The sphere of human activity whose function is. Spheres of human activity

Science as a sphere human activity: object, subject and functions of science

1.1 Characteristics of the concept of “science”

In modern scientific literature, as noted by V.P. Kokhanovsky, the science is interpreted from various positions and is understood either as a form of activity, or as a system or body of disciplinary knowledge, or as social institution. In the first case, science appears as special way activities aimed at factually verified and logically ordered knowledge of objects and processes of the surrounding reality. As an activity, science is placed in the field of goal setting, decision making, choice, pursuit of one's interests, and recognition of responsibility. The activity-based understanding of science was especially noted by V.I. Vernadsky: “Its (science’s) content is not limited to scientific theories, hypotheses, models, the picture of the world they create, which basically consists mainly of scientific facts and their empirical generalizations, and the main living content in it is scientific work living people."

In the second interpretation, when science acts as a system of knowledge that meets the criteria of objectivity, adequacy, and truth, scientific knowledge tries to provide itself with a zone of autonomy and be neutral in relation to ideological and political priorities. That for which armies of scientists spend their lives and lay down their heads is truth, it is above all, it is the element constitutive of science and the main value of science.

The third, institutional, understanding of science emphasizes its social nature and objectifies its existence as a form public consciousness. However, other forms of social consciousness are also associated with institutional design: religion, politics, law, ideology, art, etc.

Science as a social institution or a form of social consciousness associated with the production of scientific and theoretical knowledge represents a certain system of relationships between scientific organizations, members of the scientific community, a system of norms and values. However, the fact that it is an institution in which tens and even hundreds of thousands of people have found their profession is the result of recent development. Only in the 20th century. the profession of a scientist becomes comparable in importance to the profession of a clergyman and lawyer.

Considering science as a sociocultural phenomenon, V.P. Kokhanovsky notes that it depends on the diverse forces and influences operating in society, determines its priorities in the social context, gravitates towards compromises and itself determines social life. Those. as a sociocultural phenomenon, science arose in response to a certain need of humanity to produce and obtain true, adequate knowledge about the world, and exists, having a very noticeable impact on the development of all spheres public life. It is considered as a sociocultural phenomenon because the boundaries of today's understanding of science are expanding to the boundaries of “culture”. Science claims to be the only stable and “genuine” foundation of the latter as a whole in its primary - activity-based and technological - understanding.

As a sociocultural phenomenon, science always relies on the cultural traditions established in society, on accepted values ​​and norms. Cognitive activity is woven into the existence of culture. From here the actual cultural and technological function of science becomes clear, associated with the processing and cultivation of human material - the subject cognitive activity, including it in the cognitive process.

Science, understood as a sociocultural phenomenon, cannot develop without the development of knowledge that has become public domain and stored in social memory. The cultural essence of science entails its ethical and value content. New possibilities for the ethos of science are opening up: the problem of intellectual and social responsibility, moral and moral choice, personal aspects decision making, problems of moral climate in scientific community and the team.

One of the founders of the science of science, J. Bernal, noting that “it is essentially impossible to define science,” outlines ways by which one can approach an understanding of what science is. So, science appears: 1) as an institution; 2) method; 3) accumulation of knowledge traditions; 4) production development factor; 5) the most powerful factor in the formation of beliefs and a person’s attitude towards the world.

The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality; one of the forms of social consciousness; includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and its result - the sum of knowledge underlying scientific picture peace; designation individual industries scientific knowledge. The immediate goals are the description, explanation and prediction of the processes and phenomena of reality that constitute the subject of its study, based on the laws it discovers. The system of sciences is conventionally divided into natural, social, humanitarian and Technical science. Originating in ancient world in connection with the needs of social practice, began to take shape in the 16th...17th centuries. and during historical development has become the most important social institution, exerting a significant influence on all spheres of society and culture as a whole. Volume scientific activity from the 17th century doubles approximately every 10...15 years (increasing discoveries, scientific information, numbers scientific workers). Extensive and revolutionary periods alternate in the development of science - scientific revolutions, leading to changes in its structure, principles of knowledge, categories and methods, as well as forms of its organization; science is characterized by a dialectical combination of the processes of its differentiation and integration, the development of fundamental and applied research. See Scientific and technological revolution.


(from the Greek techne - art, craft, skill), a set of means of human activity created to carry out production processes and serve the non-productive needs of society. The term "technique" is also often used for overall characteristics skills and techniques used in any field of human activity. Technology materializes the knowledge and experience accumulated in the process of social development. The main purpose of technology is to facilitate and increase the efficiency of human labor, expand his capabilities, free (partial or complete) a person from working in conditions hazardous to health. Technological means are used in the creation of material and cultural values; for receiving, transmitting and converting energy; study of nature and society; collection, storage, processing and transmission of information; management production processes; creating materials with predetermined properties; movement and communications; consumer and cultural services; ensuring defense capability. Modern technology is characterized at a fast pace its modernization and automation, unification, standardization, intensive development of energy, radio electronics, chemical technology, widespread use automation, computers, etc. Achievements modern technology are based on fundamental scientific discoveries and research.


(from the Greek techne - art, skill, skill and logos - word, teaching), a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products carried out in the process of production; scientific discipline, studying physical, chemical, mechanical and other laws operating in technological processes. Technology also refers to the extraction, processing, transportation, storage, and control operations themselves, which are part of the overall production process.


material, process of creation material goods, services.


(English Internet from Latin inter - between and English net - network, web), international (worldwide) computer network electronic communications, uniting regional, national, local and other networks. Contributes to a significant increase and improvement of information exchange, primarily scientific and technical. Unites collective and individual users (each with their own email address) worldwide.


(from the Greek sysntema - a whole made up of parts; connection), a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity.

IN in a broad sense– correctness in the arrangement of parts, a harmonious row, a connected whole.


(from Latin)

1) public availability of the presentation; 2) wide popularity.


The process of reflecting and reproducing reality in the subject’s thinking, the result of which is new knowledge about the world.

Theory of knowledge

(epistemology, epistemology), a branch of philosophy in which the laws and possibilities of knowledge are studied, the relationship of knowledge (sensations, ideas, concepts) to objective reality, the stages and forms of the process of cognition, conditions and criteria for its reliability and truth are explored. Summarizing the methods and techniques used modern science(experiment, modeling, analysis and synthesis, etc.), the theory of knowledge acts as its philosophical and methodological basis.


The form of existence and systematization of the results of human cognitive activity. Highlight different kinds knowledge: ordinary (“ common sense"), personal, implicit, etc. Scientific knowledge inherent logical validity, evidence, reproducibility cognitive results. Knowledge is objectified by the symbolic means of language.


An activity that generates something qualitatively new and distinguished by uniqueness, originality and socio-historical uniqueness. Creativity is specific to a person, because it always presupposes a creator - a subject creative activity.


1) Dissemination of knowledge and education.

2) System educational institutions in the country.


(from Late Latin rehabilitatio - restoration).

1) in law – restoration of rights. By Russian law rehabilitation of a person who was brought in as an accused, or was found guilty by a court verdict, or was subjected to an administrative penalty, is considered to be an acquittal during a review of the case, a resolution (ruling) to terminate a criminal case for the absence of a crime, for the absence of corpus delicti or for lack of evidence participation in the commission of a crime, as well as a resolution to terminate the case of an administrative offense.

2) In medicine - a set of medical, pedagogical, professional measures aimed at restoring (or compensating) impaired body functions and the working ability of sick and disabled people.

Gold fund

1) the same as gold reserve (special); 2) the best intellectual forces of society, some part of it. Inventors - the country's gold fund.

Golden ratio

(golden proportion, division in extreme and mean ratio, harmonic division), division of a segment AC into two parts in such a way that most of it AB refers to the smaller Sun just like the whole segment AC refers to AB(those. AB: BC = AC: AB). Approximately this ratio is 5/3, more precisely 8/5, 13/8, etc. The principles of the golden ratio are used in architecture and fine arts. The term " golden ratio"introduced by Leonardo da Vinci.


A social being with consciousness and intelligence. The essence of man, his origin and purpose, man's place in the world have been and remain the central problems of philosophy, religion, science and art.


A set of historically established forms joint activities of people.

Public opinion

State mass consciousness, containing an attitude (hidden or explicit) to social events, to activities various groups, organizations, individuals; expresses a position of approval or condemnation on certain social problems.


Correlation of knowledge (co-knowledge), i.e. primary differences and orientations that determine a person’s diverse relationships to the world, including the relationship to others and to oneself, determined by the hierarchy of primary differences and orientations.

Information sources:

  1. Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius, 1998.
  2. Dictionary foreign words and expressions. – Mn.: Literature, 1997.
  3. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova.

Update date:

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The scope of human activity is rapidly expanding. Selected directions are divided into a number of narrower ones, fundamentally new areas of knowledge appear in addition to the well-known positive points With such growth, a negative trend appears - the loss of a holistic picture of the world in the minds of most people. This is associated with the emergence of many social problems such as increased stress, the appearance psychological complexes, loss of ability for creative activity. As mentioned above, it is necessary reverse process- integration of results various directions activities and establishing relationships between them.

The scope of human activity is rapidly expanding. Individual areas are divided into a number of narrower ones, and fundamentally new areas of knowledge appear.

The sphere of human activity that benefits from the use of information technology is growing by leaps and bounds. It is not surprising that for the first time information technology declared itself in industries related to information processing. Banks are no longer involved in sending large sums of money, having replaced this process with the exchange of information about loans. Likewise, financial and Insurance companies, many government agencies are engaged in collecting, reconciling, analyzing, issuing and exchanging information.

Indeed, the scope of human activity is rapidly expanding. Individual areas are divided into a number of narrower ones, and fundamentally new areas of knowledge appear. In addition to the well-known positive aspects of such growth, a negative trend of loss appears in the consciousness of most people. complete picture peace. This is associated with the emergence of many social problems, such as increased stress, the appearance of psychological complexes, and loss of ability for creative activity. As mentioned above, the reverse process is necessary - the integration of the results of various areas of activity and the establishment of relationships between them. Ultimately, this should lead to the restoration of a coherent picture of the world in people's minds.

Indeed, the scope of human activity is rapidly expanding. Individual areas are divided into a number of narrower ones, and fundamentally new areas of knowledge appear.

Science is a sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality.

Computer science as a sphere of human activity is, according to academician. Bogomolov, the sphere of human activity related to computers, their development, software and development mathematical methods oriented towards the use of computers. The selection of computer science as a field of activity is quite justified. However, the set of activities united by this word requires special research and justification. In fact, is it legal to combine such types of activities as, say, the production of computers and software?

Insurance as a field of human activity dates back several hundred years. During this time, considerable experience has been accumulated in the field of determining the likelihood of the occurrence of certain unfavorable events, compiling an optimal list of events recognized as insurance, and formalizing relationships between the parties involved in insurance. The frequency of occurrence of insured events and the range of distribution of the severity of losses are the main content of insurance statistics. The problem is that very often this data is not enough to choose the optimal amount of the insurance premium from the point of view of the policyholder.

SCIENCE, the sphere of human activity, the function of the cut is accumulation and theoretical. The system of sciences is conventionally divided into natural, social, humanitarian and technical.

SCIENCE, the sphere of human activity, the function of the cut is development and theoretical.

SCIENCE is a sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality; one of the forms of social consciousness; includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and its result - the sum of knowledge that underlies the scientific picture of the world; designation of individual branches of scientific knowledge.

Let us briefly characterize the sphere of human activity in the process of which STI is born, spread and used. As was said, NTI is a product of human activity in the field of science and technology.

In all spheres of human activity, new things have always been proposed (in modern language - invented) by people endowed by nature with a rare, original gift to see the imperfection of what has already been created, although it has been used for many years in everyday life and in production, has been well mastered and is accepted as completely satisfying various needs.

sphere of human activity, the function of which is. development and theoretical systematization of objective information, knowledge about reality

Alternative descriptions

System of knowledge about the patterns of development of nature, society and thinking

An area full of people wanting to snack on granite, especially since wages are constantly being delayed

Lesson learned from life experience

. "... and life" (magazine)

. "...tender passion"

. "Granite" knowledge

. “His example is for others...” (Pushkin)

. "His example to others..."

. "Spanking is not a torment, but go ahead..."

The Academy is her temple



Botany and physics


Granite student food

Its “granite” is gnawed by everyone who follows the principle “live and learn”

Students are gnawing on her granite

Its granite is beyond the strength of the slow-witted

She is moved by a scientist

G. teaching, training, training. Life is a science, it teaches through experience. Give someone, go, or take someone into science. Not for flour, for science. The whip is not torment, science is ahead. Science is not flour (not beech). Science teaches only the smart. Science is to a fool what fire is to a child. I’m not whipping my fur coat, I’m giving science to the young man (my friend hits the fur coat with a whip); what to teach or are learning; any craft, skill and knowledge; but in highest value This is called not just one skill, but reasonable and coherent knowledge: a complete and decent collection of experimental and speculative truths, any part of knowledge; harmonious, consistent presentation of any branch, branch of information. Mathematics is a vast science, which itself is divided into many special sciences. Scientific, scientific, related to science. Science education, based on science. Scientific view, way of thinking, judgment of a scientist. Experience often argues with science (speculative) and scientific information. Teach, teach someone what; teach, educate, instruct, admonish, direct, guide; show, explain how to do or understand something; convey information, knowledge, and skills. He taught me both literacy and crafts. You can't teach someone who is stubborn. Teach a turtle to sweep nooses and a hare to dive. They didn’t teach him while he was laying across the bench and stretched out to his full length, you can’t teach him. Teach me how to be here, give me some wisdom! What soon bores you will soon teach you. You will teach a lot, but you will be left without bread. Receive, incite, induce and encourage something bad, harmful, or instigate, instigate (from the mouth?), persuade to do harm to someone or something bad, for example. false testimony before a court; teach, soften up. He was even taught to set fire to a house. I was taught to point to it. Don't believe evil rumors. Learn, learn, teach yourself and be taught; to adopt in word and deed from another. Where did you learn to read and play pranks? In schools, children learn everything bad. The servants are persuaded by scammers who call it burying people. Learning cf. will graduate science, science Sciences M. Star. and sometimes even now, valid. according to verb. on and on. Even a horse carries science. In the words of science and skill, we see a remarkable convergence. To do something according to science, at instigation, being prompted, by being persuaded to do something. Science vol. Vologda learned knowledge, craft; a person who knows a craft. A scientist, a pedant in science, a scholar, a person with a close and one-sided scientific view. Teach m. Psk. a student devoted to science, to study, to teach something

Magazine "... and life"

Both physics and philosophy

And chemistry, and physics, and mathematics

The root of the first word in the research institute

The region of those who want to gnaw granite

One of the "hostesses" of the Academy

She "gives joy to the old"

She feeds young men

Scientist's career

Ovid's poem "... of love"

Knowledge system

System of knowledge about nature, society

Systematic expansion of the field of human ignorance

Rival of art

Field of activity of a scientist

A field of activity that replenishes a person’s knowledge of his ignorance

Professors' Sphere

Lesson for the future

Lesson for life

Physics or botany

Philosophy, chemistry

Michel Gondry's film "... a dream"

Chemistry, physics, astronomy

Chemistry, physics, mathematics

Chemistry, physics, psychology

Good lesson for the future

What do they learn when gnawing granite?

Youth "nutrition"

The best way to satisfy personal curiosity at public expense

Its “granite” is gnawed by everyone who follows the principle “live and learn”

The Art of Authenticity

One of the forms of social consciousness

Previously - a place in the sun, now - a refuge for the poor

The most reasonable path to truth

System of knowledge about the patterns of development of nature, society and thinking

Art's rival, operating with facts

Lesson learned from life experience

She gives joy to the old

Michel Gondry's film "... a dream"

. “spanking is not a torment, but forward...” (last)

Onegin's "...tender passion"

Intuition in the service of logic

The poem of the ancient Roman poet Ovid “... of love”

Getting news from outside the media

What can you learn by gnawing on granite?

The Academy is her temple

Field of activity that increases intelligence

She nourishes the young and gives joy to the old

. “his example to others...”

Book publishing


Both biology and chemistry

Engine of progress

Sopromat - what is it?

Youth "nutrition"

. "... and life" (magazine)

Ovid's poem "... of love"

. “his example is for others...” (Pushkin)

What do they learn by gnawing granite?

What teaches, gives experience

. "...tender passion"

Cemetery of hypotheses, according to Poincaré

One of the "hostesses" of the Academy

. "granite" knowledge

. “spanking is not a torment, but go ahead...”

. "... is not and will never be a finished book"

What is chemistry?