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General Conditions of Gameloft LIVE!

I. More info about Gameloft LIVE!

With Gameloft LIVE!

You can chat freely and at no cost either in chat rooms or by contacting a nickname directly
You can send messages to other members of Gameloft LIVE!
Invite your friends to play
Compare your scores and trophies to those of your friends

II. Service Information

Gameloft LIVE! is a FREE service*
*excluding internet connection costs; consult the rates provided by your mobile phone operator.
Connection charges appear directly on your carrier bill or are debited from your prepaid mobile phone credit.

2. Use of the application

The user is prohibited from modifying, decompiling, translating, adapting or reproducing any information, application, product or element contained in the application.

3. Intellectual property

The application and all associated intellectual property rights linked to its design or its textual, graphical and audio content and the selection and organization of these elements belong to Gameloft.

4. Waiver of liability

The User explicitly acknowledges that use of the application is at his/her own risk. Gameloft may under no circumstances be held liable for direct, indirect and/or any other form of damages resulting from the use or operation of this application.

The application's Conditions of Use are subject to French law.

6.Personal information

In accordance with French law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relative to information technology and freedom, the User has the right to access, modify and refuse any sharing of their personal information simply by sending a written request to [email protected]

III. General conditions

1.Account validation:

In order to sign up, you must select a nickname: a cyber username which is not of a promotional nature and which does not include personal contact information, such as your email address or your telephone number.
Nicknames including, in particular, allusions of a sexual, racist or xenophobic nature are strictly prohibited on Gameloft LIVE! Nicknames considered inappropriate shall be rejected.
For further information, please contact the moderator.

Gameloft LIVE! undertakes not to use chat room users" personal information for commercial purposes.

Your nickname must not infringe third party rights including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights and rights of publicity.

In accordance with French law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relative to information technology and freedom, you have the right to access and modify your personal information and may at any time refuse its disclosure to third parties. For any other request, please contact the moderator.


Any photograph submitted for approval shall be validated or rejected within a maximum of 72 hours.
If the photograph is rejected, a rejection notice shall be sent to you via message to your inbox.

Within the framework of the service, Gameloft LIVE! reserves the right to refuse any photograph in the following cases, including but not limited to:
a photo representing more than one person,
a photo representing a minor,
a photo whose file is not in the correct format,
a photo of a pornographic or violent nature.

Your photograph must not infringe third party rights including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights and rights of publicity.
You are liable for all losses, damages, costs and expenses arising out of, or associated with, any claim or action for infringement of these third party rights.

Messages exchanged on Gameloft LIVE! are forwarded to the moderation server prior to being posted and are also subjected to a posteriori control by a moderator. Whether these messages are sent to an undefined number of recipients or to a single, identified recipient, they shall not be considered as constituting private correspondence.
Any message, advertisement or photograph of whatever nature is liable to constitute a violation of legal or regulatory provisions shall be excluded on principle.
For example, Gameloft LIVE! reserves the right to censor and remove private or public messages if the user fails to respect the following restrictions, including but not limited to:

Messages of a violent or pornographic nature;

Messages liable to violate respect for humankind and human dignity, equality between men and women and the protection of children and adolescents;

Messages whose content could be conceived as shocking by a minor;

Messages encouraging people to commit crimes and/or offenses or inciting people to consume illegal or restricted substances;

Messages inciting discrimination, hatred or violence;

Messages of a promotional or advertising nature (e.g. links towards websites, whether of a commercial nature or otherwise, are contrary to the charter of good conduct);

Messages inciting or defending terrorism;

Messages inciting suicide

Defamatory or abusive statements

In the event of the repeated violation of the restrictions listed non-exhaustively above, Gameloft LIVE! may temporarily, then definitively, suspend participation in the Gameloft LIVE! service by the user concerned.
In the event of a problem with another chatter:
Do not reply, at the risk of also violating the charter and of consequently being liable to sanction.
Explain the problem to the moderators who will listen carefully to both parties and sanction the chatter at fault.

3. Sanction procedure

Any member failing to respect the rules stated in the Charter of Good Behavior shall be liable to sanction and even to legal action.

Level 1 Warning: in the event of failure to respect the rules.

Level 2 Temporary exclusion: in the event of repeated failure to respect the rules following a warning, or the use of abusive practices (see below).

Level 3 Definitive exclusion: If the member continues their inappropriate behavior after their reinstatement.

Any chatter receiving a sanction shall be informed thereof and may be informed of the reasons motivating our decision.

4. Glossary of prohibited IT practices:

This involves writing several lines without stopping, consisting of nonsense repeated over and over.
This practice is unacceptable because the user monopolises the public channel (group or chat room) and also overloads the server and slows connections, which prevents other users from chatting to each other.


This is an attack on an iPhone during an Internet connection.

This involves taking control of a chat room or a chat group. It is characterized by another person arriving and taking control by giving themselves the status of moderator or leader, in particular by changing the status of the moderators and acting in their place. Such practices may result in the arbitrary banning of certain users from the service.

Spam: unsolicited publicity.

5. The rules of "cyber writing":

How you write may result in your being misunderstood and even excluded from discussions.

Here are some basic rules for cyber writing:

Writing in capital letters implies "SHOUTING", which tends to annoy other users: Use capitals sparingly;
Equally, changing colors too often and repeating the person's name is extremely offensive and could be construed as showing a lack of respect;
Use of the following IT practices is prohibited: flood, spam, spoof, take over and nuke;
Also avoid typing a long sentence over too many successive lines, as other users will find it difficult to understand what you are saying;
Asking other members to type a number or word in answer to your request is strictly forbidden as this type of question inevitably results in a flood of responses, which detracts from the dialogue. Example: "Type 1 if you are a pretty young girl" is not acceptable.

Violation of the rules of cyber writing may give rise to sanctions.

6. Protection of minors:

Gameloft LIVE! takes the safety of its young users very seriously in order to preserve the wholesome and friendly nature of the Gameloft LIVE! service.

We send young users advice regarding security as soon as they join so that they can start to chat without any problems.

However, nothing can replace parental supervision and we strongly encourage parents to monitor the actions and behavior of their child(ren) on Gameloft LIVE!

We remind you that members are always anonymous and that no contact information should therefore ever be disclosed.

The Gameloft LIVE! service has a team of moderators. Moderators are trained to handle complaints and questions regarding security. They are available during moderating hours to offer help and advice.

We invite you to report any abuse to the service"s moderators using the reporting form available at the following address:

b. To young members:

For your own safety, never give out information about yourself, such as your telephone number, your address or your photo. This is very important!

Also, never give anyone your password, even a chat moderator; they don't need it.

Finally, never arrange to meet another member outside of the application.

IV. Charter of Good Conduct for Gameloft LIVE!

1)You will respect other members and preserve the friendly atmosphere of Gameloft LIVE!

2)You will respect the opinions and discussion of all chatters.

3)You will not insult or make inappropriate suggestions to other chatters, either in public or in private.

4)You will not make remarks which are legally prohibited: drugs, racism, violence, defamation, homophobia, paedophilia, etc.

5)You will not give out private contact information on Gameloft LIVE!, either your own or those belonging to anyone else.

6)You will not employ abusive practices such as: flood, take over, nuke, spam and spoof (see the glossary of prohibited practices).

7)You will not approach chatters with commercial proposals.

8)You will contact a leader or moderator for help, information or to report another user for having violated the conditions of the Charter, using the reporting form.

9)You will not disturb the leaders or moderator in their work and will not seek to obtain personal information from other chatters.

10)Whatever happens, you will keep your cyber smile and your zen attitude!

V. Editorial info

Service edited, operated and hosted by Gameloft SA, RCS 429338130.

Address: 14 rue Auber, 75009 Paris, France

New standalone app Gameloft LIVE! allows you to stay in touch with a community of 10 million players, as well as always be aware of all the news and updates of the company.

Key Features
∙ Meet people, add friends and stay in touch with them. Invite them to the game, exchange messages and chat.
∙ Rich 3D version with huge possibilities for customizing your avatar and environment!
∙ Collect game points and receive rewards, unlock new items for your avatar.
∙ Stay up to date with news, promotions and current discounts!
∙ Your favorite games are always at hand! Browse and play games directly from the app

Platforms: Now on iOS! Previously, this application was only available to Android owners or was integrated into games.

Price: For free

Russian language support: Yes

Local currency: Within the application it is possible to make purchases using local currency. This currency can be obtained:

  • playing Gameloft games
  • increasing experience
  • creating messages
  • adding friends

You can spend it on buying rooms and clothes - i.e. for all kinds of decorations.

Attention! 3D gaming social network for smartphones.
Download the new Gameloft LIVE app! and always stay connected with the 7 million player community.
You will be the first to know about all updates and additional features.
Key Features:
Always stay connected with your friends - invite them to play, send messages and chat in real time.
Smartphones have never seen such 3D graphics before! Discover thousands of avatar and environment customization options inspired by Gameloft's most popular games.
Collect points, receive prizes and rewards, and unlock new items using Gameloft virtual banknotes.
You are always on top! You will be the first to know about exclusive news and promotions, and get the opportunity to buy games at a special price. Only for Gameloft LIVE members!
Your favorite games are always at hand! Browse and download new games in one place.

Come in, get acquainted, play.

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