Denotes b. What is a smiley? Social networks as a modern way of communication

What do emoticons mean? How to decipher them? These are the questions guys ask when they first get on social networks. After all, emoticons on social networks, as well as on VK, are a traditional and simple way to express long phrases with one picture.

A person is not always able to express his emotions through familiar words; sometimes even the most beautiful phrases do not reflect the essence of the conversation. And then the thread of the conversation is lost, since the interlocutor on the other side of the screen is also not a telepath and does not read thoughts.
Online correspondence is a special type of conversation in which, just like in a personal meeting, emotions and the ability to express them play a big role. The opponent cannot see facial expressions, hand movements, or hear surprised or questioning intonations. That's when emoticons will become useful.

Any social network provides its users with a truly huge selection of emoticons for all occasions. And we will mainly focus on VK. Since mostly children and teenagers sit there, as well as some young parents, it will be interesting to learn about emoticons on VK.

What do emoticons mean? These symbols help to clearly and harmoniously describe the necessary state, express an emotional reaction and eliminate the lack of vocabulary.

Most social networks, as well as any other resources for interactive communication, have in their arsenal a certain number of so-called hidden emoticons. Most users simply do not know about such a function, since the administration of the communities themselves deliberately does not disseminate such information. And yet – they exist, there are quite a lot of them, and they are absolutely free!

Each emoticon has a specific character code that belongs only to it. Therefore, in order to send such an emoticon to a friend, you need to write this very code into the clipboard, or copy it directly into the message you are sending. So, where can you get these secret signs to diversify your Internet vocabulary with them?

Below in this article the main codes will be given, and by writing them, anyone will receive unique emotions and symbols of actions. It is also important that these emoticons are suitable for sending not only in personal messages, but also for comments on photos, videos and other posts of friends. The standard set of faces that open during communication does not provide such a function. Hidden emoticons can even be added to the status; the main thing is to know what this or that sign means.

Inserting the required character into your text is quite easy - the Ctrl+V combination or the “Insert” mouse menu item will help with this.

Just ten years ago, everyone was actively using ICQ. Over time, more modern programs supplanted this method of communication, but the emoticons that were in ICQ have taken root in everyday life and are loved by many. How to get those very first and most positive emoticons? If your skill allows, you can install a special application, for example, “Vkopt” or “vkPlugin”. Each of them has its own catalog of emoticons, about thirty unique images, from good-natured and laughing to angry and sarcastic. In addition to the standard yellow faces, the applications will also delight you with cheerful blue ones.

Of course, emoticons will not replace your live communication with your peers and friends, but they can decorate online dialogues with incredible colors of emotion and understanding. You simply cannot allow communication to be reduced only to the exchange of symbols, even if they are eloquent, and sometimes you are simply too lazy to write a succinct and detailed answer. If writing is completely unbearable, agree with your interlocutor and create a smiley comic, the meaning of which will be accessible only to two. Overusing emoticons is ugly, expressing your opinion using funny symbols is modern and relevant.

How does a sticker from VKontakte differ from the generally accepted emoticon?

Recently, VKontakte has been offering us a lot of new stickers, some of them are free, others will have to be paid for with real money.

What is a sticker? This is a large picture on a given topic: cats, faces, people, fruits and vegetables, cars and others. They are available in the regular emoticons menu, which opens to any user during correspondence. But the site developers, for the most part, provide access to most of the stickers only for money.

Sometimes new thematic collections are released for free access, but really cool and individual ones are not included in this list. These paid stickers can be obtained in three ways: pay for them, ask a friend for stickers as a gift, or download the corresponding plugin. The third method is the most logical and fastest; besides, extensions will allow you to attach stickers not only to messages, but also to add them to comments.

The choice of such programs is so wide that it simply makes no sense to list them all here. Each of us can “Google” and choose an extension that will match his operating system.

If during a conversation in the dialogue field when you click on a sticker from the plugin, only its digital code appears - do not panic; when sending it, the picture itself will be displayed to the interlocutor. This is a peculiar feature of the work of such add-on programs.

The emotional meaning of emoticons - what each of them means and how to use it correctly

Now let's talk about how to correctly use symbols in Internet speech.

What do emoticons mean, what emotions do they express, what are their correct names?

Smiley VK emoticon code Decoding VKontakte emoticons - meaning, options and cases for displaying an emoticon
😊 - It's a smile. The simplest and most polite symbol that denotes your good nature, agreement with the opinion of your interlocutor, satisfaction with the tone of the conversation and simply a good mood. It is always appropriate to use it if you like your opponent and the conversation is about pleasant things.
😆 - laughter to tears. Respond to them with a really great joke or a great quip.
😍 - love. No explanation is needed here, but sending it to everyone indiscriminately is also not very nice. Leave it only for the chosen few.
😒 - chagrin. You can show them the full extent of your confusion and non-acceptance of the situation that has arisen. A very deep emotion and does not require any verbal additions.
😘 - light flirting. A symbolic declaration of love, often acts as a sign of gratitude for help or advice. Sent to close friends or relatives.
😛 - tease. Used to provoke an argument or as a symbol of disbelief, for example, in a story told by a friend.
😡 - very angry. Just evil and despicable. Extreme intensity of conversation, resentment, indignation.
😦 - bewilderment and fear. You can post it at any incomprehensible moment, and also when the opinion of your interlocutor is extremely contrary to your own.
😏 - a contemptuous grin. Used to respond to messages that contain false information and you know it.
😎 - incredibly cool. Indicates the degree of your significance and steepness. Feel free to post it when you definitely have something to brag about.

Emoticons with symbols of cat faces on VKontakte

Now they are very popular and even touching. Let's talk about cats. These are well-known symbols, but the funny face in them is replaced by a cat’s face. The decoding of the emoticons of cat faces is given below (the most popular emoticons pictures are taken):

VK emoticon code
Decoding emoticons
😺 - cat in isolation. Hints to the interlocutor about that. That it's time to go outside and really have fun
🙀 - "nichosi" kotan. A sign of extreme surprise, fear and distrust. This symbol suggests that you are expecting some explanation from your interlocutor regarding his actions.
😾 - dissatisfied cat. It describes the extent of your dissatisfaction with a friend's conversation or actions. And if he doesn’t apologize right now, you may be very offended
😸 - miracle cat. You really have fun, the conversation is pleasant, and the jokes told by your friend are very funny
😹 - just in tears. It is used when there is no longer any strength left to hold back laughter, and from this laughter you can no longer really say anything
😿 - crying cat. A symbol of despair, resentment, extreme disappointment. A very sincere and trusting smiley
😼 - kitty - suspect. A sarcastic face hints to your interlocutor not only about your superiority over him, but also shows a sarcastic smile, which can both provoke a friend and offend him
😻 - March cat. A symbol of extreme love and affection for a conversation partner
😽 - a kiss for good luck. This emoticon is usually used to end a conversation with a loved one or just a good friend.

VKontakte emoticons indicating action

Smiley Emoticon code on VKontakte
Decoding emoticons
📢 - can you hear me? Attracts the attention of the interlocutor
📖 - I am reading. Indicates that you are currently busy
📮 - open mailbox - I'm waiting for a letter from you
🚖 - bright sun. Means that you are in a sunny mood and are inclined not to quarrel
🙌 — timeout. They throw it into the chat when they want to interrupt the conversation or change the topic. This smiley is good for resolving suddenly arising negative disputes and stopping aggression.
🛁 - shower. Everything here is extremely simple - I went for a swim
🚫 - stop or you can’t go any further. It means that you are very busy right now, so you are not able to maintain a dialogue
- metro. You are leaving or invite a friend to meet you at a certain metro station. Just don't forget to check with which
- telephone. Non-verbal substitute for the phrase - “Sorry, I was distracted by a call.”
- attention! This way you show that you are going to say an important or significant phrase, and attract the attention of your friend

Emoticons - action

Emoticon code Deciphering VKontakte emoticons
🍳 - scrambled eggs. “How about we go have lunch? In another meaning - a direct invitation to dinner
🎁 - present. “Give me such and such.” Allegorically, this emoticon can describe an item that was recently given to you.
🎂 - birthday cake. So you say that you are invited to a celebration, or that you are invited to a celebration
🎆 - fireworks. You offer your friend not just to have fun, but to organize a grand party that you both will remember for a long time
🎦 - movie camera. “Shall we go watch a movie?” This same emoticon can be used to start a description of a movie that you recently watched and were pleased with its plot.
🎮 — joystick. Invitation to a network game
🎳 - pins and ball. Denotes not only bowling itself, but also any active pastime
🎿 - let's go skiing or play sports in general
💤 dream. He talks about the end of the conversation and that it’s high time for both of you to go to bed
👀 - What? Where? Hint to your opponent about the need to pay close attention to an event, video, person, etc.

This is the decoding of VKontakte emoticons that we offer you. Now you know the meaning of emoticons and in front of you in the tables is their decoding for use on the popular social network VKontakte.



verb, nsv., used often

Morphology: he she it means, They mean, meant, meant, meant, meant, meaning, signified, meaning, meaning

1. If a word, sign, gesture, etc. mean something, it means that this is the meaning you put into them, this is the meaning they have.

The name of Lake Zyuratkul translated into Russian means “dead”. | An ellipsis means skipping text. | Not all peoples nod their heads to mean agreement. | The red circle on the map indicates the location of the expedition.

2. If your appearance, gaze, silence, etc. mean something, which means they indicate the feelings that you experience, reflect your inner state.

The expression on her face meant displeasure. | Does your silence mean that you are angry with me? | What does your heavy sigh mean?

3. If any action taken by anyone means something means that it inevitably entails something, is equivalent, equivalent to something.

Landing on water in poor visibility conditions meant certain death for the crew and passengers of the plane. | Bankruptcy does not mean closing a company and selling it under the hammer. | A pardon does not mean the revocation of a sentence, but only its mitigation.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.

See what “mean” is in other dictionaries:

    See denote... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. mean mean, designate; define, establish, indicate, designate, name; mark, mark, mark,... ... Synonym dictionary

    MEAN, MEAN The verbs mean and signify are derived from the noun sign. And this noun itself was formed from the verb stem with the help of the suffix to (cf. Old Slavonic zrak, ghost, formed from the root ... ... History of words

    MEAN, mean, mean, imperfect. 1. imperfect. to mean (book). 2. The same as denoting in 2 digits. “Confiscation means the alienation of property without compensation.” Lenin. “The Queen of Spades means secret malevolence.” Pushkin... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (ay, yes, 1st person and 2nd person are not used), ay; imperfect., that. The same as denoting (in 2 meanings). What does your silence mean? Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    mean- — Topics oil and gas industry EN indicate ... Technical Translator's Guide

    I nesov. trans. 1. To indicate, mark something with some sign; designate. Ott. Capture. 2. transfer Leave a trace of any activity, any actions, actions. II Nesov. trans. 1. Have some meaning or significance. 2.… … Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    mean- means, ay, ay... Russian spelling dictionary

    mean- (I), meaning, tea/eat, tea… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    mean- 1. Syn: mean, designate 2. Syn: determine, establish, indicate, designate, name 3. Syn: mark, mark, mark, designate, designate... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    - ay, ay, ay; nsv. What. 1. Have one or another meaning, meaning (about words, signs, gestures). What does your silence mean? An ellipsis means skipping text. 2. Testify about something, show something. The facial expression meant... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Neither oceans nor seas, Evgeniy Alekhine. Alekhine's stories tend to form a single text, just as mercury balls tend to form a poisonous puddle. Having a collection of his works on your bookshelf one day will mean owning at least...

In today's ever-accelerating pace of life, people are finally learning to value their time. Thanks to the efforts of developers and innovators, many devices appear that allow saving this resource. Innovations also apply to daily correspondence. Now it is important to be able to briefly and succinctly convey your thoughts to your interlocutor without using pompous words and complex sentences. The writing style gradually becomes simpler and more and more abbreviations appear. For example, healthy lifestyle - a healthy lifestyle, BM or BZ - ex-husband or wife, etc. In this article we will talk about the common abbreviation BB. What does BB mean? When and where is this letter combination used? More on this below.

Where did the abbreviation BB come from in correspondence?

Computer slang includes a huge number of abbreviations and acronyms denoting certain concepts. BB is a fairly common and frequently used combination of letters that means “goodbye.”

We figured out what BB means, but why BB? Anyone who knows English will immediately guess where this abbreviation came from. “Goodbye” in English sounds like bye. In everyday use, this word is often doubled and sounds like bye-bye (similar to the Russian “bye-bye”). As a matter of fact, the first letters of this word formed the basis of the slang BB. To avoid switching the keyboard to English and typing bye-bye, computer users entered the letter combination BB. It allows you to briefly and quickly let your interlocutor know that you are saying goodbye to him. Quite modern and youthful.

Social networks as a modern way of communication

Social networks are, perhaps, one of the most firmly established achievements of our time in our lives. What can I say, now not only teenagers are registered and regularly communicate in various online communities, the craze has also affected people of quite advanced age.

One of the most popular social networks in Europe is the Russian network VKontakte. This resource has many millions of registered users who exchange messages, images, videos and audio files every day. Through this site you can correspond with friends, classmates, just acquaintances (or even complete strangers), find new friends with similar interests and even earn money.

What does BB mean in VK?

The format of messages on VK is short. Nobody writes poems there, everything is extremely compact and capacious. People who communicate on the VKontakte network exchange emotions, events and thoughts using short sentences. The format of messages in Internet communication does not initially provide for long texts. The correspondence contains a large number of abbreviations.

What does BB mean in correspondence? As we have already discussed above, the VKontakte BB is a “bye-bye”. BB is placed at the end of the text and indicates that you are saying goodbye to your interlocutor.

The advantage of word abbreviations

It’s not for nothing that people came up with the idea of ​​abbreviating words. There are a number of reasons for this. As has already been noted here, the use of abbreviations and abbreviations saves time. In modern reality, time is precisely the resource that is always in short supply. Such common words as “hello”, “bye”, as well as expressions of joy or, conversely, sadness are constantly repeated combinations of letters. They do not carry new information, but require their presence in the text as a tribute to etiquette and a way to indicate emotions.

With live contact, laughter, joy, sadness, anger can be read in the face, and there is no need to voice them. In correspondence, everything has to be expressed in words. Naturally, there is not always a desire to spend time literally expressing an emotional state, but the rules of communication prescribe this obligation. Therefore, it is much easier, for example, to write LOL (loud laughter) or 3.14 ("pi" - a designation of negative emotions) than to describe that a given situation causes enchanting laughter or great indignation, up to the desire to use profanity. Even if someone doesn’t know what BB, LOL and other abbreviations mean, you can always clarify this.

Secondly, the use of abbreviations reduces the likelihood of making a mistake in a word to a minimum. In other words, it is easier to avoid losing face with regard to grammar in an abbreviation than in the full version of the word.

Thirdly, it is simply fashionable and characterizes you as an advanced Internet user.

What does BB nutrition mean?

The abbreviation BB from the word “bye-bye,” meaning farewell, can be found not only in correspondence on VKontakte, other social networks or forums. People who love to travel and stay in hotels have also come across this abbreviation. In this case, it means a completely different concept.

As you know, there are different forms of food in hotels. For a tourist choosing a vacation spot and a hotel category, the type of food that a particular establishment offers is very important.

Catalogs and brochures of hotels offering their services contain not always clear abbreviations and abbreviations indicating types of food. There are hotels where only breakfast is free, there are those whose price includes breakfast and dinner, and there are all-inclusive options. Then all types of food and all kinds of drinks are available to tourists throughout the day. What does BB mean as a form of food in a hotel? In this case, it literally means “breakfast and bed” from the English bed & breakfast. Please note that only breakfast is included in the room rate. Lunch and dinner are paid separately by tourists.

Emoticons have long been entrenched in our lives; they serve as a substitute for intonation and facial expressions in written communication. In different languages, emoticons are used differently; there are 2 emoticon dictionaries: standard and Japanese. To understand your interlocutor, you often need to know what the emoticon he used means.

Let's talk about the usual familiar emoticons, they are considered international and easy to read:

What do emoticons mean: decoding

  • :) or:-) or =), and also (: and (= means a smile and looks like a face. In Russian, this emoticon gradually changed and lost its eyes. First, a one-eyed version appeared.) and then only parentheses remained), which are placed in large quantities to enhance the emotional load)))) the abundance of brackets means that the person really likes what is being discussed, he is having fun and smiling.
  • :(or:-(or =(, and also)= and): means grief, sadness, sadness. It is also shortened in Russian to brackets(((((and they mean that the interlocutor does not like what is being said there is a conversation going on, or he is very upset. Very strong upset is sometimes indicated by the following emoticon: With the corners of his mouth drooping very much.
  • :.(or:,(or:`(- looks like a face with tears and means intense sadness or shows that a person is crying.
  • :D or XD mean laughter and intense joy, they look like a face with an open mouth, and the other with closed eyes.
  • Many people ask what a smiley means: 3 and =3 look like the face of an animal, a cat or a rabbit. It is used when talking about something cute, demonstrating the tenderness of the interlocutor, or when the interlocutor conveys how cute he is now.
  • ;) this is a winking emoticon, it hints or is disingenuous.
  • :| or:-| This is an emoticon expressing thoughtfulness or seriousness; it is sometimes used to respond to a joke that is not funny or to designate a “poker face.”
  • :/ or:\ means annoyance, dissatisfaction or grief. This emoticon is usually used when talking about an unpleasant situation.
  • :-O or:0 or =0 or:O and other options mean surprise, this is an emoticon with a wide open mouth and he is clearly shocked by what he heard. There is also an 8-O Eyes Wide Open option.
  • :[ or :-[ means embarrassment and looks like a person biting his lip.
  • %) is a pleasant shock, “to go crazy”, but this is already an unpleasant %(, it means that the person is confused and confused.
  • :.) and:.D this is laughter to tears.
  • :P or =P or:p or:b or:-b is an emoticon sticking out its tongue, and what the interlocutor means by this, determine for yourself based on the context.
  • :* or:-* or =* means a kiss; if your interlocutor sent it to you, it means he mentally sent you a kiss.
  • :-! or:! denotes disgust or nausea.
  • :@ this is an angry emoticon, he screams with all his might with his mouth wide open.
  • :X or:x or:-X This emoji keeps its mouth shut and promises to keep the secrets secret.
  • Emoticons demonstrating coolness and pathos B-) dark glasses \m/ fingers folded like a goat.
  • R-) and this is a one-eyed pirate and 0:) an angel.
  • What does the smiley [:|||:] mean? It’s a button accordion, it can be drawn in different ways, but you will always recognize it. It means that your interlocutor has already listened to what you say to him, has seen the picture or video that you sent him. So the button accordion denotes old stuff.
  • @>-.-- and this is a rose.

So, you have learned the basic emoticons that are often used online. If you see an unfamiliar emoticon, use your imagination and quickly understand what it looks like and what the emoticon used by your interlocutor means. Good luck! ;)

An emoticon is a set of symbols, or icon, that is a visual representation of a facial expression or body position to convey a mood, attitude, or emotion, originally used in email and text messages. The most famous is the smiling face emoji, i.e. smile - :-) .

There is no clear and reliable evidence about who invented the emoticon. Of course, you can point to ancient excavations, finds of various inscriptions on rocks, etc., but these will only be guesses from each of us.

Of course, to say for sure that the emoticon is a modern invention is a little wrong. The use of emoticons can be traced back to the 19th century. Examples of their use can be found in a copy of the American magazine "Puck" from 1881, see example:

Yes, there are a lot of such examples in history, but it is generally accepted that a researcher at Carnegie Mellon University, Scott Fahlman, was responsible for the first digital type of emoticon. He suggested distinguishing serious messages from frivolous ones by using emoticons :-) and :-(. This was all the way back on September 19, 1982. This is especially useful when the sentiment of your message can be misinterpreted.



However, emoticons did not become so popular, but revealed their potential 14 years later, thanks to a Frenchman who lived in London - Nicolas Laufrani. The idea arose even earlier, from Nicolas’s father, Franklin Laufrani. It was he who, as a journalist for the French newspaper France Soir, published an article on January 1, 1972, under the heading “Take time to smile!”, where he used emoticons to highlight his article. Later he patented it as a trademark and created the production of some products using the smiley. Then a company was created under the brand name Smiley, where father Franklin Loufrani became president, and son Nicolas Loufrani became general director.

It was Nicolas who noticed the popularity of ASCII emoticons, which were widely used on mobile phones, and began developing directly animated emoticons that would correspond to ASCII emoticons consisting of simple characters, i.e. what we now use and are accustomed to calling - smiley. He created a catalog of emoticons, which he divided into categories “Emotions”, “Holidays”, “Food”, etc. And in 1997, this catalog was registered with the US Copyright Office.

Around the same time in Japan, Shigetaka Kurita began designing emoticons for I-mode. But unfortunately, the widespread use of this project never happened. Maybe because in 2001, Laufrani's creations were licensed by Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, and other mobile phone manufacturers, who later began offering them to their users. After that, the world was simply overwhelmed with various interpretations of emoticons and emoticons.

The following variations with smaliks and emoticons became the appearance stickers in 2011. They were created by the leading Internet company from Korea - Naver. The company has developed a messaging platform called - Line. A similar messaging application like WhatsApp. LINE was developed in the months following the 2011 Japanese tsunami. Initially, LIne was created to find friends and relatives during and after natural disasters and in the first year, the number of users grew to 50 million. Afterwards, with the publication of games and stickers, there were already more than 400 million, which later became one one of the most popular apps in Japan, particularly among teenagers.

Emoticons, emoticons and stickers today, after more than 30 years, they have definitely begun to occupy a place in people’s everyday conversations and correspondence. According to research conducted in the United States, it was found that 74 percent of people in the United States regularly use stickers and emoticons in their online communications, sending an average of 96 emoticons or stickers per day. The reason for this explosion in use Emoji is that the creative characters developed by various companies help to express our feelings, help to add humor, sadness, happiness, etc.

The emoticons in the tables will be gradually replenished, so go to the site and look for the meaning of the desired emoticons.