School museum new opportunities results. The school museum as a component of an open educational space


regional state autonomous

professional educational institution

"Dalnegorsk Industrial and Technological College"


Deputy Director of Management and Science

O.D. Deremeshko


Eco-lesson “Water Guardians”

Methodological development

discipline: Ecology


at a meeting of the Central Committee

Chairman of the Central Committee



Developed by a teacher

Fertikova Elena Nikolaevna



Explanatory note

Russian President V.V. Putin declared 2017 the Year of Ecology. Document “Fundamentals of state policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030.” Eco lesson “Water Guardians” is an environmental education for students with an emphasis on everyday water saving practices.

In Aprilfrom 2015 - 2017students of KGA POU "DITK" took part inAll-Russian project “Water Guardians”, implemented withinFederal Target Program “Water of Russia” on the initiative of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resourceswith the support of a drinking water brand"Agua Minerals"and companiesPepsiCo and the ECA Green Movement.In the implementation of the project"Water Keepers"participated1st-2nd year students of professional orientation: “Electrician according to ROE”, “Cook, confectioner”, “Welder”, “Hardware and software adjuster”, “Hairdressers”, “Computer networks”, “Catering technologist”. For participation in the project, students were given bookmarks with a note about the eco-lesson (Appendix 6), as well as pocket books with valuable tips (Appendix 5) on how to save water and become a Water Guardian.

The purpose of the lesson is to attract students’ attention to the problem of water conservation and water shortages in Russia and the DGS.

Task : To teach students simple actions and steps to save water in their daily life at home, college, outdoors and professional activities.

The result of the lesson was the completion of creative tasks: eco-drawings, eco-posters, a video - “Water in the Profession” (Appendix 7), participation in Olympiads on ecology, participation in the All-Russian Eco-Movement.

Lesson Plan

self-organization of students;

division into teams (4)

1 min

2.Knowledge transfer

Demonstration of a film about water; (Annex 1)

Presentation “Water Guardians” (Appendix 2)


10 min.

3.Board game for the title of Water Expert

    Practical steps

    Interesting Facts

    Creative tasks

    Brain-ring (Appendix 3)


4.Secure the material

Making pocket books (pocket books) with homework “Water Weekend”, take the books with you. (Appendix4,5)

5 minutes.


Guys, today we have an unusual lesson!

We will learn a lot of new and amazing things about water, and we will even be able to become Water Guardians ourselves. (Film - addresses of the top officials of the state of the Russian Federation to the student community. (Appendix 1).

We are used to the fact that water is always available - just open the tap. But where does the water in the tap come from? What is water in our everyday life, how much is this treasure “worth”? Let's try to guess: To make a cup of coffee, you need 140 liters of water. After all, coffee must first be grown. To make 1 kg of paper, you need 700 liters of water. Just information is given so that students know. It takes 280 tons of water to produce 1 ton of steel. And to produce 1 car you need 50 times more water than the car itself weighs.

Did you know that every year more than 5 million people die from water-borne diseases? Thus, there are 10 times more casualties from bad water than from all the wars going on in the world! There is a lot of water in Russia, but it is distributed unevenly. In terms of water reserves, Russia ranks second in the world after Brazil.

Our country has a third of the world's fresh water reserves. 336 rivers flow into Baikal, but only one flows out - the Angara. According to Buryat legend, Angara is the daughter of Lake Baikal. The water in Baikal is surprisingly clean and transparent. Baikal omul, Baikal sponge, Olkhon vole - all these animals are found only on Baikal and nowhere else.

Teacher demonstrating a presentation (Appendix 2). What does humanity spend the priceless 1% of fresh water on the planet on? 70% goes to agriculture and livestock - that is, to feed us. 20% is needed by industry and energy to meet our diverse needs and provide us with energy. And a considerable share - 10% - goes into our everyday life, into houses and apartments. How else do we lose water? - 2–3 answers You and I waste water thoughtlessly every day. How much water do each of us waste every day?

How much do we spend on 1 teeth cleaning? Answer – 10 liters (1 bucket of water) How much do we spend on one shower for 5 minutes? The answer is 100 liters of water or 10 buckets. And for a bath? The answer is 200 liters or 20 buckets, guess. As we can see, the most water is spent on showering and bathing, doing laundry and flushing the toilet.

Who saves water in our country? First of all, the state. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology is implementing the all-Russian program “Water of Russia”. The goal of the program is to preserve or restore rivers and reservoirs to such a state that people can use environmentally friendly, high-quality water.

What else is the government doing?

It builds reservoirs to protect people from water shortages, strengthens the banks to protect our homes from floods. The state conducts research and carries out rehabilitation, that is, restoring the purity of rivers and reservoirs. In 2014, 57 regions and more than 170,000 people joined the action, from Sakhalin to Kaliningrad. More than 1,700 water bodies were cleaned.

What can each of us do to save water? Let's show our creativity and imagination, imagine ourselves as Water Guardians and work in teams! (Appendix 3)


On April 22, the all-Russian campaign “Clean banks for our rivers and lakes!” will take place again. Let's become Water Guardians and join tens of thousands of people who will come out to clean the banks to save their rivers, lakes and springs! (information on the website of the educational institution

At the end of the eco-lesson, the teacher introduces students to the water resources of their native land of Dalnegorsk. (Appendix 4) and distributes pocket books with homework.

Eco-lesson “Water Guardians”solves one of the most pressing problems of modern education - environmental education of students with an emphasis on everyday water saving practices and an active life position.

List of Internet resources

1.. -presentation

2. pocketmod

3. water supply scheme

A new stage of the “Water Guardians” project has started in Russian schools, which for the third year in a row has been carried out by PepsiCo together with the Green Movement “ECA” with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Water of Russia” and the drinking water brand AquaMinerale ® .

The goal of the educational project is to develop a culture of respect for the natural resources of our country among children and adolescents. This year, declared the Year of Ecology in Russia, the project organizers have prepared a new program for students dedicated to the topic of climate change. During the lessons, children will be able to learn how to contribute to solving global environmental problems, including in everyday life, how to use energy-saving technologies in everyday life.

The material is presented in a convenient interactive form, and a game and a competition for environmental projects are a mandatory part of the lesson. Primary school students, together with their parents, will try their hand at creating video blogs, and older children will keep diaries to understand how to reduce the damage caused to the environment by human activity. In addition, they will learn to develop and implement their own environmental projects.
Lessons will be held in thousands of Russian schools until May 14, 2017 inclusive. The results of the project and competitions will be announced on International Climate Day, May 15, 2017.

Dmitry Mikhailovich Kirillov, Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Field of Water Resources of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, spoke about support for the project: “2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation. Only with the joint efforts of the state and society is the ecological development of our country, the preservation of biological diversity and the provision of environmental safety possible. It is very important to instill a caring attitude towards nature and its resources from childhood. Hundreds of thousands of children take part in the Water Keepers project every year. I hope that this year even more children will learn to conserve the riches of our nature.”

The first environmental lessons “Water Guardians” were held in the spring of 2015. Over two years, more than 800,000 schoolchildren took part in them. In 2016, they tried their hand at introducing separate waste collection and, through joint efforts, collecting more than 850 tons of waste paper and plastic. Thus, according to experts, they helped preserve about 20,000 tons of the main resource of our planet - fresh water.


School museum and museum pedagogy

I don't want the generation

My peers were Ivans,

Those who do not remember kinship.


11th grade student.

Does every school need a museum? Museum of military and labor glory, museum of the history of the native land, native village? What role does it play in educating the younger generation? And how can a school museum and museum pedagogy increase students’ motivation in the educational process and shape their active life position?

In the MKOU "Pokrovskaya Secondary School" the school museum has existed for many years. Generations of teachers and students change, but the museum remains, replenished with new exhibits, research works, and interesting projects.

In our complex and contradictory times, the creative potential of students can and should be used by both the school and the museum. And if a classical school with its class-lesson system is designed, first of all, for the transfer of knowledge from teacher to student, just as a classical museum is for storing cultural samples, then, having united, they acquire a new quality, new opportunities, new ways activities. In the activities of the school museum, one can trace a wide variety of forms and methods of work using museum materials in the educational process, enriching the content of the work with new forms suggested by time.

Museum pedagogycreates conditions for the development of students by including them in the diverse activities of the school museum. This includes publishing guidebooks, magazines, and compiling videos, and creating museum excursion routes on a map of the area in which students live, as well as working with documentary materials from archives, preparing reports, abstracts, recording memories, performing educational tasks, writing research papers, meetings with veterans and home front workers.

How can working in a school museum instill love for your native village, for your native school, and awaken interest in people whom you have known since birth?

In order to create a tourist route, you need to know very well the places in which you were lucky enough to be born. This is how the project “There, behind the Kalinov Bridge” appeared, which is a tourist route through the most interesting and mysterious places in the village of Pokrovka and its environs. Even the names of the stops themselves sound intriguing:Kalinov Bridge, Stepan Razin's village, Pugachev's crossing, trenches, Pugachev's treasure, German prisoner of war camp, monument to soldiers, airfield. And it doesn’t matter that not all names have a historical basis; many of them are legends that are passed down from generation to generation.

Research work on the origin of the nicknames of the village of Pokrovka and the origin of the names of the streets of the village allowed 8th grade students to learn more about their native village and its inhabitants. To carry out the research, the guys had to collect bit by bit the necessary information about the origin of nicknames, producesemantic-stylistic analysis, classification and synthesis of the studied phenomena,predict the future fate of this interesting phenomenon in the life of any nation. During the work, studentswe found out the reason for the origin of nicknames (it turns out that nicknames have a meaningful function, and also characterize a person by his distinctive features); compiled a list of nicknames of village residents, determined their meaning and history of origin; concluded that the use of nicknames is promising in the future.

The creation of an album of the history of their home school allowed the children to travel back to 1932, the year the school was built, and in subsequent years. The memories of eyewitnesses of those distant years formed the basis of the work. Modern schoolchildren have learned about what they lived, what their peers did during the years of collectivization, the Great Patriotic War, during the years of restoration of the country from ruins, during the creation of collective and state farms. They were especially surprised by the fact that the schoolchildren themselves and their parents helped build new premises for the school. We also learned a lot about the teachers who worked at the school at different times. The school they knew from childhood appeared in a new light, and their attitude towards it also changed: the school became closer to them, more familiar, more understandable.

The joint activity of a teacher and a student - creating films about the oldest residents of our village, about internationalist soldiers - helps studentsto form self-awareness and an active life position. No one was left indifferent by the fact that the resident of our village, Surganova Daria Ilyinichna, turned one hundred years old. After communicating with grandmother Dasha, a plan for a project to create the film “And Life Lasts Longer than a Century” arose. While working on the film, the guys realized that the life of every person is inextricably linked with the life of his country, and history is created by the people themselves, no matter how simple they may be. It was amazing that the person sitting in front of you witnessed epoch-making events: the reign of the last Romanovs, the October Revolution, the formation of Soviet power, the formation of the USSR, collectivization, the Great Patriotic War, the first manned flight into space, the collapse of the USSR, the first president of Russia.

More and more years separate us from the events of 1941-1945. These are not just events, this is the Great Patriotic War, which changed the course of history and left a deep mark on the destinies of the people of our country. The younger generation knows about all this from films, stories of the few surviving participants in those events, exhibits from museums of military glory, archival materials, and history textbooks.

A monument in one’s native village is also history, even if it is not fellow villagers buried there. Excursions to the school museum take place near it, and it is necessary to cultivate a caring, reverent attitude towards it from early childhood. From the creative work of 9th grade student Bratusenko A.:“In the center of my native village of Pokrovka, there is an obelisk over a mass grave. Since childhood, I knew that the defenders of Stalingrad were buried here, but I never thought about who they were, where they came from.

I stand near the monument and carefully re-read the names: Akalmaz Vasily Yakovlevich, Galkin Nikolai Petrovich, Kvachadze Simon Atanasovich, Makhmutov Fayzyk Gizendinovich, Alilov Khadir-Zibi, Arasinov Zagir Arslanovich, Kultisov Babash, Pirashvili Zakhar Solomonovich, Tursenbekov Zarkum, Khamidulin Akhmatulla Gibatulovich, Chanyshev Rashkul . They, the sons of different nations, gave their lives for their great common Motherland.

The Motherland has no nationality.

Victory in the Great Patriotic War was forged by people of many nationalities; they knew that trouble had come to their common home. They proudly called themselves Soviet people, and it was the best fusion of all nationalities. I want us, our children and grandchildren, to remember that merciless war and the brotherhood of peoples, without which there would be no victory. The country may have become smaller, but the peoples inhabiting it have not become fewer. I want us to always be together in both triumph and adversity and be able to proudly say:“We are Russians!”

In the song for the movie “Officers” there are these words: “There is no family in Russia where its hero is not remembered.” It was the words of this song that prompted the school museum workers to hold a work competition (essay, presentation, research work) among students “My family during the Great Patriotic War.” And again we saw that the thread of connection between generations was not interrupted: the basis of the works was the memories of older family members, family photographs, and archival documents.

It was gratifying to see that our high school students are well versed in modern history, can correctly assess the events taking place in the world, have their own opinions about everything, feel proud of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who defended the world and protected it from the brown plague. From the work of 11th grade student Yadarova A. “I wouldn’t want the generation of my peers to be Ivans who don’t remember their kinship. Therefore, in my work I want to talk about my great-grandfather and his relatives who died on the fields of that cruel war.....

And we, the descendants of the victors, must remember our heroes, we must take care that the memory of them lives in our hearts forever. My research work gave me the opportunity to touch the history of my family during the Great Patriotic War, study archival documents, and draw certain conclusions.
Why is the memory of the participants in the Great Patriotic War so important, why must it be passed on to the next generation of the family?
As long as the memory of the war is alive, people will not allow new senseless bloodshed. If the whole truth about the war is passed down from generation to generation in every family, no newfangled history textbooks and rabid politicians will be able to confuse young people, and there will be no such substitution of events as we are now seeing in Ukraine: young people know almost nothing about The Great Patriotic War, they are sure that it was the Second World War.”

Each student’s work becomes a new exhibit of the school museum. Gone are the days when worn-out soldiers' triangles, commander's tablets, helmets, shell casings, and soldiers' uniforms were brought to school museums; now museum funds are replenished with creative and research works of students, which over time will also become history, and from them the next generations will study the history of their native land and its inhabitants.

The school museum fits organically into the system of events held at the school and becomes a place for cultural and historical identification, dialogue between times, people and museum objects.

We have determined for ourselves that each visit to the museum is an activity that should have a specific educational, educational or developmental goal. Both teachers and students must realize that visiting a museum is not entertainment, but serious work, so you need to carefully prepare for it.

The result of a visit to the museum should be children’s independent creativity (drawing, writing on the topic of what they saw, creating models), which can subsequently become the basis for an exhibition or creative report.

What should a teacher working within the framework of museum pedagogy strive for, and what should become a guide to the world of culture for the student?

The main thing for the teacher is to teach the child to see the historical and cultural context of the things around him, that is, to evaluate them from the point of view of cultural development; to form an understanding of the relationship between historical eras and one’s involvement in modern culture, inextricably linked with the past;

develop a sustainable need and skills for communication and interaction with cultural monuments; develop the ability for aesthetic contemplation, empathy and pleasure; to form tolerance, respect for other cultures, their understanding, acceptance.

The student should become not an outside observer, but an interested researcher.


  1. Museum pedagogy V.M. Voronovichelectronic resource

Project “School Museum as a resource for the development of socialization and education of students in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

general education"

    Description of the main problem and justification of relevance

its development

Modern Russian education is currently undergoing significant changes, during which the view on approaches and forms of education is changing. These changes also affected our institution. The school is a platform for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard not only at the level of primary general education, but also at basic education. There is a need to organize a variety of extracurricular activities that contribute to the development and education of students. We use various resources: gym, library, assembly hall, specialized subject rooms. And the school museum is also no exception. But sincematerial and technical conditions for the functioning of the museumdo not meet the increased needs for education and upbringing of the student’s personality, interfere with the effective use of its content and the introduction of new forms of education on its basis, then the use of this school resource is in question. It is also necessary to transform the forms of storage, accounting and use of exhibits in museum collections.

School Museum has enormous educational potential, as it preserves and exhibits authentic historical documents.

One of the leading directions in the museum’s activities is the civic and patriotic education of the younger generation. The main materials are located in two halls: “Hall of Military and Labor Glory”, “District and School during the Great Patriotic War”.

In this work the main forms were:

    Working with veterans.

    Search and research work . School museum materials often become the topic of student research workon the topic “The Great Patriotic War” who guys defend at school and conferences.

    Work of the “Young Historian” club. In 2014, the “Young Historian” children’s and youth club was created. Excursions have been developed for the patriotic education of the younger generation.Guides were prepared from among schoolchildren in grades 5-9 (10 schoolchildren).

Publishing work of the museum. The Young Historian Club publishes the newspaper Poisk. The Museum Council holds competitions for posters, drawings, and presentations dedicated toGreat Victory; works with residents fromate; collaborates with the regional newspaper “Selskie Vesti”.

The results of the school museum's activities are posted on the school website.

External relations of the museum . The school museum maintains a close connection with the museum of the city of Novokuznetsk.

One solution to the problem is to create a virtual local history museum at school. The selection of the educational function of a virtual school museum as a leading one is determined by its significance: the creation of a special educational environment for the formation in students of a holistic attitude towards the cultural and historical heritage, which reflects universal human values ​​that represent the human life world.

The school museum as a resource forMBOU "Krasulinsaya OOSH" operates in an innovative mode. Our resource center will provide assistance to teachers and specialists from educational institutions in the region who are embarking on the path introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard , in effective planning and monitoring of their professional activities, setting clear and achievable goals for organizing and increasing the efficiency of their work.

    Project goal and objectives

Objective of the project : creating conditions for the development of the educational potential of the school museum through its modernization.

This goal is aimed at the entire pedagogical process, permeates all structures, integrating educational activities and extracurricular life of students, various types of activities.

Due to this school museum mission Municipal budgetary educational institution "Krasulinskaya basic secondary school" of the Novokuznetsk municipal district of the Kemerovo region - With create the most favorable development conditions for all children. The school is designed to form a tool for adaptation to a rapidly changing life, to maintain personal qualities in very difficult life circumstances, to teach how to live in peace with others, to fulfill one’s responsibilities, to respect and love people.

To achieve this goal and implement the mission of the school museum, it is necessary to solve the following:tasks:

1) update the system of civic-patriotic education using the resources of the school museum;

2) develop the material and technical base of the museum by introducing new forms of using exhibitions;

3) increase the accessibility of using funds by creating a virtual school museum for organizing extracurricular activities and additional education.

    Criteria and indicators for assessing performance and

project efficiency

The effectiveness of the project is assessed on the basis of generalized evaluation indicators, including its systemic, substantive and organizational nature of the educational process, the use of modern technologies of educational influence, and the breadth of coverage of educational objects.

Project implementation resultsare assessed according to the following indicators:


Study methods

Organization of the work of the school museum as a structural unit of the school and one of the forms of work to develop amateur creativity and social activity of students, and instill patriotism.

    State of the material and technical base.

    Equipping the museum with the necessary multimedia equipment.

    Modernization of traditional forms of work.

    The share of modern technologies, including information technologies, in the organization of the educational process.

    Availability of a local regulatory framework for the activities of the school museum.

    An effective system of interaction with various public organizations.

    Increasing the professionalism of school museum managers (the degree of participation of school museum specialists in scientific and educational events in the district, holding events on the basis of their museum to exchange work experience).

    Positive dynamics in public recognition of the educational and educational potential of school museums.

    Pedagogical observation.

    Questioning of teachers, students and their parents.

Increasing the efficiency of mastering program material on Russian history and local history,

geography, literature, technology and ICT.

    High learning outcomes for students in local history, literature, and geography.

    Increasing ICT competencies.

    Providing the process of teaching history with didactic materials and local history literature.

    Growing interest among students in studying the history of their institution, region, city, country, and demonstrating a sense of patriotism for their country.

    An increase in the number of children visiting the school museum, using the museum’s funds to prepare essays, creative works, and assignments in school subjects.

    An increase in the number of teachers using the museum’s capabilities to conduct lessons on the curriculum of school subjects, classroom hours, and other educational events.

    Analysis of the results of educational work.

    Pedagogical observation.

    Questioning of students.

    Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

Questionnaire “How do you feel about studying in various subjects?”

5.Assessing subject and meta-subject (cognitive, communicative, regulatory) results of students according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Creating conditions for the development of diverse interests and abilities of schoolchildren, the realization of their cognitive interest.

    Favorable emotional and psychological climate in the team.

    Number of events held at the museum.

    Number of visitors to the school museum.

    An increase in the number of winners and prize-winners, competitions, competitions, conferences of various levels related to the profile of the museum.

    Increasing the intellectual, creative, social activity of students.

    The number of projects created using the museum database.

    The level of implementation of project activities and the activity approach in the process of education and upbringing.

    Availability of publications on the project topic at the municipal and regional levels.

    Analysis of the results of educational work

    Pedagogical observation.

    Questioning of students.

    Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics:

methodology for determining the level of social activity of students.

5.Assessing the personal results of students according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Monitorings, seminars, consultations.

4. Expected results and effects of the project implementation

The museum is organically integrated into the educational space of our school, which allows us to implement a system-activity approach as part of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard).

In the process of implementing the project, the work of the school museum should be integrated into the educational process of the educational institution and into society; expanding the capabilities of the school museum through social partnership with museums of other educational institutions, city museums, and the veterans’ council; creation of a virtual museum; presentation of the final materials of the project on the Internet and in the media.

Expected results of the project:

    satisfying the social demand for the creation of a resource center on the basis of the school museum fordevelopment of socialization and education of students in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard;

    updating the system of civic-patriotic education using the resources of the school museum;

    development of the museum’s material and technical base by introducing new forms of using exhibitions;

    increasing the accessibility of using funds by creating a virtual school museum for organizing extracurricular activities and additional education;

    introduction by teachers of materials from the museum's collections into educational plans;

    creation by teachers of a bank of methodological developments and recommendations;

    increasing the professional competence of teachers and specialists in the fielddevelopment of socialization and education of students in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard;

    implementation of real interdisciplinary cooperation both within one’s team and in other educational institutions of the region;

    improving the scientific and methodological potential of teaching staff of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Krasulinskaya Secondary School” and the educational and material base of the school.

Registration of project implementation results:

    development of a model of a program for civic and patriotic education of students based on the activities of the school museum;

    methodological developments of museum and local history classes in sections of the school museum exhibitions;

    methodological developments on the use of school museum collections in the classroom and extracurricular activities of subject teachers, the work of class teachers, and additional education teachers;

    publications, including the activities of the school museum, on the implementation of the innovative priorities of the school museum in museum and local history activities;

    development of a series of multimedia presentations that make it possible to conduct thematic virtual excursions.

As a result of the implementation of the project, the school museum in the MBOU "Krasulinskaya basic secondary school" of the Novokuznetsk municipal district of the Kemerovo region will become a center for additional education, a center for civic and patriotic education, a center for studying the history of the school, the village of the Kemerovo region and a center for the formation of a new type of student personality.

    Timing and stages of project implementation

Stage I (2015 - 2016) - PREPARATORY

Analysis of the state of educational opportunities of the school museum. Updating the project among participants in the educational process. Determining the circle of people from among teachers, school administration to manage the project, distribution of roles, creation of temporary working groups. Development of a work plan and activity program for the museum. Creating a plan for modernizing the school museum (museum equipment, redecorating the museum premises, software equipment).

Conducting training sessions, seminars, discussions, consultations with teachers on the study of modern theory and practice of museum pedagogy with the invitation of employees of the Novokuznetsk museum.

Stage I (2016 - 2017) - PRACTICAL

The main task at this stage is to include the museum’s resource in classroom, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

Contents of the practical stage activities:

    Carrying out cosmetic repairs to the museum premises

    Installation of new museum equipment

    Introduction of modern information technologies into the work of the museum

    Creation Internet-versions of the school museum (Create an electronic database of museum funds that will ensure accounting and preservation of the museum collection)

    Developing students' ability to conduct research and project activities using museum sources (participation in the creation of social and creative projects, educational and research work).

    Conducting a school conference of research projects on local history and history of the Kemerovo region

    Organizing a presentation of a school interactive museum

    Expanding the competence of teachers, mastering the technology of project activities and museum pedagogy through seminars, conferences, master classes, individual consultations

    Creation of a data bank of our own methodological developments and publications

    Expansion and renovation of exhibitions, replenishment of the museum fund

Stage III (2017 - 2018) - ANALYTICAL

The main task of this stage is to analyze the results of activities: achievements, shortcomings, adjust further work on the stated issues, design the project product, publications, and exchange of experience.

Contents of the final stage activities:

Summing up, sharing the experience of project participants at meetings of the teaching council, methodological council, school methodological associations of subject teachers, working groups.

Holding a conference “Results of the implementation of the project “School Museum as a resource for spiritual and moral development, socialization and education of students in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.”

    Main project risks and ways to minimize them

    Main project risks

    Ways to minimize them

    Change of place of work for project participants:

    • Supervisor


    The project is initially managed by two people.

    During the entire duration of the project, the school program “I am a Professional” is in effect to improve the professional competencies of teaching staff, i.e. the school always has a reserve of personnel capable of carrying out innovative activities

    Low motivation of teachers and specialists from educational institutions in the district to cooperate with the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Krasulinskaya Secondary School” on the topic of the project

    Increase motivation to interact together with the Education Department of the Administration of the Novokuznetsk Municipal District of the Kemerovo Region

    Insufficient competence of project implementers in resolving any specific issues

    Cooperation with museums of the city of Novokuznetsk

    Cooperation with methodologists of the IMC “Education Department of the Administration of the Novokuznetsk Municipal District of the Kemerovo Region”

    Lack of financial resources to implement the project

    Attracting sponsorship

    Possible ways to introduce project development into educational practice Municipal budgetary educational institution "Krasulinskaya secondary school"

In order to form a new type of student, we need suchmethodological approaches that would beto ensure the development of students in the unity of classroom, extracurricular and socially significant activities in the conditions of joint work of the teaching staff of the school, family and other institutions of society in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards project for general education.

Using traditional and innovative technologies, the developed project will allow:

    through useInternet-resources to realize the opportunity to find like-minded people, establish connections with other museums, and quickly exchange experiences;

    organize group classes in the museum, historical and local history games, research conferences;

    conduct lessons - reconstructions in literature, history, local history;

    conduct theatrical excursions using museum exhibits;

    Using the electronic format, make exhibitions and thematic excursions more accessible and mobile, which means it will interest and introduce them to a wide range of people.

    Proposals for dissemination and implementation of project results into mass practice

Our experience is expected to be disseminated through seminars, master classes, and practical meetings on diagnostic issues and the activities of teachers implementing the Federal State Educational Standard.

An effective way of dissemination is publications on the project topic at the municipal, regional and federal levels. It is obligatory for project implementers to present their positive experience on websites and a virtual museum.

The school website has certain opportunities for distribution. All information about the implementation of the project and positive results will be posted monthly in the “Our Innovation Activities” section.

The project implementers are ready to discuss pressing issues on the Internet through online communities, which is also a fairly powerful tool for disseminating our experience. What is interesting here is the opportunity to disseminate experience not because they were “sent” to the seminar, but because they have a personal interest in organizing work during and after school hours in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards project for general education.

So, we are ready to share our experience in the following ways:

    Seminars, consultations;

    Publications on professional websites and publications;

    Posting information on the school website and the website of the Novokuznetsk municipal district;

    Through network communities, communities of methodological associations of the region.


“The Museum as an Information and Educational Space for the School”

Library work


Cool watch

Alumni meetings

Meetings in Eterans

Educational activities



Work of the children's and youth club "Young Historian"

Theme evenings

Lessons in Courage


Extracurricular activities (primary school,

5-7 grades)

Individual visits

Presentations, videos

Design and research activities

Parent meetings

Open days

Seminars, conferences

    Main activities for project implementation

Planned events



Strengthening the material and technical base of the museum

Cosmetic renovation of the museum premises


Head farming

Purchase of office equipment and furniture for the museum


Head farming

Organizational work

Formation and organization of the work of the Museum Council, the “Young Historian” club


Development of a work plan and activity program for the museum


deputy Director of VR

Formation and organization of work of the museum asset


Head of the museum, museum council

Creation of an electronic book for recording and storing museum exhibits


Head of the museum, museum council

Organization of tour guide work

During the project implementation

Head of the museum, deputy Director of VR

Development of a thematic and exhibition plan for the museum

March – October 2016

Head of the museum, museum council

Organization of work with museum exhibits

During the implementation period


Head of the Museum


Organization of lesson activities on subjects through museum lessons using museum exhibits and teaching materials

During the implementation period


Head of the museum, teacher of literature, history, geography,

class teachers

Acquiring work skillsccmodern software products: built-in graphic editor of MS Word and graphic editor Photoshop


Head of the museum,


The use of universal (basic) information technologies, multimedia technologies, network technologies for the purpose of developing information competence of students

During the implementation period


Head of the museum,


Selection and preparation of museum documents for organizing students’ independent work with them in the classroom

During the implementation period


Conducting museum lessons with the participation of veterans and war participants

During the implementation period


Museum director, history teacher

Extracurricular work , extracurricular activities

Conducting classes according to plan as part of extracurricular activities for grades 1-4, grades 5-7

During the implementation period


Head of the museum,

museum council, preschool teachers

Organizing excursions to the school museum

During the implementation period


Museum Council

Conducting school lectures, seminars, research and development activities. Organization of search and research activities

During the implementation period


Head of the museum,

museum council,

Deputy Director for VR

Participation of schoolchildren in competitions, projects, conferences at various levels

During the implementation period


Head of the museum,

Museum Council, Deputy Director of HR, HR

Participation in the annual municipal NPC

During the implementation period


Head of the museum,

Museum Council, Deputy Director of HR

Conducting themed classes

During the implementation period


Head of the museum,

MO of class teachers

Organizing excursions for members of the museum council

During the implementation period


Head of the Museum

Master class for guides (with the invitation of city museum workers)

During the implementation period


Head of the Museum

Development and conduct of museum excursions to various exhibitions

During the implementation period


Head of the museum,

museum council,

tour guides

Creation and updating of the museum’s methodological database:



    Educational literature


Head of the museum,

museum council

Participation in the month of military-patriotic education

During the implementation period


Head of the museum, museum council

Cooperation, joint events with the school and village libraries

During the implementation period


Head of the museum,

museum council, librarians

Organization of work and holding meetings of the youth club “Young Historian” at the school museum

During the implementation period


Head of the museum, museum council, club leader

Communication with the public, with war and labor veterans, veterans of local wars, veterans of teaching work

During the implementation period


Head of the museum, museum council

Practical work. Action "Timurov movement"

During the implementation period


Head of the museum, museum council, deputy. Director of VR

Creating a booklet about the school museum


Head of the museum, museum council

Creation of a fund of authentic exhibits


Head of the museum, museum council

Creation and updating of museum electronic databases

During the implementation period


Head of the museum,

museum council

Creating a virtual museum


Head of the Museum

Creation of an electronic museum directory


Head of the Museum

Scientific and methodological work

Participation in workschool methodological associations of class teachers, seminars of class teachers on patriotic education

During the implementation period


Head of the museum,

deputy Director of VR

Development of excursion topics to help teachers of local history, history, and class teachers

During the implementation period


Head of the museum,

museum asset, deputy Director of VR

Methodological work with the teaching staff

During the implementation period


Coordinating work with public organizations

During the implementation period


Head of the Museum

Organization of school-wide events that unite the efforts of students, teachers and parents

During the implementation period


Head of the museum, deputy Director of HR and HR

Creation of methodological developments for museum and local history classes in sections of the school museum expositions

Creation of methodological developments for the use of school museum collections in the classroom and extracurricular activities of subject teachers, the work of class teachers, and additional education teachers

During the implementation period


Head of the museum, head library, subject teachers, preschool teachers

Advanced training (course training for managers I'm a museum)

According to the school's long-term plan

Head of the museum, deputy Director of HR

District round table “Assessing the effectiveness of including a child in the general education system”


Festival of Pedagogical Excellence


Head of the museum, head library, subject teachers, deputy. Director of HR and HR

Regional seminar “Tolerance - unity in diversity”


Head of the museum, head library, subject teachers, deputy. Director of HR and HR

Regional scientific and practical conference “Civic-patriotic education of students based on the activities of the school museum”


Head of the museum, head library, subject teachers, deputy. Director of HR and HR

    Possible financial support for the project, necessary resource support for the implementation of the innovative project

To implement the project, the educational institution has the necessary conditions: the school operates in a mode of stable operation and development, a creative group has been organized to develop an innovative project, and there is the necessary material and technical base.


    rich experience in local history work and the presence of a museum;

    positive motivation of the teaching staff in advanced training: 60% of teachers completed course training on the topics “Information technologies in the educational process”, 95% - “Organization of the activities of an educational institution in preparation for work under the Federal State Educational Standard (primary and basic general education)”; “Management of an educational institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.”

    Necessary resource support when using an innovative product

    technical: computer support for users of this innovative product (computer workstation of a teacher, student, parent or computer class);

    informational: bank of student works created in the programsPublisher; Power Point; registration on the school website; availability of Internet access;

    software: availability of programs that provide access to high-speed Internet;

    personnel: professional teaching staff with computer literacy and information culture, necessary for organizing the educational process in a telecommunications environment and based on a new pedagogical basis, the essence of which is modern pedagogical technologies;

    social: the total potential of active participants in the educational process associated with the formation of socially innovative behavior.

    Description of forms organization of network interaction

"Krasulinskaya secondary school"

with other educational organizations

Assumedvariousforms of interaction :

    organizing joint holidays, conducting lessons in museums and libraries, parent-themed meetings, round tables, excursions, club work.

    thanks to Internet-resources have the opportunity to find like-minded people, establish connections with the museum of the Krasulinskaya Secondary Schoolwith other museums, quickly exchange experiences.

    the use of an electronic format will make it possible to make exhibitions and thematic excursions more accessible and mobile, and will allow them to interest and introduce a wide range of people to them.

    generalization and dissemination of the experience of teachers and schools through the media.

    creation of project working materials.

    holding a regional seminar, master classes for teachers and heads of educational institutions of the Novokuznetsk municipal district.

    organizing meetings with veterans, war participants, representatives of various enterprises.

    Organization of virtual excursions to museums.

    Participation in the organization and conduct of regional competitions: school tour guides; design work based on museum exhibits; drawing competition on patriotic and local history themes.

See the appendix “Scheme “Museum as an information and educational space for a school”.

    Control group of innovation participants:

Deputy Directors

Subject teachers



Head of the Museum

Head of the library

    Control organization system

    Preliminary (incoming inspection of all types of resources, checking readiness for work...)




    Current monitoring and evaluation of results.

While solving project problems, school management must constantly monitor its work to be sure that the methods used lead to the set goal. Periodically, it is necessary to conduct statistical analysis to identify development trends. Once a year, work should be assessed in all major areas of current planning to determine the following:

Are the assigned tasks being fulfilled and are the stated goals and objectives of the project and the school curriculum as a whole being achieved;

Are the needs of the school community being met;

Is it possible to respond to changing needs;

Is there enough resource support?

Are these directions profitable?

15. Indication of the address for posting an innovative project on the Internet for the purpose of public discussion

Innovative project of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Krasulinskaya Secondary School"« The school museum as a resource for the socialization and education of students in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard» posted on the website of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Krasulinskaya Secondary School”.

Analysis of the work of the school museum in the 2015-2016 academic year

Our school museum is 16 years old, it was created in the 1998-1999 academic year on the basis of the history office of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School of the village. Bagaevka".

The museum is located in a history classroom with an area of ​​68 square meters. meters.

According to the nature of the available materials, the museum is a historical and local history museum.

The role and importance of school museums is increasing due to the need to implement state and regional programs for the patriotic education of youth in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Value guidelines for local history work

    civil-patriotic orientation of raising children based on the development of historical memory;

    strengthening the connection between generations so that the student understands himself as a successor to the heritage of the past;

    formation in students of an objective-historical approach to studying the past of our Motherland through various forms of search and museum work

In relation to history as an academic subject, this means: historical local history became its mandatory component.

Studying local history helps young people to better understand the meaning and essence of the important norms included in the Constitution of the country: “Everyone is obliged to take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, to take care of historical and cultural monuments”, “Everyone is obliged to preserve nature and the environment, to treat natural resources with care” (Art. 44 and Art. 58).

Home purpose The activity of the school museum is the formation of a harmoniously creative personality, a patriot of his country, his region. Our motto “There is no today without the past, and there is no tomorrow without it.”

Education of students in the spirit of patriotism, civic consciousness, and high morality is one of the fundamental tasks personality development. The implementation of this task is facilitated by the program of activities of the school local history museum of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School of the village. Bagaevka". The school local history museum has enormous educational potential, as it preserves and exhibits authentic historical documents .

Traveling around their native land, studying historical and cultural monuments, natural objects, talking with participants and eyewitnesses of the events being studied, getting acquainted with documentary and visual heritage objects in their environment, in museums and archives, students receive more specific and imaginative ideas about history and culture and the nature of their region. They learn to understand how the history of their small Motherland is connected with the history of Russia, how various historical, political, social, and economic processes occurring in the state and in the world influence the development of these processes in their native land and school.
Thus, museum is one of center for patriotic education students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School with. Bagaevka.

In 2015-2016 academic year, the school museum continued to carry out educational, cultural and educational activities as on lessons, and in after-hours.

Pupils of grades 5-11 in history lessons in 2015-2016 academic year they continued to study (in the context of the history of Russia) their native land and showed genuine interest in its history, traditions, customs, its achievements and losses, too.

Working with school audiences throughout the academic year was carried out outside school hours in all areas and was dedicated to the events of the year: the 71st anniversary Victory of the Soviet people in the Second World War of 1941-1945 (the socially significant project “Victory enters every yard” was carried out). During the reporting period, much attention was paid to preparations for the 80th anniversary of the Saratov province: a selection of materials on history (its formation) was carried out Based on the materials named exposition in the 4th quarter, an excursion for students and teachers has been prepared “My land in the fate of Russia”

Active schoolchildren began to implement a school project for the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Aratov province, starting to design a thematic exhibition. High school students participated in the regional museum competition “We invite you to the museum”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Aratov province, the competition is held from October 15 to November 30, 2015.

As part of the same event, activists of the museum A. Shmakova. A. Lyashetskaya, 8th grade students. took part in VII Interregional Martynov Readings. He was submitted to the competition socially significant project- virtual tour of the Saratov region “Here is where my homeland began...” in a team of students in grades 7-11 of the Saratov region. The team was awarded a 3rd degree Diploma.

The museum uses various forms of events:

1. Purposeful propaganda work continued Days of military glory of Russia ( decor calendar of significant dates, conducting surveys and thematic lectures).

2. The school museum conducts active and fruitful excursion activities, conveying to its visitors all the originality, uniqueness of the history and culture of the native land, its rich potential.

Excursions to the museum:

Thematic excursions to the museum:

History of Bagaevka in verse

Overview lecture on the museum.

New presentation of the history of the village of Bagaevka.

Our Hero of the Soviet Union - Kotlov N.V.


World War 1: The Forgotten War.

World War 2: how it was"

Use of materials electronic archiveon - line"2 World War II"

“The history of the creation of the school museum”, “How do the exhibits live in the museum?”

"Museum Keeper of Memory"

“We invite you to the museum”, etc.

"Bagaevites-Soldiers of Victory"

“The Motherland is proud of them”

“A medal for a battle, a medal for labor are cast from the same metal”

3. Worked media library museum "From the Kremlin to Berlin"

« And we look into history again": January 27 – lifting of the blockade of Leningrad, Battle of Kursk, Battle of Crimea: from Sevastopol to Perekop”, Battle of Stalingrad, etc.

4. Local history is study, and the organization research activities students are currently being considered as a powerful innovative educational technology. It serves as a means of comprehensively solving the problems of upbringing, education, and development in modern society. Pupils of grades 5-11 in history lessons in 2015-2016 academic year they continued to study (in the context of the history of Russia) their native land and conduct research work, showing genuine interest in its history, traditions, customs, its achievements and losses, too.

Participation of schoolchildren in search, research, design, propaganda work dedicated to 70th anniversary the end of World War 2 (1941-1945), the 71st anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Second World War of 1941-1945, the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Saratov province Kochetkova I., a 10th grade student, presented her research work “Bagaev Soldiers of Victory” at a scientific and practical conference, took 2nd place.

In preparation for On the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Saratov province, I. Kochetkova was invited to Regional round table “Saratov region: from origins to modern times”, where she presented a presentation “Bagaevites-Soldiers of Victory”

5. Museum lessons and museum hours have become an attractive form of work for the school museum: “National Unity Day November 4”, “Man the Inventor” (review of museum exhibits), “Battle of Kursk - Arc of Fire”, 2 Lifting the Siege of Leningrad”, “Afghan War - Local War of the 21st Century”.

Students actively participated in events dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Second World War, which were held in various forms: museum hours, oral journals, exhibitions, media lectures, a lesson in courage, and participated in various events and projects. For example, a museum clock: “Crimean operation 04/08/1944-05/12/1944”; “Meeting of Soviet and allied troops on the Elbe River;” “Battle of Berlin 04/16/1945-05/02/1945- - Surrender of Nazi Germany 05/08/1943;” “Victory May” and others.

Members of the local history club “Know Your Land” from grades 9, 10, 11 prepared an oral journal “Russia is proud of them. Saratov residents are full holders of the Order of Glory. Bagaevites: Alatyrtsev A.T., Morozov V.P., Kotlov S.T. – Order of Glory, 3rd degree. The materials were also covered in the school-wide assembly.

The students who deserve gratitude in this work are Shmakova A., Lyashetskaya A. - 8th grade, Paronko A., Aleksushina Y. - 9th grade, Kochetkova I., Karekanova E., Morozova E., Petrov K. - 10th grade, Ismailova M. - Grade 11.

Also on the basis of the museum on September 2, 2015, a meeting students from WWII veteran Baev N.L. “The memory is alive,” they treated the life of a veteran during the hard times of war with great interest and respect. That year the meeting was dedicated 70th anniversary end of World War 2 (1941-1945).

6. It has become a tradition of our museum to celebrate the birthday of our fellow countryman N.V. Kotlov, Hero of the Soviet Union, on December 21 a lesson in courage. The asset of the museum was a presentation about the feat of N.V. Kotlov was presented. for students in grades 5-8 and laid flowers at the memorial plaque.

7.Thematic cool watch“Victory enters every yard” was carried out by class teachers using materials from our school historical museum.

8.Memory Watch: “Let’s bow to those great years” was held as part of the month of civic-patriotic education “Your name is soldier!

9.Continued study work history of the Saratov region from books:

“Bound by one destiny”, “My destiny is the Saratov region”, “Memorable places of the Saratov region”, “Essays on the history of the Saratov Volga region”, “Pages of the chronicle of Saratov”, “City of the Volga destiny”, “Years and people”, “Merchant Saratov” , “Steamboat on the Volga”, “Centuries and Stones”, encyclopedia of the Saratov region, etc.

Museum search team also left a mark on the museum’s activities. The museum fund has been replenished with new exhibits (ancient coins of the 19th century, etc., student notebooks, household items, etc.)

Students could master the methods of local history research and study sources on the history of their native land in the classes of the local history club « Get to know your land"

Thus, in our school, the task of preserving the richest value traditions is successfully solved through the school museum as an educational and educational center.

Analysis of the work of the school museum allowed me to do the following: conclusions:

1. For 16 years, the museum has been a center of civic and patriotic education; events, excursions, and history lessons are held at its base.

2. Schoolchildren from grades 5-11 work in the museum, and the Museum Council operates.

3. Organizing public events and participating in them is a living research activity by the students themselves.

4. Interaction with various organizations and living witnesses of events provide rich material for understanding their significance.

5. Mutual assistance and cooperation between students and teachers in research and excursion work gives positive results: surveys conducted among students showed that students are interested in the work of the museum, take part in the preparation of museum events, they have a desire to visit it, the majority want to become tour guides.

6. Working in a museum, students acquire creative thinking skills, independently search for necessary information, learn to analyze the material being studied and use it in everyday life, communicate with peers and the older generation, and their museum culture also improves.

7. High school students help younger students adapt to an environment that is unusual for them.

8. The museum is visited annually by all classes of the school, graduates of previous years, parents, residents, and veterans.

Thus, the museum is an educational and educational space for the acquisition of civic behavior.

9. My teaching practice convincingly proves that the use of local history material for educational purposes sharpens students’ attention to facts and phenomena of the surrounding reality, helps them develop independent creative thinking, strong beliefs, skills, and practical application of acquired knowledge in life.

Students not only learn to use literature, but also become active in collecting material on relevant topics. Constantly increasing the complexity of independent work, relying on early acquired knowledge, adhering to a certain sequence, develops the ability to analyze, synthesize, and generalize. Active creative search, which is created when carrying out independent work, allows the student to experience the joy of success, believe in themselves, learn to overcome difficulties, and cultivate self-education skills.

It should also be noted that local material and museum exhibits introduce elements of novelty into the study of the subject of history.

Local history material is convenient for comparing and contrasting - in this case, students learn to think and draw conclusions.

Local history material reveals the specific features of the development of the Saratov region and gives a positive result in the patriotic, spiritual and moral education of the individual.

10. The school museum is a scientific laboratory for novice researchers - students. Local history is the most widespread type of science: both great scientists and schoolchildren can take part in collecting materials.

The results of students’ research activities are used in lessons in the process of studying and mastering program material, as well as in extracurricular activities (from a message, speech, project to research work presented at a classroom, school district scientific and practical conference)

The school museum is a platform for developing discussion skills.

Any exhibit in a school museum can turn into a field of activity for schoolchildren.

Thus, our school museum is a place, a space for the formation of key competencies of students (communicative, informational, civil, legal).

Summing up the work of the school museum over the past year, we can identify some new perspectives in his activities.

In 2016-2017 During the academic year, the task is set to even more actively use the educational and educational potential of our school museum.

All our work will take place within the framework of a research project“My land in the fate of Russia” dedicated to 80th anniversary formation of the Saratov province and 50th anniversary Bagaevskaya school.

Particular attention will be paid to the history of our village, the Saratov region, and its people. We plan to update the museum's expositions, museum exhibitions, and also systematize the main stock material of the museum. The museum asset sets itself the task of improving the conditions of storage and use of the main and auxiliary museum funds.

We plan to continue writing chronicles for classes “Turning through the pages of school history” and organize the release of an information sheet “A Word about School”;

We plan to involve all participants in the educational process in working with the museum through excursions, competitions, conferences, quizzes, oral journals, museum and information hours and other forms of activity.

The goal is to take an active part in local history events at the municipal, regional, and all-Russian levels in the next academic year.

One of the important activities of the school museum in the next school year will be continued translation of local history materials of oral history onto electronic storage media and continued creation of media resources in the museum.

Head of the school museum: Neronova T.M.