interests and goals that do not take into account social, cultural, political and other differences between participants. Internet communication – easy way establish contact. Interpersonal interaction occurs in conditions of anonymity, emancipation, lack of non-verbal information, non-normativity and some irresponsibility of the participants in communication. A person online can exercise greater freedom of speech and action (even insults), since the risk of exposure and personal negative assessment by others is minimal.

Communication also has its own social dialect. A social group is a group of people linguistic features, inherent in any social group– professional, class, age, etc. In this connection, within this direction you can study the social culture of children’s Internet communication, the professional “language” of those who work on computers, literary language, computer slang in general, etc.

Neologisms most used on the Internet can be divided into the following groups: computer terms, Internet slang, computer slang or jargon, youth slang.

Vocabulary electronic language is constantly updated, resulting in the formation of individual communicative flexibility. Characteristic feature network communication is the possibility of feedback and a unique construction of dialogue: improvisation, remarks, Speaking, humorous remarks, ironic exclamations, quotes and, as a result, frequent use of slang, Internet slang (memes). Memes spread on the Internet have caused the formation of various subcultural communities that are part of the basic culture, but differ from it in language, behavior, etc. Examples of memes can be musical melodies, anecdotes, jokes, fashion trends, car brands, pictures, emoticons, i.e. anything. Each of the slangs used on the Internet has its own origin story. Take for example emoji, which were invented in 1979 by Kevin MacKenzie.

Internet language is distributed by age and professional categories. Slang replaces complex linguistic structures for the younger generation, which they have not yet mastered very well. In addition, it is common for young people to look for ways to be different from others, to isolate themselves from adults, to have their own secrets, to contrast boring traditional foundations with new ones. game forms, so they are the ones who have the majority linguistic experiments and innovations.


It's no secret that communication in virtual space has its own characteristics, hiding both positive and negative sides. The advantages of contactless communication, of course, include the ability to neglect the long distance separating users, which allows you to communicate with anyone from any corner of the planet, confidentiality, which contributes to the realization of deep psychological needs a person, allowing him to show sides of character that are not in demand in real life, the opportunity, through personal communication, to penetrate the culture of other peoples and races, and much more. Communication on the Internet is invaluable for people with disabilities, allowing them to receive a full education, work, and communicate with people.

To the question “What are the advantages of social networks?”, our respondents gave the following options answers:

· You can chat with all your friends. And completely free and at any time.

· You can see who is currently on the site and write to him.

· You can publish your photos, share information, links, music.

· Ability to quickly receive the latest up-to-date information. This could be news from your country or the world, architecture, in the city, events with friends, etc.

· There are many apps that can help you relax. These are flash games, tests, surveys, etc.

The downside of communication using the World Wide Web is the possibility of access of the general public (including children) to unwanted information that can harm both user data (various viruses) and their moral principles ( various kinds obscene information). In addition, uncontrolled “surfing” on the Internet is fraught with the emergence of so-called Internet addiction, and not only young people are exposed to it, but also well-established and successful adults.

Here are the questions from the survey and its results.

Question. How often do you go on social networks?

38% of respondents noted that they access social networks daily 4 or more times a day, and the vast majority were teenagers 15-17 years old.

24% of respondents noted that they access social networks 2-4 times a day [Appendix 2].

Question. How much time do you spend on social networks?

The survey results showed that teenagers aged 15-17 years (37% of respondents) spend the most time on social networks (more than 4 hours a day), and adults (71% of respondents) spend the least amount of time (less than 1 hour a day) [Appendix 3] .

Question. How long can you go without social media?

14% of respondents cannot completely give up social networks, but the vast majority of people 30-50 years old (57%) can do without social networks altogether. 84% of respondents can do without social networks for 1-2 days [Appendix 4].

Speaking about the activity of teenagers on social networks, we note that not only teenagers, but also adults take an active part in social networks. Most of the teenagers we surveyed used the social network VKontakte, while the dominant network of adults is the Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir, and Facebook networks. However, if for teenagers this type Internet activity is the most important part their communication, a “vital” type of “connection with the world”, then for adults this resource doesn't have that much important, although they consider it as a sphere interpersonal communication and a place for interesting leisure activities.

Internet addiction can lead to serious problems in the family and studies. Researchers note that people addicted to the Internet are haunted by a feeling of loneliness; they are also characterized by shyness, depression, and social solitude. People addicted to the Internet have a level social activity significantly lower than those who do not have such dependence. Research shows that Internet users, if they do not have access to the network, become upset and restless, overly sensitive and touchy.

Some topics and sites on the Internet are considered unconventional from the point of view of parents and older generations. There are certain prohibitions on them, since they do not correspond to religious traditions, morals, and accepted views. Thus, the Internet contributes to discord between parents and children.

So-called “fake accounts” have become more frequent on social networks, which are not always used with harmless purpose. The information on the page may be false. However, curiosity takes over, so young people stay up late, trying not to miss news updates, and gradually become addicted. Such a phenomenon is fraught with detachment from outside world, disorientation in real life. A person becomes uncomfortable offline.

However, the above does not in any way detract positive influence, which the Internet has on modern man. It’s just that each of us must define our own clear line between the virtual world and objective reality, remembering that no social network can replace communication with a loved one.

The Internet, along with real life, opens up a wide field of opportunities for a teenager, expanding the space to satisfy his changed needs and aspirations. Moreover, they are open to absolutely everyone, regardless of personal characteristics, social status and other features. Unlike real world, social world limits it as social object(borders of gender, age, nationality, professional affiliation, etc.), information world fundamentally limitless. This feature of the Internet, anonymity, allows Internet users to create an online identity that may differ from their real identity.

We decided to find out what benefits our respondents see from communicating on social networks.

Question. Do you think social media brings real benefits to people? 50% of respondents believe that social networks bring real benefits to people. 12% of respondents believe that social networks do not bring real benefits to people. 38% of respondents find it difficult to answer [Appendix 5].

Question. What do you think is the main benefit of social media?

The vast majority of respondents noted that greatest benefit Social networks bring in communication with people. 78% of 11-12 year olds, 66% of teenagers, 67% of adults agreed with this answer. The game's answer turned out to be the most unpopular; only 17% of all respondents thought so (they were 11-12 year olds).

Conclusion: Generation past, present and future... We are representatives of different times. Both students, their parents, and teachers today are representatives of different generations. It is an undeniable fact that people from different generations look at things differently. For us, complete mutual understanding in joint activities is important, which is achievable through internal communications.

Internal communications have changed, are changing and will continue to change. Because views, values ​​and needs change target audience. For generation Y - this is what sociologists call people born from 1981 to 2003, a source of information in to a greater extent is the Internet, the material format is pictures, photos, videos and short text messages. Generation Y consumes information at any time of the day, because smartphones and tablets are an integral part of lifestyle. These are like keys, without which you cannot leave or enter the house. Only in in this case tablets and smartphones are the key to the bottomless world of online.

Today, researchers do not have a clear answer to the question of whether social networks are a uniquely positive phenomenon or, on the contrary, they are rather harmful for communication between people. And it is unlikely that he will be found. After all, contradictions are characteristic of our communication in real life. Social psychologist Susan Newman said: “We are just beginning to understand how “likes” and “tweets” affect our psyche. Everything new and unexplored is rejected precisely for this reason - because rules and traditions have not yet been developed, there are no clear boundaries between “possible” and “impossible”. And they can only be determined experimentally.”

Our research experience has shown that answering the question: “ What kind of communication do you prefer?, 86% of respondents noted that they prefer direct communication, 14% of respondents prefer communication on social networks [Appendix 6].

To the question: “ Which communication option is best for you: direct communication or through a social network? 46% of respondents noted that it is easier for them to communicate in life, 10% of respondents admitted that it is easier for them to communicate on a social network, 44% of respondents noted that it does not matter to them whether communication is direct or indirect [Appendix 7].

Thus, after analyzing the survey results, we came to the conclusion that, indeed, the 21st century has become the network century. Many people, regardless of age and occupation, use the Internet and social networks to communicate with other people; older people use networks for work or study. Having studied the survey data, we came to the conclusion that teenagers aged 15-17 spend the most time on social networks.

However, 86% of all respondents prefer direct, live communication to communication on social networks, and this is good news, because this means that we will be able to look people in the eyes for a long time when we communicate with them, and feel touch. Which means at the end of the phrase “ modern communication people - communication online” we can still put a question mark.

Conclusion: Internet communication should complement life, and not be the basis of all our activities. Social media can bring many benefits. But overusing social media can lead to addiction, loss of attention, wasted time, alienation and dullness. Social networks are both good and bad. It is in our power to take only the good from them and weed out the bad. In order to prevent social networks from causing harm to health and psyche, each person must regulate their time spent in the virtual space.




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