Oral oge. Demo version of the oral part of the OGE in Russian

Reveals a very important topic: how to prepare for the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language!

Ilya Repin, Pushkin at the Lyceum exam

There is no exam schedule for next year yet; last year the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language was taken several weeks before the Last Bell. They gave it to their teachers in their schools. How will it be this year? We'll see. But we cannot sit idly by.

What is being checked? Reading and ability to speak on a given topic. That's all. Simple, but this is only at first glance.

The first stage is reading the proposed text aloud. There are already many pitfalls hidden here. Reading aloud has not received enough attention in the school system in recent years. Especially in high school. And the skill of reading aloud requires constant work. Those who read aloud at about 170 words per minute will, of course, find it quite easy to complete the first task, but they should not overestimate their abilities. Pauses, stress, including logical ones, various spelling traps, intonation nuances - the Russian language is not only rich in all this, but also difficult. It's very easy to make a mistake. When preparing for this task, be sure to record your speech while reading on a voice recorder and listen to it. You will learn a lot of new things about yourself. And notice and eliminate your main mistakes. Learn to read expressively from masters of words... Or at least learn to read if by the end of the ninth grade you still have problems with reading.

Patrick Henry, Orator

The second task is based on the text you read. You are required to retell it using a statement by a famous person (usually a writer) on the topic. Knowledge and understanding of the text, the ability to construct a statement without logical, speech and factual errors are tested. In principle, everyone should be able to read and retell. In practice, by the ninth grade the skill was pretty neglected. The task is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to retell not a narrative, but a descriptive text. Less often - a text-reasoning, which is also not sugar.

Next you are asked to choose one of three task cards: describe the phenomenon depicted in the photograph, talk about some important event in your life, or speculate on the proposed topic. When preparing a statement on a topic, you need to rely on specific questions. In fact, it helps to collect your thoughts, highlight the main thing, and not forget the essential. You can choose in advance a convenient type of statement for yourself and prepare for it, as most people do when preparing assignment No. 15 of the written part of the OGE in the Russian language. Some people find it more convenient to describe a picture, some prefer to talk about problems, while others have an eventful life and always have a story ready to tell. I recommend recording your speech on a voice recorder, as you did in preparation for reading aloud. Of course, hearing an opinion about yourself from a teacher or tutor is useful, but you can and should listen to yourself.

Ivan Tikhy, Exam

The last task is the easiest: conversation on issues. After the examiner listens to your monologue on the topic indicated on the card you chose, he will ask you several questions about it. Your answer is a complete two-part extended sentence. In general, an oral interview is somewhat reminiscent of communicating with a foreigner. Imagine that the examiner is a foreigner, and you must explain everything to him clearly and correctly.

So, you complete 4 tasks and you can get the maximum for them:

1) expressive reading – 2 points;

2) retelling using a quote – 4 points;

3) monologue with a choice of text type: description, reasoning or story - 3 points;

4) conversation on the topic of the monologue - 2 points.

The points are summed up, and points for compliance with Russian language standards are added to the resulting amount. Up to 8 points! You need to score at least 8 points to pass. The maximum is 17. The final interview is not graded, but a pass on it is admission to the rest of the exams.

Last academic year, the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language was, as I already said, in April. Most likely this will be the case in 2019.

There is time - use it wisely!

Listen carefully to the advice of teachers and tutors. Don’t rely on chance, prepare in advance for all tasks. You can download a demo version of the oral interview and its evaluation criteria on the official FIPI website. This year's schedule and demos will be up there soon.

Good luck and success in passing your exams!

website, when copying material in full or in part, a link to the source is required.

Greetings, my dear readers.

I know that Russian-speaking schoolchildren are terribly afraid of taking oral exams. And the oral part of the OGE in English seems completely impossible (not to mention). But believe me, proper and timely preparation is all you need to ensure you get a perfect score on the test. Therefore, today we will have a complete analysis of the oral part, as well as examples of tasks with answers.

Shall we begin?

What is it and what has changed in recent years

The oral part of the test only takes 6 minutes! But in 6 minutes you have to show everything you can do. You will be tested on everything: your pronunciation and speed of speech, your ability to understand questions and give a quick and clear answer to them, your ability to conduct an unprepared speech for 2 minutes.

Since 2016, the structure of the oral part has changed radically. You will have to cope with not two, but three tasks: you will need to read the text out loud, answer dialogue questions, and also make a monologue based on the picture (and, perhaps, without it this year!). Everything seems completely different from what it was just 6-7 years ago.

What does it consist of and how does it work?

The oral part consists, as I already said, of 3 parts, which in total take 15 minutes, of which 6 minutes go directly to the answer, and the rest to preparation.

  • Part 1 - reading a passage of text.

The task seems easy, right? Especially when you consider that you are given 1.5 minutes to read in advance. And after that - another 2 minutes to read out loud. You must read clearly, understandably, with correct pronunciation of sounds and correct intonation. And you only have 5 chances to make a mistake. After this, the points are reduced (that is, you will receive 1 or 0 points from 2 possible!).

Let's look at an example(click on the picture to enlarge).

First of all, pay attention to reading long and short sounds. I underlined the words with long and short [i] in red.

d i different, l i ved,h i dden, - here the percussive sounds are read as short

p eo ple, bel ie ved,n ee ded, - but here they read like long

I have highlighted in blue the words that have a short and a long [u]

r oo m, t oo ls - the sound here is long

c oul d, p u t - here it is short

I have highlighted in green the words where you can notice the sound [a], but again they will differ in longitude:

d ar k - long sound

h u nters - short sound

A very important point here is the correct pronunciation of interdental sounds (words in the text are underlined in yellow), which children so often like to replace with Russian [v, f] or.

sympa th etic th ey - clamp your tongue between your teeth and go!

In yellow frames I placed phrases in which I want to show differences in intonation. In the first case, we see a special question - and in these types of questions the intonation should be descending, in other words, it should fall. Listen

The second phrase is an introductory construction, which, firstly, must be separated from the rest of the sentence by a pause, and secondly, read with rising intonation. Listen.

Hope you can hear the difference! Observe, my dears, and those evaluating your answer will be very happy to give you the highest score!

  • Part 2 - answers to questions.

The task of this part is a dialogue where you have to answer 6 questions. This part of the test is designed to test how quickly, correctly and competently a student can use foreign speech.

For each answer to a question you can get 1 point each. If you answer too briefly where open answers are required, or make a lot of mistakes, you will not receive your point for the answer.

What I can advise you is to learn a couple of cliches for those answers where you need to express your opinion or give advice. For example:

In my opinion … - In my opinion…

From my point of view…- Cmypointsvision

I reckon … - I think …

I advise … - I advice…

Youd better do ... - You better do...

You should do....You should do...

In addition, it is important to answer clearly, without going into the wilds, and to follow grammatical rules!

So, an example of a task in question-answer format:

How old are you?

I'm 15 years old.

What's your hobby and why are you interested in it?

- My hobby is swimming. I"m interested in it because I adore swimming — it makes me cheerful and confident.

How much time a week do you spend on your hobby?

- As a rule, I spend on it about 4 hours a week.

What hobbies are the most popular with teenagers nowadays?

- From my point of view the most popular hobbies with teenagers now are computer games and some extreme sports like snowboarding.

Why do you think people take up hobbies?

- In my opinion people take up hobbies in order to find new friends, to get some new skills and just to feel happier.

What would you advise a person who wants to start a hobby?

You should find a hobby which will give you pleasure. If I were you I would go to the nearest sports club and find out what they offer...

  • Part 3 - monologue based on the picture.

You will be given 1.5 minutes to prepare this task and 2 minutes to complete it. You will have a picture before your eyes ( but it is needed only for support, and not for description! ), and the questions that need to be answered. This task is difficult, I’ll be honest, but it’s also worth a whole lot. 7 points.

Note: in 2018 it is planned to remove the picture and leave only questions.

Let's see an example:

-Why people like traveling.

-What way of traveling you prefer and why.

-Whether you prefer to be a package tourist or to be a backpacking traveler. Why.

My answer would be:

“And now I am going to talk about travelling.

People may travel for different reasons. For one group of people it may be the chance to spend their vacation at a completely different place from the one they are used to. For others it may be the way of living - their lifestyle.

Personally I prefer sight-seeing type of travelling. As I am keen on history I cannot stand the idea of ​​not visiting all the historical places in Europe or Asia. What is more, I prefer traveling by bus as it allows me to spend a lot of time on the road and think about everything I need. Besides, it is much cheaper than traveling by plane.

According to this I may conclude that I am an absolutely backpacking traveler. The idea that you can spend one day in one city and move to another part of the country the following day appeals to me very much.

In the end I would like to say, that traveling broadens our minds and gives us an amazing experience we will never forget. Besides, you will be left with unforgettable memories. What could be better?"

How to prepare

Preparing for an oral exam is difficult. But finding a trainer for it will not be so difficult. I can recommend you the following helpers:

  • "English language. OGE. Oral part." Author - Radislav Milrud.
  • "OGE-2016. English language". Author - Yu.A. Veselova.
  • Publishing house books MacMillan, dedicated to this exam .

Recently, I have been purchasing most of the manuals and textbooks for myself and my students online. There you can always buy profitably and get it quickly. My favorite stores:

The training tasks in these textbooks are selected specifically for the level, and their number is enough for you to practice. What’s also important is that you can buy them in any bookstore (including online stores).

It’s even easier and, in my opinion, more interesting to use online simulator OGE (GIA) from LinguaLeo. There you can also find other high-quality and really effective English language courses, which I recommend to everyone!

Don’t forget, my dears, that I constantly share new tips on how to improve your English and how to better prepare for the exam. Subscribe to my blog newsletter and be the first to receive information on how to succeed on the test. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!

In the meantime, I say goodbye.

Option #1
Exercise 1.

This is the only museum in the country about the life and tragic fate of a simple Russian woman - Epistinia Fedorovna Stepanova, who put on the altar of her Motherland the most precious thing she had - the lives of her sons. The mother of many children raised nine sons, and they all died on the fronts of different wars. The eldest Alexander was taken from his mother by the civil war, Fyodor was killed by the Japanese in 1939, the rest of the sons died in the Great Patriotic War.
In the central exhibition hall, each of the sons is given a separate showcase, telling about their life and feat. There are also nine busts of the Stepanov brothers, in the center there are nine mangled cartridges - nine broken lives, and above them there are nine red crystal bells - nine drops of blood on the mother’s heart.
And four kilometers from Timashevsk, in the Olkhovsky farm, a small house has been preserved, from where a mother accompanied her sons to the front. Her eyes, full of hope and fear, looked out of this window; the postman approached this gate with “funerals”... Until the end of her life, Epistinia Feodorovna did not get tired of peering into the distance of the roads until her eyes hurt. I was expecting sons. Until my last hour.
Epistinia Stepanova's civil feat was awarded the Military Order of the Patriotic War, first degree, and the Motherhood Medal.
(179 words)

Task 2. Retell the text you read, including in the retelling the words of Maxim Gorky:

"Mother is always against death."

Task 3.

1) Holiday (based on photo description). Describe the photo.

Don't forget to describe:
1. place and time of the holiday;
2. the event to which, in your opinion, the holiday is dedicated;
3. those present at the holiday;
4. the general atmosphere of the holiday and the mood of the participants.

2) The hike (excursion) that I remember most (narration based on life experience). Tell us about how you went on a hike (excursion).

Don't forget to describe:
1. where and when did you go hiking (on an excursion);
2. with whom did you go on a hike (excursion);
3. how did you prepare for the hike (excursion);
4. why did you remember this trip (excursion).

3) Is it always necessary to follow fashion (reasoning on the question posed)?

Don't forget to describe:
1. What does it mean to follow fashion?
2. Is it important for you to follow fashion and why?
3. Is it possible to follow fashion only in clothes?
4. How do you understand the expression “good taste”?

Task 4.

1) Describe the photo.

1. Which holidays do you like best and why (home, school, holidays with friends)?
2. When can you say that the holiday was a success?
3. Do you prefer the holiday or the preparation for it and why?

2) Tell us about how you went on a hike (excursion).

1. How, in your opinion, are hikes (excursions) useful?
2. What would you recommend to your peers who are going on a hike (excursion) for the first time?
3. What, in your opinion, is the most important thing on a hike (on an excursion)?

3) Is it always necessary to follow fashion?

1. What do you think the word “fashionable” means?
2. Do you listen to other people's advice? Whose advice is most important to you?
3. Give an example of the negative influence of fashion.

Option No. 2

Exercise 1. Read the text aloud expressively.

On February 13, 1934, the whole world learned about the tragedy in the Arctic Ocean. Then the steamer Chelyuskin, traveling from Murmansk to Vladivostok, found itself captive in ice and drifting. An eight-meter ice shaft was slowly moving towards the steamer, the ship was cracking, and it was in danger of imminent destruction. By order of O.Yu. Schmidt, 104 people were forced to abandon the ship in the polar night and found themselves on drifting ice. Pessimists predicted their inevitable death. In world practice, there has never been a case of saving so many people who found themselves on the drifting ice of the Arctic Ocean. Optimists hoped for a successful outcome and a fantastic rescue of the participants in the ice epic. On April 13 - exactly two months after the death of the ship - the rescue was completed.
Over the 75 years that have passed since the sinking of the steamship Chelyuskin and the rescue of all the people caught on the ice, dozens of articles, legends, fantastic and pseudoscientific publications have appeared in the press on the preparation and progress of this unusual voyage at that time. Some blame the government of the country, O.Yu. Shmidt, V.I. Voronin in adventurism, incompetence, frivolity, ill-conceived decisions that led to the death of the ship. Others admire the courage and heroism of people who found themselves in extreme conditions and the pilots who took part in the rescue operation.
(based on Internet materials)
(176 words)

Task 2. Retell the text you read, including in the retelling words from the French newspaper “Tan”:

“Russian pilots put an end to the terrible drama, which at moments seemed destined to lead to a tragic outcome. Their courage, endurance, and dedication deservedly evoke the admiration of the whole world.”

Task 3. Select one of the suggested conversation topics.

1) At a summer camp (based on the photo description). Describe the photo.

Don't forget to describe:
1. who is shown in the photograph;
2. where the event depicted in the photograph takes place;
3. the general mood that is conveyed in the photograph;
4. impressions of the participants in the photo.

2) Common cause (narration based on life experience). Tell us about a business that brought you together with your friends.

Don't forget to tell:
1. what common thing have you decided to do with your friends;
2. what result did you get;
3. how your relationship changed after this;
4. Did the common cause help you personally get to know your comrades better?

3) Why is kindness needed (reasoning on the question posed)?

1. What is kindness?
2. Is kindness an important quality of a person for you?
3. Is it easier to live when you are surrounded by kind people?

Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes.

Task 4. During the conversation you will be asked questions on the topic of conversation you have chosen. Please provide complete answers to questions asked by your interlocutor-examiner.

1) Describe the photo.

1. Have you ever vacationed at a summer camp?
2. How do you think summer camps are beneficial?
3. What would you recommend to those going to camp?

2) Tell us about the business that brought you together with your friends.

1. When can a matter become common?
2. Do you consider collective leaving the lesson a common cause?
3. Who can become the initiator of a common cause?
4. Are you ready to unite your friends around you and what joint business could you offer them?

3) Why is kindness needed?

1. Should you always be kind?
2. How often have you seen acts of kindness in your life?
3. Have you ever done good deeds?
4. How did you feel after that?
5. Why do you need to do good?

Option No. 3

Exercise 1. Read the text aloud expressively.

“Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are,” says popular wisdom. The choice of friends can tell a lot more about a person than he would like to tell about himself.
Two boys met and became friends at the Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum: Sasha Pushkin and Vanya Pushchin. They seemed to be very different. Pushkin is impetuous and hot-tempered, Pushchin is balanced, stubborn, and reasonable.
But now they have grown up. The years of the lyceum are behind us. And Pushchin and Pushkin were able to carry their loyalty to their lyceum friendship until their last breath.
In January 1825, his faithful friend Ivan Pushchin came to the poet, exiled for his freedom-loving poetry, in a sleigh along a snowy road. I had to travel dozens of miles across Pushchina to visit my disgraced friend in Mikhailovskoye.
After the Decembrist uprising, Pushchin was arrested. And a message from a friend reached him in the Chita prison. On the piece of paper given to him by the wife of the Decembrist Muravyov, Pushkin’s lines addressed to him, Pushchin.
“My first friend, my priceless friend!”, Pushkin addressed Pushchin in verses sent to distant Siberian mines...
The ability to make friends is a gift and talent sent down from above. The ability to sincerely rejoice at the success of another person, without the slightest shade of envy, is also very rare. Such people know how to truly be friends.
(182 words)

Task 2. Retell the text you read, including in the retelling the words of A.I. Herzen:

“Friendship should be a durable thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which efficient and decent people make their life journey.”

Task 3. Select one of the suggested conversation topics.

1) Snowboarding (based on photo description). Describe the photo.

Don't forget to describe:
1. who is depicted, his appearance;
2. what the person does;
3. nature and landscape;
4. qualities that extreme sports develop in a person.

2) A brave act (narration based on life experience). Tell us about your brave action.

Don't forget to tell:
1. under what circumstances did this happen;
2. how long did it take you to make the decision;
3. how you felt;
4. how your self-esteem changed after such an act.

3) Does a person need to get rid of bad habits? (reasoning on the question posed).

Don't forget to answer the questions:
1. What habits are called bad and why?
2. Do a person’s bad habits always harm only him?
3. What are the obstacles to bad habits?
4. What character qualities are needed to get rid of a bad habit?

Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes.

Explanation for task 3.

When choosing one of the three proposed topics for a monologue, think about which one is closer to you. Whatever topic you choose, a plan is proposed for it. Try not to miss any of the points of the plan. Adding something to the above points yourself is quite acceptable and encouraged. Allow no more than 1 minute to prepare this task. The statement itself can take up to 3 minutes. During a monologue, use words correctly, put emphasis, make sure that sounds and words are pronounced clearly and competently. Pay attention to the correct construction of sentences.

When choosing topic No. 1, you will have to create a descriptive text based on the proposed photo.
Description is a type of text that names and describes the characteristics of something or someone: objects, nature, places, people, animals. These signs appear during the same period of time. A large role in your descriptive text will be given to the object of the photograph: whether it is inanimate or animate, perhaps it is a landscape, a portrait or an event.

When choosing topic No. 2, you will have to create a narrative text. A narrative is a message, a story about a specific event in its time sequence. A special feature of the narrative is that it talks about actions that follow one another. Narrative texts are characterized by the presence of a beginning (the beginning of the event), a development of the event, and a denouement (the end of the event). In the text you create, the narration will be in the first person, because the task asks you to compose a story based on personal impressions.

When choosing topic No. 3, you will need to compose a text-argument. Reasoning is a type of text in which something is explained or proven, talks about the causes of actions, events, phenomena, and relationships between actions, events, and phenomena are established. Remember that a text-argument is always the unity of three components: thesis, evidence and conclusion. It is encouraged to have your own point of view in a text-argument and to be able to defend it.

Task 4. During the conversation you will be asked questions on the topic of conversation you have chosen. Please provide complete answers to questions asked by your interlocutor.

1) Snowboarding. Describe the photo.

1. Why do many people engage in extreme sports?
2. What are the dangers of extreme sports?
3. What do you prefer: watching sports competitions on TV or playing sports yourself?

2) A brave act. Tell us about your brave action.
1. What is the difference between courage and recklessness?
2. Does a brave person experience fear? Why?
3. How would you comment on the statement: “It’s enough to give up once to have no courage left”

3) Does a person need to get rid of bad habits?
1. Have you tried to get rid of bad habits? Why?
2. Are there people who have never had bad habits?
3. What bad habits are the most dangerous for a person?


During the dialogue with the examiner, try to give complete, detailed answers. Don't be afraid to give the "wrong" answer, because... dialogue presupposes the possibility of expressing different points of view, but remember that you must be able to justify your opinion. During the dialogue, your ability to communicate is assessed.

During the dialogue, use words correctly, put emphasis, make sure that sounds and words are pronounced clearly and competently. Pay attention to the correct construction of sentences. 2-2.5 minutes are allotted for this task.

Basic general education

English language

OGE 2020 in English. Oral part

The oral part of KIM OGE-2018 in English includes three tasks.

Exercise 1 involves reading aloud a short text of a popular science nature. Preparation time: 1.5 minutes.

Task 2 invites you to take part in a conditional questioning dialogue: answer 6 telephone survey questions heard in an audio recording.

IN task 3 it is necessary to construct a coherent monologue on a specific topic based on a plan. Preparation time - 1.5 minutes.

The total response time for one participant in the OGE in English (including preparation time) is 15 minutes. Each subsequent task is issued after the completion of the previous task. The entire response time is audio recorded. Try to fully complete the assigned tasks, speak clearly and clearly, stay on topic and follow the proposed answer plan. This way you can score the most points.

1. Read the instructions for each task carefully.
2. While waiting for your turn, it is good to say aloud a few phrases or tongue twisters in English to hear your voice and “clear” it before your answer.
3. When answering task 3, carefully follow the plan

Exercise 1. Readingtextaloud.

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

The ninth planet of the solar system was discovered not long ago. It happened in 1930. Scientists had been hunting for the planet for a long time. They had calculated its probable position but there was no proof that the planet really existed. It was too far away for the telescopes of that time to find it. It’s worth mentioning that the first photos of the planet were taken by a very young researcher. He was only twenty-four and had no formal education in astronomy. However he was deeply involved in the search for the ninth planet. The planet at the edge of the solar system was called Pluto, after the Roman god. The name for the planet was suggested by an 11-year-old British girl.