Is there Belopole in contact? Belopole city (Ukraine)

City Belopole- regional center in the Sumy region. It is located in the central part of the region, 45 kilometers northwest of the regional center along the Sumy - Shostka highway and the Sumy - Vorozhba railway. Belopolye stands on the Vir River (a tributary of the Seim), into which the Kryga flows within the city.


The predecessor of Belopolye was the ancient Russian city of Vir. It is believed that it was founded at the beginning of our era by the Chernyakhovites (early Slavic tribes), and during the period of Kievan Rus it was one of the southeastern outposts of the power on the lands of the northerners. Vir is mentioned in chronicles in 1096, and before the Mongol-Tatar devastation it was part of the appanage Novgorod-Seversky principality (part of the Chernigov principality).

At the Virsky settlement near the crossing in the 16th century, a military outpost of the Moscow kingdom appeared, which existed until 1571. The first mention of Belopole dates back to 1672, and even then the settlement was relatively large.

Initially the settlement was called Kryga (by the river). It was a hundredth place, belonging to the Sumy Slobodsky Regiment. Until the end of the 18th century, Belopole was a military town. However, in addition to the Cossacks, farmers and artisans lived here. The town hosted 4 annual fairs. Subsequently, Belopole was both a district center (1780-97) and a provincial town in the Sumy district of the Kharkov province, and in 1923 it became the center of the region.


Belopole is not particularly rich in historical and cultural objects. The architectural appearance of the city includes two churches (Petropavlovskaya, 1886, and Mikhailovskaya, 1912) and several ancient buildings. The archaeological site is the ancient settlement of Vir, although practically nothing remains of it.

Famous people

Belopole is the birthplace of the Ukrainian poet Alexander Oles, philosopher Maxim Antonovich, and outstanding teacher Anton Makarenko.

The city of Belopole is located on the territory of the state (country) Ukraine, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

In what region (area) is the city of Belopole located?

The city of Belopole is part of the region (region) Sumy region.

A characteristic of a region (region) or a subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the region (region).

Region (oblast) Sumy region is an administrative unit of the state of Ukraine.

Population of the city of Belopole.

The population of the city of Belopole is 18,213 people.

Year of foundation of Belopole.

Year of foundation of the city of Belopole: 1672.

Belopole city telephone code

The telephone code of the city of Belopole: +380 5443. In order to call the city of Belopole from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +380 5443 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Dear visitors of, you have a collection old photographs of the city Belopole? Join us, publish your photos, rate and comment on the photos of other participants. If you recognize a place in an old photograph, an address, or recognize the people in the photo, please provide this information in the comments. Project participants, as well as ordinary visitors, will be grateful to you.

Our members have the opportunity to download old photographs in original quality (large size) without the project logo.

What is retro photography, or how old should it be?

What can be considered an old photograph worthy of publication on our project? These are absolutely any photos, starting from the invention of photography (the history of photography begins in 1839) and ending with the end of the last century, everything that is now considered history. And to be specific, this is:

  • photographs of Belopolye from the mid and late 19th century (usually from the 1870s, 1880s, 1890s) - the so-called. very old photographs (you can also call them antique);
  • Soviet photography (photos from the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, early 90s);
  • pre-revolutionary photography of Belopole (before 1917);
  • military retro photographs - or photos from war times - this includes the First World War (1914-1918), the Civil War (1917-1922/1923), the Second World War (1939-1945) or in relation to our Motherland - the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) , or WWII;
Please note: retro photographs can be either black-and-white or color (for later periods) photographs.

What should be captured in the photo?

Anything, be it streets, buildings, houses, squares, bridges and other architectural structures. This could be another type of transport of the past, from carts. These are the people (men, women and children) who lived during those times (including old family photographs). All this is of value and great interest to visitors.

Collages, vintage postcards, posters, vintage maps?
We also welcome both series of photographs (using the ability to upload several photographs in one publication) and collages (an elaborate combination of different photographs, usually of the same place using some kind of graphic editor) - of the type - was/has become, one way or another immersing you in a kind of time travel, reflecting a look into the past. Also a place on the project and


Coat of arms
Belopolsky district

The modern coat of arms of the Belopol region was approved on February 11, 2004 and is based on the composition of the coat of arms of 1781 (only the “Kharkiv” upper part was replaced with the “Sumy” one).

Belopolsky district

The coat of arms of Belopolye was approved on May 21, 2004 by a decision of a session of the city council. The author of the coat of arms is Yu. Zarco.
In the golden field there are three red water mills, two on top of one.
The coat of arms was developed on the basis of the ancient coat of arms of the city (1781), in which the mills indicated the development of flour milling - at that time there were already 26 water mills and 46 windmills in Belopole.

Date of acceptance: 05/21/2004. Author(s) of the flag: Y. Zarco
A white square panel in the center of which in a blue cartouche is the city’s coat of arms: In a golden field there are three scarlet water mills (2:1), crowned with a silver city crown. On the sides of the coat of arms, at a distance of 1/10 from the edges, there are vertical blue stripes 1/10 of the width of the seal.

Belopolsky district

The area is located in the forest-steppe zone in the central part of the region. It borders with Burynsky, Sumy, Lebedinsky, Putivlsky, Nedrigailovsky districts of the Sumy region and Glushkovsky district of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation. Settlements: 128, of which 2 are cities, 2 towns, 124 villages

total area 1.5 thousand. sq. km

Population of the area 61,064 people (2001)

The Seim, Vir, Volfa, Pavlovka, Kryga, Vizhlitsa, Kuyanovka, Loknya, Bobrik, and Sula rivers flow through the region.

District center Belopole

Industry The Belopolsky district is represented by 15 main enterprises in the engineering, food, and construction sectors. The following enterprises operate in Belopolye: JSC Belopolsky Machine-Building Plant, which produces technological equipment for the baking and sugar industries, agricultural machinery; the collective enterprise "Belopolskaya Furniture Factory" produces kitchen furniture; From AT "Belopolsky Cheese Factory", OJSC "Belopolsky Food Products Plant", OJSC "Belopolsky Bread Factory".

There are 32 agricultural enterprises in the region. Subordinate to the Belopol City Council is the Pobeda state farm, which specializes in the cultivation of medical raw materials.

Formation of the district vocational institutions – 2; general education institutions – 37; extracurricular institutions – 2; preschool educational institutions – 12.

There are 50 medical institutions in the district. Among them are the central district hospital, 2 medical outpatient clinics, 6 district hospitals, 41 first aid stations.

There are 98 cultural and educational institutions here, in particular the district House of Culture, the cinema "Ukraine", a children's music school, about 40 libraries, 23 rural houses of culture, 13 rural clubs, 5 city houses of culture and clubs, etc. The cultural and educational cell of the city became the A. S. Makarenko Museum.

Belopole city

Belopolye is a city, the administrative center of the Belopolsky district and the administrative center of the Belopolsky City Council, which also includes the villages of Kovalenki, Sokhany and the village of Peremoga.   Large railway junction, Belopole station.

Population 17,300 people. (January 2007)

Area: 23.8 sq km

Telephone code: +380 5443

Postal code: 41800

A native of Belopolye was M.O. Antonovich (1835-1918) – philosopher, educator, critic. In Belopole, in the family of a railway worker, teacher and writer A.S. was born. Makarenko (1888-1939). This is the birthplace of the People's Artist of the USSR D. S. Antonovich (Bud'ko - 1889-1975) and the poet Alexander Oles (O.I. Kandyba - 1878-1944). In his youth, artist K.S. lived in Belopole with his parents. Malevich. An ethnographer and teacher who was awarded the Golden Pushkin Medal, G.G., worked at the Belopolsky Men's Gymnasium. Galkovsky. The artist Viktor Zaretsky was born in Belopole.

History of Belopolye

The territory of modern Belopolye was inhabited back in the 2nd–6th centuries, as evidenced by the discovered settlement of the Chernyakhov culture. During the times of Kievan Rus, the fortified city of Vir arose, which played the role of an outpost in the fight against nomads. Vir is first mentioned in the “Instructions” of Vladimir Monomakh in 1096, but the events depicted there concern 1113. In 1239, the city was devastated and burned by the Mongol-Tatars. In the middle of the 16th century. In this area, posts of Russian servicemen - military guards - appear. One of them was installed at the Virsky settlement. It existed until 1571. In 1672, a new settlement arose in the city of ancient Vir, which numbered 1,352 people. The settlement received its first name – Ice – from the river. Under this name, which was preserved among the people for a long time, it is remembered in the chronicle of an eyewitness for 1687. The second name - Belopole - comes from the town of the same name in the Warsaw district, from where the first settlers came, led by the centurion S. Fomenk.

Belopole was a small town of the Sumy Cossack Regiment. It consisted of a town with 9 towers and a fort with 13 towers. In 1678, there were 53 Russian servicemen and 1202 Cossacks here. In 1681, three villages were assigned to Belopol - Led (in office), Vorozhba (2 versts from the city) and Pavlovka (5 versts from the city). In 1683, the Belopol lands were separated from the Putivl district, and the Putivl residents who lived in the villages assigned to Belopol were evicted to the town of Snagost. In 1696-1697 In Belopolye and neighboring villages, a performance of the Cossacks took place, whom the Putivl landowners included among their peasants. The performances ended only after the Belopole settlers received confirmation of their Cossack status.

Flag of Belopole

Coat of arms of Belopole

A country Ukraine
Region Sumskaya
Area Belopolsky
City Council Belopolsky
KOATUU 5920610100
Density 765 people/km²
Coordinates Coordinates: 51°09′11.63″ N. w. 34°18′09.13″ E. d. / 51.153231° n. w. 34.302537° E. d. (G) (O) (I)51°09′11.63″ n. w. 34°18′09.13″ E. d. / 51.153231° n. w. 34.302537° E. d. (G) (O) (I)
Official site
Based 1672
Telephone code +380 5443
Timezone UTC+2, in summer UTC+3
Postcode 41800
Square 23.8 km²
Vehicle code BM/19
Sister city Glushkovo (Russia, Kursk region)
Population 18,213 people (2001)

Belopolye (Ukrainian Біlopілля) - city, Belopolsky city council, Belopolsky district, Sumy region, Ukraine.

KOATUU code is 5920610100. The population according to the 2001 census is 18,213 people.

It is the administrative center of the Belopolsky district.

It is the administrative center of the Belopol City Council, which also includes the villages of Kovalenki, Sokhany and the village of Peremoga.

Social objects

  • Stadium.
  • Schools.
  • Central regional hospital.
  • Park named after Shevchenko.
  • Belopol Psychiatric Hospital.
  • Hospital.
  • Kindergarten.
  • Boarding school.


  • Belopolsky bakery.
  • Belopolsky creamery.
  • SumyGaz branch.
  • Belopol Machine-Building Plant.
  • Belopol off-farm feed mill "Ptitseprom".
  • Belopol furniture factory.
  • Belopol food factory.
  • Cement factory.


  • Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Church of Peter and Paul.
  • Church of the Archangel Michael.
  • Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Geographical position

The city of Belopole is located on the Vir River, at the confluence of the Kryga River. Downstream it adjoins the city of Vorozhba.

At a distance of up to 2 km there are the villages of Girino, Kovalenki, Omelchenki, Voronovka, Yanchenki and Tsymbalovka.

The T-1908, T-1917 and T-1918 highways pass through the city.

Large railway junction, Belopole station.


The territory of modern Belopolye was inhabited back in the 2nd-6th centuries, as evidenced by the discovered settlement of the Chernyakhov culture.

During the times of Kievan Rus, the fortified city of Vyr arose, which played the role of an outpost in the fight against nomads. Vyr was first mentioned in the “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh in 1096, but the events reflected there concern 1113.

In 1239, the city was devastated and burned by the Mongol-Tatars. In the middle of the 16th century, posts of Russian servicemen appeared in this area. One of the military fortifications was created on the site of the Virsky settlement. It existed until 1571.

In 1672, a new settlement arose on the site of ancient Vyry, which numbered 1,352 people. The settlement received its first name - Kryga - from the river. Under this name, which was preserved among the people for a long time, it is mentioned in the chronicle of Samovidets in 1687. The second name - Belopole - comes from the town of the same name in the Warsaw Povet (Bratslav Voivodeship), where the first settlers came from, led by the centurion S. Fomenko.

Belopole was a small town of the Sumy Cossack Regiment. It consisted of a town with 9 towers and a fort with 13 towers. In 1678, there were 53 Russian servicemen and 1202 Cossacks. In 1681, three villages of Krygu (in the suburb), Vorozhba (2 versts from the city) and Pavlovka (5 versts from the city) were assigned to Belopol.