Requirements for a teacher's work program. Requirements for the work program according to the Federal State Standards: changes and new aspects

  1. A title page indicating the name of the educational institution, the name of the academic subject and class for which the program is being developed, the full name and position of the author, the qualification category of the specialist, and the period for which the program is approved.
  2. An explanatory note that lists information about the author of the document, the list of textbooks involved, and indicates the tasks and goals of the teaching staff for the current academic year. A special place in the note is occupied by work with gifted children, students with disabilities, and therefore the document should spell out methods of working with special children, justify adjustments to the timing of studying thematic sections (during the school year, the teacher will be able to further adjust the timing, focusing on the level of development of students in course learning process).
  3. The calendar-thematic planning grid is arranged in the form of a table and consists of: the title of the section, the number of hours allocated for its study, and the topics of the sections. If one topic extends over several lessons, you should indicate the number of hours and expected results for the entire block. The teacher needs to prescribe the forms of classes on topics, for example, discussion, conversation, theoretical or practical lesson, non-standard lesson.

Read about the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • Local acts at school according to the Federal State Educational Standard: organization of documentary support
  • Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education with amendments and additions 2017
  • Organization of extracurricular activities in primary schools in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO

Development of an additional general education program

Lyubov Builova, head Department of Pedagogy of Extracurricular Activities, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Institute of Open Education", Ph.D., Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of General Education

About work programs of academic subjects

Department of State Policy in the Sphere of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 08-1786 dated October 28, 2015.

Work programs of academic subjects and courses are a mandatory component of the content section of the main educational program of an educational organization (EOP OO).

Work programs of academic subjects, courses and courses of extracurricular activities are developed on the basis of the requirements for the results of mastering the PLO, taking into account the main areas of the programs included in the structure of the PLO, and must ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the PLO.

Work programs are compiled for: compulsory subjects of the curriculum; elective, optional courses; subject clubs, associations, sections of additional education; extracurricular activities.

The main elements of the work program of an academic subject, course: “Capka” Planned subject results for mastering a specific academic subject, course; The content of the academic subject, course, indicating the forms of organization of training sessions, the main types of educational activities; Calendar and thematic planning.

The main elements of the extracurricular activities course program: “Cap” Personal and meta-subject results of mastering the extracurricular activities course; The content of the course of extracurricular activities, indicating the forms of organization of training sessions, the main types of educational activities; Calendar and thematic planning.

The title page of the work program must contain: the name of the educational organization; the name of the course for which the program is written; indication of the parallel, class in which the course is being studied; level of mastery (basic, specialized); last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher who compiled the work program; program approval stamp; year of the program.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Mukhanovskaya Secondary School" APPROVED by Director of MBOU "Mukhanovskaya Secondary School" _____________ O.V. Teterina order No. dated "" August 2016 Work program in the Russian language 3rd grade (basic level) Compiled by:_______________________________, teacher of the highest qualification category 2016 .

AGREED at the meeting of the ShMO of primary school teachers on August 2016. Protocol No. 1 Head of ShMO _________S.V.Pechenkina AGREED Deputy Director for Water Resources _____________N.S.Poputchikova "" August 2016

Planned subject results of mastering a specific academic subject, course (1-6 grades “the student will learn” and “the student will have the opportunity to learn”; 8-9 grades “the student must know, be able to”; Criteria for assessing the results obtained).

“Hat” This work program on technology for grade 3 meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard of primary general education and is developed on the basis of: The main educational program of primary general education MBOU "Mukhanovskaya Secondary School" Curriculum for the 2016-2017 academic year MBOU "Mukhanovskaya Secondary School" on the basis of which 1 hour per week is allocated to the Author's work program on technology for grades 1-4 Konysheva N.M. . Smolensk, Publishing house "Association XXΙ century", 2011 UMK "Harmony"

Contents of the academic subject, course, indicating the forms of organization of training sessions, main types of educational activities Contents of the academic subject Russian language. Literacy training. Contents of the subject Russian language. Literacy training. No. Section title Number of hours Forms of organization of training sessions. Main types of educational activities. 1 Introduction 5 Lesson. Isolating sentences from the speech stream. The word as an object of study, material for analysis. Meaning of the word. Distinguishing between words and sentences.

Calendar and thematic planning No. of lessons Name of sections and topics Planned deadlines for completing the topic Actual deadlines for completing the topic Section I. Personality and society (6 hours) 1 2 3 4 5 6 What makes a person a person? Man, society, nature Society as a form of human life Development of society How to become an individual Workshop 01.09 08.09 15.09 22.09 29.09 06.10 08.09 08.09

The current new requirements for work programs for 2017-2018 were established by order of the Ministry of Education and Science. They are based on the standards of education of the first and second levels and should contribute to the creation of original documents that fully implement the requirements of the state standard of education of the second generation. The main content of the order was the provisions on the mandatory simplification of programs developed by school teachers for use in specific classes.

Teachers in their practical work often copy recommended standard programs without reworking them. As a result, voluminous documents appear that are practically not used for methodological purposes. The order proposed significantly reducing programs and removing part of the administrative burden associated with their preparation from teachers. The purpose of the innovations was to improve the quality of students’ learning of subjects; for this purpose, the teacher was given the right to deviate from the recommended programs and introduce new standards of teaching and assessment of knowledge.

A significant novelty was that out of the 8 previously required items to be reflected in the programs, only three remained. In the lesson part it is:

  • the main content of the subject or course;
  • planned results of its development;
  • breakdown of the course by topic, indicating the number of training hours required to study each.

Reducing the volume of the document is aimed both at reducing the teacher’s workload and at improving the quality of the author’s elaboration of the material. In addition, the work programs for the 2017-2018 academic year include mandatory elements of extracurricular activities, these are:

  • the content of the extracurricular part of the course, ways and methods of studying it as part of homework, forms of conducting classes;
  • expected results of extracurricular activities;
  • thematic planning.

The new program must fully comply with the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard and not deviate from the recommended standard program, while the teacher has the right to creatively rework the mandatory formats.

Introduction of new programs into the educational process

The teacher develops the program independently or as part of a working group, based on the recommended basic program, textbooks and teaching materials. He has the right to both make changes to the basic one and create an original one based on it. The program must take into account existing developments and the curriculum of the school or other educational institution.

After developing the program, the school administration checks it and decides on the possibility of its inclusion in the educational process. Along with it, changes should be made to the list of textbooks; preference will be given to those that contain teaching materials for teachers. If the school does not have such textbooks, sets of them must be purchased. The school administration must approve the documents no later than August 31.

Throughout the school year, adjustments may be made to the program in terms of the features and timing of studying certain sections, related to the speed of learning the material by the class and special children. If there is a well-developed justification, additional approval of such changes by the school administration is not required.

The administration of the educational institution is obliged to monitor the creation of the program according to the new standards and its implementation on an ongoing basis. It is also the responsibility of the administration to inform teachers about program standards and deadlines for preparation.

Structure of the new program

The new Federal State Educational Standards standards oblige students to prepare and include in educational materials and school documentation a work program for each of the subjects taught. Work programs for 2017-2018 should have the following structure:

  • a title page containing the required details (name of school, author, subject, duration of the program;
  • teacher’s tasks for a specific school year and for a specific class. Any class has its own characteristics, and they must be taken into account in the program, both in the form of emphasis on individual topics and in determining the time and depth of their study;
  • points that adapt the general program to special (both gifted and disabled) children; these points are indicated in the explanatory note to the program. As it is studied, it can be adjusted depending on the development of such children;
  • a calendar planning grid, which has a number of requirements related to indicating the topic of each lesson, its form - lecture, conversation or discussion, and the results expected from it;
  • teaching methods focused on greater use of non-standard types of classes and assessment;
  • standards for students’ personal activity, methods for assessing knowledge.

The new standards do not limit teachers to classical types of classes; research, fantasy, round tables, conferences, and travel can be planned. It is recommended to actively use audio and video materials, frontal methods of work, visual aids, and actively involve students in the process of acquiring knowledge.

It is very important that the program must contain an assessment system and its criteria. Not only subject knowledge is assessed, but also meta-subject knowledge and personal knowledge. The teacher can choose any non-standard type of testing and assessment of knowledge - from quizzes to dictations.

A document created based on the new rules should not be formal, but applied in practice, enable students to better master titles, and teachers evaluate them more objectively. The program should incorporate the teacher’s experience, his working style, teaching methods, the results of advanced training, and also be based on the introduction of innovative technologies. The ministry's order places emphasis on combining the personal advantages of a particular teacher with the theoretical developments of recommended programs and textbooks.

Bringing work programs into compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is a prerequisite for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary general education. How to create work programs? What nuances to consider? How to prepare for accreditation? The answers to these and many other questions are in the article.

All schools must introduce the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary general education by 2020. To do this, educational institutions should carry out many activities that are designed to bring the basic educational program (BEP) for grades 10–11 into compliance with the requirements of the document.

How to draw up a basic educational program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for grades 10–11

To fulfill the requirements for work programs according to the Federal State Educational Standard, you should understand how the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary general education differs from the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education. The main difference is that the compulsory part of the educational program of secondary general education is 60 percent, and the part formed by participants in educational relations is 40 percent of the volume of the program. In primary school the ratio was 70 and 30 percent.

At 40 percent for grades 10-11, include more courses of choice for high school students and their parents. The courses will provide the profile focus, interests and educational needs of each student.

In this case, the OOP structure does not have to be changed. The target, content and organizational sections remain in the program, because in all Federal State Educational Standards of general education you will find a requirement that the educational program must include these three sections.


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An exemplary OOP uses an activity-system approach. On its basis, teachers organize the activities of students in such a way as to help them achieve the maximum level in personal, social and cognitive development. In the PLO, explain how the school organizes such activities. Formulate the goals and content of education, that is, academic subjects, courses that will help you achieve your goals.

Another approach that you will be introducing for the first time is an individually differentiated approach to teaching high school students (clause 1.1 of the approximate general educational program for secondary general education). Therefore, include in OOP subjects at basic or advanced levels for specialized training and courses that will ensure the interests of each student.

Requirements for the design of work programs according to the Federal State Educational Standard require the inclusion of teachers’ work programs in subjects in the OEP. Their structure will remain the same, but the requirements for educational results will change.

Teachers' work programs for grades 10–11 will include four types of educational outcomes:

  1. “The graduate will learn – basic level”,
  2. “The graduate will have the opportunity to learn – basic level”,
  3. “The graduate will learn – advanced level”,
  4. “The graduate will have the opportunity to learn – an in-depth level.”

The extracurricular activity plan for grades 10–11 includes five learning profiles. This must be agreed upon with parents and students at the school. Allow a maximum of 700 hours for extracurricular activities, not 1750, as for grades 5–9.

In terms of extracurricular activities, provide two components (item III of the approximate general educational program for secondary general education):

    Invariant: the work of student communities in the form of club meetings, the participation of schoolchildren in the affairs of the classroom student group and in general collective affairs, monthly educational meetings on the problems of educational activities.

    Variable, prescribed for individual training profiles.

How to check the compliance of work programs with the Federal State Educational Standard 2019-2020 before accreditation?

Accreditation experts monitor how an educational organization fulfills the requirements for work programs according to the Federal State Educational Standard. To do this, experts compare the content of educational programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Most often, errors are found in the content and organizational sections of OOP.

Check the program content elements:

  • goals and objectives, place and role in the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • system of concepts, functions, composition and characteristics of UUD (personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative);
  • connection between academic learning and the content of academic subjects, extracurricular and extracurricular activities;
  • the place of UUD components in the structure of educational activities;
  • typical tasks of using UUD;
  • features of the implementation of areas of educational, research and project activities of students (research, engineering, etc.);
  • forms of organizing educational, research and project activities within the framework of class and extracurricular activities in each of the areas;
  • content, types and forms of educational activities for the formation and development of competencies in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT);
  • elements of ICT competencies and tools for their use;
  • planned results in the development of ICT competence, preparation of an individual project that the student completes in an academic subject or on an interdisciplinary basis;
  • types of interaction with educational, scientific and social organizations, forms of work of consultants, experts and scientific supervisors;
  • conditions for the development of UUD;
  • system for assessing school activities in the formation and development of UUD;
  • monitoring the success of UUD application.

The school administration presents to the accreditation expert all work programs of academic subjects and extracurricular activities courses according to the curriculum. Monitor the preparation of work programs. Prevent the situation where the teacher did not prepare a work program. The expert will not see any one work program in the content of the educational program and will conclude that the training of students does not comply with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Check the structure of work programs. It includes:

  • Work programs for extracurricular activities include:
  • results of mastering a course of extracurricular activities;
  • content of the course of extracurricular activities indicating the forms of organization and types of activities;
  • thematic planning.

In order to analyze how the basic requirements for the work programs of the Federal State Educational Standard are met, experts will also study the program for the education and socialization of students.

The expert will check how the school monitors the personal characteristics of the graduate: love for one’s land and Fatherland; knowledge of Russian and native languages, respect for one’s people; awareness and acceptance of the values ​​of human life, family, society, etc. The expert will also identify how the education and socialization program develops the social activity of students, builds respect for law and order.

As part of the analysis of the correctional work program, the following are studied:

  • goals and objectives of correctional work;
  • list and content of individually oriented correctional areas of work;
  • a system of comprehensive psychological, medical and social support and support for students with disabilities;
  • a mechanism for interaction between teachers, specialists in the field of correctional and special pedagogy, special psychology, school medical workers, other public organizations and institutions of society in the unity of classroom, extracurricular and extracurricular activities;
  • planned results of correctional work.

When analyzing the curriculum, accreditation experts check whether the curriculum complies or does not comply with the Federal State Educational Standard. They analyze the volume and number of hours in the compulsory part of the curriculum and the part formed by the participants in educational relations.

When analyzing compliance with the requirements for the design of work programs according to the Federal State Educational Standard, extracurricular activity programs are considered:

  • artistic, cultural, philological, choral studios;
  • online communities;
  • school sports clubs and sections;
  • youth organizations;
  • scientific and practical conferences;
  • school scientific societies;
  • Olympiads, search and scientific research;
  • socially beneficial practices;
  • military-patriotic associations.

In the section on the conditions for the implementation of the educational program, the expert will identify the presence of all the necessary components in the system of conditions for the implementation of the educational program. Check to see if your school has such a section. If it is missing, then the expert will conclude that the conditions for implementing the educational program do not comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

How to prepare a quality work program

Before starting to prepare the program, it is necessary to define the concept of “quality of the work program”. It includes:

  • compliance with Federal State Educational Standards;
  • full feasibility;
  • compliance with the order in which teachers develop, adopt and make changes or additions to work programs.

To meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, work programs of academic subjects include:

Work programs for extracurricular activities courses contain: the results of mastering the course; content indicating forms of organization and types of activities and thematic planning.

You can write an explanatory note for the work program. It is not mandatory. The explanatory note should be meaningful, reflect the features of educational activities in your school, but at the same time be small in volume. In the explanatory note, the teacher formulates the goals and objectives that he sets for himself and his students in order to better study the subject and achieve educational results.

To bring the structure of the work program into line with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, make sure that teachers in thematic planning indicate the number of hours in which students will master a topic or thematic block for the level of general education. Then the teacher distributes the number of hours by year of study.

The regulations for the development and approval of work programs are regulated by a local regulatory act - Regulations on the work program.

Work program structure

Work programs are developed both on the basis of exemplary educational programs and on the basis of methodological literature or recommendations of educational and methodological kits.

There are two options for establishing the period for which work programs are developed:

  • for the academic year;
  • for a period equal to the total period of mastering the discipline of the curriculum or course of extracurricular activities.

The structure of the work program has the following mandatory components:

  • planned results of mastering an academic subject or course;
  • content of an academic subject, course;
  • thematic planning indicating the number of hours allocated to mastering each topic.

The specified composition of components equally applies to both work programs of curriculum disciplines and courses of extracurricular activities.

If the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for general education change, make changes to the Regulations on the work program.

The section of the work program “Planned results” contains a list of results of mastering the work program and approaches to their evaluation. Reflect in the work program how the academic subject ensures that students achieve personal and meta-subject educational results.

Answer the following questions first:

  • how the content of the work program implements a system-activity approach to training and education (technologies and methods of organizing the educational process);
  • what forms of organization of students’ cognitive activity are accepted by leaders due to age characteristics;
  • how in the process of studying the subject the project and educational and research activities of students are organized (it is possible to add project topics);
  • how studying the subject contributes to the spiritual and moral development of students (a list of extracurricular activities may be included).

Select assessment tools for each result recorded in the work program: the text of a comprehensive test; text of dictation, presentation; test; questionnaire, questionnaire; observation map, etc. - and issue it as an annex to the work program.

  • At the stage of planning educational results, use the same techniques that OOP developers resort to.
  • When developing the section of the work program “Content of an academic subject, course,” take as a basis the volume of extracurricular activities expected to be studied for the subject content of an academic subject or course.
  • Give a brief description of the content of the subject or course as a whole (what key topics are studied, how the study of these topics is interconnected, the study of which topics will be continued at a new level in subsequent years, etc.).
  • Mark the most significant topics from the point of view of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education for meta-subject and personal educational results.
  • Break the selected content into thematic blocks. Check that the content included in each block meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education for a particular compulsory subject area.
  • The “Thematic planning” section is drawn up indicating the number of hours allocated to mastering each topic (thematic block).
  • Formulate in the work program the name of the topic being studied (thematic block) and indicate the total number of hours for its development.

An example of the design of work programs for the Federal State Educational Standard can be this version of the thematic planning structure

Reflect in the thematic planning section “types of student activities” all types of educational activities aimed at achieving educational results.

If a local act provides for a different procedure for completing thematic planning, adhere to it.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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New requirements for work programs in the 2016-2017 academic year Saprunova S.A mbou secondary school No. 3

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A work program is a local document that determines the volume, order, content of studying an academic subject, requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the conditions of a specific educational institution.

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Regulatory and methodological basis for creating work programs (FSES) Regulatory documents Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” (dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ); Federal State Educational Standard LLC (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897); Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated December 31, 2015 No. 1577 “On amendments to the federal state educational standard of basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 N 1897” Federal list of textbooks (2013, 2014, 2015) ; Sample Basic Educational Program of LLC; Regulations on the procedure for developing and approving work programs for educational subjects of the MBOU “...” (order No. ... dated ...). Curriculum of the public organization "___" for the 2016-2017 academic year (minutes of the teachers' council, order No. in the public organization)

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Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated December 31, 2015 No. 1577 “On amendments to the federal state educational standard of basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 N 1897”: “Clause 18.2.2 shall be stated in the following wording : "18.2.2. Work programs of academic subjects, courses, including extracurricular activities, must ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education. Work programs of educational subjects, courses, including extracurricular activities, are developed on the basis of the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education, taking into account the programs included in its structure.

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Work programs for academic subjects and courses must contain: 1) planned results of mastering an academic subject or course; 2) content of the academic subject, course; 3) thematic planning indicating the number of hours allocated to mastering each topic.

6 slide

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Work programs for extracurricular activities courses must contain: the results of mastering the extracurricular activities course; 2) the content of the course of extracurricular activities, indicating the forms of organization and types of activities; 3) thematic planning."

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The title page contains: 1. the full name of the educational institution in accordance with the Charter: 2. the name of the course, subject, discipline in accordance with the curriculum;: 3. an indication of classes (level of education); 4.indication of full name the compiler(s) of the program; 5. approval stamp; 6. year of preparation of the program.

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The work program of the subject “General History” for grades 5-9 (grade 5) was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 based on the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education of the MBOU Secondary school___________ The subject “General History” is studied at the level of basic general education as a compulsory subject in grades 5-9 for a total of ... hours (with 35 weeks of the school year), in grade 5 70 hours, in grade 6 - ... hours, in 7 class -... or The subject “General History” is studied in the 5th grade as a compulsory subject for a total of 70 hours (with 35 weeks of the school year).

Slide 9

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Planned results of mastering the course of general history at the level of basic general education: History of the Ancient World (grade 5) The graduate will learn: to determine the place of historical events in time, to explain the meaning of basic chronological concepts and terms (millennium, century, BC, AD .); use a historical map as a source of information about the settlement of human communities in the eras of primitiveness and the Ancient World, the location of ancient civilizations and states, and the places of the most important events; search for information in fragments of historical texts and material monuments of the Ancient World; etc. The graduate will have the opportunity to learn: to characterize the social system of ancient states; compare evidence from various historical sources, identifying commonalities and differences in them; see manifestations of the influence of ancient art in the environment; express judgments about the meaning and place of the historical and cultural heritage of ancient societies in world history.

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OPTION OF THEMATIC PLANNING Types of diagnostics Topic, section Number of hours Thematic planned results Main types of student activities Product, tools for assessing planned results Assessment Basic Meta-subject, subject Work with text, Listening, dialogue, monologue writing Group work Presentations, projects, tests, essay, K. work Types of diagnostics Contents Methods Introductory Level of general erudition of schoolchildren in the subject. Testing, conversation, questioning, observation. Current Mastering educational material on a specific topic. Surveys, practical, laboratory work, testing. Correction Identification and elimination of knowledge gaps. Repeated tests, individual consultations. Final Consolidation of the studied material of the section, course, subject. Presentation of the product at different levels: test final work, interdisciplinary work, creative work, essay, composition, crossword puzzle, project.

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Slide description:

Sample No. Title of topic and lessons Number of hours Paragraph number Characteristics of main activities Assessment tools Introduction 1 part 1. Introduction 1 Page 6-8 Reveal the meaning of concepts: history, century, historical source. Participate in the discussion of why you need to know history Section 1. Life of primitive people 7 hours. Primitive gatherers and hunters 3 hours. 2. The most ancient people 1 §1 Comment and formulate concepts: primitive people, tools, gathering. Orally describe the first tools. Compare primitive and modern man. Characterize the achievements of primitive man, his adaptation to nature. Using a drawing, depict your own idea of ​​primitive man and his way of life